Adjustment of rear-view mirrors. Blind dead zone control and adjustment Spherical, panoramic, saloon and side mirrors

Adjustment of rear-view mirrors. Blind dead zone control and adjustment Spherical, panoramic, saloon and side mirrors


The assessment of the road situation is most influenced by the review. must see traffic situation, as well as analyze how well your car is visible to other road users.

Visibility may be obstructed by other vehicles (especially large ones), trees, houses, terrain, and design features car ("dead zones").

The table shows the most common cases of limited visibility.

Number PictureDescription
1 I'll start with the most common situation - the "dead zone" (if this phenomenon is not clear, see this one). Many people know about it, and everyone has their own ways to check it during rebuilds. Most often they put additional mirrors or a panoramic rear-view mirror. I check this area with a quick nod of my head to the right when rebuilding (I don’t always do this, see the Maneuvering article for more details). I almost never check the left zone, because. I try to always control it through the rear-view mirrors. For example, a car was driving behind, which suddenly disappeared from the mirrors, in which case it is either on the right or on the left, and given that we have right-hand traffic, it is easier to look to the right: if it is not there, it is on the left.
2 You are coming to a stop public transport on which there is a bus, trolleybus or tram. Not all pedestrians know that they need to cross the road behind the bus (). And do not forget about the trams, you need to stop and let people pass at their stops.
A similar situation occurs when a truck is standing on the side of the road or in the right lane, pedestrians can run out in front of it. Analyze the situation in this case a look under the bumper will help standing car. And if legs are visible there, it is clear that someone is hiding there.
3 On a road with two or more lanes, there is a car that passes pedestrians that are not visible to us ().

Next case less common, but also possible.
In both cases, the driver blue car may not see the pedestrian.

4 At shopping center many parked cars. There may be a danger of opening left doors () or the movement of parked cars in reverse. You need to be especially careful if you see the driver inside the parked cars. And be very careful if the muffler of this car smokes and the front wheels are turned. The vehicle may suddenly move straight ahead, turn left or turn around. You also need to be more careful near schools, stadiums, markets and any similar places.
5 When driving, do not get close to another vehicle, especially a large one.
In this case, too short a distance impairs visibility. Visibility is much better in the second picture.

In addition, too short a distance is dangerous due to the possible hard braking the vehicle in front, or situations where the vehicle in front makes a maneuver for which you may not be prepared.
For example, there is a car with an emergency gang ahead. The driver of the car you are following is ready for a detour and it will not be unexpected for him, unlike you, so it will be very difficult to have time to react.
6 At multilane traffic big cars do not provide a complete overview of the situation. IN this example a collision is possible, because the drivers of the blue and red cars do not see each other.
Full automatism of control over all participants will help to avoid such a situation. traffic. In the considered case, the driver of the blue car must assess the situation before passing the bus.
To do this, it is necessary to analyze the location and speed of all participants (here the difference between the speeds of the blue, black car and bus is important).
And if the maneuver is possible, plan to change lanes after passing the bus right after the red car.
7 If the traffic light is green and the car in front of you is not moving, do not go around it at high speed. There's probably a reason why he doesn't. Behind him may be a pedestrian or other danger.
Similarly, you need to treat a car that has stopped on the roadway. First, the situation can be analogous to the case of a pedestrian at a traffic light. Second, if he has technical malfunction(emergency gang is on and/or a sign emergency stop), the driver may not pay attention to cars passing nearby.
In all these cases, it is better to slow down and be extra careful.
8 When driving behind large vehicles (bus, truck, etc.), do not change lanes “blindly”. In this case, rebuilding is dangerous, because the situation ahead is not visible (similar to situation 5 for overtaking), first you need to increase the distance.

At intersections, remember that passing vehicles can also create blind spots. The main examples are shown in the figures.

Number PictureDescription
1 There are cars at the intersection, but one lane is empty. You know the green light is about to turn on and start accelerating in that lane. If the intersection is large and poorly visible, there may be a serious danger that at that moment other cars will finish their maneuvers at that moment at a flashing green or yellow in this place.
2 When overtaking, a situation may arise when the driver began to maneuver in complete confidence in his safety, although at the same time another car left the crossing road, the driver of which thought that he had time to pass in front of the car you were overtaking and did not see your car. A similar situation is possible on the road with multi-lane traffic. Pay attention to the second picture ().
These situations are very difficult to predict and can lead to the most serious consequences. They are complicated by the fact that the drivers of both blue and red cars do not see each other.
To prevent this from happening, the driver of the blue car needs to be especially careful when overtaking or ahead of any intersection, even if he is on main road. It will be better to maneuver immediately after the intersection.
It is better for the driver of a red car to refrain from leaving, even if oversized car is moving extremely slowly, but there is no certainty that there is no blue car in the “blind zone”.
3 Houses, large cars, trees and bushes create "invisibility zones" when approaching an intersection. In this case, slow down immediately before crossing the road and be especially careful.
Based on the figure, it is better to move the car to the right when approaching this intersection, the view will be better for you. Other drivers will also be able to notice you earlier. If visibility is difficult on the right at the intersection, it is better to keep to the left.
You need to be especially careful when driving narrow road(for example, when leaving the yard). In this case, in order to see everything, the hood of the car will be pushed forward by carriageway, which can create a difficult situation on the road.
4 When turning left, you do not need to turn the steering wheel to the left, especially if no one is turning behind. In the event of an impact, your car may end up in the oncoming lane (this applies not only to intersections, but also to U-turns).
However, when turning left a large number oncoming cars, it is difficult to see the situation in other lanes. In this case, there are two options: either wait until the red light turns on and complete the maneuver, or carefully drive forward at a slight angle (wheels straight). If there are no approaching cars ahead (at this position good review, and everything is visible only through the windshield), press the gas sharply, turn the steering wheel and drive with

In these cases, it is possible various dangers. For example, you can expect that one of the drivers, without turning on the turn signal or not looking in the rearview mirror (first picture), will want to change lanes into your (free) lane.

But the most common problem is that these vehicles can make it difficult for you and other road users to see. The situation depicted in the second figure is quite common. It should also be remembered that some drivers and pedestrians sometimes do not comply with traffic rules (examples from the third to the sixth are made in this way). But in the event of an accident, this will be little consolation for you.

Therefore, when driving in a free lane, do not dial high speed in relation to cars in adjacent rows.

The most important of all these examples is that all actions behind the wheel must be carried out only under the condition of full control of the situation. It is extremely risky to carry out such maneuvers, hoping that this happens only in the above examples.

Also, keep in mind that other drivers may not know these examples, so think for them. For example, if you always check the "dead zone" - this does not mean that all other drivers do it. Based on this, spend the shortest possible time in this zone with other cars, never drive there for a long time. Personally, I always pass this section with acceleration. The same applies to the other situations listed above.

And in conclusion, when you go uphill or a closed turn, you still don't know what's behind it. There may be an accident, overtaking, the end of the road,. Therefore, it is necessary to slow down and take a little to the right (uphill) to be ready for any situation (). Those who are interested can get acquainted with the study of psychologists on this matter.

Experienced drivers are well aware of what a “dead zone” is, and most beginners do not know about this phenomenon or do not take it into account. Driving instructors they will tell you about the danger of the dead zone and how not to suffer from neglect of it. So what is a dead zone?

The dead zone is...

Everyone knows that mirrors cannot be completely trusted, since they do not provide full information to the driver about what is happening behind, but only allow in general terms represent the situation to the side and behind the car.

Simply put, the view of the mirror is very limited.

Imagine this situation: a car is following you and decides to overtake in the right or left lane. At first, you see him perfectly in the mirror, which is attached to windshield, and as it rebuilds, you are already watching it in the corresponding side mirror. Next, the car overtaking you should leave the view of the side mirror and enter the field of side view.

However, this takes time, and the interval when the overtaking car is no longer visible in the mirror, but not yet visible with peripheral vision, the car seems to become invisible in it, and is called the “dead zone”.

Danger of dead zones

Sometimes the presence of an overtaking car in a dead zone causes the car to get into an accident, mostly these are passing collisions. The driver of the overtaken car does not see another vehicle in the dead zone that has gone to overtake, and he himself starts rebuilding and cuts it. In a rare case, an overtaking driver has time to react: slow down or change lanes. In most cases, you have to call the traffic police inspectors to file an accident.

Sometimes inexperienced drivers avoiding one accident provokes another.

Most typical example: Moving away from a vehicle suddenly appeared in front, the driver enters the adjacent or oncoming lane.

It's almost an instinctive desire that most drivers have. But this is fundamentally not true, if only because if you collide with a car that has jumped into your lane, then it will be recognized as guilty of an accident, and if you collide with a car in the opposite direction, then you will be guilty here. And no one cares that you got away from the accident.

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What to do?

How not to become a victim of the dead zone, because you can’t completely refuse to rebuild. But then, every time you rebuild, you are in danger? This is not true at all.

Any driver is able to control the dead zone of his car, for which it is enough to turn his head in the right direction.

If you looked around and did not notice any danger, you can safely change lanes. This simple technique will allow you to avoid many serious troubles.

Now there are special mirrors on sale, in which the dead zone is completely absent, since they allow you to see the entire space around the car.

But not every car is equipped with such mirrors, and even with their presence once again it won't hurt to turn your head.

Blind area

The second dead zone, sometimes called the blind zone, is located immediately behind rear bumper and poses a serious danger when reversing. For example, the driver gets into the passenger compartment and starts the car, looks in the mirrors and starts moving back.

But at the moment when he got in and started the car, a child approached the car from behind, who was not visible from the car at all, since he was in the blind zone.

Such incidents often occur in our yards and have tragic consequences. It is almost impossible to fight this blind spot, you just have to be extremely careful when reversing. It is better to make sure once again that there is no one behind the car than to feel guilty.

Good luck and be careful on the roads!

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One of the most uncomfortable positions on the road is to follow a truck. This situation is not only inconvenient, but also dangerous, because trucks have dead zones, which many motorists forget about, mistakenly believing that, since the truck driver is higher, he should notice them. In addition, many drivers, especially beginners, still do not know where these zones are, and it is vital to know about this, because, in the event of an accident, it is precisely a car bears the brunt of the outcome. From this article you will learn how not to get into the dead zone of the truck. Note: The tips in this article apply to driving on the right. In countries with left-hand traffic should take the opposite side.


    First of all, find out where the trucks have dead zones. A dead zone is a part of the road that is not visible to the driver. vehicle. Knowing the location and size dead zones, you can avoid them. The figure shows the dead zones of the truck.

    • One of the dead zones is right behind the truck. On the sides there are two more dead zones, which can extend over several lanes.
    • One zone is in front of the truck, covering the lane on which the truck itself is moving, as well as the lane on the right.
    • And another dead zone is located near the right door (or left - in countries with left-hand traffic) of the truck.
  1. Stock up on patience. If you are sharing a road with a truck, be extra careful and don't expect it to be a sports car. emergency. Being patient is just as important as knowing where the truck's dead spots are.

    Don't get too close to the truck. Approaching him closely (or, as they say, “sitting on his tail”), you will fall into his dead zone, and if the driver does not notice you, then when the truck makes a maneuver or unexpected braking, you risk crashing into it. The safest distance to a truck is the equivalent of 20-25 vehicle lengths. This distance is also called the distance of four seconds. With unfavorable weather conditions distance should be even greater.

    As you follow the truck, you should be able to see both of its rear-view mirrors (left and right). If you see a reflection of the driver's face in them, then it is more likely that he will notice you. If the reflection of the face has disappeared, then, most likely, the driver no longer sees you.

    • If you lose sight of even one of the mirrors, the truck driver can no longer see your vehicle.
  2. If you are driving in front of a truck, pull away a good distance so that there is enough room in front of the truck when you change lanes.

    Be careful when driving past a truck, or overtaking it. Don't do it with right side(in countries with left-hand traffic - from the left), since the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe dead zone located to the right of the truck is the largest: it extends along the length of the entire truck and covers as many as three lanes!

    Do not cut the truck after overtaking. Truck drivers sit high and the hood partially obscures their view of the front. Before entering a lane in which a truck is moving, make sure that inside mirror rear view, you can see the entire cab of the truck (or both of its headlights). A truck takes twice as much time and space to stop as a passenger car.

  3. If the truck is turning right, do not enter the lane to its right. The truck needs additional lanes to make a turn. When turning, the truck driver does not see vehicles moving to his right. This also applies to motorcyclists and cyclists. Do not try to pass when the truck is turning or stopping at an intersection.

    • If the truck in front of you is about to turn, increase the distance to it. Before turning, the driver of a long vehicle needs to take a little to the left, so he will block your view.

A “dead” or “blind” zone is a space in which there is no visibility. Each driver is familiar with the situation when, during a maneuver, he loses part of the road or shoulder and, accordingly, neighboring cars or pedestrians from his field of vision.

Many people think that the "blind" zone is dangerous only when overtaking, but this is far from the case. Statistically, it becomes cause of the accident in more than 70% of cases. Approximately one third of these accidents involve pedestrians.

For the driver, the "blind zone" is always a source of danger, especially for the inexperienced. It is possible to damage the machine by running over a curb or some kind of obstacle, . The greatest danger of the "blind zone" is when overtaking, especially in multi-lane traffic. One driver, and the second at that moment decided to change lanes to the left. Here is your accident.

In the absence of additional mirrors, a "blind zone" is formed on the right and left at the level of the rear wing of the car. This is the zone of the most probable collision when changing lanes, therefore, when adjusting the side mirrors, it is advisable to place several objects in the supposed “blind” places and ensure their visibility.

Ideally, the view should be set up so that the reflection rear car, leaving the central mirror, immediately appeared in the side mirror. This position of the mirrors is adjusted only empirically.

At the same time, it should be remembered that even properly configured mirrors do not give full review. Many drivers, seeking to achieve all-round view, hang a lot of additional mirrors on the car. This is justified, as a rule, only for truck drivers.

The abundance of mirrors distracts the driver from the road, and their examination takes much more time. Especially when an ordinary mirror and a spherical one, which distorts the perspective, are combined in one block. It takes more time for the brain to comprehend such a picture, naturally, the driver loses control of what is happening in front of the car.

Another danger lies in wait for the driver from the "blind spots" that arise in front - on the side of the car. These "blind" zones are due to the design features of the machine. The reasons for their appearance are the front pillars and the hood.

Sitting behind the wheel, the driver does not see the space in front of the hood at a distance of up to 2 meters. Therefore, there is always a risk of damaging the car when parking. If the driver is not confident in himself, you can.

Front blind spots increase the risk of collision when turning and turning at intersections, especially at dusk. There is a risk of not noticing a pedestrian and making a collision. Such collisions occur due to the fact that the pedestrian at some point disappeared behind the counter, and if the driver was not very attentive, he might not see him at all. With this maneuver, you need to be extremely careful and turn your head more to increase the view.

A similar danger arises when starting to move in reverse. In this case, there is an extensive "blind" zone behind the trunk and rear pillars, especially since they are usually quite wide. The mistake is made by those drivers who, when maneuvering, look exclusively in the mirrors.

It's much safer to look back and look in rear glass, so the overview increases. You should not rely only on the parking sensors either, it may not work when a child or an animal is behind. In this case, it practically eliminates the risk, you just need to keep it always clean.

It is impossible to completely eliminate the risk of a "dead" zone, but in order to reduce the risk of getting into "blind" zones, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • Watch for the turn signals of other cars and turn on the signal yourself in advance so that the driver behind you can react to your maneuver.
  • Make lane changes as quickly as possible, trying not to linger in the “blind” zone of other drivers. You do not know the level of their training. In general, when driving on the road, you need to act on the basis that the skill of other drivers is less than yours.
  • Before starting to move back, or driving away from the entrance or parking lot, do not be too lazy to get out or look out of the car to make sure that there are no children, pedestrians or any objects near the car. How many drivers have their paint peeled off because they didn't see a supermarket trolley behind the trunk...
  • Do not be lazy and equip your car with a rear-view camera, parking sensors or a panoramic mirror. Especially if you live in major city. These devices will really help to avoid unnecessary risk.
  • IN summer period time it is recommended to drive with the window slightly open. Thus, the lack of visibility is compensated by auditory sensations. You will hear the sound of an overtaking vehicle. In any case, categorically avoid playing music at full power.

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Visibility on the road is one of the conditions safe driving. And it must be taken into account by all motorists on the roads. After all, "dead" zones and insufficiently good visibility often lead to accidents.

"Dead" zones lead to the fact that the driver is lost in extreme situation, for example, when suddenly another car appears from behind his car, which was not seen before. As a result, an accident occurs.

How to find the "dead" zone

Before looking for options to get rid of the "dead" zone, you must first determine where it is in your car and how big it is. This can be done in different ways.

For example, you can ask a friend or relative to walk around your car in a parking lot. You must be in the car at this moment. Look carefully at all the mirrors so as not to miss the moment when the person walking in a circle disappears from view.

Another option for determining the "dead" zone is to conduct a study in a traffic jam. When everyone around you is moving, carefully observe at what point you stop seeing them in the mirrors and when they appear in the field of view again.

This method is only feasible if you are standing, and the neighboring two rows are slowly moving.

How to eliminate the "dead" zone

The "dead" zone can be corrected. So, for example, many drivers change the rear-view mirror to an aspherical one, which significantly increases the visibility zone. However, it should be borne in mind that such optics somewhat distort the distance to the object, so you should not slow down too sharply, thinking that the car following you will have time to react. It may be much closer than it seems.

Concerning modern means, often come to the rescue. They notice the approach of danger at a sufficient distance to maneuver. However, it should be understood that small details, for example, fittings sticking out of the ground, parktronics will not see.

Getting rid of the "dead" zones at the rear will contribute to the use of a rear view camera. She shoots everything around, and the risk of crashing into something is minimal. But there is also a nuance. Such a camera does not free you from side "dead" zones.

Side mirrors are best supplemented with special sensors designed for control. As soon as an obstacle enters the coverage area of ​​such a device, the driver will be notified about this.

If there is no money to install technical innovations, you can use the old-fashioned method - setting the rear-view mirrors according to right level. To do this, place the horizon line in the center of the side mirror. Then start adjusting it so that the tip of the side of the car is slightly reflected, and most of it shows you the way. This method helps to adequately estimate the distance to other road users.

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