When is it allowed to drive in the dedicated lane? What is the penalty for driving in the bus lane Can taxis drive in a dedicated lane?

When is it allowed to drive in the dedicated lane? What is the penalty for driving in the bus lane Can taxis drive in a dedicated lane?

The concept of "dedicated lane" appeared in the vocabulary of residents and guests of the megacities of our country relatively recently. The dedicated lane was originally created as a special part of the road for traffic with special priority, including for route Vehicle. Most often, the dedicated line is on the right when driving on the right, however, regulations allow it to be located anywhere on the carriageway.

The creation of such a special lane is intended to unload the road, prevent traffic jams, congestion, which made it possible to increase the speed of movement. public transport by 15-30%. In Moscow, at the beginning of 2016, the length of the allocated lanes was more than 240 km. It is estimated that in the capital the total passenger traffic on such lanes is from 1.5 million people during the day. The metro has ceased to be the only transport preferred by Muscovites and guests of the capital, so in 2014 the indicator of passenger transportation ground transport up 30% from the previous year.

The city authorities calculated that some companies offering taxi services could also be allowed on the dedicated lane. It was in this year, 2016, that legal taxis were able to move along such lanes that were previously intended only for public transport, school buses.

However, this decision was initially controversial. "Bricks" prohibiting signs were not dismantled, so the taxi drivers were threatened with a large fine for leaving the dedicated lane. So, in November 2015, drivers yellow taxis started to come enough hefty fines for travel under the brick. The owners of the companies forbade their taxi drivers to drive on such lanes. It was after the proceedings, inquiries to the relevant authorities that the situation shifted. Clarifications were needed, a special decree and prompt, complete dismantling of signs along the entire length of the allocated lanes.

Learn more about the ability to drive in dedicated lanes

So, in 2016, about 14 km of dedicated lanes will be introduced in Moscow before the end of the year. Currently, there are 20 leased lines in the capital. This year, legal taxis were able to move in lanes that were previously reserved for public transport, school buses.

To do this, the city authorities promptly dismantled prohibition signs indicating "Entry is prohibited." The possibility of driving in a dedicated taxi lane was provided so that licensed taxis that pay taxes to the state have the opportunity to provide their passengers with Additional services fast travel. Definitely worth the taxi service. more expensive than travel in public transport. The passenger wants to get for his money not only the possibility of convenient movement and baggage, but also efficiency. Driving in a dedicated lane reduces the risk of delays to important events, to the train station, to the airport, and so on.

What taxis are considered legal?

Legal taxis get in without fail a special package of permits. This can be done individually, or you can turn to the services of a legal taxi service that employs employees. Such cars are provided with special identification marks (checkers, lanterns on the roof), with drivers who want to obtain a license without opening an IP, contracts are concluded by the company.

Recall that since 2011, taxi drivers and taxi companies must obtain the appropriate transportation licenses issued by local authorities. Thus, the city is fighting illegal carriers, who often cannot provide safe driving their passengers do not undergo a mandatory medical examination. Using the services of "bombed" passengers endanger their lives.

Therefore, if you want the trip to be enjoyable, safe, and you have the opportunity to bypass traffic jams and traffic jams along a dedicated lane, then order legal taxi. If necessary, such a car has the right to drive along a dedicated lane, and you will definitely have time to reach your destination in the right time. Legal taxis declare their status on their own resources, issue mobile versions, they are honest with the fares and do their best to make the passenger a regular customer of their company.

Reference: At the end of the calendar period of 2015 in Moscow, more than 50 thousand firms and individuals had permission to operate taxis. For three years, this figure has grown significantly (in 2012, only 8,000 such permits were issued). This is the largest "collective" of taxi drivers in Europe, which was able to collect thanks to the adoption in 2012 of the Federal Taxi Law. According to the Moscow authorities, 200,000 passengers are transported by taxis in the capital every day, it is estimated that more than 75 million people used taxi services. Through the use modern technologies, developed navigation system, quick search desired cars in a particular area, a legal taxi will, on average, arrive at your place in just 8 minutes. Such a car will promptly take the passenger to the destination, using the dedicated lane if necessary.

In large and medium-sized cities of our country, special lanes are allocated on the roadway for urban transport, for example, buses and minibuses.

According to our country's laws and regulations traffic, any other modes of transport are prohibited from entering this area. Let's see what punishment can follow for this offense and when it is allowed to travel on a dedicated lane for public urban transport.

According to the law Russian Federation it is forbidden to enter the public transport lane, only buses have the right to move along the public transport lane, fixed-route taxis and trolleybuses.

In all other cases, driving onto this section of the road will be considered an offense and will be punished with an administrative penalty in the form of a fine.

Since 2012, a new clause has been introduced into the rules of the road, according to which, registered taxis, with checkers, yellow state license plates, a light signal and a taximeter, have the right to travel in the lane allocated for urban vehicles.

In all other cases, such a maneuver as driving onto a lane allocated for buses is considered an offense and is punishable by a fine in the amount of 1,500 rubles. At the same time, in the two capitals of our country, the amount of a monetary penalty for this violation reaches the amount of three thousand rubles.

If a similar maneuver was made into the oncoming dedicated lane, then the minimum penalty is a fine of five thousand rubles, and in case of relapse, the motorist will be deprived driving license for up to one year. At the same time, the inspector’s leniency is possible, if you went around an obstacle and you had to make an illegal maneuver, then you will be reduced the amount of the fine to 1,500 rubles.

note that this offense is not considered malicious, so if you pay a fine within 20 days after the offense was committed, then you will have the opportunity to reduce its amount by 50%, according to the innovations of the legislative body of the Russian Federation.

Let's look at the cases in which it is allowed or mandatory to drive on a dedicated lane, and whether it is possible to drive on it at all.

When are the rules for driving in the bus lane?

Driving in a dedicated lane is not considered a malicious violation, but in our state the ban on such maneuvers is valid in all situations. That is, if you find yourself in a long and painful traffic jam, then leaving the allocated area will be considered a malicious offense and you will be fined in accordance with the articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses on the rules of the road.

But there are some cases when such a maneuver is permissible:

  1. If the selected section of the road is separated by a broken line, then driving along bus lane possible when turning or changing direction of movement;
  2. If necessary, drop off or pick up the passenger on the right;
  3. When leaving the road, for example, from a parking lot;

In any case, you must be sure that you do not interfere with public views transport, for example, in relation to a bus, trolleybus or minibus. In our country, the legislation provided for a ban on such maneuvers to protect citizens who got into public transport and hope for their safety.

Please note that if you create dangerous situation on the road for a city vehicle, then you will be additionally fined in the amount of 500 rubles.

Some situations on the road provide for a mandatory exit to a dedicated lane. For example, if the motorist was going to turn the vehicle in the direction in which the lane goes. If the driver of the car does not do this, then there may be emergency situation, in which urban transport may suffer, which means that you will be fined for interfering with a bus or minibus in the amount of 500 rubles.

What is the reason for the bus lane ban?

A moving bus, trolleybus, minibus is a car to which you must give way, since in the event of an accident there may be a danger a large number injured or dead. In this case, you can be punished criminally - up to real imprisonment, for a period of nine years. Therefore, it is better to think about whether it is worth driving in the bus lane if you can endanger the lives of a large number of citizens. And if you have already started driving down the lane, it is better to turn back into traffic and stand for a while than go to jail for a long time.

According to the notes of motorists, they are issued a fine for a dedicated lane, often when video and photo fixers fix a violation. At the same time, a fine for the bus lane can also be issued by the traffic police inspector if you were noticed by him at the time of the maneuver.

Traffic in a dedicated lane is provided exclusively for public cars, while cars with markings of the Ministry of Emergencies, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, ambulances and the fire department often move along it. They are allowed to drive on a dedicated lane by law.

There are special dedicated lanes on the roads of many large cities. They are intended for public transport. What are the features of entering such a lane according to traffic rules in 2019?

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The presence on the road of a special marking in the form of a dedicated lane requires compliance with certain rules. According to the Rules, exit to this lane is prohibited.

But there are also exceptions. When in 2019 is it allowed or prohibited to enter the lane designated for public transport according to traffic rules?

Basic moments

IN Russian rules route transport refers to vehicles of public ownership.

Namely, vehicles prepared for the transport of people and moving along a predetermined route with marked stops.

That is, it is almost any public transport moving around the city. According to the rules for such transport, a special lane may be allocated, separated from the main carriageway.

The road lane specifically for public transport is provided for in.

This lane is marked with special road markings and special road signs. On the strip is a large letter "A", a zigzag line marks the points for stops.

Shuttle vehicles are allowed to move along such a marked lane.

Distinguish the selected lane from others road lanes can be along a special marking line, solid or intermittent. Crossing a solid line while maneuvering is strictly prohibited.

The presence of a broken line gives certain room for maneuver:

But these maneuvers are permissible when they do not become an obstacle to the normal movement of public transport.

Required terms

A lane for social transport, or as it is often called a bus lane, is a dedicated part of the roadway, along which only buses, trolleybuses and other route vehicles are allowed to move.

Driving on this lane in some cases involves the imposition of a fine, and sometimes even the loss of a driver's license.

All roads with a separated lane can be divided into two categories:

The SDA provides for six options for road signs, which outline the lane for public vehicles:

  • signs marking the beginning and end of the road with a dedicated lane for route transport directed towards the main traffic flow

  • signs indicating the presence of a marked lane for route vehicles on an intersecting road

When the sign is located to the right of the road, its action is located only on the right side of the road.

Lane assignment

A special lane on the road is separated in order to ensure priority in maneuvering for buses, minibuses, taxis and other public passenger transport.

Due to this, the downtime of such vehicles in traffic jams is reduced. For other cars, the roadway with the presence of this lane narrows somewhat.

Time spent in traffic jams takes more, but not much. Therefore, the allocation of such a lane is very advisable in order to eliminate problems with the movement of route transport.

In addition to buses and trolleybuses, the following can move along the dedicated lane:

  • commercial route transport;
  • taxis that have the legal right to Passenger Transportation, confirmed by documents and special identification marks;
  • school buses;
  • cyclists (with right markings).

But the fact that the marked lane is intended for public vehicles does not mean that other cars are completely prohibited from entering it.

The actions of the driver depend on the specific situation. The driver must enter the allocated lane when he intends to turn in the appropriate direction.

But only in the case when the continuous marking line becomes intermittent, which allows entry into the lane.

The driver who ignored this action, when turning from its current lane, forms a serious threat to route transport.

The driver has the right, but not the obligation, to enter the designated lane for public transport if:

But you need to take into account such nuances that there should be intermittent markings at the exit point and the car should not become an obstacle to the movement of general passenger transport.

Departure to a dedicated lane for public transport

But almost any rule implies certain exceptions, which is true for traffic rules.

Knowing certain features, you can move along the lane allocated for buses and not violate traffic rules. Briefly summarizing the main norms of the Rules, we get the following.

For the public transport lane, the rightmost lane is used, which is distinguished by a solid line, a special road sign and a capital letter “A” applied to the line.

All right turns, as usual, should be made from the closest to the edge right side.

To do this, about a hundred meters from the intersections, the solid selection line is replaced by a broken marking.

This indicates the possibility of entering the bus lane for other vehicles. But of course there are other nuances that the driver should be aware of.

What do the rules of the road say?

Departure personal car to the lane designated for the movement of public transport, is regulated in clause 18.2 of the SDA.

It is determined here that the presence of a special lane on roads marked by installing signs 5.11, 5.13.1, 5.13.2, 5.14 prohibits the movement and stopping of other vehicles, except for school buses and taxis, as well as bicycles with the right location of the lane.

When a marked continuous lane is separated from the main part of the carriageway by intermittent markings, then when turning, the transport must change lanes to it.

It is possible to enter the lane in such sections when entering the road or for picking up / dropping off passengers on the right side of the road, but if this does not create obstacles for the route vehicle.

If the lane has proper road markings, but there are no proper road signs, then it is considered a lane for public transport, although traffic rules do not prohibit movement on it for other vehicles.

That is, in the presence of markings and the absence of signs, entering the lane and driving along it does not become a violation.

But both entry and exit must be performed only in places with intermittent markings. It is worth touching on the controversial situations regarding the exit to this lane.

Video: lanes for public transport

With heavy traffic, the lane markings may be partially erased or completely absent.

In this case, to avoid traffic violations regarding the entrance to the marking line, one should be guided by road signs.

When the lane separated for route vehicles is marked with the sign 3.1 “Entry prohibited” (sample) or “brick” in everyday life, then it is forbidden to enter in this direction for any transport, except for route vehicles.

It does not even matter the nature of the road markings. For example, a driver drove into a dedicated lane under a brick.

Regulates exit to the public transport lane, providing for the collection of a fine in the amount of one and a half thousand rubles.

According to part 1.2 of the same article, the fine is doubled for federal cities.

If on weekends

According to the traffic rules, it is allowed to enter a dedicated bus lane at a certain time. For example, holidays, weekends, night time.

In such situations, there should be special information plates attached to road signs. They indicate the time and period of validity of such a permit.

Movement on a dedicated lane at a certain time is allowed for any transport if there is a sign 8.5.2 "Validity time".

In addition to the sign, it must be indicated that, for example, on weekends, on Saturday and Sunday, any vehicle is allowed to enter the bus lane.

It should also be clarified such a moment as compliance with traffic rules relative to the allocated lane at night, when almost all public transport stops moving.

Logically, it can be assumed that since the route vehicles do not run, then the exit to the marked line will not create interference for them.

But in the Rules it is very clearly defined that the presence of a ban or a certain permission is valid for any time of the day.

And if entry to a dedicated lane is strictly prohibited, then it is impossible to drive into the markings at night.

When driving around obstacles

An urgent issue for many drivers is the algorithm of actions on the road with a dedicated lane when traffic is difficult in the remaining lanes.

For example, a traffic jam has formed, and you can get out of it only when you go around an obstacle in the form of a frozen car stream along a dedicated lane.

The Rules take this aspect into account and give a clear answer to the subject possible actions. A maneuver with a detour around an obstacle along a special marking line is prohibited.

The existing "traffic jam" becomes an obstacle to traffic in fact.

But from a legal point of view, this is not a weighty argument, and the driver should be fined for entering the bus lane.

What is the penalty

In an effort to ease traffic in cities and make public transport as attractive as possible, local authorities are increasingly deciding to allocate separate lanes for buses.

But not all drivers of personal vehicles are happy with such an undertaking, some think that their rights are infringed in this way and they ignore the ban on driving on the bus lane. We will give answers to whom and when you can drive on such lanes, what kind of responsibility awaits the violator and whether it can be avoided.

○ Who can and cannot ride in the bus lane?

You should start by defining the bus lane itself. It can be understood as one or more lanes of the road intended for exclusive public transport traffic, including trolleybuses and fixed-route taxis.

It is indicated by signs 5.11.1 and 5.12.1 to indicate the road with a public transport lane moving towards the main stream. Signs 5.14 and 5.14.1 indicate the beginning and end of such a lane, and signs 5.13.1 and 5.13.2 indicate the intersection with such a road. In addition, special markings in the form of the letter "A" are applied to the road.

By general rule other drivers are not allowed to drive in the public transport lane, but of course there are exceptions.

Access to such a section of the road is possible only if it is not separated from the rest of the continuous marking, so from now on we will only talk about crossing the broken line. Exceptions are expressly stated in clause 18.2 of the SDA:

  • “On roads with a lane for route vehicles, marked with signs 5.11, 5.13.1, 5.13.2, 5.14 “Road with a lane for route vehicles”, movement and stopping of other vehicles are prohibited (with the exception of school buses and vehicles used as a passenger taxi, as well as cyclists - if the lane for fixed-route vehicles is located on the right) on this lane.
  • “If this lane is separated from the rest of the carriageway by a broken marking line, then when turning, vehicles must change lanes to it. It is also allowed in such places to drive into this lane when entering the road and for boarding and disembarking passengers at the right edge of the carriageway, provided that this does not interfere with route vehicles.

That is, you can change lanes to a public transport lane if it is separated by a broken lane:

  • For a turn.
  • Making a right turn and changing to the right lane for public transport.
  • To stop for the purpose of boarding and disembarking passengers or loading / unloading, provided that it does not interfere with the movement of public transport.

Additionally, signs can be installed informing the driver about the possibility of driving along the lane for public transport at night and at any time on weekends and holidays.

○ Taxi on the route lane.

Until 2012, the passage of passenger taxis on bus lanes was prohibited. But now the relevant changes have been made to the traffic rules, according to clause 18.2 of the traffic rules, which allow cars yellow color with checkers, a taximeter and a light fixture on the roof, such a passage.

In addition, passenger taxis stand out from the mass of cars with special yellow numbers, so that those who like to give a ride to a passenger for a fee without proper registration will quickly be noticed by a vigilant traffic police officer.

○ Bus lane fines.

Those who want to get to their destination faster are often ready to go around traffic jams along the bus lane and risk getting a fine under Art. 12.17 of the Code of Administrative Offenses in 1500r if the violation occurred in Moscow or St. Petersburg have to part with 3000 rubles. But this is provided that you drove in the same direction.

Movement along oncoming lane punishable by a fine of 1000 to 1500 r. provided that the solid line does not intersect. In this case, part 3 of Art. 12.15 Administrative Code:

  • “Leaving in violation of the Rules of the Road to the lane intended for oncoming traffic, when driving around an obstacle or on tram rails in the opposite direction when avoiding an obstacle - entails the imposition administrative fine in the amount of one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles.

If there was no need to overcome the obstacle, then the responsibility will become higher under part 4 of this article:

  • “Leaving in violation of the Rules of the Road on a lane intended for oncoming traffic, or on tram tracks in the opposite direction, with the exception of cases provided for by paragraph 3 of this article, - entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period four to six months."

In addition to the 5000 fine, you can part with your driver's license for 4 - 6 months. A repeated violation will cost more under Part 5 of Article 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, namely 5000 r provided it was videotaped.

For the unhindered passage of public transport, a special lane is allocated, often called the "bus" lane by drivers, since on the road it is marked with markings 1.23.1 with a capital letter "A".

Buses, trolleybuses, minibuses and taxis have received a significant advantage in maneuvering and movement, freeing themselves from the need to stand idle in traffic jams.

For drivers of other vehicles, the roadway has become narrower, and they spend more time in traffic jams, although not by much.

Penalty for leaving a dedicated lane

Those who have left the bus lane in violation of clause 18.2 of the Rules of the Road (SDA RF) "RF Code on administrative offenses» dated December 30, 2001 No. 195-FZ (CAO RF) provides for punishment.

It is almost impossible to bypass it, since photo-video complexes with automatic fixation of offenses are installed everywhere.

1. For leaving and driving on the lane of public transport, if it is a lane of oncoming traffic, it is provided:

  • a fine of 1000-1500 rubles if the violator went around the obstacle (Article 12.15, clause 3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation);
  • a fine of 5,000 rubles or deprivation of rights for 4-6 months if the exit to the “oncoming lane” was made without the need to avoid obstacles (Article 12.15, paragraph 4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). In case of repeated unreasonable exit into the oncoming traffic lane, the deprivation of a driver's license for up to a year is provided. But if this repeated offense was recorded by those working in automatic mode special technical means photo and video recording, then the violator will get off with another fine of 5,000 rubles (Article 12.15, paragraph 4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

2. Stopping, leaving and driving along a passing, in one direction with the movement of the rest of the transport, bus lane, is punishable by a fine:

  • 1,500 rubles (Article 12.17, Clause 1.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation);
  • 3,000 rubles for Moscow and St. Petersburg (Article 12.17, Clause 1.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

3. For failure to provide an advantage in traffic to public transport, a fine is provided

  • 500 rubles (Article 12.17, paragraph 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation)

Minibuses, taxis, school buses and cyclists

On the bus lane, along with buses and trolleybuses, they have the right to drive:

1. Commercial minibuses;

2. Taxi having:

  • supporting documents;
  • special coloring;
  • roof light;
  • equipped with taximeters; and additionally, only in Moscow, with special "yellow numbers".

3. School buses;

4. Cyclists (if the bus lane is on the far right).

When the driver must enter the lane

The driver must enter the dedicated lane if he intends to turn in the appropriate direction. But only if the continuous marking marking the bus lane has changed into a broken line allowing entry to this lane.

If the driver of the car does not do this, when turning from his previous lane, he may endanger public transport.

Therefore, when turning right, for not changing lanes to the far right bus lane in the place marked with a broken line (usually 100 meters from the intersection), the driver is punished for violating the rules of maneuvering with a fine of 500 rubles (Article 12.14 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

When the driver can enter the lane

The driver has the right, but not the obligation, to enter the lane allocated for public transport:

  • at the entrance to the road with a bus lane (from the local area, for example);
  • if necessary, stop at the right edge of the carriageway for boarding and disembarking passengers.

The leaving car must not interfere with the movement of public transport, and there must be a permit at the exit point (dashed line) road markings. Otherwise, it will be considered a traffic violation.

If, when stopping at the edge of the bus lane, an obstacle is created to the movement of vehicles, a fine is possible for violation of the rules of stopping under Article 12.19, clause 4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

  • 2000 rubles;
  • 3000 rubles, for Moscow and St. Petersburg (Article 12.19, clause 6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

In some cases, traffic on a dedicated lane is allowed on certain days (for example, weekends), with a special road sign.

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