What is the best gas station. Where does bad gas come from? Investigation of the expert "Behind the wheel

What is the best gas station. Where does bad gas come from? Investigation of the expert "Behind the wheel


To be honest, in ten years of conducting fuel examinations, my colleagues and I came across crappy gasoline only once. We found a place on the Kaluzhskoye Highway, where on one side there was a "Lukoil" gas station, and on the right, almost the same, but already "Likoylovskaya". The difference is one letter and ten missing octane units. And also in the insane stench of the drug sold there, which, by the way, was three rubles per liter cheaper than the neighbors across the street. The laboratory then said unequivocally: “This is not gasoline!” And soon after the publication, the curious sign from the track disappeared.

But what to expect from obviously expensive gas stations?

It so happened that on duty we ended up at the Shell oil depot near Podolsk. In fact, we were supposed to be shown an exemplary fuel truck - and they really did. But how can one resist sarcastic questions on other fuel topics?

What is my attitude to the Shell gas station network? Neutral. Among the advantages:

  • Here you are first filled, and then you pay.
  • There is always a toilet and you can wash your hands.
  • This is a branded gas station with a big name, and therefore, in the process of refueling, you seem to involuntarily rise in your own eyes.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • It's more expensive than most of the others.
  • The network of Shell's gas stations is poorly developed - it takes a long time to look for them.
  • In our Zarulev examinations, Shell has never shone.

So what about the neutral, I, perhaps, turned down - for me the cons outweigh, so I personally prefer VR. Sometimes Neste. Last resort - Lukoil. Why in the extreme? Because they never learned how to humanly manage full tank. Yes, and the operator near the column is either present or not.

But today we're going to Shell.

What I like about Shell is the signature coloring. And I still remember how a few years ago I had a chance to participate in a conversation with the vice president of the company, David Pirret. Educated intelligent man - it was nice to talk. Moreover, I immediately went from him to a meeting with the then VAZ temporary worker. I don’t want to remember him, I can only say that the difference was crazy.

We are met at the entrance. Pretty fuel trucks and even prettier employees. Well, business men, of course ... We begin to communicate. Where does Shell get its gasoline? Not in Holland, of course: far and expensive. The carrier, the company AVTEK, with whose representatives we are talking, receives gasoline in the capital Kapotnya, Ryazan, Ufa or Yaroslavl. Subsequently, they serve Moscow, Tula, Smolensk, Bryansk and Lipetsk.

Then a small performance begins. The manager says: the company buys Russian fuel, after which its quality ... increases! Well, it's not even funny: why on earth? We agreed that Shell does not degrade the quality of Russian fuel during transportation and storage. You can still believe it. However, the manager did not believe it: it seems that he really thinks differently.

Do they buy good fuel in dense Russia? The Shellovtsy nod - they say, it fully complies with Russian GOSTs, and the company's oil depot carries out its input control. By what parameters, they did not specify. The question about the octane number was turned into a joke: they say, well, this is obvious. I had to be reminded that technical regulation does not impose exact requirements on this number: they say, not lower than 80 - and all right. They do not argue with us, but they are in a hurry to show the fuel truck.

There are no questions for fuel trucks - take a look at the photo. They are hung with cameras and antennas so that no one cheats. Fuel - in expensive aluminum containers, born abroad. I was pleased with a cheerful picture on the right door - especially for those kind people behind the wheel who, in traffic jams, strive to climb a fuel truck almost under the bumper.

Shell does not have its own carriers - neither in Russia, nor in the world. Is it good or bad? Here everyone is free to do as he pleases, the consumer needs good fuel and nothing more.

The oil depot is clean. Shooting and talking on mobile phones near the gas station are prohibited: there are known cases of unauthorized sparking of built-in batteries. Yes, on lithium batteries lately they often run into: sometimes they really behave aggressively.

And I again - about bad gasoline. Where does it come from?

Attention, this is an updated post. By agreement with the site administration, gasoline tests will be collected in it in chronological order.
November 20, 2017

Test gasoline AI 95 Kutuzovsky. OKTIS 2 vs Gazpromneft laboratory
Today is an unusual test.
It turned out a long video in which you can see exactly how and with what devices they measure octane number gasoline in the laboratory.

Moreover, the equipment in the mobile laboratory is an order of magnitude more expensive than the equipment in the same MADI, where earlier bloggers posted a video about the discrepancy between the OCTIS 2 readings and real data. We will check

Today we will be able to find out how correct the readings of OKTIS 2 are. Many said that the readings of OKTIS 2 are suitable for divination on coffee grounds.
So let's compare what the test of the same samples of AI 95 gasoline samples will give us in laboratory conditions.
It must be said right away that in the conditions of a dank autumn, the precision equipment installed in the Gazprom Neft mobile laboratory failed several times. We did not include it in the video, it became too long for the mass of viewers, but it is probably worth writing about.
I would like to thank Marina and Yulia, employees of Gazpromneft, for their help in testing 5 samples of gasoline at once.
It should be noted that all the tests were blind, and the laboratory staff did not know what kind of gasoline was in the bottles that we brought for testing.
Test results can be found at the end of the video.

Earlier, I posted a video with a gasoline test that received a large number of reviews and views. The quality of gasoline, its brand, is the price tag for gasoline at gas stations, and we all pay a full ruble for each liter of fuel.

What do Vasily Alibabaevichi owners of gas station networks pour into the tanks of millions of cars in Moscow Gas station Lukoil, TNK, BP, Rosneft, Gazpromneft, Neftmagistral?
How is Igor Ivanovich Sechin? Is he joking too?
Using the example of my Troparevo-Nikulino, one of the best districts in Moscow, I will show what the leading gas stations pour into the tank, and does Vasily Alibabaevich still work for them?

We are watching the AI ​​95 gasoline test, using the example of Troparevo-Nikulino

AI 95 already costs 40 rubles per liter, while we feed as usual iron horse, at an "expensive" and "high-quality" gas station that smells of coffee and sells sausages. That is, we know where it is better to devour ourselves, and what a man in a green uniform pours into the tank of a car is not our concern.
Oh well.

Russia is the world's leading oil producer, while the price of gasoline is higher than in the United States, not to mention Saudi Arabia and other oil-producing countries. At gas stations they tried to forbid us from filming, they called the police and the security service, the signal about checking the quality of gasoline in Troparevo-Nikulino instantly spread to all gas stations in the area. Those who have nothing to hide will not be hysterical when there is a check.

The state has actually withdrawn itself from quality control of gasoline, while more than half of its price is the taxes that we pay every time we put a gun in a gas tank.
And most importantly, we all tolerate it.

Article "ЗР" about Shell

Where does bad gas come from? Investigation of the expert "Behind the wheel"
The quality of gasoline is a dark matter. Once, one of the heads of the fuel company complained in a private conversation: they say, at this gas station along the Vyborg highway, everything seems to be in order, but God forbid, refuel there on Friday evening. But then it was about a solid brand. We went to the base of one of these with an inspection.

Kolodochkin Mikhail "Behind the wheel"

To be honest, in ten years of conducting fuel examinations, my colleagues and I came across crappy gasoline only once. We found a place on the Kaluzhskoye Highway, where on one side there was a "Lukoil" gas station, and on the right, almost the same, but already "Likoylovskaya". The difference is one letter and ten missing octane units. And also in the insane stench of the drug sold there, which, by the way, was three rubles per liter cheaper than the neighbors across the street. The laboratory then said unequivocally: “This is not gasoline!” And soon after the publication, the curious sign from the track disappeared.

But what to expect from obviously expensive gas stations?

It so happened that on duty we ended up at the Shell oil depot near Podolsk. In fact, we were supposed to be shown an exemplary fuel truck - and they really did. But how can one resist sarcastic questions on other fuel topics?

What is my attitude to the Shell gas station network? Neutral. Among the advantages:

Here you are first filled, and then you pay.
There is always a toilet and you can wash your hands.
This is a branded gas station with a big name, and therefore, in the process of refueling, you seem to involuntarily rise in your own eyes.
But there are also disadvantages:

It's more expensive than most of the others.
The network of Shell's gas stations is poorly developed - it takes a long time to look for them.
In our Zarulev examinations, Shell has never shone.
So what about the neutral, I, perhaps, turned down - for me the cons outweigh, so I personally prefer VR. Sometimes Neste. Last resort - Lukoil. Why in the extreme? Because they never learned how to properly fill a full tank. Yes, and the operator near the column is either present or not.

But today we're going to Shell.

What I like about Shell is the signature coloring. And I still remember how a few years ago I had a chance to participate in a conversation with the vice president of the company, David Pirret. Educated intelligent man - it was nice to talk. Moreover, I immediately went from him to a meeting with the then VAZ temporary worker. I don’t want to remember him, I can only say that the difference was crazy.

We are met at the entrance. Pretty fuel trucks and even prettier employees. Well, business men, of course ... We begin to communicate. Where does Shell get its gasoline? Not in Holland, of course: far and expensive. The carrier, the company AVTEK, with whose representatives we are talking, receives gasoline in the capital Kapotnya, Ryazan, Ufa or Yaroslavl. Subsequently, they serve Moscow, Tula, Smolensk, Bryansk and Lipetsk.

Then a small performance begins. The manager says: the company buys Russian fuel, after which its quality ... increases! Well, it's not even funny: why on earth? We agreed that Shell does not degrade the quality of Russian fuel during transportation and storage. You can still believe it. However, the manager did not believe it: it seems that he really thinks differently.

Below we have collected the most common questions that we hear about gasolines and their use, both from our readers and on various forums.
Do they buy good fuel in dense Russia? The Shellovtsy nod - they say, it fully complies with Russian GOSTs, and the company's oil depot carries out its input control. By what parameters, they did not specify. The question about the octane number was turned into a joke: they say, well, this is obvious. I had to remind you that the technical regulations do not impose exact requirements on this number: they say, not less than 80 - and all right. They do not argue with us, but they are in a hurry to show the fuel truck.
There are no questions for fuel trucks - take a look at the photo. They are hung with cameras and antennas so that no one cheats. Fuel - in expensive aluminum containers, born abroad. I was pleased with a cheerful picture on the right door - especially for those kind people behind the wheel who, in traffic jams, strive to climb a fuel truck almost under the bumper.

Shell does not have its own carriers - neither in Russia, nor in the world. Is it good or bad? Here everyone is free to do as he pleases, the consumer needs good fuel and nothing more.

The oil depot is clean. Shooting and talking on mobile phones near the gas station are prohibited: there are known cases of unauthorized sparking of built-in batteries. Yes, lithium batteries have been getting hit a lot lately: sometimes they really behave aggressively.

And I again - about bad gasoline. Where does it come from?

So that Shellers do not nod at “not our areas with other brands”, I remind you of their press conference dedicated to the increasing cases of the so-called oil plague, that is, the transformation engine oil in the tar with subsequent overhaul of motors. Then a speaker from the West famously walked through the gas stations and said that the extremely poor quality of gasoline in our country was to blame! When I asked at the time what he thought about Shell gas stations, I never heard an answer. But maybe I'll hear it now. I ask in the forehead, why in all Zarulev examinations their fuel ends up in the tail? In particular, in terms of sulfur content.

I clearly don't like the question. I dismiss doubts about the competence of the laboratory: they say, "this leg is for the one who needs a leg." What gasoline did we test? The best: V-Power!

Ah, well then it's understandable! - explain to me. - Here the additive, most likely, is to blame. But it is not Shell that makes it, but BASF or Chevron, so - sorry: the question is not for us ...

The pride of the tank farm is the so-called bottom filling of fuel. Usually they are poured from above, like in a barrel in the country, but here everything is completely environmentally friendly and airtight ... Two cubes per minute. The operator does not climb up, and therefore no one will fall into the tank and drop a mobile phone there ...

On this, in general, the search for a weak link could be stopped. There are no guilty. Fuel trucks are great. Drivers do not have the physical ability to spoil products. The input control of the tank farm does not reveal any defects.

So there is no problem? Communism won?

Well, not quite, they explain to me. - Of course, at individual gas stations, probably in some places, something is possible, but we guarantee that here, at our oil depot - full order. And at any gas station you can see the fuel quality certificate.

It is not interesting. Well, how can an ordinary kettle understand that it is filled with exactly the fuel that is indicated on the paper? No way!

What frankly surprised me is the following fact. It turned out that one and the same container (read, the compartment of a fuel truck) can be alternately filled with completely different fuels. Today - the 98th, tomorrow - diesel fuel. And for some reason it seemed like sacrilege to me. Yes, and now it seems, to be honest. However, I am assured that the same is being done in Europe. Because the tanks of fuel trucks are so good that there are practically no traces of previously filled fuel on their walls, and the sensor captures even a tiny residue of almost 50 ml. In other words, no mixing different types no fuel occurs.

Well, maybe - I don't know. But there is another question: how fuel from different plants is stored at the oil depot. Let's say today the 95th was brought from Ryazan, and tomorrow - from Kapotnya: can they be mixed? The answer is positive: yes, we mix them!

And it seems to me that this is not entirely correct. Because different factories may use different technologies. And what kind of cocktail will turn out when mixed, it's hard to say.

Everything you need to know about motor gasoline
What kind of gasoline should be filled in? The formal answer sounds simple: only the one recommended by the factory that made your car. Its type is always indicated in the booklet attached to the machine. Experiments are not needed here: after all, each motor is calibrated for a certain grade of gasoline. And microprocessors and other electronic things are far from omnipotent: they, for example, will not be able to make an engine designed for 95th gasoline work normally on low-octane 80th.
By the way, how do you add an additive? The one that turns regular gasoline into V-Power? I’ll sarcastically add: the one that turns Ryazan or Yaroslavl gasoline into Shell gasoline ...
There are two options. In the first case, this happens right at the oil depot: the additive is added to the corresponding compartment of the fuel truck. The second option is funnier: the driver does it! There's a tank of additive on his fuel truck. Suppose he was sent for a couple of weeks to carry gasoline from some refinery and sell it as a V-Power without stopping by the oil depot. In this case, he fills his tanks and gives a command from the remote control to add an additive. Shell gasoline is ready.

But then why is Shell gasoline so expensive? I understand that the question is naive, but still. The answer sounds something like this: this is the price for scrupulous observance of all production processes. To be honest, it's not convincing: after all, Shell does not produce anything, but only resells it! Unless, of course, you do not count the addition of the same additive to one of the types of fuel sold. Paying for a clean fuel tanker?

By the way, at our gas stations you are always filled with excess fuel! - inform me. - Anything is possible at other gas stations, but for us the client comes first, so for his money he gets a little more than what is required.

Well, that's good to hear.

I have not changed my opinion about Shell's gas stations. Neither in the best, nor in the worst side. I am convinced that at any oil depot of a different brand I would have been told about the same thing.

But in general, I would like absolutely all gas stations in the country to look no worse than Shell ones. At least it's cozy and beautiful. And also to understand where all the same at the gas station every now and then comes across low-quality fuel.

Mileage: 54000 km

The choice of a suitable gas station that has both acceptable quality fuel and not exorbitant prices is often no easier than choosing a car, because the duration and safety of operation of the components of your vehicle depend on these parameters. vehicle, as well as wallet security. Therefore, we present a rating of gas stations in terms of the quality of gasoline in 2017 in Moscow and the region.

What is quality gasoline?

Why refuel a car with decent gasoline and how to determine which one is better? Answering the first question: gasoline Low quality adversely affects the engine starting procedure, quickly disables spark plugs and damages components fuel system. Remember that the longer you save and make a choice in favor of filling stations offering low-quality gasoline, the more you expose your car to a threat.

To determine the quality of gasoline, you need to pay attention to the octane number. At first glance, what could be simpler, but in fact, the self-interest of domestic owners petrol stations encourages them to increase the octane rating with additives and foreign substances, among which there may well be chemicals that are not at all useful for your car. And last important point is a fractional composition that directly affects the evaporation temperature of the fuel and the life of the engine. For a clear idea of ​​all these characteristics at specific gas stations, the driver will have to conduct a laboratory analysis, for which, of course, not everyone has the time and desire, and therefore we will try to figure out which gas station is better and help you in choosing where to refuel. The rating is a gradation from lesser known and trusted manufacturers at the beginning to well-deserved market leaders at the end of the article.


The most affordable network in the capital is controlled by the Moscow government, and therefore they have strict requirements for the quality of the products provided. Environmentally friendly fuel meets the Euro 4 standard.

In general, a fairly solid network that is on the rise, which will delight residents and guests of Moscow with an excellent price-quality ratio, which is more important today than ever with the constant increase in fuel prices.


The supplier of fuel for these widespread gas stations is the Moscow Oil Refinery, which already serves as a certain guarantee of quality, unlike suppliers from other regions that are less subject to quality control.

The company openly states that it uses a number of additives, but insists on their beneficial effect on fuel, which is also confirmed by its customers. Among the pluses noted by users are the reduction in fuel consumption and the increase in vehicle dynamics. The prices at the gas stations of this network are slightly lower than the average for the market, which will be a pleasant addition to high-quality gasoline and good service.


Long-standing on domestic market a company that has a number of advantages over its competitors due to the ability to extract higher quality oil products from greater depths and the best fields in Russia.

Sibneft, unlike many competitors, did not take the path of increasing third-party services and services, but concentrated on increasing technical side and the development of its exclusive fuel lines, for example, Prime, which appeared in 2013, has earned many positive feedback. Prices at gas stations are quite humane, and the range of fuel is always wide.


This company is not a supplier of gasoline and diesel fuel on a federal scale, but relied on development in the Moscow region. It is worth noting the high qualification of the gas station employees, well-equipped shops and roadside cafes located on their territory.

The quality of the fuel may vary slightly depending on the batch, but for the most part it is more than satisfactory quality. You can also get a fuel card that helps you save money within this network and its partners.


worldwide famous brand the largest oil producing company in the world operates in our country under a license from Rosneft, but this definitely does not negatively affect the quality - the quality of gasoline at these gas stations is among the leaders. Branded additives have no equal, and therefore nothing threatens your engine when using any type of fuel, but rather you will also notice a decrease in consumption after a while.

Almost all gas stations are equipped with shops and cafeterias that will help you pass the time usefully while you refuel your car. Prices at BP are not low, but you have to pay for quality and service.


One of the leaders of the list in terms of the number of filling stations in Russia deserved to be included in the rating due to the traditionally excellent quality of fuel, service and professionalism of employees. More than a third of the fuel sold by TNK complies with Euro 5 standards, and the proprietary modification of the A95 - Pulsar, will surely appeal to both lovers of dynamics and those wishing to reduce fuel consumption.

The value for money of this company is highest level, but at the same time constant use these gas stations you can earn bonuses and discounts.


Another of the largest global fuel producers in the world, Shell is a guarantee of the quality of gasoline purchased in almost every corner of the planet. The emphasis on environmental friendliness so far looks like something redundant for many drivers in domestic reality, but every driver will be able to evaluate fuel efficiency.

If you are on a long journey by car and want to have a bite to eat or relax with a cup of coffee, then not every gas station of this brand will satisfy your needs, but if you are looking for quality gasoline It's hard to find a better place.


Filling network from the largest Russian company does not leave indifferent millions of car owners across the country. All fuel complies with the Euro 4 standard, and therefore you can not worry about the safety of the elements of your car.

In addition to gasoline and diesel fuel available at all gas stations, Gazpromneft is also expected to offer gas. Gas stations are almost always equipped with corners for relaxing or buying a bite to eat on the road, and the professionalism of the employees is not satisfactory.


A major player in the Russian fuel market not only provides a license for the sale of BP oil products, but also has the widest network of gas stations throughout Russia. Own production, as well as the status of the most important state corporation guarantees the quality of fuel to consumers. And at their gas station, perhaps, the most delicious coffee.


A widely recognized leader among domestic suppliers of refined products. The fuel complies with Euro 5 standards and constantly wins awards for the environmental performance of its gasoline, and buyers usually stay with Lukoil for long term after the first use.

A big plus against the background of many competitors is the breadth of the offer of petroleum products, which allows you to refuel any car without fear of losing its performance. The prices at the gas stations of this company are quite high, but the excellent quality of gasoline here is complemented by excellent service and additional services so you have to pay a little more.

We hope that our review of which gas stations to buy fuel at will help you choose the right one for you. gas station network to your liking and budget, as well as keep the key technical elements of your vehicle safe and sound. Good luck on the road and do not save on the most important.

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