Who must give way when the road narrows without markings? Simultaneous lane change on a multi-lane road In a mutual lane change, who has the advantage.

Who must give way when the road narrows without markings? Simultaneous lane change on a multi-lane road In a mutual lane change, who has the advantage.

Let's start with a little theory. Let's understand what a rebuild is and how to properly perform it. Let's go to the rules traffic:

Rebuilding - leaving the occupied lane or occupied row while maintaining the original direction of movement.

Traffic lane - any of the longitudinal lanes of the carriageway, marked or not marked with markings and having a width sufficient for the movement of cars in one row.

There is no definition of “lane of motion” in the Rules, but, I believe, it is clear that this is the location of several cars on one conditional line in the direction of travel. According to current standards, the lane width can vary from 3 to 3.75 meters. It turns out that two rows of cars can fit in one lane. True, it will be crowded and quite dangerous. However, there is no prohibition in the Rules for the movement of vehicles in two rows in one lane. This is usually used. At the same time, leaving the occupied lane, even if you have not left your lane, is also considered a rebuilding.

But what if the width of the lane allows you to move in two lanes? Moreover, if from this band turn allowed right or left, the question arises, is it possible to turn, albeit from the “correct” lane, but from the second row? Clause 8.5 of the Rules says that the driver must take exactly extreme position on the roadway. Not stripes, as many believe.

parking area

The Rules establish cases when it is forbidden to cross certain types of markings: 1.1 (separates traffic flows), 1.2.1 (marks the edge of the carriageway, while crossing this line is allowed to stop at permitted places) and 1.3 (separates opposite flows when there are 4 or more lanes for traffic). However, it is indicated that this line also marks the boundaries of parking spaces. That is, moving along the parking markings, you can get a 500-ruble fine (part 1 of article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). However, to be honest, who among us, when parking, does not run into this marking? This also includes islands that define the beginning and end of the parking zone.

Don't tram!

Surprisingly, many drivers sincerely believe that driving on tram tracks completely prohibited. Actually it is not. Paragraph 9.6 of the Rules reads: “It is allowed to move on the tram tracks of the same direction, located on the left at the same level with carriageway when all lanes in that direction are occupied. However, if traffic signs are installed in front of the intersection or 5.15.2 (determine the direction of movement along the lane), it is impossible to drive along the tram tracks through the intersection. Please note that, for example, in Moscow, such signs are installed at almost every intersection.

Now let's look at typical emergency situations.

Leaving the road from the acceleration lane or shoulder

What is the danger? We start moving at a speed less than the main stream, into which we plan to "wedge". You need to simultaneously look for free space in the desired lane and look ahead, as some kind of obstacle may arise right in front of you.

The most typical accidents in such places are side collisions and passing "engines". If you drive onto a main road and lap a car moving straight in your lane or lane, you will be at fault.

If you managed to get onto the main road, took your lane, but the driver of another car, due to your sharp maneuver, did not have time to slow down and moored to your stern, the blame will also be on you. True, only in theory. After all, the Rules in this situation require you to give way to someone who has an advantage. That is, if the driver was forced to brake sharply or change direction because of yours, your fault. But in practice, everything happens exactly the opposite. The accident is blamed, as a rule, on the one who “attached” from behind. The only thing that can help in such cases is where the unsafe rebuild is visible.

Multiple lane changes

In this case, the risk of side collisions is very high. Imagine such a picture. For example, you are driving in the leftmost lane of a multi-lane road. For some reason, you missed your turn to the right. More precisely, they didn’t miss it, but realized that the turn was here, a few tens of meters ahead, and in all cases you should already be in the extreme right lane (and in the extreme right position, as required by the rules). What to do? There are two options.

The first and safest is to drive to next turn without making sudden movements. The second one is still in the right lane in a fairly short time. If the road is free, then after turning on the turn signal, you can “cut” through all the lanes in a straight line to your goal. The rules don't forbid it. But the roads are usually busy with us, so you have to squeeze through dense stream. Here everything is as in a one-time rebuilding. The only thing I would add is not to turn off the turn signal until the end of the maneuver. Yes, and rebuild in stages: they occupied the adjacent lane or lane, drove a little straight, then went on. And so on, until we find ourselves in the desired lane. The main thing is not to blindly change lanes when your car is at such an angle that what is happening in the next row is not visible even in the side mirror.

Simultaneous rebuilding

Many disputes among drivers, and often emergencies, causes mutual rearrangement. Imagine the following picture. You are moving on a three-lane road in the leftmost lane and start changing lanes to the middle one. And from the extreme right lane, another driver is rebuilt in the middle one. ?

Paragraph 8.4 of the SDA says that with the simultaneous rebuilding of vehicles moving along the way, the driver of the car on the right takes advantage. Therefore, when changing to multi-lane road(both disposable and reusable) carefully look not only at the lane into which you are going to leave, but also at the neighboring ones. If you see that the driver on the right is starting to maneuver, you will have to take the second number. It is clear that you need to give in to the one who started the rebuilding on the right only if your trajectories intersect, that is, lateral contact is possible.

Summing up, I want to draw attention to the following. In order not to get into an unpleasant situation, you need to remember:
  • When changing lanes, you must give way to those who are moving straight ahead in the lane you are about to enter. Your actions should not force other drivers to brake sharply or change the trajectory of movement.
  • Remember that when rebuilding at the same time, the one on the right has the advantage.
  • Rebuilding is possible only when it allows road markings. We drove through a continuous one (parking markings do not count), be prepared to receive a "letter of happiness" with a fine. Cameras are now in cities and villages can not be counted. Many of them are trained to fix such violations.
  • And of course, before you start rebuilding, you need to turn on the turn signal. It is important. It is the included turn signal that tells other drivers about your intentions.

At mutual rearrangement driver passenger car must give way to the motorcycle driver on his right.

Moving along the left lane, you intend to change lanes to the right. Which of the diagrams shows a situation in which you must give way?

When you change lanes from the left lane to the right lane, you must give way to the driver of a car moving in the adjacent right lane, both when he is moving without changing direction, and when he is changing lanes at the same time as you. Thus, you must give way in the situations depicted in both figures.

Who is required to give way?

The sign "End of lane" informs about the end of the lane. Therefore, the driver of a car will have to change lanes to left lane, and when rebuilding, he will have to give way to a truck moving in passing direction no lane change.

When driving in the right lane, are you obliged to give way to the driver of a car who intends to change lanes to your lane?

You are moving without changing direction and are therefore not required to yield to a driver who wants to move into your lane.

When driving in the left lane, are you obliged to give way to the driver of a car who intends to change lanes to your lane?

Since there is a narrowing of the road ahead, which is warned by the sign "Narrowing of the road", the driver truck you will have to change lanes to the next lane, and when changing lanes, he must give way to a passenger car moving along without changing direction.

The driver of the car performing the changeover to the right lane, in this situation:

The driver of a car performing a lane change, including the final overtaking, must not interfere with a car moving along the same way without changing direction.

When changing lanes to the right lane in this situation, you:

You need to move to the right lane, while giving way to all vehicles moving along it.

In this situation, in order to continue driving in the forward direction, you are allowed to:

To continue the movement, you have the right to perform any of the listed actions. It should be borne in mind that when changing lanes to the right lane, it is necessary to give way to all vehicles moving along the way.

Moving along the right lane, you intend to change lanes to the left. Which of the diagrams shows a situation in which you must give way?

When rebuilding from the right lane to the left lane, you must give way to a passenger car moving along the same way without changing the direction of movement in the left lane. With simultaneous rebuilding, the advantage remains with you. Therefore, you must give way in the situation depicted in the left figure.

Who must give way in a mutual lane change?

When changing lanes, the driver of a truck must give way to the driver of a car to the right of him.

Even such a simple maneuver as moving a car from one lane to another can end in an accident. This is especially true during heavy traffic.

As in all similar cases, the culprit is determined by the circumstances of the incident.

Read in this article

Rebuild Rules

Features of the maneuver are recorded in the subparagraphs of Section 8 of the SDA:

  • before rebuilding, the motorist must make sure that during the action he will not interfere with other road users, will not create an emergency;
  • he is obliged to let other drivers know in advance of his intention to change the trajectory of following by turning on the turn signal;
  • the motorist must let those who are already driving along the lane into which he is going to change lanes advance;
  • when two cars are rebuilding at the same time, the one on the right goes first, and the other is inferior.

Rules for changing lanes according to traffic rules

Rules for rebuilding from a row d and in a row in accordance with the SDA are as follows:

  • who wants to change the line of motion is obliged to signal this to other drivers by turning on the turn signal;
  • if the light bulb does not work, the intention to change lanes should be shown with an outstretched hand;
  • you can go to another lane only after cars moving in the same direction have passed through it without changing the trajectory, that is, they should give way;
  • if two cars started a maneuver at the same time, you need to skip the one that turned out to be right side, it has the advantage;
  • it is allowed to perform an action only when it cannot interfere with other road users, create a threatening situation.

These rules are fixed in paragraphs 8.1 and 8.4 of the SDA.

Mutual rebuilding according to traffic rules

Mutual rebuilding is regulated SDA paragraph 8.4: The vehicle to the right of the opponent has the advantage. And if we are talking about cars moving along different lines in parallel or one a little faster than the other, it is clear who is inferior to whom. What difficulties may arise with such a maneuver:

  • Sometimes it is started by cars driving one after another, this is also a mutual action. But in this situation, paragraph 8.4 cannot be applied and it is also impossible to clearly determine who has the advantage. Drivers should evaluate the overall traffic situation and act in accordance with it. The one who rides behind is in more advantageous position, as it sees the opponent and controls his movements without straining.

The driver of the car in front can track the actions of the second motorist only with the help of car mirrors, which is much more difficult. In such a situation, it works faster common sense than the rules. Perhaps the driver behind the car should slow down to let the one in front pass and avoid a collision. Both should also take into account the requirement of the second paragraph of clause 8.1 of the SDA:

When performing a maneuver, there should not be a danger to traffic, as well as obstacles to other road users.

  • The maneuver can be performed on a multi-lane road on a bridge. Actually, the rules here are the same: give in to everyone who does not change the trajectory of the right, do not create a dangerous situation, do not interfere with other vehicles. But if the road is two-lane, it is generally forbidden to move to the adjacent traffic line on the bridge. The restriction is regulated by clause 9.4 of the SDA:

Outside populated areas, as well as in settlements on roads marked with signs 5.1 or 5.3 or where speeds over 80 km/h are allowed, drivers of vehicles should drive them as close as possible to the right edge of the carriageway. It is forbidden to occupy the left lanes when the right lanes are free.

Mutual rebuilding according to traffic rules

Mutual rebuilding in the traffic rules sections is not considered separately, which means that it is carried out as prescribed by paragraphs 8.1 and 8.4. But here too there can be nuances:

Here, the requirement of clause 8.4 of the "Rules ..." is necessarily met.

  • The need to maneuver through several lanes. If the car needs to move from one extreme to another through the center, all sections should be controlled. Because the requirement to give way to those traveling straight along an unchanged trajectory and approaching from the right is not canceled. Important detail action: the turn signal must be turned on until the car is in the right place.

The maneuver in question before the intersection may also be difficult. It is allowed here, because it's not about overtaking, but just moving to the next lane. The rules work the same: yield to the next in the row strictly straight ahead and to the cars on the right. But the driver needs to be especially careful and try to complete the action before entering the intersection. Otherwise, there may be vehicles traveling on an intersecting road on the way.

If he approaches from the right, his direction is the main thing, he is also inferior.

Interference on the right when changing lanes

Interference on the right, as a rule of traffic, when changing lanes only works if the cars change lanes at the same time. When one of them drives in his own lane and does not change it, and the second one moves to the neighboring one, the first one has an advantage in any case. It is easier to understand this with examples:

  • S follows the left lane and is about to shift to the middle one. L at the same moment tends to the central one from the right. S must yield, as he changes lanes, and L is the very hindrance for him.
  • F is driving in the center, V wants to move there from the right side. But F must not yield. IN this case he has priority, because he does not change the trajectory. And here the interference rule on the right does not work.

Lane change advantage

The advantage over the opponent when rebuilding from row to row is:

  • a car driving without changing lanes in the same direction;
  • at the car approaching from the right, with the simultaneous or mutual movement of the vehicle to the adjacent row.

Who is inferior in the mutual rebuilding

Who gives way in a mutual rebuilding depends on the initial location of the vehicle:

  • if they converge on the same line of movement from different ones, the one who has an obstacle on the right lets the opponent pass;
  • if they drive along the same lane one after another, the car that is easier to do without emergency braking and otherwise creating a threatening situation.

Who is to blame for an accident during rebuilding

An accident during a maneuver can occur in different situations. The culprit is identified by the totality of violations of the rules.

To the right lane

It may be necessary to move from the left lane to the right lane in order to leave roundabout or for other reasons. But not all drivers perform the maneuver correctly. As a result, hurrying cars collide.

To determine the culprit, you should find out who was closer to the right edge of the lane. He has the advantage recorded in subparagraph 8.4 of the SDA:

When rebuilding, the driver must give way to vehicles moving along the same way without changing direction. At the same time rebuilding vehicles moving along the way, the driver must give way vehicle located on the right.

This means that the driver driving to the left violated the rule. And it does not matter that he gave the signal to rebuild or was slightly ahead of the opponent. When determining who is responsible for the accident, it will not help that the driver right car turned out to be drunk or had no documents with him. He will be punished for these violations. But the one who did not give way to him is recognized as guilty.

Accident when changing lanes to the right

To the left lane

Rebuilding from the right lane to the one located to the left can also end in an accident if this path is not free. The one who did not miss the car that does not change lane will be to blame. That is, the driver of the rebuilding machine. According to the rules, he must wait until the left vehicle passes (clause 8.4 of the SDA). And only then move to this row yourself. The “right hand” rule does not work here, since the car that does not change the trajectory has priority.

Controversial situations

It is more difficult to determine the culprit of an accident if the road is multi-lane, or there are factors that can be interpreted in favor of any participant. This happens, for example, if:

  • Cars collide, driving along one lane and deciding at the same time to change lanes. Here, the recognition of the driver as guilty depends on the speed of each car, the distance between them, and the turn signal time.
  • There are more rows of cars on the road than marked lanes. For example, the first 5, and the paths are only 3. Naturally, some cars will constantly be in a state of rebuilding, that is, on the dividing line. And if a collision occurs, in order to identify the culprit, the traffic police will have to great job. It is necessary to find out who was moving in which lane, who should be considered as changing lanes, etc. Eyewitnesses and video recordings can help.
  • The rebuilding was carried out abruptly, and at the end of the maneuver there was a collision. This happens when a car from the left lane B dived into the right one under the nose of C walking along it. And if the second one crashes into the first one when it has already changed lanes, driver C can be found guilty. The traffic police will decide that he violated the distance or exceeded the speed limit. Although essentially guilty rather a driver B, but this is more difficult to prove.
  • Both cars are driving on different markings parallel to each other and collide on the lane. The driver of the car who was driving to the left is more likely to be found guilty. The “right hand” condition works here, that is, he must yield. But there is also the opportunity to call the driver of the right vehicle the culprit. Indeed, it cannot be ruled out that this left car initially walked along the lane without changing the row. Then she has the advantage, and the right had to wait.
  • The same position of cars as in the previous case, but they go on a multi-lane road, and there are many other cars on it. Guilty can recognize the one that rides on the left, because he moves along the markings, which means he is rebuilding. According to the rules, he must yield. But it may turn out that it was the left car that was moving without changing lanes. And the right pushed him to the side. As a result, the left car moved to the markings.

If everything was so, the driver of the right vehicle is guilty. But this also needs to be proven.

When overtaking

It may seem to a driver in a hurry that a car traveling in an adjacent lane or in his lane is moving too slowly. He may want to overtake a leisurely vehicle, then changing lanes. In such a situation, an accident is also not excluded. Guilty of it even when performing a maneuver in a permitted place:

  • the driver of the overtaking vehicle, if he did not turn on the turn signal or did not take into account that another car was driving towards him, there are other reasons not to perform the action;
  • the motorist of the overtaken car, if he deliberately prevents the opponent from making a maneuver (changes the trajectory of movement, increases speed, etc.).

Difficulties in determining the culprit of the accident are likely even under such conditions. For its exact establishment, an examination is carried out and eyewitnesses are interviewed.

Watch this video about the crash during rebuilding:

Fine or other punishment for an accident?

In the event of an accident, a motorist will not get off with just a fine. And the sections of the Code of Administrative Offenses, according to which the violator will be punished, are different:

  • if during the rebuilding he exceeded the speed, then he will pay under article 12.9 from 500 rubles. up to 5000 r. or lose the VU for a period of 4 months to a year, depending on how much more than the permitted indicator was;
  • the one who, during the maneuver, drove along the markings for a long time, will give 500 rubles. under article 12.16;
  • if he did not turn on the turn signal before changing lanes, he will be punished under part 1 of article 12.14:

Failure to comply with the requirement of the Rules of the Road to give a signal before starting to move, changing lanes, turning, turning around or stopping entails a warning or imposition administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

  • to the one who prevented the passage of the one who had priority, part 3 of Article 12.14 will be applied:

Failure to comply with the requirement of the Rules of the Road to give way to a vehicle enjoying the pre-emptive right of movement, with the exception of cases provided for by Part 2 of Article 12.13 and Article 12.17 of this Code, shall entail a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred roubles.

The insurance company of the culprit will repair the broken car of the victim. But if this money is not enough, most likely the latter will face a claim for damages. It is possible that he will also have to pay for if the accident was with the injured or dead. Fortunately, in such accidents the latter happens very rarely.

Penalty for changing lanes at an intersection

There is no penalty for rebuilding at the intersection itself, since this maneuver is not prohibited in this section. The driver can be punished:

Penalty for violation of markup during rebuilding

A fine for violation of the marking requirements, committed during the rebuilding, is imposed under Part 1 of Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses:

Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed road signs or marking the carriageway of the road, with the exception of cases provided for by parts 2-7 of this article and other articles of this chapter, shall entail a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred roubles.

You can not cross lines 1.1, 1.3. Both of them are solid and are designed to delimit the trajectories of transport, are used where their crossing can create dangerous situation. It is also forbidden to cross 1.11 if its dotted component is located on the left.

Lane change accidents are usually not serious, but are best avoided. Or move in such a way that in the event of an accident you will not become the culprit. This is possible if:

  • keep to the right edge of your row (so more freedom for maneuver and less risk);
  • do not run into the markings without the intention to rebuild;
  • analyze traffic situation taking into account the behavior of other motorists;
  • before changing lanes, make sure with the help of car mirrors that it is safe (you need to see two adjacent lanes and what is happening behind);
  • do not jerk when performing a maneuver, drive smoothly.

Rebuilding in another row should be done if it is really necessary and possible. If the driver is not confident in his abilities, even in a traffic jam it is better to stay within the same lane. And never rebuild in the "dead zone".

Useful video

For information on how to rebuild correctly, see this video:

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The road is not a place for long reflections, meanwhile, there are a lot of situations when a clear and quick adoption of the only right decision is required. Situations with the clarification of the sequence when performing maneuvers almost always arise. To reach your destination safely, you need to know who must give way when changing lanes at the same time.

The driver takes most of the actions automatically, having learned to quickly and correctly assess the situation and make decisions instantly. Without rebuilding skills, you can hardly even get to the nearest store, not to mention heavy traffic. Moreover, even while following in your line, you must be prepared for quick maneuvering in the face of an unforeseen situation. The slightest mistake can lead to sad consequences, damage to the car, road users, and the higher the speed, the greater risk exposed driver.

Rebuilding in accordance with the provisions of traffic rules

In order to ensure safety on the road, the driver needs to learn how to correctly interpret the situation and make decisions taking into account the rules that describe the principles of rebuilding. According to clause 8.4, when a car leaves the lane that it followed earlier, or from the lane, continuing to move in the same direction, the driver is obliged to let the car move along the lane where he intends to change lanes.

If there is a simultaneous rebuilding and one of the traffic participants needs to give way in order to avoid a collision, they will organize a pass for the transport following the lane on the right, since it is he who has the advantage in traffic.

IMPORTANT! The main principle to be followed is the priority of those who move to the right, i.e. located closest to the edge of the road or shoulder. It is necessary to give in even in those cases when the car, which is to the left, slightly overtakes the vehicle on the right side. It is possible to apply braking or slowing down to allow the driver on the right to be the first to complete the maneuver.

The term "interference on the right" known among motorists is not defined traffic regulations, but is often used in practice.

The right hand traffic rule requires you to give way to a driver on the right side if the following situation occurs:

  • simultaneous rebuilding;
  • organization of sequential crossing unregulated intersection or other places where you need to determine the order of movement.

It is important to keep the exceptions in mind when applying "noise from the right":

  1. Intersection of equivalent roads.
  2. The passage of the intersection is regulated by a traffic police officer, a traffic light, or in another way.
  3. The road is equipped with signs that allow you to correctly set the order.

On the video about the simultaneous rebuilding

The order of the simultaneous execution of the maneuver

The rule requiring drivers to the right to let pass is very often applied, especially in conditions of congestion and heavy traffic.

The greatest difficulties arise when the rebuilding has to be done with the closed large machines review.

You should study the most common examples on the roads in order to be able to react correctly and quickly while driving:

  1. If the driver is moving in his own lane and is not going to change lanes, while another motorist on the right is about to take his place, the principle of "interference on the right" cannot be applied, since the driver does not make additional maneuvers.
  2. The driver wants to occupy the adjacent lane, and there are no other contenders for occupying the same lane on the right, it is enough to skip the traffic moving along the selected lane and take a seat in the row after them.
  3. If motorists from the right and left lanes are going to enter the middle lane at the same time, priority is given to the car located to the right. A motorist who has taken a more left lane must wait until the end of the maneuver in order to complete his lane change.

These provisions must be clearly recorded and understood by the driver, since while driving, it will be impossible to talk about who has priority and how to maneuver correctly.

When changing lanes, the driver of a passenger car must give way to the driver of a motorcycle to the right of him.

Moving along the left lane, you intend to change lanes to the right. Which of the diagrams shows a situation in which you must give way?

When you change lanes from the left lane to the right lane, you must give way to the driver of a car moving in the adjacent right lane, both when he is moving without changing direction, and when he is changing lanes at the same time as you. Thus, you must give way in the situations depicted in both figures.

Who is required to give way?

The sign "End of lane" informs about the end of the lane. Consequently, the driver of a passenger car will have to change lanes to the left lane, and when changing lanes, he will have to give way to a truck moving in the same direction without changing lanes.

When driving in the right lane, are you obliged to give way to the driver of a car who intends to change lanes to your lane?

You are moving without changing direction and are therefore not required to yield to a driver who wants to move into your lane.

When driving in the left lane, are you obliged to give way to the driver of a car who intends to change lanes to your lane?

Since there is a narrowing of the road ahead, as warned by the sign “Narrowing of the road”, the truck driver will have to change lanes to the adjacent lane, and when changing lanes, he must give way to a passenger car moving along without changing direction.

The driver of the car performing the changeover to the right lane, in this situation:

The driver of a car performing a lane change, including the final overtaking, must not interfere with a car moving along the same way without changing direction.

When changing lanes to the right lane in this situation, you:

You need to move to the right lane, while giving way to all vehicles moving along it.

In this situation, in order to continue driving in the forward direction, you are allowed to:

To continue the movement, you have the right to perform any of the listed actions. It should be borne in mind that when changing lanes to the right lane, it is necessary to give way to all vehicles moving along the way.

Moving along the right lane, you intend to change lanes to the left. Which of the diagrams shows a situation in which you must give way?

When rebuilding from the right lane to the left lane, you must give way to a passenger car moving along the same way without changing the direction of movement in the left lane. With simultaneous rebuilding, the advantage remains with you. Therefore, you must give way in the situation depicted in the left figure.

Who must give way in a mutual lane change?

When changing lanes, the driver of a truck must give way to the driver of a car to the right of him.

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