Renault Sandero wheel bolt pattern. Tires and wheels for Renault Sandero Parameters of Renault Sandero rims

Renault Sandero wheel bolt pattern. Tires and wheels for Renault Sandero Parameters of Renault Sandero rims


Any car, including foreign cars, looks stylish and beautiful if the equipment, body parts, and interior correspond to a decent level. Renault Sandero is standardly equipped with fairly high-quality elements, but you can stand out from the general flow of cars by equipping the car with original wheels.

The range offered by manufacturers is wide, but the right choice depends on some features of the model.

Standard sizes

Since the start of mass production in 2007, the Renault Sandero car has rolled off the assembly line, equipped with 14 or 15-inch wheels (R14, R15), equipped with stamped or alloy options. Advanced versions of the Renault Sandero Stepway were equipped with R16 wheels. In addition to the size of the wheel rim, there is a set of other significant technical indicators:

  • width;
  • bolt pattern (drilling);
  • takeaway;
  • central hole.

The nominal width of the Renault Sandero rim of various modifications varies between 5.5 and 6 inches (symbol - 5.5 J or 6J). The value of the indicator affects the grip force with the road surface, directional stability and handling.

Branded discs have 4 holes for mounting bolts, located along the circumference of the disc at a distance of 100 mm from the central axis (parameter symbols LZ and PCD, respectively). The full drilling designation is LZ*PCD 4x100. An important indicator is the diameter of the hole itself, it is important when choosing bolts for the disc. Factory bolts from Renault are available in 12 mm sizes. Drilling of holes is made with a recessed edge of a conical shape for a secure fit of fasteners.

Offset is the value in mm between the plane passing through the center of the rim width and the surface of the connection between the disc and the hub. The offset can be positive or negative. Serial Sandero models are available with an offset of 43-50 mm (ET43, ET 50). The French manufacturer has a positive offset, that is, the wheel is visually recessed into the wheel niche.

The central hole is a parameter that characterizes the diameter of the hub. For the entire range of Renault Sandero, it is 60.1 (DIA 60.1). The operation of discs with a large indicator is allowed with the use of special spacer rings. The alignment of the wheels, the reliability of the connection and the comfort when driving (no runout) depend on the correspondence of the disks to the diameter of the hub.

Characteristics of regular bolts

The wheels are fastened with metal bolts M12x1.25x25 using a special wheel wrench equipped with a dynamometer. A weak force leads to loosening and separation of the wheel, vibration during movement, strong tightening damages the threaded connection.

Bolt parameters indicate dimensions in millimeters: 12 - diameter, 1.25 - thread pitch, 25 - thread length. Standard bolts are produced with a cone-shaped seat. It is important to remember that the thread length of standard bolts is often insufficient for fastening light alloy products.

What discs can be installed

The desire to improve the car, improve technical characteristics and appearance pushes motorists to search for alternative factory equipment options. Stamped discs, even decorated with decorative caps, satisfy few people. They were replaced by products made of light alloys, which can be conditionally divided into 3 groups:

  • forged;
  • cast;
  • prefabricated.

Magnesium and aluminum alloys used for their manufacture are distinguished by their lower weight, ease of removal and installation of wheels, and better technical characteristics compared to stamping. Reducing the weight of products saves fuel, contributes to the dynamics of the car. Although these models are quite fragile, they are ideal for use in urban environments.

The cast accessories shown in the photo are 20-30% lighter than stamped counterparts, heat up less when moving, and are easy to clean. However, the lack of compliance during impacts is fraught with chips and breakage of the discs.

Hot stamping of forged products increases their strength and resistance, but high rigidity forces the car's suspension to take the negative impact of a bumpy road.

The components of prefabricated models are made of materials that differ in the manufacturing method, are interconnected by titanium or metal bolts. This technology allows you to replace the damaged segment of the unit. Backlash in the joints of the constituent parts increases the flexibility of the structure.

When changing the type and size of discs, the factor of the difference in material thickness at the junction of the wheel with the hub is taken into account. There is a possibility that the length of the threaded part of the bolts will be insufficient for reliable fixation, or vice versa, they will rest against the details of the machine structure.

Selection Options

The range of wheel accessories for Renault Sandero allows you to make a competent purchase in accordance with personal priorities. In addition to design, style, aesthetic perception, it is necessary to take into account the influence of some factors:

  • compliance with vehicle specifications. The installation of products that, with or without load, are capable of rubbing against the part of the wheel niche due to increased dimensions, leads to sad consequences;
  • the ratio of external attractiveness to operating conditions. Models that require low-profile tires look good, but are not applicable for constant trips to the country with a maximum trunk load;
  • the influence of the chosen model on the associated financial costs. Replacing the technological parameters of the disks (diameter, width, offset) inevitably entails the change of tires, mounting bolts;
  • change in driving style. Low-profile tires, due to their greater width, improve traction with the roadway, but are more sensitive to loads when they get into deep holes on the road.

A comprehensive understanding of the consequences of switching to new accessories, including turning radius or stopping distance, helps to make an informed choice.

Valid parameters

The technological indicators of the disks outlined above, regardless of whether it is an outdated model or a newfangled Stepway, determine the range of acceptable models for car tuning.

Petrol, 1.2i 74 HP
Petrol, 1.6i 101 hp
Valid Options

The table provides reference values, individual deviations from the indicators are possible, especially on tuned versions of the car.

The drilling of Renault Sandero cars is clearly equal to 4x100. The deviation of the central hole in the larger side is allowed when using specialized bushing rings. The choice of vehicle configuration option should take into account the different lengths of the threaded fragment of the bolts for the standard and individual versions of the disks used.

Financial costs, worries about the literacy of the choice of disks for Renault Sandero will pay off, bring a lot of positive emotions if elementary recommendations and a responsible approach to car modernization are followed.

Any car requires timely service, especially if it is used daily. Any detail in this general mechanism of movement must be serviceable and, fortunately, the ability to put the car in perfect order is not a problem today. So, one of the main components of any car is its wheels, namely, tires and wheels of a car.

So let's define the main parameters that are still worth looking at in order to "change shoes" for your car and be sure of safety on the road. I would like to pay special attention to a good car - Renault Sandero, which has become quite popular among both men and women.

In order to choose the right tires for Renault Sandero, you need to focus on the parameters of the rims, among which are noted:

The diameter of the steel or cast disk you have chosen (in the technical documentation, the radius is R);

Razboltovka or drilling (look in the documentation - PCD x DCO);

Departure (in the documentation look for - ET);

Hub diameter (in the documentation it is designated - DIA);

Rim width (marked in the documentation - J).

The coincidence of the values ​​of these parameters in advance will protect the owners from damage to the suspension, deterioration in the functionality and performance of the auto disk, as well as a general malfunction of the car. In order to buy tires and wheels for Renault Sandero in Voronezh, you also need to take into account the year and modification of your car.

What tires are put on the Renault Sandero?

The size of tires on Renault Sandero can be different, depending on which of their types you prefer. So, for example, on Renault Sandero 2010 (modification 1.6i), factory tires with parameters - 165/80 R14, 175/70 R14 and 185/70 R15, as well as no less high-quality replacement tires with parameters - 185/65 R15 , 195/60 R15 and

195/55R16. Tires with parameters - 215/45 R17 are suitable for tuning. Do not forget that it is impossible to choose a tire without taking into account the parameters of the disks. So, Renault Sandero wheels can also be purchased with factory parameters -5.5 x 14 ET43 and 6 x 14 ET40, or you can choose suitable replacement options with parameters - 6 x 15 ET50, 6.5 x 15 ET43 and 6.5 x 16 ET45. For tuning, wheels with parameters - 7 x 17 ET40 are suitable. It is important to take into account the sizes of tires and wheels on Renault Sandero, because how the car will behave on the road depends on the choice. What tires to buy wider or narrower, higher or lower? The answer is simple - install components according to the manufacturer's recommendations. Indeed, when mounting a tire of a smaller width or height than recommended, you risk getting the following unpleasant breakdowns:

Wheel damage;

Large load on absolutely all suspension units and bearings;

But too wide a tire size on a Renault Sandero will lead to tire friction on fixed sections of the body or suspension arms. In addition, this and more:

Additional fuel consumption;

Increasing options for the phenomenon of aquaplaning;

Increase in car weight.

Regarding the materials from which the disks are made, they are classified into:

Stamped steel wheels. Advantages - low price, disadvantages - it can bend with a strong blow or the car gets into a hole. The car in motion accelerates worse and slows down worse. However, they are actively used in the winter.

Forged aluminum wheels. Advantages - low weight and high strength. Disadvantages - simple design and lack of variety of options to choose from.

Alloy wheels for Renault Sandero. The benefits are a wide variety to choose from, as well as large vents that help cool the braking system. Disadvantages - low plasticity.

You can choose tires and wheels for Renault Sandero in Voronezh by contacting a reliable company that sells only high-quality products at real prices. If you have any questions or need detailed advice about which tires for Renault Sandero are right for you - just contact the contact number listed on the company's website. A qualified manager will definitely advise you on the right tire size for Renault Sandero absolutely free of charge.

Using the automatic selection of tires and wheels for the car Renault Sandero, you can avoid many problems related to their compatibility and compliance with the recommendations of car manufacturers. After all, they have a huge impact on a significant part of the operational properties of the vehicle, primarily on handling, fuel efficiency and dynamic qualities. In addition, tires and rims in a modern car are one of the elements of active safety. That is why their choice should be approached as responsibly as possible, i.e. with knowledge of a number of parameters of these components.

Unfortunately, most car owners prefer not to go into such technical nuances. However, the automatic selection system will prove to be extremely useful, regardless, as it will minimize the chance of choosing the wrong rims or tires. And it is distinguished by its extreme diversity, due to the presence in the Mosavtoshina online store of a wide range of this type of product.

Tires are an integral part of a modern car. They allow you to move and provide the proper level of comfort. What tires are on Renault Sandero?

Today we will consider the tire sizes that are equipped with the popular Sandero Stepway budget car. Let's talk not only about factory equipment, but also about options that are suitable as an alternative, What other tires are suitable for Renault Sandero.

Stock tires for Sandero Stepway

The first generation Stepway has been produced since 2014 and was equipped with a tire size of 185*65*R15. Owners consider this tire option to be “native”. It is recommended to install it on the car. On sale there are a lot of options for this size and from any manufacturer.

Alternative to standard tires Stepway

Rubber on Renault Sandero is not standard. As replacement tires, you can consider several options, which are not so many when it comes to regular disks.

The most optimal non-standard option is the size 195 * 65 * R15. Such tires are effortlessly mounted on "native" disks. Alternatively, you can consider as a candidate for replacement tire size 195 * 60 * R15. Some owners seek to increase ground clearance slightly by using a higher rubber profile. For these purposes, tires 195 * 70 * R15 are suitable. They also mount to factory drives without any problems.

Among the owners there are such "unique" who "shoe" their cars in tires 205 * 65 * R15. Experts do not recommend installing these tire options on the first generation Stepway for several reasons:

  1. First, the cost of products increases significantly.
  2. Secondly, increasing the width can adversely affect handling.
  3. Thirdly, the increased mass of the wheels leads to an increase in fuel consumption and a reduction in the life of the undercarriage parts.

Such remarks are also valid for wheels with the 16th tire and wheel size. Some owners install them to improve the appearance. There are such "experimenters" who manage to install the tire size 205 * 65 * R16 on their Stepway. We do not recommend leaning towards such drastic measures, including for the above reasons.

The second generation of the French "state employee" from the factory is equipped with wheels with the 16th standard size. Here, the standard option is the tire size 205 * 55 * R16. The experience of the owners indicates that the following tire options can be installed without any problems:

  • 205*65*R16;
  • 195*65*R16;
  • 195*55*R16.

With regards to options with even larger tire sizes, we note that here the owner is exposed to the previously indicated risks. There are many cases on the Internet when owners installed 215 * 65 * R16 tires on their cars and failed. With the wheels completely turned out, there was a grazing of the tire behind the arch.

Now consider options with a smaller size. For Stepway in the second generation, such tires and wheels can be installed without much concern. For example, options: tire size 195*65*R15, 205*60*R15, 205*65*R15 will ideally “fit” instead of standard ones.

But does it make sense? 16th wheels with tires look presentable and more impressive. Wheels with the 15th size in the huge Renault arches will be “lost” and will look inharmonious.

Summing up

As you can see, the ingenuity and penchant for experimentation among domestic owners of Renault Sandero Stepway is at its best. Some try to “pull” tires with parameters that are significantly higher than the options considered on regular disks. Others generally look towards SUVs, plunging into adventurous ideas.

However, in any case, the most optimal would be the use of such an option, which is regulated and recommended by the manufacturer. Before buying and installing tires with other parameters, we recommend that you consult with experts, study the material on online forums, where the experience of other owners will be of particular value and will favorably affect the correct choice.

And finally, you should not save on the quality of tires and wheels. Rubber on Renault Sandero is very important in terms of the safety of the driver and his companions. High-quality tires will last longer and in a critical situation will allow you to keep the car on a given trajectory, which tires of dubious origin are not able to do.

Popular Renault Sandero cars, depending on the configuration, are available with cast or stamped rims. In addition to factory parts, it is also possible to install products from other manufacturers recommended by the French automobile manufacturer. Today, on specialized Internet sites, you can find many services that, when entering complete factory information about a car, provide a wide selection of tires and wheels suitable for a particular car. Also popular are the so-called tire calculators, which not only select suitable commodity items (winter or summer) for a specific car model, but also inform about the approximate cost of one set.

Of course, when choosing wheels, it is necessary to be guided by their quality level, take into account performance characteristics, permissible maximum speed and pressure indicators, winter test indicators in case of searching for sets for the cold season. In addition, the described accessories may also have a decorative connotation. Tuning Renault Sandero in most cases involves replacing standard wheels and tires with products from well-known brands that specialize in the production of just such parts.

Valid parameters

On Renault Sandero, regardless of the year of manufacture, it is allowed to install disks of such diameters as R "14", R "15", R "16" and R "17". The latter option is used for a thorough tuning of this car. The table below contains detailed information about the factory dimensions and alternative wheel options for Renault Sandero, the installation of which is carried out / allowed by the manufacturer:

power unit Year of issue Options
Volume 1.2 liters (16V)2014 -2015 PCD 4/100 D=60.1

Factory equipment

Volume 1.4 liters (8V)2010 -2015 PCD=4/100 D=60.1

Equipment from the factory

6×15 ET 50; 5.5 at 15 ET 43; 5.5×14 ET 43

6.5-15 ET 43; 6-14 ET 40

Volume 1.6 liters (16V)2009 -2015 PCD=4/100 D=60.1

6-15 ET 50; 5.5-15 ET 43; 6 to 14 ET 40

Volume 1.6 liters (16V)2015 PCD – 4/100 D=60.1 Bolts 12*1.5
Volume 1.6 liters (16V)2010-2015PCD 4/100 D=60.1 Bolts 12x1.5

6×15 ET 50; 5.5×15 ET 43; 5.5 at 14 ET 43; 6-15 ET40

Acceptable analogues

6.5-15 ET 43; 6×14 ET 40

It is worth noting the most popular trademarks of 2015, under which cast and stamped products for Renault Sandero are produced. These include such well-known brands as Trebl, Kronprinz, Arrivo, KFZ, Replica, Nitro, Alutec, Enzo, Dezent and many others.

So, on Renault Sandero of the first generation (release from 2008 to 2012), it is allowed to install disks with a diameter of 14-16 (R "14", R "16"). In this case, it should be taken into account that the diameter of the hubs is 60.1 mm, and the maximum reach (ET) is allowed in the range from 30 to 50 mm.

Renault Sandero models of the second stage, which have been produced since 2013, have the same hub diameter (60.1 mm), and the allowable diameter of these accessories (R) is 15-17 inches. Departure indicators should be in the range of 30 - 43 mm. The manufacturer's recommended width is 6-7 inches.

It should be noted that there are cars from other manufacturers that have similar selection parameters and parts of which may fit a Renault Sandero car. An example is the Japanese car Toyota Yaris.

Bolt and Bolt Configuration

Drilling means those parameters that characterize the features of fastening the disk to the hub. The Renault Sandero bolt pattern is 100/4. This means that the fastening provides for the presence of 4 bolt holes, the number 100 indicates the diameter of the circle on which the bolts are located in millimeters.

Bolt parameters are also individually defined. The head of the bolt has a diameter of 17 mm, its thread has the characteristic M12x1.5. It is worth noting that when installing alloy wheels, the bolts should be somewhat longer, on average by 2-3 turns of thread, and when tightening them, observe the allowable tool pressure on the connection. The selection of these accessories should be carried out on an individual basis.

Tire selection

The standard parameters of winter and summer wheel tires on Renault Sandero cars of the first generation with an engine capacity of 1.4 liters are 165-80 R "14", 185-70 R "14". 185-65 R 15 tire options were added to the 2015 models, which were equipped with a 1.6-liter gasoline engine. The second generation of these cars were equipped with 185-65 R "15" tires.

Careful selection of the described tires (regardless of winter or summer) should be carried out taking into account exact compliance with the dimensions and parameters allowed by the manufacturer, depending on the modification of the car and its year of manufacture. Deviations in the permissible parameters of parts are fraught with a decrease in the level of safety when driving.

The Renault Sandero instruction manual regulates the permissible tire pressure. It is worth noting that the pressure test must be carried out only on cooled wheels using a special tire pressure gauge. At the same time, the nominal indicators differ depending on the dimension of the wheels. So, with sizes 165-80 R 14, the pressure in the front and rear tires should be 2.0 Bar, 185-70 R "14" - 2.0 Bar in the front and 2.2 Bar in the rear, 185-65 R "15 » - also 2.0 and 2.2 bar.

Ensuring the correct internal pressure in the wheel and timely monitoring of it will ensure safe driving, especially in winter, as well as optimal fuel consumption. Insufficient pressure can also cause uneven and accelerated tire wear on the Renault Sandero, as well as unsteady behavior on the road.

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