Dashboard disassembly. The wisdom of repairing and replacing the instrument panel with your own hands

Dashboard disassembly. The wisdom of repairing and replacing the instrument panel with your own hands


We will not understand the reasons why you decide to disassemble the instrument panel on your "top ten". It’s better to talk about how to properly remove the instrument panel on the VAZ 2110.

The procedure is quite laborious, but if you have free time and patience, you can do the work in your own garage with your own hands without any problems.

When disassembly is required

There are several reasons why car owners want to remove the tidy:

  • It was damaged by mechanical shocks, as a result of collisions with pits, etc. In fact, the strength of the standard dashboard leaves much to be desired, because damage is not uncommon for dozens;
  • There are scratches, abrasions on the surface of the tidy, paint has peeled off somewhere, signs of wear are observed. That is, the appearance of the panel leaves much to be desired, therefore, to correct the situation, it must be removed;
  • The desire to transform the interior of the car. Many owners of the VAZ 2110 decide to get rid of the old dashboard in order to put something more modern, original in its place, change the backlight to LED lights.

To make any changes to the instrument panel, the first task for the car owner is to remove the old structure. Doing it yourself is not difficult. Follow the instructions clearly, do not violate the sequence of steps, be attentive to the marking of all elements and especially wires.

If you connect something incorrectly and assemble the panel without checking, you risk not only re-disassembling the dashboard, but also facing non-working appliances, a short circuit and even more sad consequences.


Now let's talk specifically about how to remove the panel on the VAZ 2110. To do this, it is enough to follow a certain sequence, which will allow you to correctly and quickly dismantle the assembly without unnecessary risks.

Many motorists, being self-confident, ignore the recommendations and do not follow the instructions. At the same time, they remove the socket, while dismantling another half of the cabin.

The step-by-step guide we offer will allow you to avoid unnecessary manipulations, save time, effort and nerves.

  1. Buy special self-adhesive papers. Like the ones you put on merchandise in stores. You will also need a marker, pen or just a pencil. Each removed element should be marked so as not to get confused later when reassembling the elements. Write the sequence down on a piece of paper, or have your assistant do it as you dictate.
  2. Remove the front seats, which will greatly facilitate access to the dashboard. You will not have much time to sit on them, and in order to get to certain fasteners, chairs can simply interfere.
  3. On the sides are self-tapping screws that will allow you to remove the tunnel. And the upper part is removed first, and only then the lower one. The order is not fundamental, you can try in reverse order. Only then will it be frankly uncomfortable for you to work. Tested by many craftsmen when disassembling the dashboard.
  4. Remove the steering column cover. So you can remove the casing itself, as well as the steering wheel. To accomplish this task, three self-tapping screws and four fixing screws are removed. The steering wheel will sit on the slots quite firmly, so it will have to be removed with effort. You can shake the steering wheel to the side, pull. Just take care of your face, because the steering wheel can, with a sharp effort, fly out of the seat and fly right at you.
  5. Be sure to remove the steering column switches.
  6. Remove the glove compartment fasteners and remove it from its seat.
  7. After that, proceed to the mounting block. You have to remove not only the cover, but also remove all connectors, relays.
  8. Now it's time to figure out how to remove the VAZ 2110 panel overlay and rack linings. This is done quite simply, given that all fasteners are not hidden. Be sure to unscrew the fasteners of the headlight hydrocorrector and push it inward.
  9. Now comes one of the most important moments - the removal of the screws that hold the instrument panel. They connect the panel to the body of your vehicle. Unscrew the screws and two studs. It is not difficult to find them, since these studs are located under the cover of the air supply tunnel to the side windows.
  10. After completing all these procedures, only the lower air duct, as well as the steering shaft, will hold the panel. After that, you can proceed to the planned work to repair or upgrade the car, which involved the mandatory removal of the dashboard.


The number of wires is amazing. It would seem that the VAZ 2110 is far from the most modern car that does not have a huge amount of electronics. However, wiring is there in abundance.

Many people think that it is best to remove all the wiring in one big bunch. But this is not the best solution. Having removed all the wires, it will then be incredibly difficult for you to figure out which wiring is connected to what. If the replacement of the wiring is not provided, do it a little differently.

Disconnect only those wires that relate to the instrument panel. Mark them, label them with self-adhesive labels, write down all the designations on a piece of paper. This will allow you to understand where which wiring is connected during the reassembly process.

The easiest way to disassemble the instrument panel is to contact the professionals from the service station. After all, you planned to remove it for a reason, but in order to make some adjustments, replace dashboard elements, install LED backlighting, and so on. Therefore, it is not necessary to carry out dismantling yourself in order to go to the service station in disassembled form. Entrust the whole complex of works to specialists.

Removing the torpedo is not the easiest and rather time-consuming task. Many motorists claim that the owner of the car will be able to remove the torpedo much faster than an outside specialist. If you have never tried to disassemble the instrument panel, detailed instructions will help you.

Before starting work, choose a suitable location. For most motorists, this place is the garage. Make sure that enough light enters the room. Prepare a set of screwdrivers and a flashlight in advance. The latter can be useful for working in hard-to-reach places. Before removing the torpedo, read the owner's manual for your car. Thus, you can better understand its composition. Consider the classic version of disassembling the instrument panel. Disconnect the wires for the battery first. Then take out the ashtrays. In most cases, they are located in the rear of the center console. Take a thin and long screwdriver. Use it to remove the devices for raising and lowering the windows. Do the same for the hazard switch. In order not to forget where which connector is located, immediately mark them with different colors. You can also sketch the original location on paper. Detach the shift lever mounting frame. Loosen the screws on the front of the console and remove it. Carefully remove the radio and ventilation nozzles (grilles). The latter need to be shaken a little and slightly pulled towards themselves, then they will give in. Open the compartment for storing small tools at hand (glove compartment) and unscrew the latches inside (if any). Then remove it and disconnect the wires intended for the lighting lamp. If your car has an on-board computer, remove it as well. Next, unscrew the screws on the heating panel. Remove switches and all lower covers of a torpedo. They are located on both the driver and passenger sides. Then remove the panel side covers. In most cases, they are attached with clamps, which are located below. Now you can move on to removing the steering wheel. Remove the ignition switch. Carefully remove the steering wheel and steering column cover. Loosen the fasteners in the instrument cluster. Take a screwdriver and lightly pry the windshield washer nozzles (sprayers) with it. Take them off. There are screw fasteners on both sides of the instrument panel and in the sockets of the windshield blower nozzles. To unscrew them, experts recommend using a mini screwdriver. The next step is to disconnect all connectors from the dimmer and remove it. Now you can start dismantling the torpedo. Pry it slightly with a screwdriver and gently pull it towards you so as not to break the stops, which can easily catch on any rack. Remember that the plastic of the torpedo is very fragile. When the torpedo is separated by a few centimeters, disconnect the stove air ducts. Do the same with the wiring that goes to the dashboard and center console. When you see that the panel is holding nothing, carefully remove it. All is ready.

The process of disassembling the torpedo takes place in two stages: first, the external elements of the torpedo are disassembled, then the torpedo itself is removed. Provided that all of the above points are met, you can remove the instrument panel yourself without problems. Try to work as carefully and accurately as possible - thus, you will not disturb the operation of the parts and you can easily assemble them again.

The car constantly throws up problems that have to be solved either using independent knowledge, ingenuity and tips from experienced car owners, or by contacting a service. In the latter case, the result will be more expensive, but not always better.

Even if you are not going to do it right now, it still does not hurt to know how to properly disassemble the panel on the VAZ 2110, and even more so if you are one step away from this work.

When it's needed

It should be noted that the instrument panel on the VAZ 2110 is not particularly durable, so it can simply be damaged. Or she was worn out, rubbed, scratched.

But often the reason is different: I would like the design to be prettier, and not everyone is satisfied with the “regular” backlight. And there are more modern, LED, stylish. But in order to change something or even replace it, you must first disassemble the old instrument panel.

This material will help to change the dashboard backlight on the VAZ 2110:

Disassembly order

Many are interested in whether it is possible without having to "demolish" the floor of the cabin? Probably, it is possible, but it will be very inconvenient.

Therefore, we act according to this plan:

  1. Prepare a marker and self-adhesive labels (which are usually glued to the product). They can be bought at points where all sorts of little things such as napkins, bags, etc. are sold, as well as in stationery stores;
  2. We remove the front seats from the passenger compartment;
  3. We unscrew the screws on the sides, remove the tunnel (first - its upper part, then the lower one);
  4. We carry out the analysis of the casing of the steering column, remove it and the steering wheel. To do this, unscrew 3 screws and 4 screws. Please note that the VAZ 2110 steering wheel sits very tightly on the slots, so you need to remove it by swinging and pulling, but being careful of a sharp blow to the face, if you suddenly overdo it, and it will fly out;
  5. Next up are the toggle switches. They also need to be removed;
  6. Do not forget to mark everything and write down on a piece of paper what we are shooting for;
  7. We unscrew the compartment for gloves (in an "understandable" language - the glove box) and also take it out;
  8. The following is an analysis of the mounting block and its cover. To do this, disconnect all connectors and relays;
  9. Here we have almost opened the instrument panel on the VAZ 2110. It remains to remove the pillar covers, unscrew the headlight hydraulic corrector and push it inward;
  10. Now the main task is to unscrew the screws securing the instrument panel to the body. To remove it completely, it is necessary to unscrew the two studs located under the covers of the tunnels for supplying air to the side windows.

After all these manipulations, the panel hangs, and only the steering shaft and the lower air duct hold it.

What to do with wires?

You will surely be amazed at the number of wires located in the space behind the panel, and designed to power various devices in your VAZ 2110. It would be more convenient to remove everything together with a bundle of wires. But take your time. It is unlikely that you are going to change anything on a brand new car, so in the future you will be figuring out which wire goes from what, and how to connect it. So that it does not turn out that the disassembly went quite smoothly, and the reassembly led to a slight stupor.

Therefore, try to disconnect all the connectors and wires that you can. Now you can finally remove the panel and remove it from the car. On fresh tracks, do not forget to separately select (can be bundled) the entire wiring harness that belongs directly to the instrument panel, and mark the rest with self-adhesives. This will help you a lot when you start installing new equipment.

The pinout of the instrument panel is discussed in detail in this article:

There are different situations that force sooner or later to change the dashboard of the car, sometimes just for beauty, to bring tuning or to a newer one, sometimes because the old one has deteriorated. But sometimes from damage after an accident. A lot of important process is the removal and installation. Since the panels are often made of plastic or soft material, it is possible to scratch or break off something very, very quickly. In this case, you need to be very careful. An example of such a replacement could be a failure of the tachometer or burnt out contacts on the backlight. First of all, let's decide on the brand of the instrument panel, since the same make and model of a car may have different panels, for example, one brand has an engine speed sensor (tachometer), another does not. Some may have a different arrangement of devices, which means that there is a possibility that fasteners or contact chips may not fit. Therefore, I recommend that, before starting such a difficult process, it is worth disassembling the old one and seeing all the nuances, and even better, capturing it in a photo will be much easier to pick up for the same mounts and contacts.

Removing the instrument panel

I didn’t often have to change, but the reason for writing such an article was a common reason, this is a burnout of the backlight, it’s not very pleasant to drive at night and not see what’s going on on the dashboard, first of all, if this happens, look at the fuses, because they can also burn out, if not, then proceed to the analysis of the instrument panel. Let's take a Mercedes car as an example, it is this car that I have to "torment" most often. Rumor has it that there are two options for removing the instrument panel. The first is to pick up the latches and squeeze the panel towards the steering wheel, for this we need a metal ruler or the like, and slipping it between the torpedo and the panel, snap off the latches. Now, putting our hand behind the panel, we push it out, sometimes it can be difficult, because over time it has got used to the torpedo. If this is the first time you remove the panel on your horse, then it is better not to carry out such manipulations, since the latches will break one hundred percent. Yes, and I met a friend in exactly the same car when he not only had a panel on the latches, but also screwed to the torpedo with four bolts from the inside. Therefore, study well before you start removing the instrument panel. I tried to take it off just once, but I realized that there would be no sense, the torpedo was sheathed in leather, so I didn’t risk poking around for a long time.

The second option is more tedious, long, but as for me the most practical. To do this, we need a long curly screwdriver, a flashlight. If you have a steering wheel with an airbag, then I do not advise you to remove it, firstly, the airbag itself can shoot, and secondly, it will be difficult to put it on later. I had the second option with an airbag, so I did not remove the steering wheel. Lowered it to the lowest position, using the regulator. The procedure was as follows. To begin with, we de-energize the car, remove the battery, now remove the steering wheel cover, these are two bolts at the very bottom of the casing and latches in a circle. Now we remove the protection above the pedals, most of them hold on to the latches, you can shine a flashlight from the nutria, they are very clearly visible. Having removed the protection, we get full access to the instrument panel. Now we inspect for the presence of bolts, as I already wrote that they may or may not be present, having found the bolts, we unscrew them, often they are sweating.

Often the latches are around the entire perimeter, somewhere around eight, manually removing them is quite simple. After we removed the fastening parts, we push the panel out, for convenience and speed, you can ask a friend to pull it from the back, because if the panel has not been removed once, it will be very difficult to go. And so, we removed the panel. Now you should disconnect everything that will interfere with replacing it with a new one or tuning an existing panel. If you only replace the light bulb, then you should not disconnect everything, on the reverse side it is indicated where which light bulb is and what value. It is very careful to unscrew the plugs of the light bulbs, as it is a very fragile part. The reason for replacing the bulbs was the dim regular lighting, at night it was not at all clear what the instruments were showing. I broke one fastener with a screwdriver, so I slowly scrolled it with pliers. Now the main thing is not to confuse where and what, so I advise you to change and unscrew the piece. Changed to LED with a blue glow, it turned out very nice. Such light bulbs are very economical, and the quality of the glow is much higher than in regular ones. Nevertheless, if you are going to change to a new one, then it is worth disconnecting everything that interferes, before that, number or photograph in what order the wires were connected.

Dashboard assembly

Having made our desires into the instrument panel, we begin to put this miracle of technology back, I will say that the more complex the instrument panel, the easier it is to remove it, I saw the process of removing it on an Opel Omega, they removed the maximum in 15-20 minutes, although it looks three times larger than mine.

In the reverse order, we connect the wires and the speedometer cable. For greater certainty, I checked it by surface mounting, that is, when the panel was not yet in the dashboard, I connected the battery and checked all the sensors and the backlight itself. This is done so that after installation half of the non-working devices do not appear. Now we remove the battery again and proceed to the installation itself. Here it is desirable to do everything together, one gives the control panel, the second from the inside tightens, straightening the wires and cables. Having correctly installed the panel, a characteristic sound of latches should be heard, but if there is none, then something is not installed correctly, or not completely. We tighten the bolts, do not tighten too much, as the fasteners are plastic and the fasteners may crack. The last step is to install the protection over the pedals, put the latches in place and tighten the bolts, as well as the steering wheel cover. There is nothing complicated, now we connect the battery and see what we got, for greater convenience of checking, start the car, because some devices in the state of the engine off will simply not work. In principle, this ends the entire replacement process. The main thing is to connect correctly and do not do it by force.

VAZ-2114 is one of the most important parts in a car, on the readings of which not only the technical condition of the car can depend, but also your life (if the speedometer reads incorrectly). Over time, any part can fail, even as reliable as the instrument panel on the VAZ-2114. Therefore, it is useful for every owner of the fourteenth model to know how the panel board is dismantled.

Where might it be needed?

Assembly / disassembly knowledge can be useful not only for incorrect readings of the speedometer, tachometer or fuel level sensor, but also for self-soundproofing the cabin. And if you want to get the full effect of soundproofing and drive a silent VAZ-2114, the instrument panel and front torpedo must be soundproofed. Also, dismantling is carried out when tuning the cabin. So, let's figure it out step by step in the process of removing this device.

What tools are needed for this?

In order to remove this spare part from the car, you do not need to have any expensive tools, just use a set of screwdrivers and, if desired, an instruction manual.

How to remove VAZ 2114? Step by step instructions

Before unscrewing all the nuts and bolts, open the hood and remove the terminal from the battery in order to de-energize the entire electronic system and in general. And only after that you can disassemble the dashboard.

To remove this part, remove all steering column adapters and their switches. Next, dismantle all the decorative plastic trims that hide the location of the self-tapping screws. Also, do not forget about the stove control levers - they also need to be removed.

Now we get to the dashboard panel. Here you need to open the central casing of the steering column, then find and remove the hidden bolt that secures the steering wheel to the shaft. After the nut is unscrewed, the steering wheel will wobble a little. This is a sign that you can safely remove it.

As we know, all modern VAZ cars, including the 14th model, have a horizontal steering wheel adjustment. So, in order to dismantle the VAZ-2114 instrument panel, you need to lower it as far down as possible. This is done in order to remove two self-tapping screws that are hidden in that slot. It is they who hold the dashboard (of course, not all). After you have unscrewed them, you need to find the side bolts that are hidden under the decorative trim and also dismantle them.

Finishing stage

After all the screws are unscrewed, you will feel that the VAZ-2114 instrument panel starts to stagger at the slightest touch. If so, then you did everything right. After that, you need to carefully pull the dashboard towards you. Here it is very important to observe the correct actions. If this spare part is stuck somewhere, but it seems to you that it is unscrewed, do not try to remove it with a strong jerk, as this can lead to unpredictable consequences up to the purchase of a new dashboard. Remember that this spare part loves, first of all, accuracy.

So, we have decided on all the stages of dismantling the instrument panel on the VAZ-2114.

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