Car interior plastic repair and painting. Repair of plastic parts of a car Removal and installation of plastic parts of a car

Car interior plastic repair and painting. Repair of plastic parts of a car Removal and installation of plastic parts of a car

The modern car is made from various parts, the material for the manufacture of which was not only strong and durable metal, but also fragile plastic that requires careful handling. The assembly units of the last group are the eternal problem of any motorist.

Interior elements, whether it be handles, linings or airflow grilles, are easy to replace. Another thing is plastic body parts(bumper, fenders, hood, bumper pads, trunk lid, radiator grill and others). In some cases, it is simply unrealistic to buy them, either because of the very high cost, or because of the lack of stores in the warehouses. In this case, the most simple solution will seek help from our masters, carrying out and plastic elements auto.

The cycle of work mainly depends on the degree of damage. As a rule, measures aimed at returning original form plastic elements are carried out in accordance with the following algorithm of actions:

1. Assessment of the condition of the plastic parts of the car

The first step of specialists will be visual inspection and damage assessment. This procedure will provide answers to questions regarding repairs, namely:

What work will need to be carried out;

What tools, equipment and materials will be needed for the job;

How long will it take for full recovery;

What will be the cost of the repair plastic parts.

2. Restoring the shape of a plastic car part

small damage can be removed by gluing. In the presence of more serious "injuries" can not do without welding. Depending on how damaged the element is, one of the ways to “reanimate” it can be selected, namely:

A. Direct welding. Used to remove dents, cracks following scheme: cleaning, straightening and docking edges, welding, grouting. For a stronger fixation of the repaired area, its inner side is reinforced with a frame consisting of a mesh, fiberglass, and a special multi-component adhesive.

B. Welding "with an insert." It is necessary in cases where it is a question of the loss of a fragment of a plastic part (for example, a part of a bumper). If part of the element remains with the owner of the car, then the process differs little from the first option, except that a whole piece is soldered. If part of the part is lost forever, then a similar fragment is pre-made from fiberglass and epoxy resin using a mock-up. Then it is soldered according to the "patch" principle.

3. Preparation for painting. The main actions at this stage, putty and primer. The goal is to create a flat surface, eliminate the consequences of previous work (align glued or welded areas, deep scratches, dents).

4. Painting.

It can be local or complete. The second option is preferable, since it is almost impossible to choose a color scheme in the color of the factory paintwork, upon careful consideration, the difference will be visible even to a non-professional. Besides full painting gives a reason to "roam", with good imagination and excellent taste, as a result of this procedure, you can update appearance your car. For example, chrome plating of plastic parts gives an interesting effect.

Last final stage repair work, which consists in fixing the result obtained. If the repair is not feasible and the only way to return the car to its original state is to replace it. damaged item, the motorist can choose one of the following options:

Buy plastic parts in a car shop (leave a request for a purchase under the order);

Order the manufacture of plastic components for cars.

The world's first automobiles were almost entirely made of metal. Now, the situation is different. Lots of details modern car from plastics. Plastic products, whether in a car or in any other device, tend to break, crack, bend, melt, deform. In this regard, new technologies for the repair of plastic car parts are being created.

Why is it so relevant and important to learn how to repair plastic car parts with your own hands? Because, in addition to the high price, plastic products are more difficult to buy, in most cases you have to order and press the order.

Before learning how to repair automotive parts from plastics at home, it is necessary to understand the terms corresponding to this topic. This:

1. Plastic or plastic mass is a substance called a polymer, which is a binder in its consistency. The properties of plastics differ by adding stabilizers, pigments, plasticizers, and so on to the polymer.

Plastic masses are divided into:

  • thermoplastics
  • thermoplastics.

Car bumpers are made from both types of plastics.

2. Polymers (Greek origin polys-many, mer-share)- These are substances in which the structures of molecules consist of identical repeating units.

3. Thermoplastic or thermoplastic- This interesting view material that can be melted many times. A feature of this type of plastic mass is that it can be repaired by welding, by melting.

4. Reatoplastic or thermosetting plastic mass is a material that loses its resistance to high temperatures during irreversible chemical reactions during casting. This material can withstand aggressive liquid, solvents. Thermoplastic is not subject to repair and restoration by welding.

5. Adhesion (from the Latin Adhaesio-adhesion)- this is a material that can be retained on another material due to its chemical composition by mechanical or thermal influences. Adhesives include adhesives that can adhere to steel, wood, and other materials; varnishes, paints.

Damage to automotive plastic products:

1. Scratches- these are not through defects that are created by a friction foreign object. They are divided into deep and superficial. They are classified as surface only if the paint of a plastic part is scratched, for example, a panel in a car interior. Deep ones include if the structure of the material of the part is affected.

2. Dents- types of deformation that appear by force, such as pressure, bending.

3. Cracks- through types of damage. With the constant delay in the repair of cracks, plastic parts, like parts made of other materials, continue to increase.

4. Breaks- through non-linear damage, in which pieces of parts break off.

For the repair of plastic products of the car and not only, in most cases, methods of repair by gluing and thermal repair are used.

Heating repair

To eliminate defects such as dents, heat repair is suitable. The essence of such a repair is to heat the plastic in places of dents to a temperature of no more than 200 C, and gently squeeze it out, straightening the surface. This recovery method is best done immediately and not put off for many months. Then it will be more difficult to restore the surface close to the original.

Bonding repair

Bonding can be used to repair thermal and recto pastes. A special glue is used, which, after drying, turns into a polymeric material. For quality repair plastic products by gluing, it is necessary to choose the right glue. For example, when gluing a car bumper, the glue seam should be close to physical properties bumper material.

Repair by welding

The method of restoring plastic parts by welding is reliable. Its essence is to connect broken surfaces without the intervention of foreign materials and make them homogeneous. Welding is only suitable for thermoplastics.

Repair of cracks in car parts by welding consists of the following steps:

  • 1. Surfaces are cleaned on both sides from the future seam of the surface at a distance of up to 15 mm.
  • 2. Drill holes at the ends of the crack so that the crack does not grow.
  • 3. The edges of the seam are given a V shape by cutting off the corners.
  • 4. We heat the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe seam with a professional hairdryer.
  • 5. Connect the two parts to be welded. Connect by tacking. That is, after a certain distance, the seam is heated and connected. After that, full welding is carried out along the entire seam.

For reliability, boil on both sides. After that, finishing is carried out and painted. After you can solder and weld plastic products at least once with your own hands, you will do it in a few minutes.

Table of fines from September 1, 2013,

Plastic repair professionally in Moscow, repair time from 15 minutes.

We repair plastics of almost any brand, plastic products of various shapes and configurations.

Breakage of plastic products is a fairly common problem these days. Many plastic products crack, break and become unusable during operation. Plastic welding, or as this process is also called, plastic soldering, will help in restoring broken parts.

Soldering plastic is a process that requires careful preparation, specialist experience and a correct assessment of the maintainability of the product. If you do not follow all the features of the technology, then the seam will turn out to be brittle and will not withstand even minor loads.

How to repair a plastic part? There are several methods for welding. One of them is hot air bar welding. For each repaired product, a certain welding temperature is selected, otherwise the surfaces simply will not grab each other. Correctly selected temperature is not the main thing in repair, you need to carefully prepare the surface, cut the edges in a special way and clean the surface.

There are several ways to repair a crack in plastic. To determine the technology of welding plastic, you need to know the nature of the damage and the material of the plastic. Soldering a crack in plastic can take anywhere from 1 to several hours. The process of welding a plastic product must take place in strict accordance with temperature and other factors, it is rather problematic to repair the plastic yourself, it is possible to overheat the plastic part and make it unrepairable.

Another repair method is the extrusion method. This is the most effective technique that allows products to work hermetically and under loads in the future. Not all products can be repaired using extrusion welding, sometimes the thickness of the material or its properties allow repair only using the bar method. To start work, it is necessary to determine the material from which the part is made, then select the method of work and proceed with the restoration of the broken product. Each polymer (and there are a large number of their varieties) has its own melting point, therefore, for repair, you need to select temperature regime individually for each product.

If the question arose how to close a crack in plastic? - Contact us, we will be happy to help carry out the repair.

Restoration of plastic parts is carried out only by professional specialists, which guarantees full compliance with the technology. In our work, we use certified material for the restoration of plastic products and parts.

Despite the fact that plastic is not the most common material used in the manufacture of a car, car plastic repair has always been an important step in car care and maintenance.

Speaking about the plastic components of the car body, we can first of all recall the bumper of the car, which, as a rule, is made of plastic. Plastic is also used to create covers for mirrors, where it is especially susceptible to various kinds of damage, as well as in many other car parts, especially inside the car.

In the event of damage to the plastic in the car, repairing plastic parts will be the best way out. Of course, the first thought that will haunt the car owner is the replacement of damaged parts, but it is fair to say that many plastic components of the car are subject to restoration even in the event of severe and severe deformation.

We will repair the plastic parts of your car

Repair of interior plastic parts is one of the most common works performed by employees of the NIVUS technical center. Since various kinds of traffic accidents entail damage not only to the body part of the car, but also to the interior of the cabin, the plastic parts in it often turn out to be broken and destroyed. In this case, the specialists of the technical center are taken to repair the plastic products of the machine.

Note that the repair of plastic parts of a car is the procedure that should be entrusted to professionals. The reason for this is the “capriciousness” of plastic as a material, which makes it difficult for an inexperienced person to work with it. And the repair itself has many nuances that only qualified specialists are usually familiar with, because there are many stages of it and all of them are far from being as simple as it might seem at first glance.

This process consists of several stages:

  • impact on the item high temperature;
  • its gluing;
  • straightening the part;
  • putty;
  • detail grinding;
  • primer details;
  • painting;
  • applying lacquer to the item.

If you need to repair the plastic of the car interior - the employees of the center Maintenance"NIVUS" will carry it out with the highest quality and in the shortest possible time. Repair of plastic in the technical center "NIVUS" is a guarantee right choice and worthy of your car repair!

You will need

  • - soldering iron or glue;
  • - acetone;
  • - sponge;
  • - emery;
  • - fiberglass;
  • - solder wire;
  • - clamp or masking tape;
  • - fittings;
  • - primer for plastic;
  • - dye;
  • - varnish.


Find out the composition plastic- its marking should be indicated on the inside of the product (for example, PA - polyamide or PP -). It is important to study the properties of this material, since the type of bonding or welding will depend on this. Thermoplastic polymers (plexiglass, polyethylene, polypropylene and others) are easy to process. But you will not be able to melt the so-called thermoplastics (they contain phenol-formaldehyde, epoxy and other resins and fillers). You will need special glue.

Pick up in building material adhesive, epoxy for this type of plastic and consult a competent seller. Follow the manufacturer's instructions exactly. Sand the surfaces to be bonded, clean them of dirt and degrease with acetone. You can glue the fault directly along the seam, or you can pre-strengthen it with fiberglass.

Use an identical solder wire to solder a leaky plastic part. chemical composition. Treat the working parts with sandpaper a centimeter from the edge, as the part to be welded will have to step on the left allowance for the strength of the seam. Gather the pieces of broken plastic and fix them with a clamp (fixing tool) or masking tape.

Start thin plastic from the “face” so that an ugly bump does not appear on the visible surface. You can repair plastic of a denser composition immediately from the wrong side. Run the soldering iron over the crack; apply solder and fuse it into the thickness of the softened material. From the back of the work, you can use a thicker wire.

Some masters combine soldering plastic with reinforcement (reinforcement of the structure). To do this, it is recommended to purchase a special brass or bronze mesh (about 0.2 mm thick). Reinforcing material cut into strips right size. Your task is to attach the amplifier to the inner surface of the chip and (heating the plastic with a soldering iron) drown it in the molten material.

Get ready for cosmetic repairs plastic. The glued or soldered surface must be washed, sanded with #1000 sandpaper and wiped with acetone.

Shake the can of primer to plastic, shake it for 10 minutes and apply to the damaged part from a distance of 20 cm. If the packaging has other instructions, be sure to follow the manufacturer's recommendations. Cover the plastic with 2-3 layers (depending on the depth of damage), let it dry and go over the product again with emery and acetone.

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