Tire pressure table Renault Sandero. Checking the condition of wheels and tires Renault Sandero, Stepway

Tire pressure table Renault Sandero. Checking the condition of wheels and tires Renault Sandero, Stepway


Tires in the car - the most important detail vehicle. Our main support, literally and figuratively. It is they who are rubber hard workers who take on all the blows of our unpredictable Russian roads.

Today we will talk with you about what tire sizes are equipped with stepway cars at the factory, as well as what sizes of rubber can be used on Stepways without any problems.

First about regular tires, which are equipped with Stepway cars at the factory.

Let's start with the first generation of Stepways. On cars that were produced before 2014, the Avtoframos plant installed regular tires tires size 185/65/15. It is this size that is considered to be "native" for Stepway-1 and it is recommended to use it on a car. Finding wheels of this size is not difficult - they are on sale everywhere.

Stepway-I on stock summer tires 185/65/15

As for the “non-native” tire sizes on the Stepway, which can be safely put on regular disks, then their range is not too wide.

The most ideal "out of stock" tire size for a first Stepway is 195/65/15. This size without any problems is stretched on a native disk. You can buy it and feel free to install it. The same applies to the size 195/60/15.

Winter tires 195/65/15 on Stepway-I

Also, tires 195/70/15 will fit on the native wheels of the first Stepan.

Some motorists go to experiments and put wheels of size 200 and above on the Stepway. For example, 205/65/15. In principle, such tires can be put on "Stepan". Although, it seems to us that there is not much point in using such wheels on the first Stepway. Firstly, it is an order of magnitude more expensive, and secondly, significant deviations from the standard tire size are always a “pig in a poke”. And the greater the deviation, the more risk fuck serious problems with a car. However, it's up to you, of course...

The same goes for wheels and tires with a radius of 16. Many motorists put them on the Stepway-I for the sake of appearance. On the Internet, we came across instances on which their owners put tires 205/65/16. We highly recommend not to conduct such experiments.

Well, we finished with the first series, now we are smoothly moving on to the second generation Stepways. These wonderful cars from the factory are equipped with tires that are already larger - the 16th radius. The native wheel size for the second Stepway is 205/55/16.

Without any problems, tires 205/60/16, 205/55/16, 195/55/16 are installed on the second Stepway.

As for the options with the installation of rubber bigger size, we have already mentioned this above. The main message here is that you conduct all experiments at your own peril and risk. For example, on the Internet, the owners of the Stepways, who tried to put wheels with a size of 215/65/16 on their native wheels, reported that they had failed - the wheel rubbed against the arch when the steering wheel was unscrewed. Therefore, friends, be prudent when choosing rubber and do not engage in perversions. Your car won't appreciate it.

But as for the rubber of a smaller radius, then it is quite possible to put it on the Stepway II. For example, tires 195/65/15, 205/60/15, 205/65/15 are well suited to the second "Stepan". But does it make sense?

Size 16 wheels on the Stepway-II look more solid than size 15 wheels on its predecessor. In the large arches of the Stepway, the wheels of the 15th radius are simply lost and do not look very presentable. This is especially true of the huge rear arch. On the second generation of Stepways, this is already better, although rear arch there is also a big one.

In general, the flight of thought among our car owners is very wide and many steppe growers conduct risky experiments, trying to pull on stepway tires more suitable for SUVs.

In any case, if you decide to put rubber on your Stepway, which is very different in its parameters from the standard one, we advise you to measure it seven times first, that is, think carefully, weigh the pros and cons, discuss the issue with your “colleagues” on specialized sites and forums, and only then go to the store for tires.

Concluding our today's conversation about tires for Stepway, I would like to say that after all best size tires are native, i.e., recommended by the manufacturer. Well, or at least minimally different from the native.

That's all, good luck on the road and do not forget to share your experience in installing tires of various sizes on the Stepway in the comments to the article.

If the owner of Renault Logan is interested in reducing fuel consumption own car, improved manageability, increased resource tires, then he will need to study information regarding the optimal value of air inflation in the tires. In this article, we will find out what tire pressure.

What factors affect airflow?

For Renault Logan, the manufacturer has provided for the installation of wheel disks with a dimension of 14 and 15 inches. For the 1.4-liter version, the smaller of the indicated disc diameters is provided, and for the 1.6-liter unit, a correspondingly larger one.

The pressure indicator is influenced by:

  • disc diameter value;
  • motor version;

The optimal air parameter favorably affects the resource of tires and suspension.

What is the best pressure for Logan tires?

The entire list of regulated parameters is given in the table available on driver's door(inner panel). Sometimes similar information can be placed on the back surface of the gas tank hatch.

The table has differentiated information about pressure, taking into account the magnitude of the load, the weather factor, the number of passengers, etc.

Still, it is not worth treating with absolute confidence the information provided by the manufacturer, because the indicated values ​​\u200b\u200bimply the presence of original disks and rubber in Renault Logan. When the owner uses tires from an alternative manufacturer, he must determine the pressure indicator on his own.

How to measure pressure correctly?

For this purpose, a manometer will be indispensable. The correct indication of the indicated device is achieved if the car is idle for an hour or more. This is due to the following reasons:

  • heating rubber during long drive;
  • expansion compressed air in the inner cavity of the tire under the influence of the temperature factor.

In Russia, tire pressure in any car, including Renault Logan measured in bars.

If the vehicle is expected to drive on bumpy terrain, then the pressure should be adjusted downward by 0.1 or 0.2 bar, respectively, for wheel sizes 14 and 15 inches. This action will lead to fuel efficiency and reduce the negative impact on the suspension components.

The season also affects the difference in indicators. Winter time involves reducing tire pressure by 0.1 bar from the regulated value, which improves stability on slippery surface.

If driving on a high-quality roadway is planned, then it is recommended to increase the pressure indicator by 0.2 bar, which is also accompanied by some fuel efficiency.

Tire pressure monitoring for its compliance with the regulatory values ​​should be resorted to at least once a month.

Summing up

Now you know what tire pressure is optimal. Paying increased attention to the tire pressure indicator, the owner provides his car with a predictable behavior on the road. Do not neglect the frequency of control and timely bringing the value to the regulatory indicators, taking into account the amendments we have made, and your Renault Logan will become a faithful companion when overcoming any distance.

The optimal air pressure of Renault Logan tires extends the mileage that a car can travel without replacing them, provides correct operation running gear and the whole machine, significantly increases traffic safety. At the same time, the pressure indicator depends not so much on the rubber manufacturer, but on the size of the wheels and the operating conditions of the machine.

Tire pressure Renault Logan

famous french cars of this brand in the factory can be equipped with tires 165/80 R14, 175/70 R14, 185/70 R14. Possible options replacements: 185/65 R15, 195/60 R15.

Following the instruction manual, tires for Renault should be inflated to the following indicators:

A trip, especially over a long distance, increases the performance to 0.3 kgf / cm 2. Therefore, the pressure should be measured either before the trip, or at least an hour after the car stops.

It should be a rule to check the air pressure at least once a month, better times per week, as well as when servicing a car, before long trip and at sharp drops temperature.

For its measurement, manometers are used, calibrated in various units of measurement.

For their calculation, tables with exact values ​​\u200b\u200bof the quantities that can be found on various sites are used.

In practice, it is assumed that the bar is 100 kPa and 1 atmosphere (kgf / cm 2). And PSI is a unit used primarily in America. But even with us you can sometimes find pressure gauges with a scale calibrated in PSI.

How to measure tire pressure and adjust it

To adjust you will need:

  • manometer;
  • a pump, better equipped with a pressure gauge, or an electric compressor.

Indicator caps will help to monitor the condition of the car's wheels

Adjustment process:

  1. Unscrew the protective cap.
  2. A special button resets the pressure gauge.
  3. The device takes indicators by pressing the valve with a tip.
  4. If necessary, pump up the wheel with a pump or compressor.
  5. If the pressure is more than normal, then, by pressing on the spool with a protrusion, the air is released to normal.
  6. After wetting the valve with saliva, check whether the spool is airtight.
  7. If air bubbles come out of the valve, then tighten the spool with a cap.
  8. If this does not help, then it is replaced with a serviceable one.

Why is it necessary to maintain optimal pressure?

If the tires are under-inflated, then:

  • rubber wears out prematurely at the edges of the tread;
  • rolling resistance increases, more fuel is consumed;
  • the tire may disassemble or burst, which can lead to an accident.

If pumped, then:

  • deterioration of adhesion to the roadway;
  • rubber wears prematurely in the center of the tread;
  • if it gets into a pit, not only the wheel, but also the suspension can be damaged;
  • an overinflated tire creates increased noise inside the car.

Properly inflated tires increase driving safety, make it comfortable, and save money. The procedure itself is simple, the tools are inexpensive, each driver can easily pump up the tires of his car.

With the onset of winter, many motorists may wonder how to properly pump up winter tires. Someone may say that this question should not arise, because the manufacturer has already indicated everything required parameters in the instruction manual, which are duplicated on special plates located either on the car body or under the hood. However, the recommended pressure may be too high for winter driving.

Of course, all the recommendations that you can find on the installed plates and in the instruction manual, of course, must be followed. But if we talk about tire pressure, it is worth remembering that these parameters are great for driving a car on flat road in summer. But in winter, in rather difficult conditions, the recommended pressure can be too much.

Experienced motorists reduce tire pressures for the winter, so they increase the grip of the wheels on the road. Which is very important in winter. At this time, the roads are either covered with snow or covered with a thin layer of ice, so it will be useful to under-inflate the tires a little. For example, if the manufacturer indicates a pressure of 2.4 atmospheres, then it is better to pump up the wheel to 2.2 atmospheres.

As a result of pressure reduction, the permeability of the machine increases. And the car will drive better snow covered road, as well as on ice. This is due to the fact that a flat tire has a larger area of ​​contact with the road compared to a fully inflated one. In addition, thanks to this, the wheel runs softer over bumps on the road, which are plentiful in winter. This makes driving and travel in general more comfortable.

However, in addition to more comfortable and safe driving, this method has several disadvantages. First of all, it is worth mentioning a relatively small, but increase in fuel consumption. For example, if you under-pump 0.2 atmospheres, then the consumption will increase by an average of 0.2 liters. This is due to the fact that with such a level of tire pressure, it is more difficult for the engine to set the car in motion, which increases the cost of gasoline. However, it is worth it to protect yourself and increase patency.

Many may say that rubber wear can also be increased in this way. But such a small indicator of 0.2 will not be decisive in this matter, it will not be able to affect wear as much as you might think. It will be so insignificant that it will be quite difficult to notice.

The maximum speed will also drop. However, in winter period and it is not recommended to drive, because this can lead to very disastrous consequences. Sometimes, there are such difficult situations on the roads that even driving at a speed of 60 km / h can be difficult and unsafe.

In order to pump up the wheels to required level pressure, you need to take a pump with a sensor. It is not necessary to look for a sophisticated electric one, an old mechanical device is quite suitable. Connect it to the wheel and inflate to a level less than recommended by 0.1–0.2 atmospheres. It all depends on the model of the car and the diameter of the wheels.

As practice shows, such a life hack is popular among motorists and really helps to significantly increase the cross-country ability of a car and the adhesion of wheels to the roadway.

Text: Victoria Rafalson
Photos from Internet resources

22 ..

Checking the condition of wheels and tires Renault Sandero, Stepway

For traffic safety and extending the life of tires, it is necessary to visually check them before driving, maintain the required pressure in them, regularly (at least once a month) check it and bring it to normal.
The recommended tire pressures are indicated on the label affixed to the end of the left front door. The plate shows the air pressure values ​​in the tires of the front and rear wheels when driving off the freeway and on the freeway.

plate Logan cars and Sandero

plate car Sandero stepway
It is also necessary to check the tire pressure when the ambient temperature drops or rises significantly and before driving a long distance.
When driving for a long time, especially on high speed, the tires heat up and the pressure in them increases. Therefore, air pressure should be checked with cold tires before driving.
If it is not possible to measure the pressure on cold tires, it is necessary to take into account the increase in air pressure in the tires from heating by 0.2–0.3 bar.
Loosen the wheel valve cap...

... and connect to the valve tire pressure gauge or pump with pressure gauge.
If the pressure is lower than required, we inflate the tire with a tire pump or compressor, controlling the pressure on the pressure gauge.
If the pressure is higher than required...

pressure gauge (or a suitable tool) on the valve spool, let the air out of the tire in small portions and check the pressure.
When operating a vehicle with a full load and a trailer, the tire pressure must be increased by 0.2 bar.

Tires must be free of bulges, tread separation and damage that exposes the cord. Residual height tire tread must be at least 1.6 mm.
Tire wear can be measured...

… by measuring the remaining tread depth with a caliper depth gauge.
Tires are not allowed different models on one axle, as well as tires that do not match in size technical requirements car manufacturer.
The manufacturer does not recommend changing wheels. If the tire treads of the front wheels are worn to the limit (wearing out approximately twice as fast as the rear ones), we recommend purchasing one wheel of the same model and putting it on the front axle together with a spare (not worn) wheel. We recommend replacing the least worn wheel (out of the replaced ones) in place of the spare wheel.
Regularly check the tightening of the wheel bolts and, if necessary, tighten the bolts.
If vibrations occur while driving on a flat stretch of road in a limited speed range, the wheels must be balanced by a tire shop. Vibration at all speeds can be caused by patchy tire wear, blistering or other damage, or warped rims. Damaged tires or disks are replaced.
Wheel disks must be kept clean to prevent corrosion. Places with a damaged coating can be cleaned with sandpaper, degreased, primed and painted.

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