How can you pump up a car wheel. How to inflate bicycle wheels? Helpful Tips

How can you pump up a car wheel. How to inflate bicycle wheels? Helpful Tips


Get a foot pump with a built-in pressure gauge, this will help you inflate the tires in any situation to right level. Or buy electric pump, which is connected to the "cigarette lighter" in the cabin. He must also have a device in the kit that will show the pressure value in.

Remove the cap, it is always located on the tire valve. In place of the cap, put on a hose that extends from the application or from the compressor. Do not rush to immediately pump up, first look at the pressure gauge. If the pressure is below normal, then pumping is needed. The norm is a value of 2 - 2.2.

Be careful not to go overboard, too much pressure will make the wheels too hard, reducing comfort and handling by . Sometimes this excess makes the tires unusable - they simply burst. If there is too much pressure, remove the hose and allow excess air to escape by pressing the nipple. At the same time, check the pressure in all other wheels and, if necessary, pump them up.

In the absence of a compressor, use a hand or foot pump. The procedure, of course, is unpleasant, and after two or three approaches to this exercise, a burning desire arises to acquire a portable electric compressor.


Corresponding to the passport norm, as well as air temperature, road condition, gross weight car at a particular moment, the pressure in the tires will significantly extend their life. It also affects fuel and oil consumption.

Helpful advice

Check, at least occasionally, the pressure in the tire and spare wheel. This will save you time in extreme situation.

Advice 4: Which car compressor is better to choose for a car

Today, you rarely see a motorist pumping up tires with a hand or foot pump; automotive compressors have firmly taken the leading place. Right choice of this device is a guarantee of the absence of problems on the road, at home when inflating the wheels.

Automobile compressor is compact electrical device, allowing for a short time without physical effort to pump up the wheel. Today, the market offers several types of units that differ in technical parameters.

Types of compressors

Absolute leadership belongs piston devices, in which air is compressed by means of a piston that starts connecting rod mechanism performing reciprocating motion. The whole system is controlled by an electric motor connected through a gearbox. If you liked piston compressor, then the best of them are those that have a high-alloy steel cylinder and a Teflon ring. Wherein plastic parts inside the device must be absent.

The next type of autocompressors is membrane. Here the air is compressed by the reciprocating movement of a rubber membrane fixed between the compressor cover and the cylinder. Such a device has not gained distribution due to the lack of performance at low temperatures: the membrane hardens and collapses under load. There are also rotary compressors, which differ in size and high performance - up to 300 l / min. Such units are convenient when pumping large-sized products, for example, a rubber boat.

Technical specifications

One of the main characteristics is productivity, measured in l / min. If the wheels of your car are no larger than 17 inches, then you can safely buy a compressor with a capacity of up to 40 l / min. Such a device is connected to the cigarette lighter. When buying a more powerful compressor, the connection to the battery will have to be made directly, through the clamps; otherwise, the wiring may overheat and even ignite. When choosing a compressor, pay attention to the presence of an overheat protection function. If it is absent, then it must be remembered that the time of continuous operation of such a device should not exceed 10-15 minutes (enough to pump up a pair of wheels).

An integral part of the compressor is a pressure gauge. It is desirable that the scale on the device be graduated in bar (bars) or kg / sq. cm, familiar to the Russian motorist. A number of models have additional features, including a blinking red light signaling emergency stop, allowing dark time days, programming device. Last option automatically turns off the compressor after reaching the programmed pressure in the tire.

If car tire under-inflated by at least 20%, the life of the tire is reduced by about a third. What if the pressure is even lower? Here we can already talk about the catastrophic destruction of the tire. And under certain circumstances, the wheel can "shoot" or disassemble - if the speed is high, the car becomes uncontrollable. How often do you check the pressure in your car tires?

Manufacturers car tires recommends checking the tire pressure every two weeks (with intensive runs - every 2000 km). Because air, albeit gradually, but leaves the wheel - tire materials are not absolutely tight. Tire damage, valve leaks, etc. can be additional aggravating factors. Therefore, the pressure in the wheel is reduced. In addition, it would be useful to pick up a pressure gauge before a long trip, especially if you have to drive along highways.

Keep in mind that the lower the temperature, the lower the tire pressure.

Even more important question- where to check? We are used to using the services of tire shops or a free compressor on some petrol stations. But do they take into account that during the trip the tires heat up, and the pressure in them increases?

By the time you get to the tire shop, the tires will warm up and you will have to take this into account. How - no one will say for sure (depending on traffic conditions and weather conditions, as well as a number of other factors, the data can "dance" within a few tenths of an atmosphere). Therefore, checking and adjusting the pressure of "hot" tires is strongly discouraged. Measurements should be taken "cold", that is, before the trip, while the tires have not yet warmed up, or after a long parking (not earlier than an hour after stopping). Therefore, it is better to do it all the same in the old fashioned way: with your pressure gauge before leaving the yard.

Whatever all of the above is not purely theoretical, we carried out a series of measurements. First, we tested the theory of "cold" and "hot" tires (see Fig. table 1 ). On the street - minus 11 C, the car just after the night "hibernation". Three control measurements, and we make sure: the pressure is only 1.8 atmospheres instead of the recommended 2.0 atmospheres. Let's pump up the wheel later - it is important for us to find out how much the pressure gauge readings will change after the car has been on the road for some time.

An hour of driving around the city, 20 km behind - this is enough for the wheels to heat up. The next series of measurements gives a new result - 1.9 atm. The difference between the "cold" and "hot" checks was only 0.1 atmospheres, but, firstly, the ambient temperature was not high, and secondly, there was a measured ride, during which the tachometer needle rarely exceeded 60 km / h. Dynamic driving, driving at high speed, especially when the surface temperature is much above zero - all this will lead to the fact that the run-up will be much greater. By the way, changing tire pressure while driving is just the "evil" that you have to deal with in the world of motorsport. After all, the entire potential of the car, ultimately, depends on the contact of the wheels with the road, but what it will be like is just a matter of correctly set pressure. Naturally, it is selected taking into account a number of factors, including the predicted heating of tires.
But that is sports, but for civilian driving there are rules. And they are as follows: the pressure is set in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations - at the set value and at the moment when the tires are "cold".
Well, what about the dependence of readings on temperature environment? We placed the same wheel in three different climates (see Fig. table 2 ). First, it spent 12 hours in a warm box at an air temperature of 18 C - the pressure was 2.2 atm. Then another 12 in a cold box at an air temperature of minus 3 C. The pressure dropped by 0.05 atm - up to 2.15 atm. A little? Well, now one night in the trunk of a car, where minus 12 C was observed by morning. The pressure dropped to 1.95 atm - compared to the original value, it decreased by 0.25 atm!

The obtained data confirm the theory: with slight fluctuations in the ambient air temperature, pressure adjustment is not required. But when the jump is more significant (for example, in our case it was 30 C), the difference will be much more significant (again, in our case it was more than 10% of the original value). But getting such a run is not so difficult: take a “warm” wheel from a heated garage, set the pressure, then install it on a car that drives on winter roads, - here you have a difference of several tens of degrees ...
Properly set pressure not only contributes to maximum term tire operation, but also provides a comfortable and safe movement by car, allows you to most effectively use all its technical potential.

Inflated tires make the car's reactions sharper, help reduce fuel consumption (after all, rolling resistance is reduced). But at the same time, the car goes through all the bumps harder - both driving comfort and suspension resource suffer. In addition, the tire itself wears out unevenly - the middle part of the tread tread is "erased" faster.

With insufficient pressure, increased tire deformations, heating are observed, which leads to accelerated wear or destruction. Rolling resistance increases, resulting in increased fuel consumption. Handling deteriorates, there is a risk of slipping of the tire relative to the rim, and the likelihood of a “break” of the tire in sharp turn, resulting in contact rim with the road, which is already fraught with a coup. Naturally, all this is a consequence of the extremely low pressure, to which, as a rule, rarely comes. Usually even the most "lazy" owners get off with only increased consumption fuel and accelerated tire wear.
But sometimes low blood pressure is good. Indeed, in this case, the contact patch with the road increases - this quality can be used when driving off-road on soft ground. But then, having driven onto a paved road, it is necessary to pump up the tires to the required pressure value.

It is believed that the condition of the tires can be determined with what pressure they were operated. Uniform wear indicates that the pressure was normal or close to the recommended values. A worn out middle part of the tread is a sign that the owner preferred to pump the tires, but with reduced pressure, the side parts of the tread suffer more.
For each model, the automaker recommends its own tire pressure values, and they can be individual for each modification or depend on the tire size. It should also be noted that the tire pressure at the front and rear axle may differ. Often, the automaker indicates two values: for a car with a partial load (with a driver and a passenger) and with a full one - in the second case, the pressure should be increased by 0.2-0.3 atm (the second value is also recommended for long trips on high speeds). The manufacturer's data is indicated in the instruction manual, as well as in the car itself - usually an information plate is placed with inside fuel tank hatch or in the doorway on the driver's side (on the central pillar or on the end of the door).
At the very least, many motorists still follow the "main" wheels, but the spare one, as a rule, is left without attention, and when the X-hour comes, the "spare wheel" is usually empty. Therefore, it is recommended not only to periodically check the pressure in the fifth wheel, but also to pump it by about 0.3 atm - in reserve.

P.S. The behavior of the car on the road largely depends on the correct tire pressure. We told you how to do this, although it could be easier to say: follow the manufacturer's recommendations. And do not be lazy to check the wheels from time to time, because this is the key to your safety.

It would seem that it is difficult to pump up the wheels of your car? But, nevertheless, even such a simple, in general, operation gives rise to many questions that we cannot ignore. But before we talk about the process of pumping wheels, let's remember why it is necessary to maintain optimal pressure in them.

The wheels of a car are the part that connects the car to the road. And such non-banal things as fuel consumption, suspension condition and car handling depend on how correctly the tires are inflated. After all, it is not in vain that car manufacturers spend a lot of time on tests, during which they measure optimal parameters. These tests are carried out in various climatic conditions, on routes with different kind coatings. Based on the results of these tests, the nominal pressure in the wheels is determined depending on how loaded the car is. And the manufacturer strongly recommends inflating tires precisely according to these indicators, guaranteeing, for its part, fuel consumption close to the passport data, good handling and durability of suspension components and parts. By the way, this data is not a secret, in each car on the middle pillar on the driver's side there is a plate on which pressure figures for the front and rear wheels depending on the load. And for each model, these figures are different, there are no average values. Although in some countries, including Russia, these data are often neglected, for many models, the “average temperature in the hospital” still applies.

There is no difference in how to pump up the wheels of a car - with ordinary air or a gas mixture (nitrogen) - since both components practically do not differ in composition. And the difference in the composition of ordinary air and gas mixture is minimal and, therefore, cannot significantly affect the characteristics of the tire. The main thing is to observe quantitative indicators, since it depends on whether excess or insufficient pressure in the tire directly depends on the condition and durability of the tire itself, as well as the parameters listed above - fuel consumption and the life of the car's suspension. It is better to start the immediate procedure of pumping the wheels when the tires are "cold" - that is, when the car has not yet gone anywhere. This is explained by the fact that in a “cold” tire the air pressure is close to optimal, and when driving, especially in hot weather, the air pressure rises in proportion to the air temperature. That is, if you measure the pressure in the morning, and the pressure gauge shows, say, 2.0 atm., Then after taking measurements after half an hour of driving, you can see that the pressure in the tire will increase by 0.3 - 0.5 atm.

Also, among motorists, there are certain disagreements on whether it is worth pumping tires or is it better to keep the pressure in them at 0.2 - 0.3 atm. below the manufacturer's recommended settings. The fact is that a tire that is not inflated to the recommended parameters comes into contact with pavement a larger surface (the so-called “contact patch” grows), which leads to gradual wear of the outer edges of the tread. In addition, the fuel consumption of the car increases. It does not, however, do without positive aspects. An under-inflated tire reduces the load on the suspension elements, which increases ride comfort and extends the life of the chassis parts. Another point: such "soft" tires reduce braking distances car, which has a positive effect on safety. But this aspect also has its negative point - a car with “soft” tires obeys the steering wheel worse, therefore, the car’s handling suffers.

Overinflated tires are not good either. First of all - for the same. A solid tire will transfer more shock to the suspension components than an optimally or under-inflated tire. Over time, suspension parts can fail, and riding on such tires is not comfortable. That is why it is better to stick to the “golden mean” when it comes to tire inflation.

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So, let's talk about how to properly inflate car tires. Probably everyone knows that tires are flat from time to time and they definitely need to be pumped up. To find out what condition the tires have, a pressure gauge is used.

To be always ready for trouble, buy yourself a foot pump. It has a built-in pressure gauge to help you know the tire pressure. And you can also buy an electric pump, it is also called a compressor. You can connect it to the cigarette lighter and inflate tires even faster. It must also contain special device for measuring tire pressure.

To start the process of inflating car tires, you need to remove the cap that is screwed on the wheel valve. Attach the pump or compressor hose in its place. You do not need to immediately pump tires, you must first look at the pressure gauge value. If the tire pressure is below normal, then you should pump up, up to 2-2.2 atmospheres.

Also, unknowingly to some motorists, car tires can be overinflated. This must be prevented, because due to excessive pressure, the tires simply burst, and when driving, there will be no previous comfort, and the car's handling will become harder. To reduce pressure in the tires, remove the pump hose from the valve and press on a small nipple called a nipple. As you push harder, air will come out.

If on the road you do not understand how to pump up car tires, because they always flatten, then follow these steps. It is necessary to check the tire, or if more than one blew, check them for a puncture.

To do this, you need to put the car on a jack and inspect the tire by twisting back and forth. If suddenly you notice a stuck nail or screw or some other object that has clogged into the tread pattern, then in such a situation, repair cannot be avoided.

But do not despair, because, most likely, you have in the trunk spare wheel. If it is, then jack the car up again and replace the punctured tire with the spare. After that, you definitely won't have to pump anything.

But there are times when there is no spare wheel. In this case, you should definitely try to get to the nearest tire service. To do this, you will have to pump up the tires of the car without removing those very meticulous items from the wheel. After the tires are inflated, start to drive slowly and do it constantly, slowly.

Well, in the most deplorable situation, when even at such a moment the tire manages to deflate and inflate it, and there is no spare wheel, it will be necessary to make repairs right on the spot. In such situations, every self-respecting motorist should have a first aid kit for tubeless tires. With its help, you can easily seal the puncture site and move on.

At the end, I decided to show you an interesting video in which you will see how real crazy craftsmen pump wheels.

Now it's time to say goodbye! I think that the information on how to pump up car tires turned out to be very useful for you.

More than once faced, and will still face, drivers with the problem of a “flat tire”. Usually, such a problem falls on you, most often in the morning. You are in a hurry to work, there is no time and then a flat tire. pump up experienced driver, yes, still having an electric compressor, no problem. But for beginners, I will explain this procedure in more detail.

How to pump up a wheel? To do this, take the compressor. From it comes a thin wire and a cylindrical tip. We connect it to the cigarette lighter. Then we unscrew the cap and put on it a rubber hose with a tip all the way down, and turn the plastic handle 90 degrees. If you did everything right on the pressure gauge, you can see how many atmospheres are in the wheel. It is necessary to pump up to the required atmosphere mark, but for each car it is different. This value must be known in advance. Recent actions. We align the plastic handle, remove the compressor, screw the cap on the wheel back, turn off the pump from the cigarette lighter, turn it off and put it in the trunk.

How to properly inflate a wheel? What is hidden in these words? These words contain only one word - pressure. This value is calculated for each car separately to ensure good performance movement, easy operation, prolong tire life and load-bearing capacity. The driver should monitor this indicator regularly, especially check if you are going on a trip. Upper and lower pressure readings are always given. You should match this data very precisely otherwise:

  • If this indicator is exceeded, the smoothness of the ride may deteriorate, dents may form or the tire may be damaged, contribute to rapid wear the middle part of the tread;
  • With reduced pressure, tires can squeal when turning the car, it will be difficult steering, wear very quickly, but unevenly, especially at the edges of the protectors, form various dents and breaks in the tire rim or cord of the tire, to create quite high temperature in the tire;
  • With uneven pressure in four wheels, also very bad effect on the car. Perhaps uneven braking at the wheels, steering to the side, or general deterioration of the car's handling, especially when accelerating or accelerating.

How to pump up a stroller wheel? This presents no difficulty. You just need to find the pump that comes with the stroller. If it is not included in the kit, then a simple bicycle pump will do. We unscrew the cap, screw on the pump hose, pump it up manually, remove the hose and twist the cap. That's all.

But there are situations when you need to pump up the wheel, but there is no pump. How to inflate a tire without a pump? Pretty fast, but with this procedure you must be as careful as possible and adhere to all security measures. Gasoline, gas, any spray, alcohol, deodorant or even hairspray will do for us. We inject a little substance inside the wheel and set it on fire. The wheel is in order, you can go.

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