Do I need a platon for a 3 ton truck? Use of satellite navigation systems

Do I need a platon for a 3 ton truck? Use of satellite navigation systems


The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation is considering the possibility of installing the Platon system to collect funds for travel on federal roads for trucks weighing over 3.5 tons, they report "Vedomosti". Until now, only trucks weighing 12 tons or more were eligible for fundraising. /website/

According to European classification, the prospect of installing Plato threatens trucks with subcategory N2. Among them are KamAZ (43253), Ivego (EuroCargo), Mercedes-Benz (Atego), Renault (Midlum). Trucks weighing 3.5 tons or more are used to transport goods over short distances, for example, from Moscow to Tula, Ryazan, Tver, Klin and other cities. For long-distance transport using small trucks is unprofitable.

The contract “Scientific justification for the feasibility of introducing a toll collection system on the territory of Russia” has been published on the government procurement website highways common use Vehicle with permitted maximum weight from 3.5 to 12 tons inclusive in order to gradually transition to the “user pays” principle.” The contract was concluded in June of this year between the Rostransmodernization Federal Institution and the Higher School of Economics.

Work to implement the contract in the amount of 10.8 million rubles has not yet been completed, Mikhail Blinkin explained to the publication. “This will probably be introduced throughout the world, because the e-road pricing system is much fairer than fuel excise taxes,” he said. The expert is confident that a fee per kilometer should be introduced for all cars - cars, trucks, electric ones.

The publication did not receive any comments from the Ministry of Transport. The company "Platon" - "RT-invest transport systems" reported that it has not yet become familiar with the plans. A representative of Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich also declined to comment.

Expert opinion

The introduction of a fee for trucks weighing over 3.5 tons will lead to an increase in production costs. As a result, the shipper will refuse such transportation, he believes Valery Alekseev. In his opinion, fees from small trucks are unlikely to be significant, but this will lead to a consolidation of the market. Companies will give up their transport and use services commercial carriers, which can reduce the cost of production due to the formation of groupage cargo.

The introduction of a fee for 3-ton trucks will cause indignation and dissatisfaction among carriers, since any change is stressful for business, he noted Alexey Cherkashin. He recalled that small trucks are now in demand.

Authorities should treat business as a partner, and not use it as a source of money, believes Vladimir Matyagin. All innovations must be explained in terms of benefits for the business and what it will receive in return.

System "Plato"

The Platon system for trucks weighing over 12 tons was introduced on November 15, 2015. It is intended to collect money per kilometer of travel on federal highways. The launch of Platon was accompanied by system malfunctions, as well as mass protests by truckers. They stated that they already pay transport tax, as well as excise taxes included in the cost of fuel.

Permanent protest camp for truckers in Khimki. Photo courtesy of the administration of the site

It was initially assumed that until March 1, 2016, truck owners would pay 1.53 rubles for each kilometer of travel, and then until the end of 2018 - 3.06 rubles. However, protests by truckers convinced the government to “freeze” the tariff of 1.53 rubles until the summer of 2017. At the same time, fines for non-payment of fees were reduced from 450 thousand to 5 thousand rubles.

According to the new project of the Ministry of Transport, from February 1, 2017, the tariff will be 2.61 rubles per kilometer, and from June 1 - 3.06 rubles.

In 2015, Platon brought 14 billion rubles to the treasury, said Transport Minister Maxim Sokolov. Initially, it was planned that money from Platon would be used to repair roads. The government has already allocated 10.85 billion rubles from 2015 revenues to 24 regions for road repairs.

The Ministry of Transport has begun checking the feasibility of expanding the system, and experts are confident that in the near future we are talking about its extension to all cars

So far, the Ministry of Transport is only studying the economics of expanding Platon to other categories of cars. The department ordered a study of the problem by the National Research University Higher School of Economics. Why officials were concerned about the problem of including trucks from 3.5 to 12 tons in the system is unknown. Carriers claim that cars of this category travel only short distances and most often do not drive on federal roads. However, the HSE expert is confident that we are talking about fundamentally new system taxation of motorists.

The Ministry of Transport is preparing in secret

The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation has begun preparations for the expansion of the Platon system. Its effect may be extended to travel through federal highways trucks weighing from 3.5 to 12 tons. Vedomosti learned about this from its own sources in the government.

The Ministry of Transport hastened to refute this information, saying that it is not going to introduce a fee for cars over 3.5 tons. However, at you can find a contract for “scientific substantiation of the feasibility of introducing on the territory of Russia a system of collecting tolls on public roads for vehicles with a permissible maximum weight from 3.5 to 12 tons inclusive for the purpose of a phased transition to the principle “ the user pays." The contractor is the Higher School of Economics (HSE) (price - 10.8 million rubles, completion of work - November 15, 2016).

Mikhail Blinkin, director of the Institute of Transport Economics and Transport Policy at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, confirmed to Realnoe Vremya the fulfillment of the contract: “By the end of the year we will complete this scientific work. Does this have any practical consequences? This is not a question for me, but for deputies and officials. Our job is to carry out some calculations, comparisons with international experience, and so on.”

Mikhail Blinkin: “We will complete this scientific work by the end of the year. Whether this has any practical consequences is not a question for me, but for deputies and officials.” Photo by Oleg Tikhonov

“This will be a meager amount”

Vehicles weighing from 3.5 to 12 tons are, roughly speaking, an intermediate category that is not so often used by carriers.

“Anything larger than a Gazelle falls into this category - these are small delivery trucks, Valdai, Lawns, MAZiki,” says Sergei Sotnikov, director of TC Revers. - Their whole function is that big car brings, and then all this is delivered throughout the city and villages for more than small cars. If we talk about the share of these vehicles in cargo transportation, then it is 10 percent of the total.

Alexander Lindval, representative of the Association of International Road Carriers (ASMAP) in Kazan, also believes that their share is small and it will not be possible to significantly increase fees: “We practically do not work with such cars. Small cars perform delivery functions in 99% of cases. They don’t really go out onto federal highways - they deliver the goods they brought to cities from warehouses. big cars. Roughly speaking, from Zelenodolsk to Kazan. Well, he will travel 100 kilometers on the federal highway - that’s a meager amount will. And if they give him a device for free, they will also allow post-payment if the driver is law-abiding, then the amounts will be very small.

The carriers themselves are confident that they will soon reach Gazelles in this way.

Alexander Lindval: “The main goal of this system is to collect and analyze information about how we drive, where and how many cars, on what roads, so that at any point in time it is possible to determine the location of any car - where it went for Last year or two." Photo

New principle of taxation of motorists

However, apparently, the main goal of expanding the action of “Plato” is not increasing income.

In general, “Plato”, according to the creators’ plan, should cover 100% of transport (there is a dream - up to passenger cars), says Alexander Lindval. - The main purpose of this system is to collect and analyze information about how we drive, where and how many cars we have, on what roads, so that at any point in time it is possible to determine the location of any car - where it went over the last year or two. And what this system collects for roads is an insignificant amount. No matter how they increase the tariff, the amount will still be tiny compared to the costs of road construction in Russia. The meaning of the system is not to collect money for roads, but to obtain work statistics road transport in the Russian Federation. And at the expense of the motorists themselves.

Mikhail Blinkin generally assures that we are not even talking about statistics, but about the transition to a fundamentally new format taxation of motorists. In his opinion, developed countries must rebuild it over the next three to five years.

In the last 100 years, this taxation came through taxes included in the gasoline that we bought (according to domestic legislation - excise taxes), explains a representative of the Higher School of Economics. - I buy gasoline, I paid 35 rubles per liter, and there is about 4 rubles worth of excise tax that goes to the roads. This mechanism is now changing to a different one all over the world. Electronics will measure how many kilometers I have traveled and assign me a payment, just like for electricity - this is what the whole world is actually moving towards. In our country, 12-ton trucks somehow drive according to this scheme, and only partially. And we are looking to see if this can be extended to other trucks. In a few years, everyone will pay only this way - through electronic payments. How many kilometers I drove and on what road, that’s how much I’ll pay. The whole world is moving towards this, and we are moving little by little, but with a little lag.

According to Lindval, no more than 60% of cars that regularly enter the federal highway pay money. Photo

Only 60% of truckers pay the fee

However, so far even the existing system is malfunctioning.

We recently held an event at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, met with a representative of Platon (the event was held within the Volga Federal District), says Alexander Lindval from ASMAP. - They talked about their successes there, the carriers expressed their wishes for work. The main wish is not to raise rates for now, as the Ministry of Transport planned from next year, but to ensure that this system covers at least the range of cars that they have designated, 100%, and that everyone pays. The fact is that currently a number of carriers do not pay and do not receive fines. 100% coverage of 12-ton trucks has not yet been achieved. According to our estimates, no more than 60% of cars that regularly enter the federal highway pay money.

This state of the system revives debate about its feasibility. Carriers directly say that since the system has not yet worked, it is ineffective.

In general, I think that it’s probably time to end this “Plato” and admit that the project was a failure,” Sergei Sotnikov is sure. - People don’t pay, and even those who paid at the beginning have stopped paying. Fines do not come from all regions, and there are very few of them. Mainly involved central part Russia. The system is not debugged, so either pay a person 15 thousand rubles per month per truck, or not pay. The person sees that there are no fines and does not pay. The whole point of this project is initially based on the wrong premise. A structure has been created that works for itself, and naturally the question arises: “Why is it needed?” Over the course of the year, they collected 16 billion rubles, of which 11 billion were spent on the same structure. She works for herself. These additional functions they come up with it so that they can say that “we exist for a reason and even bring some benefit.”

Lina Sarimova, Dmitry Semyagin

The fuss that has arisen around paying for heavy vehicles to travel on federal highways has not subsided for 2 years.

In one region or another, protest events are periodically held among drivers and entrepreneurs. This is partly facilitated by the behavior of the legislator, who systematically increases tariffs and tightens sanctions for evasion of payment.

The toll collection operator also fueled the situation by posting on the website a list of types of vehicles, including even passenger cars.

Let's try to clarify what the Platon system is and what cars fall under it.

How more cars drives along the roads of our Motherland, the more their surface wears out, the more often repairs are required.

The main damage is believed to be caused by large-capacity trucks, which not only wear out the asphalt surface, but also push through the “cushion” of sand, crushed stone and special materials, which causes rutting and increased accidents on the roads.

All roads in our country have either federal or regional subordination. If in the regions a transport tax is collected for repairs, then roads, for the condition of which the state is responsible, are built and maintained at the expense of the state budget. And with the increase in cargo traffic, the allocated funds became insufficient.

That is why, on behalf of the Government of the Russian Federation, the “Platon” system for paying for travel on federal highways was developed and implemented. Its name comes from the words “pay” and “ton”.

The essence of “Plato” is that with the help of satellite monitoring equipment, the route of movement of the car is tracked, the data is entered into the system, the mileage traveled is calculated, and the funds are debited from the account assigned to this car.

Thus, the state budget receives financial injections daily, directing them to the maintenance of the system, to the income of investors and to repair roads.

It should be noted that tolls on state roads for freight and cargo-passenger transport are already in effect in almost all European countries.

This idea was first implemented in Austria - since 2004, highways there have been equipped with appropriate equipment and a tariff system has been in place.

In Russia, the truck toll system was introduced only on November 15, 205, but long before this date, truck drivers and owners of trucks and heavy trucks began to protest.

Video: How the Plato system works

Every freight car with a permissible maximum weight of more than 12 tons mandatory equipped with GLONASS/GPS satellite navigation systems and a GSM/GPRS-based data transmission module.

If any cars with such mass even sometimes leave the limits settlement, special devices are installed on them and an account is registered in the Platon system.

Well, if they are regularly involved in cargo transportation, it makes sense to install a special on-board device inside, which records the actual route traveled and sends the data to the control system.

For single trips, the driver can use the Route Map - a document that contains information about the car, the route and the duration of the trip. Based on this, the amount of payment is calculated.

Deviation from the specified route is not permitted. For control, stationary frames and mobile points are used - cars with special equipment.

At the current stage of using Platon, payment after the fact is provided. However, money must be deposited into an individual account assigned by the system to a specific heavy load in advance, before the trip.

Having received a signal from on-board device, the system calculates the cost and debits the funds in automatic mode.

In case of violation of the travel rules or lack of registration in the Platon system, as well as in the case of a faulty on-board unit, a significant fine will be imposed on the driver and/or owner of the large-tonnage vehicle.

Initially it was planned to fine legal entities up to 1 million rubles. But after protests from truckers, the amounts of fines were revised, their size and procedure for imposition are described in Art. 12.21.3. The Code of Administrative Offenses is compiled for 2019:

  • for a primary violation (for a private driver, a citizen of the Russian Federation) – 5,000 rubles;
  • in case of a primary violation (for the owner of the vehicle, legal entity registered on the territory of the Russian Federation) – 5,000 rubles;
  • in case of primary violation (for foreign cars a fine is imposed on the driver) - 5,000 rubles;
  • in case of repeated violation (for a private driver, a citizen of the Russian Federation) – 10,000 rubles;
  • in case of repeated violation (for the owner of the vehicle, a legal entity registered in the Russian Federation) – 10,000 rubles;
  • in case of repeated violation (for foreign cars the fine is imposed on the driver) – 10,000 rubles.

Today, truck drivers are required to pay tolls on federal roads. vehicles, whose maximum permitted weight exceeds 12 tons.

This figure includes the weight of the car itself, the maximum possible weight of the cargo, the weight of the driver, passengers and their luggage. The list automatically includes Euro trucks and cargo trailers.

In addition, freight road trains and automatic couplers will have to fork out more. Passenger transport, for example a bus, whose maximum permissible weight with passengers and all luggage is over 12 tons, is not subject to fares.

But only if the purpose is registered in the documentation - Passenger Transportation. If the function of cargo and passenger transportation is declared, then the driver will have to pay for the kilometers traveled.

Finally, there is always a temptation to avoid unnecessary costs by loading a truck with a lower maximum permissible weight of over 12 tons.

For example, many vehicles, both Asian and European, are designed to transport up to 10-11.9 tons. However, any traffic police inspector at a stationary point has the right to check the actual weight of such a car and fine the violator.

The following are exempt from paying tolls on federal highways:

Is it possible not to pay Plato?

Let us remind you that only travel on federal highways, which have an alphanumeric numbering starting with the letter M, is subject to payment in the Platon system.

Any driver/owner of a heavy truck has the right to use the following methods to avoid paying for travel on them:

  • The system does not charge fees for travel on road sections that are tolled for any vehicle;
  • Travel on regional highways, narrow-gauge and gravel roads is not paid, country roads and in populated areas;
  • You can transport goods free of charge on vehicles with permissible weight less than 12 tons.

Recently, the media have been intensely discussing the topic of introducing mandatory tolls on federal highways for cars with a maximum permissible weight below 12 tons and even for owners of passenger cars.

The fears are understandable: while city dwellers rarely venture out into the countryside, many suburban residents commute to work in nearest cities. Such an innovation will cost them, as they say, “a pretty penny.”

Rumors about mandatory registration in the Platon system for passenger cars already in 2019 caused an appearance on the operator’s website full list types of road transport, including passenger cars. Representatives of the system have not yet commented on this fact.

However, even if such an obligation will sooner or later be assigned to all car owners, the state will have to develop regulatory framework, which in itself is a slow process.

For example, the Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees the inviolability of private life, and the laws of the Russian Federation prohibit the use of systems and devices for tracking individuals without appropriate permission from the justice system.

In addition, it will be necessary to revise the principles of calculating what is mandatory for car owners. transport tax. So in soon there is no need to be afraid of introduction toll for all.

Now you know which cars are covered by Plato, what it is this system, who and in what cases can avoid paying for travel. Use your freedom wisely and do not violate the rules of the Plato system. Have a smooth road!

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    Be prepared to fork out the cash, because these fees “Plato” pays the entire population, since the amount of these fees increases the prices of all consumer goods transported by road. And of course, this is another scam, as according to the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Platon collects over 300 hundred billion rubles per year throughout the country, and not 12-15 that go to the budget, and it is clear that the remaining 280 billion or more are laundered. And the name Platon does not come from the words “pay” and “ ton.”, and Platon is named after the son of one of Putin’s friends - Platon Arkadyevich Rotenberg., try to prove that this is a coincidence?.., and the Rotenbergs own this business. Despite the fact that this extortion is illegal, since it has not been adopted by the Duma legislatively, these scammers “have” the people in full.


      • ANONYMOUS, have you looked in the mirror lately? Which of the two of us is a “bot”, which one is encrypted? PLATO... But the Greeks are to blame for everything, not the Rotenbergs! Plato was their philosopher! So “Plato is my friend, but truth is dearer!” But the truth is that the roads are getting better and new BRIDGES are being built, and being built quickly! And this is from the same money.

        • Are you speaking the truth? There have never been any exits towards Vladivostok, and no one is making them, and the bridges are collapsing. In the city of Kansk there are no roads at all, just a dirt road covered with bricks. In the Amur region there are generally only waves. And Plato gets paid. And with this money they build Moscow.

    • Vitaly, not only the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 27) but also the Law of the Russian Federation No. 5242-1 gives the right “to everyone who is legally located on the territory of the Russian Federation to move freely, choose a place of stay and residence.” So, Vitaly, no one has the right to restrict a citizen of Russia or any person (legally located in Russia) from moving, but this does not mean that you will come to the station (railway, bus or air) and sit down for free start moving around the country! You're not going to start citing the Constitution, are you?

      Do not misinterpret the text of the constitution:

      "Article 27

      1. Everyone who is lawfully on the territory Russian Federation, has the right to move freely, choose a place of stay and residence.”

      There is a word FREE and there is no word FREE.

      • Yes, let anyone organize the reconstruction process road surface, even the Rotenbergs. Why the fuck is diesel fuel so expensive? Like housing and communal services. You need at least 10,000 rubles per month for gas station in the city. On average, this is half the budget of the average worker. The thieves! Assholes! Bastards!

Basic data

The Platon system ensures the collection, processing, storage and automatic transmission of data on the movement of a vehicle with a permissible maximum weight of over 12 tons, and applies to all public roads of federal significance.

1.53 ₽/km
3.73 with coefficient 0.41 fee amount from 11/15/2015 to 04/15/2017

1.90 ₽/km
3.73 with coefficient 0.51 fee amount from 04/15/2017*

50,774 km Federal
roads in the system

15/11/2015 Launch date

2 000 000 More than two million vehicles

Objects and elements of the system





Control center
and monitoring,
including center
data processing

Geographic information system
and automatic
payment system


Call center
around the clock

  • Project goals

    The Platon toll collection system was created to ensure the procedure for collecting tolls from vehicles with a maximum permitted weight of more than 12 tons to compensate for the damage they cause to the road surface.

    The funds received are received daily into the Federal Budget of the Russian Federation and are used to ensure the maintenance of highways, finance construction and repair work and improve road transport infrastructure.

    The implementation of the project will ensure the achievement of the target parameters of the Development transport system Russia (2010 - 2020)" (subprogram - "Highways") while reducing the burden on the state budget, as well as achieving additional improvement in the transport and operational condition of federal roads.

  • Documents and regulations

    The grounds for creating a toll collection system are the following documents and regulations:

    2. Payment for the actual distance traveled

    The owner of the vehicle pays a fee to compensate for damage for each kilometer of the route along the federal highway, using a choice of one of the options for calculating the fee:

    • registration of a one-time Route card;
    • use of the On-Board Unit.

    Registration of a route card requires payment of a fee for a one-time route.

    When using the on-board unit, write-off Money from the vehicle owner's account to pay for the fee occurs automatically, which eliminates the presence of errors due to the influence of the human factor.

    3. Use of satellite navigation systems

    Positioning of vehicles with a permissible maximum weight of over 12 tons is carried out using on-board devices that provide reception of signals from the global navigation satellite systems GLONASS and GPS.

    4. Monitoring the movement of vehicles and identifying vehicles weighing over 12 tons

    Payment control is carried out by stationary and mobile control systems:

    • frame structures with attachments, which are located above the federal highway;
    • mobile control - cars with special equipment.

    5. Rostransnadzor issues decisions on administrative violations for driving on federal roads without paying a toll for vehicles with a permissible maximum weight of more than 12 tons

    Automated fixation center administrative offenses̆ Rostransnadzor based on automatic photo and video recording identifies violators on federal highways for issuing decisions on administrative violations.

  • Description of the system operation

    To pay the fee, the Truck Owner is required to register himself and the vehicle in the Toll System Register.

    Registration in

    Through your Personal Account, self-service terminals or at User Information Support Centers

    Personal Area

    After checking the data, the user receives a login and password to access the Personal Account

    Pay a fee

    The car owner must top up the account and issue a Route Card before driving

    Payment is made by the Vehicle Owner before driving on federal highways or as a post-payment.

    The toll collection system provides two ways to calculate fees:

    Route map

    Registration of a one-time Route map V Personal account, Mobile application or User Information Support Center

    On-board unit

    Using an on-board device to calculate fees automatically

    You can deposit money into your account through your Personal Account on the Platon system website or Mobile application for all types of smartphones, at the User Information Support Center, through self-service terminals, through agent terminals.

    Payment methods for route cards:

    • from the account record of the Vehicle Owner opened in the Toll Collection System

    Methods for replenishing your account:

    • non-cash bank transfer using the details of the Operator of the Toll Collection System
    • bank/fuel card in the Personal Account and the Platon Mobile Application, in the Platon Self-Service Terminals, in the User Information Support Centers of the Toll Collection System, through the Qiwi e-wallet, as well as through Internet banking and mobile app"Sberbank Online"
    • in cash at partner agent terminals: Qiwi, Sberbank, Moskovsky credit bank, Eleksnet, in the Euroset chain of stores
    • by using mobile phone using the MOBI.Money payment service

In the future, the Platon system may extend to small trucks weighing over 3.5 tons. As Vedomosti reports, citing one of the federal officials, this possibility is this moment studied by the Ministry of Transport.

According to the publication, the contract “Scientific justification for the feasibility of introducing on the territory of Russia a system of collecting tolls on public roads for vehicles with a permissible maximum weight from 3.5 to 12 tons inclusive” for the purpose of a phased transition to the “user pays” principle is posted on the government procurement website " It is concluded between the Federal State Institution “Rostransmodernization” and the Higher School of Economics (HSE).

In turn, the Ministry of Transport has information about the possible introduction of the Platon system for small trucks weighing from 3.5 tons. As the department's press service told TASS, at the moment they are not taking any action in this direction.

“Research work (R&D) is aimed only at identifying the possibility and feasibility of such actions. Carrying out such work is a global practice implemented in many developed countries. It is necessary to wait for the results of the research work, but for now it is impossible to say that such a fee will be introduced, much less about any deadlines, because The result of the work may be, among other things, the identification of the inappropriateness and prematureness of making such decisions,” the Russian Ministry of Transport said in a statement.

Let us remind you that the tariff of the Platon system, which collects fees from 12-ton trucks for travel on federal highways, is planned to be increased to 2.61 rubles. per km from February 1, 2017 to June 1, 2017. After this, the cost should increase to 3.06 rubles. per kilometer. This was announced by First Deputy Head of the Ministry of Transport Evgeniy Dietrich. According to him, if the Platon tariff is gradually changed, budget revenues from the system could amount to about 33 billion rubles. next year, writes

“From February 1, we proposed to increase the tariff to 2.61 rubles. This tariff, according to our proposal, may be valid until June 1, 2017. From June 1, it is proposed to increase the tariff to 3.06 rubles,” the official said. He added that indexation at the Platon tariff was postponed until July 1, 2018, so as not to create an additional burden on business.

The “Platon” system of charging trucks weighing more than 12 tons for travel on federal highways went into operation in Russia on November 15. Its introduction caused numerous protests from truckers. According to RBC estimates, since the beginning of the unrest, protests have taken place in at least 24 regions.

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