Toyota Fielder: specifications. Corolla E120 - strengths and weaknesses Additional equipment relay box

Toyota Fielder: specifications. Corolla E120 - strengths and weaknesses Additional equipment relay box


Fielder - "receiving player" in cricket (English) or, more broadly, "field player"

Toyota Corolla, without exaggeration, embodies the totality of all the most sought-after qualities of a modern car. This name is known all over the world, and it is not surprising that it was the Corolla that became the most massive car in history. Is it possible to write something new about this model?

It is to us, journalists, that Toyota Corolla is known like the back of its hand: among the editorial cars there were at least four different versions of this model, and the most “hot” version of the penultimate generation model visited the editorial “Tribune” six months ago. Nevertheless, the ninth generation Toyota Corolla (primarily in its simplest versions) continues to interest many of our readers, as evidenced by regular requests to evaluate it on the editorial Tribune.

Realizing that the Corolla itself is an ordinary and well-known car, we took the opportunity to evaluate not one, but two instances of this model at once, with the same station wagon body (Corolla Fielder), a similar level of equipment (gearbox and drive type), but different engines. The first car - silver, in the "middle" version of the G-Edition - we got in a configuration with a 4-speed automatic, front-wheel drive and a 1.5-liter gasoline 1NZ-FE with 110 hp. From the internal equipment, climate control, a “large” audio system with CD / MD, white instrument scales and a brown-beige interior color scheme can be noted. The second station wagon, with a blue body and in the “highest” S configuration, was distinguished by an “automatic” with “intelligent” control and, most importantly, a more powerful and high-torque 1.8-liter 1ZZ-FE, whose power on front-wheel drive vehicles until 2002 inclusive was 136 HP (later - 132 hp). There are also differences in the cabin: an optotronic instrument cluster, a figured slot along which the automatic transmission selector moves and, of course, a radical black color (we will not take into account another model of the head unit of the audio system).

In the car market, the most supply (and, it seems, demand) are 1.5-liter Fielder variants. Station wagons of 2001 are offered for about $9600-11200. 1.8-liter versions of the same age are on average $1000 more expensive - $10600-12300, but these cars are at least half as many. It is believed that a more powerful car should be at least as good as a less powerful version. However, another question arises: is the 1.8-liter Fielder really as much better than the 1.5-liter as it is more expensive? This is what we will try to check.


Outwardly, the Fielder does not attract me, to say the least, but at the same time I know that the car is good. There were no frankly negative reviews about him, only positive, even enthusiastic, occasionally restrained. It is all the more interesting to compare two Fielders in a similar configuration with different engines. Comparing the dark and light cars, I was convinced once again that the light one improves your mood, and in general you feel more cheerful and comfortable in it. Yes, a bright interior is impractical, any speck is striking, it must be cleaned often, while a dark one has not been remembered for years. The silver Fielder did not like the light instrument panel, its pale blue just hurts the eye. Optitron would have looked more appropriate. Yes, and the steering wheel of the “brunette” is more comfortable in the hands and looks easier, despite the heaviness on the go (although this cannot be attributed to a disadvantage, apparently, a feature of a particular car). By the way, in the bright interior you can clearly see the high "Toyota" quality of the finish - everything is smooth, not the slightest distortion. As for the plastic panels, until you touch them, it is not clear whether they are hard or soft.
In terms of equipment, the interior is far from luxurious, but everything you need is there, and even after examining the poor front panel, I found everything I needed. At first glance, there are few luggage compartments in the car, I want more of them. I think the engineers went on the principle of reasonable sufficiency. There are two "soft" boxes in the sides of the trunk - good places for small things. In addition, under the trunk floor there is a whole storehouse of compartments, and everything that you put in them is in plain sight. True, only when the trunk is empty, otherwise, in order to raise the lid, all the cargo will have to be laid out. And if there is slush in the yard? Comparing trunks is meaningless, they differ only in color. If you do not take into account the carpeting of the luggage compartment, then otherwise it is well thought out and comfortable, even in the "passenger" orientation. Everything unfolds easily, without tricks. Even the rear seat cushions are removed in parts without much effort, significantly increasing the volume.

I must say right away - I would prefer the option with a 1.8 engine. It is felt that everything is given to him easier, sort of like without effort. 1.5, of course, is not “dead”, the VVT-i system knows its business and the declared 110 hp With. gives in full. He accelerates willingly and pulls confidently, but some tension is felt, which means that his life path will be shorter. In boxes, the difference is only in the shift mechanism, a broken groove and the possibility of engaging 3rd gear will probably attract someone's attention. Meanwhile, you can get it with a straight groove, like a 1.5-liter engine: just turn off the overdrive.

There is some difference between cars in motion - a powerful fellow is tougher and somehow more confidently goes through bumps. In corners, it is more stable and rolls less. On a long journey, it is good on it - it tolerates both asphalt and gravel road with minimal discomfort for passengers. The 1.5-liter car has a slightly more imposing suspension, it seems to be more inclined towards city driving and does not have a dynamic one.

Comparing two almost identical cars, we see how individuality can be realized in a mass product. I'd go for the 1.8 engine, straight slot box, light interior, Optitron instrument panel and smooth trunk liner.

Nikolay RUDIKH


Working option - closed and open boxes between the seats

The most curious Tribuna today turned out - two Fielder processors, trivial to the brain, but with power units of different sizes. And it seems like you need to guess which one will go better, with a half or a 1.8-liter? Theoretically, everything seems to be clear - an additional engine displacement will not hurt such machines, if only to shift the torque to lower revs and, as a result, less “twisting” driving in urban conditions. What about in practice? In principle, the initial expectations were confirmed. Some 300 grams of volume, and the 1.8-liter engine already behaves more sedately and quietly, does not annoy with the constant acoustic accompaniment of its work and does not require constant “toss” from the gearbox. And his pickup is more confident and reliable, without any nervousness. What can not be said about the one and a half liter engine - how much is it in vain (or maybe it's all about sound insulation that is less thought out for this version?), And does not like revolutions below three thousand at all. It’s good that there is an “automatic” here, otherwise you would have to suffer with switching. It is worth some time to coast, and then touch the gas pedal (do not press, but only touch), as the automatic transmission immediately "falls" on the step, and the tachometer needle soars up. And all this under the appropriate sound accompaniment. Nervous tandem caught, very nervous. It's a pity, because the less "voluminous" "Fielder", oddly enough, I liked more. An impractical but cheerful interior, a light but informative steering wheel, a convenient automatic transmission selector and an easy-to-read instrument cluster. What can not be said about the Fielder 1.8, where the black interior only enhances the oppressive feeling of being “crushed” by the massive front panel, where the winding slot of the automatic transmission selector looks like ordinary “show-offs” (“Corolla” after all, nothing more!), but as if sporty the steering wheel with bulges at the grip point is so “clamped” that turning it in place and in parking modes requires significant effort. Then, with an increase in speed, the reactions on the steering wheel become more understandable, but the second-hand “specific car factor” characteristic of the second-hand interferes with the pleasure of driving - a noticeable drift to the side. In all other respects, the cars are identical - lack of visibility into the exterior mirrors (due to their upper border, beveled for the sake of either style or aerodynamics) and its excess in the interior, normal driving position, grippy brakes, fairly comfortable suspension work on a series of seams and potholes. Yes, here's something else - completely subjective, but it was at the wheel of both Fielders that I felt that I was driving a station wagon: the inertia of the rear part of the body turned out to be so great that the feeling of some kind of backpack dangling over my shoulders did not leave all the time. It’s strange, I didn’t have such associations before, even while driving a purely “universal” and utilitarian Probox - the car behaved as a whole. But if you really choose between the two "Fielders", then even without adjusting for the technical condition, I will stop at one and a half liter. It is simpler and clearer, without pseudo-luxury wisdom. And as for the howling under the hood, this is a matter of habit and the volume of the audio system. People go and don't complain. And those who don't drive yet bring about $10,000 to the market for the happiness of becoming the owner of a Toyota Corolla Fielder. Because against the combination of "Toyota" and "Corolla" our man can not resist ...

Vyacheslav STARTSEV


On the Tribuna, two Fielders hit, as they say, in the hand. Literally a few days before, a friend resolutely pushed me on the topic of choosing a car for him. Leaning towards buying a station wagon, he, an experienced “Zhigulist”, outlined to me several models that interested him, including the “shed” of the Toyota brand.

Well, what can I say to you, Alex? If you care about fuel consumption, then ... there seems to be no difference between engines, 1.5- and 1.8-liters. More precisely, it, of course, exists, but not within such limits, because of which it is worth abandoning the more dynamic 1ZZ-FE, which decently pulls from the smallest revolutions and even “does not let up” after three or four thousand. "One and a half" is also not melancholic, especially if you do not draw direct analogies, and yet three hundred "cubes" should not be neglected.

It's a pity that the interior of the more powerful version is as black as in your "seven". Are you used to it or already annoying? I think it's too strict. The second Fielder with its combined light-dark color combination is impractical, but, you must admit, the gloomy tones are not pleasing to the eye. In addition, the interior of a more powerful station wagon is already emitting treacherous squeaks. The car is only five years old, the dashboard materials and door upholstery are soft, and such an inappropriate accompaniment. My ten-year-old Sprinter, I remember, was silent in the cabin. Yes, and yours, Alexey, "zhiga" in the silence of the panels will give this Toyota a head start. I think you won’t have to get used to the tight steering wheel on a 1.8-liter car. However, it is not clear to me why, on identical cars, except for the engine, the mechanism here in urban modes is by no means designed for ladies' hands. That being said, feedback is good on both Fielders. Unless some kind of “synthetic” rudders interferes, but it can be worse.

But with the noise coming especially noticeably from the side of the arches, I do not agree to put up with it. Not E, of course, class, and yet the sound of Yokohama Ice Guard, reminiscent of a landing "corn" dominates so much that it's just right, flattening your face on the "forehead", look out for this "chairman of the Soviet fields" flying at low level.

The ideal qualities of the Corolla suspension are far away, but if I remember the “hundredth” and “one hundred and tenth” descendants, I will shudder. There is progress. Will you rate it? And the whole Fielder as a whole?

Undoubtedly. After "zhigi" something! And yet, think about it. Low fuel consumption? There are other, more capacious components of operating costs, especially if you take the car for more than a year or two. Toyota reliability? Just not in these last generations. Well, what about other consumer qualities? Here it is worth discussing, starting, first of all, from the cost. $10-11 thousand and more? Such an amount gives a decent breadth of supply - one or two years older, a segment or two higher. And Fielder - he is just an average here, on the choice of which there is no point in putting emphasis.



Apparently, in the market race, Fielder took the baton of Caldina, since the Caldina itself in the new image is clearly not suitable for the role of a family-utility station wagon. But Fielder is just right. Sometimes I’m in a minor mood and I myself am impressed by its dumpy frame with an open and stupid look, a conveniently transformable and functional interior, potentially torquey and economical engines ... And in general, in this generation of Corolla, just like with our "dozens": the sedan is a monster, but the station wagon is nothing like that, harmoniously rehabilitates the family. And, of course, choosing a Fielder for myself, I would have stopped at the 1.8-liter version, especially since in this pair it turned out to be slightly more expensive than the “one and a half” version, although younger in age.

It is very important that in addition to a more powerful engine, the advantages of which immediately affected both in the city and on the highway, including the sound of work in stressful conditions, there is much more that is attractive to me here. This is the coloring of the interior in black, sporty cut and a much more comfortable steering wheel, elastic steering with excellent reactive power, sharp brakes and a slightly stiffer suspension, while not devoid of comfortable qualities on our rough potholes.

There are many convenient and useful compartments under the boot floor. But if there is a load, it is difficult to get to them.

Roomy trunk with many transformation options

The “one-and-a-half” version immediately repelled me with an impractical and ugly pale beige interior, in which the “plasticity” is depressing even with good plastic quality. And there are fewer soft details in this interior. Driver's passions are skillfully suppressed by a light amorphous steering, excessive inertia of the body on a softer suspension, wadded brakes, and the engine's power with a loaded car, I'm afraid, will be greatly missed on a long journey. At the same time, in the city and empty, the engine is quite jaunty.

In terms of equipment and ergonomics, there are no comments in this “two-dimensional dimension”, except that the external noise is higher than we would like, especially from tires. Both station wagons support the level of active safety with dignity, with well-defined neutral steering and obedient front-wheel reactions to the steering wheel and gas. Here Toyota is true to its traditions.

That's just how to evaluate all the qualities in terms of the "residual" resource? On the odometer of the "one and a half" more than 80 thousand km, on the odometer of the other more than 100 thousand. And, probably, someone has already “appreciated” the more powerful Fielder in Japan (not by chance, and the price is not so distinctive), since the box switches hard and with “pokes”, although it holds the gear better during acceleration, making it easy to reach the red zone . But for some reason, the car “leads” to the side for some reason (perhaps simply because of the wheels, but what if after a serious accident?), And the interior panels on bumps “burst at the seams”, making sounds that are not typical for the former “Japanese” (also consequences of an accident or very high mileage?).

The “one and a half” did not have these shortcomings - there are no cabin noises, the box works softly, although it is in a hurry to switch up, and the suspension absorbs rough bumps better, so to speak. Colleagues say that the elastic steering wheel of the 1.8-liter, they say, is also not a virtue, but a consequence of some kind of “jambs”. Perhaps they are right, because it was difficult to catch the difference in the severity of the reaction.

So it turns out that it turned out to be difficult to “breed” the cars. I'm afraid they "divorced" me. Neither one nor the other Fielder can recognize "my" possible acquisition. And in general, these cars do not have a feeling of resource reliability and operational unpretentiousness - that is the main quality, for which you will have to pay a considerable price, in general. After all, such cars are bought not for a year or two, as a rule.

Vasily LARIN


If two players got to the "Tribune" at once, then they should be evaluated as demandingly as possible in order to find out which of them is better, and in general, to reveal their combat potential. It can be said more harshly - are they generally suitable for playing on the “field” of modern second-hand? Both cars are included in the very "popular" segment, which was once rightfully secured by the most popular Toyota model. Our "corolla owners" have long appreciated the main advantages of this model - high reliability and the almost complete absence of problems with spare parts. But in recent years, Toyota in general and Corolla in particular have been seriously losing ground. Even in a single editorial office of Avtomarket, at one time most of the managers and journalists drove Toyotas, but over the past year three have dropped out of the ranks of fans of this brand. This is already an indication! What do people dislike so much about Toyota, or vice versa - what is so special about cars of other brands? Everyone may have their own opinion on this, but personally I thought that Toyota was a big let down by the price. It seems to me that these are not the cars to cost so much. Three and a half hundred thousand to give for a car "without a twist"? With the current variety of choices, this is sheer squandering. Like it or not, the Fielder expressiveness is the reverse expressiveness, when you pay attention to the puffiness of the car and some kind of commonality with the Probox, which cannot be called a plus.
Now about the difference between the samples. Aside from color and trim, by and large it all comes down to the difference in power. However, we began to forget that once "one hundred horses" was an unthinkable limit for a one and a half liter engine. And today already about 110 forces are being removed calmly. The 1.8-liter has almost 30 more. With the current rates for insurance and vehicle tax, few want to pay more. So is it worth chasing the engine size? Looking for what. If you are counting on a larger resource, this is one thing. If for the purpose of "lighting" - this is another. For example, our "blue" Fielder, for all its power, is by no means a Ferrari. Despite the fact that the suspension on it seemed a little harder than on the "silver", it is still too soft for active driving. But it is very suitable for leisurely movement along our dead, crooked and narrow roads. But sometimes people are hard to understand. It was interesting to read on the Internet the review of the owner (, who purchased a tuned Fielder - 210 hp. (2ZZ with revision), modified suspension, brakes, etc. He did not like the stiff springs and struts, he replaced them with standard ones. It starts off only from the second gear - the benefit of the tiptronic box allows it, and even the gear ratios are by no means set up for unhurried movement. He continues to consider the car a family car, while complaining that there is especially nowhere to drive, and also the “nervous” car is annoying in traffic jams. So was it worth it if for $15,000 (the comrade must have been modest so as not to scare people), you can buy a unit with similar characteristics as standard?

Let's not forget that Toyota remained out of competition when the second-hand market was just getting on its feet, and at that time we almost did not know good cars. And you can understand those who switch to Honda, Nissan, Mazda, Subaru - it doesn't matter if they are in charged versions or not. They are not embarrassed by the likely difficulties in repair, they are not embarrassed by problems with spare parts. However, this example characteristically shows why the "boring" Toyota is still doing well. Competitors will have to work hard to remove her from the conquered throne. Toyota captivates with the high reliability of its units and almost absolute friendliness. Fielder behaves with dignity on our roads - the benefit of landing is relatively high, the suspension has already been mentioned. The interior is comfortable and roomy (it seems even more spacious than on the old Corolla station wagons). The lack of special frills in the interior design and the clarity of the controls is also a kind of plus. When you get into the Fielder, you immediately get the feeling that this is “my” car, which cannot be said about many other cars that have passed through the Tribuna. And although the prospects for the “captain” of the national team are not so brilliant, it is still too early to write him off to the reserve.



Fielder on the Tribune? Boring. With a 1.8 engine? Already more interesting. Compared to Fielder 1.5? Really curious! And although I had a chance to ride, in fact, on a banal Corolla, the meeting left a pleasant impression and opened up a lot of pleasantly new things.

The Fielder in the Corolla family is perhaps the most nondescript - even the plump sedan, which everyone is already used to, is an order of magnitude prettier (and the taut Allex / Runx hatchback is even more so!). There are, of course, "Fielders" with modified bumpers, sills, cilia on the headlights, with beautiful molding, etc. - all this "tuning" at the very least camouflages the frankly "loaf" appearance of the Corolla station wagon. However, at today's Tribune we have two absolutely stock station wagons. And they are absolutely identical in appearance - one with a 1.5 liter engine, the other with a 1.8 liter.

Differences are visible only in the cabin. Although in this case we have to talk more about elements that are similar for "relatives", because the interior decoration of Fielder-1-ZZ (hereinafter referred to as F-1.8) and Fielder-1-NZ (F-1.5) is strikingly different. Since at first I had the key to a more powerful car in my hand, I'll start with it.

A strict atmosphere reigns in the F-1.8 cabin, it doesn’t smell like a family car here: dark tones of plastic and seat upholstery, the necessary minimum of chrome parts, beautiful instruments reminiscent of optotronic, plain “synthetic” seats, a three-spoke steering wheel (plastic, but lies nicely in the hands ) - the situation is very reminiscent of some kind of "hot" hatchback. But no - behind the back is a spacious rear sofa and a spacious utility trunk.

I have nothing against solidity, but I liked the F-1.5 interior more - it is much more comfortable in it! The impractical beige plastic of the panels, the easily soiled, but very pleasant to the touch, velor upholstery of the seats, and the slightly frivolous, but readable and not irritating greenish instruments, are also pleasing.

But visibility does not depend on the configuration, and, alas, it is not a strong point of the Corolla - if there are no special complaints about the mirrors, then the thick racks frankly interfere in corners and when driving onto the main road. In the blind zone of the racks, it’s not that you won’t see a person - you won’t notice KAMAZ! And Fielder's window sill line is high - the iron on the sides of the car is disproportionately larger than glass (by the way, Fielder's appearance is so heavyweight in many respects because of this).

I got behind the wheel of the F-1.8 with caution - the memories of the violent nature of the 1ZZ-FE were fresh in my memory, which with enviable ease moved the test Wish and Allion cars of a higher and, accordingly, heavier (in the literal sense of the word) class. But the Fielder, smaller in size and mass, refuted all the laws of logic - it is no faster than the named tribesmen. Yes, it accelerates quickly and without failures, the tachometer needle just as willingly runs to the red zone, even the loud piston-cylinder swearing from under the hood sounds note-for-note, like in Allion and Wish. But something is missing... Maybe it's the characteristics of the automatic transmission or the "disease" of the engine of a particular instance, but the F-1.8 could not even "put" the speedometer needle on the bypass in Solnechny. And F-1.5, by the way, could. However, these claims are rather maximalist in nature, since the vast majority of owners of the 1.8-liter Fielder have enough dynamics for this station wagon. Moreover, in the city, the agility of the car is even slightly upsetting, since the car has only one response to the slightest pressing of the gas pedal - a sharp leap forward. In traffic jams, this property will quickly tire you. The steering does not let you relax either (in the sense that the steering wheel is made deliberately tight). At speed, this is good, but on the narrow Irkutsk paths (it’s hard to call it roads), you have to turn the steering wheel with unexpectedly great effort.

Against this background, you perceive the F-1.5 as a relaxation room - a bright interior, a feather-light steering wheel, a quiet engine, smooth but accurate reactions ... Beauty! At the same time, you can drive fast on this car with no less success - the smart 1NZ-FE interacts well with the “automatic”, providing the car with confident and predictable acceleration. In the city, a light steering wheel and an adequate accelerator pedal make it very comfortable to feel in a dense stream of traffic.

The suspension of both specimens evokes only positive emotions - elastic, energy-intensive and at the same time quiet, it allows you not to be very upset about the abundance of flaws on the streets of the city.

Thus, I liked the 1.5-liter Fielder even more than the 1.8-liter - largely due to its calmer disposition. Fielder more powerfully resembles not the most erudite, but conscientious athlete, unquestioningly and straightforwardly following the instructions of the coach, while Fielder takes less strength with flexibility and intelligence. Therefore, it was more pleasant for me to communicate with him.

And speaking in general, once again we have to state that Toyota has made a car that has a very, very attractive balance of consumer characteristics. The contingent of Fielder buyers is all but, perhaps, young people and lovers of originality (read "non-fans" of Toyota in general). And the fact that now on the market you can easily choose not only the color and equipment of the car, but also the engine and appearance only increase the “strength of the Toyota” fist, mercilessly beating competitors.



But it was my idea: to take not one, but two Fielders to the Tribune, but with different engines. Is it really only for this that I will have to drive for three hours on completely boring and banal station wagons, trying to find the nuances of the behavior of two cars between bouts of headache (the consequences of a long-standing concussion)? Unfortunately, I am unable to reschedule this trip. So, the only hope is that at least one of the two station wagons will be able to please and, which has already happened behind the wheel of their own cars, will make them forget about feeling unwell: today it is this criterion that will be decisive for me in the choice - in the literal sense, the choice of the head.

The first in my driving program was a 1.5-liter silver station wagon. Who cares, but the combination of white instruments and a creamy brown interior in the ninth generation Corolla (as well as the Spacio compact MPV) has never aroused great sympathy for me. However, today, for some reason, the light cream interior did not remind of the former rejection - this is a plus. The first meters of the path showed an undesirably high engine noise during acceleration, and when the desired speed is reached, a “turboprop” rumble appears under the throttle, most likely emanating from Yokohama winter tires. But the car accelerates easily from a standstill, and the 1.5-liter engine allows you to maintain the pace of urban traffic without stress - another plus. And outside the city, the car did not disappoint: without much difficulty, the silver station wagon crossed the 150-kilometer mark on the speedometer, and pressing the gas pedal at 155 km / h caused a kick-down in the machine - commendable (albeit useless at such a speed) behavior! But still, the noise could be less, and the suspension work is more accurate - these are minuses.

Switching to a blue Fielder with a 1.8-liter engine assumed an improvement in all driving characteristics - still an additional 22 hp, as well as an “almost top” S package (against the “intermediate” G-Edition in a 1.5-liter version) required to demonstrate a higher level. But where did the extra horses go under the blue hood? They are noticeable only in the city (more confident traction). Well, maybe under load the car won't go dumb like a 1.5-liter Fielder (or my Mobilio). And on the track, the blue station wagon barely accelerated to 160 km / h. And this, it seems, is not an accident: in one of the catalogs, we managed to get data on the maximum speeds of different versions of the ninth generation Corolla. So, the 1.5-liter 110-horsepower version can accelerate to 190 km / h, and the 1.8-liter 132-horsepower - only up to 180 km / h! And let this be the data of cars with a manual gearbox - on automatic machines, only the speed itself will be different (even lower). So the achieved 160 km / h is, it seems, the limit of the blue station wagon.

But it wasn't the 1.8-liter Fielder that didn't please me because of the dynamics. And not because of the "tired" suspension with a disturbed toe-in of the front wheels, because of which the car was noticeably taken away from a straight path. Six months ago, when the Tribune had a 190-horsepower Allex hatchback, I didn’t like the radical black interior of the ninth Corolla, which, with its gloom and massiveness, in some situations can put pressure on the psyche worse than any other hypnotist. And today, it seems, it was he who played his literally black role: I crawled out of the cabin twilight of the blue Fielder in just half an hour and did not want to go back. But the interior materials of the blue car are of better quality and more pleasant to the touch, and the optotronic devices look expensive and are easier to read, and the sound insulation is better, and acceleration in urban conditions is more confident, and even driving is more comfortable due to the greater inclination of the seat cushion and improved lateral support. and more comfortable. But, alas, the comfortable seat did not make my head feel better...


modification G Edition S
Total information
body type station wagon
number of doors/seats 5/5
type of drive front
transmission type 4AT
dimensions (length/width/height), mm 4385 x 1695 x 1520
saloon (length/width/height), mm 1900 x 1430 x 1230
wheelbase, mm 2600
clearance, mm 160
curb weight, kg 1100 1140
turning radius, m 4,9 5,1
fuel tank volume, l 50
model 1NZ-FE 1ZZ-FE
type R4, DOHC, 16 valve, VVT-i
working volume, cub. cm 1496 1794
power, hp / rpm 110/6000 136/6000
torque, Nm/rpm 143/4200 171/4200
fuel gasoline AI-92, AI-95
suspension, running gear
brakes, front/rear disc ventilated/drum
front suspension independent, spring
rear suspension semi-dependent, spring
tire size 175/70R14 185/70R14

18 (2007) dated 04.05.2007

Toyota Corolla Fielder is a multifunctional station wagon that has conquered millions of people around the world. The Japanese automobile company released the first Corolla Fielder model in 2000, which translates into Russian as "inhabitant of the fields." This is not a car, but the optimal combination of a family member and a workhorse.

Corolla Fielder E120 2 restyling

In the Toyota lineup, the Corolla Fielder model is a descendant of the Wagon station wagons, which is similar to its predecessor, but received a fresh exterior without unnecessary bumps.

The growing requirements of the Japanese car market led to the development of the 1st generation Toyota Corolla Fielder E120 2000 - 2006. This car attracted consumers with its functionality, good visibility, a spacious luggage compartment, a fairly large fuel tank (50 l), the maximum level of comfort for the driver and passengers. In 2002, the automaker made adjustments to the suspension system (the first restyling). In 2004, the 2nd restyling of the 1st generation of the Corolla Fielder was made. New equipment devices have appeared, and the design of the front and rear has also changed.

The 2nd generation Toyota Corolla Fielder (E140) falls on the period 2006-2010. The manufacturer constructively approached the new changes:

  • airbags on the sides;
  • closed turn display;
  • an air conditioner filter that receives pollen from plants and trees;
  • automatic headlight beam control;
  • variable transmission (CVT).

In 2008-2012 the second generation Fielder survived the update. In 2008, the design of the front of the car (bumper, grille) and headlights was changed. The sporty Fielder Z AERO TOURER was also subjected to an external change.

In the spring of 2012, a presentation of the 3rd generation of the Corolla Fielder (E160) was organized in Japan. Developers and engineers returned the car to the class of small cars. For four years, Fielder has been completely redesigned: dimensions are reduced while maintaining a spacious interior. The car could accommodate 4 passengers and could make long trips. In addition, the Japanese introduced a new version of the station wagon - a hybrid.

Corolla Fielder E160 - 3rd generation

Restyling of the third generation Toyota Corolla Fielder (E160) was produced in 2015 and such a car was produced until 2017. There was a new design of the front, including a change in the grille, bumper with daytime running lights instead of the usual fog lights.

In 2017, the 2nd restyling of the 3rd generation Fielder is a small change in the external design of the car.

Characteristics of the first generation Corolla Fielder E120 2000 - 2006

When creating the first generation Corolla Fielder, the designers did not forget about roominess, as well as a comfortable and pleasant ride.

First Corolla Fielder E120

General technical parameters of Toyota Corolla Fielder:

  • five-door station wagon;
  • right hand drive;
  • 1.5 and 1.8 liter petrol engine and 2.2 liter diesel;
  • front and all-wheel drive;
  • automatic, mechanic;
  • tank volume - 50 l, AI-95

Salon Fielder E120

Corolla Fielder cars produced in 2000-2004 have front optics and a false radiator grille that are different from others. In 2002, the first restyling of this generation was to improve the parameters of the suspension. The following changes concerned the exterior of the car.


Compared to sedans, the Fielder station wagon in a simple configuration has a 1.5-liter 1NZ-FE engine with a capacity of 110 horses. In 2001, Toyota Corolla Fielder received a 1.8 liter 1ZZ-FE engine with 136 hp.

Three gearboxes were available in the first generation Toyota Corolla Fielder. A four-speed automatic was placed on all engines, and a five-speed mechanics worked in tandem with engines of 1.5 and 1.8 liters, 136 hp. For cars 1.8 l 190 hp installed automatic transmission4 and manual transmission in six steps.

Mostly they installed gasoline engines, but there was also one diesel engine. The 2.2 liter diesel was only paired with a four-speed automatic.

The sports model Fielder Z AERO TOURER was equipped with a 1.8-liter 2ZZ-GE engine with 190 hp. The VVT-i system was added to the car, which made it possible to greatly increase power, while the working volume of the cylinders did not increase.

Four-wheel drive was available with 1.5 and 1.8 liter gasoline engines without a turbine and only with automatic transmissions. Front - all other models had a 2.2 liter 3C-E diesel engine with 79 hp.

In 2004, Toyota restyled the Corolla Fielder. The engine range has not changed: 1.5 and 1.8-liter gasoline engines with 110 and 136 hp. and a 2.2-liter diesel engine with 79 "horses".


In 2002-2003 The Toyota automobile concern continued to produce the first generation of the Corolla Fielder station wagon. Models received new operational characteristics.

Technical parameters of the body 2002-2003:

  • dimensions: length - max 4410 mm, width - 1695 mm, height -1475-1520 mm;
  • ground clearance (clearance): 160 mm;
  • wheelbase: 2600 mm;
  • trunk volume: 0.5 cu. m.
  • fuel tank volume: 50 l

During this period, the developers paid more attention to the interior of the cabin than the appearance of the car. Toyota Corolla Fielder lovers were attracted by economy (low fuel consumption), dynamics, and reliability.

Parameters of the 2nd generation Corolla Fielder E140 2006-2012

The 2008 Corolla Fielder is a second-generation Toyota model. A five-door station wagon with a gasoline or diesel engine that performs well in the city, on the highway and is suitable for off-road driving.

Corolla Fielder E140 restyling

The main advantage of the Corolla Fielder is its safety. The presence of the ABS system, pillows, curtains, belts reduce the risk of injury to passengers in the event of an accident. The undoubted advantages of the Corolla Fielder: low fuel consumption, roomy trunk, smooth ride, reliable braking system, high seating position are the main reasons for buying a model.

But there are also weaknesses of the Corolla Fielder 2008. The car has a right-hand drive control system, which does not suit many European and Russian drivers. There is also an overly soft suspension and wide A-pillars that impair visibility while driving.


In 2010, Toyota continues to improve the Corolla Fielder. The transmission elements, engine settings for the 1.5-liter car version, and the electric generator have been improved. Which together influenced the reduction in fuel consumption (5.4 liters per 100 km.).

Salon Corolla Fielder E140

After restyling in 2008, the changes affected the design of the Toyota Corolla Fielder grille, front and rear bumpers, and headlights. The 1.8 liter 2ZR-FE / FAE engine has acquired several power options of 125, 133, 136 and 144 horsepower.

Corolla Fielder 2008-2010 release took into account the shortcomings of its predecessors and made significant upgrades to the interior, exterior of the car and performance. On the technical side, an important difference between the second generation Corolla Fielder and the first was that the 4AKPP was replaced by a stepless variator.

The base model was a 1.5 liter 1NZ-FE with 105 hp. This was followed by a 1.8-liter version of the 2ZR-FE with 125 hp.

In the Corolla Fielder E140, 1.8-liter 2ZZ-GE engines for 190 horses and diesel engines were not installed, only gasoline power plants.

Dimensions and volumes

The generation of Toyota Corolla Fielder, released in 2008, was suitable for motorists in terms of size and technical characteristics for daily driving and travel.

Machine dimensions:

  • length: 4.42 m, width: 1.69 m, height: 1.5 m;
  • ground clearance or ground clearance: 0.155 m;
  • wheelbase: 2.6 m;
  • trunk volume: 0.5 cu. m;
  • fuel tank capacity: 50 l.

The main advantage of this model is a large luggage compartment, which is the reason for buying it as a family car or work vehicle.

Specifications Toyota Fielder 3rd generation E160

In 2013, Toyota Automobile Corporation releases the next line of Corolla Fielder.

In the 3rd generation, a complete set with a hybrid power plant appeared.

Corolla Fielder E160 2 restyling

The total power of the 1.5-liter engine and electric motor of the 2013 Corolla Fielder is less than 100 horses, and the average fuel consumption has decreased significantly and amounted to 3 liters per 100 km. Unlike gasoline versions, the hybrid has a small tank - 36 liters. The car is equipped only with a stepless variator and front-wheel drive.

Power units

In the period 2013-2017. a Toyota Corolla Fielder hybrid was produced - a 4-cylinder 1.5-liter 1NZ-FXE gasoline engine with 74 hp. with gearbox - variator. Eco-friendly and high-tech model with minimal fuel consumption. Modification 1.8 l 2ZR-FAE 140 hp was front-wheel drive and CVT.

Salon Corolla Fielder E160

The 1.5 liter version of the 1NZ-FE with a capacity of 103 - 109 horsepower was produced only with a five-speed mechanics. In 2017, the second restyling received a new 1.5-liter 2NR-FKE Toyota Corolla Fielder engine with 109 hp. for non-hybrid front wheel drive versions with CVT transmission.

Extra options

In 2013, the dimensions of the Toyota Corolla Fielder were slightly reduced, and the trunk was enlarged.

Trunk Corolla Fielder E160

After the update, the technical characteristics of the 2015 Toyota Corolla Fielder hybrid model have not changed much:

  • length - 4.3 m, width - 1.7 m, height - 1.4 m;
  • wheelbase - 2.6 m;
  • trunk volume - 0.4 cubic meters (with folded rear seats - 0.874 cubic meters);
  • fuel tank volume - 36 l;
  • ground clearance (clearance) - 155 mm.

Diesel equipment for models 2013-2014 of these years is not provided, motorists choose gasoline or hybrid units.


Toyota, having changed the appearance and technical equipment, has created a comfortable, safe and functional station wagon Corolla Fielder. Ideal car for family, work and leisure.

White interior Corolla Fielder E160


The Toyota Fielder is a station wagon Corolla. This car has been produced from 1966 to the present. Over the entire period of its existence, the machine has survived 11 generations. From this article you will learn the technical characteristics, features of the appearance and interior of the station wagon.

Model history

The first generation appeared in 1966. The car was produced only in Japan, so he did not receive world fame. After 4 years of production, the Japanese company decided to restyle and release the second generation. Also, the creators decided to update the line of engines. In early 1974, Corolla vehicles in all body styles moved into the new segment. All cars have become richer in equipment, larger and heavier.

In 1979 there was a complete redesign of the model. Round shapes and optics were replaced by rectangular headlights and straight lines. In the next few generations, cars adhered to angular design.

The station wagon body became known as the Toyota Fielder for the home market in Japan. At the end of 2000, the ninth generation was released, which became the most popular in the entire history of the model. The car lasted on the assembly line for 6 years. In addition to the fact that this generation has become the most popular Corolla, the car has become the best-selling car in the history of the company and remains so to this day. The Corolla and Corolla Fielder have won numerous awards, including Car of the Year for several consecutive years.

In 2006, the 9th generation was hopelessly outdated, and the company decided to retire it. The tenth generation is coming. The station wagon body retained the Fielder prefix. Toyota began to break all records not only in terms of sales, but also in terms of safety. The tenth generation was the first model in the history of the global automotive industry to receive five safety stars.

In 2012, the eleventh generation appeared on the Japanese market. A few months later, the car reached abroad, including Russia. The car received a completely new body, an updated interior and a completely new line of engines. In 2015, the 11th generation was restyled, and in this form the car is produced to this day. Let's look at its appearance, interior, and then move on to the technical specifications.

Toyota Fielder: exterior photo

The new restyled car with all its appearance resembles the Subaru Impreza. The station wagon has become more compact in size, because the new generation was created on the B-class platform.

By its aggressive appearance, it cannot be said that this is a calm family station wagon. The headlights are connected by a chrome trim to the grille. The huge air intake on the front bumper looks more like a shark's mouth. The "muzzle" of the car looks much sportier than the profile or rear.

On the side, the car is quite calm, it can be easily confused with the pre-styling version. The back also does not differ much from the previous modification. With all its design, the new Toyota Fielder proves that station wagons can still be interesting and unusual. The station wagon is not a boring family "carrier", but a car with its own character and charm.

You can praise the new model for the body design for a long time, but still remember the main purpose of the car - it's comfort and spaciousness. Let's move on to the review of the car's interior.

Interior and comfort

Inside, everything is almost the same as in the previous version of the model. The unusual center console contains a multimedia display and a minimal set of buttons. At the very top of the panel is an emergency button. The instrument panel is traditionally combined: standard instruments with mechanical arrows and an electronic panel. Although Toyota developed this panel a long time ago and practically did not modify it, the shield still looks attractive. Let's move on to the seats.

In the most expensive trim levels, the seats have robotic settings. The front seats are comfortable, with good lateral support, but you will hardly need it in the Toyota Fielder - the technical characteristics will not allow you to accelerate and arrange races on the road.

Despite the external compactness, there is a lot of space inside. Rear passengers will definitely not be deprived of attention - there is enough space here even for large people. However, not for tall people. People with height above average are no longer quite comfortable to prop up the headlining of the ceiling. Between the side seats there is a folding armrest.

Separately, it is worth noting the functionality of the cabin. Throughout the car you will find many handles, levers that recline and adjust the seats. If you completely fold the rear row of seats, you get a real cargo platform for long loads up to two meters.

Toyota Fielder: specifications and equipment

Despite the aggressive appearance, in terms of technical characteristics, the car remains calm and nondescript. The fact is that all the efforts of the creators were aimed at improving environmental friendliness and fuel economy.

The entire line is represented by 4 engine options: a 1.5-liter unit with 74 horsepower, a 1.5-liter engine and 104 hp. s., 1.5 liters and 109 liters. with., the most powerful version with a 1.8-liter engine and 140 hp. With.

The car can be equipped with a manual gearbox or a variator. There are also versions with only front-wheel drive or all-wheel drive.

In terms of trim levels, the most attractive version is the Aero Tourer. Toyota Fielder is equipped with the most balanced set of options in this particular version. Also, the car is complemented by a laconic body kit around the entire perimeter of the body.


The cost of restyling the eleventh generation is 1 million rubles in the basic configuration and with the weakest engine. Gasoline consumption of such a car is 5.5 liters for every 100 kilometers. The most expensive option with a 1.8-liter engine and a CVT box will cost about 1 million 300 thousand rubles.


Toyota once again surprises the entire automotive community with the new Corolla station wagon. Without creating anything new, having slightly changed the appearance and technical equipment, the Japanese station wagon again strives for the top lines of sales ratings around the world.

Comfortable, versatile, safe, functional - this is how you can describe the new Toyota Fielder. Appearance tuning is already coming as standard, and with stylish body kits, the family car takes on a sporty and aggressive look.

Toyota Corolla sedan 120 is rightfully considered the bestseller of the automotive industry, it is listed in the famous Guinness Book of Records, the model has a record as the best-selling model in the world. The ninth generation, receives the designation E120, is published in 2000. The sale on the world market of the Corolla Toyota sedan body 120 started in 2001. The ninth generation car was produced until 2006 in station wagon, sedan, and hatchback bodies. Toyota cars have been and are still very popular in the world, thanks to the well-deserved image of Toyota, an extra reliable and very tenacious car.

Toyota corolla 120 body remained true to the established traditions, giving many of its owners carefree years of enjoying it. However, there were some "sores" that the ninth Corolla did without. The Corolla E120 was equipped with gasoline engines with mechanisms for changing the valve timing, the VVT-i system was called, the engines had a working volume of 1.4 liters (97 hp), 1.6 liters (110 hp) and 1.8 l (136 hp). In addition to gasoline units, Corolla also has 2-liter diesel engines (90 hp). Although the engines of the toyota corolla station wagon 120 were generally reliable and quite durable, they were able to overcome 200 thousand kilometers without major repairs, and without causing problems to the owner. However, about a third of the owners encountered minor troubles.

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Gasoline engines 120 body toyota corolla sedan, had a gas distribution chain drive, its replacement is rarely required before a run of 200 thousand kilometers. And some copies were able to go without replacement up to 300 thousand kilometers. However, the chain tensioner surrenders much earlier, already after 90 thousand kilometers. Wearing out from time to time, the timing chain tensioner ring begins to gradually leak oil.

A feature of the operation of these engines has become the vibration of a heated engine at idle, sometimes swimming speed is added to the vibration. This problem is a sore motor from the ZZ series. The reason was the ECU engine management program, which is flashed to the Euro-4 standard, but is not at all adapted to our gasoline. Adjusting this process will not fix it. A similar phenomenon is felt on engines with a mileage of more than 100 thousand kilometers. An attempt to correct this situation with the help of Toyota Corolla 120 toyota body tuning - replacing candles, cleaning nozzles or throttle does not give any results.

The “folk method” of getting rid of such vibration was to increase the speed by the twentieth by increasing the load on the motor, turning on additional consumers of electricity.

Motor series 3 ZZ (1.6 l) Toyota Corolla in 120 Toyota body did not tolerate oil starvation. Even if nothing happens immediately after the starvation, the consequences will appear in just 20-30 thousand kilometers. After a run of 110 - 120 thousand kilometers, oil consumption begins to increase. Therefore, in such motors, it is recommended to maintain the oil level at the MAX mark.

In general, all engines of the ZZ series were very picky about the quality of the oil. Toyota Corolla 120 body corolla sedan The characteristics of the ZZ series engines were not up to par - with high efficiency and excellent dynamic performance, the ZZ engines turned out to be “raw” and very short-lived. The resource for oil scraper rings in the first engines turned out to be negligible, even with careful maintenance and gentle operation. The result was increased oil consumption. The main reason was the loss of mobility (occurrence) of the oil scraper rings inside the piston groove due to poor oil drainage and poor cooling of the piston bottom itself.

Tuning sedan Toyota Corolla 120 body consisted in the fact that 3ZZ engines since 2005 have been produced with a refinement of the piston design, oil scraper rings, as well as with an oil level increased by half a liter. After the revision, the number of complaints has significantly decreased.

Another feature of the ZZ series engines used on the Toyota Corolla station wagon 120 corolla body was the absence of hydraulic lifters, the 4E-FE series (1.4 l) also does not have hydraulic lifters. The valves were adjusted by selecting pushers, because shims were not provided. Such an operation was quite time-consuming and expensive, and it was necessary to carry it out after 100 - 120 thousand kilometers. Often, the need for this came much later, and many of the owners did not resort to such a procedure at all.

Even on ZZ engines until 2003, a bounce often appeared inside the plastic intake manifold. The cause of the bounce was the resonation of its swirl plate. Later, the design of the collector was changed, and the problem immediately disappeared.

In engines from the 1NZ (1.6l) series used in the Toyota Corolla 120 station wagon characteristics, hydraulic lifters are gradually being used, which greatly facilitates their operation. The problem becomes difficult to start the engine in cold weather. After a run of 180 thousand kilometers, the valve cover on the cylinder head begins to “snot” on these engines.

The problems include such a circumstance as “morning trouble Toyota”, abbreviated as UTT - as the Russian owners of the Coroll called it - this is a poor start of the engine in cold weather, and after a long parking. This feature is practically incurable. Having reached a run of about 110 - 120 thousand kilometers, it may be necessary to replace the clutch of the gas distribution mechanism, the thermostat, and the rear oil seal on the crankshaft begins to leak.

By a run of 140 thousand kilometers, in the motor body of the toyota corolla 120 station wagon, the bearing of the V-belt tensioner begins to whistle, as a rule, the rubber tip at the ignition coil cracks. After passing the mark of 140 thousand kilometers, a flange crack may occur on the intake manifold, which is located near the throttle. All oxygen sensors will need to be replaced soon. And the engine support cushions need to be replaced after a run of more than 160 thousand kilometers

Overheating of the engine of a car with a sedan body 120 Toyota Corolla will immediately require the replacement of all valve stem seals. After a run exceeding 220 thousand kilometers, there were cases of burnout of the intake valves. A clogged fuel filter inside the fuel pump can cause the engine to start poorly. When a warm engine does not start, it means that the camshaft sensor has died.

The technical characteristics of the Toyota Corolla 120 station wagon body showed that engine outages are often caused by contamination of the DMRV, which stands for air flow sensor. By a run of 140 thousand kilometers, the noise of the air conditioning compressor bearing begins.

Regarding the sores of diesel engines, there is very little information, in practice, they do not cause trouble to the owners. All that is needed is high-quality diesel fuel and timely oil changes, compliance with such conditions guarantees the durability and reliability of the diesel engine.

Toyota Corolla body 120 toyota specifications with a 1.4 liter engine consumes about 11-12 liters per 100 kilometers in the city, more powerful engines of 1.6 liters and 1.8 liters - a little less than 10 - 11 liters.

On the highway, the consumption is obtained for all about the same 6 — 7 liters. The record holder was a diesel engine with a consumption of 4-5 liters on the highway.
1.4 liter engines work exclusively with manual transmissions. All other motors are perfectly combined with both mechanical and automatic transmissions.

The manual transmission used in the 120 Toyota Corolla station wagon requires a lubricant change in it every 50 thousand kilometers. And with the advent of the first problems, some owners are faced with a run of only 100 thousand kilometers - this is the occurrence of a creak when the clutch is depressed, its source is the rod in the master cylinder, and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pedal attachment.

Squeaks when pressed, occur when moisture enters the cabin, and they come from a spring that returns the clutch pedal. At the same time, a rumble may also occur in the box itself, its “weak point” is the front bearings on the primary and secondary shafts, as well as third gear bearings.

After a run of more than 120 thousand kilometers, sometimes there were problems when shifting gears. The clutch departs 150 thousand kilometers (if it is not burned out). The AISIN automatic transmission will not make itself known soon, in general it is very reliable. It is extremely rare that problems appear before 200 - 250 thousand kilometers. Individual units were able to live up to a run of 600 thousand kilometers !!! Machines, of course, do not like slippage, which can quickly lead to breakage.

The disease of boxes from the U series was the occurrence of a howl, after a mark of more than 120 thousand kilometers, the front planetary gear becomes the source, due to the backlash of the satellites located on the axes. If, with such a problem, to tighten with the repair, then it can push (break) the oil seal and squeeze out the oil, as a result of which its clutches fail. Upon reaching a mileage of more than 180 thousand kilometers, a break in the gear shift cable is possible, this will not allow you to return the gearbox to the “P” mode, as well as start the engine after parking.

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