How long should a car battery last and how can it be extended? What is the date of manufacture of the battery is fresh The battery is overcharged.

How long should a car battery last and how can it be extended? What is the date of manufacture of the battery is fresh The battery is overcharged.


Any rechargeable battery - simply a battery, has its own service life, unfortunately, nothing lasts forever! However, conventional acid batteries can have a fairly large “run-up” in terms of operation (sometimes twice) - but what is the reason for this? Why some batteries can work almost 10 years, while others barely reach 3 years. It turns out there is a difference, and moreover, this specifically affects the life of our battery ...

At the beginning of the article, I want to note that today we will disassemble ordinary acid batteries, yet AGM batteries are a little different.

Battery life is affected by many different factors. Especially external ones, let's list them point by point:

  • Temperature regime
  • Battery version
  • The health of the car charging system
  • leakage current
  • city ​​riding
  • Battery mount

These are the main points that can extend the life of your battery, and much more! However, to begin with, I want to talk about the quality of the batteries currently being produced.

Quality and service life

At the very beginning, I would like to say about the quality of modern batteries, now I will not get into the jungle with brands. I just want to point out:

  • Now there are really decent batteries, who walk for 5 - 7 years , and possibly more. It is quite simple to distinguish them, firstly, it is a well-known brand, and secondly, it is a guarantee of 2 to 4 years. As a rule, they are made using unattended technology so that the hands of inquisitive owners do not “climb” there.
  • There are also not very good batteries, they have a limited service life at best - three years ! But they give only 6-12 months of warranty service for their products.

The differences between a bad and a good manufacturer lie in the battery production technologies themselves, I read somewhere that serious companies do not spare lead for plates, and also use calcium and even silver to reduce electrolysis processes - so they obviously go long enough! But those who save, then the batteries will work very little, because there is a small amount of lead in the plates and after 2-3 years it begins to crumble. So in (I advise you to read the article), you need to look at the first case for a guarantee and technology, you can already understand everything.

Well, now I will try to quickly go over the main points that I have indicated above.

Temperature regime

It should be noted that many motorists think that the winter period affects the service life, that is, the battery « » loses charge and fails. This is partly true - the main problem is a cold battery, even after starting it does not take a normal charge until its temperature rises to a positive mark. Therefore, short trips can really adversely affect the battery, but as a rule, we all do (as I think is right), and therefore the charge accumulates normally.

But the summer mode, with its extremely high temperatures, and under the hood can be all + 60, + 70 degrees Celsius. Compromises, in summer you do not need a lot of energy to start the engine, but in winter you need at least 30% more! And since the capacity sank in the summer, it is possible that you will no longer start the engine!

Battery version

I wrote about this in an article -. Actually, if you take a serviced option, then be prepared to take care of it! Add distilled water, check electrolyte density, etc.! If you “miss” the moment, then the battery may not even last a year! In this regard, the service life of a maintenance-free battery is much longer, it is still worth buying one.

The health of the car charging system

There are two main aspects to highlight here:

  • Generator - it directly affects the operation of the battery. If it works in its normal mode, then the term is nominal. But if it starts to fail, not to give or not to give a charge, then the battery starts to discharge more. This is fraught with deep discharges and sulfation of the plates, a couple of three deep discharges and throw out your battery.

  • The regulator relay is a small but very important microcircuit, it saves the battery from overcharging. After all, the generator does not know the measure! In order for the recharge not to pass and this small element is needed, it also extends the life of the battery ().

If all systems are working properly, you can count on the nominal life of the battery, that is, say at least 5 - 7 years! But if something does not work, it critically reduces the service life.

leakage current

Third-party equipment, such as radios or alarms, if they are not connected correctly, can drain your battery, it seems to be not a large leakage current, but a couple or three days, and even a week, and that's it - a deep discharge! Therefore, if you notice that after overnight parking, the starter does not spin so briskly, it’s worth it. Then we eliminate it without fail, otherwise in a few months you will buy a new battery.

city ​​riding

It is also worth noting that batteries live less in cities! But why? YES, everything is simple - there are a lot of short trips in the city, you started the car, the battery gave energy to start, and you drove only a few kilometers and after 10 minutes you got into a long parking lot! Thus, it turned out - a small "undercharge"! Then they restarted and then stopped again. Such undercharges discharge the battery, and the voltage can drop to a critical level. For example, in winter you will not be able to start the car - discharge your battery to zero, and this is a deep discharge and sulfation.

Therefore, in order to extend the service life, it is worth at least once every couple of weeks to drive a car for more than 30 - 40 minutes! Although if you stand in traffic jams for a long time with the engine running, then this is quite enough - after all, the generator is spinning.

Battery mount

Many may consider this not an important point and will be wrong! Because the mount, in my opinion, is one of the most important points - the battery can fly out of its place during sharp turns and other maneuvers. And if it is not fixed, then the terminal on the body can close (say, positive to ground). Either the terminal can break at all, or break the attachment point in the plastic case, which also does not bring anything good! This battery will not last long.

Remember, the battery must be well fixed (sit in its socket), preferably with special brackets or other clamps.

  • Do not operate a discharged or "dead" battery.
  • In winter, try to recharge your battery, after warming up the engine, let it run for 5 to 10 minutes with electrical devices turned off, for example, after a trip.
  • If you have a mechanic, make it easier to start the engine by depressing the clutch pedal.
  • Do not turn the starter for a long time! For it simply unrealistically spends a lot of energy. Maximum 4 - 5 seconds, in one start! If the car does not start 4 times, do not force it further.
  • During the winter period. Before starting, it is advisable to turn on the headlights, this will start a chemical reaction in the battery and allow it to warm up faster. Headlights should be lit for 20 - 30 seconds, this is enough.
  • Periodically inspect the battery case, clean the terminals and the case from plaque.
  • Charge the battery periodically. Even if you make perfect use of your car, it may run out of power. For example, the ideal voltage is 12.7 V, but often the battery on a car is kept around 12.2 - 12.4 V. It is useful to raise it to 12.7V, say once a month.

By the way, a useful video on the topic.

An unequivocal answer to the question: “How much does a car battery cost?” - does not exist. Car batteries differ from each other in many ways, so it is necessary to compare them with each other, taking into account all the characteristics: from size to internal structure.

To find out how much a battery for your car costs, you must first check which battery the car manufacturer recommends in the vehicle's instruction manual. The main parameters that you should pay attention to when choosing a battery are dimensions, capacity, voltage, starting current, polarity. The performance of almost all vehicle systems depends on these characteristics, and they have a certain impact on the cost of the battery. When choosing which battery to buy, also consider the brand, the country of origin, the method of attaching the battery under the hood, the mode of operation, and other nuances.

The dependence of the price of a car battery on its design

  • Many factors influence how much a car battery costs and how long it will last. But what matters most is the technology used to make the battery.
  • Classic lead-acid batteries are the most inexpensive. Their service life depends on the vigilance of the owner of the car. They need to be periodically charged, check the density of the electrolyte and top up with distilled water.
  • Batteries manufactured using AGM technology are maintenance-free. They serve for a long time (at least 5-12 years), work well at temperatures down to -35 ºС. AGM batteries can be restarted many times within a short period of time. With strong discharges, they do not lose capacity. In the conditions of Novosibirsk, AGM batteries are considered optimal in terms of quality and price.
  • EFB batteries are the middle option between the first two. They are reliable, durable, not afraid of deep discharge and can be used at temperatures from -30 ºС to +40 ºС.

When visiting an auto parts store, check how long the battery has been in the window before settling on a particular model. It is better to buy a new battery, and you can safely ask for a discount on devices that have been manufactured for a year.

Hello, dear blog readers and regular subscribers! We all know that a serviceable battery guarantees a stable start of the engine in almost any weather, well, perhaps, with the exception of the most severe frosts (see material on the topic). In this regard, we need information about the life of a car battery that has real practical value for the driver.

Unfortunately, no battery (battery) lasts forever, and every few years we will have to dispose of it, replacing it with a new one. Manufacturers usually guarantee a period of up to 5 years, during which the battery should not cause serious problems to the car owner. The minimum period is about 3 and a half years, since much depends on the intensity of exploitation and its features.

The battery may draw more power than specified in the product data sheet. The constant overdischarge mode leads to the fact that the battery life is steadily reduced. Sometimes even 8-16 hours is not enough to bring the battery back to life, so before calculating its resource, make sure that it is as charged as possible.

What affects the service life

Everyone knows the truth that the maximum amount of energy the battery spends at the time of starting the power unit. Therefore, for short trips, she simply does not have time to recover, especially if the driver often stops and turns off the engine. The same can be said about driving with the air conditioner on. The stereo system, devices powered through the cigarette lighter, a rechargeable phone actively discharge the battery, not to mention external lighting devices. The battery is able to restore its balance qualitatively only when driving over long distances.

Reduce battery life and passive consumers: an alarm with a work indicator, an on-board computer, a door opening system, and so on. They work even during the period of time when the car is parked or in the garage. In order not to discharge the battery, simply discard the negative terminal - this technique can be used if you plan not to operate the car for a long time.

Influence of high and low temperature

Weather conditions, in particular air temperature, also affect the average battery life. Frost adversely affects the viscosity of the electrolyte, and this, in turn, increases the resistance of the passing charge. As a result, such unfavorable processes are observed as:

  • freezing (thickening) of the electrolyte;
  • shedding of electrodes;
  • capacity reduction;
  • body deformation;
  • reduction in service life with simultaneous failure.

On the other hand, how many years your battery will last is also affected by high air temperature. It leads to the evaporation of the liquid inside the cans, which leads to undercharging and overdischarging, and increases the likelihood of corrosion processes. There is an acceptable battery discharge level, which is no more than 25% in winter, and no more than 50% in summer.

How long should a battery last

Frequent use of an undercharged battery will degrade its performance. As you can see, the performance properties of such equipment are affected by a whole set of processes and factors. The battery fails the fastest in cars that are used for taxis, where the service life may not exceed 1–1.5 years. But there are situations when the driver manages to drive on one battery for 6 or more years.

Despite the fact that there is a concept of a warranty period of service, which the manufacturer must comply with. The Ministry of Transport has set a certain standard. It is regulated by the document RD-3112199–1089-02. This guidance document deals with the service life of lead-acid batteries in various vehicles.

This is in demand when calculating depreciation and writing off car batteries by service life.

In order to increase the life of your battery, you need to properly care for it. It would be useful to check the voltage level at the battery terminals 1-2 times a month using a load plug. It is also necessary to check the electrolyte level and, if necessary, bring it to normal, as well as the density using a simple device called a hydrometer. Also pay attention to the article. Do not forget to subscribe to blog updates to keep abreast of the most interesting news. That's all for today, and see you soon!


During operation, batteries gradually lose their performance even with proper maintenance. Sooner or later, the battery is not able to start the engine, especially in the cold season, and it has to be replaced..


Rechargeable battery (AC) is a chemical current source that stores the energy needed to power the electric starter that rotates the engine during start-up. In addition, it ensures the operation of the electrical devices of the car with a lack or absence of power developed by the generator. On vehicles, lead starter batteries are mainly used, consisting of batteries connected in series, installed in a common housing.

Serviced battery device:
1 - body;
2 - negative electrode (plate);
3 - separator;
4 - positive electrode (plate);
5 - barette;
6 - reference prisms;
7 - cover;
8 - filler plug;
9 - positive conclusion;
10 - interelement jumper (connecting bridge);
11 - negative conclusion

So called "maintenance free" batteries differ from the usual slow "boiling" of water from the electrolyte and its large reserve volume.


On the territory of the Russian Federation, batteries must comply with the interstate GOST 959-2002 "Batteries, lead, starter for automotive equipment." To ensure the normal operation of electrical equipment and the battery itself, it must comply with the main dimensions and characteristics of this vehicle.
"Polarity"- determines the location of the negative and positive terminals of the battery. If you look at the battery from the side to which the conclusions are shifted closer, then the polarity:
- straight- if the positive terminal with the designation "+" is on the left, and the negative terminal, designated "-", is on the right;
- reverse- if the positive terminal "+" is on the right, and the negative terminal "-" is on the left.
Battery Width must exactly match the standard one, since most of them are attached to the lower side ledges of the case.
The height and length can be somewhat larger if the size of the niche (installation platform) under the battery allows it.
Rated capacity(C 20) - the amount of electricity (in Ah) that the battery is capable of delivering during a 20-hour discharge mode with a current numerically equal to 0.05 of the rated capacity up to a voltage at the terminals of 10.5 V at an electrolyte temperature of 25 ° C.
Reserve capacity(Cр) is the discharge time in minutes of a fully charged battery with a current of 25 A to a voltage of 10.5 V at an electrolyte temperature of 25°C.
Note. By GOST 959-2002 the nominal and reserve capacity is determined by placing the battery in a bath of water at a temperature of 25 ± 2 ° C.
The reserve capacity is numerically 1.63 times larger than the nominal one (for example, for a battery with a capacity of 55 Ah, it is 90 minutes). This is the estimated time during which a fully charged battery provides electricity to the minimum consumers necessary for the safe movement of the vehicle in the event of a generator failure.
Cold crank current(I h.p.) - according to GOST 959-2002 - this is the discharge current that the battery is able to give at an electrolyte temperature of minus 18 ° C for 10 with a voltage of at least 7.5 V. The higher this parameter, the better the engine will be start up in winter, but due to an increase in the load on the starter, its resource may decrease.
The value of the cold scroll current depends on the method of its measurement. An approximate correspondence between the values ​​of the cold scroll current, determined according to different standards, is given in the table.


According to GOST 959-2002, each battery must be marked with:
- trademark or name of the manufacturer;
- symbol of the battery (fig.); - polarity signs: plus "+" and minus "-";
- date of manufacture - month, year;
- number of ND (normative document) for this battery;
- rated capacity in ampere-hours (A.h);
- rated voltage in volts (V);
- current of cold scrolling in amperes (A);
- battery weight (if it is 10 kg or more);
- safety signs;
- a symbol of recycling.

Note. Batteries intended for export must additionally bear: “GOST 959-2002”, the inscription “made in (name of the country of manufacture)” and the letter “T” for export to countries with a tropical climate.

Symbol for batteries according to the European standard EN 60095-1.

Symbol for batteries according to the American standard SAE J537.

Battery marking examples

Russian battery marking:
1 - symbol;
2 and 3 - cold scroll current according to DIN and EN;
4 - weight;
5 - reserve capacity;
6 - nominal capacity;
7 - rated voltage

European battery marking:
1 - type;
2 - nominal capacity;
3 - cold scroll current according to EN;
4 - signs of safety measures

American battery marking:
1 - symbol;
2 and 3 - cold scroll current according to SAE and DIN;
4 - rated voltage

Note. On the battery case, several values ​​\u200b\u200bof the cold scrolling current may be indicated, and then in brackets the designations of the standards by which they are determined.


In accordance with GOST 959-2002:
- warranty period of storage of non-filled with electrolyte (dry-charged) batteries - 36 months, while the shelf life of dry charge is 12 months;
- warranty period of operation of batteries - 18 months from the date of sale;
- warranty operating time of batteries - 60 thousand km of vehicle run within the warranty period of operation;
- warranty period of operation of maintenance-free batteries - 24 months with a car run of no more than 75 thousand km;
For maintenance-free batteries the warranty period is calculated:
- not flooded with electrolyte (dry charged) - from the date of sale;
- filled with electrolyte - from the date of manufacture.

Note. In the absence of the ability to control the car's mileage and battery maintenance modes, the guarantee practically covers only factory defects detected during the warranty period established by the seller.

Actual service life starter batteries can be much larger and depends on operating conditions. With serviceable electrical equipment, appropriate maintenance and an annual vehicle mileage of up to 10–12 thousand km, it can reach 5–8 years.
Lifetime of maintenance-free batteries without openings for topping up, significantly depends on the state of the electrical equipment and the conditions (intensity) of operation. The voltage in the car's on-board network must be in the range of 13.9–14.3 V, otherwise the battery life will drop sharply due to water “boiling away” from the electrolyte or due to constant undercharging and active mass sagging.


In order for the battery to develop its resource during vehicle maintenance, it is necessary:
- check the fastening of the battery on the car - a loose battery is more susceptible to vibrations, which can cause a violation of the tightness of the case;
- check the connection of terminals and leads - oxidized contacts lead to a voltage drop, failures in the operation of electrical equipment, incomplete battery charge and melting of the leads;
- wipe the cover from dirt to eliminate the possibility of self-discharge;
- clean the vent holes in the plugs or in the lid to prevent the accumulation of gases in the "jars";
- check the electrolyte level for batteries of conventional design - every 1.5-2.0 months, for "maintenance-free" batteries periodically, depending on the mileage of the car, but at least 1-2 times a year;
- if necessary (and if there are filling holes), restore the electrolyte level in the battery by adding only distilled water (adding electrolyte or acid is unacceptable);
- if possible, evaluate the degree of charge of individual "cans" by the density of the electrolyte in them using a hydrometer.


Protective goggles and rubber gloves must be used when working with batteries. In case of electrolyte contact with open parts of the body, it is necessary to immediately wash the affected area with plenty of water and then with a 5% solution of soda ash. To avoid an explosion, it is forbidden to use open fire. The positive battery terminal must not be allowed to short to ground. To exclude the possibility of sparking, it is forbidden to disconnect the wires when the consumers are on. Increasing the voltage developed by the generator above the value set in the vehicle operating instructions is unacceptable, as it leads to the intensive formation of an explosive mixture of hydrogen and oxygen inside the battery. When removing the battery, first disconnect the negative terminal ("ground"), then the positive one, and when installed on the car, vice versa - first connect the positive, then the negative.

When purchasing a battery attention must be paid to the date of its manufacture. The shelf life of dry-charged batteries in a warehouse should not exceed three years, filled and charged - no more than six months.
It is advisable to check, especially if more than one year has passed since the date of manufacture:
- the integrity of the case, freeing it from the packaging and tilting it to 45 ° - the electrolyte should not pour out;
- electrolyte level - it should be between the "min" and "max" marks for batteries with a case made of translucent plastic or about 15-20 mm above the top level of the plates;
- electrolyte density (for a filled and charged battery) should be 1.25–1.26 g/cm3 at 25±5°C;
- the color of the charge indicator (if any) should be green;
- the voltage at the battery terminals without electrical load (EMF) must be at least 12.6 V;
- voltage at the battery terminals using a load plug (for example, for a battery with a capacity of 55 Ah, when discharged with a current of 100 A, the voltage for 5–7 seconds should be at least 10.5 V).
In any case, you must have an instruction manual in Russian and a warranty card, which should indicate the terms of the warranty.
The measured indicators must be recorded by the seller in the warranty card. This will come in handy in case of claims to the quality of the battery at the point of warranty check for defects in it.
Filled with electrolyte and charged batteries are completely ready for use and do not require preparation for operation.
Dry-charged batteries require preparation for operation - filling with electrolyte with a density of 1.27-1.28 g / cm3 at a temperature of 25 ± 5 ° C and exposure for 30 minutes to impregnate the active mass of the electrodes. If after that the density has not changed, the battery is ready for use. When the density of the electrolyte decreases, a recharge is necessary until it is restored.
In addition, on the plugs of dry-charged batteries, it is necessary to cut off (if any) tides that cover the vents.

The life of the car battery depends on the correct operation of the device and the conditions of use of the car. Knowing the factors that lead to battery failure, you can avoid malfunctions in the operation of the device.

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The car battery has a plastic case in which lead plates are compactly located. Each element is sealed in plastic screens.

The plates have a different composition of lead. Plus battery consists of lead dioxide, and minus of finely porous lead. Sulfuric acid electrolyte actively interacts with the substances of the plates. A chemical reaction takes place and an electric current is generated. In the event of a battery landing, the destruction of the plates occurs.

How long should a battery last

Battery life may vary depending on the factors shown in the table.

Types of car batteries and their lifespan

The following types of car batteries are distinguished:

  1. Lead acid. They are one of the cheap and reliable batteries. A conventional acid battery can last no more than 6 years. Durability depends on the manufacturer.
  2. AGM batteries. The battery plates are bound by a fiber impregnated with acid. Thanks to such processes, no-load losses are reduced, thereby increasing productivity. These batteries are designed for vehicles with an energy recovery system. Service life is no more than 8 years.
  3. Gel batteries. In these batteries, the bonding element is silicon dioxide gel. Shelf life is up to 10 years.

Factors that shorten battery life

The battery gives the maximum starting current at the moment. When driving short distances, the battery will quickly fail because it does not have time to charge. Connected devices and air conditioning actively destroy the battery. The battery is able to restore its balance qualitatively only when driving over long distances.

The service life of car batteries depends on the conditions of use of vehicles.

The Avto-Blogger channel presents the correct battery charging in time.

Finding the battery in a discharged state

A discharged battery condition is catastrophic. The process of sulfitation occurs, and the density of the electrolyte decreases. The solution to the problem is to replace the electrolyte and charge with a small current.

Short circuit

A short circuit of the battery leads to its instantaneous failure. As a rule, one of the cans is damaged when closing. Lead plates completely crumble. Elements that have fallen from the old age of the battery can lead to a short circuit.


Corrosion of the battery plates occurs due to long-term operation. This process signals the owner about the imminent replacement of the battery.

Deep discharge battery

When the battery is deeply discharged, the plates are sulphated and disintegrated, which can affect the reduction.

Battery discharge occurs for the following reasons:

  1. High current leakage caused by faulty electrical equipment. Leakage should not exceed 100 milliamps. If the value is greater, then the car's battery will quickly discharge in the parking lot. The possibility of a car fire is not ruled out.
  2. Generator not working properly. The voltage of the on-board network should be no more than 14.4 V. If the recharging generator produces a higher value, then overcharging will occur and the battery will quickly go out of working condition.
  3. driving mode. In vehicles that are operated for short distances (up to 5 km), the battery is constantly in an uncharged state. This contributes to the rapid failure of the battery, such devices serve no more than two years.

Battery overcharge

Recharging the battery causes the electrolyte to boil away and decompose into hydrogen and oxygen. The electrolysis process is very dangerous, because hydrogen ignites at the slightest spark. The battery is overcharged from both the charger and the vehicle's alternator. From this we can conclude that the battery should undergo periodic maintenance.


Vehicle operation both at high and at low temperatures entails a rapid failure of the battery.

In hot weather, in the engine compartment, the temperature reaches up to 90 degrees and the water boils away. A decrease in the electrolyte level leads to a decrease in capacitance. The manufacturer gives the warranty period for the operation of the battery based on normal temperature conditions.

To prolong the life of your car battery, follow these tips:

  1. On vehicles with a manual transmission, it is advisable to depress the clutch pedal when starting. This advice is more relevant in winter, because the oil in the box is thick and the engine is very hard to start.
  2. During a malfunction of the machine, it is not recommended to turn the starter for a long time.
  3. In winter, it is recommended to recharge the battery once a month.
  4. Periodically, it is necessary to clean the battery terminals from oxide.
  5. Measurement of the on-board network during vehicle operation is periodically carried out using a multimeter. It is recommended to install an on-board voltmeter on the instrument panel, the voltage should not exceed 14.4 volts.

Proper battery charging procedure

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