Full check of the car according to the VIN code. Determination of the owner of the car by VIN-code

Full check of the car according to the VIN code. Determination of the owner of the car by VIN-code


Buying a car for secondary market is very popular among motorists, especially if financial possibilities are limited. When you can not only save a lot, but also get a number of problems. For the buyer, checking the machine is an important procedure.

It is necessary to check the car not only for legal purity and his involvement in the accident, as well as the owners vehicle, since it directly depends on their number technical condition goods. It is also important to check whether the owner is the person who sells the goods. In this article, we will look at how to find out the owner of a car by VIN.

Features of searching for data about the owner of a car

You can determine the owner of the vehicle by registration numbers or using the VIN code. The most common option among motorists is to recognize the owner of the transport by license plates, however, it does not always provide complete and reliable information. The reason may be the presence on the machine of fake registration numbers or frequent change of license plates, which greatly complicates the search.

Experts recommend that before purchasing a car in the secondary market, check its owners and legal purity solely by the VIN code. The materials received are almost always 100% true, since wine is individual number, does not change throughout the life of the machine. To kill the VIN code of the car today is impossible.

Modern technologies make it possible to check almost everything by an individual code until the request is made. Involvement in an accident, the presence of bans and arrests, the number of owners and the periods of their possession of the goods - this information can be easily found on the official websites state structures. However, the search for the personal data of the owner of the transport may be accompanied by certain difficulties in connection with the law on the protection of personal data of citizens of the Russian Federation.

Options for determining the owner of a car by VIN

There are several ways that allow you to get information about the owners of a car by its individual code.

You can find out the owner by the VIN code in the traffic police department. The official databases contain all the information about registered vehicles. The check is carried out directly by the employees of the State traffic inspectorate, however, one must take into account the fact that good reasons will be required to provide personal information about car owners. If there are no serious arguments for the search, then you have to search alternative options resolving the issue.

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You can find out information about the owners of the car yourself, on the Internet. To do this, go to the official website and check the VIN code of the car. On the site, you need to select the “Vehicle Check” service in the menu and search for information. The service will provide verified information about the number of car owners, the periods of their ownership, however, the personal data of the owners will not be provided, in accordance with the law on the protection of personal data of citizens Russian Federation. Alternatively, you can try to purchase on the black market a disk with the official traffic police database, which contains information about the owners, including the registration card of the vehicle, which contains all the information necessary for the consumer. However, the option to search using pirated discs is not always an unreliable source, as the materials provided may be out of date.

A more reliable source of obtaining information about the seller using an individual vehicle code is the Autocode portal. On the Autocode website, you can find out about registration bans, inspection history and owner names by VIN or vehicle license number. The disadvantage of the site avtokod.mos.ru is that information in the database is available only for cars that are registered in Moscow and the region, and in order to search for materials, the user must register. The data on the site is constantly updated by government agencies, so the information received is always true.

And also for obtaining individual data, you can use paid sites. The cost of services is most often not very high, however, experts recommend checking cars using only trusted sources of information, which are government agencies.

(car history: registration, photos, accidents, repairs, theft, bail, etc.).

Additional reports: equipment, manufacturer recall check, Carfax and Autochek (for cars from the USA) are available from our partners - VINformer.SU.

Location of identification number

VIN code, or as it is also called the body number, in without fail must be registered in the data sheet, and be identical to the number that is on the body. Usually the number is located on the non-removable parts of the body (front pillar) and those places where the chance of damage to the car in an accident is minimal.

What information does the decoding of the VIN code of the car give

  • Manufacturer's country.
  • Year of issue.
  • Engine and body type.
  • What equipment should be present when buying a car.
  • General characteristics car.
  • Information about the vehicle, its mileage, its early sales and other similar data.

Decryption steps

Usually, an identification number has 17 characters, and it consists of 3 obligatory parts:

  • WMI - contains 3 characters.
  • VDS - contains 6 characters.
  • VIS - contains 8 characters.

From the first part of WMI just starting to check the car by vin. These symbols identify the manufacturer of cars that are assigned to a particular country. The first character means its geographical area, and can be either a number or a letter, depending on the country of manufacture. For example, numbers from 1 to 5 would represent the manufacturer in North America; from 6 to 7 - the countries of Oceania; from 8 to 9, and also 0 - the manufacturer is South America. Letters from S to Z - cars of European origin, from J to R - origin from Asia, from A to H - brought from Africa.

The first part of the vin check makes it possible to find out where the car was brought from.

Second part referred to as descriptive and should normally be 6 characters long. It often happens that the car manufacturer does not fill in all 6 characters, but according to the rules, all 6 characters must be present in the car. Therefore, if there are only 4 or 5 characters in this part of the code, then the remaining ones are simply filled with zeros and always with right side. The descriptive part of the VIN decoding allows you to determine the model of the car and its main characteristics. The numbers starting from 4 and ending with 8 should tell about the type car engine, its series and models, as well as have data on the body type.

AND third, the final part of the VIN decoding is VIS, which consists of 8 characters. It is worth knowing that the last 4 characters must be present without fail. This is the part of the decryption in which you can find out the year of manufacture of the vehicle, data on assembly plant, model year.

All three parts are necessary when deciphering the body identification number, and make it clear to the future owner about the origin and further history car.

Self-check VIN code

To check the VIN code, it is not necessary to contact the appropriate authorities and send a request to them.

Knowing the identification number of the body, enter it into the verification form on our website, and get full information O specific vehicle. This required procedure which is recommended before buying a car. It will take a little time, but it will save you from further troubles.

When buying a car, it is recommended to approach carefully so as not to spend a large amount for nothing. This is especially true for used cars. Quite a few people have already learned for themselves how scammers find new ways to hide reliable information, and naive buyers, in an attempt to save money, forget about precautions.

Therefore, it is so important to determine in advance the "pitfalls" both about the car and about the owner himself. Usually this is done by state number or by wine code. In the first case, the check may not be accurate, since license plates are easy to change, and sometimes fake ones. The second option is more suitable, since this code is individual, and remains unchanged throughout the entire time and it is not possible to fake it. Therefore, it is easiest to find out the owner of the car by vin code, and the result will be correct.

Search criteria

For buyers, it is sad that only owners are allowed to check a car in the traffic police. This means that they will find out if the car is stolen, on credit or secured, after the conclusion of the contract of sale and registration in their name.

Often, new owners receive a car from the “black list” without having carried out a proper check, and further litigation can last for years, since then it will be difficult to find a scammer who will not see his guilt.

Allegedly, the owner putting the car up for sale may not have anything to do with it at all. Therefore, we check not only the true owner, but the total number of owners. The more owners, the worse, most likely, the condition of the car will be. If you break through the vin code, you can find out additional information:

  • real license plate (if they tried to fake it);
  • information on the number of accidents;
  • recent maintenance passes;
  • Availability unpaid fines as well as arrests and bans.

Such checks will avoid so much deception. Trying to find the owner of a car by state number, the information will still not be enough, although it also needs to be checked. Perhaps the technical condition of the car will be normal, but who knows what the owners have in mind. A few more cars can “hang” on them, and this is already suspicious.

There is an option to check by phone number, but here you can also get to an unscrupulous seller: the SIM card may not be his at all. Moreover, mobile phone stores do not provide such information, since it is confidential. Usually scammers change phone number once every couple of weeks.

Therefore, it is worth using a fault check on the appropriate service, and for free. For a new person in this area, we note that the required code consists of 17 numbers and Latin letters. If the owner has nothing to hide, he himself will show it at the car. Depending on the brand and model, the codes are located in different ways. Perhaps he has already punched information about previous owners. Also find out the owner's numbers and check.

Thanks to this, you will learn real information about the vehicle, and verified information about the car and its owner will help other people.

VIN (vin) number- this is the vehicle identification number, the code is unique for each car. It consists of 17 characters containing encrypted information about the year of manufacture, configuration, manufacturer, technical specifications vehicle. This combination of letters and numbers is unique, therefore it allows you to identify any vehicle, regardless of the country of manufacture. Code compilation is based on international standards ISO 3780, ISO 3779-1983.

It can be found under the hood of the car on a special plate (nameplate), it is usually attached to the car body or chassis. Sometimes the number is listed at the bottom windshield in a dedicated box. Also VIN number located on the side racks or driver's door. Another VIN number is often applied to a part of the body, under the driver or passenger seat, access for it is provided by a special valve on the upholstery of the car, VIN can be engraved on paintwork, almost imperceptible, you can use a regular pencil to develop it, shading the numbers, it will be easier for you to read it.

VIN Structure Check

The identification code may consist of Arabic numerals, Latin letters, with the exception of I, O, Q, which are visually similar to one and zero. IN VIN structure There are three parts, each of which is responsible for reflecting a certain category of data:
  1. WMI consists of three characters, designed to identify the vehicle manufacturer. The first sign of the world index denotes a part of the world, the second - one of the states, the third - a specific manufacturer (rarely the vehicle category).
  2. VDS includes six characters, allows you to judge the parameters of the machine. It is noteworthy that each manufacturer itself determines which information, in what sequence, will be indicated. Most often, it is reported about the configuration, model, configuration of the body part, engine characteristics. The VIN code may contain a check character (number or letter "X"), which allows you to establish that the marking is partially or completely substituted.
  3. VIS - consists of 8 characters, and the last four must be digits. The closing part indicates model year and data on the manufacturing plant, and if the machine was released from the conveyor before 2000, then the encoding will be alphabetic, in the period from 2001 to 2009 digital, and then again alphabetic.
Despite the seeming simplicity, there are a lot of nuances that do not allow the average person to decipher the Vin code on their own. However, you cannot do without this information when buying a used car, so the question naturally arises of how to check the identification number without wasting extra time and effort. In fact, this is not difficult - just use the services of a trusted portal that offers online verification.

Today, Vin can be read not only through specialized scanners, but also using smartphones and other gadgets with operating systems Android and iOS. Having photographed the code with a smartphone camera, it will not be difficult to find out the exact information about the car via the Internet, in particular, it is possible to get a brief or detailed report in just a couple of minutes.

Checking a car by VIN (vin) number, you need to find (in one of the places presented) either a registration certificate and write down the VIN number. Then use our portal, enter the VIN number in the VIN NUMBER input field. Click the check auto button. Get a brief report containing information about the presence in our database of the data of the car you are interested in. If you wish, you can also purchase a complete report on the car and a copy of it to the email address you specified.

The Russian secondary market is gradually taking on a civilized shape. Today, the history of a used car can be checked by knowing it. For some services, only it is enough, others will also ask you to indicate the series and number of the registration certificate (CTC). This information can be requested from the seller.

How to check a car for free?

There are two official state portals that provide the results of a comprehensive check: Autocode and the traffic police website. The first provides information only to registered users. For the report, you must specify the VIN or license plate of the car, series and STS number. The portal will show general information about the car (factory data - color, category, volume and power of the engine, etc.), information about accidents, technical inspections passed, the number of owners, operation in taxi mode, the fact of being wanted.

The traffic police portal does not require registration, and only one VIN code is enough to check it. The site will not tell you about technical inspections or taxi permits, but there is a separate column about the restrictions imposed on registration actions. They may be, for example, due to the owner's debt.

Since these people work at the state level, they - in theory - should receive the most complete information from departments. Unfortunately, it is not. We ran through both systems several VIN codes of cars, the history of which we knew thoroughly (editorial and personal). The main thing that a potential buyer wants to know about is the facts of accidents. To our surprise, for three cars, the traffic police website did not know about the collisions that had occurred with them, although they happened and were formalized as expected. "Autocode" was not aware of the problematic past of only one car. Why is this happening?

History of the accident

The history tracking project itself was launched only in 2014. Accidents that have occurred before, could not get into it. The traffic police portal honestly warns that it has data only from the beginning of 2015. However, even after this date, information was not received in the database in full. Some episodes, to the luck of the sellers, may be lost. In addition, accidents registered according to the European Protocol do not fall into the database. The fact is that only the traffic police transmits information, Insurance companies do not do extra work. And it just implies that the collision passed by the traffic police - only the insurance company, to which the victim applied for damages, knows about it. On the other hand, registration without calling the traffic police means that the car received minimal damage, and repainted parts will be noticeable during inspection. But still, remember that checking against an electronic database is not a panacea.

Number of owners by title

The number of owners also can not say anything. For example, one of the cars we checked, according to the reports of the traffic police and Avtokoda, had three owners. But all this is the same company, which periodically changed names. It happens that a car changes owners-private owners purely formally: for one reason or another, it is re-registered for different family members. So in this case, you need to ask the seller yourself for what reasons this happened.

Information about, as our check showed, is transmitted only by technical inspection operators. That is, landmarks appear only once a year or two, and for a fresh car under the age of three years, they will not exist at all. In addition, we all know perfectly well how easy it is to get a diagnostic card today in an unofficial way. And when passing a technical inspection “by phone”, nothing prevents the owner from naming a fictitious, not real mileage. So if you immediately keep in mind the odometer adjustment before selling, after several years of ownership, you can provide a beautiful alibi to the car.

Our experiment showed that insurance companies do not yet feed their car inspection systems with the information they have. But this would make the history of most cars in the secondary market much more transparent for the benefit of potential buyers. Apparently, selling diagnostic cards and crying to the authorities about a difficult lot does not leave time for useful work.

Paid check by VIN number

And what about paid ones, of which a great many have bred? Depending on the degree of greed and promises, they ask for a report on one car from 50 to 400 or more rubles. True, the most expensive services as one, offer "promotions" with big discounts. We pretended to buy it and ordered checks on several sites for the most “problematic” car. And ... no revelations about her were found out. The same information was reported to us by the Autocode portal - only for free. We very much doubt that commercial resources really have any exclusive knowledge.

Other services

If you do not trust the traffic police website and Autocode, you can check it yourself on other portals in specific areas. The resource of the Federal Notary Chamber will tell you about the car being pledged, the Federal Bailiff Service - about enforcement proceedings against the owner (you need to indicate his full name), the capital's public services - about the fact of issuing a permit to work in a taxi. The more different bases you check, the less likely you are to be unpleasantly surprised after the purchase. But the absolute completeness of information is not guaranteed anywhere, so no one canceled their own care when inspecting a car before buying.

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