Exceeding the speed limit by 10 km in Belarus. By car to Belarus: free toll roads and thousands of fines

Exceeding the speed limit by 10 km in Belarus. By car to Belarus: free toll roads and thousands of fines


No paperwork

The automobile border between Russia and Belarus changed dramatically in early 2017: now there are Russian border guards at all checkpoints who carefully check passports and other documents. At the beginning of the year, the Belarusian authorities simplified the rules for entering the country for citizens of 80 states, so the Russian side was forced to take such measures.

However, Russians and Belarusians should not worry: it is enough to show their national passports and calmly cross the border without unnecessary inspections and delays. Russian citizens do not need medical insurance, the only additional document for the car will be the Green Card international civil liability insurance policy. It can be purchased in advance or bought right at the border. If the trip is planned only through the territory of Belarus, then the European OSAGO will cost about 750 rubles (at the border - up to a thousand rubles). It is better not to neglect the purchase of a policy, the fine for its absence will be 3.5 thousand rubles.

Free for paid

There are more than 1.5 thousand kilometers of toll roads in Belarus, however, Russian cars weighing up to 3.5 tons, as well as cars from other countries participating in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), are exempt from tolls.

The speed limit in Belarus is the same as ours: 60 km/h in populated areas, 90 km/h outside the city and 110 km/h on motorways marked with a green background. On six highways, including the main M1 / ​​E30 (Moscow - Minsk - Brest), through which most Russians get to Belarus, the speed has been increased to 120 km / h, as indicated by the corresponding signs.

Gasoline costs a little less than in Russia: AI-95 - an average of about 38 rubles (we have about 40 rubles). A few years ago, it was possible to pay in Russian rubles at Belarusian gas stations, but since 2015, the country has switched to cash payments exclusively in the national currency. As an option, there are always bank cards.

Crimes and punishments

Belarusian rules traffic similar to ours, except for some details. There, for example, you can move to daylight hours days without dipped beam headlights on, and for those working during the day fog lights no one will be punished. But young drivers are treated more strictly: if your driving experience is less than two years, in Belarus you can drive at a maximum speed of 70 km / h, moreover, you must stick an appropriate sign on the car in the form of the number 70 in a red circle. Penalties for such drivers are calculated accordingly: if an inexperienced driver drives at a permitted speed of 120 km/h, then it is considered that he exceeds the speed limit by 50 km/h with all the consequences.

Fines are measured in base units (BV). From January 1, 2017, one BV is equal to 23 denominated Belarusian rubles - this is about 700 of our rubles. In Belarus, you can easily lose about seven thousand for the usual spitting through open door during movement. Unfastened seat belt not so "dangerous" - a warning or a fine of 700 rubles.

There will be no fine for driving 10 km / h faster than the permitted fine, but then everything is very strict. Exceeding just 30 km/h in terms of severity of punishment is no different from driving at a speed of 250 km/h: from two to seven thousand rubles. Repeated violations will result in disqualification. But this is only if you are caught by traffic cops. Cameras in Belarus are much more loyal than law enforcement officers: maximum fine for driving in excess allowable speed at 40 km/h and more will be about four thousand rubles.

For leaving for oncoming lane they will be fined seven thousand rubles or their license will be taken away for a year, they will issue a warning or demand a fine of 1.4 thousand rubles for talking on the phone while driving, and 700 rubles or a warning for violating parking rules. In connection with latest changes in the traffic rules of Russia, which allowed to transport a child aged seven to 12 years back seat without the use of chairs, it should be noted that other rules apply in Belarus. A child between the ages of five and 12 must sit either in a seat or on a booster or special cushion that allows them to be safely fastened using seat belts.

Drunks and drug addicts are not liked in Belarus: the punishment for them will be from 35 to 70 thousand rubles, plus deprivation of rights for three years. The same threatens for refusing to undergo a medical examination. By the way, allowable level the alcohol content in the exhaled air is 0.3 ppm (previously it was 0.5).

You will probably have to pay fines, because local traffic cops are allowed to take away rights from foreign citizens until the debt is paid off. The Procedural and Executive Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses allows you to do this in cases of speeding and violation of parking rules. Both "crimes" must without fail be recorded as working in automatic mode special technical means, read - cameras in the traffic police car or mobile radars. No money? Then, instead of rights, you will be given a temporary permit.

In addition to the police, hundreds of cameras monitor the order on the roads of Belarus. Get caught speeding, and before the border your car can be "caught" by a camera that checks foreign cars based on violations. You will have to pay at the nearest control and payment point (PKO). For example, along the M1 / ​​E30 highway, it is 20 km from the border with Russia.

According to statistics, 66% of violators speed limit on the M1 highway in Belarus, these are cars with foreign numbers. I will speak directly, it just happened purely geographically - most of them are cars with Russian numbers. Yours, cap. Even purely statistically, you won’t get any traffic cops for our numerous guests.

The second fact is that the M1 highway is crammed with speed cameras. On which, of course, drivers of cars with Russian numbers lay down a bolt. And everything turns out to be very funny.

For starters, my opinion on the expense of speeding on the M1. The track is good, I want to drive on it, and all the driving drivers, if you listen to them, are aces who would not get lost in Formula 1 either. But for some reason, the M1 is full of accidents with fatalities, including (and most likely, mostly) due to speeding. I'll just add 2 + 2 and say - speed limit violators are guilty! In general, I see only pluses in the fact that cars with Russian numbers will comply with the speed limit. Far from financial. Just so there will be a little less death on the roads.

Cars with Belarusian numbers, of course, dryuchat to the fullest in the form of letters of happiness. Therefore, drivers of cars with Russian numbers are surprised why everyone is driving so slowly. Well, a sneaker on the floor - the cameras are Belarusian, and the numbers are Russian, it seems that these two concepts do not intersect anywhere.

But the Belarusians would not be Belarusians if they could not monetize their transit potential and demonstrate their cleanliness and order, forcing them to the correct speed limit. It was done, I think, in a civilized way.

First, you are photographed by a speed camera. Moreover, it does not matter where in the country and when. Those. You can violate the speed limit in front of any camera. There are only a few dozen of us in the city, for example.

Violation goes to the base. Now it remains to have time to attract before the car leaves the country. For this, special checkpoints were built. One is not far from the Belarusian-Russian border, the second one is not far from the Belarusian-Polish one.

Not far from the checkpoint, your car will be checked for violations. Cameras work on all lanes, additionally equipped with infrared illumination. The white box is a server with a recognition program. All analytical work takes place here. And the control and payment point receives information in a processed form: a photo with data on the violation

Technique is improving. The new camera is still in test mode.

A traffic recorder that monitors the situation around (in case someone wants to damage expensive equipment).

The camera captures the approach of the car, which previously exceeded the speed limit. By car - Polish numbers. The system predicts: will be in eight minutes.

This is seen by the employees of the center for fixing offenses, who work in the trailer. The inspector, who is located directly at the edge of the roadway, receives information on a smartphone.

A traffic police officer receives a photo via Wi-Fi indicating the place and time of the violation. Even exceeding 12 km/h is grounds for a minimum fine.

Presentation of a photo - printout of the decision - payment through the terminal.

You can pay both in cash through the terminal and by card

In case of persecution of violators, traffic police officers purchased new cars Volkswagen Polo Sedan Russian assemblies.

Well, maybe I'll make a comment. alexcore :

I travel to Belarus regularly for work. Previously, it was possible to drown like crazy without slowing down in front of the cameras, since they did not remember the violations on the Russian license plates. Approximately since September of this year have learned. Letters of happiness do not come to Russia, since there is no single database. But if a traffic police officer stops and invites you to a stationary post, give them the rights and property before paying in exchange for the entire accumulated pile of receipts at once. For example, the cost of obtaining this knowledge for me was approximately $600.

In my experience, the flash fires only at a penalized excess of 10 km / h or more. Was not - not photographed.

Yes, I had 24 commits there. They showed me directly a table of records for my number in their database, selectively opened photos, there were no questions.

By the way, separate story Why did they stop. I was driving smoothly, without exceeding, but in Buda (15 minutes to the border with the Russian Federation) there are cameras that give a signal if a recognized car number is registered unpaid fines. From the stationary post there is a signal to the employee on the road, he slows down with a rod. So Shumsky's reservation that the Russians don't have to be afraid of the cameras is erroneous. You should be afraid if you don’t want to spend a couple of hours a day on the way back, standing in line at Belarusbank in the wonderful city of Dubrovno.

All the information is from the words of the inspectors, with whom I managed to talk while they were printing the resolutions.

Here you will find up-to-date information on the size of the fine for speeding in Belarus.

With speeding recorded:

  • a traffic police officer is punished with a fine in the amount of:
  • to BYR or a warning - for speeding from 10 to 20 km/h; [∗]
  • from to BYR – for speeding from 20 to 30 km/h; [∗]
  • from to BYR – for exceeding the speed limit by 30 km/h or more; [∗]
  • from to BYR or deprivation of rights - for repeated speeding by 20 km / h or more during the year. [∗]
  • automatic camera is punishable by a fine in the amount of:
  • BYR – for speeding from 10 to 20 km/h; [∗]
  • BYR – for speeding from 20 to 30 km/h; [∗]
  • BYR – for speeding from 30 to 40 km/h; [∗]
  • BYR – for exceeding the speed limit by 40 km/h more. [∗]

If speeding is recorded by a traffic police officer and a citizen pleads guilty, then a protocol on an administrative offense is not drawn up. In this case, the fine must be set at the lower limit, and if such a limit is not set, then in an amount not exceeding - part 6 of Article 6.5 of the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses:: “> [∗]

In the case of fixing speeding by an automatic camera, a protocol on an administrative offense is also not drawn up. The decision to impose an administrative penalty is issued without the participation of a citizen. [∗]

Protocols on an administrative offense may be drawn up by authorized officials internal affairs bodies. [∗]

The amount of the fine is set based on the base value: [∗]

  • for speeding recorded by a traffic police officer:
      • from 10 to 20 km / h - up to 1 base value;
      • from 20 to 30 km / h - from 1 to 3 base units;
      • for 30 and more km / h - from 3 to 10 basic units;
      • by 20 or more km/h committed repeatedly during the year - from 5 to 15 base units.
  • for speeding recorded by an automatic camera:
      • from 10 to 20 km / h - 0.5 base value;
      • from 20 to 30 km / h - 2 base units;
      • from 30 to 40 km / h - 4 base units;
      • 40 km/h or more - 6 base units.


Speeding: fines and nuances

According to statistics, the most common violation of traffic rules is speeding.

Each section of the road has speed limits, for non-compliance with which drivers are waiting for sanctions from a fine of 500 rubles to deprivation of rights. In 2018, there were no changes to the Code of Administrative Offenses and SDA, but it is worth re-examining the current rules.

What speed is allowed?

The allowed speed of movement depends on several parameters:

  • Vehicle type - heavy vehicles lower speed is allowed than cars.
  • The location of the road - within the boundaries of the settlement, the speed should be less than on the highway.
  • Functions of the vehicle - in the carriage of passengers and the implementation road works speed should not be high.
  • Installed road signs- you need to focus on them first.

Permissible speed passenger car, according to rule No. 10 of the SDA:

within the boundaries of the settlement - 60 km / h;

in the yards of houses - 20 km / h;

on the motorway outside settlements- 110 km / h;

on other roads outside settlements - 90 km/h;

when towing another vehicle - 50 km/h.

You need to move within the specified mode. Many drivers believe that it is legal to exceed the speed limit by 20 km/h, but this is not true. Despite the absence of a fine, the traffic police inspector can stop the driver and issue a warning.

Penalties for exceeding

The penalty for exceeding depends on how much the indicator differs from the established standards and is provided for in Article 12.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. A monetary fine is provided in case of speeding:

for 20-40 km / h - 500 rubles;

at 40-60 km / h - from 1000 to 1500 rubles;

at 60-80 km / h - from 2000 to 2500 rubles;

for 80 km / h and more - 5000 rubles;

repeated violation for the year for exceeding the speed limit by 40-60 km / h - from 2000 to 2500 rubles.

Not always the punishment is limited to a fine. In some cases, the driver may be left without a license:

in case of repeated violation and speeding by 60 km / h or more, the rights can be lost for a year;

exceeding 80 km / h or more - deprivation for six months;

exceeding 60-80 km / h - deprivation for 4 months.

Changes planned for 2018

Discussions began back in 2014 about the need for changes to the speeding rules. But so far the government has not decided which changes will benefit.

So, it is planned to lower the lower bar allowable excess speed. Now this indicator is 20 km/h, and it is planned to make 10 km/h. That is, the driver will be forced to pay 500 rubles in case of exceeding 10-40 km / h. While this proposal is under consideration in the State Duma. From its adoption stops only the risk of increasing corruption on the roads. In other respects, deputies see only benefit from the changes.

It is believed that even 20 km / h is enough for a collision with another car to become deadly. The situation is aggravated bad roads, poor lighting. And the amendments will force drivers to adhere to the standard established by law, which will reduce the number of accidents on Russian roads.

It is also planned to change top speed within the city and make this indicator according to European standards. In many countries, it is allowed to drive no faster than 50 km / h, which makes these states less accident-prone. However, this proposal is still under discussion.

Only one thing is known - in 2018 there will be changes in the traffic rules and the Code of Administrative Offenses. And when it will be and what kind of new rule will appear, remains a mystery.

What does a driver need to know?

There are several nuances that drivers need to be aware of:

  • If the violation is recorded by the camera, and not by the inspector, then the punishment is limited to a fine. They cannot be deprived of rights in absentia. The decision to confiscate the certificate is taken only by the court.
  • You can pay fines with a 50% discount. The exception is a repeated excess of 60 km/h or more.
  • In case of automatic fixation of a violation, the minimum possible fine is assigned.
  • When car accident guilty a person who has exceeded the speed limit is recognized, regardless of other circumstances.

Exceeding the speed limit is life-threatening. Restrictions are not set in order to finance the state budget with money ordinary citizens, but to reduce the number of accidents and deaths on the roads. Most often, people die in accidents where the cause of the collision was speeding.

Traffic police fines in Belarus

Under the fines of the GAI (State Automobile Inspectorate) it is customary to understand fines for violations related to traffic. The imposition of such fines is detailed in the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus. To understand this issue on your own, it will be enough just two documents:

  • Rules of the road (SDA) This document is recommended to be read in its entirety. Even for those who remember and perform their duties, it will be useful to know what to expect from others;
  • Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses – in this document, you should know the articles related to traffic. Their list and text is given in the annexes to the SDA.

For self-education, books with rules may suffice.

There are also: “The Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Road Traffic” and “Regulations on the State Automobile Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus”. If you also study them, and then deal with the comments and recommendations to the traffic police, then there will be enough knowledge even for a trial on traffic violations.

Who, whom and for what is fined

The imposition of any penalties for non-compliance with the Rules of the Road is within the competence of the traffic police. Even in those cases when the violation is recorded without the participation of a person - photo and video recording, the decision is still made by authorized persons in the traffic police.

All participants (i.e., traffic) participants, and some persons involved in these violations, can receive a fine for violating traffic rules.

You can receive a fine:

  • Drivers of all types of transport. Cyclists, horse-drawn cart drivers, horsemen and cattle drivers are not, in the full sense, equated with drivers of cars, motorcycles, etc., but have their own duties;
  • Passengers- for this category, the requirements of the Rules are minimal, they relate mostly to safety, but penalties are also provided for passengers;
  • Pedestrians- the most numerous, diverse and, as practice shows, undisciplined category. Pedestrians are fined mainly for improper behavior on the roadway, occasionally for obstructing traffic;
  • Other categories- this includes officials who allow transport to participate in road traffic, are obliged to monitor its technical condition. This also includes those responsible for incompetent traffic participants, for example, parents of minors for their violations.

Reasons for a fine may include:

  • Violations of the ecological state of the roadway and adjacent territories;
  • Violations technical condition and vehicle safety;
  • speed violations;
  • Violations of the rules for the movement of motor vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists, horse-drawn carts, livestock;
  • Moving Violations railway tracks, bridges and other obstacles;
  • Violations of the rules of stopping and parking;
  • Other violations that pose a threat to traffic.

In the Republic of Belarus, two methods of imposing and paying a fine are practiced:

  • The first option - the violation is established, considered and punished at the place of commission by an employee of the State traffic inspectorate. The culprit agrees with the recovery and pays the fine on the spot. This applies to milder disorders;
  • The second option is that a protocol is drawn up upon the fact of the violation, the driver’s license is temporarily withdrawn from the offender. The fine is assigned by a special commission. This is how more serious violations are considered.

If there is a need to deal with a specific situation, it will be more convenient and safer to refer to the Rules, and not to trust the machine mind. Russian-speaking search engines easily confuse “traffic police fines” and “traffic police fines”, and the legislation of Russia and Belarus often does not match in the qualification of violations and always does not match in terms of penalties.

Table of penalties

In the annexes to the Rules of the Road there is a very convenient table listing traffic violations and responsibility for them. The legal grounds for punishments are also indicated there, i.e. articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Belarus.

Let's try to briefly list the frequently used penalties for non-compliance with the Rules:

Fines in Belarus for speeding 2018

Will increase maximum size unemployment benefits, which is 2 basic values. The official unemployed will be able to claim a maximum of 49 rubles (now - 46 rubles).

Will increase from January 1 tax for artisans and farmstead owners, which is now 1 base unit per year - from 23 to 24.5 rubles.

It will be more difficult for Belarusians to divorce: submission divorce petitions will cost 98 rubles (now - 92 rubles), and for an application for dissolution of remarriage - 196 rubles (now - 184 rubles). To marry from January 1 will cost 24.5 rubles (now - 23 rubles).

Innings applications for the annulment of the decision of the arbitral tribunal will rise in price to 49 rubles (now - 46 rubles), on changing or terminating rental agreements for residential premises - also up to 49 rubles (now - 46 rubles), and applications for declaring legal entities and individual entrepreneurs bankrupt, which are filed by creditors, - up to 245 rubles (now - 230 rubles).

State duty for registration of IP will rise to 12.25 rubles (now - 11.5 rubles).

Fines for stowaways and smokers will increase

Ticketless ticket in urban transport will increase to 12.25 rubles (now - 11.5 rubles), in suburban transport - up to 17.15 rubles (now - 16.1 rubles), and in intercity - up to 24.5 rubles (now - 23 rubles) . The penalty for carrying baggage without payment will increase to 4.9 rubles from 2018 (now - 4.6 rubles). The fine for throwing garbage out of vehicles from January 1 will be from 24.5 to 49 rubles (now - from 23 to 46 rubles).

Belarusians, who at the border they will “forget” to get money from documents, you will need to pay a fine of up to 50 basic units - 1225 rubles (now - 1150 rubles). If someone repeatedly “forgets” the money in the passport, the fine will increase to 2,450 rubles (now - 2,300 rubles).

Grow up fees for opening a bank account abroad without the permission of the National Bank - from 122.5 rubles to 857.5 rubles (now - from 115 to 805 rubles).

Smoking fine in prohibited places - up to 98 rubles (now - up to 92 rubles), and for
smoking in the auxiliary premises of an apartment building, as well as for smoking that violates the rules fire safety, - up to 735 rubles (now - up to 690 rubles).

Penalty for unauthorized reorganization or redevelopment living quarters, without changing the bearing capacity of structures will increase 735 rubles (now - 690 rubles).

For being at work V work time in a state of alcoholic intoxication, from January 1, you will have to pay a fine from 24.5 to 245 rubles (now - from 23 to 230 rubles).

How fines for drivers will increase

From January 1, fines for motorists will also increase. So, in the case of driving a car that has not passed the state inspection, you will have to pay from 24.5 to 73.5 rubles (now - from 23 to 69 rubles).

The minimum fine for speeding recorded by a traffic police officer (from 10 to 20 km / h) will be 24.5 rubles (now - 23 rubles). For comparison: 30 or more km/h will be punished with an amount from 73.5 to 245 rubles (now - from 69 to 230 rubles). If you repeatedly exceed the speed limit during the year by 20 km/h or more, the fine will be from 122.5 to 367.5 rubles (now - from 115 to 345 rubles).

For speeding from 10 to 20 km/h recorded by an automatic camera, the fine will increase to 12.25 rubles (now - 11.5 rubles), for 40 or more km/h - up to 147 rubles (now - 138 rubles).

Do not deprive for speed, do not fine for forgotten documents: how the Code of Administrative Offenses for drivers is being changed

A draft law on amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses has been submitted to the Belarusian Parliament - and it seems that some "driving" articles will undergo significant changes. AUTO.TUT.BY highlighted the main ones.

According to the bill, the changes seriously affected Article 18.13 (Exceeding the speed of movement): the repetition of speed, for which they could previously be deprived of rights, disappears from the Code of Administrative Offenses.

If the document is accepted, then the article for speeding will look like this:

It is also proposed to amend part 10 of Art. 18.14 (Failure to comply with the requirements of traffic control signals, violation of the rules for the carriage of passengers or other traffic rules). If now a large fine and (or) deprivation are applied to drivers who created an emergency situation, then it is proposed to extend the same responsibility to all lawless people.

Actions provided for in parts 1-9 of this article that caused the creation of an emergency situation (a fine from 5 to 20 b.v. with deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle up to 2 years or without deprivation)

Actions provided for by parts 1-9 of this article, resulting in the creation of an emergency or committed by a person who does not have the right to manage vehicle (fine from 5 to 20 b.v. with deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle up to 2 years or without deprivation)

The draft law also reflects another initiative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: not to fine drivers who have forgotten documents at home - this article is proposed to be simply excluded from the Code of Administrative Offenses.

Recall that the Ministry of Internal Affairs initiated a public discussion of administrative legislation in the direction of liberalizing liability for minor offenses.

Among the proposals of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus is the right of a police officer to issue a warning, without drawing up a protocol or delivering it to the police department: for drinking beer in public place; for driving a vehicle by a driver without driving license, for expressing obscene language in a public place, for smoking in prohibited places, for crossing the carriageway in an unspecified place or being on it without a flicker in dark time days. Among other initiatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is the exclusion of administrative liability for exceeding the speed of movement from 10 to 20 km / h, and an increase in the amount of damage from 400 to 1000 euros according to the "European Protocol".

The idea to change the administrative legislation in the direction of liberalization arose in connection with the large number of administrative protocols drawn up in 2015, a significant part of which were for minor offenses. Among other goals of the initiative is to improve the image of the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and unload them from unnecessary work in order to have more resources to fight crime, the department said earlier.

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko supported the proposals of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to liberalize liability for a number of offenses, but called for caution.

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