Finished garage project for 2 cars. How to build a two car garage

Finished garage project for 2 cars. How to build a two car garage


The problem of safely storing a car has existed since time immemorial and was solved in a variety of ways, from acquiring a shell garage to renting a garage in a suburban private sector. If you have two cars, the number of problems increased exponentially. Today, the development of technologies for the rapid construction of light non-capital buildings allows you to build a garage for two cars in a matter of days, moreover, with the right organization of design, most of the work, including finishing, can be done by hand. This is a scheme for the construction of frame options for a garage for storage. passenger car.

How to build a cheap two car garage

Unlike stone buildings, lightweight structures make it possible to get by with a minimal foundation, while the quality of storage of the machine, subject to the construction technology, will be no worse than the brick version. Using the frame principle, you can relatively quickly and inexpensively build a garage for two cars in the following options:

  • The garage building is made of sandwich panels, it is necessary to assemble a steel frame from a galvanized profile and sheathe the finished “skeleton” with packages of pressed insulation and steel cladding. When using a crane, it is possible to assemble a garage for two cars in two days. There is such a set for a garage for parking a car from 200 to 250 thousand rubles;
  • Make the garage space as comfortable as possible for the safety of the car, work, and even for living in such a building, for example, from SIP panels, wooden lining, OSB slabs. The quality of car storage will be much higher, but the price of a garage will also increase;
  • Assemble the structure of the garage for storing the car according to a compromise scheme. Sheathe the frame made of wood with a sheet of metal profile. The speed of construction and the price are the most attractive and depend only on the size of the garage and the dimensions of the car.

When preparing a garage project for two cars, the dimensions of the room are determined depending on the dimensions Vehicle. For the optimal size of the garage, it is recommended to use a scheme with two gates. If necessary, it is quite possible to “squeeze” the area for cars from 43 m 2 to 32 m 2, while instead of a scheme with two gates, each 2.8 m wide, you will need to use a design with one gate, 5.1 m wide. it will be more difficult to drive from such apartments, but the size of the building will decrease by almost 15%. If necessary, the gate can be further reduced, but in this case, for the normal movement of the car, the garage will need to lengthen or change the position of the gate.

We assemble a simple garage for two cars with our own hands

The quality of the building for storing a passenger car is not inferior to the above options, and the cost and labor intensity are several times less. The parking area for cars is spacious and bright, the lack of thermal insulation allows you to get rid of problems with condensation and corrosion of the car body.

The foundation and frame of the walls of the room for two cars

After marking the outline of the garage with dimensions of 7x5 m, you will need to assemble the foundation building system. To fix the frame on the ground, the garage structure uses a system of vertical supports, 5 m high. Along the marking of the side walls, 6 wells are punched, 70-80 cm deep and 30-35 cm in diameter. Vertical supports are inserted into the wells and poured with concrete flush with soil.

Until the concrete under the racks has hardened, each support must be aligned vertically, check the identity of the dimensions, the symmetry between the diagonals of the future box, we fix each support with struts.

After the solution has set, the vertical supports are tied at several levels with a magpie board, and the lower and middle rows of the timber are reinforced. Frames of future windows are mounted between the horizontal beams of the walls, sheathed front side garage, a loot is made for the future front door, located away from the main garage door.

Grooves are cut out on the heads of the supports, into which the upper reinforcing belt is mounted, from two rows of a composite beam, the upper row serves as a Mauerlat under the garage roof, the lower composite row acts as a carrier beam for the gate frame. On the front wall of the garage, wooden racks are assembled for fastening sectional doors. The garage building for two cars turns out to be quite spacious, with a large ceiling size. To avoid buying expensive timber used for vertical supports, we replace it with a home-made glued version of two or three 50 mm boards.

We sheathe the assembled skeleton of the frame with a board and reinforce it with struts and struts.

Roof and wall decoration

The gable roof frame is made in the form of ready-made assemblies of rafters, puffs and struts. All elements are connected with nails through overhead steel plates. A package of eight trusses is lifted onto the walls, after which each structure is attached to the Mauerlat of the garage wall with nails according to the previously applied markings. The size of the floor span over the car parking space reaches more than 5.5 m, so it is better to lift long assemblies with three or four people.

In the upper part of the rafters, two ridge beams are attached, after which the boards of the battens are stuffed under the roofing corrugated board. The sheets are attached to the boards using roofing screws with silicone washers, which ensure tightness at the point of installation of the fasteners. The roof covering is laid without insulation, after which the ridge elements are laid, soffits are hemmed, and a system of guttering and downpipes is installed.

Next, they proceed to laying wall sheets of corrugated board on a wooden frame. Three-meter sheets with the help of similar self-tapping screws are sewn onto the horizontal bars of the walls. Due to the gable roof for facing the gable of the garage for two cars, you have to cut and fit each sheet of corrugated board with your own hands. The junction line of corrugated board sheets and battens is sealed with sealant. The back wall of the garage is sewn up in the same way. The windows are made in a "deaf" anti-vandal version, instead of glasses, thick sheets of cellular polycarbonate are installed, which do not resonate from the sound of car engines.

Before finishing the walls and the garage box for two cars, you will need to fill the floor with concrete mix. The thickness of the concrete screed must be at least 10 cm. This is quite enough to support the weight of the machines. In addition to the garage floor, a blind area and a temporary parking area are concreted before construction.

Before installing a sectional garage door, it is necessary to cut out the size of the doorway and install facing panels made of thin sheet metal on the door frame, after which you can proceed with the assembly and installation of the door. For a garage for two cars, sectional doors are ideal, with an opening width of 4.5 m, this is enough to move the car with any kind of turn. Using divided double gates is more expensive, in addition, in this case, you will need to abandon the entrance doors. In this garage project for two cars, the partition is clearly expressed inner space into two zones - service and economic. In the first zone, thanks to the windows, it will be possible to service cars without the use of artificial lighting, which increases the comfort of working in the garage and reduces the load on the power grid. The second zone will store spare parts for machines and tools.

Due to the light weight of sectional doors, it is quite possible to assemble the lifting structure with your own hands. To begin with, we will install vertical guides on the door frame. After that, the sections are sequentially stacked and fixed on the base of the lifting gate elevator.

Since parking for two cars is provided in the garage, in the future the gate mechanism will need to be equipped with a motion alarm so that one driver knows about the movement of the second car in front of the gate to prevent a possible collision. After assembling the sections, the pins are installed in the docking loops, the lift cable is brought into engagement with the side fastenings of the sections.


Thanks to the frame structure, the room for the car will turn out to be light, durable and spacious. Due to the high ceilings, even with the simultaneous operation of the engines of two cars, there will be no strong gas pollution, since the main part of the air polluted by exhaust gases will be removed through the attic. To avoid the formation and dripping of condensate on the car body, the corrugated roofing will be hemmed with a superdiffusion membrane in the future.

Daily use personal transport requires the fulfillment of two conditions that are mandatory for its convenient and long-term operation:

  • the car should be near the place of residence, as they say "at hand";
  • he needs constant protection.

Often the simultaneous fulfillment of these conditions is not possible, especially if you have to live in a multi-storey building that does not have a parking lot. But if we consider the importance of each of them, the priority of the equipped parking lot, which is the garage, is beyond doubt. The car must be in a closed place, protected from natural disasters, primarily rain and snow, and illegal actions of intruders, especially if the cost of the car exceeds the annual salary of its owner.

For this reason, it is desirable for every motorist to have a garage, even if the way to it from home takes up part of the free time. One of the main parameters that determine the functional value is the size of the room, which ensures the convenience of its use.

Types of garages by installation method and location

In order to better understand the importance of the size of the garage, it is necessary to understand the existing classification, since each type has its own capabilities.

By location, there are three main types:

  • a detached building, located, as a rule, near the place of residence;
  • an element of a building or a part attached to it, usually having a direct connection with a residential building and located at the level of the ground floor or in the basement;
  • one of the elements of a complex of buildings, united by common walls and a roof, common in automotive communities or cooperatives.

The latter type least of all provides the opportunity to choose the necessary premises, since it usually has ready-made and most often standard sizes of garages. Space for implementation is given by built-in or separate buildings, which are carried out taking into account any personal preferences.

According to the installation method, garages are:

  • capital, established for an unlimited period and in essence no different from any permanent structure;
  • portable, which is a removable, quickly dismantled structure.

The most widespread are metal collapsible structures, small in size, allowing installation in almost any place.

Materials used and number of places for cars

For the construction of a garage, you can use materials common in conventional construction. Depending on this, several options for buildings can be erected:

  • brick or cinder block, which have become widespread in private buildings;
  • reinforced concrete (blocks or slabs), which are used mainly for mass buildings typical of garage cooperatives, where the size is unified;
  • metal (rarely wooden), used in cases where the size of the garage is usually limited by the available space.

And of course, all garages are classified by the number of cars that can be accommodated in them:

  • for one car;
  • for two cars;
  • for several cars.

Having decided on required type garage, you can proceed to the calculation of its dimensions.

Dimensions and standards

The performance of any construction work is regulated by the state standard and building codes and rules containing requirements for the size of the room, depending on its intended use and the material used. The size of the garage is no exception, including a number of mandatory values:

  • the space required for a car in the garage is at least 2.3 m wide and 5.0 m long;
  • the distance between the walls of the room and the sides of the car should not be less than 0.5 m, which for an average car with dimensions of 1.5 by 4.0 m requires a parking space with dimensions of 2.5 by 5.0 m;
  • ceiling height should be about 2.5 m or at least 0.4 m above the head of the owner or the roof of the car.

The best example of the implementation of these requirements in practice are typical premises in cooperatives, which have a standard garage size of 4 by 6 meters and a height of 2.3 m, which satisfies almost all users.

What affects the size

To determine the required size of the garage, you need to clearly understand its functional purpose. The most important questions to be answered before starting design work are:

  • with what maximum dimensions the car will be able to drive into the garage if, for example, it changes;
  • how many cars will be in the garage;
  • what will be stored indoors, except for the car (trailer, bicycle or other equipment);
  • need a pit to inspect the car or not;
  • heating, sewerage, plumbing are planned in the garage or not;
  • will there be a rack or other furniture for inventory in the garage or not.

Each answer needs careful analysis. It is important to choose the best option, which, in turn, can significantly reduce the cost of building a garage.

Maximum and minimum dimensions

So far, the use of two cars in one family has not become widespread. Until now, many make do with only one, and as a result, most consider building a garage for only one car. But even in this case, it is recommended to build a garage with a certain margin. If the minimum size of the garage is 3 by 5 meters, which allows it to be used only as a parking place without the danger of touching the walls, then maximum size as such, has no restrictions.

The recommended formula for calculating the size of a garage for one car involves taking into account the dimensions of the car, possible furniture, space for free opening of doors, plus additional footage for reinsurance.

Based on this, the distance that guarantees safety is about 2 meters, and the dimensions of the room, excluding furniture, should be greater than the parameters of the car. The height of the ceiling should exceed the height of the average person by 1 meter, which will allow you to put any, even very high, transport.

If two cars are planned

The size of a garage for 2 cars is calculated in a similar way with the obligatory addition of a distance between cars of at least 1 m. In addition, in practice it turns out that in this case much more space is also needed in the room.

When making calculations, it is better to take the parameters of large cars, for example, two SUVs or minivans, in order to provide maximum dimensions. This simple recommendation is guaranteed to allow you to calculate the optimal size of the garage for 2 cars, eliminating possible alterations in the future.

Furniture, pit and other equipment

In 99% of cases, sooner or later everything superfluous that is at home begins to move into the garage. First, wheeled vehicles (trailer, moped or bicycle), then large-sized equipment (lawn mower or generator), and in the end, everything that is a pity to throw away, but you don’t want to store at home.

Many people are well aware of this, which is why the standard size of a one-car garage includes storage space for potential household junk in advance. If you approach this issue competently and provide for the location of furniture or shelving, an ordinary garage for 1 car can easily turn into a real specialized room for parking a car and storing any things.

The presence of a pit in the garage is always associated with the equipment of a small basement, which can also be used to store a variety of things, including conservation.

Heating and plumbing

Built-in structures are always planned to be warm, which is quite simple to do, given the proximity of all communications. In addition, they are easy to conduct water and sewage. For detached buildings, this is associated with a number of difficulties, mainly due to the need to lay additional channels.

In this case, the size of the garage for 1 car provides for the thickness of the insulation on the inside and the dimensions of possible communications if they pass indoors.

Portable collapsible structures

If it is not possible to install a garage directly next to the house, or, which happens much more often, the budget does not allow for a major construction, collapsible metal structures are used.

The standard size of the iron garage meets the minimum requirements safe operation(3 by 5 or 6 meters) and is completely devoid of the possibility of adjustment. Its main advantage is the cost and minimal installation requirements. As a result, the owner has the size of a garage for 1 car with the possibility of placing a minimum number of things, usually on the wall opposite the entrance.

Access area

Another important feature of the arrangement of the garage is the preparation of the site for a convenient and safe entry into the garage. To do this, it is necessary to take into account the average turning radius of the machine, which is equal to an average of 5 or 6 meters. Otherwise, driving into the garage, if it is not in a straight line, will require certain skills, and in case of rain or ice, it may become impossible.

Today, many families have not one, but immediately two cars. It is convenient when there are several cars: a father and son can go fishing, and a mother can go to the market for groceries. The relevant question is: "How to build a garage for 2 cars?"

The garage provides convenient and safe storage of cars. The budget option is to build garage for two cars. Here you can also store garden tools.

This place is often used by the hostess as a pantry for pickles. The construction of the structure must be carried out in accordance with the regulations. Among the features of the room, one can single out the presence of a viewing hole, or you can build garage for 2 cars with hozblok.

The construction of a garage designed for two cars gives the owner the opportunity to take advantage of the following benefits:

  1. Less building materials are required for the construction of a structure.
  2. Communications are carried out once.
  3. Cars are nearby.

2 car garage dimensions

According to regulations dimensions one parking space should be as follows:

  • width- from 2.3 m;
  • length- more than 5.5 m;
  • height– 2.2 m (it is necessary to take into account the height of the car).

Minimum 2 car garage dimensions imply a distance from the side surfaces of 50 cm. Measurement data is needed to calculate exactly what should be garage dimensions for two cars. To calculate the height so that everyone is comfortable in the room, the following will help. Take the height of the tallest member of your family and add to that 0.5 m.

When you need to calculate the dimensions of a garage for two cars, the length of the entrance is about 5.5 m If we take the dimensions of an average sedan as an example, then length– 4.5 m and 1.7 m wide. The width of the garage for 2 cars will be 3.4 m. We must not forget about the organization of an additional space around the car so that passengers and drivers can get into them at the same time.

A car with open doors also needs a margin of space. As a rule, this figure is about 10 or 15 cm. Taking into account the gaps between the garage walls, the optimal width is approximately 6.1 m, and length- 6.8 m.

Length must be measured with a margin from 1 m to 1.5 m. As for heights, then it can be calculated as follows. The average height of a person is 1 m 75 cm. Add another 20 cm in reserve in case tall relatives or friends arrive.

planning garage dimensions for 2 cars, keep in mind - if you plan to make a workshop as well, then the dimensions of the garage for 2 cars will be significantly increased.

Remember that when building stone or reinforced masonry structures, it is required to comply with the standard SNiP II-22-81. The document provides conditions to ensure the optimal load-bearing capacity of garage walls.

Photo of a garage for two cars: dimensions, blueprints:

As you can see two car garage plans not complicated. And you can start such construction with your own hands.

Entry Options

In respect of garage for 2 cars please note that the entrance can be made with one gate or with two. On a limited budget suitable optionsingle leaf gate having a hinged design. However, there are also minuses. Heavy construction is not easy to use.

Better ask for help to experienced professionals: they will perform the installation correctly without inaccuracies in the calculations. Specialists will strengthen the gate with the help of supporting mechanisms. Professional Installation guarantees durable operation.

Sectional doors, equipped with automation, work conveniently, but their the cost is more expensive hinged construction. The entrance with two gates has the following pros:

  • simple parking;
  • Possibility to rent out a second garage if a second car has not yet been purchased.

We build a garage for 2 cars with our own hands - photo:

Construction materials

Today garages are being built from the following materials:

  • bricks;
  • concrete stones;
  • ceramic stones;
  • concretes;
  • wall panels.

Brick is one of the most popular building materials. Many prefer lightweight blocks. Today, frame structures are also in demand.

The brick structure has a lot of weight, and at the first stage a strip foundation is being built. Its depth varies between: 0.6 - 1.2 m, while the width of the tape is 0.4 m. To make the foundation more durable, use additionally rubble stone or fittings.

The concrete mixture will fully harden after 3 weeks. To speed up the drying process allows the addition of various additives. To avoid the appearance of cracks, the foundation is moistened and covered from time to time. tarpaulin. The base must be insulated and waterproofed. Using a similar technology, above the soil surface they make plinth.

For laying walls, it is better to choose a thickness of one and a half bricks. The cubic capacity of one wall is calculated using the following formula: height*width*thickness. You need to add all the planes. The resulting value is then divide by volume standard brick (0.00195 m3). The result is number of blocks required for construction.

Garage doors are installed in front of the masonry walls. Reliable fastening provides welding of metal rods to the frame. The correct location of the gate helps to check the building level.

The roof of the garage is usually a gable roof. It protects well from atmospheric precipitation, and the space under it is often used to store hay or building materials.

Optimal garage for 2 cars from building blocks- a prefabricated structure. The building material is lightweight. One block is equal to six bricks in volume. The project will cost the owner much cheaper than the previous one: not necessary pour a solid foundation, suitable for construction light version.

A frame garage for 2 cars is a structure that can protect a car from bad weather and intruders. Its advantages include the following:

  • use of environmentally friendly natural materials;
  • ease of construction;
  • construction speed;
  • the ability to perform work in any season.

If you choose the right garage size for two cars, then such construction does not require huge capital investments. Can be ordered individual project in the building company. Then it will be known exactly what quantity of building materials need to purchase and what should be double garage dimensions.

Useful video

A very interesting option, suitable for those in whom the dimensions of the garage for 2 cars are small.

Garage size for 2 cars

When planning the construction of a garage for two cars, it is too naive to accept only a mathematical calculation of the size of the room. Before calculating, it is necessary to take into account additional factors for the use of the premises, as well as directly the dimensions of the existing (or planned acquisition) equipment. How to optimally calculate the size of a garage for 2 cars: the main nuances and principles of calculation, as well as much more, are presented in our information.

Data for calculation

A garage is not just a "warehouse" for a car. It may contain additional utility rooms, as well as store parts and combustible substances. Garages, equipped with a cellar for storing vegetables and conservation, help save space on the site, and additional equipment viewing hole will allow some types of repair work on their own.

In addition, the following factors must be considered:

  • Building material. The thickness of the walls and possible insulation will hide the usable area. This is especially important for small areas or when it is difficult to build the required dimensions.
  • Type and number of entrance gates. In some cases, it is more profitable to spend money and purchase two products than to constantly operate a wide canvas and provide excess heat loss in a heated room.
  • Optimal room dimensions. Not always in this case the example will be true: "1 + 1 = 2". It is necessary to provide extra space for placement of spare parts, necessary tool and other little things, without which it is impossible to imagine any garage for two cars.
  • Type of garage. For a detached building, it will be possible more options arranging a room for two cars than for the basement compartment of a residential building.
  • The need for additional equipment. Convenient all kinds of devices and places for parking and inspecting cars also require additional space, so this issue is thought out even at the planning stage of the site.

What is definitely not recommended when arranging a garage for two cars is rotary entrances and difficult maneuvering paths. Such savings in space will subsequently greatly interfere with the free movement of both cars, and also create emergencies at the same time leaving or in bad weather and visibility.

The optimal size of the garage space

When planning a garage for two cars, it is necessary to provide for the comfortable use of every centimeter of area. Of course, you can make a room according to the principle “the more the better”, but this will not be a rational use of space.

The following dimensions must be followed:

  1. There should be enough space between the open doors of both cars for a comfortable seating of passengers. Do not park cars close to each other, because parking errors can lead to damage.
  2. The side dimensions to the nearest wall must also be within the limits of the open door. Approximately this distance can be measured independently, usually it is 0.9 - 1.0 meters.
  3. There is a need to bypass the car from all sides, without leaving the building. In order for this to happen as comfortably as possible, it is necessary to deviate from the length of the car by 0.6 - 0.8 meters on each side.
  4. The size of the gate is also considered with a margin. This is 40 centimeters on each side, the top is also considered, if necessary, from the indicator of cargo placement on the roof.
  5. The floor material must be used with increased strength characteristics. This is due to the fact that the load on the walls will be uneven, and if a sufficiently wide gate entrance is planned, there is a risk of the roof collapsing if the calculation is incorrect. It is best to strengthen the supporting structures with additional racks, which will take on the load.
  6. For the convenience of using the garage space, it is necessary to add to the obtained dimensions the necessary space for placing racks and shelves with tools.

An important condition for a comfortable layout is the possibility of a gradual expansion of the fleet. If in the future you plan to purchase a truck or large-sized transport, it would be useful to put a gate bigger size, or provide a place for a canopy without compromising the maneuverability of the main car used.

Gate arrangement

It is logical to assume that to build a garage for two cars, it is best to put one large swing or lifting gate. This will save materials and make it easier to perform purely from a technical point of view. However, this option is not always acceptable, because it has a lot of disadvantages.

Why two gates would be better:

  • Less heat loss in a heated room. For unheated garages, this criterion is also important, because precipitation and foreign objects get inside when large doors are opened.
  • The mechanism of opening - closing wears out less. This fully applies to traditional swing gates, the hinges of which also have their own margin of safety.
  • It is easier and cheaper to buy two similar products than to order a gate specifically for individual sizes. This method does not always work, but the increased dimensions of the valves can lead to premature wear such a product, as well as problems with flatness.
  • The height of the cars can be different, which is not always convenient. It is desirable to provide for the possibility of unhindered parking and freight transport as well.
  • If the second machine is used less often, there is an option to save on heating. This in no way means that the second transport can be pushed somewhere into a corner. Fast entry and exit of both cars is an important condition even in terms of fire safety.
  • A wide opening reduces the strength of the building, especially with a sufficiently voluminous and bulky roof. The problems can be partially solved by using modern roofing materials that maintain strength parameters even with a relatively small weight.

The case when it is better to make the gate double can also be provided separately. Usually this rule applies to semi-basement garage spaces. Entry into such a garage can be difficult due to the small dimensions of the entrance, so placing two wings will simply be impossible.

As for the type of garage doors, it is most convenient to use automatic lifting mechanisms. This saves time and effort, and in addition, such a system has a fairly significant service life. At the same time, swing gate options are distinguished by practicality, low cost and the ability to independently open the leaves in inclement weather or when the power supply is turned off. Which option is simpler and more reliable is up to you, the main thing is that it is convenient to use for both car owners.

Other Required Attachments

Arranging a garage for two cars is impossible to imagine without additional amenities. Usually it all depends on the preferences of the car owner, as well as free space on the site. So that you do not have to transfer an already erected structure, it would be useful to find out the basic parameters for the location of buildings on your own land plot in relation to other buildings and neighboring buildings and the fence.

What also needs to be provided for comfortable operation:

  • Lookout hole. The laying of this structure takes place at the stage of pouring the foundation. You can save a little by providing only one place, but in this case there will be some inconvenience with maneuvers.
  • Cellar or basement under the garage. It can store not only traditional winter preparations, but also give it away for purely technical needs, for example, to make a fuel storage - lubricants. Be sure to provide a good exhaust system in both rooms.
  • Carport. This will come in handy in case of temporary parking, and will also create the most convenient conditions for guest cars or some household needs. If a garage for two cars is planned, then the place must be left “double”.
  • The internal marking of the garage space will greatly facilitate parking and avoid negative situations. This can be a marking of a parking space using colored lines, stickers, and even a paved place with colored tiles.
  • An additional outbuilding, for example, a bathhouse or a place for keeping animals, will also not interfere. This will save a lot of space on the site, Construction Materials and time. At the same time, it is imperative to provide two separate entrances from different parts of the building, so that inside the household. the block did not get exhausts and evaporations of "automobile" substances.
  • A spacious roof - an attic may well serve as a separate room for storing things or other household needs. The construction of such a building element will be a little more difficult than a standard shed canopy, but the costs will pay off with a useful additional area.
  • Concrete entrance to the garage. This site can be used as an additional parking and repair site during the warm season. In addition, on such a sludge, it is possible to advantageously place the devices necessary for repair. The entrance should expand on the sides in order to be able to drive in both directions and at the same time on two cars.
  • Separate entrance for the owner. This will allow the door opening mechanism to last longer, reduce heat loss and simply use the space more comfortably.
  • A place to store seasonal tires. In the case of arranging a garage for 2 cars, this is twice the amount, and this is a real problem of free space. You can help arrange such a storage space with the right choice. possible systems storage.

The size of a garage for 2 cars varies depending on various factors, so it would be useful to find out the main parameters of a comfortable layout. To ensure that the cars do not interfere with each other, and the opening of the doors does not turn into mutual damage, it is necessary to leave enough space between the cars. Equipping with one or two gates is also practical, as are additional buildings for car maintenance. Many important criteria rational equipment of a garage for two cars are discussed in detail in our information.

What is the size of a 2 car garage?

The car has ceased to be a luxury item. Most often, it is perceived as a necessity; without it, many people's lives will simply change or stop. Many families now have two cars at their disposal. And this is very convenient - someone goes to work, and another family member goes about his business in the second car. Or the two cars are different - the first car is a small hatchback for city trips, and the second is an SUV for frequent trips out of town.

In such a situation, the question arises - to build two garages or one, but common for cars. Naturally, most often one common garage is built, because it is much more convenient.

And also when building, it is necessary to take into account many different factors.

Standard size

Before building a garage for two cars, it is necessary to consider not only the dimensions of the cars that you currently own. You must constantly keep in mind the fact that your future car will be higher, longer or wider than the current one.

If you plan to own your car for a long time, then you can safely proceed to the calculations. There are standard indicators for calculation - the size of one parking space is taken as the basis:

  • width - more than 2.4 m;
  • length - from 5.5 m;
  • height - depends entirely on your car.

It is necessary to include in the calculations the free space between the car and the wall, as well as between the cars themselves. Usually it is half a meter. You also need to calculate the height - usually to the height of the tallest member of the family or the high auto it is customary to add 50 cm. Therefore, by making all the calculations, you can get the minimum dimensions of a garage for two cars based on standard parameters:

  • width = 50+240+50+240+50 = 630 cm;
  • length = 550 cm;
  • height = 220 cm.

These calculations do not take into account either the brand and layout of the car interior, or the presence of additional shelves and cabinets for tools. Therefore, this system of calculations is rarely used.

Other sizing methods are more commonly used.

Individual parameters

Width selection

This dimension is one of the most important when drawing up a plan for the construction of a future garage. Everything depends on the choice of width - both the amount of building materials that will be needed in the process, and the functionality of the future structure.

Naturally, the width of the garage should not be equal to the sum of the width of two cars. When calculating the width, it is necessary to take into account: the width of the cars, the distance between the cars and the gap from the car to the wall. However, the garage is often used as a storage room for strollers, sleighs, bicycles. There may be a large number of racks for tools, spare parts and details.

Choice of length

Many owners of iron horses have cabinets, shelving in the back of the garage. In this case, you will have to increase not the width, but the length. The calculation of the length of the garage is influenced by factors such as:

  • length of cars;
  • it is necessary to leave 90-110 cm from the car to the gate - this will allow you to conveniently leave the garage;

  • if there is a workshop in the back of the garage, it is necessary to leave 2-2.5 meters on it, in addition to parking spaces;
  • if there is a back door to the yard or to a neighboring building, it is necessary to increase the length of the garage by 50-60 cm for a convenient passage.

Height selection

Most often the height passenger car does not exceed the height of a person - about 180 cm. Then the calculations are carried out so that the driver is comfortable moving around in the room.

By technical standards the height of the garage should not be lower than 2 m. However, this indicator is almost never used, because it is simply inconvenient for a person with a height of 180 cm to move around the garage. The height of the ceiling is calculated taking into account the height of the car:

  • add half a meter for the convenience of opening the rear door of the car;
  • the presence of lighting and other appliances on the ceiling is taken into account;
  • height is added if there is a sliding mechanism;
  • the need for a reserve.

Basic drawings

Considering typical schemes need to understand the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

The option on the left is only good if you just need to park two small cars. And also this option is good if you do not have a lot of space for a garage. But you can’t store anything in such a garage, and it’s extremely difficult to move around in it. The disadvantage is that more big car it will be extremely problematic to place it together with a second car.

The option on the right is a variant of a more prepared garage to work in it. The width on each side allows you to install small shelving or quietly open doors without fear of scratching them. The length of the garage is enough for a very long car (up to 5 m), or to accommodate a workshop.

The width allows, when replacing a car with a larger one, not to worry and not think about what will be extremely crowded.

Gates and their dimensions

When building a garage, it must be taken into account that not only the walls and roof will become the object of construction. It is necessary to remember the gate as an integral part of the garage. There are two gate options.

The first option is a common large gate. Their width is 5 meters or more. However, the installation of such gates is usually associated with some problems - the need to increase the rigidity of the canvas, large heat losses. To get into the garage, you need to make a separate entrance - it's better than using these big gates.

If the gate or a separate part of the overall system breaks down, it will be difficult to drive the cars out of the garage - also a disadvantage of such a system.

But the cost of the work and the gate itself in this case will be higher than the price of a single gate.

Many experienced builders use additional tricks when building a garage and calculating its dimensions:

  • If children live in the house, then it is better to increase the width of the garage. Children can open car doors very abruptly and, if they are close, doors, walls and a neighboring car can be damaged. To avoid this, it is best to make a margin in width.
  • Light fixtures should not hang from the ceiling. Many have a stereotype that lighting lamps should only be at the top. If necessary, all or part of the lighting can be placed on the walls.

  • Look ahead to see if there will be a need to buy a bigger car. Even if in soon there will be no such possibility, then remember - the garage is being built for decades, so there should be a margin for the main parameters.
  • Place for cabinets, shelves and racks should be planned. The ideal option would be if you calculate the place for them in advance and know exactly the parameters of the shelves and cabinets themselves. Even if you leave a margin for shelving, not every one of them will fit well in the space allotted to it.
  • When choosing the width of the gate, it is worth understanding what the entrance to the garage looks like. If the car will not enter directly, but at an angle, then the width of the gate must be increased or the design and location of the entrances have been changed.

  • When storing fuel and lubricants in the garage, it is necessary to keep them only in tightly closed containers with separate ventilation. This can make adjustments to the drawing.
  • The awning at the entrance to the garage will look great. Such an addition will please the eye. When creating it, it must be remembered that the width of the tent and the width of the garage must match, it is also desirable that the outlines of the roof be identical. This will give a great aesthetic effect. The length of the awning is usually the length of the car + 60-70 cm.

Large garages are often needed for more than just parking at night or in bad weather. A large garage for two cars - the ability to combine in one room and a garage, and a workshop, and a small storage room. In order for everything to work out for you, and ideas to come true, carefully approach the calculations: choose the size that will satisfy all your requests and needs.

Garage for 2 cars: dimensions, layout and proper design

IN modern world The car is no longer a luxury, but a necessary means of transportation. As automobiles become more affordable, most households have multiple vehicles and homeowners are forced to build multi-car garages.

In this article, we will tell you what the size of a garage for 2 cars should be and what you need to consider when planning it.

What to consider when planning a garage

Many people make a gross mistake when planning a two-car garage, believing that to determine the size of the room, it is enough to simply add up the width of two cars and make a small margin between them. However, these simple calculations are clearly not enough, since they do not take into account all the accompanying nuances.

When planning a garage, in addition to the dimensions of existing cars, you need to consider such points as:

  • The possibility of safe parking, as well as space for a comfortable Maintenance machines;
  • Provide places for temporary or permanent storage of wheels (see Storing wheels in the garage and all about it), tool kits, related equipment and other inventory;
  • Type of garage doors for car entry and their number;
  • Consider the possibility of connecting a garage with living quarters (see Plan of a house with an attic and a garage);
  • The optimal dimensions of a garage for 2 cars should provide for the possibility of purchasing a car that can be of any size;
  • Materials and type of roof overlap so that you do not have to install additional columns in the center of the garage;
  • Consider the possibility of simultaneous access of two cars.

Important. Garage doors and the size of the room should make it possible to freely operate one of the cars, while not interfering with the departure and maintenance of another car. The best option would be to install separate gates for each car, as shown in the photo above.

Determining the dimensions of the garage

When determining the size of the room and drawing up a plan with your own hands, you need to remember that the popular belief “the more the better” is inappropriate in this case, since each extra meter costs a considerable amount during construction, and unused space indicates irrational use of the area. Of course, you need to start from the dimensions of the cars, but you need to organize additional space around them, taking into account the landing of two people in the car at the same time, a passenger and a driver.

Important. There must be enough free space in the front and rear of the car in the garage, which will allow you to freely move to any point in the garage without resting against the walls or the car itself. It is also important to take into account the design features of the garage door, which may also require additional space. As a rule, there is an instruction for garage doors that indicates the required dimensions of free space for the normal and safe functioning of the door sections.

Garage layout for two cars

As for the external layout of the space, it would not be superfluous to provide a small covered pavilion before entering, which can be made of wooden or metal structures. The price of this design is not expensive, but it will protect the car from sunlight during short-term parking without entering the garage.

An important point is to ensure the possibility of storing seasonal tires. For these purposes, it is recommended to additionally increase the height of the garage and install hanging shelves (see How to make the shelves in the garage yourself correctly). This arrangement will significantly save space and comply with the rules for storing wheels.

During planning, it is necessary to determine the type and number of gates to be installed, as well as the features of their installation. For example, if you choose Alutech garage sectional doors, then their installation requires additional space under the ceiling, where the door sections will go when opened and the accompanying fittings will be installed.

When planning a garage for 2 cars, the dimensions of the room should be approximately as follows:

  • For two small cars the depth of the garage is not less than 5.5 m, and the width is not less than 5 meters. The height of the gate opening is not less than 2.2 meters;
  • For large cars or SUVs the depth will be at least 6.8 meters, and the width will be at least 7 meters, the height of the opening will be at least 2.6 meters.

Important. In the examples shown, the minimum dimensions are taken without taking into account the space for additional racks and equipment.

Choosing a garage door

The design and dimensions of the garage for 2 cars make it possible to install one common gate or think over the installation of separate gates for each car. Each type of gate has its advantages and disadvantages, which must be considered depending on the location of the garage.

If there are two openings in the garage, then you can install swing-type gates, which are much cheaper than sectional ones with automatic laying under the ceiling. However, they require a certain amount of space to open the shutters, which is not always possible.

If the project provides for one common arrival, then the installation of swing gates will not be justified. The dimensions of each shutter will be very large, which will lead to an increase in cost and the need to strengthen the design of the mounts.

In addition, a large space is required to open such a door. In this case, the size of the garage for two cars allows you to install automatic or mechanical sectional doors (see Garage overhead sectional doors and rules for choosing automation), which, when opened, will drive along the guide rails under the ceiling.

Planning for additional space

When sizing garages for 2 cars, add additional utility rooms to the building, which will store spare parts and tools for maintenance. To do this, it is enough to add 2-2.5 meters to the total area and place these rooms at the end of the building, on the opposite side of the garage door.

If the garage is made as an extension to the residential block, then the utility rooms are located between the garage space and the wall of the house in order to reduce the noise of running machines and reduce heat transfer.

Important. For the purposes of fire safety and the aesthetic appearance of the garage, it is recommended to separate the utility rooms with a partition and provide a separate door. In such premises, it is better to store fuel and lubricants in tightly closed and sealed containers with separate ventilation.

The information provided by us is quite enough to independently determine the size of the garage for 2 cars and draw up an individual design of the premises. To consolidate knowledge, we suggest watching a video - material.

How to choose the optimal size of a garage for two cars?

It is difficult to say whether it is good or bad to have two cars. This is prestigious in some way, on the other hand, it is an additional cost for repairs and refueling. But one thing is certain: if there are two cars, then it is necessary to build a separate garage for each car or one large garage for two cars.

Before proceeding with the construction of a garage for two cars, you need to decide on the dimensions of the room and deal with the project documentation.

How to create a building plan?

An experienced craftsman who has been building for years can use simple drawings made according to his own tastes and preferences. The rest is better to turn to specialists. The cost of such a service is small, and a well-prepared project will be able to ensure the durability and strength of the future structure.

Professionals will take into account the suitability of the building site, they will check the soil, measure the depth of freezing, determine the presence of groundwater.

If this item is skipped, there will be a high risk of flooding in the off-season.

In the plan, it is necessary to calculate the length and width of the future building based on the size of vehicles, taking into account increases and errors. When calculating the width of the garage, you need to add the widths of both cars and add 100 cm each. This will provide 50 cm on both sides of the parking spaces. This reserve is necessary for free check-in (check-out) and for the unimpeded opening of doors.

Add about 150 cm to the length of the larger car to allow access to your trunk.

The optimal height for a 2-car garage can be calculated taking into account your own height.

The results obtained in the course of such calculations reflect the size of the internal space of a standard building. Therefore, having decided on the materials for construction and decoration, it is necessary to make appropriate allowances. If brick is used for construction, it is worth adding about 5-10 cm to the resulting width. When using blocks, you need to add about 2 times more. If sheet material is used (one of the thinnest), when taking into account the addition of insulation, the same 5-10 cm will be obtained as a result.

The plan must indicate the location of windows, doors, gates. It is necessary to determine in advance whether shelving, shelves, furniture, any large tools or machines will be placed. More convenient would be a garage with a separate entrance for each car. In addition, if the dimensions of the cars are different, the garages may be adjacent (have a common roof), but differ in size or even in height.

When the required dimensions of the room for two cars are determined, you can begin to calculate the size of the future gate.

Determining the dimensions of the gate

Before installation, you need to decide whether two gates are needed or one is enough. A garage for 2 cars allows both options, it is important to rely on your preferences. It is not necessary to change the height of the garage when calculating the dimensions of the gate, since it is not directly related to the number of cars (unless, of course, one of them is a truck).

If it is decided to make one gate in the garage for two cars, then it is better to immediately take care of the reinforced base of the structure.

It must also be remembered that frequent opening of such a large sash will make a leak warm air out of the garage is very noticeable.

The given measurements are valid for the inner surface of the gate. To determine the size of the installation opening, the thickness of the frame and insulation must be taken into account.

Types of gate systems

According to the opening method, all garage systems are divided into automatic and manual. The clear advantage of the latter is the lower cost. In operation, everything is very clear: the opening / closing of the gate is done manually.

Automatic systems have a number of important advantages:

  • convenient operation and protection from intruders;
  • comfort and time saving (because the system can be controlled remotely);
  • the control of this mechanism can be configured even from a mobile phone (for this, a special program must be installed on the phone);
  • By mobile phone can also be tracked technical condition automation.

But there are also a few downsides:

  • there is a danger of intercepting the signal that comes from the remote control to the receiver;
  • neighbors may have a device that operates on the same frequency as the receiver from the garage (in this case, you can protect yourself by changing the frequency of the receiver).

And the main disadvantage of any automation is the dependence of the system on the supply of electricity. In the absence of light, opening and closing the garage will become impossible. But even in this case there is a solution. You can set up a manual unlock system. Manufacturers usually include this option as an additional package.

There are 5 main types of gate systems:

  • swing;
  • retractable;
  • sectional;
  • rotary lifting;
  • roller shutter.


The most common type of gate is swing. Often these are one or two doors that can be opened remotely using a remote control. Such gates are easy to assemble on your own, but they require additional space in front of the garage. But today the popularity of this type is gradually decreasing. This is probably due to the high cost of automatic swing systems.


  • limiting the width of the gate;
  • the need to clear snow during heavy snowfalls.


Retractable systems will help compensate for the problem with extra space, because in their system the sash moves away from the opening. During opening, the gate is able to move both to the left and to the right along the surface of the fence. The mechanism involves guides that are attached to power parts. Movement is provided by roller bearings installed inside the beam.


  • quality work in any weather;
  • no need to fully open the gate;
  • the width of the gate can reach 12 meters;
  • installation of the structure is easy to do manually.

The disadvantages of the retractable system include the need for free space for installation and the fact that the mechanism may not work if the surface is uneven.


Sectional garage systems are not dangerous for the car, they cannot touch and damage the equipment with doors, as, for example, other structures.


  • the territory on both sides of the garage is freed;
  • high reliability;
  • operation in any weather is possible;
  • the possibility of installation for absolutely any width of the opening;
  • installation of thermal insulation is possible.


  • low reliability of the canvas, because there is no hard metal;
  • the complexity of the design - in the event of a breakdown, the help of a specialist will be required.


Such models provide speed of action and significantly save space. Their distinguishing feature- one-piece design that completely protects the entrance. The operation of the system looks like moving the gate from a vertical position to a horizontal one.


  • installation is possible only in rectangular openings;
  • there is a danger when the gate is raised, as it protrudes about a meter forward.

Roller shutters

Roller shutters are made of plates, which, when closed, are wound by a special large shaft and hidden in a cylinder. Here it is worth considering the size of this cylinder and provide free space for its placement. Such a system can be mounted in almost any opening without special preparatory work. But in this case, it must be remembered that roller shutters retain heat very poorly, which makes their installation reasonable only in cool rooms.

Of the minuses, one can note the impossibility of arranging a gate, so you need to plan a separate entrance for the garage. In winter, the main metal mechanism may freeze, which may cause incorrect operation.

When choosing, it is worth remembering the shortcomings of the sectional door and roller shutter systems. Both designs are not strong enough and have rather poor insulation.

After selection suitable design and determining the dimensions, you can safely proceed to the beginning of construction. It is only worth considering that all serious shortcomings and miscalculations will affect the final result. Fixing some of them is likely to be very problematic or impossible. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't study!

You can learn how to build a frame garage with your own hands from the video below.

When planning the construction of a detached garage on your site, it is convenient to place an attic above it. This is especially beneficial when building garages for two cars, when there is a sufficiently large area above them. What are the projects of garages for two cars with an attic, the features of their construction and arrangement, the article will tell.

Convenience and practicality of buildings

You can make a cozy workshop, adapt it to a convenient warehouse or even a lounge.

In any case, this room significantly expands the area of ​​utility areas and solves the problem with unnecessary things stored in pantries, on balconies and in sheds.

The project of a garage for 2 cars with an attic has a number of advantages and disadvantages, which are presented in the table:

Advantages Flaws
  • Significant savings in usable area. , on the second floor you can equip a workshop, a billiard room, make a gym, and, if necessary, a full-fledged living room.
  • With an increase in family members, the attic can be converted into living space for a young family or elderly parents.
  • The room can be used as a living room when receiving a large number of guests.
  • A garage for 2 cars with an attic can really be used for temporary residence during construction or when repairing a residential building.
  • Stored in the garage fuels and lubricants and oil, which is quite dangerous in relation to the occurrence of a fire.
  • The operation of the engine produces vibrations and quite a lot of noise.
  • Exhaust gases seeping into rooms can create an unpleasant odor.

Tip: To build a garage with an attic for two cars, you can use different materials. But at the same time, it must be borne in mind that the first floor must have sufficient strength to withstand the rather large weight of the superstructure.


When drafting a garage with an attic, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • Construction cannot be carried out in a lowland. In this place, the building will be constantly heated by melt and storm water.
  • It is not recommended to build a garage with an attic for 2 cars next to trees, the roots of which can severely damage the structure.
  • When designing a garage with a residential attic, it is necessary, first of all, to think over the issues of electrification, water supply and sewerage.
  • It is not advisable to build a building over underground utilities to which free access must always be ensured.

Documentation for the project

Garage projects for 2 cars with an attic may include the following documents:

  • The layout of the building on the site.
  • Scale and color sketch of the structure.
  • Plan of the garage showing all dimensions and height marks, indicating the locations of the gates, doors and stairs.
  • Description of the selected foundation (see).
  • Drawings of the frame and materials for its finishing.
  • Sketches of the truss system and a description of the roofing material.
  • Scheme of supply of communications.
  • Explanatory note.
  • Calculation of the necessary building materials.
  • A set of necessary tools.

Choosing a place for construction

Each capital building, including a garage with an attic, requires a certain territory. The two-story construction of such a structure requires an area half the size of conventional buildings.

When choosing a construction site, certain conditions must be observed:

  • Provide good access to.
  • There should be a free space of 5 to 7 meters between the entrance and the building. In this case, it is possible to park conveniently if there is no need to put the car in the garage.
  • Any irregularities in the landscape will create additional work - a fairly flat area is required for a garage.
  • Ability to provide communication.
  • The optimal distance between the garage and residential building- approximately 5 meters. This will allow the driver to easily reach the car in any weather.
  • The place for building a garage should be slightly higher or on the same level with the rest of the territory in order to avoid flooding.

Subject to these conditions, taking into account the peculiarities of the landscape, the location of your site, an ideal place is chosen for the construction of a garage for two cars with an attic, as seen in the photo.

Drafting a project

After choosing a place, you can begin to develop a project. At the same time, it can be ordered from an architectural organization or purchased ready-made.

Its price is quite high, but development time is significantly saved. In this case, representatives of the agency can go to the site, make all the necessary measurements and develop a project specifically for the conditions and requirements of the customer. Specialists will help you choose a finished project, then its cost will be less.

Drawings or sketches can be developed by yourself.

Tip: When developing a project on your own, it should be shown to specialists who will approve the documentation and, if necessary, correct it.

The project development manual suggests the following steps:

  • Determine the number of places in the garage - for one, two or more cars.
  • Decide on the functional purpose of the attic - will it be residential or non-residential.

  • . The attic can protrude slightly above it, which will create a shelter from the summer heat. This takes into account the dimensions of the vehicles.

  • Decide whether only cars will be placed in the room, or they will be repaired here, which will require an increase in the area for placing tool racks, free space for a person to move when repairing a car.

Tip: When drawing up a plan, only accurate measuring tools should be used.

  • An attic plan is being drawn up. If a living space is planned, then there should be a bedroom, a bathroom and a corner for the kitchen.

  • A roof is being developed for the building.

  • The power supply system is being installed.
  • The materials for the construction of the building are determined. The cost of the garage, the duration of its construction, the durability and reliability of the structure depend on this. The fastest way to build a frame garage, and modern materials make it possible to protect the premises from the cold.
  • The final project is drawn up on paper, taking into account the smallest details of the design.

Which project is better and how to create it yourself shows the video in detail.

Project implementation

After developing a project, you can bring it to life with your own hands or hire a team of workers. Building garages with an attic is a laborious process.

This will require:

  • Make a foundation. The best option- the device of a monolithic slab. For a large garage, it may not be alone. A single slab is poured with concrete; several ready-made concrete slabs can be laid.

  • Raise the walls. Easy to process and low cost materials are foam and gas blocks.

You can use brickwork and other building materials. Everyone chooses according to his desire and possibilities. This leaves openings for windows, doors and gates.

  • Build a roof.

  • Connect communications: electricity, water, sewerage, gas.

  • Perform finishing work on the residential attic and the premises of the garage itself.

Outside, the building is sheathed with siding or clapboard, plastered with decorative plaster or other finishing materials are used.

  • The territory adjacent to the building is being equipped. It can be a flower garden, a lawn sown with grass, ornamental shrubs, which will add comfort to the garage with an attic and the entire site.

Compliance with all the conditions of the project, the manifestation of imagination, high-quality work will allow you to build a garage for two cars with an attic for every taste. The building will serve as a place for storing cars and a residential building for a long time.

Garage for two cars garage today is widely in demand, both in the city and in the suburban sector. But in order for it to successfully fulfill its functions: the safety of cars from weather adversities; protection from thieves; just a parking lot - you need to meet the special requirements of its construction.

Today we will consider how to make a garage for two cars. Also on the video in this article you can find additional information you need.

Getting the job done right

We immediately make a garage project for 2 cars, this is important not only from the point of view of registration, but you can also make calculations for the construction (see). After all, the price will depend on this. The instructions below will help you build a garage.

Garage Options

2 car garage projects should be done with durability in mind. It should not only accommodate two cars, it will also be necessary to allocate a storage area here - for tools, spare parts, necessary things and equipment (see).

Therefore, when calculating its dimensions, you need to decide on this.

In accordance with existing regulations:

  • parking space for one car must be inscribed in a rectangle with sides of 2.3 m x 5.5 m; and should not be located in the area of ​​movement of people
  • distance from garage wall to car and between parking spaces - at least 0.5 m; which roughly corresponds to two cars standing side by side with open doors
  • minimum garage height, comfortable to use, varies from 2.2 m to 2.6 m
  • in the calculations it is necessary to lay the thickness of the walls and blind areas, which defines the outer boundaries

A garage with parameters of 6 m x 8 m is considered optimal.

Good choice of location

Garage projects for two cars are made taking into account the binding to the area. After all, it will be necessary to take into account the proximity of groundwater and choose the right foundation. After all, the structure will be heavy and it must be made stable.

To decide on good place For the construction of a garage, several conditions must be taken into account at the same time:

  • land relief; (there should be no holes and slopes)
  • Soil properties; (humidity, flowability, freezing depth)
  • The depth of the passage of groundwater and communications
  • Ease of access

After a preliminary understanding of the size of the building; places and materials for its implementation - you can start choosing the type of foundation (see).

Attention: Finished projects for garages for 2 cars must take into account the angle of rotation of the vehicle in relation to the width of the road. Then it will be possible to determine the correct width of the gate and the entrance will be safe.

Foundation types

The choice of foundation is decisive for the quality, stability and durability of the garage. There are two options for support bases: columnar structures and tape, continuous and block type.

  • Column type foundation is a support of recessed pillars, which are installed around the perimeter of the future garage at a distance of 1.5 m to 2.5 m from each other.

The material for them can be wood, stone, brick, concrete, rubble and reinforced concrete. This type of base should be preferred in the case when there is a viscous soil containing clay on the site. This type of foundation is more convenient and economical.

  • On dry sandy soils, with weak bearing capacity, it is more reasonable to use a tape monolithic foundation.

Its creation is a very time-consuming process, consisting of several stages:

  1. pit preparation
  2. basement laying
  3. step-by-step concrete pouring and tamping
  4. laying rebar, stones or rubble to increase strength

This method is expensive, as a large amount of building materials is wasted.

Material selection

The most competitive material for building garage walls is brick (see). Correspondence of price and quality, the variety of its types - porous, hollow, ordinary - allows you to bring the thickness of the walls in accordance with any needs.

Attention: Perhaps the only negative is the high thermal conductivity. Therefore, the walls must be insulated and plastered from the inside. Construction practice focuses on the fact that the higher the walls, the thicker they should be.

  • If the construction region is dominated by strong winds(more than 15 m / s), then the thickness of the walls should be one brick; if less, then you can put the wall in half a brick
  • If the area is characterized by low temperatures in winter (-20 and below), then the walls should be 1.5 bricks


To obtain the desired strength of the walls, the bricks must be oriented without distortion, according to the calculations. Laying can be carried out in a free order. But if you do not have much experience in the work of a bricklayer, then it will be preferable to resort to a simple multi-row system.


  • The treasure starts from the corners of the room. Moreover, to begin with, measurements of the diagonal are made, the design must have the correct geometric shape.
  • It is necessary to observe the alternation of one tychkovy row with five or six spoon rows.
  • Using this scheme, you will get slightly less strength than using a single-row (professional), but, due to its simplicity, the final result will be at a good level, even for beginners in this field.
  • Take care of the uniformity of the thickness of the seams between the rows, it should not exceed 10 mm. For extra strength, you need to lay a layer of thin metal reinforcement in the seam, every four rows.
  • When starting to make a mortar, cement and sand should be mixed in a ratio of 1: 4. But mixtures with a similar composition, which were produced industrially, are also suitable.
  • Having achieved the required height of the walls - 2.5 m, proceed to work with the roof and windows, the construction of doors and gates.

Roof installation

The roof performs two important functions - heat conservation and protection of the building from moisture. It is more profitable to choose a roof option with a slope. When choosing a flat one, you may face the problem of constantly accumulating precipitation, which leads to dampness and leaks.

  • Before you start working on the roof, you need to install the rafters. The frame is best done with wooden beams. On them you need to nail the boards with an overlap, without gaps and gaps.
  • From above, form a canopy of roofing material, tiles, slate or profiled sheet.
  • Follow your preferences, there is an extensive range of materials in the industry.

Attention: Before starting work, the tree will need to be treated with antiseptics, this will significantly extend the service life.

Floor device

After completion of the foundation work, the floor is made:

  • Its creation should begin with waterproofing, which will help keep the car from corroding and prevent moisture from spoiling everything stored in the garage.
  • A layer of sand, 10 cm thick, is thrown onto the site and carefully compacted. A screed is poured onto it with a slope towards the gate.
  • When the construction of the garage is close to finish, the floor is optional. Can be painted or tiled with clinker floor tiles.


Building a garage for 2 cars requires an appropriate gate. It depends on the size of both cars. Lifting garage doors are now very common, they save space, are formed from a solid and durable frame, prevent burglaries, and can also be automated.

They work according to the principle of transition from vertical to horizontal position. Includes shield, frame and lift-and-swivel mechanism.

To make such a gate yourself, you need to go through the following steps:

  • Take measurements
  • Choose the type of gate that suits your needs
  • Calculate the amount of materials needed, according to the preliminary drawing
  • Gate Placement

Attention: If you do everything yourself, then pay attention to the perpendicularity of the installation relative to the ground. This is a pretty important point.

Entrance to the garage

Another serious moment in the construction of a garage is access roads. They must be of high quality.

The materials used may vary:

  • Reinforced concrete slabs
  • Asphalted pavements
  • Special tiles for paving sidewalks

The main thing is their high strength, easy entry, wear resistance.

You also need free space to be able to maneuver the car around a 90-degree turn.


A significant disadvantage of closed garage buildings is the lack of natural light. Even the presence of small barred windows does not increase general level illumination.

  • The most convenient for this purpose is general lighting, which is evenly distributed throughout the garage space, making it easier to park the car.
  • When choosing light sources, it is necessary to take into account their efficiency. In this regard, there is no better alternative than energy-saving lamps. Conventional, fluorescent lamps, and LED sources are also used.

Attention: When laying the cable, never use twists. It is not safe. Use terminal blocks and this will ensure a reliable connection.


To maintain the conditions of the desired microclimate, you can not do without ventilation of the supply and exhaust type. It will help to avoid the accumulation of malicious exhaust gases and provide good level air exchange, which contributes to the rapid drying of the machine.

You have to choose one of the types of ventilation: natural, forced or mechanical, combined.

  • The first and most popular is the natural type. It is quite simple and does not require large cash outlays.
  • Inlet grilles are placed at the bottom of the gate, due to which the exhausted, less dense air is displaced.
  • Make sure that the sections of the supply and exhaust systems do not match, the first should be less than a second twice, otherwise condensation may form in the garage.
  • One of the disadvantages of this method is the dependence of its effectiveness on natural weather factors.
  • But by placing a fan in the garage, you can partially solve this problem. This is a combined method.
  • WITH mechanical type such difficulties do not arise. When air enters the system, filtration and heating occurs.
  • Before entering the room, it passes through the air distributor. Further, it is awaiting removal with the help of an exhaust fan.


There are two types of heating - autonomous and shared with the house. It is very convenient if the construction of the garage is carried out simultaneously with the construction of the house, then you can limit yourself to laying the pipeline and installing radiators.

  • If the garage is built separately, then you need to stick to the offline method. Using appropriate equipment, which is usually gas or electricity powered.
  • For example, heat guns, they are able to create the desired conditions in the garage in the shortest possible time, as they have great power.

You can make a garage for 2 cars with high quality if you calculate everything correctly. Be sure to take into account the free space for movement. Look at the photo and choose desired option designs.

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