Driving in lanes if there are no markings. Departure towards traffic in the absence of markings - is this a violation? The markup is not visible, how to prove it? guest on road markings

Driving in lanes if there are no markings. Departure towards traffic in the absence of markings - is this a violation? The markup is not visible, how to prove it? guest on road markings

The other day, while talking with a number of drivers, I came across a wall of misunderstanding of the rules traffic on wide roads. This is partly due to recent changes in the SDA and the Code of Administrative Offenses, and partly due to the fact that even before the changes were made, the situation was ambiguous. Based on the results of the conversation, I made a list of 5 simple rules.

1. What is a "wide" road?
By "wide road" I mean a two-way road with four or more lanes. Section 9.2 of the SDA is dedicated to driving on such roads. It does not matter how many of these lanes are in one direction, and how many are in the other.

That is, the definition that can often be heard among drivers: “at least 2 lanes in each direction” is a delusion: there may be, for example, one lane in one direction and three in the other.

The definition of “2 lanes at least in one direction” is also incorrect, because a road with 1 lane in one direction and 2 lanes in the other fits this definition, but is not “wide” in the sense that we are talking about, because. It only has three stripes, not four.

The number of lanes on the road in accordance with paragraph 9.1 of the SDA is determined by the markings and / or road signs“Direction of lanes” and “Number of lanes”. At the same time, according to Appendix No. 2 to the SDA, in cases where the meanings of signs and markings contradict each other or the markings are not sufficiently distinguishable, drivers must be guided by road signs.

What if there are no signs or markings? According to clause 9.1 of the SDA, in this case, the driver determines the number of lanes himself, taking into account the width of the carriageway, dimensions Vehicle and the necessary intervals between them. Sometimes it is beneficial for the driver to have fewer than four lanes on the road (see below how a “wide” road differs from the rest). In this case, it must be remembered that, according to clause 6.1.3 of GOST R 52289-2004, the strip width, with the exception of special occasions, can not be less than 3 meters. Therefore, if you “by eye” on a road with a width of, say, 13 meters, count 3 lanes, this will most likely get away with you, and if you count 2 lanes on a road with a width of 24 meters, then almost certainly the judge will consider that you, when determining the number of lanes was not guided by traffic rules.

2. How is the "wide" road different from the rest?
According to clause 9.2 of the SDA “On two-way roads with four or more lanes, it is prohibited to overtake or bypass into a lane intended for oncoming traffic.” Regardless of anything, neither from the markings, nor from the signs (situations with road repairs and temporary signs, of course, do not count). That is, even if you see 4 lanes, and the center line is broken, you still cannot overtake (do not forget that overtaking is now considered only ahead of oncoming lane).

3. So "double solid is implied"?
No, this is a delusion. No markup can be "implied". Either she is, or she is not.

4. What about the left turn and U-turn?
Prior to the entry into force of the amendments to traffic rules question stood sharp, but this moment Clause 9.2 of the SDA quite specifically regulates this moment: “On such roads, left turns or U-turns can be performed at intersections and in other places where this is not prohibited by the Rules, signs and (or) markings.” That is, if there are no markings prohibiting a U-turn or a left turn (as a rule, this is a double solid marking 1.3) and there are no signs prohibiting a left turn or a U-turn (usually this is a sign 4.1.1 “Going straight”), you can safely turn around and turn left anywhere , regardless of the number of lanes. Once again: if you counted 4 lanes, but there are no markings and signs, then you cannot overtake in the oncoming lane, but you can turn around.

5. What to do in winter?
Indeed, what to do in winter, when the markings are not visible under a layer of snow, or in summer, when the markings are hidden under a layer of dirt, or simply erased? According to clause 4.4 of the aforementioned GOST R 52289-2004 “On sections of roads where the markings that determine the mode of movement are difficult to distinguish (snow, mud, etc.) or cannot be restored in a timely manner, signs corresponding in meaning are installed.”

The driver, moving on snow-covered asphalt, cannot know whether there is a marking prohibiting a U-turn. Therefore, in the absence of prohibition signs, nothing forbids him to make a left turn or U-turn. In this case, of course, you need to be careful and be especially careful.

9.1. The number of lanes for trackless vehicles is determined by markings and (or) signs 5.15.1, 5.15.2, 5.15.7, 5.15.8, and if there are none, then by the drivers themselves, taking into account the width of the carriageway, the dimensions of vehicles and the necessary intervals between them. At the same time, the side intended for oncoming traffic on roads with two-way traffic without a dividing lane is considered to be half the width of the carriageway, located on the left, not counting local widenings of the carriageway (transitional speed lanes, additional lanes for climbing, drive-in pockets of stopping places for route vehicles ).


To determine how many traffic lanes are on the road, the driver must pay attention to the presence of markings and the width of the carriageway.

1. Lane marked

Passing traffic flows are separated by markings 1.6. The same markings separate two-lane roads (when one lane is allocated in each direction). To separate the movement in different directions, markings 1.1 and 1.3 are also used - everyone knows one and two solid lines that cannot be crossed.

The markings dividing lanes for traffic, as a rule, are duplicated by signs of special requirements - 5.15.1, 5.15.2, 5.15.7, 5.15.8. These signs indicate the direction of movement in a particular lane. For example, some lanes are exclusively for driving straight ahead, while others are for turning or turning around.

2. If there is no marking or it is not visible (for example, in winter), the situation is a little more complicated.

On the roads with one way traffic(sign 5.5) the driver himself must mentally separate carriageway to traffic lanes. Moreover, the width of each lane should be enough for the passage of vehicles in one row (an average of 3-4 meters). Here it is necessary to take into account the safety lateral intervals for the movement of vehicles in different lanes simultaneously and parallel to each other. It is better if the width of the interval in both directions is equal to 1 meter.

On two-way roads, the driver must divide the road lengthwise into two equal parts and thus determine the part of the road for oncoming vehicles. After that, it is necessary to mentally divide the right, passing part of the road into lanes sufficient for the movement of the vehicle, including safe intervals between them. Those. as if he is on a road with only one way traffic.

If it is not possible to mentally divide the road into lanes, or if, in the opinion of the driver, there is enough space for the movement of only one vehicle, then the driver should simply drive closer to the right edge of the road. The same must be done if the driver has defined the road as a three-lane one. As a rule, in life, drivers drive along such a road as if it were a two-lane road. Only here the strip in each direction will be wider than usual.


For the location of the vehicle on the roadway in violation of traffic rules, a fine of 1,500 rubles is provided (Article 12.15, part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

On this topic.

Below are the main concepts and terms that are used in the SDA (section 1. General provisions), grouped by topic. Please note that the explanations of concepts and terms are not given in the original language, but more simply and clearly.

A strip of land (a system of structures) developed and used for the movement of vehicles. The road (red arrow in the figure) can consist of the following elements:

  • carriageway (green arrow) consisting of traffic lanes (blue arrow);
  • tram rails;
  • shoulders (orange arrow);
  • sidewalks;
  • dividing lines (black arrow).

The roadway. An element of the road on which the movement of trackless vehicles is carried out. The road may consist of one or more carriageways, which are separated from each other by dividing lanes.

You need to understand the following important point. If the road has a median (see definition below), then it consists of several carriageways. If oncoming flows are separated by a solid double line (marking 1.3), then the road consists of one carriageway.

dividing line . An element of the road that is distinguished either structurally and/or by marking 1.2.1, which marks the edge of the carriageway. The dividing strip separates adjacent carriageways and is not intended for the movement and stopping of vehicles. At the same time, rails for the movement of trams are sometimes laid on the dividing strip. Again, we need to pay attention to the next important point. If tram lines are located on the median strip (a structurally allocated section of the road), then, of course, it is forbidden to move along them with trackless vehicles. But, if the tram lines are laid in the middle of the road on the same level with carriageway, then the movement of the vehicle along them can be allowed.

Divider bar example:

For beginners, a legitimate question may arise - how to distinguish the dividing strip indicated by marking 1.2.1 from the solid double marking line 1.3. Indeed, in both cases, two solid lines are depicted on the road, located next to each other. Everything is very simple. First, the marking lines 1.2.1 are thicker than those of marking 1.3. Secondly, the 1.3 marking lines are located next to each other, while the 1.2.1 marking lines are located at some distance from each other (compare the figures above).

. Any of the longitudinal lanes of the carriageway, marked (not marked) with appropriate markings. If the lane is not marked with markings, then its width is assumed to be sufficient for the movement of cars in one row. For this reason, motorcycles can move in several lanes in one lane, and this will not be considered a traffic violation if motorcyclists observe a safe distance between themselves and other road users.

An example of a two-lane road:

Sidewalk. An element of the road that is intended for pedestrian traffic and is adjacent to the carriageway, bicycle path, or separated from them by a lawn. Usually sidewalks are raised above the carriageway and separated from them by a curbstone.

roadside. An element of a road that is directly adjacent to a carriageway at the same level as it. At the same time, the shoulder differs from the carriageway by the type of coverage, or is distinguished using markings 1.2.1 or 1.2.2 .

The roadside is used for pedestrian traffic, stopping and parking of vehicles. The roadside cannot be used for continuous movement of the vehicle.

Section of the carriageway, tram tracks, which is indicated by signs 5.19.1, 5.19.2 and/or horizontal markings 1.14.1, 1.14.2 . A pedestrian crossing is intended for the movement of pedestrians across the road. In the absence of road markings, the width pedestrian crossing determined by the distance between signs 5.19.1 and 5.19.2.

Please note that the sign 5.19.1 is installed to the right of the road, and 5.19.2 - to the left. If the road has a dividing strip, then the sign 5.19.2 is installed to the left of each of the carriageways on the dividing strip. On regulated intersections there may be no signs 5.19.1 and 5.19.2 - pedestrians should be guided only by road markings. If the intersection is not equipped with either signs or markings, pedestrians have the right to cross the carriageway at intersections along the lines of sidewalks or shoulders.

Surrounding area . The territory directly adjacent to the road and not intended for through traffic of vehicles. The adjacent territory includes courtyards, residential areas, parking lots, gas stations, enterprises, etc. The surrounding area is automatically always considered a secondary road. Therefore, when leaving the adjacent territory, the driver must give way to all road users on the road, even if no signs are installed. At the same time, the exit from the adjacent territory is not considered an intersection.

Railroad crossing . Crossing the road with the railway paths on the same level. Railway the crossing is a section of the road, which is intended for the passage of the vehicle through the railway track. roads.

A road marked with the sign 5.1, which has carriageways for traffic in each direction, separated from each other by a dividing strip or road barrier. There are no intersections on the same level with other roads on the motorway, railway. or tram tracks, bike paths.

Locality . A built-up area, the entrances and exits to which are marked with signs 5.23.1-5.26.

Let. An immovable object located in a traffic lane that does not allow the lane to continue unhindered. An obstacle may include a faulty or damaged vehicle, a defect in the roadway, foreign objects, etc.). Obstacles are not a traffic jam or a vehicle that has stopped in a traffic lane in accordance with traffic rules.

parking. A specially designated (arranged and equipped, if necessary) place that is part of the road or adjacent to the carriageway (sidewalk), roadside, flyover, bridge, or is part of the underpass (underbridge) spaces, squares or other objects of the road network, buildings, structures , structures intended for parking vehicles.

The oncoming lane on wide roads is almost like a gopher. You don't see it, but it exists. Is it really possible to lose your rights if there is no “continuous” neither double nor single?

I wrote this article for novice drivers - at least I hope so.

So, you were stopped by a traffic police inspector for driving into the oncoming lane on a four-lane road.

Your dialogue:

To which counter? How could I even cross the solid line if it's not there?

- She's there! The strict inspector said confidently.

It is so hard to see, the markings have already been erased, they probably applied it two years ago, it, that is, it is not, as if intermittent, and in the rain it is not visible at all. Am I supposed to look?

- And what about the "erased"? It's not about markup at all. The Code explicitly says "Drive to the side of the carriageway intended for oncoming traffic." Do you see that there is two-way traffic here? See! You obviously went to the side of oncoming traffic. So what does the “erased” have to do with it, where is it written at all that something needs to be crossed?

Excuse me, but you can only go to the oncoming one by crossing the markings if there is no separationThat means there is no oncoming lane!

- There is division! And for some reason, everyone but you sees it. Yes, it's not about separation.
And what is the penalty for me?
- Yes, it’s not a fine that shines for you, but deprivation of rights from 4 to 6 months (part 4 of article 12.15).

And the inspector this case absolutely right. Let's assume that there really was no marking line on this section of the road. So what, because, as I mentioned above, there are four lanes on this road, which means that there was a violation in this case. If it had two lanes - one in each direction, and without a dividing solid line - then, of course, it would be possible to drive into the oncoming lane. When there are four lanes on a two-way road, the presence of a dividing line is no longer so important.

Now let's deal with this issue in more detail. Indeed, what should be done if there is no dividing line, or is it half-erased and poorly visible? The driver is not responsible for the condition of the roads, so why should he be responsible? If there is no dividing line, is it even possible to talk about leaving on the side of oncoming traffic? What to do in the absence of markup?

In fact, everything is transparent: the answer to this question is in clause 9.1 of the SDA: “The number of lanes for roadless vehicles is determined by markings and (or) signs 5.15.1, 5.15.2, 5.15.7, 5.15.8, and if they are not, then by the drivers themselves, taking into account the width of the carriageway, the dimensions of the vehicles and the necessary intervals between them. At the same time, the side intended for oncoming traffic on roads with two-way traffic without a dividing lane is considered to be half the width of the carriageway, located on the left, not counting local widenings of the carriageway (transitional speed lanes, additional lanes for climbing, drive-in pockets of stopping places for route vehicles )".

Thus, it turns out that, regardless of the presence of markings, it is not the inspector, but first of all the driver who must independently determine the boundary between the traffic lanes.

If there is no dividing line with two lanes, then you must determine the border from the oncoming lane, but you have the right to go to the oncoming lane to overtake (or bypass the obstacle). But if there is no dividing line with four lanes or more, then you must not only determine the middle of the road, but also strictly adhere to it. On a three-lane road, the middle lane is for overtaking or turning (turning) only.

In conclusion, let's talk in more detail about the reversal. It is important not to confuse the oncoming traffic exit with other oncoming traffic exits that are not related to the traffic as such, that is, with a left turn and a U-turn.

If you turned around and as a result crossed a solid line, then you are not threatened with deprivation of your rights or a fine of 5,000 rubles. For such an act, you will already be punished under another article, namely Part 2 of Art. 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs or markings), and the fine will be in the amount of one thousand to one and a half thousand rubles. And if there are no markings, then you can turn around on roads of any width - the main thing is that you start moving in the opposite direction to the right of the center of the roadway.

Are there any guidelines for safe driving on traffic lanes in the traffic rules? What signs and markings regulate the actions of drivers? Are the rules common to all vehicles or are there specifics? This article speaks about this, and about responsibility for non-compliance with the rules.


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A situation in which the driver failed to orient himself on the road in time and determine the lane for movement is fraught with fines and a serious threat to life.

The roadway always has lanes. Sometimes they can be seen right away: they are highlighted by appropriate road markings.

The absence of dividing lines does not contradict the law. A lane is considered to be a part of the road, the width of which is sufficient for the safe movement of cars in one lane.

When this space is clearly marked, there are no questions. It happens that the markings are not applied, worn out or hidden under a layer of dirt or snow. In the absence of markings, the driver himself needs to determine his own location on the road.

A conditional line drawn longitudinally strictly in the middle divides the road into two halves:

  • on the right is the lane for passing traffic cars;
  • On the left is the oncoming lane.

You can also apply the following principle: how many cars pass at the same time in one section of a section of the road, so many lanes on it.

How to determine the quantity in the presence of markup

The rules provide for 3 main marking lines to separate lanes:

1.1 solid line Sets boundaries for opposites traffic lanes.
The symbol of lane boundaries in high-risk areas.
The only line that is forbidden to cross.
1.5 Single line - dashed Separator of flows from opposite directions on two- and three-lane road sections.
With its help, they indicate the boundaries for movement along 2 or more lanes of passing traffic.
This marking can be crossed when rebuilding and overtaking.
1.6 A single line is dashed (difference from 1.5 is a longer stroke). Warns that the separation line will become solid as you move.
Boundary for traffic lanes in the opposite direction.
It is important to be careful when crossing this lane: the maneuver can start at the permitted markings 1.6, and end at 1.1, and this is already punishable.

On the marked area, it is easy to find out the number of lanes: they need to be counted.

The marking separates only opposite flows - how many lanes?
If one line is applied to a section of the canvas, and it is a separator of vehicle flows from different directions, it is a little more difficult to understand how many lanes are on the road:


There is no method in the Rules for determining the numbering of traffic lanes. Logic suggests keeping a record of lanes from the curb. It is believed that the first lane for drivers is the one into which they enter.

Lane traffic signs

Signs regulating traffic within the boundaries of road lanes belong to the group of special requirements. They are installed at the intersection, and they have the right to cancel the operation of other signs provided for this intersection.


Sign 5.15.1 indicates how many lanes are on the road and shows the direction in which traffic is allowed.

For example, this sign prescribes and permits:

  • turn from the right lane to the right;
  • direct direction on the left and central lane;
  • turn or make a U-turn from the left lane.

The indications of sign 5.15.2 are similar to those of the previous one. There is also a difference: the pointer is placed above a certain lane. Its action extends to the regulation of the movement of a particular lane.

These signs have a number of features:

  • a sign allowing a left turn does not prevent a U-turn;
  • For public transport these marks are not used.

When traffic flows in one direction more than in the other, a similar sign is used: 5.15.7. The sign may be supplemented by restrictions on speed limit and type of vehicle.

Beginning and the end

Sign 5.15.3 is more often set when climbing or when approaching the deceleration lane. He warns that an additional lane will appear soon.

Sometimes the sign is supplemented by an indication of the restriction minimum speed cars. This means that in this lane you should observe the speed, the value of which is indicated on the sign. Or move around with more high speed, but within the general allowable values.

There is a sign 5.15.4 in the Rules, which also warns of the beginning of an additional lane in the middle of a 3-lane road. Sometimes it has a prescription for certain vehicles.

Signs 5.15.5 and 5.15.6 indicate the end of any additional lane.


This sign informs about the number of road lanes, informs about the mode of movement.

Sign 5.15.7 is installed in advance: 50-150 m before the road prohibitions placed on the lanes.


Legally established requirements for safe movement within the boundaries of road lanes are common to all vehicles. However, there are some specific features.

For passenger cars

For passenger transport there are a number of rules:

  1. When urban roads are marked with signs 5.1 or 5.3, they lie in uninhabited areas, as well as on roads with a speed limit of 80 km / h or more, drivers are required to move in the right lane. If the right half of the carriageway is free for traffic, movement on the left half is prohibited.
  2. In the city, drivers have the right to drive in any lane, from personal preference.
  3. If the road is loaded with traffic, it is allowed to change lanes and occupy another lane only if it is necessary to turn, turn around, go around an obstacle, or stop.
  4. If the road has more than three lanes for one direction, driving on the far left is prohibited. The exception is heavy congestion on the road when the other lanes are occupied. It is allowed to change lanes only when turning or turning left.

For freight transport

For movement freight transport There are also a number of restrictions on traffic lanes:

  1. Trucks over 2.5 tons when driving on a three-lane (and more) urban road have the right to use the extreme left lane, if a U-turn or turn (to the left) is required. There are no other prohibitions for movement within city limits for freight transport.
  2. outside locality drivers of all vehicles, including trucks, are prohibited from moving along the left lane if free passage is possible along the right lane. You can occupy the left lane only if the right lane is busy.
  3. The movement of freight transport over 3.5 tons on motorways and highways only allowed on the right: two lanes. Movement on other lanes is strictly prohibited. Trucks from 2.5 to 3.5 tons on the motorway are allowed any lane, except for the one on the far left. For vehicles less than 2.5 tons, the ban does not apply.

For public

Sign 5.14 points to a special dedicated lane for public transport:

The sign is valid for the lane over which it is placed. Its effect continues until the intersection or until the sign that cancels the allocation of lanes: 5.14.1. If the selected lane continues after the intersection, a repeated sign is placed.

The selected lane is also indicated by other indicators:

  1. A sign informing about a road with a lane for public transport. According to the prescription, route transport moving towards the traffic flow.

  2. Sign indicating the exit to the road with a dedicated lane:

    On pavement the lane is additionally marked with the letter A. The areas for public transport stops are marked with yellow zigzag markings.

    The rules allow not only public transport to follow this lane.

    Can move freely:

    • Shuttle Buses;
    • school buses;
    • trolleybuses;
    • cyclists;
    • taxis (route and passenger).

    Drivers of ordinary vehicles are allowed to temporarily move along the “allocated lane”, but only in certain cases:

    1. When making a turn requiring a right lane change.
    2. When entering a lane from an adjacent area or secondary road.
    3. For boarding or disembarking passengers.

    In this case, the driver should not interfere with the route transport.
    Sometimes dedicated lanes become available for any transport - if information plates are added to the designation of an additional lane:

    For motorcycles

    Motorcyclists pose a serious threat to the safe movement of motorists: a risky driving style along the markings, between the rows, is often provoked.

    At the same time, the movement of a motorcycle within the boundaries of the road lanes is not regulated. The motorcyclist is subject to the general rules.

    It is forbidden for any type of vehicle to drive onto the marking lines, unless this is an authorized maneuver:, detour, rebuilding.

    In other cases, movement should be carried out only within the marked road lane. This rule applies to all vehicles, including motorcycles.

    The SDA defines: moving vehicles must maintain a distance and lateral spacing.

    In theory, the motorcycle is not forbidden to move in the aisle:

    • in the absence of markings on the roadway;
    • if the lateral interval with neighboring vehicles is maintained.

    To assess the safe interval, it is important to estimate the dimensions of the neighboring transport. If this heavy vehicle, a motorcyclist on the aisle is recognized as a violator.

    It is strictly forbidden to move in the aisle in the presence of markings.

    Features of driving on the opposite lane

    Driving in the opposite lane is undesirable, but in some circumstances it is possible and necessary. To avoid trouble on this dangerous area, follows:

    1. When turning and crossing roads, the car should not be on the “oncoming lane”, this will be regarded as a violation, regardless of the number of lanes and the type of markings.
    2. When overtaking is performed on a two-way road with four or more lanes, oncoming traffic is not allowed.
    3. It is allowed to go to the “oncoming lane” if it is required to perform one of the maneuvers: overtaking, turning around, avoiding an obstacle, turning left. At the same time, the road should be three-lane, and its middle part should be intended for traffic in two directions.
    4. If the road is narrow and does not have dividing markings, you can enter the oncoming lane to overtake, if there are no prohibition signs nearby.

    At the crossroads

    There are special requirements for crossing intersections:

    1. If lane indicators are not installed, and markings are not applied to the roadway, it is necessary to stand in the appropriate lane when turning. Those who plan to go straight can choose any lane.
    2. If there are lane signs but no markings, follow the signs and move depending on where you want to go after the intersection.
    3. If there is a dividing line 1.8, you need to find your own lane and move along it. Each row is marked with an arrow indicating the permitted movement. If you can turn left, a U-turn is also allowed.
    4. In a situation where there are signs and markings at the intersection that have conflicting information, you should focus on the sign: it has priority.

    When rebuilding

    If you need to maneuver in the lanes or before the intersection, you need to remember these rules:

    1. If a motorist was moving straight ahead and intends to continue in this way, the driver who wants to turn and therefore changes lanes is obliged to let him pass.
    2. In the case when the drivers intend to make a maneuver at the same time, the one who occupies the position on the right has the right of way.

    For traffic safety, turn on the turn signal in advance, select correct speed And don't forget mirrors.

    These instructions apply to traffic on any road, regardless of the presence of markings. It is worth remembering: if there are no dividing stripes, then the number of directions will always be even.

    On the road with a reverse lane

    Special signs indicating that there is a roadway reverse band, is not provided in the SDA. There is a 5.8 sign pointing to reverse movement on the road, sign 5.10 meaning that the intersection with the road with reverse traffic is coming soon.

    Reversing traffic lights are also not related to the designation of lanes. They regulate the traffic lanes.

    Reverse lanes are marked with dividing markings 1.9. If it is one, there are two stripes, respectively. If there are several markings on the canvas, then there will be as many reverse lanes as there are lanes with corresponding borders.

    If the traffic light does not function or it simply does not exist, it is allowed to cross the reverse line if it is to the right of the driver. If there are reverse borders on both sides, you cannot enter such a lane.

    What is allowed at the start of a roundabout

    Based on 8.5 SDA, you can enter the circle from any lane.
    There is one feature on the ring traffic: entry is allowed in the lane where the driver was before the start of the circle.

    For example, from the right lane of the roadway to the left lane roundabout entry is prohibited.

    Penalties for violations

    Behind traffic violations and with the legal establishment of these violations by traffic police employees, administrative responsibility is provided for drivers:

    Violation The amount of the fine, rub.
    The movement of the vehicle on the median strip (incorrect location of vehicles on the road) 1500
    Crossing "solid" at the exit to the median strip 500
    Changing lanes without warning signals 500
    Turning from a lane that prohibits this maneuver 1500
    Oncoming traffic to avoid obstacles 1000 – 1500
    Entering the oncoming lane for overtaking 5000

    for 4 - 6 months.
    Deprivation of rights for 1 year if the offense is committed repeatedly
    If a repeated violation is fixed by automatic means,
    fine 5000
    Use of the cycle lane by road 2000
    Driving in a dedicated lane 1500
    (for Moscow and St. Petersburg - 3000)
    Violation of the traffic regime established for the lane Penalty similar to speeding violation

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