Is it true that air conditioning impairs the dynamics of the car? How much power does the air conditioner, catalyst, alternator, power steering and even pump take from a car? Strong loss of power when turning on the Getz air conditioner.

Is it true that air conditioning impairs the dynamics of the car? How much power does the air conditioner, catalyst, alternator, power steering and even pump take from a car? Strong loss of power when turning on the Getz air conditioner.

Also using drive belt the steering system is equipped with a hydraulic booster. The fact is that the power steering is usually equipped with a pump that drives hydraulic fluid in a system that facilitates steering wheel rotation.

Essentially, power steering fluid and a pump help us rotate steering wheel using a hydraulic system. But for the power steering pump to work, a power source is needed. Like water pump, a generator and an air conditioning compressor, a power steering pump works by rotating a pulley with a belt drive. Eventually hydraulic pump, receiving torque, creates a certain pressure in the steering, which facilitates the process of turning the steering wheel.

So how much energy is lost by the engine, which transfers part of its power to various auxiliary equipment?

Typically used in cars various systems engine designs and attachments. Eventually different models cars lose different levels of engine power. Fortunately, thanks to various studies by automotive organizations and engineering companies, there is more accurate information about how much power cars actually lose due to the operation of various attachments.

According to research, on average, a car air conditioner takes about 4 hp from the engine. (study by the British Renewable Energy Laboratory).

Generator alternating current in a car, on average, consumes about 10 hp when the engine is under full load (study by ZENA, DC).

The power steering takes an average of 2-4 hp from the engine. depending on the speed and amplitude of the steering wheel rotation.

But automotive expert Davis Craig still managed to calculate the engine losses from the operation of the water pump.

So according to his calculations, at 1000 rpm of the engine, the water pump takes only 0.13 hp. or 0.1 kW. When the engine rotates at 2000 rpm, the water pump takes approximately 1.1 hp. or 0.8 kW. With the rotation of the motor at 4000 rpm, the loss of the engine is approximately 8.6 hp. or 6.4 kW.

As a result, adding up all the losses due to the attached auxiliary equipment of the engine, we can calculate that on average, each car equipped with an engine internal combustion loses about 16-27 hp

Naturally, the power loss also depends on the amount of load placed on a particular component.

But this is again an approximate value, since all this is calculated separately for each component, if each component was powered by a separate belt drive. But in all cars, as a rule, one or two belt drives are used, which feed all attachments. As a result, naturally, the engine power loss is likely to be slightly lower than indicated above.

Also, let's not forget that in addition to the belt drive and accessories, the loss of power generated by the engine also occurs in other components of the car, such as the gearbox, drives, axles, etc. This is due to the friction of the rotating components of the car, as well as due to their heating.

So, as a rule, not the same power that is actually produced by the engine reaches the wheels.

So, as you can see, the auxiliary equipment located in engine compartment takes a lot of energy from the engine. But, nevertheless, attachments are very important for any car. Yes, of course, many may not like the fact that the power initially generated by the engine does not eventually reach the wheels of the car, but to abandon the mounted additional equipment power unit is not possible.

Not so long ago I was asked - "Sergey, how much power does an air conditioner or the same climate control take from a car engine?" He takes it unambiguously, that's just - how much, the question is unresolved. And you know, there are a lot of attachments in the car, and all of them are connected to the power unit through belt (or in another way) (there are those that simply prevent it from breathing - for example, a catalyst). And they all load it! Therefore, today I decided to talk not only about climate system, but also about the generator, catalytic converter, power steering and even the pump. As usual there will be an article + video version ...

If we talk about the internal combustion engine, then it (in the most efficient systems about 25%, diesel about 40-50%). That is, out of 10 liters, 2.5 actually go to work, and the rest go to losses (thermal, mechanical, etc.). Today's article will touch on some of the mechanical losses, because everything that I have listed above needs to be twisted, gases (working out) should be pushed through, etc. And I wonder how much horsepower or kilowatts really goes into this? Let's figure it out

Belts and electricity

At the very beginning (for those who did not study physics at school), I want to say a few words - where do these power losses come from?

YES, everything is simple - here you have an air conditioning compressor hanging on the side of the engine, and in order for it to produce “cold” (more precisely, it pumps freon through the system), you need to “twist” it, that is, apply mechanical energy to it, and it is just taken through belt drive (on the one hand, the air conditioner shaft, on the other, the engine shaft, usually they hang anything on the “crankshaft”).

The situation is the same with the generator (in fact, it is a specialized "dynamo"), in order for it to generate electricity, you need to turn its shaft. Again, we are attached to the crankshaft

Hydraulic power steering works on the same principle. Belt - GURA pump - crankshaft. Although GURS with an electric pump are now appearing

Well, the situation is the same with the pump. If someone does not know, then the pump pumps through the cooling system.

In fairness, now many manufacturers are starting to switch to electric pumps and air conditioning compressors, electrical amplifiers steering wheel. That is, there are no more belts, and everything is “powered” by onboard network, but as practice shows, the load on the generator increases in direct proportion, if they were. The law of conservation of energy, miracles do not happen

Well, a few words about the catalyst, it also takes some of the power. This happens in such a way that the gases that come out of the engine meet with a “barrier” that must pass, as you understand, this is our converter. That is, the engine needs to push the exhaust gases not only out of the cylinders, but also push (to put it roughly) further. It also takes some of the energy.

How much does the air conditioner take?

Accurate data may not be! Not all manufacturers indicate the capacity of their compressors. YES, and on the class and power of the car, a lot depends.

If we take the average foreign car (class B - C), there is evidence that the power is about 2.9 kW, we translate into horsepower and get 4l.s.

ON cars of class D - E, large SUVs power is 4.413 kW (about 6 hp)

It is also worth considering approximately 5% for belt drive losses, thus we get almost even 3 and 4.5 kW, that is, in translation - 4 and 6 hp.

Is it a lot or a little? It seems decent to me - for example, you have a car with a torus of 100 hp, and only the climate system takes 4 of them.

How much do power steering (GUR or EUR) take

By the way, I have a detailed article - I advise those who have not read it. BUT now is not about that, here we are interested in what takes more from the motor?

GUR is hydraulic system , she has a pump that pumps a special working fluid into the rail, when the steering wheel is turned, it inflates either one or the other side. This makes it easier for you to turn the steering wheel. Again, there is no exact data on its power (more precisely, it is not always possible to find them), and here again the data may vary from class and power and car.

However, these are the averages. Small class - 2-3 hp, big cars- about 4 hp

It is worth noting that the power steering almost always takes power from the power unit, because it is connected by a belt drive. But in " free position"(when the car is standing, say on Idling and you do not turn the steering wheel) a small amount of power is eaten off (about 0.25 - 0.5 hp)

EUR - electric power steering as it becomes clear electrical system. She doesn't use power unit directly, but is powered by a generator (there are electric motors and special sensors). YES, and it connects exactly when you turn the steering wheel. Therefore, when the car is stationary and not moving (you do not play with the steering wheel), then there is no energy consumption. This allows you to save a little energy, respectively, and fuel. YES, and recent trends show that soon GUROV may not stay at all.

If you approximately transfer the load to the generator, then the same 2 - 4 hp are obtained.

Now there are several (on a shaft on a rail), because of this, the power may vary.

How much does a generator take?

Everything is much simpler here, it is the generators that differ in power. Some of the most popular are devices in 120A (I will not take old models in 80-90A)

When the machine is running, the voltage generated by it is approximately 13.8 - 14.0V. Let's take 14 as an example. Then 14 X 120A = 1680W or 1.68 kW. And this is at maximum load. Again, there are more productive devices at 140 A, that is, 2.0 kW

If you translate this into "hp" it turns out about 2 - 3 hp. This is how much the generator takes at maximum load

It’s up to you whether it’s a lot or a little, I personally think that the more electronics a car is crammed with, the more it hides power from the motor.

PUMP consumption

They, like power steering, can be electric or mechanical (drive through a belt). However, many manufacturers are switching to electric options, they are more compact and productive (there are no losses on the belt drive).

It is difficult to calculate its consumption, so I will use the data automotive expert Davis Craig. He decided to calculate the consumption of the mechanical version:

At a speed of 1000 per minute, about 0.1 kW or 0.13 hp is taken.

At a speed of 2000 per minute, it takes power of 1.1 hp. or 0.8 kW

At revolutions over 4000 per minute - 8.6 hp or 6.4 kW

It is worth noting that the electric version takes a little less, especially the difference is visible at high speeds.

How much power does the catalytic converter take?

Well, the last thing about catalytic converter waste gases. I will say this, now this tribute to the environment is installed on all cars (I personally think that this is correct).

As I wrote above, it is more difficult for the engine to push exhaust gases through this filter, so its power is consumed a little.

They go on the Internet various versions, how much he hides, sometimes they write that AJ 5% of the power. But often this has an error level - about 2 - 3 hp.

As they write on many services (where they flash on EURO2), if you remove your engine, it will breathe deeply.


Of course, the data is approximate (I will take the maximum figures), but they reflect the essence of the losses of the power unit.

Editorial response

Since the advent of the air conditioner, drivers have been talking about its dangers. On the one hand, it increases fuel consumption and takes power from the engine, and on the other hand, it is incredibly easy to use. Do you need to sacrifice something?

The air conditioner in a car has a complex system for compressing and cooling the working gas, which requires a lot of energy. Therefore, its compressor is connected to the output shaft of the engine by means of a belt drive. When the engine is started, the air conditioner is also activated, electronic system which, by means of a clutch, drives the compressor. A lot of effort is required, so the moment the compressor starts is always felt in the car. On idling you can see how the tachometer needle drops a little and the car barely shudders. Then the electronics changes the settings and the motor adds gas to compensate for the energy loss to the air conditioner.

When the summer sun warmed up the interior like a sauna, you can't do without air conditioning. the best way bring the temperature to a comfortable level is not invented. But further connoisseurs of drive will wonder: what to do with this unit if the interior is cooled through the lowered windows?

How much fuel does an air conditioner use?

Measurements show that the air conditioner burns approximately 0.5 liters per hour. And this is almost 10% of the consumption of a 1.6-liter atmospheric engine on the highway at a speed of 90 km / h.

Against the background of the total consumption, the figures seem to be small, but many people forget that during operation, the air conditioning compressor eats up not only gasoline, but also throttle response. According to the measurements of the magazine "Behind the wheel", the loss in engine power is approximately 10%. And for the dynamics it is very important.

The fact is that the air conditioner takes away the moment from the engine during the most critical modes of its operation. The peak of the moment falls on 3800 rpm, and the air conditioning compressor turns on already at 800 rpm. That is, the maximum energy consumption of the air conditioner falls on the mode of minimum motor output, where only 50-60% of the moment is available. Sometimes it seems that the engine is working at its limit and is ready to stall at any second.

In addition, when driving top gear at speeds of 70-90 km / h, the motor also operates in an economical mode and at the same time is forced to spend energy on spinning up a tight compressor, spending up to 10% of its potential on it.

This is especially noticeable in atmospheric engines, which have 1000-1500 rpm. only 65-75% of the moment is available, and its peak is moved to the zone of 3800-4000 rpm. In addition, in the heat they still do not have enough air.

For turbocharged 4-cylinder units, peak torque is already available at 1500 rpm, so it is easier for them to deal with air conditioning. However, even such motors wilt noticeably when the compressor is fully loaded in the heat.

At what speeds does the throttle response drop?

A loss of 10% of power is noticeable at speeds over 50 km/h when the driver shifts to higher gears mechanical box. For example, a car in the fifth step is able to confidently drive at 60 km / h. With the air conditioner on, it reacts worse to smooth acceleration. In other words, the engine loses a lot of elasticity and cannot cope with smooth acceleration at the fuel consumption declared by the manufacturers.

You have to press the accelerator pedal and spur the car, which causes the engine to burn more gasoline. Moreover, during such spurring, drivers sometimes switch to the third stage of the box, spin the engine up to 3-4 thousand revolutions and burn excess fuel. And here we are not talking about a ten percent increase in consumption. At such moments, it is easy to burn gasoline by 50% and even 100% more.

In general, at speeds of 60-70 km / h, the power take-off of the air conditioning engine is felt most strongly on cars with manual 5-speed gearboxes.

Therefore, certification tests for economy and elasticity are carried out with the climate system turned off.

To turn on or not to turn on the air conditioner?

Meanwhile, on vehicles with automatic transmission and with more advanced climatic installations the effect is less noticeable. There is an "ECO" mode, in which the air conditioner is turned off during acceleration. In addition, 6-speed and 7-speed automatic boxes and robots are "sliced" more often, and their gear ratios on the bottoms allow you to compensate for power losses in the named speed range.

Despite rising fuel consumption, riding with air conditioning is very comfortable. Cool air helps to relax and concentrate on the road. And losing 10% of power is a perfectly acceptable sacrifice in the name of comfort.

If connoisseurs of maximum economy, who love to ride at speeds of 70-90 km / h, the air conditioner annoys with its work, then it can be turned off. At the same time, it is important not to open the windows, as the resulting turbulences will increase aerodynamic drag body and the car will slow down. Then you have to press the gas pedal even harder than when the air conditioner is on.

Question from a reader:

Well, the answer, as always, is on the surface, read below ...

There are many factors that affect engine power. Any included electrical appliance, one way or another “eats off” a piece of power, even the smallest light bulb even takes a little, but it takes it! Especially such a powerful device as an air conditioner! According to many manufacturers, the air conditioner takes power from the car by about 5 hp, of course, perfect types of air conditioners are now appearing, but there is still consumption.

Power take-off principle

So, now the question itself - so how does this selection happen? And why is there no power drop while the air conditioner is not on?

Everything is simple! Any air conditioner has a very important part - it is a compressor (we will not go into deep technical details, but thanks to the compressor, the air conditioner works). The compressor is connected to the engine by a rigid belt connection (like a generator), in idle mode the compressor does not work (it does not drive freon through the air conditioning system), and therefore creates absolutely no load on the engine. But after you turn on the air conditioner, the compressor starts to pressurize the system, which puts a load on the engine (through the belt drive) and because of this, the engine loses power. It should be noted that the compressor requires a lot of energy to pump its system, and therefore it greatly affects the engine power.

Of course, now more advanced types have begun to appear. car air conditioners. For example, a belt connection ( mechanical compressor) was replaced with an electric one, that is, it is powered by a generator and runs on energy. These types of compressors are slightly more economical than their mechanical counterparts, however, the increased load on the generator still contributes to the engine's power take-off, although not as much as a mechanical one.

I think the principle is clear Eugene?

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