Bus stop sign rules set. Shuttle stops

Bus stop sign rules set. Shuttle stops

Road sign bus stop all adults and even children know it, because it can be seen everywhere, it is very easy to recognize it by drawing. But, despite this, novice drivers who have recently received a license may be mistaken in its purpose. This sign indicates that there is a bus stop on this section of the road. Sometimes you can see it along with the yellow road line, it is it that separates the area where minibuses stop.

According to the rules, the sign must be on both sides of the road. IN passing direction and from the opposite side, his image should be clearly visible. Passenger buses, having seen it, they can safely board and disembark on this section of the road.

At the same time, the duties of other drivers include:

  • decrease in the speed of movement;
  • passenger bus pass;
  • careful control of the pedestrian crossing;
  • performing maneuvers only according to the rules.

The "Bus Stop" sign notifies motorists about what actions can and cannot be performed at this place.

The sign is placed on the road or next to the stop, it is intended to indicate a section of the road where bus vehicles can stop.

It can be placed either in the middle or at the end of a given section of the road. If the area for public transport large, the sign is installed in two places.

The public transport sign is easy to recognize blue and white and it has a picture of a bus. Such a pointer is placed at the beginning of the stop. If there is a pavilion nearby, then it is attached to the edge so that the driver can see it without any problems.

On city roads, the sign must necessarily be two-way according to GOST, and one-way outside the city. Sometimes signs with inscriptions are placed, this is done if the site is quite long. Additional inscriptions are written below, a sign is set at the beginning of the stop.

increased attention

Of course, it's no secret to anyone that some drivers break the rules, exceed speed mode And they just don't care about road signs. This pointer should discipline drivers so that they drive according to the rules and do not violate anything.

Seeing him, the motorist should immediately slow down, make sure that no one crosses the road at a pedestrian crossing and, of course, skip public transport leaving the stop.

Having studied in detail current Rules, you can notice that yellow zigzag road markings can now be used next to this sign. Horizontal position - it is in this form that such marking should be applied.

Only vehicles intended for passengers may stop on such a section of the road.

Public transport stops are multifunctional in nature. They are acting element organization systems traffic: I accumulate flows of passengers around me, create them comfortable conditions transport waiting.

The Bus Stop sign helps both pedestrians and motorists navigate the road and make the right decision for themselves.

Usually, at the stop, the municipality hangs out information signs that should indicate:

  • numbers of buses that stop here;
  • bus operating hours;
  • route maps.

Modern technologies have also come to bus stops. IN major cities you can find electronic information boards, which demonstrate in real time the movement of public transport routes that have a stop here. You can see how much time is left to wait for this or that route.

At any bus stop there must be special barriers, road signs and appropriate markings.

The bus pavilion according to GOST can be two various types: with a canopy and one that closes on three sides. For a long time, stops with built-in fast food pavilions, the sale of books and the press have become the norm for city dwellers.

Payment terminals and coffee machines are inserted into the walls of stops, as well as benches for convenient waiting for transport.

There are two types of stops:

  1. Permanent stop. Buses stop only according to a certain schedule, after some officially established period of time.
  2. Request stop. It is not always possible to see road signs here. The passenger is waiting for transport on the side of the road or on the sidewalk, stopping the car with his hand. In some cases, he presses a special button on the pole. Otherwise, the bus will pass by.

In order not to interfere with the movement of passenger flows, their embarkation and disembarkation, other vehicles, except for route vehicles, are prohibited from parking on this section of the road.

A motorist can park a car up to a sign only at a certain distance. Parking time can be any, the rules do not regulate it.

It is important to know that parking is prohibited before and after 15 meters at a public stop. The calculation should be carried out from the set pointer. It does not depend on which side of the road the car is located.

At the stop, you can:

  • stay passenger car for disembarking or embarking passengers;
  • you can load and unload cargo.

The main thing in such situations is that the parking time does not take more than 5 minutes. Stopping is allowed in the event of a breakdown, when the motorist is able to fix it almost immediately.

In any case, other transport, except for the city route, for which the stop was created, should not interfere with the public through its actions.

Passenger transport - today it is already a rather complicated technique, and some breakdowns are not so easy to fix. In many cases, it can break in the most unexpected situations. At the time of the breakdown, the motorist cannot instantly understand what happened, so he has to stop and look under the hood.

Breakdowns can be different:

  • malfunction of the brakes or steering wheel;
  • breakage of "wipers" in bad weather;
  • malfunction in the headlights or dimensions, and so on.

When the trouble happened close to the bus stop and had to stop, the inspector has no right to issue a fine to the motorist. In the event of a breakdown, be sure to put the appropriate emergency indicator.

There are certain places where stopping and parking Vehicle prohibited in any case:

  • with a prohibition indicator;
  • on tram tracks;
  • on the railway;
  • in tunnel crossings;
  • on pedestrian zebras;
  • in narrow passages, where otherwise cars simply will not pass;
  • in a lane reserved for cyclists.

A passenger car can stop under this sign only near the curb or at the sidewalk. Parking in such situations must be done in a way that does not interfere with other bus facilities.

If a traffic police officer noticed that the car owner stopped and stood at the bus stop for a long time, then he has the right to take measures against him:

  1. Issue a fine.
  2. Evacuate the car.

If the traffic police officer decides to punish the violator in the second way, then the driver will have to pay not only the fine, but also the transportation and security of the vehicle in the impound lot. Therefore, it is better to eliminate the cause traffic violations in place.

Traffic police can issue a fine for the following reasons:

  • interfere with other participants;
  • stop next to the pedestrian crossing;
  • took a designated place for the disabled;
  • parking second nearby;
  • parking on the playground, sidewalk or lawn.

In two exceptional cases, there may be no signs on the road, but the traffic inspector may still make a claim.

The reasons for the absence of a designation may be different:

  1. The road services did not have time to install the sign, as this is a new place for buses.
  2. The old pointer was broken, the new one has not yet been installed.

Of course, no matter what the situation, the driver "on the nerves" can start arguing with the inspector, which does not lead to anything good.

It often happens that the sign is simply covered with tree branches, a billboard with advertising or something else. In such situations, it is very difficult to prove the case. In this situation, it is recommended to take photographs or record everything on video, because in some cases this can help in proving your case in court.

What are the penalties for violating

For stopping or parking at wrong place the car owner is entitled to a fine, its amount will be about 1000 rubles. In large cities, for example, Moscow, the fines are very high and a receipt for 3,000 rubles will come for such a violation.

The road sign "Bus stop" warns drivers that it is impossible to stop on this section of the road for a long time in any case. If the car will stand at the bus stop for more than 5 minutes, the inspector has the right to evacuate the vehicle to the impound. The car owner will be lucky if he is nearby and has time to move his car to another place.

A fine can be issued not only if the traffic police officer noticed this, but also if the violation was filmed by a video recording camera. Payment of the receipt must be made within 60 days. The time for payment begins to be counted from the moment when the notice of violation is received.

In the event that the fine was not paid within this time, the amount may be doubled or the penalty changed. It is reckless for a motorist to wait for a receipt in the mailbox. She may simply not come, and the fine will already be registered. Therefore, it is reasonable to regularly check your car for fines on online services.

In the event that the motorist does not agree with the violation, then you can try to challenge it by providing a photo and video. This is given no more than 10 days. If this period is missed for a good reason, the application should be supplemented with a petition for the restoration of the appeal period, indicating evidence of the grounds for the appeal outside the established period.

When the driver suddenly became ill and had to stop in the wrong place, and the inspector decided in such a situation to write him a fine, then you need to immediately call ambulance. A certificate from the medical institution must be attached to the application to the court to appeal against the imposed punishment, and then the fine will be removed.

Road in urban conditions - dangerous place for both pedestrians and motorists. Therefore, their movement is regulated by numerous signs and road markings. Stop sign bus routes, helps to harmonize street flows and provide all road users with comfortable conditions. In cases of violation of the requirements of the sign, fines are applied. They can be appealed to judicial order, but at the same time, do not forget about the observance of the terms of circulation.

The traffic rules in the Russian Federation imply that the designation that indicates the bus stop must have a two-way sign. So he informs drivers in advance, both oncoming and passing cars, that there is a passenger transport stop in this section and it is necessary to take security measures: maneuver according to traffic rules, slow down, do not overtake, and also be attentive to the situation on road.

Referring to traffic rules, such a sign defines a limited section of the road intended for stopping public transport: minibus, bus or trolleybus.

The sign indicating the bus stop is very often misleading for novice drivers. Not having much experience in driving a car, they often violate traffic rules and receive fines for this, so the road sign should be at the beginning of the designated area. Thanks to this placement, the probability that the bus will block the visibility of the sign for other cars is zero.

If the allotted segment exceeds the typical size of a passenger transport stop, it is set again. In addition to the plate, the new rules oblige to apply a special zigzag marking along the entire territory of its operation.

Sign features

The designation "Bus Stop Place" implies that at the place of its execution:

  1. If there is one sign and without markings, it is prohibited to park a car within a radius of 15 meters before and after the sign itself.
  2. It is forbidden to turn around at public transport stops to and from the outer lane.
  3. The execution of dangerous maneuvers, including driving backwards, overtaking and any rebuilding of the vehicle, is strictly punished.
  4. You can stop on the opposite extreme lane.
  5. It is also allowed to turn around directly in front of the sign.
  6. If the zone has a 1.17 zigzag marking, the rules are even clearer. They say that the marking zone, as well as 15 meters before and after it, is not suitable for parking or maneuvering.
  7. There is one exception in the SDA, which says that a car that does not interfere with the movement of public vehicles can make a quick stop, boarding or disembarking passengers for a period of no more than five minutes. The parking is on a long period prohibited.

Please note that these rules apply only to bus stops that are marked with a corresponding sign or road marking. If there are none, then parking and maneuvers on these segments road traffic rules allow.

Accumulations of waiting people and arrangement on the sidewalk without symbolic designations do not give the right to consider this area as a stopping place for public transport.

What are the penalties

A driver who violated the rules in the area of ​​​​a traffic sign about the bus stop and was caught by traffic police officers will be forced to pay a fine of approximately one thousand rubles, clause 3.1 of Art. 12.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. If this offense took place in Moscow, St. Petersburg and their regions, the amount of the fine is tripled (p. 6).

Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Article 12.19. Violation of the rules for stopping or parking vehicles

3. Stopping or parking vehicles at a pedestrian crossing and less than 5 meters in front of it, with the exception of a forced stop and the case provided for in paragraph 6 of this article, or violation of the rules for stopping or parking vehicles on the sidewalk, except for the case provided for in paragraph 6 of this article shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand rubles

In special cases, the case may not be limited to just a monetary penalty. If the car is left for more than 5 minutes in the area designated by public transport parking (or 15 meters before and after), traffic police representatives have full right to drive it from such illegal parking spaces. With such a development of events, the owner of the car will be lucky if he is nearby and drives the car himself. Otherwise, the obligation to pay for transportation and storage of the car in a special parking lot will also fall on his shoulders.

Important nuances

Drivers often manage to avoid spending money. This happens if there are no signs and road markings at the place of the proposed stop. Then the drivers indicate to the traffic police inspectors that this actual stop of the route transport is not indicated in any way, which means that they did not violate the rules and there are no reasons to apply administrative penalties to them in the form of fines.

Most often, there are no signs at the parking lot for the following reasons:

  • the stop is new and they have not yet been installed;
  • they were dismantled, and the replacement has not yet been installed.

Any of these reasons can exempt the driver from administrative penalties.

Entering into polemics with the inspector and having unquestioning arguments of his innocence, car owners often convince him not to issue a fine. But if the representative of the traffic police still stands his ground, then it is enough to record on video or take a photo of the place of the alleged violation. It is important that on the finished material it can be seen that the stop is not marked with a sign or markings. When it comes to litigation, the judge will in any case take the side of the driver, since he acted within the framework of the law and traffic rules.

Road sign Bus stop is used to mark the section highway or the route where it stops public minibus. Let's figure out how to behave as a driver who saw this sign on the road.

Road sign "Bus stop place" - a big responsibility

Basically, the traffic rules of the Russian Federation require that the road sign "Bus stop" in without fail was double sided. This is done on purpose so that passing and oncoming cars are informed in advance about the stop of passenger transport and take security measures. For example, they slowed down, did not overtake, were extremely careful on the road, made.

The rules of the road allow the use of this sign in conjunction with road markings, broken line drawn in a horizontal direction yellow color . IN this case it designates a place or a site on which route vehicles stop. A public transport stop road sign imposes a significant responsibility on the driver.

According to sections 8 and 12 of the SDA, in places where there are stops transport vehicles, the following maneuvers are strictly prohibited: in reverse, turn around and park or stop at a distance of 15 m, both before and after the stop. True, the last rule has an exception: if the driver does not interfere with the route vehicle, then he is allowed to stop in the area of ​​​​the “Bus Stop” sign to disembark or board passengers. In addition, the driver must know and remember that in the territory of settlements he is obliged route transport give way.

Road sign "Bus stop" - life situations

Life is an unpredictable thing, and anyone can get into an unpleasant situation. For example, let's imagine a case on a section of a highway subject to a "Bus Stop" sign. The driver made a stop, a U-turn or reverse movement, or thought about something and took his direction for, and as a result did not give way to a bus or minibus stop. And so, this maneuver came to the attention of a traffic officer.

A significant chance for a driver who has committed an offense to get rid of a fine is the actual absence of a corresponding sign or the absence of road markings.

In other words, there is a stop of shuttle cars here, but the inherent formality of such sections in the form of markings or signs is not observed. In this case, the driver has not legally violated traffic rules, which means that no administrative sanctions can be imposed on him.

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Even desired sign is present, the driver can avoid liability if the sign is somehow obscured from view. This often happens in the city: a billboard, a pole or tree branches can completely or partially block signs. True, it will not be so easy to prove one's innocence - it will still be necessary to prove that the pointer is really not visible. And this is the task of the transport prosecutor's office, where you should apply.

Good afternoon, dear reader.

In the sixteenth article of the series "Signs of the road" the following signs of special requirements will be considered:

Bus and/or trolley bus stop.
- Tram stop.
- Parking lot for taxis.
- Crosswalk.
- Artificial unevenness.

We will talk about the features of the installation of these signs, as well as violations associated with them.

In addition, according to paragraph 18.3 of the SDA in settlements Drivers must give way to public transport that starts from a designated stop. For this violation, the driver will receive a warning or an administrative fine of 500 rubles.

A few more prohibitions related to stopping public transport: a U-turn (clause 8.11 of the SDA) and reversing (clause 8.12 of the SDA) are prohibited there. The fine for these violations is provided for by Part 2 of Article 12.14 of the Code of Administrative Offenses and amounts to 500 rubles.

Tram stop sign

The road sign "Tram stop place" is installed on the road in the following cases:

  • To the right of the roadway, if tram rails pass in the middle of the road.
  • To the right of the carriageway on a one-way road if the tram tracks are located to the left of the road.

In addition, a duplicate sign is installed either at the beginning of a raised above carriageway landing area, or above the left lane of a given direction (on roads with 2 or more lanes for movement in a given direction).

Please note that the sign "Tram stop place" is installed on the roads in order to help the driver comply with the requirements of paragraph 14.6 of the rules:

14.6. The driver must give way to pedestrians walking towards or away from the shuttle vehicle standing at the stopping place (from the side of the doors), if boarding and disembarking are carried out from the carriageway or from the landing site located on it.

For violation of this paragraph of the rules, the driver will receive a fine of 1,500 rubles.

Taxi parking sign

The road sign "Parking place for passenger taxis" is used to indicate the corresponding parking lots:

Since passenger taxis do not have an advantage over other road users, it is not possible to violate the requirements of this sign.

Pedestrian crossing sign

Road sign crosswalk used to mark the boundaries of a pedestrian crossing, in the absence of appropriate markings on the road:

Note that there are 2 different signs pedestrian crossing (5.19.1 - on it the pedestrian goes to left side, and 5.19.2 - on it the pedestrian goes to the right side). The first sign is set to right side road, and the second, respectively, on the left. In this case (in the absence of road markings), signs are used to indicate the boundaries of a pedestrian crossing.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that in practice the pedestrian crossing signs are different sides roads are sometimes set strictly opposite each other, i.е. it turns out that the beginning of the transition coincides with its end. Naturally, a pedestrian cannot move through such a structure without violating the rules, and in some cases this can be used to your advantage.

Of the features of the installation of this sign, it should be noted that on roads with a dividing strip pedestrian crossing signs installed on each of the carriageways separately. Those. one sign on each side of each carriageway.

Let me remind you that pedestrian crossing zone determined by the following features:

  • Markup, if any.
  • According to the signs 5.19.1 (beginning) and 5.19.2 (end), if there is no marking.

Currently, pedestrians have priority when crossing the road at unregulated crossings. If the driver does not let the pedestrian pass in time, he will receive a fine of 1,500 rubles.

In addition, U-turns (clause 8.11 of the SDA) and reversing (clause 8.12 of the SDA) are prohibited at pedestrian crossings. The fine for these violations is provided for by Part 2 of Article 12.14 of the Code of Administrative Offenses and amounts to 500 rubles.

Artificial bump sign

Road sign artificial unevenness used to mark the boundary of a speed bump.

All motorists know that U-turns, stops and parking are prohibited at the stops of route vehicles, but sometimes questions arise with the designation of this place and how exactly to determine the boundaries of the prohibition of stopping. Let's take a look at all below possible ways designations of stops of route vehicles.

MTS stops are indicated road signs 5.16 “Bus and (or) trolleybus stop”, 5.17 “Tram stop” and (or) road markings 1.17. markup 1.17. Please note that the markup does not duplicate the sign and can be used independently.

MTS stop designation only with a sign

8.11. U-turn is prohibited:

at the stops of route vehicles.

12.4. Stopping is prohibited:

closer than 15 meters from the stops of route vehicles or parking of passenger taxis, marked with marking 1.17, and in its absence - from the indicator of the stop point of route vehicles or parking of passenger taxis (except for a stop for boarding and disembarking passengers, if this does not interfere with the movement of route vehicles vehicles or vehicles used as passenger taxis);

Please note that the MTS stop begins after the sign. According to GOST, the sign 5.16 is set at the beginning of the landing area, that is, the stopped shuttle vehicle will be completely after the sign. So it is excluded that the bus will close the visibility of the sign. This is important when making a turn. Before the sign, a U-turn is not prohibited. A U-turn is prohibited only at MTS stopping places - from the extreme right lane and into the extreme right lane.

If the stopping place of route vehicles is indicated only by a sign, then the zone of prohibition of stopping and parking is determined by 15 meters before and after the sign in the direction of movement for which the sign is installed. Stopping on the opposite side of the road is not prohibited.

MTS stop designation with a sign and markings

If marking 1.17 is present in the designation of the MTS stopping place, then no controversial issues arise. When turning around, it is forbidden to drive into this marking, and to stop and park, you should retreat 15 meters on both sides in the direction of travel.

Unmarked MTS stops

The above requirements of the Rules of the Road apply only to designated stops of fixed-route vehicles and passenger taxis. If the stopping place is not marked with the appropriate sign and/or markings, the U-turn and stopping in such places is not prohibited.

Experimental marking of the tram stop

When organizing the movement of the tram with the disembarkation of passengers on carriageway for experimental purposes, markings were applied in some places to the right of the tram tracks along the left edge of the carriageway.

This use of markup is for informational purposes only. Stopping at such a place is prohibited by general rules, and a U-turn without leaving the tram tracks at the tram stop will not work, that is, the marking does not affect the formation of a violation.

This concludes the article. Thank you for your interest.
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