What determines the resource of the engine. The resource of engines of modern cars

What determines the resource of the engine. The resource of engines of modern cars


There is a dispute among motorists: is there a non-killable engine or not? Do such motors actually exist? This article will provide a list of cars with millionaire engines.

What is a millionaire engine?

The first step is to find out what lies behind this phrase “millionaire engine”. This can be deciphered as a power unit that has covered a distance of more than 1 million km.

Many will immediately begin to object that this is all a myth and this cannot be, but in fact such motors exist, and there are many of them.

The impeccable reliability of the internal combustion engine is determined by the following main indicators:

  1. maintainability.
  2. Durability .
  3. Reliability.

But it is worth saying that the concept of millionaire engines does not mean at all that the car will pass such a mileage without major repairs. This means that the manufacturer provides a resource of parts for a run of one million. The undoubted leaders in the production of such motors are:

  • Japanese cars;
  • American-made cars;
  • German cars.

It is also worth saying that not all engines will be able to pass such a mileage, because in many respects the condition will depend on the timely maintenance (TO) and driving style.

Which engine is better petrol or diesel?

Also, among motorists, disputes do not subside, which type of engine is more reliable and the resource embedded in it comes out, gasoline or diesel? To answer this question, it is necessary to resort to statistics that show that cars with a diesel engine are no longer killed. Motors that really ran through such a resource can be divided into several types:

  • diesel . These types of motors have gained a reputation for durability and reliability;
  • gasoline inline fours. Cars with such engines compete for popularity and reliability with diesel ones;
  • gasoline in-line "six". These motors are characterized by high power, and there is practically no vibration on them during movement;
  • V-shaped "eight". Such engines come in large sizes, and unlike the first three, they cannot boast of a long vehicle life, although this cannot be said about motors made in the USA.

There were also rare cases when a domestic GAZelle car with a 406 engine exceeded the mark of 1 million kilometers. We figured out what a millionaire is, now we should move on to a small list of such cars, because many motorists do not know on which cars such units can be found.

List of cars with millionaire engines

Now it is worth presenting a small list of engines that have really passed the resource laid down in them, i.e. are millionaires. Among gasoline, the following can be noted:

  • Toyota 3S-FE;
  • Honda D-series;
  • Toyota 1JZ-GE and 1JZ-GE;
  • BMW M30 and M50.

Among the diesel centenarians include the following engine brands:

  • Mercedes-Benz OM602.

Well, now each model needs to be considered in more detail.

The Japanese 2-liter engine was born in 1982. The first models were produced with one camshaft, but after 5-6 years, cars with two camshafts began to be produced. Such motors were installed on Mitsubishi, Huyndai and Kia. Over the long years of production, they have been modernized several times.

It is worth noting that its licensed copy is still being produced at factories in China, and is currently being installed on a Chinese-made Brilliance car.

Toyota 3S-FE

Also, 2-liter Toyota 3S-FE engines are considered millionaires. Among the in-line "fours", he is one of the most reliable and not killed. The period of its production is from 1986 to 2000. 16 valve engine with four cylinders is highly maintainable, able to withstand high loads. If scheduled maintenance is carried out in a timely manner, such motors are able to pass over 500 thousand kilometers without major repairs.

Honda D series

The model range of the Honda car manufacturer, in its assortment, has more than a dozen different engine modifications, with volumes from 1.2 to 1.7 liters, and are rightfully considered not to be killed. In such engines, the power of the internal combustion engine reaches 130 horsepower, which is quite good for cars with small volumes. As numerous tests have shown, the D15 and D16 models are considered the most unkillable.

Toyota 1JZ-GE and 1JZ-GE

Such motors already belong to in-line "sixes", and they were produced between 1990 and 2007. They are presented in two volumes: 2.5 and 3.0 liters. There have been cases that some cars with such engines have traveled a million kilometers without a major overhaul. Some motorists call them "legendary". They were installed both on their cars and on some models of the American Lexus.

BMW M30 and M50

Cars equipped with an engine of such models should also be attributed to millionaires. The M30 model was produced with volumes of 2.5-3.4 liters, and had a capacity of 150 to 220 "horses". But the M50 model was produced with volumes of 2, -2.5 liters, and engine power from 150 to 195 horsepower.

The main secret of the reliability of these engines was in the cast-iron case of the power unit, and the timing was driven by a chain. Such motors are able to cover 500 thousand kilometers without the need for major repairs, and the resource laid down by the manufacturer is a million kilometers.

Cars in which there are such models of motors also belong to millionaires. They were produced in the period from 1998 to 2008, and were installed on almost all BMW cars that were produced during this period. In addition to high reliability, the main positive feature of such motors was the impressive dynamics of the car.

Mercedes-Benz OM602

This diesel engine was produced from 1985 to 2002, and had a power of 90 to 130 horsepower. As you can see, this model is not very powerful, but its main distinguishing feature is high reliability. If all the instructions of the service book are followed in time, then such engines are able to go under a million kilometers without serious damage.


Based on the results of all the above information, it's time to take stock. Cars with millionaire engines exist, and there are many of them. But in order for the car to depart so much, it is necessary to carry out scheduled maintenance, as well as monitor the state of the internal combustion engine. There is also a contract engine, but it will be discussed in the next article.

What is the resource of a turbocharged engine of this or that car is a question, the answer to which is often sought by drivers who want to buy a car in the secondary market. After all, no one wants to lay out a substantial amount after the purchase for a major overhaul of the engine.

Life time turbocharged diesel and gasoline engines is large enough, but less than atmospheric. And the turbine, as practice shows, fails before the motor, while requiring the most careful care. In this article, we will look at the resource of turbo engines in modern cars, and how to maximize it.

Diagnostics: a real opportunity to increase the resource of the turbine

Do you want to know the resource of the turbo engine of your car? We will diagnose the turbine and tell you in detail about the current state of affairs. If necessary, we will carry out competent maintenance of the turbocharger in full accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.

turbocharged engine- a power unit that is equipped with a turbine, its main task is to pump air mass into the engine cylinders. Unlike atmospheric, which independently pumps air. A larger amount leads to better combustion of the fuel, which increases power. Thus, due to the higher efficiency, a turbocharged engine, compared to an atmospheric one of the same volume, will be much more economical.

At the moment, turbochargers are found in almost all modern cars, ranging from small-capacity gasoline engines to multi-liter V12s.


  1. High power compared to atmospheric. Even with a smaller engine volume, higher power is achieved due to the air being forced by the turbine.
  2. Fuel consumption is less than atmospheric. If you compare by horsepower, and not by the volume of the power unit.
  3. Turbocharged engines are more compact.
  4. There are options for 2- and 3-cylinder engines, which in terms of power will be no weaker than atmospheric with 4 cylinders.


  1. If you look at fuel consumption in relation to volume, then the turbo engine will “eat” more. For example, a 1.4 liter turbocharged gasoline engine will consume more gasoline than a 1.4 liter naturally aspirated engine. But at the same time it will be more powerful.
  2. It is demanding on fuel quality, which is why a reduction in the resource of a turbocharged engine is often observed.
  3. Turbo engine resource also depends on the quality of the engine oil. Pour mineral or semi-synthetics will not work, only synthetics.
  4. As practice shows, the resource of the turbine is less than the engine, and averages 120-150 thousand km. And the replacement is not cheap.
  5. In winter, a car with a turbo engine requires mandatory warming up.
  6. The need for turbine cooling. For this reason, it is not recommended to immediately turn off the engine after a trip, you need to let it idle.
  7. Change oil and filters more often than atmospheric.

The resource of the turbine is not much less engine life, and then only with proper and constant care. The resource of a turbocharged engine is reduced due to ignoring the recommendations of the automaker for the care and maintenance of the turbocharger, or due to a malfunction of the power unit.

  • Poor quality engine oil;
  • Untimely replacement of oil and filters;
  • Increased load on a cold engine;
  • Oil starvation.

This four main reasons, due to which the resource of a turbocharged engine is reduced several times.

It must be understood that a turbocharged engine, especially if it is of small volume, regularly works at the limit of its capabilities. Indeed, with a smaller volume, a turbo engine has the same power as an atmospheric one with a large volume. Due to the fact that it takes on heavy loads, and its wear is accelerated.

Many car manufacturers assure that the resource of a turbocharged engine is approximately 150-200 thousand km. After this run, you need to regularly check the compression, and if necessary, repair the engine.

However, this is less than 300 thousand km, which the aspirated engine passes without problems. And if all the rules and recommendations of operation are not observed, the resource of a turbo engine may not reach 100 thousand km.

Such a resource is due to the fact that the atmospheric engine has a simpler design and not so picky about the quality of engine oil and fuel, which can not be said about the turbo engine. In addition, even in the event of a breakdown due to low-quality fuel, atmospheric restoration will cost significantly less than a similar engine with a turbine.

If the power unit is designed correctly, then the presence of turbocharging does not particularly affect the resource of a turbocharged engine. The car owner only needs to know the features of the operation of the turbo engine and remember a few important rules.

Instead of the prescribed engine oil change interval of 10 thousand km, change at 7.5 thousand km. Even with this mileage, the air filter will be heavily contaminated. And a dirty filter only increases the air intake resistance, resulting in a significantly reduced turbocharger performance.

Secondly, you should not save on the quality of engine oil. Pour into the motor what the manufacturer recommends in accordance with the tolerances.

Remember, the miser pays twice. And saving here is unacceptable, otherwise you risk reducing the resource of a turbocharged engine.

Third, do not overload the motor unnecessarily. Calm and moderate driving is a guarantee of durability not only of the motor, but of the car as a whole.

Fourth, after stopping the car, especially after a long trip, do not turn off the turbocharged engine. He needs to be allowed to run for 1-2 minutes at idle so that the turbine cools down. Because if you turn off the engine immediately, the engine oil pressure will disappear instantly, and the rapidly rotating rotor will be without lubrication for a while. Thus, the service life of the turbine is greatly reduced.

When choosing a car, each buyer is guided by an extensive list of criteria and requirements that the car must meet. Among these parameters, the concept of a power plant resource almost always appears.

This is a really important characteristic, which largely allows you to understand how long it will be possible to operate a particular vehicle.

The resource of the motor is, although in many respects a conditional parameter, but it is able to reflect the capabilities of the car. It is not in vain that the motor resource is indicated in the official documents for the car, and the automaker is also striving to achieve the maximum values ​​​​of this characteristic.

What it is

The life span is called a resource. It is important to clarify that here we are talking about the maximum number of kilometers that a vehicle can travel before the moment when it is necessary to carry out a major overhaul of the power plant.

The conditionality of the value is explained by the fact that in many respects the motor resource depends on the immediate operating conditions of the car. If these are normal conditions without strong overloads and extreme loads, the car will easily overcome the maximum mileage mark declared by the manufacturer. But with aggressive driving, constant operation of the engine under load, the resource will end earlier. Also, all sorts of technical improvements aimed at increasing power and performance at the expense of reliability and durability affect the service life negatively.

Because of this, the same car with similar characteristics, but under different operating conditions, can work out its resource already for 100-150 thousand kilometers, or drive more than 500 thousand, and only then require a major overhaul. And sometimes even more.

Automobile companies themselves in most cases indicate only a warranty resource. That is, the mileage during which the engine will not suffer if all the prescribed operating rules are followed. But the real and complete resource is much more than the warranty.

On the example of cars manufactured by AvtoVAZ, we can say that the first models, called classics, had a warranty period of 125 thousand kilometers. When the VAZ 2110 and its counterparts appeared, the resource was raised to 150 thousand kilometers.

But everyone knows very well and personally observed how hundreds, and sometimes thousands of cars from AvtoVAZ drive along Russian roads, on the odometer of which the numbers have gone far beyond 200-300 thousand kilometers. At the same time, the machines themselves are in adequate condition, there are no hints of a major overhaul.

Relatively recently, foreign auto companies have decided that it is necessary to create engines that can work flawlessly throughout the entire life of the car itself. So the so-called millionaires began to appear. That is, the resource of such engines was designed to overcome 1 million kilometers.

But this policy did not last long. Carefully reviewing their approach to production, the vector has changed to the opposite. Automakers have realized that in order to increase their earnings, it is more profitable for them to reduce the engine cost. This will lead to the need to buy spare parts, as well as to change cars more often. Hence the increase in sales.

As a result, companies abandoned millionaire engines and began to artificially reduce engine life. For modern foreign-made cars, the standard motor resource is about 300 thousand kilometers. Moreover, such parameters are relevant for the service life of diesel engines and gasoline power plants.

There are several characteristic signs that indicate that the car is gradually wearing out the resource of its engine, and therefore repairs are required. This can be determined by:

  • active consumption of engine oil;
  • power loss;
  • extraneous knocks in the engine.

This does not yet indicate a major overhaul. Not so that car owners do it by continuing to operate their car. In most cases, they try to get rid of a car whose resource is coming to an end, and buy something fresher among the offers on the secondary market, or even buy new cars from the salon. It already depends on the specific financial possibilities.

Resource depending on the type of engine

In many ways, the service life of engines can be judged by what type of power plant this or that unit belongs to.

Despite the fact that the resource for modern engines is about 300 thousand kilometers, this is an average value. For a more accurate definition, it is important to consider what type of motor is in question in a particular case.

Companies do not openly admit this, but in reality, for new passenger cars, the resource of installed engines is artificially underestimated. How exactly this is done, each manufacturer decides for himself. But for modern cars, this phenomenon has become the norm.

Therefore, it is quite natural that motorists are actively interested in which engine, provided for a passenger car, has the largest resource.

The question is more than fair, since rotary, two-stroke, four-stroke and other power units really have different safety margins. Using the example of different types of motors, it is worth finding out what the resource is in a particular engine, and how the service life of a gasoline engine differs from a diesel one.

  1. The smallest margin of safety is noted for two-stroke gasoline-powered engines that are installed on motor vehicles. This is due to very high crankshaft speed parameters. Also, there is virtually no lubrication system, which also negatively affects the lifespan. In order for the cylinder-piston group to be lubricated, a mixture of fuel and oil is used for this. By changing the mode of operation, such engines require a different amount of lubrication, but the motor system cannot change this parameter. That is, the engine is normally lubricated, being only in certain operating modes. When the loads are increased, the effect of oil starvation is observed. Hence the low resource.
  2. Rotary power plants show themselves noticeably better. At present, such engines are rare. There is only one automaker that uses rotary internal combustion engines as standard. This is the Japanese company Mazda. And they are on a limited number of models. In this case, the motor resource exceeds two-stroke engines, but is inferior to classic four-stroke solutions. Even if the rotor system is serviced on time and correctly, the service life will not exceed 100-150 thousand kilometers. But since such motors are put on mass-produced sports cars, it usually takes no more than 75 thousand kilometers before a major overhaul.
  3. Four stroke petrol. These engines are superior in terms of motor resource to both of the previously considered motors. Moreover, on foreign cars, the engine life is longer than that of domestic developments. But even in this situation, the life span is hundreds of thousands of kilometers. Not so rare situations when four-stroke drivers drove over 500 thousand kilometers. Similar parameters are relevant for all types of four-stroke gasoline engines, regardless of which cylinder layout is used.
  4. Opposite power plants. A characteristic feature of Japanese cars manufactured by Subaru. The owners of these machines often claim that the boxer units are very durable, and supposedly outperform four-stroke gasoline-type competitors. But there are no significant and fundamental differences in terms of motor resource between these units. Therefore, it is unfair to say that opponents have a long service life. Plus, classic four-stroke engines are simpler in design, which simplifies their maintenance and reduces the cost of repairs.
  5. . If we talk about their durability in relation to turbo engines, then the main attention is paid to the service life of the turbine itself. It cannot boast of long-term trouble-free operation, while the engine itself can continue to perform its functions well for a long time. But it is worth removing the turbine from the turbo engine, and it turns into a standard and most ordinary naturally aspirated engine. The average service life of a turbine is 100,000 kilometers. After that, you need to repair it, but more often a complete replacement of the element is performed. The more correctly the driver adheres to the recommendations for the operation of a turbo engine, which differ from atmospheric analogues, the longer the turbocharged power plant will last.
  6. Diesel engines. These are motors with the greatest resource and margin of safety. There are explanations and reasons for this. To begin with, high-strength alloys are used in the production of diesel engines, due to the increased compression ratio. Plus diesels are quieter. It's about turnover. If standard gasoline engines usually move at a speed of 3-4 thousand units in operating mode, for a diesel engine the current figure is 1.5-2 thousand revolutions. In other words, with equal runs, the pistons on a diesel power plant perform 2 times less reciprocating movements than on gasoline counterparts. And this directly affects physical wear and tear.

It can be clearly seen that engines of different types can indeed differ significantly in resource. The service life largely depends on the design features of the motor.

And if we talk about cars, the weakest in terms of service life are rotary engines. But the best performance is demonstrated by four-stroke gasoline engines and diesel units.

Given the average figures, the following companies can be considered manufacturers of the most durable engines:

  • Nissan;
  • Vokswagen;
  • Ford;
  • Toyota;
  • Mercedes.

It is almost impossible to say exactly how much a particular car can drive before a major overhaul. Everything is very individual and depends on a number of factors.

Under favorable conditions and with adequate operation, there is every chance for reliable engines to overcome the mark of 500-600 thousand kilometers. If you overload the engine, regularly drive on bad roads, fill in bad fuel and do not change consumables in a timely manner, then even the most theoretically durable engines will not last even 150 thousand kilometers with a potential of more than 500 thousand km.

Ways to increase motor resource

Motorists who truly love, appreciate and cherish their vehicle are looking for helpful tips on extending engine life.

If we talk about mass-produced civilian cars, which are mainly used in urban areas and on highways, periodically leaving for easy off-road outside the city, we can give 8 useful recommendations. These tips are hardly relevant to sports cars, since the requirements for them are very specific. Yes, and such cars are operated in completely different conditions.

If you want to increase the life of the motor, pay attention to the following nuances:

  • running-in process;
  • instructions;
  • oil;
  • cooling liquids;
  • fuel;
  • modes of operation;
  • catalyst;
  • vibrations;
  • isolation of liquids.

To explain each of these points, you need to consider them separately.

Liquid isolation

No one argues that only high-quality working fluids should be poured into the engine. This is a truth that is hardly worth mentioning.

But some forget about the importance of avoiding mixing different formulations. That is, all liquids must be isolated from each other. This mainly applies to oil and coolant.

When traces of oil are found in the coolant reservoir, or an emulsion appears in the engine lubrication due to the coolant, this is an extremely alarming signal. Mixing these components will inevitably lead to premature engine wear.

If you ignore such symptoms, you yourself will bring closer the moment when you need to do an expensive overhaul. And it comes much faster than car owners often expect.

Vibrations and catalyst

When the engine starts to make uncharacteristic sounds, and at the same time vibrates in parallel, urgent and mandatory diagnostics are required.

With strong vibrations, the wear rate of the engine increases several times. Even fully serviceable parts in a short time can completely wear out and fail.

Also dangerous is the breakdown of the catalyst, which performs the function of cleaning the exhaust generated by the engine when the air-fuel mixture is burned. Breakdown of this element, clogging of the oil filter and other negative consequences.

Literally a few hours of operation, a car with a broken catalyst reduces the engine life by several tens of thousands of kilometers.

Operating mode

The resource of the motor directly depends on the conditions in which the car is operated. And here there are several situations when the mode is definitely not in favor of the engine:

  1. Long stops with occasional short distances. This is a characteristic feature when operating in a big city in conditions of heavy traffic, when parking in traffic jams and at traffic lights.
  2. Aggressive driving style, when the car accelerates and brakes sharply. Also, such a driver does nothing good for the engine.
  3. Long rest. It seems absurd to say that when the car is parked in the garage for a long time, the resource is still reduced. But it is so. To minimize the negative impact, when planning not to operate the car for more than 1-2 months, it is recommended to carry out conservation.

The car loves movement, and the engine feels optimal when it works at medium speeds, smoothly gaining and decelerating.

If you live in the city, and most often drive in city traffic, the car periodically needs to arrange an unloading day. To do this, they go out onto the track and drive at a permitted speed of at least several tens of kilometers. A speed of about 90-110 km / h will be optimal for almost any engine of medium and high power.


The focus here is on octane. The lower it is, the worse it will be processed by a modern engine.

Modern engines make high demands in terms of the quality of the fuel used. So that the motor resource is not reduced, you should refuel at proven gas stations, fill in the brand of fuel recommended by the manufacturer and do not forget about checks.

If you fill in low-grade fuel with many additives and various impurities, the engine will have to work harder to burn it, and the filters will gradually become dirty.

Choose good gas stations and try to call at dubious gas stations only in the most urgent cases.

Coolant fluids

Since the engine operates at high temperatures, it needs to be cooled. For this, an appropriate system is provided where special fluids circulate.

Often, drivers do not pay due attention to the quality and manufacturer of the coolant. But in vain. This is an extremely important component in ensuring long-term and trouble-free operation of the engine. To increase engine life or maximize the life of the power plant, choose high-quality coolants in accordance with the recommendations of the automaker.

Here it is important to learn about mixing different liquids, about the problem of fakes and the differences between antifreeze and antifreeze.


Almost the main working fluid in a car is engine oil. With it, you can not only extend the life of the motor, but also significantly reduce the motor resource.

And it all depends on how responsibly the motorist approaches the issue of choosing, replacing and topping up motor lubricant. There are manufacturer's recommendations, which clearly spell out the oil with what parameters you need to fill in a particular engine of a particular car.

There are specific brands recommended by the manufacturer. But they are very expensive or simply unavailable for sale. Then car owners need to switch to alternative solutions. At the same time, they must have the same characteristics and properties as those recommended by the oil plant.

Some are sure that the motor does not care what kind of oil to lubricate the internal surfaces. Or they are sure that any expensive oil will cope with the tasks. And both opinions are completely untrue. It is necessary to pour into the engine strictly the lubricant that fully meets the requirements of the automaker. It's not just recommended. In preparation for the release of this motor, engineers found out that it is precisely such a lubricant with such characteristics that provides the necessary service life for the engine and guarantees the declared motor resource.


When a person buys a car, most often he immediately gets behind the wheel, and prefers to deal with all the questions that arise as they come up. Only in extreme cases does the driver pick up instructions. And this is absolutely the wrong attitude.

Any new machine is an unknown node, consisting of a huge number of mechanisms and systems. Therefore, the car owner must first study its characteristics, capabilities, deal with the manufacturer's recommendations and other points.

From such documents, you can and should learn the following:

  • gear ratio;
  • recommended oils;
  • recommended working fluids;
  • frequency of replacement;
  • specifications;
  • motor resource;
  • engine's type;
  • gearbox type;
  • the location of the sensors;
  • dashboard marking;
  • meaning of signal lamps, etc.

The problem with modern cars is that manufacturers indicate these values ​​in relation to almost ideal operating conditions. In real life, few people encounter them. And especially in our country, where the quality of roads, fuel at gas stations and the weather leave much to be desired. Therefore, it will be correct if at least 10-15% is subtracted from the specified dates or runs. And sometimes even 30-40%. It all depends on the specific operating conditions and their severity.

Break-in procedure

This is true for new engines, as well as for those whose motor resource has ended, and it became necessary to carry out a major overhaul. Rolling is a must. And it's not even discussed.

Some are sure that the break-in implies compliance with the speed limit at minimum values, as well as shifting the gearbox to a maximum of 3 speeds. But it's not.

The key to proper break-in is maintaining an average RPM and avoiding harsh braking and equally harsh acceleration. Overloads during break-in are contraindicated.

The duration of the run-in varies. Often the exact numbers are given by the car manufacturer, which is another reason to look into the owner's manual. New engines usually roll back about 2 thousand kilometers.

Motor resource is really of great importance for any car and engine type.

You should not count on the fact that when buying a car with the most reliable and durable engine, it will serve its full life, despite violations of the rules of operation, the use of low-quality working fluids, etc. Everything directly depends on the car owner himself.

You need to understand that the life of the motor is directly related to the attitude towards the vehicle. And if you want to get the most out of your engine, it needs to be properly looked after and monitored. It's not as difficult as it might seem.

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Mas Motors

One of the important criteria that the domestic consumer pays attention to when choosing a car is, of course, the resource of the engine. The concept of “engine resource” should be understood as the period of operation during which the heart of an iron horse will work without failures, without requiring the intervention of a master, i.e. before the overhaul. If on special equipment the resource is measured in hours, then on personal vehicles, the engine resource is calculated in kilometers. We will talk about what resources the engines of modern cars of domestic production and foreign cars have.

As we know, the first cars of domestic production, small-capacity VAZs, were designed according to the standards of their time. On VAZ cars of classic models, the engine resource was in the aisle of 120 thousand km. As we know, in all subsequent models of VAZ cars, the same engine was used, of course, with some modifications, as a result of which the engine life increased to 160 thousand km. This figure applies both to the Frets of the 10th family, and to the Kalins and Priors.

Chinese car engine resource

The Chinese automotive industry is also developing by leaps and bounds. Modern design, rich equipment, low price - that's what attracts buyers. However, the engine resource of a Chinese car is not much higher than the resource of domestic cars. So, the average life of a motor in a Chinese car is 250 thousand km.

It is not uncommon to see French-made cars on the streets. The engine resource of these cars is about 300 thousand km. Approximately in the same meaning are Korean-made cars, which have recently become quite numerous in the vastness of Russia. So, according to statistics, the engines of Korean cars are able to run about 350 thousand km without major repairs.

Resources of engines of foreign cars

Surprisingly, Japanese cars are next in line for the “greatest resource” rating. Although Japanese cars are considered one of the most reliable, their reliability extends exactly to 400 thousand kilometers. It is noteworthy that this figure is typical for cars of different brands, different classes: both Nissan and Honda, Mitsubishi and Toyota.

Engines on American-made cars have a fairly solid resource. Not surprising, because Americans love to travel long distances, and this requires a hardy car. According to rough estimates, American engines can live up to 500 thousand km. This was achieved due to the reduced degree of compression of the combustible mixture, which allows the engine to work even on low-quality gasoline without negative consequences.

And German-made engines are considered the most tenacious in the world. The resource ranges from 450 thousand km for Opel and Volkswagen cars, and about 600 thousand km for BMW, Audi, Mercedes cars.

Of course, these are just approximate numbers. Often, the engine life depends not so much on the mileage, but on the quality of the fuel, on the timely replacement of the oil, on the method of operation. So, in the Soviet Union, there were cases when the Volga passed up to 450 thousand km without major repairs. The fact is that the determining factors are the quality of spare parts, the quality of fuel and the attitude of a person to his car. And the number of kilometers traveled is just a simplified measurement scheme that people are accustomed to perceive.

The car has many parameters by which it is evaluated. This includes maximum speed, emission toxicity standards, economy, safety, etc. All of these showed easy to measure, but the situation is different with the engine resource. In this article, we will discuss what is engine life how to extend it, and you will find out from a special table what resource your car has.

What is engine life?

In reference books, the resource of work means the mileage until the engine is overhauled. In practice, it is considered that the service life has been exhausted when fuel consumption increases, power is greatly reduced, knocking appears, increased oil consumption, etc. In general, all situations that lead to serious engine repairs.

To prolong engine life simple rules must be followed. Believe me, it is much easier to prevent problems than to fix them later. This will come out more expensive, so keep an eye on the condition of the car - and you will be happy.

Just a few small rules will help increase engine life:

  • Fill with oil, fuel and;
  • Be sure to check the condition of the air filter;
  • Observe regularly for maintenance;
  • Do not allow non-standard engine operation modes;

How to increase the life of the engine

Fuel and oil must be recommended by the manufacturer of your machine. If it is necessary to fill in the 95th gasoline or euro DT, fill it in. Trying to save money and fill in lower quality fuel will bring you a quick result in the form of cheaper car refueling. But, think about the future - in this way you reduce the life of the engine, because of which it will need a major overhaul, which costs much more than you save on fuel, oil and antifreeze.

Right . The same rule applies here as in the first paragraph. Often, manufacturers recommend branded oil, so it’s better to fill it in. If you pour oil into the engine that is not intended for it, this will reduce the life of the motor.

Be sure to change the oil on time, because an untimely oil change is a guarantee of a reduced resource. To prolong engine run time, use special engine oil with low viscosity in winter.

Always fill with high quality coolant, and never use plain water instead of antifreeze, because this will also speed up the overhaul of the engine. Water can even corrode some parts of the engine, causing overheating and permanent clogging of the system.

Must always be in good condition. It is very important to monitor it and change it in time. If there is a dirty filter, much more dust and dirt will get into the engine, which the dirty filter cannot fight. Driving with such a filter will not be very pleasant: the engine power will decrease and the fuel consumption.

Driving without a filter at all is a critical mistake, because in just a few thousand kilometers of such a ride, the engine resource will be exhausted, and you will set an anti-record for car mileage.

Avoid unusual driving patterns. Ragged, abrupt starts and other non-standard things reduce the life of the engine. To prolong your work time, move in a uniform style, without making sudden starts and stops.

Regularly check for maintenance and carry out diagnostic work. The frequency of maintenance visits is often recommended by the manufacturer, so it would be a good idea to follow this schedule. If you increase the time between visits to a car service, you may not notice a malfunction in the engine, which will lead to a decrease in its resource, and in the future - to its repair.

Below is a table of different makes and models. Of course, each individual case has its own engine life, so the table shows approximate data, taking into account the fact that you will follow all the recommendations given in this article.

Machine brand Engine resource
Daewoo Lanos 350.000 - 400.000 km.
Daewoo Matiz 250.000 km.
Daewoo Nexia 500.000 km.
Ford Escort (1990-2000) 150.000 - 180.000 km.
Ford Focus (2004-) 250.000 - 300.000 km.
Ford Fiesta 150.000 km.
Ford Mondeo III (2001-) 200.000 km.
Honda Civic (1995 - 2001) 350.000 km.
Honda CR-V (1996-2001) 250.000 - 300.000 km.
Hyundai Coupé (1996-2001) 250.000 km.
Hyundai Getz (2002-) 300.000 - 400.000 km.
Kia Rio (2000–2005) 300.000 km.
Mitsubishi Galant (1992-1996) 300.000 - 400.000 km.
Mitsubishi Lancer 400.000 km.
Mitsubishi ASX 500.000 km.
Mitsubishi Carisma 300.000 km.
Mitsubishi Pajero 300.000 - 350.000 km.
Mitsubishi L200 200.000 - 300.000 km.
Mazda 323 (1998-2003) 350.000 km.
Mazda RX8 (2003-) 250.000 km.
Nissan Primera (1990-2000) 300.000 km.
Nissan Almera (1995-2000) 300.000 km.
Nissan Terrano I (1987-1995) 300.000 km.
Opel Omega B (1993–2003) 300.000 km.
Renault Clio 500.000 km.
Renault 19 (1988-1996) 300.000 km.
Saab 9000 (1991 - 1998) 400.000 - 500.000 km.
Skoda Octavia I (1996-2004) 300.000 km.
Skoda Felicia (1994-2001) 300.000 km.
Subaru Outback (1998-2003) 400.000 km.
Subaru Impreza GT (1992-2000) 150.000 km.
Suzuki Baleno (1995-2003) 400.000 km.
Suzuki Vitara (1996-2001) 250.000 - 300.000 km.
Suzuki Grand Vitara (2001-) 300.000 - 400.000 km.
Suzuki Samurai (1984-) 300.000 - 500.000 km.
Toyota RAV4 (1996-2001) 250.000 - 300.000 km.
Toyota Carina E (1992-1997) 250.000 - 400.000 km.
Toyota Corolla 4A-FE (1988-1998) 300.000 km.
Volkswagen Passat B4 (1995–97) 250.000 - 400.000 km.
Volkswagen Golf V (2004-) 350.000 km.

The table shows data only for some models of foreign cars. If you want to add something about domestic or other models - write in the comments.

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