Driving Tips. Introduction to the automotive life of novice drivers

Driving Tips. Introduction to the automotive life of novice drivers

Today, the roads in the vast expanses of our country are more and more confidently conquering cars equipped with not the traditional and familiar mechanical, but a relatively new for the consciousness of Russians with an automated transmission, or, in other words, an automatic transmission (automatic transmission). At the same time, among the majority of novice drivers, there is a strong opinion that the only feature of driving such cars is the ease of control and the absence of the need for independent gear shifting. Like, know for yourself, press the gas or brake pedal: the smart automation will choose the gear ratio necessary for specific conditions on its own. In a word, neither you press the clutch pedal, nor the endless manipulation of the gear lever - everything in itself, as if “at the behest of a pike”: beauty, and nothing more!

Of course, in many ways it is. In theoretical terms. Indeed, on some imaginary ideally flat space, where, apart from you and your car, there are no other road users, driving a car with an “automatic” does not require any special skills. This means you don't need to learn how to drive. However, miracles, as you know, do not happen, and in reality everything is much more complicated. The “automatic transmission instructor” will help you in training!

An automatic transmission is a complex, very expensive, computer-controlled unit that requires careful handling. Driving lessons will help you avoid unwanted situations, both on the road and with the technical condition of your car. An experienced driving instructor in an automatic transmission car will explain that incorrect operation can lead to a shortened life or even serious damage to the system. Such as, for example, switching the selector lever of the direction of travel without completely stopping the car, frequently switching the selector to the neutral position during stops in traffic jams or when driving downhill, delaying the selector lever in the neutral position when switching from position D to R, etc.

An automatic transmission auto instructor is especially needed in Moscow and other large cities with high traffic intensity and frequent stops at traffic lights. In particular, an automatic transmission driving instructor will not only make it clear that driving a car with an automatic transmission after a short stop should be started with the brake pedal previously depressed, but will also help you feel a slight push indicating a gear shift, at the same time as pressing the gas pedal.

It's no secret that driving lessons in a car with automatic transmission are more expensive than learning to drive a car with "mechanics". However, the costs in this case are fully justified. Especially when you consider that in most driving schools there is no training in driving cars with automatic transmission, and also the fact that a driving instructor in a car with automatic transmission, in fact, saves a lot of money that you would have to spend on repairs due to a breakdown or an accident due to improper handling of the machine.

Of course, an automatic transmission auto instructor must have his own training car with an automatic transmission and a backup brake pedal. The first driving lessons (from 1 to 5) should take place on a specially equipped car, until the minimum necessary driving skills are obtained. Only after mastering the basic skills is it possible to transfer to your own car to practice and consolidate your driving skills already on your personal car. Of course, an automatic transmission driving instructor will help you!

During the reform of the procedure for obtaining rights, it became possible to take exams on cars with automatic transmission. Previously, the “flyover” exercise at the autodrome always gave up on the mechanics. The procedure for handing over to the machine has not yet been fully debugged. So, some MREOs, even in Moscow, do not have cars with automatic transmission, you can only take the exam with a driving school in her car. If you take the test in an automatic transmission car, your driver's license will be labeled AT (automatic transmission) and you will not be able to drive a manual car.

Driving a car with an automatic transmission is much easier, especially in a big city and traffic jams. What preparation and passing the exam in the traffic police to choose, mechanics or automatic - a question that is decided individually. I advise you to study mechanics, even focusing on driving an automatic car in the future. My advice is for the following reasons:

1. It is better to have full rights without restrictions;
2. Mechanics allows you to better understand some aspects of the functioning of the car. On the machine, it is easier to control the speed mode (“feel the speed”) and the general situation on the road. Accordingly, it is useful to have experience driving different types of cars. This will make it easier to develop safe driving skills;
3. There may be situations where you have to deal with a manual transmission. For example, only such cars will be available for rent (in September 2015, a short-term rental service was launched in Moscow with cars with a manual transmission);
4. When taking the exam, you will use 1-2 gears, only occasionally switching to 3, which is not so difficult;
5. The procedure for passing the exams on the machine is not well tested, since there are significantly fewer people who take exams on the machine;
6. Training on the machine is more expensive.

You need to understand that an automatic transmission does not replace a mechanical one. If most cars in the US are sold with an automatic transmission, then in Europe the situation is reversed - the vast majority of motorists choose a manual transmission. In Russia, approximately the same number of cars of the two types is sold.

A driver's license for an automatic transmission has some features, a corresponding mark is put in the VU - in section 14 "Restrictions" the designation "AT" will be put - driving only a car with an "automatic".

If in the future you decide to switch from automatic transmission to mechanics, you will have to undergo training at a driving school and re-take the exam at the traffic police. To upgrade your skills from automatic transmission to manual transmission, in some REOs of the traffic police you need to pass only the autodrome site, in some all three stages of the exam.

So my advice is to study mechanics (so as not to return to the question again), if you feel that learning is not going at all, feel free to switch to learning on automation, it is much easier.

Driving learning car:

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Promotion: Super prices for training in 2017!!!

Every year the number of car owners is only increasing. Accordingly, for high-quality and safe driving, the driver needs to learn how to drive a car and get a driver's license. And for this you need to prepare well and pass the exam. If you type in Yandex or Google Internet search browsers the phrases "driving schools in Moscow", "driving school prices", you will see that for the queries "driving schools in Moscow", "driving school prices" there are many different companies. But how do you know where everything is really honest, professional teachers, not one-day firms, where you can really learn how to drive a car competently, where really professional driving courses, and not "throwing money down the drain"?

Vocational training in a driving school in Moscow is a guarantee of your safety on the road!

It will be difficult to obtain the necessary knowledge and skills without the help of qualified specialists, so it is better to enroll in a driving school on the Kolomenskaya metro station. Our driving school has been training drivers for a long time and we know all the nuances in this matter. The use of modern methods and forms of teaching makes it easier to master the educational theoretical and practical material, and also increases the effectiveness of training and makes it interesting.

Our teaching staff is distinguished by a high level of professionalism and easily finds contact with any student. Students get acquainted with the theoretical part in specially equipped classrooms with all the necessary equipment. After that, the students, under the supervision of driving instructors, work out everything in practice. This creates situations that are identical to situations from everyday life, which allows you to gradually gain driving experience and instantaneous reactions. Also, car instructors will help restore lost skills, which may be required under various circumstances. For example, you did not drive for a long time or lost faith in your abilities after an accident.

The driving school near the Kolomenskaya metro station in Moscow has modern vehicles - both with automatic transmission and with manual transmissions. Therefore, you will be able to choose the appropriate car model for learning to drive, which will allow you to quickly orient yourself and further manage your car without any problems.

Our clients are satisfied with the training in our driving school in Moscow, because:

All our driving instructors and teachers have a decent work experience and constantly improve their skills. They are interested in professional training of future drivers and transfer their skills and knowledge to them to the maximum.
To consolidate the theoretical material passed, an internal exam is held. A specially developed methodology allows you to find out the real preparedness of students for practice, so the transition to working out the acquired knowledge is carried out only after a thorough study of the theoretical material. Which is a guarantee of thorough knowledge and observance of the rules of the road, as well as a culture of behavior on the road.
The cost of services is affordable for everyone who wants to learn to drive. At the same time, the driving school on Kolomenskaya (YuAO) adheres to a transparent pricing policy - we have no additional fees and hidden fees.
We value the time of our clients, so they can attend lectures at a convenient time for them. Also, the development of practical skills can take place on weekends.
The exam in the traffic police can be passed both as part of your group, and independently.
Receiving excellent training, almost all of our students pass the exams in the traffic police the first time.

Do you dream of becoming a high-class driver? The first step is learning at a driving school with our professional driving instructors. They will make every effort to teach you how to drive, as a result of which you will feel safe and confident behind the wheel! The teachers of the driving school near the Kolomenskaya metro station "Kondrashoff" treat their work with soul, the approach to work is the most serious! Sign up for a driving course with us and you won't regret it!

Usually the question is formed like this: - “Good day, tell me, please, is it possible now to study and pass on the machine. I just plan to drive a car with an automatic transmission and a mechanical one, I just don’t need it for nothing! What do you advise what to do? That's why I decided to write this article, understand the laws and advise what is better and easier, well, let's go ...

I personally understand such thoughts (after all, it’s really difficult for beginners to study at the manual transmission), and I just don’t understand many drivers (fans of mechanics) who shout everywhere - that people who study at the automatic transmission are just some kind of “underdeveloped personality”! GUYS what's the fun then? It seems to me that we have a free country, and everyone should decide for himself! I had a small dispute with an ardent supporter of a mechanical transmission - he convinced me that it was all the corporations that were forcing us to degrade the people! Money is being pulled out of us. But on the "handle" people at least somehow think. Although he himself had an IPHONE! I told him - look at your phone just for THIS TRUNKLE, 90% of the functions of which you do not use, but stupidly bought for the sake of PONTS, you overpay! JUST FUCK SO MUCH! But automatic transmission, in the city it's really convenient and cool. I have been driving for 18 years and no one can suspect me of “underdevelopment”, I myself can perfectly drive both manual and automatic transmissions, and now I drive automatic. AND I LIKE IT! This is because in traffic jams, at traffic lights, and other delights of the city, an automatic transmission is much easier to perceive. Also, my wife is a novice driver, she went to both mechanics and automatics, now she doesn’t want to switch from automatic transmission, there is no need to “steam” with the clutch and create emergency situations.

In general, to each his own, there is no need to insult people who want to learn on the machine, this is their right, and BEFORE accusing someone of degradation, you need to look at yourself from the outside.

Is it possible to study at the automatic transmission?

Guys by law, of course, you can back in 2013, in Russia you can officially study and pass the rights to automatic transmission, here is a small extract from the Federal Law on Road Safety (dated November 5, 2013):

Exams are taken on vehicles with manual or automatic transmission.

Persons who have passed the examinations on vehicles with a manual transmission are granted the right to drive vehicles of the corresponding category or subcategory with any type of transmission.

Persons who have passed the examinations on vehicles with automatic transmission are granted the right to drive vehicles of the corresponding category or subcategory with only automatic transmission.

That is, if you rephrase the law, it turns out you pass on the "mechanics" - you ride on any car with both automatic transmission and manual transmission. But if you rent on the "automatic" - then you ride only with automatic transmission, this is logical! But the majority of people who go to such training intend to do just that, what's wrong with that.

That is, the law is not our enemy, but why are there so few schools that teach automatic transmission? What reason? She is corny

Why don't many schools teach automatically?

This question is also very popular, many of my readers complain that it is impossible to find schools even in the metropolitan regions (I am already silent about the periphery) - which teach at the automatic transmission! But why?

Yes, everything is simple, because the rules for passing and learning on such a transmission are not indicated. That is, there is a law, to hand over - YOU CAN! But how to study and how to take your exam - THERE IS NO REGULATIONS! Here is such a paradox. Accordingly, many schools follow the path of least resistance, they teach you in mechanics, and the epithets are such - “it's better”, “it will come in handy in life”. In what life? YES and why is it needed? It's just that if you came to school, you are a potential student, and a student is money that no one wants to lose - so think for yourself.

Studied mechanics - handed over on the machine

This is also common, many of my readers are indignant, arguing with schools, almost suing! But they achieve nothing. Guys, read the paragraph above - I repeat once again, you can RENT, but no one knows how to teach you, there are simply no regulations. Therefore, do not sue, the school will “say” that it considered it right to teach you and WILL BE RIGHT! She didn't break anything. After all, you indicated that you want to study on automatic transmission from the very beginning.

It happens that even the site is rented out on the mechanics - an overpass, a garage, a snake and other elements. But the city is already on automatic transmission. In the city, after all, knowledge of rebuilding, traffic lights, pedestrian crossings are checked, and this can be done on any transmission.

Therefore, people often study mechanics, but pass it on the machine, although it’s better to pass it on the manual transmission, so you can move around in two transmissions (and suddenly you really need it).

So if there are normal schools?

You know, most likely there are, I didn’t even bother to find them on the Internet. Most likely, of course, there is, yet the way of learning and passing itself begins to change. Personally, in my environment, even in our provincial town, I heard from two people that they studied and passed it on the automatic transmission. So this is possible, although you need to look for a school, and I think the cost will be more expensive, because everyone else will study at the manual transmission, and you turn out like a "white crow".

Although if the school has such a class and such training, this speaks of the professionalism and class of the educational institution, that all programs are provided, and not a trite “pen” and that’s it.


Should I study mechanics or automatic? The guys know how difficult it is for many now to study and pass on a manual transmission. Especially for girls who cannot pass a playground or a city several times, they simply “stall”. BUT finding a school on an automatic transmission is now even more difficult, because it can be banal to study at a manual transmission - renting a site for a manual transmission, but the city of an automatic transmission and everyone gives you a category with a mark only on the machine, which I think is not correct.

Therefore, this year it is desirable to study on the “handle” and “clutch”, no matter how much you want it, get full rights, they will also cost less, because everyone learns this way. BUT, I think that in a few years, say, in 2 - 3, another parallel program will also fully work, which will teach only on automatic transmission, which many now desire.

Now my first driving lesson on automatic transmission, maybe you will come in handy

And that's all for me, read our AUTOBLOG.

Recently, the option of driving a car with an automatic transmission has become available in driving courses. Of course, you can learn, but what about passing the exam at the traffic police? There are cars with manual transmission! It is impossible to feel the operation of a manual transmission without ever using it. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you take training on the “mechanics”, because after that the “automatic” will become even clearer. It's easier to go from difficult to easy.

How is an automatic transmission different from a manual transmission?

Since 2013, passing the exams on the "automatic" is possible, but you get a license with a note about the inability to drive cars with a manual transmission. This is an ideal option for those who plan to drive the appropriate cars. But, on the other hand, knowledge of revolutions, mechanisms and clutch never hurts. The ability to drive "mechanics" gives confidence to the driver.

You may come across a car with automatic clutch, when there is no clutch pedal, but there is a special handle. When switching from gear to gear, the car will automatically squeeze the clutch - this is convenient.

There is also sequential shifting, when you can downshift or upshift with your hands. This is one of the modifications of the automatic transmission. On the lever you can see the icons "+" or "-".

Features of learning to drive on the machine

Still, an automatic transmission is fundamentally different from a mechanical one. Before you sign up for a driving instructor in a car with automatic transmission, you should weigh the pros and cons. The benefits include:

  • the convenience of automatic transmission in a city traffic jam, because it will do everything for you;
  • the car will not stall, as if the gear was shifted incorrectly on the “mechanics”;
  • fewer movements are made, there is no need to be distracted;
  • the car will not roll back when driving over a hill, as it would during a gear change.

There are also disadvantages to the "machine":

  • Braking with a motor is not as effective as with a gearbox. Sometimes this method helps to avoid an accident.
  • Switching to "automatic" may not be fast enough, as desired. There are cases when downhill automatic transmission, which does not have the intelligence of the driver, turned on the fifth speed - and this is at 30 km / h.

Whether to listen to advice is up to you. But it's better to learn on manual transmission, and drive on automatic transmission.

Proper driving of a car is one of the most important conditions for increasing its service life and trouble-free operation, and also allows you to achieve high average speeds with minimal fuel consumption.

Successful overcoming of difficult sections of the road is possible only with the skillful control of all mechanisms of the car. When working with a trailer and in difficult road conditions (snow, mud, soft ground, sand, etc.), start moving only from first gear. On soft soils, wet meadows, virgin snow and sandy areas, move smoothly, without jerking, slipping or stopping. Small snowdrifts and short climbs to overcome with acceleration.

In particularly difficult areas (snow, mud, soft soil, sand, etc.), if necessary, reduce the air pressure in the tires to a certain value corresponding to the best cross-country ability in this area, and block the transfer case differential, since slipping of the driving wheels when the vehicle loses mobility or driving with wheel slip when the differential is unlocked leads to intensive wear of the transfer case differential and tires.

If it is difficult to engage or disengage the differential lock and shift the gears of the transfer case, it is necessary to move the car from its place (forward and backward) and repeat the shifting process.

When overcoming a difficult section of the road with possible slipping of the car, the interwheel differential of the rear axle should be blocked.

Blocking is carried out after a complete stop of the wheels of the car. It is allowed to block the cross-axle differential when the car is moving at a speed of not more than 30 km / h, provided that there is no wheel slip. After turning on the blocking valve, it is necessary to make sure that the blocking mechanism is fully engaged, and the signaling device 35 should light up (see Fig. 8). Incomplete activation of the locking mechanism can lead to the destruction of the gearbox.

After overcoming a difficult section of the road, it is necessary to turn off the valve for switching on the rear axle differential lock and make sure that the clutch is turned off (the signaling device should go out).

In all other cases of movement, in the absence of wheel slip, unlock the transfer case differential in order to avoid additional loads in the transmission. Engage low gear in the transfer case when driving on difficult sections of the road, as well as on steep slopes.

Shift gears in the transfer case only after the vehicle has come to a complete stop, do not set the transfer case control lever to the neutral position when the gear in the gearbox is engaged and the auxiliary power take-off is turned off.

Switch on the additional power take-off and the power take-off with the vehicle stopped, with the clutch disengaged and with air pressure in the pneumatic system of at least 500 kPa (5 kgf/cm2). After

shifting the valve lever to the ON position, and the HOME / PTO switch-on indicator on the instrument panel lights up, gently release the clutch pedal. If the indicator lamp does not light up, turn the input shaft of the transfer case by short-term incomplete engagement of the clutch. If after that the signaling device does not light up, it is necessary to eliminate the malfunction and repeat the activation.

Brake the car smoothly, gradually increasing the pressure on the pedal. On long descents, apply engine braking using the auxiliary brake. In this case, the engine crankshaft speed may be close to the nominal, but not exceed 2100 min-1. If the engine develops a speed above 2100 min -1, periodically slow down the car intensively with service brakes.

Attention! Do not turn off the engine on long descents.

Stopping the car on a slope is not recommended. In the event of a forced stop, it is necessary to take measures to prevent the vehicle from rolling: turn off the fuel supply, apply the parking brake, first gear in the gearbox and put stops under the wheels.

To avoid side slip, be careful when driving on slippery and icy roads.

On vehicles with a centralized tire pressure control system, when driving on improved pavement roads with a rated load, the tire pressure must be nominal.

On difficult sections of the road, on cars, a short-term decrease in the internal air pressure in the tires is allowed. In this case, the maximum mileage and maximum speed should not exceed the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in Table. 6.

Table 6

Type of roads






Mileage during



Warranty period

MPa (kgf / cm 2)

Ka Tire Service,


Heavy areas

0,10 (1,0)

Broken terrain, snow

0,15 (1,5)


Noah virgin and loose


Roads of all types

From 0.15 (1.5)

In foreign countries, cars with automatic transmission predominate, and there the skills of driving cars at manual gearboxes are practically lost. But in Russia there are still a lot of people who want to learn how to drive a car with a manual gearbox, because cars on mechanics:

  • have a lower cost;
  • more powerful compared to cars that have an automatic transmission.

In addition, many drivers prefer to drive in a manual transmission because this gearbox allows you to feel the car better and react faster to different situations on the road. Also, the driver himself can regulate fuel consumption. Well, and another important reason to learn how to drive a mechanic - only from driving a car on a manual gearbox you can feel a real drive.
In the event of a breakdown, the repair of the manual transmission will cost less than the repair of automation.

What are the features of driving a car with a manual gearbox

The skills of correct gear shifting when using a car with automatic transmission must be developed before automatism. They will be helped to get professional driving lessons on mechanics for beginners.

In cars with a manual gearbox, there is no complex electronics that equalizes the speed of rotation of the gears on the shaft, but there is a clutch pedal. It disables the transmission so that the driver can put the gear lever in the desired position and change speed.

Most cars have 4-5 speeds and reverse gear. Let's see why they are needed.

  1. "Neutral". This is the switch position at which torque is not transmitted to the wheels. In this position, the car cannot start moving even if you press the gas pedal.
  2. First. It is designed so that the car can move from a place. At this speed, you can accelerate to 20 km per hour. It is turned on when entering turns, climbing a steep mountain, when performing maneuvers in a small space. Fuel consumption at this speed is maximum.
  3. The second is transitional. It is turned on when going down a hill, maneuvering in traffic jams on the road. It is also transitional to other high-speed gears.
  4. Third, fourth and fifth gears allow you to accelerate the car to the desired speed on the road.
  5. Rear - necessary for U-turns and parking. You need to turn it on carefully, because the car with the reverse on accelerates faster than in first gear.

How to learn to drive a mechanic from scratch. Where to start learning

In order to drive a car with a manual gearbox well, the location of the speeds must be remembered with your eyes closed. On the road, you will have no time to peep at the gearshift lever. The driving tutorial will give you good tips, but without practice it will be difficult to consolidate the skills. We will also show you how to get started with practical exercises.


Do not worry if at first you have to mentally imagine the gearbox in order to change the lever without looking. After a couple of months, the skills will be fixed, and you can do it automatically.

Another question that interests those who want to learn how to drive a car with a manual transmission: “When to shift from one gear to another?”

To know exactly when to put the lever to a lower speed, or to a higher one, you need to listen to the engine speed. When you hear frequent revolutions, then shift to high speed. If the speed is low and the car does not accelerate when pressing on the gas, you need to put the lever in a lower gear.

If you have a tachometer on the instrument panel, then you can focus on its performance. You can shift gears up when the engine speed becomes 3000 per minute.

When the speed increases by 20 km / h, a new gear must be engaged. But this rule is not suitable for all cars. If the car has a powerful motor, then upshifting can occur at an increase in speed of 30 km / h.

It is a little difficult to ride the mechanics correctly at first, but then you will be able to do it easily and freely. We hope you find our driving lessons useful. In addition, do not forget to learn the rules of the road.

Driving lessons for beginners on mechanics

  1. Before turning the key, depress the clutch pedal to the stop and move the manual gearbox speed lever to “neutral”. Just do not start the engine at the included speed, so that the car does not start moving unexpectedly and there is no accident.
  2. Turn the key and hold the clutch in for a couple of minutes. This must be done so that the power unit warms up.
  3. With the clutch depressed, place the switch in first gear. Slowly release the clutch pedal until you hear the engine speed begin to decrease. From this moment, also gently press the gas pedal so that the car starts moving. Starting with a manual transmission vehicle can be jerky if the clutch is released too quickly. If you do not press the gas pedal in time, the engine will stall.
  4. If you did everything right, then the car moved. When the car accelerates to 15 km / h, depress the clutch and shift to second gear.

Important: So that when you turn on the gears, you don’t hear a rattle and crunch, which means that the gears are rubbing, be sure to squeeze the clutch all the way. The start of driving always starts with the clutch depressed.

Lesson 2

In the “Mechanical Driving for Dummies” section, you can find this advice: if the situation requires an urgent stop, you can press the brake pedal with your right foot, then when the speed drops to 10 km / h and the car starts to shake, you need to depress the clutch pedal and switch to “neutral”. The Beginner's Driving Manual states that when driving skills are automatic, you will apply the brakes with the clutch depressed and neutral speed.

There is another method of braking for a manual transmission, which drivers call the term "downshift". This method allows you to stop the car smoothly.

To do this, you need to do the following manipulations:

  1. Start decelerating when the vehicle travels 70 km/h.
  2. Depress the clutch and shift the gearshift lever to third gear.
  3. When the speed decreases by 20 km/h, depress the clutch and shift to 2nd gear.
  4. Stop in second gear by applying the brake gently while depressing the clutch. Do not engage first gear as a downshift.

    By visiting the circuit, you can try both methods in practice.

Lesson 3

Each gear is designed for a certain speed, set by the engine speed.

Approximate speed limits for each gear are presented in the table

Broadcast Minimum speed, km/h Maximum, km/h
First 0 40
Second 10 60
Third 30 90
Fourth 50 max

To accelerate the car to a certain speed, you need to shift gears on the mechanics in ascending order.

Consider step by step how to accelerate the car to 60 km / h. it is assumed that the car will dial this value in fourth gear.

  1. Start moving in 1st gear and accelerate to 20 km/h.
  2. Shift the lever to 2nd gear and accelerate to 40 km/h.
  3. Switch to third, and gain 60 km / h.
  4. Shift into 4th gear.

So you will ensure the correct operation of the engine in each mode. Its revolutions at each stage will be approximately in the same range. If you drive the car correctly, you can save fuel.

Lesson 4 Brief instruction

  1. Stop the engine.
  2. Press the clutch all the way in and put the lever into first gear. So you protect your car from rolling. Just do not forget then, put the lever in "neutral" before turning on the engine.
  3. Engage the parking brake (handbrake).

You can quickly learn how to drive a car on the mechanics if you practice driving skills daily.

Lesson 5

On a steep slope in the road, it is difficult for beginners to keep the car from rolling back at the beginning of the movement. In this situation, you need to act like this:

  1. Engage the handbrake and put the gearshift lever in neutral.
  2. Press the clutch, engage first gear and place your hand on the handbrake lever.
  3. Slowly release the clutch and when the engine speed starts to decrease, remove the car from the handbrake and press the gas.


If you release the handbrake before the set time, the car will roll back. In this situation, do not forget to smoothly release the clutch and add gas. The machine will first stop and start moving forward.

Proper driving of a car is one of the most important conditions for increasing its service life and trouble-free operation, and also allows you to achieve high average speeds with minimal fuel consumption.
Successful overcoming of difficult sections of the road is possible only with the skillful control of all mechanisms of the car. When working with a trailer and in difficult road conditions (snow, mud, soft ground, sand, etc.), start moving only in first gear. On soft soils, wet meadows, virgin snow and sandy areas, move smoothly, without jerking, slipping or stopping. Overcome small snowdrifts and short climbs with acceleration. In particularly difficult areas (snow, mud, soft soil, sand, etc.), if necessary, reduce the air pressure in the tires to a certain value corresponding to the best cross-country ability in this area (for vehicles with a centralized tire inflation system) and block the transfer case differential, since slipping of the driving wheels when the vehicle loses mobility or driving with wheel slip when the differential is unlocked leads to intensive wear of the transfer case differential and tires.

In all other cases of movement in the absence of wheel slip, unlock the differential of the transfer case to avoid additional loads in the transmission. Engage low gear in the transfer case when driving on difficult sections of the road, as well as on steep slopes.

Shift gears in the transfer box only after the vehicle has come to a complete stop, do not set the transfer box control lever to the neutral position when the gear in the gearbox is engaged and the auxiliary power take-off is off.

Switch on the auxiliary power take-off and the power take-off with the vehicle stopped, the clutch disengaged and the air pressure in the pneumatic system at least 500 kPa (5 kgf/cm²). After moving the crane lever to the “on” position, release the clutch pedal smoothly.

Brake the car smoothly, gradually increasing the pressure on the pedal. On long descents, apply engine braking using the auxiliary brake. In this case, the rotational speed of the engine crankshaft may be close to the nominal, but not exceed 2100 min -1 . If the engine develops a speed above 2100 min -1, periodically slow down the car intensively with service brakes.

Attention! Do not turn off the engine on long descents.

Stopping the car on a slope is not recommended. In the event of a forced stop, it is necessary to take measures to prevent the vehicle from rolling: turn off the fuel supply, apply the parking brake, first gear in the gearbox and put stops under the wheels.

Use caution when driving on slippery and icy roads to avoid side slip.

On vehicles with a centralized tire pressure control system, when driving on improved pavement roads with a rated load, the tire pressure must be nominal.
On difficult sections of the road on cars, a short-term decrease in the internal air pressure in the tires is allowed. In this case, the maximum mileage and maximum speed must not exceed the values ​​indicated below.

Type of roads: Heavy areas of wetlands, virgin snow and loose sands
0,05 (0,5) 0,10 (1,0) 0,15 (1,5)
Maximum speed, km/h: 15, 20, 25, 20, 30
14.00-20 , km: 600, 800, 1400
Maximum mileage during the tire warranty period 1200x500-508, km: 400, 1000

Type of roads: Roads of all types pa. tire inflation period after heavy sections of the road
Permissible reduced pressure, MPa (kgf/cm²):In the range from the highest value of the allowed reduced pressure to the pressure corresponding to the maximum allowable (nominal) load on the tire
Maximum speed, km/h: 30, 40
Maximum mileage during the tire warranty period 14.00-20 , km: 1400
Maximum mileage during the tire warranty period 1200x500-508, km: 1000

Note. It is recommended to stop the car during the period of increase in tire pressure when driving onto a paved road.

Do not depressurize tires more than necessary for road conditions. Remember that reduced pressure mileage is limited, reduce pressure only when absolutely necessary.
When driving with reduced pressure, keep an eye on the tire pressure gauge.
It is forbidden to drive with reduced pressure to increase the smoothness of the ride. When driving for a long time, the pressure in the tires may increase due to the heating of the tires. To reduce rolling resistance and to save fuel, do not reduce the pressure in hot tires.
While driving, the wheel valves must be fully open, and for long periods of parking, in order to avoid air leakage through leaky pipe connections, they must be closed.

The car overcomes the ford with a depth of 0.7 m.

Overcoming ditches, ditches and ditches

Drive at low speed, in especially difficult conditions, block the transfer case differential. Cross ditches at a right angle, otherwise, when the car is tilted, the redistribution of the load will cause slipping of the unloaded wheels.

Driving with a trailer and semi-trailer

To ensure the operability of the towing device, use a trailer coupling eyelet with an inner diameter of 90 mm and a cross section of 42 mm, a towing device hook with a throat diameter of 48 mm and a width in the mouth area of ​​69 mm. Permissible limit dimensions: loop section 38 mm, hook opening 52 mm, hook width 66 mm.
Towing hooks and towing eyelets that are not the same dimensions as above must be replaced with new ones.
When maneuvering, avoid folding the trailer until the drawbar of the trailer stops against the end of the frame side member or other elements of the vehicle.
Failure to comply with these requirements may result in the trailer loop jamming in the tow hook opening and breaking the tow hook.
When overcoming particularly difficult sections, unhook the trailer and, after overcoming the section, pull it up to the vehicle with a winch. At the same time, remember that three or four turns should remain on the drum. Pull the trailer at an average engine speed. Do not tow a trailer with a winch cable.
When overcoming difficult road sections by a Ural 43203-10, Ural 43203-31 car with a trailer (or when maneuvering), do not allow the spare wheel and its holder to come into contact with the trailer.
The center of gravity of truck tractors is higher than the center of gravity of flatbed vehicles, so be especially careful when driving. Brake the train slowly.

Remember that the road train moves well in difficult road conditions when the tractor and semi-trailer do not have a folding angle in the horizontal plane or this angle is very small. With an increase in the folding angle, a lateral force begins to act, which tends to overturn the tractor or cause it to slide sideways.

Attention! When driving with the auxiliary brake on on a slippery road with a low coefficient of adhesion and the trailers do not have a brake solenoid valve on the trailers, the trailer may fold and skid.

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