Engine tuning: turbine or compressor, which is better to install? Which is better: a turbine or a mechanical compressor? Cars with compressor and turbine.

Engine tuning: turbine or compressor, which is better to install? Which is better: a turbine or a mechanical compressor? Cars with compressor and turbine.


Before talking about the topic -more needs to be learned about how power is increased. As you know, the engine internal combustion functions with air-fuel mixture, which ignites in the cylinders and burns there. The composition of the mixture includes - air and gasoline, which enter the engine / collector like this:

  • Fuel. Served with a special pump through the fuel lines;
  • Air is not forced in any way, it is only sucked in by the engine through air filter. Please note that if the filter is dirty, then the power drops sharply, and costs rise.

What do the turbine and compressor do? Both devices begin to strongly pump air into the cylinders, which has a very good effect on power.

So what is the difference between a compressor and a turbine?

What is a compressor

Not all car owners know what a compressor is andHow is a turbine different from a compressor?. So, the compressor is a mechanical air blower, which is hung near the engine, while not interfering with its structure. Today, there are three types of compressor: screw, rotary and centrifugal.

Understand, What better compressor or turbine, a list of allpros and cons of a compressor.

Compressor Advantages:

  • The compressor effectively pumps air and increases power by 10%;
  • The device was noted for its reliability and structural strength;
  • It does not require special care;
  • Does not interfere with the work and does not interfere with the structure of the engine;
  • There is no defect "turbo-pit";
  • Doesn't work when high temperatures;
  • The compressor can be installed by hand;
  • Does not need oil, which is used to lubricate the engine.


  • Does not have the same performance as a turbine;
  • It is an outdated model, therefore it has been discontinued on most cars.

Typically, the compressor is mounted on a belt drive from the engine crankshaft, which means that the performance depends on the speed: low speed - low performance, high speed- high. Therefore, the compressor's air supply, as well as the capacity, is limited.

Turbine - what is it?

The turbine is a mechanical air blower, however, unlike the compressor, the turbine operates at high temperatures, mainly 700-800 degrees ° C. Also, the turbine operates on exhaust gases and interferes with the structure of the engine, lubricating the unit with oil.

The principle of operation of the turbine

The principle of operation of the device is as follows - on the exhaust stroke, all exhaust gases exit through a special channel to the muffler. These gases spin the hot turbine wheel, which is located on the same shaft as the cold one. In turn, the cold wheel begins to spin strongly and this way you can get about 200-240,000 revolutions per minute.

Advantages of a turbine over a turbocharger:

  • High level of performance compared to a compressor;


  • Uses engine oil, which is designed to lubricate and remove excess temperature;
  • Low resource. Often after 300,00 km in need of repair;
  • High oil consumption. In the normal state of the turbine gasoline engines spend up to 1 l / 10,000 km;
  • The use of a turbine is quite often the cause of chain stretching;
  • It is rather difficult and risky to install it yourself, if it is not provided by the manufacturer.

Turbine vs Compressor - What's the difference?The compressor runs on a belt drive from the crankshaft of the unit, the turbine - from exhaust gases, crashes into the muffler and is lubricated with oil.

What is better compressor or turbine?

First of all, you should pay attention to the manufacturer. In the end, today no one is engaged in the manufacture and production of compressors, only turbines. Since, the turbine is really a very productive unit, which is able to increase power by 30-40%. However, one should not forget about expensive service and fairly frequent diagnostics, as well as oil changes.

If you do not need such high performance, and you can get by with 7-10 percent of the power, then it is more profitable to purchase a compressor. In addition, you can install it yourself, thereby saving and increasing power by 10%.

Thus, comparing all the pros and cons, you can decide for yourself -which is better turbine or compressor.

Now it has become very fashionable to increase the power of your car. And it's not just amateurs who do it. racing cars, but also owners of ordinary Vehicle. And here a dilemma arises for the motorist: what is better turbine or compressor?

Both mechanisms are designed to increase the productivity of the engine, but each of them has its own characteristics. The differences between these devices will be downloaded not only in appearance, but also in principle of operation, which is a key factor for the buyer.

In order to answer what is the difference between a turbine and a compressor, let's first look at their device.


Turbocharger is tricky arranged mechanism, which is designed to inject compressed air into the engine. Its peculiarity lies in the way it is driven. Turbocharger converts kinetic energy exhaust gases into a mechanical one due to the rotation of the rotor.

Engineers have long tried to create a turbocharger, but they have it for a long time did not study, because the level of processing and the quality of materials was not up to par. Everything has changed in the last hundred years. Many types of turbines appeared, but in the process of finalizing the design, they all came to be standardized and outwardly became very similar. Turbines received today wide application as the main drive element for a variety of vehicles. For normal operation device must use an intercooler. It will cool the air before it enters the turbocharger, thereby making it denser and protecting the unit from overheating.


The compressor is a mechanism that is also designed to compress and supply air, but its drive is carried out from crankshaft.

There are quite a few types of compressors. The most common design among them is piston or as it is sometimes called pneumatic. This type not used in cars, but used as independent device in the industry. The main working part is a piston and two valves. They perform the functions of suction and discharge.

In the automotive industry, a class of compressors is used called a mechanical supercharger.

Now on concrete examples Let's compare a turbine and a compressor.



Drive way

From the crankshaft

Due to the energy of waste gases

Power boost

low rpm

Average RPM

High RPM

boost delay

No. The compressor power is proportional to the engine power.

There is a slight delay called turbo lag.

Motor power consumption for own drive

None or little. Power consumption can appear in large turbines, due to the development of back pressure on the exhaust manifold.

Life time

It depends on the type of compressor, but in any case it negatively affects the condition of the crankshaft.

Long. Exceeds the life of the engine, subject to the rules of operation.


Every 10 thousand km

Every 7 thousand km


Average. Depends on the type of compressor.

Expensive. Depends on the engine.

Difficulty of installation

Simple. Can handle almost any service station.

Varies depending on whether the engine is equipped with a turbocharger. Special knowledge is required if you are tuning a car.

Fuel consumption


Decreases (at the same speed as atmospheric counterparts)

Efficiency depending on the increase in engine power

If you still doubt the choice of whether it is better to install a turbine or a compressor, then contact a specialist who will describe in detail all the pros and cons specifically on the example of your car.

The end of the working day, nothing foreshadowed trouble. As in one of the boxes, a dispute broke out among the mechanics. The eternal theme, long overgrown with moss, again showed itself a heated confrontation between the adherents of the compressor and the turbine. I must say that in our service there are constantly skirmishes between fans of German and Japanese cars, lovers of Apple gadgets and adherents of devices on android, now the turn has come to air blowers. Yes, what is actually surprising, each device is good in its own way, it has a number of advantages over each other, but it is also not without drawbacks. There was only one way out of this situation, each side had to provide strong arguments in favor of their device and oppose the other side with the help of the minuses of their “gadget”. I acted as an arbitrator, because for me there is nothing better than a huge “atmospheric” in terms of displacement without additional superchargers.

Purpose of the turbine and compressor

To begin with, it is worth noting that both devices are necessary to increase the air supply to the combustion chamber, as a result of which an increase in engine power follows. Enlightened people know that initially in working mixture the percentage of fuel content is higher than that of air, in view of this, fuel consumption is also greater in relation to efficiency. To get the maximum benefit from the spent fuel, superchargers of a different spectrum of action were invented. The end effect of using a turbine and a compressor is the same - it's a crazy increase in power, but the algorithm of action is different.

Let the battle begin

The right to be the first to speak was given to the adherents of the compressor, since their device for increasing power was adopted by the automaker first. So what is a compressor? This device is to some extent an independent unit, the action of which is driven by the rotation of the crankshaft. With the minimum number of changes required to install the compressor, it delivers amazing results.


  • Easy installation and configuration of the unit;
  • Does not require additional connections (oil supply and air flow cooling);
  • Relatively low cost (about $150)
  • Works in a wide range of revolutions (from the moment of launch);
  • Inexpensive maintenance and lack of requirements for the quality of fuel and lubricants;
  • Large selection of compressors of various types;
  • Stable operation, increasing the service life of the internal combustion engine.
  • Takes away engine power and increases fuel consumption (up to 30%);
  • Low efficiency (up to 10% power increase).
After listening to the fans of the compressor, without thinking twice, we turn to fans of cars charged with turbines, eager to fight. The history of turbochargers is long and replete with examples of spectacular victories. How does it work and why is it so remarkable that it has gained immense popularity among manufacturers and motorists?

A turbine is an engine that converts the kinetic energy of a gas into useful mechanical energy. talking plain language, the exhaust gases spin the turbine rotor, sucking in air from the outside into the combustion chamber, thereby increasing the explosive power of the motor. The peculiarity is that the turbine is installed at the outlet of the exhaust manifold, it requires connection to the engine lubrication system and installation additional cooling air - intercooler. In fact, the turbocharger is a dependent unit, implemented in internal combustion engine design, coefficient useful action which is very large and not limited by the potential of the engine. Therefore, they are used for main trucks and dump trucks.

  • High efficiency (explosive power at high speeds, power increase of 20-30% or more);
  • Does not cause loss of engine thrust;
  • Effectively works with both gasoline and diesel internal combustion engines;
  • Low fuel consumption (relative to the compressor).
  • The high price of the device (from 500 USD);
  • Rigid binding to engine systems (lubrication and air cooling);
  • Rapid overheating;
  • Sensitivity to fuel;
  • Low efficiency at low speeds (turbo lag);
  • Difficulty in installation and maintenance;
  • Reduced engine life.
Well, if you believe the quantitative indicators of the pros and cons of the two devices, the compressor is leading the race. But as they say, "it was smooth on paper, but they forgot about the ravines." Why is the turbine in great demand? Is this the machinations of the shadow government or a conspiracy of automakers? Yes, no, everything is simple - many are ready to put up with the hated turbo lag, the high cost of the unit and its maintenance, for the sake of the frantic explosive power of the car's heart. Moreover, recently they began to produce biturbo engines, which began to work at low speeds, while increasing fuel consumption. This happened because the power is increased not by expanding the working amplitude of the cylinder, but by increasing combustion. more fuel mixture.

Compressors assume a measured increase in power indicators with engine start-up and also fade when the spin-up peak is reached. It operates within the operating range ICE cycle and efficiency drops as power increases.

What to choose?

Which choice to make is up to each individual. No one undertakes to assert and openly declare the undisputed leadership of one or the other apparatus, because how many people have so many opinions. If you want to invigorate your car inexpensively and without much hassle, definitely choose a compressor. So did the guys who turned to us for advice. The bored engine to the foil no longer suited them, the compressor became for them a budget solution to the problem in dynamics. However, having remarkable volitional qualities and a tight wallet, choose of course a turbine that can make a Skoda Yeti with 1.4 liter engine Your wife in a serious crossover, with incredible dynamics. Think, weigh the pros and cons, and do right choice for myself!

Often, the question arises before the motorist: what is better to choose - a turbine or a compressor? Both devices have both certain advantages and disadvantages that directly affect the choice. For example, their differences can be seen not only in appearance, but also in the principles of operation, which, in fact, is the main criterion when choosing a device.


Turbinerotary engine, the feature of which is continuous operation. The rotor converts the kinetic energy of steam, gas or water into mechanical energy. Today, turbines are actively used as the main drive element for a wide variety of vehicles (land, sea and air). No matter how incredible it may seem, but an attempt to create a mechanism similar to modern turbine, was undertaken before our era. And only at the end of the 19th century, with the development of thermodynamics and mechanical engineering, began to appear steam turbines, which are distinguished primarily by high functionality.


Compressor can be different and applied in a wide variety of industries. It is necessary for compressing and supplying gases (including air) under pressure. This device was invented in order to noticeably increase maximum power engine, because more air is pumped into the combustion chamber. As a result, more fuel enters the cylinder, which in turn means that the final goal has been achieved.


For clarity, we can give some numbers: on average, the compressor allows you to add power by about 46 percent (plus 31 percent of torque). Now these devices are actively used to increase the engine power of both cars and trucks. To date, compressors are the most optimal and economical option for those who want to increase engine power, add a certain amount of Horse power.


When it comes to choosing a compressor or turbine, a person first of all looks at the main differences that these devices have:

  • One of the main advantages of the compressor is to ensure uninterrupted combustion of impurities. This directly affects correct work engine as a whole, helps to avoid various troubles associated with breakdowns.
  • In turn, the turbine also has certain advantages: it does not affect the loss of horsepower, while the compressor cannot boast of this. True, it is worth noting that we are talking about the total output power of the engine (loss during compression is up to 20 percent).
  • Turbine installation and tuning is quite difficult process requiring a significant investment of time and money. In addition, it is necessary to slightly modify power unit. In comparison, to use a compressor, you actually only need one thing - correct selection impurities. Installation is very easy.
  • If we talk about the turbine in the car, then without the help of a specialist it will not be possible to install it. No compressor needed special equipment and knowledge. This greatly simplifies the process.
  • The turbine in the car has significant disadvantage- it requires a frequent supply of oil under pressure, which increases the cost of maintaining the transport. If this manipulation is not carried out with a certain regularity, then the car quickly breaks down, creating additional problems. The compressor does not need it.
  • The turbine requires special care. In order for it to work properly, the car owner will have to visit the workshop once a month if he does not have the necessary experience.
  • The turbine needs a full binding to the car engine. If the transport issues no a large number of revolutions, then there is practically no sense from the turbine. Only squeezing maximum speed, you can achieve good power. Of course, a car owner can now buy a device that works regardless of the speed of the car, but such a turbine costs a decent amount.
  • The operation of the compressor does not depend on the speed of the machine, it produces a fixed power at any speed.
  • The compressor is independent device in the car, which simplifies the process of maintenance and repair. Even without much experience, almost every car owner can repair the unit on their own.
  • The turbine can gain more high revs than a compressor. But it also heats up much faster, which jeopardizes the engine. From such work, he quickly wears out.
  • The compressor is activated immediately after starting the engine. This is an absolute advantage over the turbine, which will not work without traffic. But at the same time, the compressor drives the entire engine. The turbine, on the contrary, relieves the “heart” of the car from additional load.
  • Compressors use more fuel than a turbine. And their efficiency is much less. That is, the turbine in the car runs on full power without wasting gasoline.
  • The compressor is driven by a belt as it is a mechanical supercharger. The turbine is spun by the exhaust gases of the car, which turn two impellers connected by a shaft.
  • If you decide to buy a compressor for a car, then know that it is on the market huge selection. The turbine does not have such dignity.
  • Finally, the turbine costs much more than the compressor. This factor determines the high popularity of the device in the Russian market.

Findings site

  1. The compressor ensures the correct operation of the engine (uninterrupted combustion of impurities).
  2. The turbine does not affect the loss of horsepower (total power output of the power unit).
  3. In the degree of complexity of installation and configuration of the device. In this regard, the compressor has an advantage.
  4. The turbine requires an oil supply, which affects the entire operation of the car.
  5. The turbine will have to be constantly looked after and carried out diagnostics.
  6. The turbine is installed directly into the engine, and the compressor is an independent device.
  7. The compressor has a fixed power, and the operation of the turbine depends on the speed of the car.
  8. The turbine is capable of propelling a car great speed than a compressor.
  9. The compressor consumes more fuel with less efficiency than the turbine.
  10. The compressor can be selected for any car model, and the turbine has a small selection.
  11. The cost of the turbine itself and its installation is higher than the price of the compressor.

Among many tuners, the debate does not subside, which is better turbine or compressor? After all, each of the options has its own advantages and disadvantages. There are still some people who are going to buy for themselves new car but can't decide whether the car is supercharged or turbocharged. After all, the market for both new and used cars offers a large number of both options, with approximately the same power.

Which is better turbine or compressor? To give a full answer to this question, you need to understand how each of the elements of supercharging works and what is expected to be obtained from installation on a naturally aspirated engine.

Where is the intake boost system used?

The use of turbines and compressors is very wide in the automotive industry, they are used both in civil cars, as well as in special equipment. With the help of supercharging, you can significantly increase power, even on an engine with a small volume, which is what they use. car designers. For example, with car engine with a volume of 1.2 liters with a turbine, you can get about 100-120 hp, without compromising the resource. At the same time, about 60-80 hp can be removed from an engine of the same volume, but atmospheric.

In Europe, turbo and compressor engines are very widespread and their number is growing rapidly. This is done because there is a volume tax, and the larger it is, the more the duty must be paid annually. So the Europeans get out of the situation in this way, making small engines with impressive power.

So it turns out that the intake system is an excellent way to increase power without increasing the volume of the combustion chamber. Because of this, turbines and compressors have firmly entered the tuning environment.

Now on sale you can find many ready-made turbo kit and compressor kit kits, ready to be installed on a standard atmospheric motor. And in general, any serious tuning, where the goal is to get the most horses, is not complete without superchargers.

How a compressor works

Compressor - view mechanical supercharger, whose task is to create excess pressure in intake system car. The compressor is easily visible under the hood, it looks like an electric motor, only larger, it is rigidly attached to the motor. The compressor is driven by a belt that rotates crankshaft. The compressor is connected to the receiver through iron tubes and silicone adapters. The crankshaft rotates the compressor, in which the impeller, spinning, creates excess pressure in the receiver, that is, boost.

The compressor has several great benefits, such as pressurizing the low revs, almost from idle and the fact that his work does not increase the engine compartment temperature.

But there are several disadvantages, firstly, the compressor cannot create strong boost, most often the pressure does not exceed 1 bar. And the second disadvantage is that it runs on the engine, respectively, taking away power from the latter, this is noticeably noticeable when driving at low speeds.

The principle of operation of the turbine

The main task of the turbine is the same as that of the compressor - the creation of excess pressure at the inlet. But its design is fundamentally different. The turbine also has an impeller that spins. But it spins with the help of exhaust gases, which, as you know, come out of the engine under pressure.

To install a turbine, you need to change the design exhaust manifold. Traffic fumes, leaving the cylinder head, enter the manifold, then passing through the impeller (hot part), the turbines spin it and then exit through the system into the atmosphere.

The so-called "hot part" of the turbine, which is in contact with the exhaust, is connected by a shaft to the "cold part", in which the impeller is also installed, which creates pressure. That is, the "hot part" acts as a kind of engine for the "cold part".

The turbine has several advantages over the compressor, which directly come out of its disadvantages.

Firstly, the turbo is better suited for "serious" tuning, the goal of which is to get as much horsepower as possible, because it is capable of delivering pressure up to 2 bar or even more in some cases. And the more boost, the more air can be driven into the cylinders, and the more air, the more fuel, respectively, and as a result, more power.

Secondly, the turbine does not create a load on the engine. On Idling And at low speeds, the presence of the turbine is not felt in any way.

But it was not without drawbacks. There are only two main disadvantages, and with right approach you can eliminate them.

The first drawback is a later exit to the "boost", that is, to operating pressure. The turbine, as a rule, begins to give out its maximum pressure at speeds of over 3 thousand. And on some tuning projects, the operation of the turbine, at all, occurs after 5 thousand rpm.

The second drawback is an increase in engine compartment temperature. The hot part of the turbine under load can heat up to over 800 degrees Celsius, which negatively affects all engine compartment parts and the engine as a whole. It is not uncommon for wires to melt under the hood. To reduce the temperature hot part air intakes are made in the hood.

The confrontation continues

From this material it becomes clear that each of the boost elements is made for different purposes. Therefore, you can guess, there is no specific answer to the question of what is better than a turbine or a compressor. These parts are fundamentally different in design and different in receipt. end result. Someone better quiet ride when the car "rides" from the very bottom, and someone needs as much as possible more power to get the coveted seconds in the race. And it's no secret that the owners of turbo cars from time to time think about the compressor (blowing starts earlier, the engine does not heat up), just like the owners of compressor cars think about installing a turbine (you can get much more horses). And until the designers come up with something new in the design of the turbine and compressor, the confrontation will continue.

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