Explanatory dictionaries of the Chinese language. Computer program Google Translate Android app Chinese dictionaries based on English

Explanatory dictionaries of the Chinese language. Computer program Google Translate Android app Chinese dictionaries based on English


Sometimes you need to know the interpretation of a word in order to use it correctly in context, for this there are Chinese explanatory dictionaries, they give an interpretation of words in Chinese, which is very useful for intensive study. The most popular dictionaries in this category are Zdic (http://www.zdic.net/) and Baidu Dictionary (°Щ¶ИґКµд) (http://dict.baidu.com/).

Zdic - this dictionary provides detailed definitions, interpretations, etymology, stroke order, English translation and detailed information for each character separately.

Baidu Dictionary (°Sch¶IґKµd) - In fact, Baidu is a huge search engine, like our Yandex, and it also has its own dictionaries, so translators with good command of the language can search there and get answers accordingly. This online dictionary contains a huge number of idioms, proverbs, common expressions and other words that are often not found in other dictionaries. Constantly updated by users, quite detailed and easy to design.

Online dictionaries for translating into Traditional Chinese

There are also online dictionaries for translating into traditional Chinese, such dictionaries are more suitable for professionals than for beginners, for people who have not been working with wenyan for the first time. Chinese spell checker (http://www.kwuntung.net) - in this dictionary you can check the use of character variants in different words; Hieroglyph Variants Dictionary (http://dict2.variants.moe.edu.tw/variants/) - This dictionary looks for different (obsolete) variants of hieroglyphs, an indispensable site for advanced translators. The only negative is that it is not easy to handle, and sometimes gives unclear interpretations; Chinese Dictionary of the Taiwan Ministry of Education (http://dict.revised.moe.edu.tw/) - This dictionary is good for looking up words that are not found anywhere, as well as for looking up detailed information on characters. Very detailed compared to other dictionaries. Sometimes contains old examples, complicated explanations, too detailed interpretations, so that it may be difficult for beginners to use; Taiwan Ministry of Education Dictionary for Primary School (http://dict.mini.moe.edu) - This dictionary contains interpretations of single characters and phrases in Chinese, more understandable than the Taiwan Ministry of Education Chinese Dictionary. But the inconvenience of use lies only in the fact that the search is possible only by single hieroglyphs; Taiwan Ministry of Education Dictionary of Stroke Order (http://stroke-order.learningweb.moe.edu) - This dictionary can check the order of strokes in a character and the current writing standard in Taiwan, the dictionary is quite detailed, well structured.

1) Big Chinese-Russian dictionary (printed version)

You can buy it, for example, on Ozone. There are BCRS authors Z. I. Baranova, V. E. Gladtskov, V. A. Zhavoronkov, B. G. Mudrov for 150,000 words:

and BKRS for 450,000 words (this dictionary is not only Chinese-Russian, but also Russian-Chinese):

In the dictionary, we start searching by keys. Everything is quite simple: we look at the hieroglyph, determine the key, count the number of strokes in the key, open the list of keys and now you are sent to a page, say 765, where all the hieroglyphs with these keys are located.

Now we count the number of strokes in the second part of the hieroglyph, let's say 7. On page 765 we find our key plus 7 strokes of the second part and here we are again sent to the page for translation, say 1465.
This is, of course, a very long option. There are other dictionaries that work according to other principles, although this mostly comes down to counting traits. There are also dictionaries in which hieroglyphs are arranged according to the Latin alphabet of their sound. In fact, this is useful if you know pinyin, but do not know the value, which solves half the problem.

2) computer program Lingvo

Download Lingvo, purchase a license, install the Chinese language, not forgetting to set the permission for the visibility of hieroglyphs in Windows (start-control panel-language and regional standards - languages-install support for languages ​​with hieroglyphs, insert the Windows installation disk. After copying the files, restart the computer) .
The latest version of Lingvo has not only Chinese-Russian dictionaries, but also Chinese-English and English-Chinese dictionaries, as well as Chinese-Russian and Russian-Chinese phrasebooks. If you do not have Russian-Chinese dictionaries, we type a Russian word in the Chinese-Russian dictionary, and the search for all articles will begin, which can be quite effective.

I recently found sites Chinese-Russian dictionary online. They have a wonderful convenient function - manual input of hieroglyphs. So I decided to talk about these sites.

One of the biggest difficulties in learning Chinese is the characters. And many will agree with this. And lately hieroglyphs are interesting not only for those who study Chinese.

In general, find a good Chinese-Russian dictionary-online turned out to be not easy. At one time I used one such dictionary, in general, complete, good. But if you don’t know how to pronounce a hieroglyph, and this hieroglyph is not written in electronic form, but, for example, on paper, on clothes or even on wallpaper, then finding this hieroglyph in such a dictionary was as difficult as in a paper dictionary.

Now I use for such purposes - a translator program that is installed on a computer and can work without an Internet connection.

What sites do I mean?

Sites with manual input of hieroglyphs

First Online Dictionary

With his help, I quickly found some hieroglyphs.

Second online dictionary

When you place the cursor in the input field, a window for writing a hieroglyph appears. True, Google Chrome does not work in my browser, but it works fine in Internet Explorer.

P.S. Unfortunately, at the moment (04/02/2014) there is no possibility of manual input on this site... but there are other useful things. Maybe later this function will be returned.

/new! dated 04/02/2014 / Fourth online dictionary

The principle is the same.

This online dictionary contains many entries. You can type in the search and pinyin. When you enter a search word, offers options.

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    - (Jap. 大漢和辞典 Dai kan wa jiten?) the world's largest Japanese dictionary of Chinese characters, compiled by a team of authors led by Tetsuji Morohashi from 1925 to 1960. The dictionary contains more than 50 thousand individual characters and 530 thousand ... ... Wikipedia

    Asian scripts are used in this article. More ... Simplification of hieroglyphs (Chinese exercise 简化字, pinyin: jiǎnhuà zì) is the process of developing and implementing new writing standards in the People's Republic of China, and then in other countries, ... ... Wikipedia

    - (traditional Chinese 中华字海, ex. 中華字海, pinyin: zhōng huá zì hǎi) the largest printed Chinese character dictionary compiled in 1994 and consisting of 85,568 characters. Contents ... Wikipedia

    Contents: Geography. General history. History of K.'s relations with Europe. Language and Literature. Chinese music. The great empire of eastern and central Asia is known among its inhabitants under names that have nothing to do with European ones (China, China, ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    People's Republic of China, PRC, state in the Center, and East. Asia. The name China accepted in Russia is from the ethnonym Kidan (they are also Kitai) of the Mong group. tribes that conquered the territory of the sowing in the Middle Ages. areas of modern China and formed the state in Liao (X ... ... Geographic Encyclopedia

    Self-name: 日本語 Countries: Japan, Guam, Taiwan, North Korea ... Wikipedia

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    Language Self-name: 日本語 Countries: Japan, Guam, Taiwan, North Korea, South Korea, Peru, Australia. Official Status: Japan Regulatory Organization ... Wikipedia


  • Big Chinese-Russian Dictionary (set of 4 books), V. A. Panasyuk, V. F. Sukhanov. The "Big Chinese-Russian Dictionary" includes about 16,000 nested hieroglyphs and over 250,000 derived words and expressions. The dictionary was created on the basis of the Chinese dictionaries "Guoyu Qidian", ...

The purpose of the educational dictionary is to facilitate the first steps in the assimilation of Chinese writing. The dictionary includes more than 300 most common hieroglyphs and about 2500 words and phrases. The publication is modeled after Chinese textbooks and dictionaries for schoolchildren with explanations of the keys arranged according to the thematic principle. The dictionary is intended for beginners to learn Chinese, as well as for all those interested in the origin of Chinese writing.

What is a Chinese character?

Unlike Russian letters, which denote certain sounds, the Chinese character denotes a concept. Since there are many more concepts than sounds, there are many more hieroglyphs than letters. Each hieroglyph records not only the concept, but also the sounds with which this concept is associated. These sounds and concepts were recorded at first with the help of simple drawings, but gradually they turned into schemes in which it is difficult to recognize the original drawing. Thus, each character can be divided into three aspects. The first aspect is graphic. This is a schematic drawing, consisting of individual features (graphic elements - see p. 7).

The second aspect is semantic. This is an aspect of a concept or meaning that can appear in different languages ​​in more or less the same way. For example, in Chinese, Japanese, and other languages ​​that use hieroglyphs, the hieroglyph means "man." The third aspect is phonetic. This is a pronunciation that "looks" differently in every language. The Chinese reading of each character is one and only one syllable. Graphics and semantics in the historical development of hieroglyphics act in unity. Not only a complex character as a whole, but also individual graphemes carry a certain semantic load. In the ancient language, this connection was stronger, since hieroglyphs originated from drawings. It is impossible to determine what it means by the appearance of the modern hieroglyph alone, but some hints of this can still be found.

From the authors.
Human life and activity.
Labor results.
Graphic elements - keys.
Table of cyclic signs.
Table of hieroglyphic keys.
Alphabetical index.
List of hieroglyphs.

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Chinese-Russian educational dictionary of hieroglyphs, Wang L., Starostina S.P., 2013 - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

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