It used to be the letter sh on the car. What does the w sign mean in a triangle on a car

It used to be the letter sh on the car. What does the w sign mean in a triangle on a car


There are rules according to which motorists must stick mandatory symbols on the rear or front glass of the car, as well as on the body. These types include the symbol indicating the presence of studded tires on the car.

During the winter cold, drivers in our country often install a set of studded tires on their car - it contributes to better cross-country ability and less vehicle slip in icy and snowy roads.

However, sometimes studded tires can cause an accident - to prevent this from happening, you need to place an appropriate sign on the glass of the car at the back or on the body.

Why do you need to glue it, the sign of Thorns?

According to the 2018 traffic rules governing traffic, the sticker must be visible to all drivers on the road, so each side of the triangle with the Ш sign must not be less than 20 centimeters, and the framing border must not be less than 2 centimeters.

The "SH" sign is needed and has the following meaning:

  • To inform and maintain distance. The Studs sticker belongs to the identification category and is intended to warn other participants about maintaining the required distance, since studded tires greatly reduce the braking distance of the car during a sudden stop. During emergency braking of such vehicles, other participants moving behind may simply not have time to slow down.

Accordingly, studded tires increase the risk of accidents in the absence of warning labels.

  • Avoid damage. The presence of an appropriate warning label will help protect the driver from liability for damage to other people's property:

spikes can sometimes fly out from under the wheels - this happens when the number of wheel revolutions increases while slipping on slippery surfaces and can lead to damage and injury to other drivers.

  • Pass an inspection. In addition, the driver of a car on which studded tires are installed, who has not placed the appropriate sticker in a conspicuous place, runs the risk of not passing the technical inspection, and it is he who allows the further operation of the vehicle. This means that if during the inspection the car was shod in studded tires, but there was no sign informing about this, it is unrealistic to get a technical inspection coupon. In order not to encounter such a problem, it is better to purchase the necessary sticker in advance. This condition was mandatory in past years, now they are more loyal.

In addition to these troubles, while such a car is moving, the traffic police inspector has every reason to stop it, since formally there is a possibility of passing a technical inspection with significant violations.

It is also worth remembering that, having got into an accident, in which a car with studded tires and the absence of the Spikes symbol was driven from behind, there is a certain risk that the accident will be recognized as mutual.

Such scenarios in the end can cost the car owner dearly.

Where to glue the spikes information sign?

The location of the Ш symbol on the car is not clearly regulated by the rules for the operation of cars:

  • According to paragraph 8 of the Basic Provisions, this sticker should be placed just behind the car, that is, not necessarily so that it is clearly visible to other drivers moving behind. Depending on the brand of car, the location of the sticker can be adjusted.

Experienced driving school instructors advise sticking a similar marking at the top of the rear window - according to them, in such a place the symbol is best visible to other road users. You can choose any side of gluing - the main thing is that the symbol is clearly visible and does not interfere with the view of the motorist.

In the case of a tinted rear window, it would be better to place the sticker on the outside. Transparent glass does not prohibit and allows its location from the inside. It would be better if it was located where the glass is cleaned of adhering snow mass with a janitor or brush. It can also be placed on the body or bumper.

This sticker can be purchased ready-made in the store, or you can make it yourself on thick photo paper. To stick the symbol, the best solution would be a suction cup, as it will not leave marks on the glass after removal, unlike adhesive tape. You should be aware that ready-made stickers in stores often do not comply with the conditions of traffic rules, and installing a sign that is too small will not have legal force, but it will be quite difficult to fine a driver for non-compliance. In addition, ready-made stickers with a sticky layer cannot be reused, and noticeable adhesive marks will remain on the glass after use.

Penalty for not having a W sign?

What is the penalty for not having a sticker? Many people are concerned about the question, is there a penalty for the absence of the Thorns sign?

  • Legislation, in accordance with clause 8 of the Basic Provisions, requires that vehicles equipped with studded tires have the Spike sign.
  • In addition, according to clause 2.3.1 of the Rules, each driver is obliged to ensure the technical serviceability of the car in accordance with the above document.

Therefore, the SDA obliges to install the Ш symbol at the back of cars.

According to the Code of Administrative Offenses, at the moment there is a fine for the absence of a Spikes sticker, traffic police inspectors can punish the car owner under Part 1 of Art. 12.5 - this entails either a warning or an administrative fine of 500 rubles.

Previously, the driver could challenge this decision in higher authorities, since Article 12.5 did not provide for malfunctions, which include paragraph 8 of the Basic Provisions. In 2017, a change was made to clause 8 and the absence of this sign is a malfunction that prohibits movement.

In custody

The Spike sign must be placed at the rear of the car, because it will be clearly visible to others here. Despite the fact that a penalty for the absence of a sticker is still provided, the presence of the Ш symbol will help the car owner avoid many troubles, including problems with obtaining a technical inspection and liability for damage to the property of other drivers.

To obtain the right to operate a car, a citizen must use sign “Spikes” (or “Sh”). It warns other car owners that studded tires are used on the vehicle. Despite the need, not all car owners use the sign. This is due to ignorance of the existing rules. The absence of signs may raise questions from the traffic police officer. The fact is that the current legislation has undergone adjustments.

In order not to find yourself in an unpleasant situation due to ignorance, experts advise periodically studying the current version of the current legislation. We will talk further about whether it is possible to use the “Thorns” sign, whether or not it is used at the wrong time of the year, and also about where to stick the sticker according to the rules.

In connection with ice in the winter season, motorists are required to use studded tires. She forgives the movement on a slippery track.

Winter tires are of several types:

  • with spikes;
  • combined;
  • with grooved protectors.

In modern stores you can find universal rubber that can be used in any season. However, it is only suitable for regions with a warm climate. Residents of the Russian Federation are required to use rubber with spikes.

If studded tires are used on the car, it is mandatory to attach the “Spikes” sticker to the car.

The sign has a triangular shape with a red border. It is angled up. On a white background there is a black letter Sh. According to the rules, the length of each side of the figure must be at least 20 cm, and the width of the red border must be at least one tenth of the length of the side.

Download the "Spikes" sign template in PDF format for printing:

The Spikes sticker has several purposes:

  • warn other motorists that the car has studded tires, and its braking distance will be shorter;
  • inform drivers that it is necessary to keep their distance (if the products are of poor quality, the spikes may fly out);
  • help the traffic police to find out the culprit of the accident.

The presence of the sign helps to identify the culprit of the incident. For example, the driver braked sharply, and 2 did not have time to react and drove into the bumper of the car. If the first vehicle does not have a sign, but at the same time it drives on studded tires, this will lead to the distribution of blame between the participants in the accident or even shifting responsibility to 1 driver who left. This is due to the fact that the second road user did not know that the stopping distance of the car would be shorter and could not calculate the distance.

Is it necessary to use the Spikes sticker?

Previously, drivers had the right to install the “Spikes” sign at will. However, a number of amendments made to the SDA changed the situation. If the plate is missing, the machine must not be used. Violation of the rule will lead to questions when checking by traffic police. They will definitely pay attention to this aspect and may even.

It is necessary to stick a sign on the glass as soon as a citizen has changed from ordinary tires to studded ones.

The rules and terms of replacement are fixed by law. However, in the off-season it is quite problematic to determine what kind of rubber the car drives on. To make it easier for drivers to navigate the situation on the road, the sign must be present without fail. If a citizen neglects the rule, he will be fined. The amount of the penalty is 500 rubles. The decision to impose a penalty is made by the traffic police officer.

Where to glue the Spike sign?

The law determines the exact size of the plate, however, where to glue the Spike sign according to the rules is not indicated. But a number of requirements that the driver must comply with still exist. When figuring out where to glue the Spikes sign according to GOST, the motorist will find out that the symbol must be fixed at the back of the car without fail. This is necessary so that the driver following the car can correctly calculate the distance.

Usually the sign is placed on the rear window of the car. This is the default location. However, if there is no space, the plate can be placed on another part of the machine. The sign should be easily visible to drivers following the vehicle. In a different situation, the motorist will be fined.

The symbol is recommended to be fixed in the upper left or right corner. It must be visible from a distance of at least 20 m. If the car is tinted, the letter Ш on the rear window of the car must be placed on the outside. In the summer, the sign must be removed. To avoid problems with the implementation of the action, it is recommended to use a symbol that is attached to the suction cups.

The photo below shows where to glue the “Spikes” sign on the rear window according to the new rules:

Additional features

There are a number of additional nuances that a motorist who wants to avoid a fine should remember about. So, it will be possible to pass an inspection without using a plate if the tires on the car are not studded. Using tires with grooved treads will also eliminate the need for a sticker. However, if a person drives on studded tires, the presence of a sign is mandatory. Failure to do so will result in failure to pass inspection.

Usually, drivers prefer to use the “Sh” sign in the form of a sticker. It holds well and is not damaged by external factors. The regulation does not prohibit the use of the sign in this form. However, it is very difficult to peel it off. Many drivers prefer to avoid difficulties and leave the symbol until the next season. However, this is a violation.

If a person drives on non-studded tires, but at the same time left the “Ш” sign, he misleads other road users.

Other drivers cannot reasonably judge how far away from the vehicle in front to keep. Therefore, the sign must be removed when changing tires. If a car enthusiast who wants to avoid a fine cannot find a sticker or does not want to suffer in the future with the removal of a vehicle sign, he has the right to make a symbol on his own. However, the legal requirements must be strictly observed.

The “Ш” sign must correspond to the following parameters:

  • be made in the form of a triangle, the top of which is directed upwards;
  • the letter Ш is located in the center and is applied with black paint;
  • it is white, and on the sides there is a red border, the width of which should be one tenth of the length of the side (at least 2 cm);
  • each side must be at least 20 cm.

Experts advise to first study the photo of the sign. If a person does not want to make a symbol on his own, he has the right to visit specialized organizations engaged in the manufacture of stickers to order. In this case, experts advise to remind the manufacturer of the requirements that the law imposes on the symbol. The use of the “Sh” sign is mandatory today. Driving on rubber with spikes in the absence of it will lead to a fine of 500 rubles. You can buy a sticker at any auto supply store. However, due to the rising hype, the symbol is not always on sale. A citizen has the right to independently make a “Sh” sign. However, it is necessary to comply with the requirements put forward by the current legislation.

According to the amendments to the "Rules of the Road", effective from 04.04.17, in Russia it is mandatory to use the "Spikes" sign on cars with studded winter tires installed.

However, not all car owners know about this, and the vast majority drive without this sign, which is fraught with certain troubles for them with traffic police inspectors.

From this article you will learn:

What determines the mandatory installation

The obligatory installation of the “Spikes” sign on a car is determined by clause 7.15 of the “Amendments to the SDA” dated April 04, 2017, which lists a list of malfunctions in which the operation of the car is prohibited. Literally, in paragraph 7.15 it is written as follows:

There are no identification marks, which must be installed in accordance with paragraph 8 of the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation.

At the same time, in paragraph 8 of the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles for operation, the following is literally written:

Vehicles must be marked with:

- "Spikes" - in the form of an equilateral triangle of white color with the top up with a red border, into which the letter "SH" is inscribed in black.

That is, driving without an installed “Spikes” sign on a car with studded winter tires installed has been considered illegal since 2017. By the way, now everyone can easily break through a car by license plate on the current base.

What is it for

It must be said that the need to install a sign is determined not only by legislation, but also by common sense.

Today, the choice of winter tires is huge, (Velcro) is chosen by an increasing number of car owners. However, even in big cities there are many situations when they have a shorter stopping distance than Velcro.

A highly visible "Spikes" sign can actually warn the driver behind you that the braking distance may be much shorter than he expects. That is, the presence of a sign, in fact, is an additional factor that reduces the accident rate on the roads. There is no need to neglect them.

Penalty for the sign "Thorns"

Since the absence of the “Spikes” sign is now considered a malfunction, according to Part 1 of Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, traffic police inspectors have the right to impose a fine of 500 rubles on the car owner.

Literally, part 1 of Article 12.5 reads as follows:

Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions ...

... shall entail a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred roubles.

That is, if the car owner is very lucky and the traffic police inspector is in a good mood, then he will be able to count on a warning. But with a high probability we can say that there will be a fine.

Where to glue the sign "Spikes" on the car

Many car owners also often have a question, where to glue the “Spikes” sign? It can be difficult to independently determine the place where it should be installed (there are many options - on the door or trunk lid, on the bumper, on the rear lid of the body, on the awning, someone even glues it to the wardrobe trunk attached to the roof rack).

It should be noted here that in addition to paragraph 8 of the "Basic Provisions for the Admission of Vehicles for Operation", no other documents, including the "Rules of the Road", specify the location of the sign on the car.

Literally, in paragraph 8 of the "Basic Provisions" the following is written:

The sign must be installed behind motor vehicles.

That is, the sign should simply be visible and well readable for those road users who are driving behind your car.

As for the sign sticker itself, here you need to remember the following:

  1. Since the sign must be placed only in the winter (it is not needed in the summer), it must be borne in mind that the sign pasted in the fall will have to be removed in the spring. And this may not be so easy and may even damage the paint or the glass itself on the car if the wrong place is chosen.
  2. There are two types of signs - with glue on the front side of the sign and with glue on the back of the sign. Accordingly, those signs that have glue on the front side are glued from the inside of the car, which on the back side are outside the car.
  3. Signs are produced by many manufacturers, for many of them the adhesive base can seize excessively “tight”, which will create a lot of difficulties when peeling off the sign in the spring. On the inside of the car glass, its heating threads can be damaged, and on the outside, even the paint on the car body can be damaged.
  4. To prevent this from happening, it is best to choose places where you will certainly not be able to damage the car. For example, car glass is perfect for any glue, since it will be much easier to scrape off the remains of the sign and glue from it than from any other surface. True, if a sticker is supposed to be inside, it is necessary that there are no heating threads on the glass.
  5. When sticking a sign on a car window, do not forget about visibility. The sign must be pasted in such a way that it does not obstruct the view to the rear. The most optimal places for placement will be the upper corners of the rear window of the car. The upper left corner is best because it obstructs the view the least. The upper right corner can also be used if there are already some stickers in the upper left.
  6. Also, do not forget that many cars have a tinted rear window, so the sign pasted from the inside will be difficult to read. For tinted cars, a sign for an exterior sticker is more suitable. Also, the glued sign on the outside is convenient in that you can ask it to be peeled off at any car wash in the spring.
  7. There are also a lot of options for signs "Spikes" for indoor installation "on suction cups" and other "Velcro". Here it must be said that the installation of such signs must be checked from time to time, since all these Velcro and suction cups tend to peel off over time.

What should be the sign "Spikes" according to GOST

It should be noted that in addition to the very presence of a sign on a car, it is also necessary that it comply with GOST.

According to GOST, the “Spikes” sign must be a white equilateral triangle with a side size of at least 20 cm, with a black letter “Ш” inscribed in it and a red border around the edges of at least 2 cm (10%) thick.

Many different signs are sold in stores and not all of them correspond to GOST; when buying, it is better to check the length of the sides of the triangle with a ruler or tape measure.

You can also print the sign yourself, just download the picture from our website:

The absence of the sign "Spikes" in an accident

As for the responsibility of the driver of a car without an established “Spikes” sign, who got into an accident, the following should be said here:

In the vast majority of cases, the fault of the driver who does not keep the distance and drove into the car in front is predetermined by the traffic police even when registering an accident.

However, the presence of the “Spikes” sign has now become mandatory and its absence on the back of the affected car can become an additional factor that the culprit of the accident can use in their favor. And under a certain set of circumstances, even turn the case in court in such a way that you become completely innocent.

The smartest thing to do is not to give the potential culprit such a great chance to confuse the case, and stick the "Spike" sign where it should be by law.

Starting from April 2017, the presence of a spike sign is a mandatory condition for the operation of a vehicle. Traffic police officers have the right to fine motorists who do not comply with the new traffic rule.

The letter "Sh" on the vehicle means a shortened braking distance of the vehicle. The symbol "Ш" in the presence of studded tires is glued to each vehicle. It obliges drivers to keep their distance.

What should the letter "Sh" look like on the car?

  • the sides of the triangle should be 20 cm;
  • the background of the triangle should be painted white with a red border;
  • the letter "Sh" must be black.

According to the law, traffic police officers have the right to issue a fine if the vehicle is equipped with studded tires and there is no sign.

The new law on stickers "studs" provides for the reduction of accidents on the roads of Russia.

After the adoption of the law on the "Thorns" sticker, the availability of the symbol has decreased significantly. Due to its scarcity, the cost exceeds 500 rubles. Finding a sticker on the territory of the Russian Federation is quite difficult.

What should I do if I did not find the factory sticker?

Sign glued not for the owner of the car, but for the rest drivers on the road

  • the sticker must be visible at a distance of 20 meters and beyond;
  • if the windows are tinted, then the spike symbol is attached to the outside of the rear window.

If you did not find the desired sticker on sale, the law allows its printing, but subject to the above requirements.

Spike sticker law

The law provides that the sign "Ш" is glued at the same time as the installation of studded tires. In summer, a driver does not need a spike symbol, but according to the law, its presence is not a reason for issuing a fine.

According to the Spike Sticker Law, the sign is affixed to the rear window of the car. The rule is not unambiguous, the identification mark can also be glued to the bumper of the vehicle.

Main! The law indicates that the sign must be in the field of view of all road users both at night and during the day.

The spike sticker law applies to all car owners, without exception.

Is the Spike sign required or not?

Experts believe that the designation "Spikes" is not necessary on cars. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, on the contrary, believes that the presence of a sign will reduce the accident rate on the highway and reduce the severity of the consequences in an accident.

According to the government decree of March 24, 2017, the presence of the “Spikes” sign is a prerequisite for the operation of the car. Its absence refers to a malfunction of the vehicle and the use of the vehicle is prohibited.

The law was introduced for two reasons:

  • the braking power of a car with studded tires is less than that of a vehicle with conventional tires. At the moment of braking, the car behind may not calculate the right time to stop and an accident will occur;
  • the quality of rubber with spikes is not always up to standard. While driving, the studs can scatter in different directions, which can cause an accident.

The legislation of the Russian Federation prohibits the use of summer tires from December to February. Based on this, the use of studded tires is prohibited from June to August. The rest of the time is left to the driver. He must soberly assess the weather conditions and possible traffic situations.

According to the law, the placement of the spike symbol on the rear-view glass is optional. It can also be pasted on the car body.

For the presence of the sign "Spikes" on the rear-view glass in the summer, the traffic police do not have the right to fine.

It is possible to get acquainted with the government decree No. 333 of March 24, 2017 by downloading it from.

Penalty for not having a sticker

The absence of mandatory identification symbols on a motor vehicle is subject to liability in accordance with the Code of Administrative Violations. The amount of the fine and the conditions of punishment are described in.

Before issuing a fine for the lack of a sticker, traffic police officers must reprimand the driver who violated traffic rules.

The amount of the fine for not having a sticker on the car - 500 rubles. The fine belongs to the category “non-compliance with road safety conditions”.

The punishment for the absence of a sticker with the symbol "Ш" on the car may be a ban on the driver from further movement. Due to the lack of an identification symbol for spikes, when passing a technical inspection, the driver is not issued a card of the passed diagnostics.

The law on the introduction of a fine for the absence of identification marks on a car came into force on April 4, 2017.

Starting from April 2017, some changes have appeared in the existing traffic rules of the Russian Federation regarding the location of mandatory signs on vehicles. Where should such a Spike sign be attached, what is the reason for such an innovation, and what penalties can a vehicle owner expect if this mandatory requirement has already entered into force?

Reasons for installation

Why do I need a sticker "Studded tires"? Installing a sign on a machine performs the following tasks and functions:

  • Providing information to road users that the vehicle in front of them is equipped with studded tires;
  • Possibility to pass technical inspection;
  • No unwanted stops and document checks in winter.

Where to place

So, having figured out the answer to the question “is the spike sign mandatory or not”, it’s worth finding out where to glue it according to the rules so that neither the persons conducting maintenance nor the traffic police have any claims against you. There is no clear regulation according to the placement rules. However, based on paragraph 8 of the Basic Provisions of the Regulatory Rules, its location should be the rear of the vehicle, and this should be done in such a way that the drivers of both cars and trucks following you can easily see the sign at a distance of up to 20 meters.

Depending on what brand your car is, you can choose a different location., but experienced drivers and driving school instructors advise placing it in the upper part of the car's rear window. The placement side can be any - on the right or on the left - in this case, the priority will be exactly the visibility of the drivers moving behind you, as well as the fact that such a sign does not interfere with the driver of this car in terms of visibility and does not block the necessary review.

In the case of attachment to the glass, it is no longer so important whether it will be inside the vehicle or outside, however, if your car has tinted windows, then the best option would still be to place it on the outside of the car. It will also not be a mistake to mount such a sign on the body or bumper of the car in a conspicuous place.

The dimensions of the sign according to GOST must be at least 20 cm (one side of the triangle), the triangle itself must be surrounded by a red border, the width of which is at least 10% of the length of the side of the figure itself. The letter "Ш" of black color is inscribed in the center of the triangle. When purchasing or making it yourself, please note that it must necessarily meet certain parameters.

Responsibility for the absence

On 11/29/2018, Dmitry Medvedev signed a government decree, on the basis of which, the mandatory gluing of the “Spike Sign” and the fine for its absence were canceled for car drivers. Now it is voluntary.

Video: How to stick on a car

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