Car battery recovery. The folk method of the "refrigerator": they say that it works

Car battery recovery. The folk method of the "refrigerator": they say that it works

You must first know about the causes of her "illness". However, even the owner of the device can rarely report this with absolute hardness. Therefore, we will look at how to restore the phone battery for all possible symptoms.

A dead phone battery can be restored.

Li-Ion battery consists of two electrodes - positive (anode) and negative (cathode) and is a source direct current. When the battery is charging, lithium ions move to the anode, embedding in the crystals of its lattice (intercalating into it). And when working with a load, they go back to the cathode surface.

Shelf life and aging

At permanent job restorative processes cannot 100% return the same amount of voltage. Battery power degrades over time. And as a result of aging (wear and tear), the device becomes unusable.

Shelf life Li-ion batteries is a two year period from the date of manufacture. During this time, there is a loss of twenty percent to one third of their power. Naturally, the "age" of this kind of product when buying must be carefully controlled. And if the battery has grown old, then restoring it, of course, is problematic.

deep discharge

The controller monitors the voltage of the phone's battery (as well as its other characteristics).

But bloating is just the beginning of an irreversible process. You will not be able to return the course of a chemical reaction to the right track. And the continuation of this is the possible self-ignition and often an explosion. Therefore, the revival of the battery by the discharge of gases is simply excluded!

Exotic recovery methods

On some pages there are quite original ideas, striking with their equanimity ...

  • The battery, which has spent half an hour in the refrigerator wrapped in polyethylene, is connected to charging for one minute. Then it warms up to room temperature. After that - ready to go.
  • Bringing "to life" the battery by 100% charge and full discharge (the number of times is not indicated, the methods of 100% charge and full discharge are also not indicated!).
  • After removing the protective controller, it is proposed to close the current collector terminals (!) with a metal object.

Finally, a video on how not to restore the battery.

Safety Notes

Before restoring lithium ion battery you must remember the following rules:

  • Never leave a repaired LIB unattended. Spontaneous combustion is a real fact.
  • Always monitor the battery temperature with a thermocouple, an electronic thermometer. If there is nothing like this in the arsenal, it is permissible by hand. Stop the repair immediately if the surface appears hot (not warm).
  • When charging, do not use high currents. Maximum - 50 mAh. The calculation of this parameter is determined by dividing the PSU supply voltage by the value of the resistor capacitance. Let's say at 12V and 500 ohms it will be 24 mAh.
  • Instead of resistance, a standard 80mm computer fan can be used.

Now you imagine how to revive the phone battery.

Also remember that the above methods do not provide one hundred percent success, and the responsibility always lies with you.

Do not be zealous in assessing your knowledge. Once again ask a question to professionals in this field.

Share your experience with your friends and write in the comments.

The performance of a vehicle is highly dependent on technical condition battery. Once it is discharged or fails, and it becomes very difficult to operate the machine. Constantly pushing or pulling a vehicle in tow is not an option. Since replacing a power source is not cheap, the natural question arises of how to restore a car battery in an ordinary garage. Often, life extension is quite real.

About the design of acid batteries

On vehicles 3 types of batteries are used - gel, alkaline and lead-acid. The first ones are considered relatively new, they are used infrequently and have not yet accumulated enough resources to talk about restoration. Alkaline batteries are found on commercial transport, electric forklifts and karakh. Overwhelming majority passenger cars equipped acid batteries, so their resuscitation should be considered in more detail.

Lead- acid battery is a sealed plastic case, where the following elements are placed:

  • positive electrodes (anodes) in the form of lead plates with an active filler, assembled into blocks (in jargon - cans);
  • negative electrodes (cathodes) of identical design;
  • separators - insulating partitions made of polymeric materials or fiberglass;
  • connecting tires ending with two terminals for connecting the battery to the automobile electrical network;
  • electrolyte is a solution of sulfuric acid.

Negative and positive electrodes are installed alternately, separators are placed between them to avoid short circuits. In the process of charging the battery, a chemical reaction occurs, which is why lead dioxide is deposited on the surface of the anodes - energy is accumulated.

After connecting consumers, the dioxide reacts with lead cathodes, forming on negative electrodes lead sulfate layer - energy is released. The gases released as a result of the reaction go outside through the valve and the vent.

Common Battery Failures

Restoring a car battery is not always possible and depends on the type of malfunction. The type of battery also plays a role:

  • the serviced battery is equipped with plugs installed on top of each can;
  • maintenance-free power supply features a one-piece plastic case - a monoblock without plugs.

If there are screw caps, you can check and correct or drain the liquid for repair. A sealed monoblock is reanimated in one way - by charging according to a certain algorithm, but a positive result is not guaranteed.

Battery failures are conditionally divided into 2 groups - external and internal. Each variety should be analyzed separately.

Elimination of external defects

During the operation of batteries, motorists have to deal with two external malfunctions: oxidation of lead terminals and cracks in the case. The latter arise for the following reasons:

  • hull ruptured as a result mechanical damage(for example, falling battery);
  • swelling of a discharged battery, located in severe frost;
  • The plastic has become brittle with age.

Oxidation of the terminals prevents reliable contact of the source with onboard network and often causes starter failure. The defect is “cured” by a simple cleaning with a large sandpaper, in advanced cases - a small file. In a similar way, the oxide layer is removed from contacts that are placed on the terminals and screwed on with bolts.

If a crack has formed in the housing, repair maintenance-free battery will not come out - there are no holes for emptying and filling the electrolyte. A battery equipped with plugs is repaired as follows:

  1. Drain all cans of electrolytic fluid and rinse the inside of the case with distilled water so that the hot tool does not come into contact with acid when soldering.
  2. Dry the case from the side of the crack, then carefully solder it along the entire length.
  3. Cut out a patch of plastic and weld it over the crack, sealing the seams without gaps.
  4. Another option is to use a glue gun. The defect needs to be slightly expanded, filled with a polymer composition, and then a patch is applied.

When finished, check battery for tightness, filling to the top with distilled water. If there are no leaks, fill the battery with electrolyte and try to charge. If the plate blocks are not damaged, the battery will "take" the charge and continue to serve on the car.

Note. If the case is cracked due to swelling or advanced age of the product, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to revive the battery by soldering the defect. The exact result will be shown only by charging performed after the crack is closed.

Internal problems

Majority internal faults definitely destroys the battery if the problem is discovered too late. In the early stages, resuscitation is quite possible. The list of common problems looks like this:

  • sulfation of electrodes - deposition on the plates of a thick layer of lead sulfate, which does not allow the electrolytic liquid to contact normally with the active filler;
  • shedding of filler from lead gratings;
  • short circuit of electrodes and blocks among themselves.

Reference. Short circuit of the plates - a consequence of shedding a large number active filler from gratings. The defect is critical - the battery cannot be restored.

The causes of these malfunctions are as follows:

  • multiple full discharge lead acid battery"to zero";
  • power supply operation with low level charging due to a malfunction of the generator or the electrical part of the car;
  • long-term storage in a discharged state.

If the problem is detected at the last stage - deep sulfation, total shedding - it will not be possible to reanimate the car battery. An irreparable defect is diagnosed simply - the battery absolutely does not accept charging, the electrolyte constantly boils. In other cases, try to implement the battery restoration methods described below.

How to get rid of sulfation?

The first troubleshooting method is only suitable for serviced batteries. For implementation, you will need Charger, a device - an electrolyte density meter (hydrometer), a multimeter and a light bulb - a 12 V consumer.

Important! The lamp power is taken according to this calculation: the battery capacity (for example, 45 Ah) is multiplied by a factor of 0.1 and by the voltage value (12 volts). IN this case power was 45 x 0.1 x 12 = 54 watts.

Restoration of a faulty battery is carried out in the following order:

  1. Fully charge the battery with a current equal to 10% of the power source capacity.
  2. Check the density value in all jars with a hydrometer, it should be 1.27 units. If the density does not reach the indicated figure, add electrolyte and charge the battery for 30 minutes.
  3. Connect a lamp to the terminals and discharge the battery, periodically measuring the voltage. Don't forget to note the start time of discharge.
  4. When the voltage drops to 10.2 volts (full discharge), turn off the bulb. If the process took more than 8 hours, the battery is in an acceptable state (the discharge rate of a new battery is approximately 10 hours).
  5. When finished, charge the battery to 100% again and put it on the car. Do not keep the power supply completely discharged.

The procedure allows you to partially or completely restore the lost battery capacity. To restore a battery with a maintenance-free case, use a different technique:

  1. Look for a charger capable of delivering low currents - from 0.5 to 2 A with a periodic shutdown function.
  2. Charge the battery for at least 2 days, periodically measuring the voltage.
  3. Disconnect the charger and check the voltage for 2 hours. If it does not fall, try to put the battery on the car, otherwise charge further.

To achieve a positive result, the charging time can be 50 hours or more. It is preferable to use a charger that has a desulfation function - it will supply a current of 2 A at certain intervals.

Chemical Wash Method

This procedure is used to eliminate sulfation and quickly restore a serviced battery at home. You will need 2 commercially available reagents - Trilon B and an ammonia solution. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Try to fully charge the battery, then drain all the electrolyte.
  2. Rinse the battery with distilled water.
  3. Prepare a solution by adding 5% ammonia and 2% Trilon B to the distillate (by volume of water).
  4. Carefully pour the solution into the jars - a violent reaction will begin, accompanied by boiling and splashing.
  5. When the liquid stops boiling, drain it and re-flush the battery.

After flushing, fill in the electrolyte and charge the battery again to the end. Flushing removes the excess lead sulfate layer, so battery capacity should be restored.

The last way to remove lead sulfate is to replace the electrolyte fluid with distilled water and charge at 14 volts for a long time. At the first stage, the battery is brought to a boil, then the voltage is reduced. The goal is to slowly dissolve sulfate in water. At the second stage, the distillate is changed, and the charging voltage and current are set to a minimum. The operation is considered successful if the density of the solution does not fall within 2-3 days. The duration of the procedure can take 3-4 weeks.

Owners of modern mobile phones are constantly faced with such a problem - the battery stops holding a charge. Therefore, the question of the phone?" is quite logical, because buying new battery almost never want to.

Why does the battery hold a charge badly?

Over time, battery capacity decreases - this is physical process which cannot be prevented. The battery has its own expiration date, and when it comes to an end, the properties of the battery begin to deteriorate. However, the answer to the question "Is it possible to reanimate the battery for the phone?" remains positive - it is quite possible to extend its service life, and below we will tell you how.

In addition, the battery may hold a charge worse due to a physical malfunction - dirty contacts or swelling. It will most likely need to be replaced.

Why the phone is not charging

The battery does not charge usually due to some kind of physical malfunction. Is it possible to revive the phone battery in such a situation? No, most likely, it is impossible, since a breakdown will not allow this to be done. However, it happens that the battery cannot be charged if it has been completely discharged for a long time, that is, a deep discharge has occurred. And in this case, the battery of the phone can still be helped.

after a deep discharge with a battery

If it has not been fully charged for a long time, then it may well not respond to normal charging. In this case, you can try to charge it with another battery. For this procedure you will need:

  • Nine volt battery.
  • Ten centimeters of electrical tape.
  • Two ordinary thin electrical wires.
  • Directly "killed" battery.
  1. Wrap the wires with electrical tape, leaving the edges free on both sides.
  2. Connect one wire at one end to the plus terminal and the other wire to the minus terminal. You can understand the contacts by marking. Be sure to use two different wires.
  3. Tape the wires.
  4. Connect the other ends of the wires to the plus and minus of the battery, respectively. Be sure to connect the plus of the battery to the plus of the battery, and the minus of the battery to the minus of the battery! Otherwise, a short circuit may occur, resulting in electric shock and damage to both power supplies.
  5. Tape the wires to the battery.

After these manipulations, wait until the phone's battery warms up a little. This usually takes about a minute. After that, let the battery cool down and place it in the phone. If the phone turns on, then congratulations - you've just learned how to revive your phone's battery!

How to reanimate a phone battery at home with a "frog"

Another fairly simple way to restore the battery is to charge it with a frog device. This device allows you to quickly charge even a completely discharged battery. It is a block that plugs into an outlet. A battery is connected to it, then the “frog” contacts are connected to the “patient” contacts and charging begins. As a rule, it does not take much time. This method helps many, although it is not always effective.

Battery freezing

Many of us have heard the question "How to reanimate the phone battery in the freezer?". The question seems strange, but in fact it is very effective method. It is carried out in several stages:

  1. Remove the fully discharged battery from your phone.
  2. Put it in a bag. It must be plastic and sealed so that water does not get on the battery.
  3. Put the battery pack in the freezer for about 12 hours.
  4. Put something under the bag so it doesn't freeze to the bottom of the freezer.
  5. After 12 hours, remove the battery and let it warm up to room temperature. Never insert a cold battery into your phone!
  6. Wipe the battery from moisture, insert into the phone and turn on the mobile.
  7. If the phone turns on, then put it on charge.

The low temperature slightly restores the energy of the battery and allows it to be charged efficiently with conventional chargers. By the way, sometimes it helps even if the battery has simply become worse to hold a charge.

Important Warnings

  • Never leave the battery connected to a nine-volt battery for a long time - this can lead to an explosion.
  • Sometimes if you leave them in the freezer for a long time. This is due to the fact that too long exposure to low temperatures is no less detrimental to the battery.

  • If it seems to you that the battery is defective, then check first if there is a problem with the charger. Perhaps the phone is not charging due to the fact that it was it that broke.
  • Try to charge from a nine-volt battery only completely discharged batteries. If the battery is working, it can easily catch fire or even explode.
  • Be sure to put the battery in the freezer in an airtight bag so it won't spoil your food if it leaks.

If you follow these tips, then the question of how to reanimate the phone battery will be solved for you quickly and without problems.

How to restore the previous capacity of the battery

If your battery has not “died”, but simply has become worse to hold a charge, then at home, with the help of a few manipulations, you can restore its capacity for a while. To do this, you will need this part, a current source with adjustable voltage force, a rheostat and a voltmeter.

  1. Connect a rheostat and a voltmeter in parallel with the battery.
  2. Reduce the voltage to one volt, but not less than 0.9 volts.
  3. Make sure the battery is not hotter than 50°C. If it gets hotter, turn it off and let it cool down to room temperature.
  4. Wait approximately 15 minutes.
  5. Connect the battery and ammeter in series, and the voltmeter and current source in parallel. Connect one contact of the voltmeter to the free pole of the battery, and the other to the contact of the ammeter.
  6. After that, slowly fasten the temperature sensor to the battery and set the minimum voltage using the regulator.
  7. Then carefully lift it up until the current is equal to one tenth of the battery capacity.
  8. Increase the voltage level every five minutes, and when the current starts to decrease, do it every hour.
  9. When the voltage reaches 1.5 volts, just leave the battery on charge.
  10. After 5-6 hours or earlier, the current will drop to zero. At this point, turn off the charger.
  11. Wait about half an hour and put the phone on normal charging.

Sometimes this procedure should be repeated several times, but the results can be really impressive.

Now you know how to reanimate the phone battery in various, even the most difficult situations. For some methods, you will need almost nothing, while for others you will need minimal skills in handling electricity. If you think that you do not have them, then try to give the battery to service center. Sometimes not so big sums are taken for its restoration.

If you still cannot restore the battery, then think about buying a new one - anyway, any device has one or another service life, and it is far from always possible to extend it. And batteries, even branded ones, are not so expensive today.

For a modern phone, the main and decisive criterion is its autonomy, that is, how long the battery can work without recharging. The most terrible event for many is when the phone is discharged so much that it does not respond to the charger. Why is this happening? How to revive the phone battery?


Each battery has a power controller. It is thanks to him that we can see on the screen the percentage of battery charge. The same element determines the need for the device to recharge. When the phone runs out of power, the controller, after urgent requests to replenish energy reserves, enters the battery protection mode from complete depletion.

It is worth noting that the battery is charged through a charger, which has this information and contains a way to revive the phone's battery - to start the current directly. In order for this not to pose a danger to life, there are several simple ways, which are discussed below.

elementary way

As unexpected as it may sound, leave your device to charge for a day. For some devices, the boost will be one of the pulses received from the charger. Roughly speaking, at some point the battery will "catch" the current and begin to accumulate charge. Don't get mad if your phone reacts to the charger with a dark screen. In this case, there is no need to rush. Other methods should be tried only after this method.

Power supply, resistor and voltmeter

For the second, more complex and time-consuming method, a power supply with constant voltage up to 12 volts. It is better that the voltage is from five or a little higher (it's safer). You can use the power supply from the router and even the charger from the smartphone itself. As an assistant, a resistor is suitable, which is designed for a power of 0.5 watts and a nominal value of 330 ohms.

As for the voltmeter, this is more of a whim than a necessity. So its presence is by no means necessary, although it is highly desirable.

The connection scheme is simple to the point of primitiveness: we connect the minus of the source to the minus of the battery, and the plus through the resistor to the plus of the battery. Where is the plus, and where is the minus at the source? If you have a charger like a plug from a Wi-Fi power supply, then a plus is inner side cylinder, and minus - external. For charging type USB must first be tested with a multimeter. This will allow you to check where is the plus and where is the minus by ringing each channel.

After everything is securely fixed, you need to apply current. If you observe on a voltmeter, then you should wait for the voltage to rise to 3.5 volts - this is about 15 minutes continuous work. This is ideal for old-style batteries, but it works for smartphones too. Again, take your time and stay calm. A mistake can cost the life of the battery.

Third way

A less time-consuming method is to use a power supply with a controller designed to restore and charge all types of batteries. Such blocks are used when restoring Ni-MH batteries. This device is like Turnigy Accucell 6. How to use it? Just like with cables in the second method.

It is important with this method not to try to fully charge the battery through this device. Why? Over time, the battery wears out, and its volume is significantly reduced. In order not to ruin the battery, charge it through a universal charger up to 3.5 volts, and then through the phone or tablet itself - with a device whose battery we reanimated.

Fourth way

In simplicity, this method can be compared with the first. Unfortunately, it does not work on all types of devices, but it has to be, since it does not oblige you to have optional equipment or skills. This way, how to revive the phone battery at home, looks like this:

  1. Remove the battery from the smartphone.
  2. Connect the charger to the device.
  3. Insert the battery into place.
  4. Leave the phone on charge for 10-12 hours.

Why might it work? As mentioned earlier, the battery needs to be "pushed". Such a sharp current flow can become such an impetus, and the battery will return to normal, starting to accumulate energy.

A simple battery to help

This method also does not always help, but nevertheless it is very popular. To implement it, you need to take a fully charged battery or a powerful battery and connect it using conductors, observing the polarity. After ten minutes, you need to try to insert the rechargeable battery into the phone and connect the charger.

This method is based on the method used by motorists, giving a "light" battery from another car. And just like in cars, don't let anything get hot!

Is it just to revive?

Another, no less strange way, is freezing. Some who have already conducted similar experiments with the battery of their device claim that they were able not only to “resurrect” it, but also to increase its life. The principle of operation of this method is to deceive the controller, which was mentioned above, because at a reduced temperature, the chemical reactions in the battery slow down significantly.

Before restoring your phone's battery, make sure it's not lithium-ion. This type of battery may not be able to withstand such experiments.

The recovery process itself is as follows. To begin with, a battery discharged below the level is sent to the freezer for a period of no more than half an hour. After that, charge it for a minute. In this case, turning on the phone is strictly prohibited. Next, you need to remove the battery from the device and let it warm up to room temperature on its own. It is impossible to heat and rub the battery at the same time.

As soon as the battery reaches room temperature, it must be put into the device and charged in the usual way. Such charging can last more than a day, in some cases even two.

What's better?

Before that phone, completely discharged, it is worth deciding which of the methods is most effective. All of these recovery methods are good in their own way, but some have no confirmation in their safety, others require special skill and tools.

In fact, the first and fourth methods are not only ways to revive the phone battery, but also a real guide to emergency. Such methods will not harm and will not aggravate the situation of the smartphone.

There is a lot of controversy about freezing, since low temperature is what can cause the battery to swell. Some say it's a way to give a "dying" battery a "painkiller" so that it dies quickly and painlessly.

Even Ni-MH batteries are restored in the second and third ways. But if you don't have access to necessary equipment and are simply far from electronics, it is better not to take risks and turn to the masters of this business.

Whichever way suits you, best solution problem is its warning. Try to make sure that your smartphone does not turn off because the battery is dead in it. Carry a charger kit or external battery with you and recharge the battery when needed. Try to avoid friction, shock and large temperature changes - this greatly reduces the performance of the battery and shortens its life.

Hi all! Many motorists are familiar with the situation when their battery is hopelessly losing capacity. But no need to rush to the store for a new one. After all, the old battery can still be returned to service. You just need to know how to repair a car battery. We will talk about this with you.

Why does the battery break

Before we figure out how to restore a car battery, let's determine the reasons why it fails.

Causes of loss of capacity:

  • plate sulfation- the most common error. It is easy to diagnose - the battery quickly loses its charge. It is usually possible to do a capacitance recovery;
  • one of the jars is not working- most often results from short circuit between contact plates. In this case, the closed jar begins to overheat and boil during operation on the machine. And the capacity in the battery sags a lot - it is often not enough to start the car;
  • shedding of coal plates– the electrolyte becomes cloudy or black. In this case, the battery is usually not recoverable;
  • electrolyte freezing– if you use a battery with a low density in very coldy- the electrolyte will freeze. As a result, the case may crack, and the plates may be deformed. In this case, you will definitely have to buy a new battery - the battery cannot be restored.

Simply put, the reasons for premature exit Two battery failures. Either a manufacturer's defect, for example, poor-quality coating of the plates, can lead to a short circuit in the banks. And the second reason is improper operation. Most often, the result is sulfation of the plates.

Since this is the most common malfunction, let's look at it in more detail. It should be noted that the recommendations given in the article for the restoration of the battery refer to acid batteries. The alkaline type is repaired differently.

What is plate sulfation

As you know, the principle of operation of a lead-acid car battery is based on the use of a liquid electrolyte. And its main characteristic is the density, which should be within 1.25 g / cm3 - 1.27 g / cm3 for a charged battery.

During charging, active substances accumulate on lead plates, and the density of the electrolyte increases, because. distilled water is absorbed. And when the battery is discharged, its density drops, distillate is released, and sulfuric acid is absorbed.

Also, in the process of energy absorption, crystals begin to appear on the plates - lead sulfates. During normal operation, i.e. when the battery is cycled, this phenomenon does not harm it. At next charge, sulfates are simply washed out.

But, in the work of the battery there is an unpleasant dependence:

  • small discharge - small crystals are formed that dissolve easily;
  • deep discharge - large sulfates appear that do not dissolve in the electrolyte.

Thus, if the battery is used improperly, the surface of the plates decreases due to sulfation, and its capacity drops.

Battery desulfation

Recovery car batteries with a dropped capacity as a result of sulfation of the plates is done by the following methods:

  • physical cleaning of plates;
  • chemical cleaning;
  • desulfation with a charger.

Let's look at these methods in more detail.

Physical cleaning

This is a rather extreme method. Restoring the battery comes down to removing the contact plate packs and cleaning them manually.

How to revive the battery:

  • windows are cut out in the top cover - it is best to do this with a thin soldering iron or a hot knife - plastic debris will not fly into the jars. Although, you can also use a jigsaw;
  • the plates are taken out through the holes and cleaned;
  • after that, they must be thoroughly rinsed with distilled water;
  • the insides of the cans are also washed with distillate;
  • contacts are placed back, the windows are sealed;
  • electrolyte is poured into the battery to the level;
  • The battery is being charged.

On the one hand, everything is simple. On the other hand, there is one big but - lead plates very fragile, especially after prolonged use. Therefore, it is highly likely that they will collapse during the cleaning process. You can repair your battery in this way only if it is completely hopeless.

Chemical method

This will require a special chemical solution of Trilon B. Resuscitation of the battery in this way does not take much time - desulfation takes place in 1-2 hours. The only difficulty is in the preparation of the solution itself.

What needs to be done to restore capacity:

  • The battery is fully charged;
  • the electrolyte is completely drained from it;
  • jars are well washed with distilled water;
  • Trilon B solution is poured into the battery and left for about an hour. The process of dissolution of sulfates will be accompanied by gas evolution and boiling. When the reaction is over, the operation can be repeated;
  • the battery must be rinsed again with distilled water, after which, fresh electrolyte of the desired density is poured into the jars;
  • The battery is being charged.

This recovery method is quite effective after a deep discharge. But there are also disadvantages in it - during manipulations with the battery, pieces of lead can get between the plates - as a result, the cans can short-circuit.

Battery desulphation with charger

The most common battery repair method at home is the use of chargers. The process is simple but time consuming.

Repair can be done in several ways, but their essence comes down to alternating a full charge with a discharge. Those. sulfates dissolve naturally. Let's see how to restore old battery using a charger.

By the way, first of all, you need to check the electrolyte level. If it is below normal, be sure to add distilled water. It is impossible to pour electrolyte - in the process of desulfation, its density will rise, and it will corrode the plates.

impulse charge

To do this, you need a battery charger that can work in pulse mode and equipped with a desulfation function. It connects to the battery and that's it. The device itself does desulfation.
The principle of operation is quite simple:

  • the battery is charged at low current for 10 minutes;
  • it is then loaded and discharged within one minute.

The time interval may be different, but the essence of this does not change. This option can be used in slightly advanced cases. Another disadvantage is the price of the device. It can be higher than the cost of the battery and varies between 5-10 thousand rubles.

Recovery with a conventional charger

The simplest and available method. Moreover, most motorists have a conventional charger. Let's figure out how to restore the battery in this way.


  • The battery needs to be charged at a low current. We put on the charger 14 V and 0.8-1 A. The battery needs to be charged for 8-10 hours. If it starts to boil - you need to reduce the current;
  • the result of such recharging will be a slight increase in voltage in the battery;
  • The battery is removed from the charge and settled for a day;
  • after that, you need to slightly increase the current - up to 2-2.5 A and leave the battery to charge for 7-8 hours;
  • as a result, the density should rise slightly and the voltage increase;
  • the battery is discharged to 9 V. To do this, connect to the terminals car lamp high beam and wait until he sits down;
  • the cycle is repeated until a voltage of 12V and normal density is obtained.

The method, of course, is not fast, but quite effective and allows you to revive fairly neglected batteries.

If the bank closes in the battery

This breakdown is very detrimental to the entire battery, because. a non-performing bank has an impact on the working ones. The fact is, during battery charging, the voltage is evenly distributed between all the plate packs. And when one bank does not work, too much current is supplied to the rest. As a result, the acid battery begins to boil, which causes sulfation of the plates.

Let's figure out how to restore a car battery with a non-working can. In fact, not everything is so scary:

  • you need to find out which bank is not working. When charged, it can boil, or vice versa - others will boil, and the closed one will be dead;
  • all the electrolyte is poured out of the can;
  • a hole is cut in the top cover;
  • lead plates are taken out of the can and washed well in distilled water;
  • now you need to find the cause of the short circuit - for this, the plates are carefully examined. By the way, if the battery is old, the reason for the short circuit may be in the sediment at the bottom of the can. Therefore, if it is, it must be washed;
  • after washing and inspecting, the bag is put back into the jar, and the lid is sealed.

If everything is done carefully, there is a high probability that the battery can be repaired. It is important to remember that it cannot be floundered a lot and turned upside down - other plates can also be closed.

If the battery is maintenance free

Restoring a maintenance-free battery is much more difficult - it does not have access to banks. Those. there is no way to check the density of the electrolyte. On some forums, when asked if it is possible to get to the insides of the battery, it is advised to drill the top cover.

It is better not to do this - in such batteries, a gas exhaust system is arranged in the top cover. If it is violated, the battery will definitely not be able to be repaired. Therefore, let's look at how to properly restore such batteries:

  • First, you need to determine the level of electrolyte in the banks. You can do this by shining a bright flashlight on them;
  • if it is below normal, a small hole is made in the upper part of the battery (above the electrolyte level) - 2-3 mm in diameter;
  • distilled water is poured through it with a syringe;
  • holes are sealed.

Also, cyclic charging and discharging helps to restore capacity.

Gel battery

Recovery gel batteries much easier - no drilling required. This type of battery cannot be restored in two cases:

  • plate destruction. Usually occurs when the battery is used for a long time at high temperatures;
  • battery swelling.

Unlike acid, helium batteries most often fail completely.

What needs to be done for resuscitation:

  • removed top cover;
  • there are rubber caps under the lid - they also need to be removed;
  • it is advisable to take a flashlight and shine inside each jar. If the surface of the plates is light and of normal shape, go to the next step. And if there is black dust inside, the battery can be thrown away - it will not work to bring it back to life;
  • two cubes of distilled water are added inside each jar and the battery is sealed. It is important to make sure that the top cover sits tightly.

If he has lost a lot of capacity, he can be revived by driving with cyclic charges and discharges. This procedure is described above, the main thing is not to discharge the battery below 10.5 V.

Thus, it is quite possible to restore the battery with your own hands. Of course, this will take time, and in some cases the result may not be very good. But nonetheless, it's worth a try. A new battery you can always buy. In addition, dry-charged batteries are also restored in the same way.

That's all, I hope the material was useful, and you can restore your battery. Don't forget to leave your comments.

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