First Person Car Theft: An Interview in Prison. If there is a plastic bottle on the wheel of your car, you are in danger! Remember the immutable rule ... With what alarm are cars stolen more often

First Person Car Theft: An Interview in Prison. If there is a plastic bottle on the wheel of your car, you are in danger! Remember the immutable rule ... With what alarm are cars stolen more often


Car theft is one of the most common and under-resolved crimes. In 2015, 36,323 cars were stolen in Russia, the lion's share of which is in metropolitan areas.

Do you think thieves use high-tech methods of hijacking? Wrong! In order to quickly steal a car, it is enough for a criminal to have only one plastic bottle! Surprised? "So simple!" tells the details.

How cars are stolen

As explained by the police, the thief simply fixes an empty plastic bottle inside the wheel arch. When the driver starts the car and pulls away, he hears a very strange sound - this is the noise that occurs when the wheel crushes the bottle.

The driver is confused, he walks around the car and cannot understand what is wrong. Most importantly, the key remains in the ignition. The criminal does not need more. However, this is not all the cunning tricks of car thieves.

Hijacking by luring the driver from behind the wheel

Practice shows that it is impossible to be absolutely sure that your car will not be stolen. But it is possible and necessary to insure against this, in the literal and figurative sense of the word. In order to prevent and prevent theft, the following rules must be observed.

If vehicle theft nevertheless happened, the owner should immediately contact the police and provide the police with all the necessary information that can assist in finding the car.

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It can be just hooliganism, or it can be organized with the aim of stealing an expensive car. When stealing, criminals use home-made and purchased means - special signal jammers, master keys, electronic blocks keys and other devices.

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Car theft is usually initiated by a criminal group, in which the organizer occupies a significant place.

He leads:

  • the process of taking possession of the vehicle directly;
  • interruption of numbered units;
  • preparation of false title documents;
  • selling a car for secondary market.

Each stage of work is carried out by a certain team, which may not be connected with each other. A car can be stolen from a guarded parking lot or a deserted street at any time of the day, but more often at night.


Car theft is taking possession of a vehicle against the will of the owner. It is carried out for the purpose of its further sale and according to a planned scheme. Theft is considered a crime against property and can be punished by jail time.


Theft can be punished by - if the car was stolen for a commercial purpose. If the car was seized without the purpose of theft, then the punishment will follow. Criminal prosecution is carried out according to the procedural rules of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation.

Video: details

Order for theft

The order is carried out planned - through car dealerships or private individuals. There are certain preferences in terms of brand, model, color, type of car body.

Most orders are made for a specific buyer, so that the stolen car is not hidden for a long time, but immediately sold.

Car theft schemes

Theft is carried out personally or through intermediaries. Less commonly, theft is carried out in the form of robbery.

There are 3 main stages of theft:

  1. Search and selection of a car under the order of the organizer. He usually has an idea of ​​popularity specific brands and models of cars in the secondary market and orders them to sell in his car dealership.

    A car can be picked up after receiving a deposit for it from a potential buyer. A certain person starts looking suitable vehicle through the yards.

  2. The job of a car thief is to open the car and start the engine.

    Such citizens can even successfully evade criminal liability: they only open the locks, neutralize the alarm and start the engine. This concludes his mediation.

  3. Vehicle transfer.

    Visiting citizens from other regions of the Russian Federation and CIS countries, and even juvenile delinquents can be used for this work.

The duration of theft depends on the specific car and its security system. With divided stages of theft, it is not always possible to bring to criminal responsibility all the persons involved.

After the direct possession of the vehicle, it is placed in the so-called. "sump", then the organizer receives money for the received car.

The car is taken from the sump, VIN is interrupted, documents are prepared. Then the car goes to the sale.

Danger on a deserted street

How cars are stolen - the most common theft schemes for car theft - precisely without attracting prying eyes.

A car parked on a sparsely populated street becomes a target for intruders, especially if the vehicle is not equipped with an alarm.

If there is no other way to park a car, then it is better to put it under surveillance cameras, or at least under the windows of an apartment building, or leave a dog in the car (if possible) for the duration of the absence.

Options with alarm

The main goal of the hijacker is to get into the interior of the car. To roll the larva, a hardened material is used, resembling a key in configuration. To break the lock, special larvae pullers are used, which, when folded, break and pull the car door lock out.

Trouble-free opening of locks is carried out with the help of decoding devices. Also used electronic means hacking - code grabbers and repeaters, the price of which is quite high. Such devices may not be purchased. It may be criminal.

If the ignition key is mechanical, then the steering shaft is unlocked with a puller or dismantling device. In this way, you can bypass standard immobilizer. If there is a “start-stop” button, the blocks that are involved in the operation of the standard key are replaced, or the standard key is written using special equipment, so-called "instigators".

Expensive cars can be equipped with GPS and GLONASS satellite tracking systems. In case of hijacking, such a system can notify the operator, but hijackers use special GSM signal jammers. When using it within a radius of 10-15 m, the connection stops working.

The operator can see that the connection with the car is lost and call the owner of the car and ask about the quality of the connection. The driver can thus be notified that there is something wrong with the vehicle. With the help of special analyzers, car thieves can know that a satellite tracking device is located in the car.

The GSM unit itself is located by the electromagnetic field analyzer and is dismantled after the theft. Usually the block is located in an easily accessible place and can be easily removed using mechanical devices- screwdriver, puller, etc.

For example, the driver gets out of the car and puts it on the alarm. With the help of a code grabber (which starts beeping after the driver of the nearest car sets its alarm). The device reads the code of the alarm device and unlocks the doors, gains access to the salon and can pick up things from there, then put the car on the alarm again.

The codegrabber can easily deal with 90% cheap alarms.

Electronically, cheap Chinese alarms are easily hacked, which are often included as a standard device on budget foreign cars. hack electronically systems with a dialogue code are not allowed - for example, Starline, Pandora, Excellent, SOBR, etc.

Theft through a service center

If the car was left in the service center, then the likelihood of its theft is minimal, since the center is responsible for the car for the period of repair and maintenance. Possible theft by third parties. Service employees may not always be involved in this. You should trust the car only to proven masters.

The code grabber (code reader) can be used not only to steal a car, but also to steal things, money, accessories from the car interior, including at the service. While the thief breaks into the car in this way, the driver's alarm key fob remains in the "guard" mode, without reports that someone remotely opens the car.

It is easy to steal cars that open with an electronic key. The motorist gets out of the car and presses the button on the door. There is an antenna in the door, which makes a request for a key signal at a distance of about half a meter. The key receives a request from the machine and sends back the appropriate response.

When sending a signal to a machine, an attacker with a repeater may be near it. It receives the request and passes it on to the second relay (accomplice). The distance between accomplices can be up to 4 km. The request finally reaches the car, and the attackers get into the salon, carry out similar manipulations (request) there and get the opportunity to control the car.

When using the lock on the steering shaft, the offender can use a master key. Key certification blocks can be replaced under the steering column. Then the car can be started using the attacker's key. Should choose service center With good premises and protection.

Help from other people

The car sales scheme involves the submission of private ads and the search for a client, or the sale of a car through car dealerships. Sale is carried out not through dealers, but through "gray" salons. They are controlled by the organizer and his proxies. When buying a stolen car, the fact that the numbered units were broken is revealed when trying to register the car.

It is difficult to directly file a claim with a car dealership, since they often work under a commission agreement from a specific person and cannot always guarantee legal purity cars. In this scheme, it is impossible to hold the car dealership liable, since it performed its services under the contract, it simply sold the car, which was put up for sale by a private owner.

Purchasing a car in unfamiliar salons can result in the car being stolen, which will be clarified already at the registration stage. The salon itself can be a gray area, a one-day company. Car turnover can be up to a week. Each brigade is involved in the theft, receives its reward.

Preparing the car for sale

The stolen car is placed in a sump, which is an impenetrable courtyard or other fenced area, an industrial area in which a search for a car will be unlikely. After theft, all external identification marks are removed from the car.

Duplicate numbers from a car of the same make and model can be installed on the car.

Under Windshield an imaginary pass can be installed on an industrial or other facility. The car is hidden during the announcement of the interception plan, the validity of which is 1 day. After that, the organizer takes the car and, after appropriate manipulations, sends it for sale to a car dealership or sells the car through ads. Documents are made either left, or the car is issued as a "double".

How to reduce the risk of theft

If possible, the machine should be equipped with reliable alarms and locking devices. It is better to keep the car in a garage or in a guarded parking lot. When leaving the car, make sure that all car doors are locked. No one should give the code from the blocking devices and the key.

Too many letters various methods theft. The text was written back in 2009, but I read it recently and, frankly speaking, came from technology. So what can these guys do now?
Something doesn't work with the link, so I'm posting it here.
Dear comrades! Delete it if you like it, leave it if you like it. This scribble does not pretend to be a "teaching" and is not a panacea. It's just thinking out loud that might help. And so it will short review how smart guys “work” who “suddenly” liked your car. Prepare diapers and valerian, we are starting! By the way, when reprinting a link to me is obligatory - it is also not good to steal articles - have some advice.

And so ... their transport is a front-wheel drive VAZ or cheap foreign car(up to matiz). The car is most likely tinted to the very tomatoes. Their kind are boys
(from two people) in hoods (baseball caps, glasses). Their goal - any - from an old patrol or trade wind to the new X6. There is a "knowledge" that says - if your car is liked - it will be stolen. Even if this is a rule, it has exceptions. So let's move more actively towards exclusion! My father's car (not stolen at the time of purchase Pajero sport, 4D56 manual transmission) tried to drive away twice. The second attempt seems to have beaten off the desire to get involved (ugh x 3). But it's not about that.

And so, part 1 - they need a very fresh car.

The technology is simple - stealers sit on the site official dealer and they are waiting for the MOT of a brand new car, according to signs similar to the one they need ... It’s worth remembering the word “official dealer” better, we will definitely return to it. After MOT, they “lead” to the point (you went to work / home, didn’t you?). All. The guys know where to look for you. And they will come ... Not necessarily now - tomorrow, in a month ... The hijacking from the father's office did not work - the owner quickly returned. Police, insurance commissioner, registration of damages, tow truck to Rolf (special senks to ALEX - was waiting for us at work until 23-00). While I was driving a young opera, the question “what do they do with cars without documents” fell away on its own ... “what do you think - half of our personnel drives cars with“ incomplete documents ”- why are you looking at me like that - our salaries are small, but we want a normal car ... Don’t you think, we are honest employees (!) - we will never sell such a car “outside” ... Only our own!” I won’t talk about the oath that this guy gave before he put on shoulder straps, about the level of his intelligence (to tell such a “be patient” after 15 minutes of acquaintance) ... I just wouldn’t advise buying a car from an unfamiliar policeman ... And so, the first advice on self-defense - they took the car from the dealer - follow - but is there a tail? It’s not worth jumping under a closed barrier in front of the train, but it would be interesting to drive much slower than the flow for a long time. Yes, if the car is registered to you and you live at the registration address, you don’t need to follow you ... They already know everything from the database. The second "dealer" advice is not to give key fobs from alarms / immobilizers (if possible) into the hands of the receiver with the car. After receiving the machine, check the operability of the COMPLETE SET regular keys ignition (there are only two of them) and all alarm key fobs / immobilizer cards. If the car starts with only one key / immobilizer (the one that you gave away with the car) or imo is buggy - I congratulate you - it looks like your car likes not only you but also them. I won’t describe the physics of the process in detail, just know that in the regular imo (non-standard imo, alarm) one of your keys (key fob, card) is now registered, which they had during maintenance and one of them, which they actually registered during maintenance “with the best intentions”.

Methods and equipment:
There are southern boys who do not disdain "power grabs" - a drunk pimply freak accidentally hits the hood with his fist, you go out to straighten his brains a little ... Where are there three more of them? They put you in your car for the time being, take you to the nearest quiet place (a park, an industrial zone, a forest near the Alyulyai base), where they give you a nice dule, seize documents, keys, key rings and leave them tied to a tree ... After which (perhaps, again having hit in the face) they leave. Around the corner, the crew of the car is changing ... Now they have everything - documents, keys, a home-made handwritten power of attorney ... And even if someone catches the driver, you will not be able to identify him - he was not in the capture group, and accordingly he is a simple hired carrier who drives a car to Moscow (Voronezh, Kazan, Tomsk) for 10 tyr ... But this is extreme, usually everything is more intelligent.

I don’t know if there are traffic police officers involved in all this, but my friend’s TLC 100 was taken from Nevsky Prospekt four years ago by a tow truck in the presence of a traffic police car for parking under the sign ... This Toyota never reached the impound lot. He took out the car back through the connections "at Liteiny". The salon has been dismantled...
But this is rude, more often everything is much more beautiful.

Algorithmic Graber.
All of you have already heard about grabbers and scanners… The usual old “good” hornbeam on code substitution has recently caused a lot of criticism from “ordinary workers” and clever boys have developed an algorithmic Graber…. What does this mean for simple car enthusiast? This means that if the description of your alarm says "exchange protocol - KILOG" - you will not even notice how your alarm was hacked. This electronic crap listens to the air ... Only listens, no more ... IN THE FREQUENCY RANGE ON WHICH YOUR SIGNALING "in the factory version" SHOULD WORK. She needs several shots-sets (for a couple of years now, as there are models that only one is enough!) And that's all ... She compares the signal with the database and after that works like YOUR KEY FOB !!! The alarm system is not able to distinguish you from stealers… And even in a month this hornbeam will disarm your car… Moreover, some models can not just disarm, but support all the functions familiar to your key fob – UP TO THE REMOTE ENGINE START!!! I don’t know if one of the manufacturers sold them “factory” algorithms or they broke a “live” alarm, and more than one ... The fact of the appearance of such a device is important. Such garbage is usually performed on the basis of an automobile pager and a laptop. These devices can communicate with each other via USB and Bluetooth. The task of this kind of “mutant pager” is to catch and remember the signal, while the task of the laptop is to process the received, pulling out the algorithm of your system from a huge database. At the same time, the laptop can be at home and it’s unrealistic to grab the guys to record your package - THIS, with high-quality “soldering” in the hands of a normal operator, can work 80-150 meters away from you ... Moreover, there are already systems with a “own” base. The database is small - only for the "leaders of sales" of the region ... But for that, no laptop is necessary - everything is miniature, in one small case, from the same pager. Remember that the grabber does not care what exactly to open - a car, a radio-controlled barrier or an automatic gate of your garage ....

And remember the main thing - everything that the official dealer puts on your car in your region is all smart guys who specialize in your brand, they know how to shoot.
And now - attention! What is so good about a car from an authorized dealer? Yes, just everyone!!! Are you happy with free frames for numbers with the name of a car dealership and a phone number? Heh, a professional stealer rejoices with you in chorus. This is a Rolf badge for you that tells you where you bought the car. And this tells them where and how the alarm is installed on your car (just for example, if Rolf of Moscow, and the car is Pajero, let's call the alarm Sherkhan), the modification (number, and, accordingly, the features of work) of the expected Sherkhan (for example, Sherkhan 5 or 6) will tell you the date of sale of your car (license plates and databases will help here). Believe me, I gave a very conditional example, which should show that the information on your dealer car from the outside is quite enough for a Professional to understand how the protection means are connected inside and how to turn them off. And most importantly - this information allows the stealer to save on equipment - it is not necessary to buy a powerful grabber "for many models" for 180tyr. And, of course, he saves! Now a simple one is enough for him, for 80 sput, to which a laptop is also unnecessary. You just need to remember - in a car dealership for additional equipment - a flow, no one "for money to the cashier" will not be wiser. Conclusion - if you are at least somehow concerned - talk to an electrician face to face. Maybe it will be possible to somehow improve the “consumer properties of the product”. If he (the electrician) is not fed on the other side of the law and is not chatty with colleagues in the shop .. ... There have always been defectors ...
There is only one serious panacea - to install electronics not in the cabin, it is better with the Kulibins. I do not touch on the issue of guarantee, I will only say that a cunningly delivered simple whitefish with a kilo can become a strong hemorrhoid in the ass of a thief ... Perhaps even he will spit on everything and throw you a torn car. By the way, the good old and well-installed grandfather's toggle switches with reed switches are a very funny thing, even in the age of vigorous electronics.
Yes, there is airbrushing. Everyone knows about her. She fights off desire ... But .... Not everyone… Some children of the mountains have recently reached out to the masterpieces of world art. Recently, fresh cars began to leave even with power bumpers. But I did not find a single "group" mention of rolling a fresh standard car with a snorkel (!). There are only a few isolated cases. Looks like a hole in the wing STANDARD MACHINE confuses the new owner….

I want to separately emphasize and highlight the following - the guys are experienced, “with experience and experience” - and before that only these guys went for fresh cars with serious security complexes and mechanical anti-theft, in the fresh air under your windows will NEVER work "outside the car". These people are ALWAYS invisible (both themselves and the support group). They will do everything from the interior of a stolen car, you will not find them under open hood. By the way, they have a tinted car at a higher esteem - it’s more pleasant to work, especially above the level of glazing, when no one sees you. If the stealer is a little lower in the hierarchy, and such people began to appear more and more often, he will open the hood in a neighboring yard, where he will roll the car with his friends “by hand”. And only complete scumbags do everything "insolently." As befits scumbags, at the sight of the owner they may not run away at all, but be delighted with the brought car keys and reward the patient with a pipe on the head or run over him with an already running car. Remember the main thing - if you see a person under the hood of your car (or just nearby - picking at the door) - most likely he is not alone and he is an idiot. The second (fifth), playing with a baseball bat and a traumatic gun, can wait for you anywhere, for example, at the entrance or on the floor. Exception in this case are made by professionals who work with your car in your own garage (including a shell). Here, in the work there can be an open (without damage) hood, and a grinder and heavy hydraulics that can bite, if not the axle shaft, then any lock for sure. Remember one thing - the garage (even guarded) at night (especially concrete, with 220 volts connected) is the cutest place to work! It's warm here, brought together, and not a single protection system will help. In a few hours in such greenhouse conditions, you can start everything (after all, you leave for work after 8 in the morning - they are in the know). In any case, you will be imperceptibly taken from the garage to the house and when you go to bed, one of the participants in the process will look after your windows all night. If you suddenly turn on the light, follow the car - the guys will be warned. In the garage, at least somehow (perhaps) only a “silent” alarm with a radio channel that reaches your house can help. If its presence and operation is not issued by anything other than the beeping of a pager on your nightstand. Naturally, the pager must be "with channel control", and it must sound to complain about the loss of communication. We do not consider other pagers.

Let's talk a little about the equipment of the pros. In this opus, I do not want to touch on the work with "satellite" alarms and " mobile groups rapid response." I will only say one thing, that no special forces from the satellite monitor your hardware, the main communication of the system takes place via the GSM channel, with all the consequences. Yes, there is a backup channel, yes, smart people developed ... But! Talk to the insurers "face to face" - how many truck cranes equipped with a "satellite" have you managed to find and return to the owners over the past 5 years? But you can’t roll a truck crane into a truck .... I'll just say that any GSM channel is jammed by a typical and inexpensive piece of iron on several transistors. You can solder, you can buy. You can stick it under the car, you can put it in your yard or near the parking lot where the car is at night ... There are a lot of ways to kindly ask you not to complicate their life, but the above is a kindergarten. Pros have more expensive and serious equipment.
Yes, only a Pro can effectively suppress the operation of such a system. Yes, you need equipment. But it is on sale. In fact, the suppression of such a "satellite" system is electronic warfare (electronic warfare). A group is involved in the hijacking on several cars, interference is put in or a “copied” signal “everything is OK” is emitted, etc. etc. Here it is worth saying the algorithm of the GSM system. Talk to the techies of any mobile operator and the truth will get you hooked on treason. The fact is that there can be several base stations in the area where the GSM module is located and it “keeps” communication with the one that is “closer, the exchange signal with it is better and it has free “cells” for communication with your GSM module”. There was a moment when several “system blocks” of cellular communication base stations were hacked in the Moscow region. Such a lonely standing iron house under the antenna. In all cases, only one module was sneaking ... The arriving squad stated that "the pros worked and they clearly knew what they were after." While the detectives met with the competitors of the victims and asked “in case you are offered to buy these modules at a low price, call us” clever guys soldered the Product .... which "pretends to be the closest base station". This miracle has the size of a case and, it seems to me, is made on the basis of those missing blocks. The poor GSM module communicates with this megadevice, preferring it to the base station, and sends an alarm signal and its coordinates to it .. Such things ... Yes, you don’t write! Now there are systems "with channel control", to combat them, even more powerful equipment is needed. The more expensive and complex the equipment, the fewer people have it! Few people, many cars, now it's not your turn

The stolen car itself is insured under CASCO with a probability of 90%. Here I will only say one thing - with a competent lawyer, you (in case of theft) with a high degree of probability will be able to recapture 100% of the cost of the car from the insurance company at the time of purchase without any wear and tear. But that's all = this does not compensate for all losses (even financial ones), especially considering that 100% may not work out ... Let's take a dumb and conditional calculation "on the forehead". A year ago you bought a car for 1,200,000 rubles. Well, of course, they put special stages … At 60 sput … A year later, your car was locked up (a pip on my tongue). Having spent a lot of nerves and 3 months of life, you got (minus 20% depreciation (!!!) - although the mileage was 16 thousand) 960 thousand. And we went to a car dealership. About a miracle - the same salon, the same car, in the same color and configuration costs 1,600 sput. Opanki, there was a jeep, and now the money is only for a sedan ... Everything was returned to you under insurance ... however, by transferring from money to iron, a pickup truck (almost new) was stolen from you ...

Therefore, in addition to the "invincible" satellite and the "iron" CASCO, "something else" will not hurt.

A few words about the standard IMObilizer. While he is full-time, he works at a third of his strength.

First - about diesel cars. We will conditionally divide the cars into “pure mechanics”, “mechanics with regular imo” and “comonrail”. According to the first option, there are still few effective and easily implemented ideas. Stupidly tear + on the shut-off valve. With the hood open - complete nonsense, work for a minute. There are other thoughts, but I won't talk about them for now.

If you have diesel car with a regular IMO and part of the IMO in your cabin, and part on the injection pump (under the hood), then your protection capabilities are very high ... Talk about this in more detail and longer with your electrician. I see several directions of the main efforts at once, go for it.
Without going into details, I will say one thing - you can create on the basis of a regular system (by introducing non-standard elements) a serious fortress, independent (or partially dependent) on the alarm system. True, ordinary guys (with a 50% chance of success) know where and how to hit the injection pump housing in order to expose contacts that can be energized “directly”, bypassing the immobilizer. But who said that your hood is so easy to open? Unfortunately, multilocks and other “usually” installed toys that work in opposition to the standard hood lock cannot be opened except by an old woman from the next front door. What to put (electrician-mechanic, manufacturer) is up to you, but keep in mind - it should be a “chupa-chups” - i.e. completely independent lock that does not use regular systems car hood lock. Moreover, it would be better to put two of them (one piece per side) - your hood is not small. Particularly gifted people manage to saw through the “leg” of the lollipop with a jigsaw blade through the slot hood-wing or hood-TV. Keep this in mind when installing.

A beautiful trend of technology - comonrail. Here your electrician can create for weeks, discuss all possible options with him.

On gasoline engine it's a bit more complicated. Since all the "brains" are usually in the cabin. But even here there is space for creativity - from repinning connectors to armor plates . It looks funny when the “cylinder purge” voltage is applied to the TPS harness or the fuel pump is reversed ... Again, everything needs to be checked, created, and a lot depends on the car model and the amount of the budget ... There are options when you need to almost remove the dashboard to get to the engine control unit ...
The next barbaric system helps from fast rolling - a toggle switch (and relay) to the ground after the main fuse. In the variants - the main fuse burns out, the car stalls. The scope for creativity is great. Grounding (for ease of searching) can be done in several places ... Keep one thing in mind - the guys can come with " motor block"both with a spider and with a dashboard - it all depends on the level of the guys and the brand of car. A spare fuse should be kept in a "secret" place.
In any case, it is easiest to work with a regular imo using the diagnostic connector, flashing new key into the system. Talk to your electrician again...

As for the signaling - while you are picking your nose, reading this text, on the other side of the city someone is sitting with an oscilloscope and picking up another "Pandora" with an interactive code. Therefore, if the entire Mongoose line has been opened now and Pandora has not been opened, this does not mean that Pandora will stand tomorrow. All I can recommend now is either to look for another Kulibin who can change the radio frequency of your alarm and key fob (and at the same time pager) to some other one (this is a very good guarantee) ... or look for an alarm that has not yet been opened and is unlikely to be opened in soon. In principle, the signaling can be transferred to any frequency, but the use of a pager in a metropolis with feedback on the frequency of special services, in the end, it will definitely give you an unforgettable experience in the interrogator's office.

“Excellent” (up to heartburn) reviews “from the other side of the law” in our region continue to go about Cobra. We don't have a lot of signaling. By the way, according to rumors, many "Italians" work "at not quite those frequencies" initially, read the instructions. There are no hornbeams in St. Petersburg under Cobra yet. The MS 600 is not bad in terms of cryptographic strength, but they are about to start working on it closely. She won't resist, I'm sure. It's only a matter of time here. The more widespread the system, the faster it will be split. It's funny against all this background that the ancient D2 code from the same MS looks like. This is (essentially) the same kilo, slightly reinforced. And hacking it is not so difficult, but .... Nobody needs it yet. For a number of reasons, this miracle is produced in series "up to 500 pieces per month" and disperses throughout the country. No one is going to write a program and sit at night with a soldering iron, creating a grabber for a system that costs 0.005% of cars in the country.

Until recently, I firmly believed that reading the label of an additional immobilizer is an almost unrealistic task. Especially if the tag is "passive" - ​​without a battery. Lies, you know, such a label in your pocket ... But no! saw pleasant young man who stood in the store near you with a folder, pressing it to his chest? Gee! KUKU green! Inside the folder is an antenna, exactly like you have in the immobilizer. But the electronics inside the folder are such that you never dreamed of
In short, the answer that your label gives, they already have. Fortunately, such folders are very expensive and very rare pleasure - there is no information about their wide sale and use yet. Moreover, a folder, unlike a hornbeam, is not a universal thing. It is too tough for everything imo (some are simply too tough) - the use of such equipment requires at least initial introductory information about the system installed on the machine. After all, it is much easier to steal a bunch of keys from your pocket, on which there is both an alarm key fob and an immobilizer card (you carry everything together, right?) ... Oh no? Yes, I forgot - the card is in your documents from the car. It is also better to steal them - they will come in handy when driving. The most annoying thing is that it is almost impossible to plant such a group of hijackers. The plucker will pull out what he is looking for from his pocket, and even if you catch him after a few seconds, he has found everything on the floor. Another person will sit behind the wheel, who "became ill with a heart (here is a cardiologist's certificate)" - he just saw open car and got into it... In the car, you forgot your keys and documents... If anything... Yes, you forgot to turn off the engine - this sweetest person himself does not understand how this is possible. If he went - hell you catch him. By the way, lovers of CASCO, read the terms of insurance - how many sets of keys / key fobs do you have to hand over to the insurance company to compensate for the damage? Oh two? Ah… One was stolen? What a pity ... What a pity ... Insurance does not work ... Such actions on "quiet weaning Vehicle» are very fond of spending in supermarkets (cinemas). There is always a margin of time (sometimes up to an hour or more) - until you miss. There is back side medals. By chance, my wife's nine stood for several days in the open unguarded parking lot of the supermarket. It should be noted that at that time a fresh chisel was a very tasty morsel of stealers. A small nuance - the sweet girl forgot to close the car, and the key with the alarm key fob remained in the ignition. On that day, she was in a hurry, it is strange that she managed to turn off the engine ... The problem was only when taking the car away - the damned key did not want to be in her purse. Sane stealers will never take such a car. For behind it is “obviously a mokruha or a savings bank” - the car has already been stolen, the bank has been cleaned out and set “so that someone rides on it and gets caught by the cops.” Unfortunately it's not very effective method protection, because children aged 10-48 years old may well be delighted with such a gift of fate, drunk driving them to a disco or fishing. Older children can take such a car to the sauna. In any case, the machine will either disappear or be unsuitable for normal use for its intended purpose.

Part 2 - junk dealers.

These guys have much less experience and knowledge. Sometimes it's enough to stop them simple methods and ways. But... They may need everything, even the grandfather's check. Some of these teams have not even established sales, someone has already earned extra money and connections on the other side of the line. Those who go for 5-18 year old jeeps can look for a car both “under documents”, and a donor, and stupidly for spare parts ... Documents need not just a brand / model / color. It would be better if the VIN also had more numbers similar to those in the TCP, which is so dreary at the customer’s house ... They like to find out not just the VIN, but also the place of the numbers 0, 8, 9 - it is usually easier to interrupt them, making an eight out of nine ... Have you already written the VIN on the windows and mirrors ??? Heh! In principle, nothing depends on this if you are on real license plates. Bases, as I said, they have!

Their hornbeam, perhaps, is still grandfather's - on code substitution .... And this is good. It is not easy for them to work ... Not only does its size and weight prevent it from moving freely ... (Usually it has the size of a healthy Tetris, less often it is made on the basis of a laptop (!)), so also, roughly speaking, you can drop yourself from such a hornbeam. The scheme of working with one-button alarms is extremely simple, everyone knows it - the hornbeam "hammers and listens to the air" at the same time you press the button, trying to arm the car. The car does not get up, because. the channel is clogged with interference ... At the same time, the key fob signal is recorded as a hornbeam. The first sneak prank that might help is to try holding the button until you're blue in the face. Either the interference will go away and the car will arm, or ... You press the button again - the second message is again muted and recorded, but the first message is immediately emitted, from which the car is armed. After your departure, they will emit a second package by opening the car. What is there to advise...? If you have buttons for additional channels - instead of pressing the second “close” button, press the button for the additional channel - broadcast the “message” on the air. If, at the same time, the car suddenly got armed, they definitely graze you ... Sometimes a series of arming and disarming can help ... Working with a two-button alarm system with such a hornbeam is even harder - they need you to poke both buttons. Moreover, you need to sit with such a miracle in your hands somewhere nearby - after a couple of cars, with an “expensive and advanced” system, 20-30 meters maximum ... This system does not work far away. There are individual peppers, pulling the loop antenna in the window of the car (at home), increasing the range of the equipment ... But this is a clinical case, more interesting for employees of mental hospitals. The work of the “grandfather's” hornbeam can be complicated by a dead battery of the key fob (the car is armed only when the key fob is “close” to the car), some wrap the key fob with foil ... But I would not recommend such methods - they will help in a maximum of 3% of cases.

I want to separately note the so-called. "Pioneers - Junkmen" (although these may try and new car pull) ... The initial stage in the career of a stealer ... They gain experience and money for electronics ... They don’t know shit and don’t have their own equipment, they can work on rented or bare hands .... They often don't know what they're doing. Brazen and stupid rednecks do not enjoy authority in their environment. To "mute" a beeping pager from a whitefish, they can start ringing at your door at 3 a.m. and ask for Gagik, call your mobile ... Make noise on the stairs in order to distract ...... For reference - if you have a mind, a pager jammer without channel control will cost about $ 100 (the cost of a radio station and a pair of transistors) ... If the car is old and stands without a battery, for example, under the windows or in the garage - these clowns they come with their own (not a garage - Akum), they can even during the day .... To turn off the alarm, they can slip a steel ruler under the car door by pressing the standard limit switch with it (this is possible on many models). The trailer is sealed with chewing gum and they sit in the car, gutting the dashboard in search of an alarm. In this situation, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of the vibration, tilt, volume sensors ... They can stupidly make the alarm go off several times in a row, forcing the owner to turn it off ... Separate cases - arriving for a car on a tow truck or rolling away by another car on a cable, but this is still a rarity .... Under the existing legislation, so far only a few work like this, mostly having either a “Cop” cover or a complete lack of intelligence. The case described above with TLK 100, I would not refer to this category.

Here it is worth saying a few words about the operation of several alarms on one machine. As a good option, you can install "paired" two proven alarms. One of them stands “open”, with a siren champing when arming and dismounting, the second is absolutely secretive, everything, including the indication LED and the pager transmitter, are not visible (at least from the street and the front passenger / driver seat). System status message - pager only. There may be no siren at all, and the alarm may go to the horn from the Volga, hidden in the interior of the cabin (at least in the doorway). It’s not bad to connect these two systems according to the algorithm “the first one was shot - 4 seconds, the second one was shot. If not - alarm "And moreover," if the second one was removed first - alarm. But here you already need to solder ... Moreover, when two pager transmitters are in the same car, there may be some difficulties when disarming in the "alarm" mode. But everything is solved. The tandem alarm + immobilizer looks good in the following mode: setting - with an alarm key fob. Removal - alarm key fob + immobilizer card. No card reading after 6 seconds = alarm.
The “contact” imos are very good, provided that the “contact” is not visible from the street, and the imo itself is located under a closed hood - there is only an antenna in the cabin.

Oddly enough, but a good alarm can be lying around in a dirty box of a box that installs alarms. She was removed from the car, but not thrown out, because. failed or was sorry. She is many years old, but the inscription 300 MHz is read on the case ... in those years they did it soundly, maybe it will also work. The most important thing is the operating frequency. It is different, and most likely the boys in large metropolitan areas at 300 MHz already have nothing

Very tired. I will add and correct later.

Car theft is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon. It is especially difficult for those people who have purchased a car quite recently, having fulfilled their old dream.

In any case, there is no need to panic when hijacking - it is important to act competently and without slowing down. Don't know exactly how? Then we present to your attention today's material. Read more about the procedure for theft in more detail below.

Thieves use nanotechnology to open locks

To be more precise, only owners of CASCO and some types of DSAGO have such an opportunity. In the case of a refund for a stolen car, it will not work.

However, even with CASCO, you need to act quickly and correctly, otherwise the opportunity to receive compensation will be lost. IN general view the procedure is as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to notify about the theft. This requires:
    call the insurer (which has already been noted earlier); visit the branch of the company in person, submitting to its employees a theft certificate issued by the police and a corresponding statement (it is advisable to give all papers against receipt and within 2-3 days after the theft).
  2. Then turn your attention to the insurance contract and study its provisions in detail. At a minimum, you need to familiarize yourself with the procedure for reimbursement of funds in case of theft. Some insurance companies can be obtained immediately after the incident, while others will have to wait for some time (most often up to 2 weeks).
  3. Having understood that you can already receive insurance, you should contact the insurance company with a request to acquaint you with further actions. Often it is enough to write an application on the form presented and give the following documents to the insurer:
  • car papers (all available);
  • insurance documentation;
  • spare car keys (if any).

After that, compensation is transferred to the victim, and lost car goes to the insurer. That is, if the police manage to find the car, then the owner will not be able to return it.

In general, there are no particular difficulties in obtaining insurance compensation for a stolen car. The main thing, if you want to get it, is to act competently and quickly. Such an approach will ensure the safety of all the rights of the insured victim.

What not to resort to

Stolen cars are sometimes returned for ransom.

At the end of today's article, it will not be superfluous to consider the main actions that should not be taken when stealing a car. Among the most important, our resource highlighted:

  • First, ignoring the appeal to the police and insurance company. Here, perhaps, everything is extremely simple, because without notifying the relevant subjects of the law about the theft of a car, it will simply not work to find a car or get insurance.
  • Secondly, an appeal to private detectives or companies that help in the search for stolen funds. Here the situation is already more complicated, but it is still not necessary to contact these persons. If the police cannot cope with the search for a stolen car, then what can third parties do? Probably a rhetorical question.
  • Thirdly, violation of the priority state of the place of theft. This has already been mentioned above. The bottom line is that with careless actions, the owner of a stolen car will be able to hide the evidence against the hijackers with his own hands. Is it necessary? Of course not.
  • Fourth, delay in obtaining insurance, if it is possible to obtain it. Do not forget that the car can be found, but will it be in a state at the time of theft? Maybe yes, maybe no. In any case, it's better not to risk it and just get compensated.
  • And fifthly, the ransom of a stolen car from its thieves. Yes, yes, you heard right. It is not uncommon for car thieves to call the victim with an offer to buy back the car they recently stole from him. With such a call, first of all, please the hijackers by saying that you will think about their proposal, and then immediately inform the investigator about the impudence of the criminals. It is the police who know what is best to do in such situations.

As you can see, there are no particular difficulties in the actions of the victim of theft. Acting in accordance with the provisions described above and promptly, it will most likely be possible to find the stolen car. We hope that today's material was useful for you and gave answers to your questions. Good luck on the roads and in defending your rights!

How auto-thieves work, see the video:

Opinion of a legal expert:

You immediately reported the theft to the police, wrote a statement, took all measures to search, but there were no results. The police do not report anything comforting, they do not show activity. Your property right has been violated.

What to do? It should not be forgotten that the Constitution of the Russian Federation allows you to protect your rights in any way not expressly prohibited by law. Proportionate self-defense is not excluded, but within the framework of the law. You have the right to act both independently and to involve authorized forces and means for this, including a private detective. And the police need to be reminded of themselves. This can be done through the prosecutor's office and the court, in the manner of administrative proceedings (CAS RF).

You need to complain about the inaction of the police and the specific official in charge of the search. If, as a result of a preliminary check, a criminal case was not initiated, the decision to refuse can be appealed to the district court in accordance with Article 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation. The complaint is considered within 5 days from the date of its receipt by the court.

If there is still no result, then, in the end, it is possible to achieve such a result in the courts that the court will decide to compensate you for losses at the expense of the treasury. But this requires a lot of patience and the existence of sufficient grounds for such requirements. But, most importantly, do not stop halfway, move forward.

Important for litigation are the circumstances of the theft of the car. If there is a fact of gross negligence on your part, which contributed to the attacker committing a crime, your chances are significantly reduced. The amount of damages will be reduced. Justification: Part 2 of Article 45 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Article 14, 1083 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Article 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, Article 166 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

For more than a dozen years, car theft has been one of the most lucrative cases in the criminal world.

What do you personally know about how you can protect your car from theft? Unfortunately, many motorists believe that protection modern cars their manufacturers have already taken care of.

Indeed, with each new generation, motor vehicles are becoming more complex and automated; according to advertising, they already have the most modern anti-theft devices.

Yes, this is true, but we must not forget that along with the improvement and development of these devices, representatives of criminals who specialize in seizing their movable property from motorists are developing and improving their skills in a parallel course.

It's always unexpected. A very unpleasant sensation is experienced by a person who, having approached the place where he left his car the day before, does not see it there. Or rather, he sees that she is not there.

Many fall into a stupor, others begin to panic, combined with chaotic actions to search for the loss, some, of which the least, immediately call law enforcement agencies with a statement about the loss.

There are statistics on under what circumstances, where, when, in what way, car thefts are most often committed.

This helpful information, because knowing it and analyzing it correctly, you can understand how to protect your car from theft in the best way.

More often motor vehicles stolen in the following places:

So, based on the above, we can say that your car can be stolen from almost anywhere and at any time. It is most protected only at various parking lots with constant guards.

It is very good that in 2019 there were no radically new methods of car theft, as before, the most common and effective methods car theft are:

It would also not be superfluous to recall once again the robber attacks and various schemes deceiving the car owner in order to take possession of the car key.

Video: Modern methods of car theft

It is no secret that car thefts are carried out by criminal elements of various qualifications, both professionals and criminals inexperienced in this matter, who suddenly, suddenly wanted to steal this car.

Someone does it just to ride, others - to order or to disassemble a car for parts and then sell them.

Therefore, considering the recommendations experienced car owners, as well as the advice of hijackers who took the side of the law (there are some), it can be safely stated that the most effective is comprehensive protection your car.

The more various obstacles will be created on it, the more time the hijacker will need to neutralize them, which means that it is more likely that your car will remain with you.

Criminals usually do not mess with the car for more than a few minutes, if it fails to steal, they leave it alone. These obstacles and various tricks can be created both with the help of specialists from a car service, and with your own hands.

Let's present the most effective, to date, methods of protecting a car from theft:

Of course, there are other ways to protect the car. For example, a very effective way is to apply airbrushing or distinctive graphic marks to it.

Such a car becomes very noticeable, it always stands out against the general background, which the hijackers really do not like.

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