Lexical topic: Transport. Educational portal Educational tasks on the topic of transport

Lexical topic: Transport. Educational portal Educational tasks on the topic of transport


Modes of transport is a fascinating and interesting topic for almost any little man. By introducing children to this topic, you can classify all vehicles and talk about the purpose of each of them. The task of parents and teaching staff is not only to get acquainted with various types of vehicles, but also to consolidate the information received through games.

Why do preschoolers need information about transport

The full development of children can only be achieved by introducing them to the outside world. The child will always be interested in the question of what kind of transport is and why people need it? Preschoolers are introduced to the classification of vehicles not by chance. This contributes to the enrichment of the vocabulary and the consolidation of the generic concept of "transport". At the same time, they achieve the presence of other points:

  • A preschooler will learn to compare various kinds transport, to find in them some common or distinctive features.
  • If there are reasons to do so, he can combine individual representatives into a single group and somehow classify them.
  • You can teach a preschooler the rules of behavior that involve being in one form or another of vehicles.

All this will contribute to the fact that the preschooler will form personal qualities. This will contribute to the development of thinking, responsibility, criticality.

Vehicle classification

The separation is based on various principles. It could be a mode of transportation or a destination. Depending on how the movement is carried out, vehicles are divided as follows:

By destination, transport is divided as follows:

  • Passenger view. As the name suggests, it is designed to carry passengers.
  • Horse-drawn look. Its main purpose is to transport goods. An example is a barge or an ordinary wagon.
  • Special transport. It is designed to perform any specific tasks. A prime example of this kind is fire engine.
  • Agricultural vehicle. These are various tractors, combines designed for cultivating land for agricultural purposes.

Ground transport, tasks for preschoolers

For movement, representatives of this species have wheels, caterpillars. They can also move on rails. Children describe different types of vehicles.


Designed to transport passengers from one place to any point. The bus is coming along a certain route, along which it makes stops. Passengers enter and exit. The tram has the same function, but unlike the bus, it runs on rails. A trolleybus can also carry passengers. But the last two types differ from the bus in that they run on electricity, and the bus runs on gasoline.

The task "Who is the driver"


It can carry passengers as well as cargo. It moves along rails and transports between cities and villages, sometimes countries.

Fire engine

It is designed to extinguish fires. These machines are equipped with lights and sound signals. They are turned on when the car goes to put out the fire.

Task "Find the extra"


It transports sick people. Such machines are equipped with necessary equipment and also have signals.

Police car

It is designed to patrol roads and catch criminals. Such vehicles are supplied powerful engine so that they can develop greater speed.

Task "Solve the crossword puzzle"


It serves to transport goods.

There is also underground transport, for example, the subway. In order to use it, you need to go underground on a special escalator.

Task "Count"

Water transport, tasks for preschoolers

These vehicles move on water. They can be represented by the following types:

  1. Motor ship. They carry passengers. It can also take walks or excursions.
  2. boat. It can be used for rescue or recreational purposes.
  3. Barge. It only carries cargo.

Air Transport

These vehicles travel through the air. They can be represented by an airplane, helicopter or airship. The latter type is used for rescue operations, walking or patrolling the area.

Quest "Left to Right"

Tasks for mastering the material

When introducing preschoolers to different types of vehicles, in order for them to better remember them, various games are used. They can be represented by the following options:

  • Puzzles. They contribute to the development of logic, thinking, ingenuity.
  • Outdoor games. Each child is given a picture that depicts a type of transport. There is a house where the corresponding transport base. The task of the child is to correctly determine it in relation to the type of vehicle that is shown in the picture he received.
  • Puzzles. This is, for example, a picture cut into pieces with an airplane. The child looks for a picture with the necessary part and talks about what it is intended for.

The information about transport received by the preschooler will contribute to its further development.

Adult. name automobile transport, which moves along the city street ( bus, car, fire truck, ambulance, police car, taxi, fixed-route taxi ).

“Each car is designed to do a different job.

Look at the pictures and match the passengers and the car they will be traveling in.”

Educator and children - fixed-route taxi, bus, trolleybus.

The man with the briefcase is a Mercedes.

Firefighters - fire engine.

Doctor and nurse - ambulance.

Tractor driver (combine operator) - tractor, combine.

Builder - crane.

Workers " road service» - snow removal, garbage collection, etc.

What is a miracle truck?

Target: clarify children's ideas about the variety of special vehicles; exercise in the practical assimilation of the simplest methods of word formation; .

Material: garage (box) and subject pictures of various vehicles.

Adult. And now we will look with you into the garage. There are many trucks here. They carry various goods. Mark with a chip of the same color truck and the cargo it carries. Tell me about her appointment.

Children. Dump truck - needed to transport stones, sand.

Truck-van "Refrigerator" (ice cream, poultry, meat); truck-van "Bread" (loaves, buns, cakes); van "Flour"; barrel truck "Live Fish", "Flammable" (fuel truck); concrete mixer; truck for transporting cars; for transportation of building blocks and panels; box truck Green colour with the inscription "People", etc.

Rides, swims, flies

Target: to exercise children in the classification of vehicles according to the method, place of movement, and purpose; to activate the words denoting vehicles, the professions of people in transport, to exercise in the practical assimilation of forms of the instrumental case.

Material: garage (box) and subject pictures of various vehicles; a set of A4 sheets of colored paper.

Adult. Transport can be ground and underground, passenger and cargo, water and air. Look at the pictures, name the different modes of transport. (A bus, trolleybus, truck, cargo van, passenger train, plane, helicopter, warship, ship, motorcycle, bicycle.)

And now decompose all the pictures into "zones" where they move: blue - air; dark blue - water; brown - earth.

In order to manage transport, one must be an excellent specialist, a master of his craft. Tell me who controls what.

For example: "The bus is driven by ... the driver."

Truck - ... driver, train - ... driver, helicopter, plane - ... pilot, ship - ... captain, motorcycle - ... motorcyclist, bicycle - ... cyclist, rocket - ... astronaut.

Restore the offer

Target: exercise in the practical assimilation of ways to agree on words in a simple sentence.

Material: subject pictures of vehicles and symbolic images of modes of movement.

Adult. The traffic police officer speaks on the radio about his observations to his partner. Help him build sentences correctly.

Passenger car, go, road: “A car drove along the road!”

Airplane, sky, fly, high.

Big, ship, waves, sail.

track, by, racing car, rush.

Shop, about, motorcycle, stop.

Ride, path, cyclist.

Road alphabet

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of children about road signs, about the rules of behavior on the road.

Material: subject pictures "Road signs", attributes of the clothes of the traffic controller.

Adult. In order to move correctly on the road, you need to know the rules traffic.

Tell your friends what these mean road signs and explain what to do when you see them? ("P pedestrian crossing", " Bus stop”, “Beware of the car”, “No passage”, “No stopping”, “Vehicle parking”, “Beware of the children!”, “Bicycle path”.)


Target: to teach children to focus on the content of fiction, to reason, i.e. stimulate the transition to logical thinking.

Adult. Listen to the rhyme-fiction and tell me, does it happen?


I'll sit on the plane -

He has a roaring motor.

He rushes underground

Ride us with you.

The plane flies easily

Above clouds and clouds

Above cottages, above trees,

And he sits on the roofs.

One - many (with ball)

Target: activate the dictionary on the topic "Transport"; to consolidate the ability of children to change the word and coordinate words.

An adult calls an object or phenomenon in the singular ( boat) and throws the ball to the child. He answers in the plural boats) and returns the ball to the teacher.

What common?

Target: the allocation of common and different in the subjects of transport.

Material: subject pictures of vehicles, chips.

Adult. What is a must-have for any car? (Wheels, engine, gas tank, steering wheel...)

What is the rudder on an airplane called? (Steering wheel.) Wheels? (Chassis.)

What is the ship's steering wheel? At the tram?

The teacher gives each person 2 pictures from a set of vehicles and asks them to find as many similarities as possible between them, and then differences.

For each correctly named sign of similarity (difference) - a chip. The player with the most chips wins.

The quieter you go, the further you'll get

Target: enrich and activate the verb dictionary on the topic "Transport".


Adult . Can you tell me what this machine can do?

For example: " Airplane flies, hums loudly, takes off, lands, extends the landing gear, refuels, turns around on the runway, accelerates, climbs, transports cargo and people ... "

For each correct word-action, the child takes a step forward.

Each child is given their own picture.

The winner is the one who made more steps, i.e. most of all called the action of the subject.

Car park and depot

Target: stimulate the development of visual memory; develop coherent speech.

Material: subject pictures of vehicles.

All pictures are covered with a screen or a screen. One or more pictures are hidden or turned upside down. When the screen comes up, the children must remember which pictures are hidden and name them. (Remember which car left and which arrived?)

The number of cars in the fleet is gradually increasing.

Service station

Target: clarify ideas about the holistic image of the subject and stimulate the development of literate speech.

Material: subject pictures of vehicles.

Adult. Children, look at the unfinished drawings of vehicles. Broken cars were brought to the service station, it is necessary to name the missing parts, details and finish them.

car market

Target:; develop a situational-business form of communication between peers.

Material: subject pictures of vehicles.

Children are divided into 3-4 groups and choose one picture each. vehicle per group.

Each team in turn names the word - the definition of the car they have chosen. Words cannot be repeated. The team that calls large quantity definition words.

Just like the car!

Target: activate the dictionary on the topic "Transport"; to develop mental operations of generalization and classification, the ability to systematize, classify objects of the man-made world, analytical and synthetic mental operations.

Material: subject pictures of vehicles.

Adult. Choose the right word (picture):

An airplane has wings, and a helicopter has ... (blades).

The cat laps milk, the car ... (swallows gasoline).

The ship floats, and the plane ... (flies).

A person has a house, a car has ... (garage).

The bird has a nest, and the plane has ... (hangar).

The fish have a backwater, and the ships have ... (port).

The hawk has a beak, and the plane has ... (nose).

The bus has a park, and the tram has ... (depot).

A person has a heart, and a car has ... (motor).

The duck quacks, and the steamer ... (hums).


Target: exercise children in establishing cause-and-effect relationships; develop coherent speech of children when explaining their answers.

Adult. Complete the sentence correctly:

You can't mess around on the bus because...

In transport, you need to hold on to the handrails in order to ...

Ships are built to...

Planes are faster than trains because...

Wheels are round because...

The car doesn't drive underwater because...

There is a lot of equipment at the construction site, because ...

There are many in the city different transport, to…

people need special machines to...etc.

Speech training "Refutation"

Target: develop the logical thinking of children, exercise in establishing connections between phenomena; develop coherent speech.

An adult offers a deliberately false statement. Children come up with as many rebuttals as possible.

Cars run on petrol only. All passengers have a steering wheel. The boat can fly. The plane transports only people. The trolley bus runs along the rails. The steam moves the train. All aircraft have an engine. Cars have wooden wheels. The tram transports building materials.

Anton at the wheel

Target: exercise children in the selection of words opposite in meaning; in agreement of adjectives with nouns in gender, number and case; exercise in building a complex sentence with the union a.

Adult. Anton Antonim will play with us, he arrived by car. What words did he bring us today?

Anton Antonim. There are always a lot of little things in transport, very interesting details, wires and connections. I love the first letter of the alphabet, because it is the first in my name. Therefore, I want children to combine words in a sentence with the union a and call everything the other way around.

In the car, windows, wheels ... (round).

The bus has a steering wheel, and the plane has ... (steering wheel).

The train has rails, and the ship has ... (water).

The weightlifter has a barbell, and the trolleybus has ... (barbells).

The steamer has steam, and the tram has ... (electric current).

The car rustles, and the tram ... (rumbles).

The train carries passengers, and the freight train ... (cargo).

At sea - the captain, and in the plane - ... (pilot).

The car is fast, but ... the turtle (slow)

The excavator digs, and the crane ... (lifts and sets).

Can you ride or not?

Target: automate correct pronunciation with (s) in words; exercise in compiling a simple sentence with a given word or group of words; clarify ideas about the means of transportation.

Material: a box and pictures depicting vehicles, as well as other items that have sound in their names with (s): sled, plane, bicycle, scooter, trolleybus, bus, garden, chair, table, dump truck, traffic light, vacuum cleaner, elephant, dog, boots.

Option 1. Children take turns taking pictures out of the "garage" (box); each shows his own, names the object depicted on it and says whether it is possible to ride on it or not. The teacher makes sure that the children pronounce the sounds correctly with (s) in words, distinctly pronounce words with a given sound. Then he asks to make a sentence based on his picture.

Option 2. When the child takes the second picture, calls it, then makes a sentence with two words: “ New Sledges were brought by plane.

Tak keeps adding words to his sentence until he makes a mistake. The second player takes his place and starts over, having previously mixed all the pictures.


Adult. The plane is flying. This is good?

Children. Carries cargo.

Adult. Transporting goods is bad, why?

Children. The plane may break down, and the cargo will not reach.

Adult. The cargo will not reach - it's good, why?

Children. The cargo is bad letters, and people will not receive this bad news ...

The initial phrase can be anything relating to the object in question.

Speech and cognitive tasks on the topic "Transport" for children 6-7 years old.

1. Together with your child, watch the transport on the street,

why do you need transportation

name the car, bus, etc.

Indicate the movement of the car in words: rides, drives up, left, stopped, turned, braked ...

2. Ask the child what modes of transport he knowswhat kind of transport refers to land, underground, rail, air, water.

3. Name the details of the aircraft:nose, body, tail, windows, landing gear, wings…

Ship details: bow, deck, stern, helm...

Vehicle details...

Bike details...

4. Ask what 2 groups can be divided into ground transport

(car, truck), why are they called so.

5. Have a conversation about traffic rules.

6. Exercise "Choose an action for the subject."

The train (what does it do?) - ... rides, goes, rushes, buzzes, carries, transports, stops ... Plane (what does it do?) - ... takes off, flies, transports, lands ...

7. Exercise "Pick up a sign."

Machine (what?) - ...

Bus (what?) - ...

Aircraft (what?) - ...

8. Exercise "Count transport"to agree on numerals with nouns, it is necessary to ensure that the child correctly pronounces the endings of words.

One ship, 2 ships, three ships, 4 ships, 5 ships, 6 ships...

One car...

One bike...

9. Exercise "Why is it called so?"to form compound words.

The plane is flying by itself.

All-terrain vehicle - ... Steam locomotive - ... Steamboat - ...

Dump truck - ... Scooter - ... Garbage truck - ...

Pedestrian - ... Icebreaker - ... Lunokhod - ...

Racing driver - ... Electric locomotive - ... Milk carrier - ...

Cement truck - ... Fuel truck - ...

10. Ask your child riddles on the topic "Transport".

11. Who manages what?

Motorcycle - motorcyclist

cyclist - cyclist

crane– crane operator

taxi - taxi driver

electric train driver

ship - captain

car - driver

by plane - aviator, pilot

12. Complete the sentence according to the model.

The bus goes fast, and the train still ... (faster).

The helicopter flies high, and the plane is still ... (higher).

The boat honks loudly, and the steamer still ... (louder).

The car is close, but the bike is still ... (closer).

13. Exercises for coordination of speech with movements.

Let's call the transport

One two three four five

(walk in place).

We will call transport.

Passengers are carried on the ground


Car, bus and train

(rotate an imaginary steering wheel in front of you).

The plane is taking off

(raise arms to sides

and shake them)

The ship is sailing on the sea

(connect palms,

depicting the prow of a ship).

You wheels are spinning

You wheels are spinning

(quickly rotate hands

in front of the chest).

Fast, fast, go fast.

One two Three -


(stop moving your arms).

14. Exercises for the development of speech hearing.

Poured gasoline.

Started ... (car).

We sat in cars

Rustled ... (tires).

Empty pavement,

And they left ... (trams).

If you want to go - do not yawn!

Departs ... (tram).

I press the pedal

And the car rushes ... (into the distance).

Here he runs, raising dust,

On the highway ... (car).

It's easy for us to pass

Through the city on ... (metro).

Plane prepared

He will go to ... (flight).

15. Exercise "Name it in one word" for the formation of complex words.

If a motorcycle has three wheels, it (which one?) is three-wheeled.

If a bicycle has two wheels, then it (what?) - ...

If a car has 4 wheels, it (what?) - ...

If a boat has 4 oars, it (what?) - ...

16. Exercise "Pick up the object to the sign."

Old - ... New - ...

Small - ... Powerful - ...

Cargo - ... Tricycle - ...

Speedy - ...

17. Exercise "From what - what?" to form relative adjectives.

Metal cabin (what?) - a metal cabin.

Steering wheel made of plastic (what?) - ...

Seat trimmed with leather (what?) - ...

Rubber tires (what?) - ...

18 . Exercise "Say the other way around"(learning to choose antonyms).

The train is long and the bus is short.

The plane is fast, and the ship is ...

The trolleybus is heavy, and the bicycle is ...

Take-off landing.

Take off - ...

Arrive -...

Sailing -...

19. "Finish the sentence."It is necessary to use the verb "to go" with the appropriate prefix.

The car from the garage (what did you do?) - drove out.

From home (what did you do?) - ...

To home - ...

Behind the house...

Over the bridge - ...

From the bridge...

Past the house - ...

Around the park...

From the city - …

20. Exercise "The fourth extra"on the development of logical thinking, the ability to classify. (without pictures).

plane, boat, steamer, ship, etc.

21. Make sentences using words:making sentences based on key words.

Car, by, go, road.

Boat, river, by, wooden, sail.

Shop, about, bike, stop.

Passengers, train, from, exit.

In, plane, sky, fly, high.

Drive up, stop, to, tram.

Bridge, exit, bus, from under.

22. Exercise for the development of speech hearing,memory.

Learn a poem about transportation.

23. Development of fine motor skills of hands.

Invite the child to lay out of the sticks: a boat, an airplane, a car. Make cars with different materials with your child.

24. Exercise for the development of coherent speech.

Describe the transport according to the plan.

What is the name of?

What type of transport is it? (Water, air? Passenger, cargo?) What color?

What size?

What parts does it consist of?

Who is managed?

How is it used by people?

Homework for lexical topic"Transport" for children of the senior speech therapy group includes lexical material (dictionary), grammar exercises and tasks for the development of coherent speech.

Lexical theme "Transport"

Items: transport, bus, tram, trolleybus, train, plane, ship, boat, car, car, bike, taxi, truck, helicopter; cab, body, saloon, wheels, motor, headlights, doors, steering wheel, wagon, gasoline, rails; traffic light, rails, street, road, stop, pier, airport, passenger, driver, driver, pilot, sailor, flight attendant, captain, machinist.

Signs: passenger, cargo, passenger, land, air, water, railway ...

Actions: drive, fly, swim, transport, carry, walk (and their prefixes: arrive, leave, depart), start, taxi, stop, take off, land, push off, moor, slow down ...


1. Pick up signs (at least three signs):

bus (what?) - ...

2. Pick up actions (at least three actions):

plane (what is it doing?) - ...

3. One - many (plural):

machine - machines
airplane - …
ship - …
wheel - …
railway carriage - …
wing - ...
captain - ...
driver - …
pilot is...

4. Count

one plane, two ..., three ..., four ..., five ...

one wheel, two..., three..., four..., five...

one car, two..., three..., four..., five...

5. Finish the sentence:

The driver is the one who...
The controller is...
The driver is...
The pilot is...
The pedestrian is...
The passenger is...
The conductor is...
The captain is...

6. Finish the sentence (choose a suitable verb with a prefix from the word "go")

Garage car...
Car home...
Car from home...
Car at the gate...
Car home...
Bridge car...

7. Learn the poem.


Steam locomotive, steam locomotive,
What did you bring as a gift?
- I brought color books.
Let the kids read.
I brought pencils
Let the kids draw.

E. Blaginina

8. Draw or cut out pictures of different modes of transport. Divide them into three groups: land, water, air transport.

Troyan Natalia Anatolievna,
teacher speech therapist

tutor of the first qualification category Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution « Kindergarten combined type No. 201, Orenburg

Games for children preschool age on the topic "Transport" were developed using TRIZ elements. Aimed at the development of imagination, creative thinking, the ability to find similarities and differences between objects, the ability to see the "duality" of objects and phenomena (good-bad).

Games for preschool children on the topic "Transport"

1. "Name a part of the whole."

The goal is to teach the child to see the subsystem (part) along with the system (whole).

Car (whole) - wheels, windows, steering wheel, seats, doors, pedals, motor, trunk, gas tank, door handles, floor mats, headlights, signal, etc. (parts)

Garage - car, tools, roof, walls, lock, gasoline in a canister, door knob, spare tires, etc.

2. "A car made of geometric shapes"

The goal is to develop imagination, creative thinking, combinatorial abilities of children.

Children are offered a set of geometric shapes different size and colors. Task - using these figures, "build" a car (for children younger age sample cards may be used).

3. "Learn by description"

The goal is to develop imagination, speech (writing descriptive stories).

Material - a set of cards with a picture different types transport (ex. a car, bus, fire engine, etc.).

An adult calls one child, gives him a card and offers to describe what car is depicted on it, but not to name it. The rest of the children guess from the description and name what kind of car it is. The first child to guess correctly receives the next card and the game continues.

4. "Journey of the car along the magic path" ( geometric figures)

The goal is to teach to think analytically with the help of work on the morphological table, to develop a controlled imagination.

Material - triangles, circles, rectangles, squares, small ovals for each playing child, morphological table.

The teacher shows the children a morphological table with geometric shapes.

The teacher tells the children that today a car is going on a journey along the magic path. Geometric figures live on this extraordinary path. I met a car with a triangle and became triangular. What do you think the car has become? Children take a triangular sheet of paper and draw details on it (windows, doors, headlights, etc. - important! All these details, parts should also be triangular). Then the children demonstrate their “triangular cars”, talk about them.

Similarly, the car becomes round, rectangular ...

On his morphological track, the teacher either attaches one of the children's drawings or draws his own version of a triangular (round, rectangular, etc.) car.

Then there is a discussion with the children (according to the “Good-bad” principle) - why it is good when the car is triangular (for example, snow does not linger on its surface and the car will not need to be cleaned in winter, etc.), why it is bad when the car is triangular (eg triangular wheels can't roll and the car won't be able to drive, etc.)

5. "What is extra?"

The goal is to teach children to classify objects; find an object that differs from the rest in one or a number of ways.

Material - a set of cards, on each of which several objects are drawn, one of which is different from the rest.

For example:

1. bus, car, fire truck, bicycle

2. car door, wheel, steering wheel, table

3. truck, bus, car, plane, etc.

6. "List as many ways as possible to use the car"

The goal is to develop imagination, logical thinking.

The adult invites the children to list how the car can be used.

For example:

Movement on the surface of the earth

Carry cargo

Shelter from the rain


You can sleep in the car

Part of the machine can be used to decorate a flower bed (wheel)

Car exhibitions in the museum

Sports competitions - racing

Part of the machine can be used for learning to swim (tire)

Scrap metal

Lighting in the dark (headlights)

Giving different signals (sound, light)

Drawing (on car doors)

Games for children ( old car) etc.

7. "Journey of the driver and the car along the magic path" (parts of the day)

The goal is to teach to think analytically with the help of work on the morphological table, to develop a controlled imagination, to consolidate knowledge of the parts of the day.

Material - morphological table (parts of the day), pencil

The teacher tells the children that today a driver and a car will travel along the magic path. Draws or shows a track.

“As soon as the driver and the car hit the magic path, morning came.

What does the driver do in the morning? (wakes up, does exercises, washes, etc.)

What does the car do in the morning? (it stands in the garage, it is filled with gasoline, started, etc.)”

An adult makes schematic sketches of the children's answers.

Similarly, the journey continues along the rest of the path.

8. “Who will be who? Who was who?

The goal is to teach to see how objects and phenomena can change in time.

Children are asked questions:

1. what was earlier car(iron, factory parts, horse-drawn car, etc.)

2. what will the car be like in the future (flying car, environmentally friendly, scrap metal, will move without wheels, etc.)

9. "Good - bad"

The goal is to teach to see the "mystery of the double" in objects and phenomena, to acquaint children with the inconsistency of phenomena through the concept of "good - bad"

1. When there are cars, this is “good”. Why?

For example, you can move quickly, carry heavy loads, carry many passengers, cars are beautiful, strong, etc.

2. When there are cars, this is “bad”. Why?

For example, a car is noisy, wastes a lot of gas, needs to be repaired, it takes a lot of smart people to build it, you need to learn how to drive it, learn the rules of the road, pollute the atmosphere, you can get into an accident, etc.

10. "On the contrary"

The goal is to expand vocabulary through adjectives, to learn to name words that are opposite in meaning.

An adult calls words to children - signs of a car, the task for children is to name words that are opposite in meaning.

For example, what kind of car?

fast - slow

Noisy - quiet

Light - heavy

Passenger - cargo

moving - stationary

Harmful - useful

Huge - small

hard - soft

Peaceful - military

Smooth - rough

11. Think new car»

The goal is to develop the imagination of children, the development of fine motor skills of the hands, to teach how to resolve problem situations.

Option 1 - an adult asks the children to come up with a new car and draw it. Then each child talks about their drawing.

12. "How similar, how different"

The goal is to learn to highlight the features, properties, qualities of objects, so that with their help to deepen knowledge about the world around us.

How are they similar:

car and bike

car and plane

Machine and rollers

car and umbrella

Machine and pot

What is the difference:

car and bus

car and bag

Machine and trolley, etc.

13. "Contradictions"

Purpose - teaches children to resolve contradictions, think logically, develop imagination

Examples of possible contradictions:

1. the car must make noise to drive; and should not, so as not to disturb people (the solution is a silent car, people in headphones)

2. the car must be large to transport more cargo; and the car should not be big, because. it takes up a lot of space (the solution is a multi-storey car, it moves through the air without disturbing the rest)

3. the car needs to be filled with gasoline so that it goes; and it is not necessary, because it's expensive (solar-powered car)

These games can be used with children of all ages.

It is possible to adjust the content of the game depending on the topic (i.e. games are applicable to various topics: animals, flowers, food, etc.)

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