Installing a car seat in the front seat of a car. Transportation of children in the front seat according to traffic rules: requirements and law

Installing a car seat in the front seat of a car. Transportation of children in the front seat according to traffic rules: requirements and law


To begin with, it is worth deciding whether it is generally allowed to install a child seat in the front seat of a car and is it even possible to transport a child in the front seat? According to the traffic rules of Russia (article 22.9 of the traffic rules), the transportation of a child is allowed anywhere in the car, the basic rules for transportation depend on the age of the child. Before transporting a child in a car, parents should study the points for transporting people in the rules of the road. If the child is under 12 years old, then it is necessary to purchase and install a special child restraint in the car - a car seat. It is allowed to transport a child in a car seat from the moment of his birth.

Is it safe to have a child seat in the front seat of a car?

Regarding the issue of installing a child seat in the front seat of a car, it is important to determine for yourself what is more important - comfort of movement or safety. The front passenger seat is one of the most dangerous places in the car, and in the event of an accident does not provide adequate safety, as does the rear row of seats. The safest place is the middle of the rear sofa, it is recommended to install a child car seat in the central place of the back row.
There are several ways to install a child seat in the front seat of a car. We will tell you about the safest of them, because other installation methods will not be able to provide a sufficient level of safety for the life and health of your baby.

  1. Rule one. Installing a child seat backwards, to the windshield. In this case, during an accident, the load on the internal organs of the child is reduced, and the child only pushes his back into the car seat more strongly. The load on the cervical region, on the muscles of the neck and collarbone is greatly reduced.

  1. Rule two. Deactivation of the passenger airbag. Mandatory rule! The airbag is designed to save the life of an adult passenger, not a child. If the front airbag deploys, the child may be seriously injured. Consider this.
  2. Rule three. If possible, secure the child car seat to the front seat of the car in all possible ways - IsoFix + seat belts. The more secure the child car seat is, the more likely it is to protect the child during an accident.
  3. Rule four. Be sure to secure the extra seat belts inside the child seat. The belts that secure the child to the car seat must be laid correctly and snapped together with a special fastener in the child's abdomen. Usually seat belts are 3 and 5 point. More reliable children's belts are considered 5-point, because. they fix 2 points in the area of ​​​​both collarbones of the child, 2 points on the sides of the abdomen and 1 point in the inguinal region.
  1. Rule five. Check all fasteners before riding. All belts must be fastened and not interfere with the child's comfortable ride.
  2. Rule six. Do not scatter foreign objects around the car, put everything in the glove compartment. During an accident, any loose object can fly into the child's head or face, causing injury.

Fine for a child seat in the front seat of a car

In case of violation of the rules for transporting a child, administrative liability is provided in the form of a fine of 3,000 rubles. This fine will be issued for transporting a child without a car seat, improper installation of a car seat, etc.

Nice schematic video showing the difference between rear and front mounted child seat. The language of the video does not matter, because. the most important and important points are painted in detail and clearly.

Many drivers (even experienced ones) cannot give a definite answer as to whether children are allowed to be transported in a vehicle not in the front passenger seat. In the article, we will consider the rules for transporting children in the front seat according to traffic rules in 2018.

Is it even possible to transport a child in the front seat?

Contrary to the opinion of most motorists who believe that children are only allowed to be transported in the back seat, the SDA indicates that children are allowed to be transported both in the back and in the front seat. Only the transportation rules themselves depend on the age of the child.

At what age can a child be transported in the front seat

SDA does not provide for a minimum age from which it is allowed to carry children in the front seat, however if the child is under 12 years old, then a special child car seat is required. Thus, in legal terms, children can be transported in the front seat from the moment they are born.

New from 07/12/2017: Until the age of 7, a child must be transported in a car seat, not only in the front seat, but also in the back. From 7 to 12 years old, a child can be transported in the back seat both in a car seat and using standard seat belts.

Can you put a car seat in the front seat?

Based on the fact that the child is allowed to be transported in the front seat, a special car seat can be installed in this place. In this case, the car need to deactivate the airbag, since its activation can cause even more harm to the child.

Many people think that the safest place in a car (including a car seat) is in the back seat behind the driver. However, experts point out that the safest is the central rear seat and it is best to install a child seat on it.

At the same time, the passenger front seat is the most dangerous possible in a car (according to statistics), but this is not displayed in the traffic rules.

Classification of child car seats

Child seats are classified according to the age and weight of the child:

  1. A child under one year old, weighing no more than 10 kg. In this case, the seat is equipped with a special infant carrier in which the child is horizontally. There are no restrictions on the installation of the infant carrier, but due to its design, it can only be located in the rear seat.
  2. A child up to one and a half years old, weighing up to 13 kg. A cocoon chair is installed, which has a design that is average between the car seat and the child seat. It is installed in both the rear and front seats. The seat must be turned with its back to the traffic.
  3. Child from 9 months to 4 years old, weighing 9-18 kg. Car seat for both rear and front seats. The design of such a chair provides for installation with its back to the movement, however, in practice, children of this age are transported in seats installed in the direction of travel, the traffic police do not give an unequivocal explanation of whether this is a violation.
  4. Child from 3 to 7 years old, weighing 15-25 kg. It is transported in a child car seat, which is installed only in the direction of travel. Along with the protective belts provided for by the design of the chair, it is fastened with car seat belts.
  5. Child from 6 to 12 years old, weighing 22-36 kg. In this case, it is transported in a car seat, fastened with a vehicle seat belt.

After the age of 12, a person continues to be considered a child, but can be transported in the front seat without a car seat, only with the protection of a seat belt. In this case, the airbag must be activated.

Video: Update on the rules for transporting children in a car


The Code of Administrative Offenses provides that the penalty for a child in the front seat (transportation without a car seat, incorrect installation of a car seat, etc.) in 2018 is a fixed amount of 3 thousand rubles. Until 2013, the fine was less and amounted to 500 rubles. This fine remained in the Code of Administrative Offenses only for the incorrect transportation of adults.

The front passenger seat of a car is considered the most dangerous place in the event of an accident. Carrying a child on it is quite risky, but according to the current legislation for 2016, it is not prohibited subject to the fulfillment of certain requirements. Such transportation must ensure the safety of the child, taking into account the design of a particular vehicle. To do this, parents must weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of installing a child seat in the front seat, as well as take care of the quality of the product and its secure fixation.

How can you carry a child in the front seat

The main law containing the requirements for drivers and passengers of vehicles on the road is the rules of the road. The procedure and norms for transporting children in the front seat of a car are prescribed in paragraph 2.29, namely:

  1. It is allowed to transfer a child under the age of 12 in the passenger seat of a car in the front if there are special restraints. So, the law does not contain the term “seat”, which means that other restraints can be used to hold.
  2. According to the Rules, special requirements are imposed on such devices, among which the main thing is the compliance with the weight category of the child.
  3. Passengers over the age of 12 are allowed to use seat belts in the front seat.

Carrying a child in the front seat and airbag

Parents transporting a child in the front seat must be aware of the role of the airbag located in front of him. Many are convinced that it is able to protect a small passenger in the event of an accident without the use of additional devices. But in fact, regarding the front airbag, you need to know the following facts:

  1. Airbags, falling out during an accident or in a critical situation, often do not save, but harm the child sitting in the front seat.
  2. When installing a child car seat in the front seat, the airbag ejection mechanism is disabled. This is especially true for those who place a cradle for babies in front, which is installed back to front.

Can a child seat be placed in the front seat of a car?

It is not forbidden to install a car seat for a child in the front seat, but this should only be done in an emergency or unforeseen situation. The passenger seat is the most dangerous area in a car in an accident, and whenever possible to put a child in the back, you need to use it. You can minimize the risk of transporting a baby in the front seat by following these recommendations:

  1. If you decide to transport children in a seat in the front seat, be as careful, accurate and attentive as possible when driving than usual.
  2. Before driving, make sure that the front airbag is deactivated so that it does not harm the child in an emergency.
  3. Before installing the seat in the front seat, it is pushed as far back as possible.
  4. When moving, never take the child in your arms, as this increases the risk of injury, especially for the child.
  5. Do not use the carrycot of a baby stroller, as it does not have the necessary fasteners and seat belts. If a traffic police officer stops and finds an unsuitable seat with a child in the front seat, he has the right to issue a fine.
  6. Do not exclude the possibility of attempts by traffic police officers to issue a fine for a child seat installed in front, despite its compliance with the rules and necessary standards. Usually, the inspector refers to the “special supporting devices” specified in the SDA, without referring to the chair. You need to be ready for this, and advance court decisions in which such cases are considered.

Child seat requirements

When buying a car seat with the ability to install on the front seat of a car, you need to make sure that it can be securely fastened in this place and that the product is appropriate for the age and weight category of the child. Car seats are classified as follows:

  1. Child less than 1 year old, weighs less than 10 kg. For this age, a special infant carrier is designed, where the baby is in a horizontal position.
  2. Child less than 1.5 years old, weight up to 13 kg. This category corresponds to a chair-cocoon, which is attached with its back towards the movement.
  3. Age 9 months-4 years, weight 9-18 kg. This category is suitable for a universal car seat, which is suitable for installation both in front and behind in the car.
  4. Age 3-7 years, weight 15-25 kg. A car seat designed to be installed in the direction of travel.
  5. Age 6-12 years old, weight 22-36 kg. Car seat with the possibility of using car seat belts.

Advantages and disadvantages of carrying a child in the front seat

Carrying a baby in a seat in the front seat has the following advantages:

  1. The driver controls everything that happens to the child and can influence his behavior.
  2. The kid sees one of the parents next to him, and behaves more calmly. For an older child, the ride in front seems more exciting.
  3. A child who does not tolerate the road is less likely to get sick in the front of the car.
  4. The front seat is the only seat that can accommodate a seat that does not have Isofix-compatible seat belts and anchorages.

Disadvantages of placing a child seat in the front:

  1. The ability of the child to influence the controls of the car, which can provoke an emergency.
  2. The front seat is the most dangerous area in the car in the event of an accident.
  3. The child is able to block the side view mirror and create an emergency.
  4. The child distracts the driver from driving.

Installing a child seat in the front seat

Before installing the seat on the front seat of the car, carefully study the instructions for the product. The machine must be equipped with three-point inertia belts. Two-point will not work, as in the event of an impact, they can aggravate the injury. The front airbag must be turned off, if this option is not provided, it is not worth putting a seat and risking the life of a child. The rules for installing a child seat in the front seat of a car are as follows:

  1. The chair should be firmly fixed: do not ride on the seat and do not stagger. Before each landing of the child, the reliability of the fastening is checked.
  2. For kids, the installation of the chair is done with the back to the windshield. This avoids injury in the cervical spine during sudden braking.
  3. Closer to the age of 12, when the child grows up, the inside of the seat, along with the fixing straps, is pulled out, and the car's seat belts are used to hold it.
  4. The upper part of the belt must pass along the chest, and the lower part along the hips.
  5. Even when transporting over short distances, the child must be fastened.

Fine for transporting children without a seat

Violation of clause 22.9 of the traffic rules by drivers transporting a child under 12 without a car seat or in the front seat in a seat that does not correspond to height or weight, as well as transporting an unfastened child and failure to comply with other requirements of this paragraph of the rules, is punishable by a fine. So, in 2016, its amount for the incorrect transportation of a child sitting in the front seat, according to Art. 12.23, part 3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, is 3 thousand rubles. The same violation, which applies to officials, is punishable by a fine of 25 thousand rubles, and for legal entities - 100 thousand rubles.

Some parents prefer to carry their child in the front seat of the car. Let's try to figure out whether this is a violation of traffic rules, what must be taken into account when placing a child in the front seat and, most importantly, how to protect the life and health of a child in the event of an accident or sudden braking.

traffic rules

The main law that guides drivers on the road is the rules of the road. Therefore, if you have any doubts regarding the transportation of passengers, it would be logical to contact them. The issue of transporting children in the front seat is clearly spelled out in the relevant paragraph of rules 22.9. According to them, it is possible to carry children under 12 in the front seat of a car only if special restraints are used.

The rules do not specifically refer to a child seat, although it refers to special devices. However, other devices specifically designed to safely hold a child in an emergency (such as boosters) may be used.

One of the important requirements for special devices is the compliance with the weight category of the child.

If the child is 12 years old, the traffic rules do not prohibit carrying him in the front seat, fastening with a regular seat belt.

Traffic rules do not prohibit carrying children in the front seat. However, the law regulates mandatory compliance with safety requirements. In particular, it is necessary to use special holding devices.

Requirements for devices, basic characteristics depend on the specific age and weight of the child. This is the only way to provide him with a sufficient level of comfort and safety in any situation.

The airbag installed in modern cars often raises questions about its safety in relation to children sitting in its area of ​​\u200b\u200boperation (in the front seat).

Rules of the road paragraph 22.9 (transportation of people, 22.9 in particular children) for 2015-2016

22.9. Transportation of children is allowed provided that their safety is ensured, taking into account the design features of the vehicle.

Transportation of children under 12 years of age in vehicles equipped with seat belts must be carried out using child restraints appropriate for the weight and height of the child, or other means that allow the child to be fastened using the seat belts provided for by the design of the vehicle, and in the front seat car - only with the use of child restraints.

It is forbidden to transport children under 12 years of age in the back seat of a motorcycle.

Front airbags and children

If you have placed a child seat in the front seat, you should pay attention to the airbag. It is widely believed that the deployment of airbags during an accident definitely improves the safety of passengers, regardless of their height and weight. Some people think that the presence of airbags ensures the safety of the child even without the use of additional devices that provide for traffic rules. Are these beliefs true? The facts say otherwise.

During an accident, an airbag does not improve the safety of a child in the front seat. A sudden opening of the pillow can even cause additional injuries to the child.

After attaching the child seat to the front seat, check that the airbag release mechanism is disabled. This advice is especially important for parents fixing a cradle for babies on the front seat. It is placed backwards, which reduces the space between the child and the airbag. Such close proximity enhances the blow when the airbag deploys during an accident.

If possible, roll the seat with the child seat (especially the cradle) back as far as possible. This will help in the event of an airbag deployment and provide additional "safety space" in a frontal collision.

Car seat manufacturers also recommend disabling the airbag mechanism while transporting children to reduce the chance of injury. You can verify this by reading the instructions for child seats of well-known manufacturers.

Why It's Best to Avoid Carrying Children in the Front Seat

It is not prohibited by law to transport children in the front seat of a car if special devices are used to improve safety. However, there are many arguments against carrying a child in the front seat, regardless of the presence of a car seat, carrycot or other device.

Most motorists rightly believe that riding in the front seat is not safe even for adults, not to mention children. Therefore, despite legislative permits and the availability of special car seats, many drivers do not allow the thought of driving onto the road with their child in front. Such an opinion is quite reasonable. Reasons to fear for the safety of the child are enough:

  1. There are data from studies in the field of road safety conducted by independent expert bureaus in different countries. According to them, in almost 50% of the studied cases of accidents involving children placed in front in a child seat, the location of the seat next to the driver was the cause of injuries and deaths. If the children had sat in the rear seats, they would not have been hurt.
  2. An airbag that is forgotten to be deactivated when a child is seated in the front can cause injury or damage when deployed during an accident.
  3. Children are very impressionable and riding in the front seat can cause an overreaction. Children under 6 years old are often frightened when they see huge cars rushing at them. This causes sleep disturbance, loss of appetite. Fear can even cause neurosis and hysteria.
  4. According to physiologists and pediatricians, children under 5 years old should be carried in a car with their backs forward. This is due to the structural features of the child's skeleton. In young children, the head is disproportionately large and heavy in relation to the body, and the muscles and vertebrae of the neck are weak. During an accident, the greatest load falls on the cervical region: the head continues to move forward, while the shoulders, fastened with seat belts, stop abruptly. Such overloads are especially dangerous for babies. Therefore, it is better to follow the recommendations of doctors and carry a small child exclusively with his back forward, so that in an extreme situation the cervical vertebrae do not have to take on most of the load.

The last point is reflected in the traffic rules of individual European countries, where the transportation of babies is prohibited other than backwards. We do not have a ban, but no one has canceled the biological characteristics and laws of physics. It is better to draw conclusions and take care of the safety of your child in advance without exposing him to additional risk.

Analyze each of the listed items and answer whether it is worth putting a child in front of all the additional risks. It is better to put the baby in the back seat with one of the relatives. The child will be supervised, safe and will not distract from the road.

The safest place for a child to sit is in the middle of the rear seat. At this point, it will be maximally protected both in frontal and side collisions.

Why do children have to sit in front

Despite the disadvantages of transporting children in the front seat, many seat a small passenger there. Each family may have its own arguments and reasons for this.

  • Lack of space. When moving or on a long journey, you have to take a lot of necessary things to accommodate which there is not enough luggage space. You have to pack things in the back seat. A child seat takes up a lot of space, so you have to install it next to the driver to free up space in the back seat;
  • Parents are forced to seat the child in front when traveling alone with him. Leaving the baby alone in the back seat unattended is inconvenient. It is safer if the child is in the visibility zone so that you do not have to be distracted by him while driving. Wipe the nose, give a bottle, entertain the baby, if he is capricious, it is easier when he is nearby. Of course, all this cannot be done on the go. We also read: Traveling with children by car - what is important to know;
  • From a certain age, children, regardless of gender, begin to dream of traveling in a car "like adults, in front." This allows them to assert themselves, experience new experiences and feel older. It is advisable to explain to children about the dangers of such a trip. However, not all parents are able to convince the child, sometimes you have to capitulate. A capricious child can use the entire "combat arsenal", including tears and tantrums, in order to achieve what he wants. If parents do not have sufficient experience and patience, they have to give in, following the demands of the child. It is especially difficult to argue a refusal if you previously had to put a child in the front seat for objective reasons (see clauses 1 and 2).

There are other reasons why a child should be seated in front. Personal judgments, the mood of the baby, unforeseen circumstances affect the decision. If the situation really requires the child to be placed in the front seat, it is worth knowing how to keep the child as safe as possible during the trip.

How to make traveling with a toddler safe

If, despite the above arguments, you had to install a child seat in the front seat, remember the advice of experienced drivers and safety experts. Following them will allow you to protect the child as much as possible from the sad consequences in the event of an accident.

  1. If you can not seat the child in front, but put the chair in the back seat - do it immediately.
  2. Do not teach your child to ride in the front seat. Remember - The car seat can only be installed in the front in an emergency situation where it cannot be avoided. Such trips should not become the rule.
  3. Try to be as concentrated and careful as possible, try to anticipate any change in the traffic situation when you are taking your baby in the front seat. However, this applies to travel in general.
  4. Be sure to check if the airbag mechanism is disabled.
  5. Move the front seat back as far as the mounting design allows. Excess space between body parts and a child in an accident can save health and life.
  6. Prepare for a meeting with the traffic police, who may try to issue a fine, despite the presence of a child seat. Sometimes they may claim that the car seat is not a "special support device". Stress resistance and legal literacy are important here. Printouts of court decisions regarding similar situations will not interfere either.
  7. Do not try to carry a child in the front seat, holding him in your arms. It is difficult to imagine a more traumatic way of transporting a small passenger.
  8. Do not attempt to use the bassinet from an ordinary stroller to transport an infant. It does not provide for the possibility of secure fastening on the seat and cannot ensure the safety of the child. This method of transportation is contrary to traffic rules, so traffic police officers can impose an administrative fine for violating the rules.

Compliance with this list of rules will reduce the likelihood of risk when transporting a child to a minimum. Think carefully before deciding on car seat placement. If there really is no way to secure it in the back seat, use the best car seats, take extra care when traveling.

What car seats are suitable for children of different ages

The child car seat (or other restraint) must be fully adapted to the age and height of the child. They differ in dimensions, the way the child is seated and the attachment device.

  • A child under one year old weighing less than 10 kg is an infant carrier that ensures the horizontal position of the child. We also read: Do I need a car seat for a newborn baby under 1 year old?
  • A child under one and a half years old weighing up to 13 kg - a child seat-cocoon, turned with its back against the direction of movement;
  • Child 1-4 years old weighing 9-18 kg - a universal child car seat with the possibility of attaching to any seats;
  • Child 3-7 years old weighing 15-25 kg - a car seat installed facing in the direction of travel;
  • A child 6-12 years old weighing 22-36 kg - a car seat using regular car seat belts.

Typically, the manufacturer of car seats indicates in the instructions the age for which the model is designed.

Proper selection and installation of a car seat will ensure the safety of your family trips and will allow you to comply with traffic rules regarding the transportation of children. Try not to save money when buying a child car seat, because such savings can cost the health, even the life of a child!

We also read: 5 true facts and false ideas about the safety of a child in a car

New rules for transporting children in cars

Is it necessary to carry a child next to you in the front seat? This question arises for mom or dad when the driver is alone, and there is no one to look after the baby sitting behind. It's better when the baby is in front of your eyes. So mom is calmer, and the baby is more fun. However, isn't it prohibited by the traffic rules? And is it safe? In the article you will find answers to:

What do the traffic rules say about transporting children in the front seat?

According to the rules of the road, it is strictly forbidden to transport children under 12 near the driver. This is described in paragraph 22.9 of the RRP and is punishable by a fine of about 100 USD. However, in some cases this is allowed. Namely: if the baby is secured with a special fixing device and the airbag function is disabled.

As such, the word “car seat” is nowhere to be found in the SDA, it is replaced by the phrase “retained devices” and includes an infant carrier, belts, buckles, boosters and seat belt adapters. Such adapters usually do not pass crash tests, so it is better not to save money and buy a car seat.

For forward transportation, a number of requirements must be met:

  1. The chair must comply with ECE R 44.04 or Russian GOST. The European regulation for the use of child car seats ECE R 44.04 is based on numerous crash tests, during which the main requests for such restraints were identified. These standards have been enforced since 2009 and are currently the most stringent. GOST R 41.44-2005 is an analogue of ECE R 44.03, the last revision. Therefore, European ones are much tougher than Russian ones; when choosing and installing, it is advisable to focus on them.
  2. Be of a universal type, comfortable, safe, match the weight and age of the child, fit a specific car.
  3. The car must have the ability to disable the airbag in the front seat. If it activates during a collision, it could cause injury or even death. This is especially important for rear-facing car seats.

How to properly install a car seat in a car?

Instructions are included with each car seat or infant carrier upon purchase. Therefore, they must be installed strictly according to the rules.

Usually the seats are installed in the back seat, but they can also be installed in the front.

The vehicle must be equipped with three-point inertia belts. Do not install the chair with two-point harnesses as this will increase the risk of injury.

Do not install in a place where there is no way to turn off the airbag.

The chair must be firmly fixed. This is achieved by passing the car seat belt through special guides located on the seat.

According to the operating rules, children weighing up to 9 kg must ride with their backs against the direction of travel. The same position is recommended for children up to 13 kg. In some countries, it is considered that it should be kept until the age of 3-5 years, because. during sudden braking, the head jerks forward with acceleration, which leads to serious injuries of the cervical region.

For the trip of children weighing 15-25 kg, you need to remove the soft interior with fixing straps, in this case a car seat belt will be used. Its chest part passes through the chest, pressing it against the back of the chair, and the femoral part should be held around the hips.

Before placing in the car seat, parents should check whether it is firmly fixed.

Be sure to fasten your seat belts, even if the journey is short.

Car seat belts must be tight and not twisted.

You should not be allowed to play with the straps or with the lock in order to avoid accidental damage to them, which will make it impossible to quickly and easily remove the baby in emergency cases.

Why is it better not to carry children in front?

If the rules of the road do not prohibit the transportation of children in the front seat, then we turn to common sense. Consider all the advantages and disadvantages of this method of transportation.


  • the parent sees and controls what happens;
  • if the baby is naughty without a mother, sitting behind, and next to her he is calmer;
  • looking at the road ahead is much more interesting for the baby than looking at the chair in front.


  • according to harsh statistics, more often fatal cases in road accidents lie in wait for the one who sits next to the driver;
  • a seat in the center rear will not be crushed in a direct collision. It depends on the strength of the collision, of course, but at least keeps the threat to a minimum;
  • a baby next to the driver can distract him from the road. This is already dangerous for both, as well as for pedestrians.

As you can see, the shortcomings are much more significant, because on the one hand, the whims of the baby are at stake, and on the other, the threat to his life.

Good afternoon, dear reader.

However, many readers have questions about whether it is possible to carry a child in the front seat of a car in 2020. Therefore, today we will focus exclusively on the front passenger seats.

Let's get started.

First of all, consider paragraph 22.9 of 2020. This is what it says about the transport of children:

22.9. Transportation of children under the age of 7 years in a passenger car and truck cabin, which are designed with seat belts or seat belts and an ISOFIX child restraint system, must be carried out using child restraint systems (devices) that are appropriate for the weight and height of the child.

Transportation of children aged 7 to 11 years (inclusive) in a passenger car and a truck cab, which are designed with seat belts or seat belts and an ISOFIX child restraint system, must be carried out using child restraint systems (devices) that are appropriate for the weight and height of the child , or using seat belts, and in the front seat of a car - only using child restraint systems (devices) appropriate for the weight and height of the child.

At what age can a child ride in the front seat?

Paragraph 22.9 of the SDA states that there are no age restrictions when transporting children in the front seat. Those. the child can ride in the front seat from birth.

However, conditions must be observed, which differ for different ages and for different vehicles. This will be discussed below.

Child in a car

Most often, parents carry their children in their own cars. Please note that B includes not only cars, but also small trucks. For them, the rules of transportation are different and they will be discussed below.

Child in the cab of a truck

In this section we are talking about trucks of all varieties. Starting with multi-ton tractors and ending with light trucks based on cars.

Of fundamental importance is not the appearance and size of the car, but the information specified in the field "Type of vehicle". If this field contains the value "truck", then the following rules should be used:

child on the bus

In this section, we are talking about buses of all varieties, i.e. about vehicles with more than 8 passenger seats. The size of the vehicle, again, does not matter. Both small minivans and huge tourist buses can act as buses.

Let's consider an interesting example. On the territory of Russia, Gazelle minibuses are widely used. Moreover, they are produced in various modifications.

The following options for the type of vehicle may be indicated in the registration certificate:

  • cargo van;
  • bus (other buses).

Outwardly, Gazelles of various modifications are similar to each other, but the rules for transporting children in the front seat differ. In the bus, a child of any age can be fastened with a regular seat belt, and in a cargo van, a restraint device for children under 7 years old is required.

Deactivating the airbag

Most of the new modern cars are equipped with a passenger seat located opposite the front passenger seat. At the same time, it is technically possible to turn off this pillow when transporting a child.

In this regard, drivers have a question, do you always need to turn off the pillow when installing a child seat in the front seat? Or only when the chair is installed against the direction of travel?

It's pretty easy to get an answer to this question. Should refer to the owner's manual for your vehicle and find in it a section dedicated to the transportation of children.

In the process of writing this article, I turned to the book on the operation of my car and found the following information there:

When installing a rear-facing child seat on the front passenger seat, the front passenger front airbag must be deactivated.

Moreover, the information is duplicated on different pages of the book at least 3 times. At the same time, nothing is said about the fact that the pillow must be turned off when installing the seat in the direction of travel.

Transportation of children in a car is subject to certain conditions. The restrictions imposed by the SDA for drivers ensure the safety of a small passenger. To understand the need to follow the requirements, you need to study: at what age can a child be transported in the front seat of a car and what is the risk of not complying with the rules.

In accordance with the Rules of the Road, a child is allowed to be transported in the front seat of a car after 12 years. However, this statement applies to situations without the use of special restraints. If it is intended to install a car seat in the front seat, then placing the child in front can be performed without violating the norms in the absence of age restrictions.

What are the rules of transportation

To ensure compliance with traffic rules and safety for your own child, before you equip the car with the devices necessary for transportation and go on a trip, you must take into account a number of provisions:

  • when placed in the front seat, it is important to deactivate the airbag. Otherwise, in the event of an emergency and its operation, serious damage to the health of the child may be caused;
  • it is recommended to install the chair in the center in the rear seats;
  • , adapter or seat cushion - unacceptable;
  • used must be without damage - this applies to both external manifestations and internal ones. Any cracks that violate the integrity of the chair frame suggest the need for a change of means;
  • the car seat must be fixed with the straps of the car belt or special separate straps. It is important to keep track of their condition, avoiding scuffs and tears;
  • in addition, it is necessary to take into account not only the normative age limits, but also real indicators. Children of 12 years old can look like 9 years old or 14. Therefore, parents also need to focus on generally accepted parameters: 36 kilograms in weight and 150 centimeters in height. If the child does not meet these indicators, it is not recommended to rush to ride without a seat even after reaching the age of 12;
  • it is important to consider that the standard car seat belt is not intended for persons less than 150 centimeters - it is not low enough to securely fix a small passenger.

It is not always possible to use a child restraint before the child is 12 years old. For example, if it develops much faster and has already reached the approximate parameters, the use of a belt is allowed, since car seats are simply not suitable for these cases.

What is the liability

In accordance with the provisions of the Code of Administrative Offenses, the fine for improper transportation of a child in the front seat, as of 2020, is 3 thousand rubles. At the same time, the driver must understand that when the traffic police inspector stops the vehicle and fixes the fact of a violation, the employee has the right to prohibit further movement with the child. Which is quite logical, because otherwise a repeated violation will be committed.

What are child car seats

Child restraints may vary depending on the age and body size of the child:

  • up to 1 year with a weight of not more than 10 kilograms. With such indicators, the car must be equipped with a special infant carrier. In this case, the child is placed in it in a prone position. There are no prohibitions on its installation, however, due to the design features, it can only be placed in the back seat;
  • up to 1.5 years with a weight of not more than 13 kilograms. In this case, a cocoon chair is used, which, in terms of purpose and appearance, resembles a cross between a cradle and a full-fledged child seat. It can be installed not only on the back, but also on the front seat. The restraint must be placed so that the child has his or her back to traffic;
  • up to 4 years with a weight of not more than 18 kilograms. Standard car seat, which can be equipped on any free seat, but strictly back to the movement;
  • from 3 to 7 years old with a weight of not more than 25 kilograms. It is installed exclusively in the direction of travel and is necessarily fixed not only with built-in straps, but also with a regular car belt;
  • from 6 to 12 years old with a weight of not more than 36 kilograms. The main difference from the previous version lies in the dimensions and the absence of built-in straps - in this case, fixation occurs only due to the seat belts that the transport object is equipped with.

After the child reaches the age of 12, he can freely ride in the front seat without additional restraints. In this case, it is important not to forget to reactivate the airbag.

What to bring with you

As a rule, the norms of the legislation do not provide for the obligation for the driver to prove the age of the child. The provisions of the SDA only define the need to provide, at the request of the inspector, a driver's license and documents for the vehicle, be it STS, PTS, OSAGO, etc.

Therefore, if an employee of the state inspectorate requires proof and notifies how much to pay for a child without a child seat, then when imposing a fine to pay, his actions contradict the position of the law. So, the driver is not obliged in this case to confirm his own innocence. If in the course of explanations doubts arise, then they should be interpreted in favor of the person driving the vehicle.

However, in practice, the driver is often forced to contact the authorized departments for, spending a lot of time on this. Therefore, it is better to protect yourself from the actions of incompetent traffic police officers and, when transporting a child, take a birth certificate with you to confirm the age.

What are the rules for transportation in a truck

The SDA provides for the possibility of transporting a child in the front seat of a truck without the use of child restraints and car seats from the age of 7. As for the features of placing small children in a Gazelle without a rear row of seats, a number of basic rules need to be clarified.

Often, drivers find it difficult to justify their position in relation to this type of vehicle due to its ambiguity: on the one hand, the Gazelle is classified as a truck, on the other hand, its mass is less than 3.5 tons, so most of the provisions of the SDA for it defined as for a passenger car.

However, the rules operate without such complications, so the answer is unequivocal: clause 22.9 of the Rules, which defines the provisions for the transportation of children, contains precisely the category of trucks without reference to mass. Therefore, a child can ride in the front seat of the Gazelle after reaching the age of 7, regardless of whether there is a back row or not.

Carrying children in the front seat updated: February 19, 2020 by: admin

Are children allowed in the front seat in 2020? This question worries many parents who have a child. The traffic rules are constantly being amended and changed.

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To keep abreast of all innovations, it is necessary to periodically study the updated legislation or read up-to-date information on the topic.

Basic moments

Transporting children in a car is a complex procedure. The driver is obliged to take care of the safety of small citizens.

The law imposes stricter requirements for the transportation of children than for the transportation of adults. This is due to the fact that the standard equipment of the car is not intended for small children.

In addition, there are a number of nuances that must be taken into account during compliance with the requirements of the law.

What you need to know

The main requirement for the transportation of babies is the presence of a car seat. It allows you to securely fix the child during the journey and minimize the likelihood of injury.

However, not all equipment is suitable for transporting a baby in a car.

It is not uncommon for traffic police officers to issue fines even if there is a seemingly standard car seat.

However, employees of the state body argue that the very fact of the presence of equipment is not yet a guarantee of the safety of a small passenger. The car seat must be properly installed.

To minimize the likelihood of recovery and ensure the safety of the child, the following rules must be observed:

  • to choose a car seat in accordance with the height and weight of the baby;
  • timely replacement if the child has already grown out of the car seat;
  • securely fasten the fixing equipment in the vehicle;
  • give preference to a quality product;
  • if the child seat is installed against the movement of the car, you need to turn off the airbag next to it.

By following simple rules, the owner of the vehicle will protect himself from fines and ensure maximum safety and comfort for the child during the trip.

The action of traffic rules

The rules of the road of the Russian Federation are designed to protect all participants from unforeseen situations on the road and ensure safety.

For this reason, the driver must comply with the established requirements. There are a number of nuances regarding the transportation of children in the car.

If a person is interested in whether it is possible to put a child in a car without a car seat, he should refer to the current legislation.

So, according to the established rules:

Violation of the rules is fraught with penalties. So, if a person is stopped for a check and it turns out that a child is sitting in front, and there are no legal transportation devices in the car, a cape on the front seat will not help.

The driver will have to pay a fine, the amount of which will significantly exceed the amount of the penalty for transporting an unbelted adult.

Is it possible to carry a child in the front seat of a car

If a person turns to, he will find out that it is possible to carry children under 12 years old in a car only by fixing them in special restraints.

However, their location is not specified. This means that the transportation of children in the front seat can be carried out regardless of age, if the baby is in a special car seat.

You can refuse to use additional devices only after the baby is 12 years old.

If the driver neglects the rule or forgets at what age a child can ride in the front seat of a car and violates existing regulations, monetary penalties may be applied to him.

Transportation rules

From 2020, new rules for transporting babies in a car will come into force. Amendments were made to article 22.9 of the traffic rules of the Russian Federation.

So, according to the modified norm, the driver is obliged to transport children under the age of 7 in car seats.

This means that babies who are older than the established mark can travel in a car without special adaptations.

The rule has been adjusted due to the fact that children aged 8 to 12 can vary significantly in height and physical development.

So, often an 11-year-old child can look like an 8-year-old kid, and, conversely, a 9-year-old passenger can resemble a 12-year-old teenager in all respects.

For this reason, the law allows parents to decide for themselves whether the baby needs a car seat after 7 years or if it is better to refuse the device.

Traveling in the front seat remains the same ban. Children under the age of 12 cannot travel in front without special adaptations.

There is another innovation as well. The concept of "additional devices" was excluded from the law.

Experts believe that devices in combination with standard car belts significantly increase the risk of injury to a child.

For this reason, a baby who has reached the age of 7 can be transported both in a car seat and without it.

Age limit

According to paragraph 22.9, children in the front seat must be in a car seat. This rule is valid until the child turns 12 years old.

After this age, transportation of small passengers can be carried out under general conditions.

If a person plans to transport babies in the back seat, he will also have to equip the car with car seats.

However, according to the established rules, they are required only until the child is 7 years old.

After the baby reaches the set bar, the vehicle owner can decide for himself whether a car seat is required or not.

What is a car seat

To understand all the nuances of the current legislation, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the concepts that it fixes.

So, not all drivers know what exactly is meant by the concept of "child car seat".

If you read the definition, it turns out that a car seat is a device that is installed in a car on a standard seat in order to ensure the safety of the child.

It is equipped with its own seat belts or allows you to fix a small citizen at the time of the trip with the standard equipment of the car, which without a seat is not suitable for a child.

There are several types of car seats designed to carry babies. These include:

Group 0 The devices are designed for a small passenger, aged 0 to 6 months and weighing less than 10 kg. It is necessary to install such a chair sideways to the direction of travel.
Group 0+ Seats can be used for passengers aged 0 to 1 years, whose weight is not more than 13 kg. The kid in the device will be located against the direction of travel
Group 1 The device is designed for older passengers. You can transport a child in a seat belonging to this group from 9 months to 4 years. In this case, the weight of the baby should be 9-18 kg. Children in the seat will be located facing the direction of travel
Group 2 In the chair, you can carry children aged 3 to 7 years, whose weight is 15-25 kg. The chair is placed facing the direction of travel
Group 3 The device is intended for children aged 6-12 years. The weight of the baby in this case should be 22-36 kg. The device is installed facing the direction of travel

Children over the age of 12 can travel in a vehicle without a special seat.

The amount of the fine for violation

If a person neglects the safety of the child and the requirements of the law, a fine will be violated on him.

So, if during the check it turns out that an unfastened adult was traveling in the car, the amount of the penalty will be 500 rubles.

If a similar violation is revealed in relation to a child, the amount of the fine will increase to 3,000 rubles. Such rules were enshrined in the article in 2020.

In 2020, the rules have not changed. As before, the driver, in whose car an unfastened child was driving, will have to pay a fine of 3,000 rubles.

Video: new rules for transporting children

Moreover, a penalty is levied not only if it is revealed that a small citizen traveled without a car seat, but also for improper fastening of a device to ensure child safety.

At the same time, a penalty for the absence of a child car seat will not be charged if the following conditions are met:

  • the passenger is 7 years old;
  • the baby is in the back seat of the car;
  • a small citizen is fastened with standard seat belts.

In this case, the traffic police officer will not be able to make a claim to the driver of the vehicle. It is noteworthy that at first they wanted to introduce requirements for the transportation of children, based on the height and weight of the child.

However, the idea was subsequently abandoned due to the complexity of its implementation. It was not possible to resolve the issue of how the traffic police inspector will carry out control measurements of a small citizen.

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