How to unscrew the thread of a spark plug. A simple instruction on how to unscrew a broken spark plug

How to unscrew the thread of a spark plug. A simple instruction on how to unscrew a broken spark plug

Spark plug - ignition device fuel mixture, designed to ignite the fuel mixture in the cylinder car engine. At the moment of the greatest compression of the mixture by the piston, a spark is formed between its electrodes, which ignites the fuel. A spark is formed by applying high current (from 14 to 24 Kilo Volts) from a spark generator.

1 - nut; 2 - outer layer of the insulator; 3 - central rod; 4 - ceramic insulator; 5 - turnkey case; 6 - cork; 7 - sealing ring; 8 - heat sink washer; 9 - main electrode; 10 - inner cone of the insulator; 11 - working chamber; 12 side ground electrode; h is the spark gap.

The main types of candles by type of location in the engine

There are two types of spark plugs used in cars. They are available with a 21mm wrench body and a 16mm body. 16 mm wrench devices are used for installation on engines having two camshafts and 16 valves of the gas distribution mechanism.

In such engines, they are located in special "wells" between the shafts, and access to them is more difficult than in conventional 8 valve motors, but the risk of breaking the candle on them is higher. There, the fuel mixture ignition devices are located in the outer part of the head, easy to inspect and replace. Although there are motors that have 16 valves with a well arrangement, but on a turnkey basis with a diameter of 21 mm. These are ZMZ-405 and 406 engines for Gazelle, Volga and UAZ vehicles Russian production.

Types of location of spark plugs in the engine in the photo:

What keys for working with candles should not break

Accordingly, for working with different candles The ignition keys are different. Diameter 16 and 21 mm. They are domestic tubular type made of thin steel. And professionals use special heads from locksmith kits for station workers Maintenance. It's more convenient for them. After all, the individual owner of the car carries out the operation of replacing igniters very rarely. Special strength and durability does not play a role for him and the key will not break quickly. The quality of tubular wrenches in this case is quite acceptable. But the mechanic has to use this tool often more than two dozen times a day. The household key will no longer withstand such a load in a month.

The most popular brands of professional tools:

  • defort;
  • Hyundai;
  • Kraftool;
  • Makita;
  • Sturm;
  • Arsenal;
  • BISON;
  • Staieer.

A common feature of household and professional keys is the presence inside, immediately behind the cap hexagonal part, of a special rubber insert. It serves to remove the spark plug from the installation well using the key itself. Without use additional funds, the risk of breaking and for installing it in the socket before screwing it in. After all, the depth of the candle well on such engines is about 15 centimeters. And the insert allows, by placing the ignition device in the key, without any problems to install it in place, tightly grabbing the ceramic insulator. Due to the elasticity of the rubber, it will sit tightly in the key socket and will not fall out, even if the key shakes slightly.

Important! In no case should you throw the spark plug into the well before installation. The lower spark contact can be damaged or broken. Only install with a key!

Photos of candle sets 16 and 21 mm. With matching household keys

Candle brands

Currently on the market car parts there are a lot of spark plugs various brands. But the fact is that, often, sets well-known manufacturers are fakes. Therefore, it is best for a car enthusiast, the owner of a prestigious foreign car, to carefully study the service document that came with his car and order kits in specialized stores.

The documentation details which devices for the ignition system, and from which company will go best for its engine. For owners of simpler cars and Russian-made cars, the A17 DVRM is perfect domestic production and from the Czech company Brisk. It's on this moment the most optimal products in a pair of price - quality. Rest popular brands Bosch, NGK, Denso can only be taken on order in branded stores.

The most common and popular manufacturers of spark plugs:

  • Bosch;
  • BRISK;
  • BERU;
  • DENSO;

But as mentioned, the kits of these brands must be taken only from official dealers. Otherwise, it is very easy to run into a fake, and one that can break the engine.

Important! original candles ignitions manufactured by BOSCH have at least 6 degrees of protection on the packaging.

You can get acquainted with them on their official website:.

Photo kits Brisk candles

Why the candle broke and how to unscrew it

The likelihood that a spark plug has broken while being screwed into the engine and during operation is extremely small. In 99 cases out of 100, if it breaks, this is a consequence of the carelessness of the one who tried to unscrew the candle or used a tool not intended for this. In this case, it may break at the connection, the turnkey case, item 5, figure 1, with the ceramic insulator, item 4.

Well, a very rare option when the spark plug breaks in the same place itself, from overheating or strong vibration motor. But this is an incredibly rare coincidence.

If, nevertheless, the spark plug on the engine with the external arrangement of the candle row has broken, then this does not present any problem at all. Just calmly put on the key and unscrew the metal case. If a spark plug broke in an engine with 16 valves and a well arrangement, then it is a little more difficult here, but also feasible.

It is simply necessary to remove the broken ceramic tip with the top nut and stem with a long medical clip or a metalwork magnet. Also put on the key, unscrew the broken case and again use a clamp or a magnet to get the base of the igniter with spark contacts. So the question of how to unscrew the spark plug if it is broken is not a secret. The work is not difficult and accessible to any motorist. Although there are some nuances.

Attention! It is necessary to unscrew the broken igniters on an engine that has cooled down to at least 45 degrees.

If the spark plug is unscrewed on a hotter engine, there is a risk of deformation when the internal thread of the spark plug socket cools. After that, when trying to screw in a new one, the thread of the socket will be broken so much that you will have to turn to a turner to cut a new one. That is, the engine head is already broken.

Installing the spark plug

If all the work to remove the broken device is done correctly, it remains only to install a new spark plug in place in the engine. If even one is broken or out of order, the whole set should be changed. The fact is that during operation, the electrode gradually burns and carbon deposits form in the combustion chamber of the candle. For older carburetor models with contact ignition at 14 - 16 Kilo Volts, it didn't matter. But for modern systems With electronic unit ignition, and even more so for engines equipped with an ECM ( Electronic System Engine control or as drivers call it “injector”), this is a matter of principle. Such engines are very sensitive to differences in spark generation. Not even a broken, but only a slightly exhausted candle, compared to a new one, will cause dissonance in the operation of the motor.

After all, the fuel supply to the injectors is accurately dosed. And the slightest difference in the power of the mixture burned in the working chamber of the cylinder will cause a sharp dissonance and interruptions in the operation of the computer. Figuratively speaking, program failures with the transition to emergency mode. Therefore, only a set.

Here you need to know one important thing. The spark plug inserted into the key must be screwed into the thread with minimal effort to the very sealing ring. If necessary, apply great effort, then it is likely that the thread broke when unscrewing. Practically "by hand" without the lever of the amplifier. After that, a lever is inserted into the key (a breakdown or a large screwdriver, and for a professional head a ratchet) and a turn is made exactly 90 degrees (no more, so as not to break the thread). This will flatten the o-ring to exactly the thickness specified by the manufacturer and ensure that the spark plug stays securely in place.

After that, it remains only to connect the wires or insert spark generators into the wells of the spark plugs, start the engine, make sure that stable work engine. With a “broken” candle, the motor “troit”. It shakes, the revolutions "float" and out exhaust pipe light pops are heard. There is a strong smell of unburned gasoline. When driving, the car jerks.

Important! Previously, to determine a broken (non-working) candle, the wires were removed in turn from the candles themselves. If the operation has not changed, the device is faulty. This method is still applicable with a caveat to carbureted cars With electronic ignition. Vehicles equipped with an ECM can only be checked using the computer diagnostics, in order to avoid overloading the computer ("brains").

In the video below you can see the process of replacing candles with 16 valve engine:

How to unscrew a broken spark plug from a candle well - step by step instructions. 1) If the motor is hot, let it cool down, it will not be possible to unscrew the broken candle “hot”, because the metal expands and clamps the threaded spirals, making it simply impossible to unscrew the debris. 2) When the motor is cold, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. To do this, carefully remove the "-" battery terminal, clean the place with which you have to work. Take a dry rag and wipe everything dry so that nothing falls into the candle well. Using the compressor compressed air blow out the well. 3) Spray the well with WD-40, it will make it easier to unscrew. 4) Now take the previously prepared special. wrench, extractor for unscrewing a broken candle, install it in the well and start screwing it in. It is advisable to use torque wrench, in order to control the force and not accidentally twist the thread. 5) When the extractor is screwed in, you can begin to unscrew the broken candle. The thread of the spark plugs is right-handed, so you need to unscrew the spark plug counterclockwise. The movements should be extremely smooth, you should "feel" how you unscrew the head, the extension cord or the knob must be kept level so as not to damage anything. Remember that turning the thread into candle well, you have a more complex and expensive repair. Pay attention to the sound that accompanies the twisting, the grinding indicates that you are doing everything right and the broken candle is twisted out. If you feel a slight twist or a significant decrease in resistance, we can conclude that the thread is twisted or torn off. 6) If you feel anything indicating a stripped thread, stop unscrewing and let the threads cool, then turn the extractor back and add WD-40 to the well. Wait 10-15 minutes for the liquid to “eat off” the soured areas, this will help to avoid further twisting of the thread and simplify the unscrewing procedure. You may still be able to unscrew the broken spark plug. 7) After the broken candle is unscrewed, carefully inspect its edges and make sure that they are not twisted. Check the spark plug well by shining a flashlight into it, the thread should be smooth, without damage or burrs. Then I advise you to blow the well with compressed air to avoid getting chips formed during unscrewing into the motor cylinder. 8) Prepare a new spark plug and tighten it using a torque wrench to the torque specified in your vehicle owner's manual. Many people drag it out "by eye", and then, as a result, such unpleasant situations arise. If you do not have such a key, just tighten gently until it stops, and then a little more about 10 °. Alternatively, simply ask a more experienced person to tighten the candle. Thank you for reading the article to the end, we hope it will be useful to you

Simple instruction how to remove a broken spark plug

Spark plugs are needed to generate a spark in the combustion chamber, with which ignition occurs. fuel fluid. Starting the engine depends on them, it uninterrupted work, fuel consumption, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor the cleanliness and integrity of the candles. Candles must be cleaned of soot and soot. If the candle is broken, it must be replaced with a new one, since a car with such a malfunction cannot be operated. How to unscrew a broken spark plug, I will tell in this article.

The service life of the igniters largely depends on the quality of gasoline and proper care after them. If the heating elements are regularly cleaned, this will increase their shelf life, since carbon deposits contribute to leakage. high voltage, which reduces the power of the spark or even prevents it from appearing. True, if they overheat, uncontrolled drip ignition may occur. It is possible on high speeds, which causes detonation or parts of the car's engine may break. Usually after 30-40 thousand kilometers the candles must be changed. When replacing it, you can accidentally break it, as it could stick. If something like this happened to you, then you don't have to worry. Following the simple instructions for twisting a broken candle, you can easily do it.


Before you start unscrewing the igniters, you need to prepare. First, you need to wait until the engine has completely cooled down. The aluminum cylinder head expands when heated and clamps the spark plugs into the threads, so it is impossible to unscrew them. In addition, a cold unit will protect you from burns.

For the unscrewing procedure, it is necessary to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • torque wrench;
  • special hexagon;
  • compressor;
  • WD-40 oil.

After the engine has cooled down, disconnect all contacts. By using special means and a clean rag, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the location of the heating elements from dirt so that nothing falls into the candle well.
With a compressor with a thin tube or other device that pumps air, it is necessary to blow out the well itself. This must be done very carefully, as there is usually a lot of debris and dirt in the nest. After purging, WD-40 oil must be poured into the socket. It will lubricate the threads and make it easier to unscrew. You can start work 10-15 minutes after the oil is poured.

Twisting instructions

To unscrew, you can use a special hexagon or a torque wrench.
Using a torque wrench, the force during unscrewing is controlled, thereby preventing thread stripping. A simple wrench to unscrew the igniter will not work, as it will not go into the well, in addition, you can strip the threads or break.

Every a heating element has a hexagon for a torque wrench, which is located approximately in the middle of the candle. Thanks to him, twisting is carried out. Usually the insulator breaks off - the upper part of the candle. We throw the key on the part of the part remaining in the nest. After that, you should slowly begin to unscrew the part with smooth movements. In this case, it is necessary to hold the collar, head and extension strictly parallel to the axis of the device. The spark plug has a right hand thread, so it must be unscrewed counterclockwise. The movements should be without the use of great effort, so as not to strip the thread, otherwise you will have to go to service center, since you yourself will no longer be able to unscrew the broken part.

When turning the key, listen for sounds. If a rattle is heard, then the part is unscrewed as expected. If you feel a jerk and it becomes easier to unscrew, this may mean that the thread has been broken. In this case, I recommend turning the key back and waiting a bit until the thread cools down. Then with smooth movements in different sides unscrew the broken part.

The unscrewed part must be well inspected so that the thread is not damaged. You should also check the threads in the candle well. It should be free of burrs and damage. The well should be blown out with compressed air to remove chips that may have appeared during unscrewing.

In a diesel, a glow plug is almost impossible to break due to its design. But if this happens, then the remainder can be drilled out using metal-cutting tools.

You were able to see that removing a broken spark plug is a simple process. The main thing is not to rush and not to make sudden movements. A little patience and you will succeed. To avoid breakage of candles, you should pay attention to their quality when buying and change them in time. I hope this article will help you to properly unscrew the broken candle.

"Unscrewing Broken Spark Plugs"

The recording shows how to drill out broken parts of glow plugs in a car.

The resource of one candle is about 30 thousand kilometers. In addition, it is recommended to check their condition from time to time, as they are covered with soot and soot.

However, there are situations when it is necessary to replace the candle, and at that moment it breaks. This is a serious nuisance - the car cannot be operated in this condition, everything needs to be fixed.

So how do you unscrew a broken spark plug? This article will focus on just that.

What needs to be done

To begin with, it is worth noting that in no case should you despair or give in to panic. Of course, this is a nuisance, but this problem is completely solvable.

We start work. First, you must remember that the engine under the hood must be cold. Do not climb there when it is hot after riding. It's better to wait a while. In addition, heated parts are known to expand, so it is much more difficult to remove the candle in this state.

As soon as the engine cools down, you need to disconnect all contacts from the candle. You also need to take a brush and a rag for cleaning. In any case, before replacing, it is worth walking around the candles to remove dirt. As a rule, over time, quite a lot of deposits accumulate in these places, which must be disposed of.

In order for the candle to give in more easily in its nest, you need to use some lubricants. The popular WD-40 is great for this.

With it, you can quickly lubricate the threads, so that the spark plug will be noticeably easier to unscrew. For the effect to be maximum, you should wait a while.

Used for twisting candles special key. Each of the candles has a special hexagon - this is a kind of thread that you can pick up with a key. Thanks to this, twisting is carried out. You can also use a torque wrench for this. Usually the candle breaks just above this very hexagon, so that it is possible to put on the key and apply the required force.

How twisting is done

If you managed to put on a torque wrench, then you should carefully make your efforts.

The key must be held exactly - strictly parallel to the axis of the candle itself. Otherwise, the key may come off or completely break the remnants of the thread. And in this case, it will be possible to correct the situation only in a car service.

At this stage, you should not make sudden movements, in general, unscrewing should be carried out without any haste.

When unscrewing, try to make sure that there are no thread breaks. The spark plug should pop out with little effort. If jerks are felt, then, probably, a breakdown has just occurred. In this case, you should turn the key back a little and again begin to smoothly remove the candle from its nest.

In any case, a broken spark plug is not a significant problem. If you act carefully, observing all the basic requirements, you can achieve the desired result. And in no case do not forget about safety - do not climb under the hood with a hot engine, and use only reliable tools in your work!

The main thing is not to panic and not try to pull out the candle with sharp movements of the key, since in this case it will most likely just break. If, nevertheless, such an unpleasant thing happened as a thread break or its final breakage, then you should seek help from professionals, since nothing can be done on your own.


How to properly remove a broken glow plug from diesel engines, the following video will tell you:

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