Adjustment of 6-cylinder in-line diesel engine. In what order do the engine cylinders work on different cars

Adjustment of 6-cylinder in-line diesel engine. In what order do the engine cylinders work on different cars


The simplest motorists do not need to know all the intricacies of the engine cylinders. Somehow it works, okay. It is very difficult to agree with this. There comes the very moment when it will be necessary to adjust the ignition system, as well as the clearance valves.

It will not be superfluous information about the order of operation of the cylinders when it will be necessary to prepare high-voltage wires for candles or high-pressure pipelines.

The order of operation of the engine cylinders. What does this mean?

The order of operation of any engine is a certain sequence in which the cycles of the same name alternate in different cylinders.

The order of operation of the cylinders and what does it depend on? There are several main factors of his work.

These include the following:

  1. Cylinder arrangement: single-row, V-shaped.
  2. Number of cylinders.
  3. Distributed shaft and its design.
  4. The crankshaft, as well as its design.

What is the duty cycle of a car engine?

This cycle consists primarily of the distribution of gas distribution phases. The sequence should be clearly distributed according to the force of impact on the crankshaft. This is the only way to achieve uniform work.

Cylinders should not be nearby, this is the main condition. Manufacturers create schemes for the operation of cylinders. The start of work begins with the first cylinder.

Different engines and different order of operation of the cylinders.

Different modifications, different engines, their work can be distributed. ZMZ engine. The specific firing order of the 402 engine cylinders is one-two-four-three. The order of operation of the modification engine is one-three-four-two.

If we make a deepening into the theory of the engine, we can see the following information.

A full cycle of a four-stroke engine occurs in two revolutions, that is, 720 degrees. Two-stroke engine, guess how much?

The crankshaft is offset at an angle in order to obtain the maximum deepening of the pistons. This angle depends on the cycles, as well as the number of cylinders.

1. Four-cylinder engine occurs through 180 degrees, the order of cylinder operation can be one-three-four-two (VAZ), one-two-four-three (GAS).

2. Six-cylinder engine and the order of its operation is one-five-three-six-two-four (intervals between ignitions are 120 degrees).

3. Eight-cylinder engine one-five-four-eight-six-three-seven-two (the interval is 90 degrees).

4. There is also a twelve-cylinder engine. The left block is one-three-five-two-four-six, the right block is seven-nine-eleven-eight-ten-twelve.

For clarity, a little explanation. The eight-cylinder ZIL engine has the order of operation of all cylinders: one-five-four-two-six-three-seven-eight. Angle - 90 degrees.

A duty cycle occurs in one cylinder, after ninety degrees a duty cycle in the fifth cylinder and then sequentially. One turn of the crankshaft - four working strokes. An eight-cylinder engine certainly runs smoother than a six-cylinder engine.

We have given only a general idea of ​​the work, you do not need deeper knowledge. We wish you success in studying the order of operation of the engine cylinders.

I have always been of the opinion that if you drive a car, you should at least remotely imagine how this thing works. At least the general principles. There are no minuses in this, but there are a lot of pluses: by the noise in the suspension, you can already approximately determine what exactly "hurts", you can carry out minor repairs yourself, without breaking something else while you are fixing the breakdown, in the end it will be more difficult for you "dissolve" the cunning auto mechanic.

The most important part of a car is the engine. Internal combustion engine. There are a huge variety of types of these same engines, ranging from gasoline / diesel / gas / unknown substance to minimal differences in the design of the “car heart”.
The largest class is gasoline and diesel engines.
There are most often four, six, eight, and twelve-cylinder.
Let's briefly go over the basic principles of work and concepts.
A cylinder is such a thing that has a piston on the bottom (like in syringes), and a spark plug on top. Fuel with air is supplied to the cylinder, the candle gives a spark, the mixture explodes, the piston goes down, raising another piston in another cylinder by means of the crankshaft.

Camshaft - looks like someone decided to fry a barbecue from boiled eggs. Needed to adjust the inlet-outlet of different mixtures into the cylinders.
The crankshaft is a piece of iron that is connected to the pistons in the cylinders, it looks like someone is going for a record in the game "snake" on an old Nokia. It looks like this because the pistons are the same size, but each must be at its own height in the cylinders.

The crankshaft magically transforms the explosions in the cylinders into torque and then into smoking rubber.
The cylinders never work at the same time. And they do not work in turn (unless we are talking about a two-cylinder motor).
The order of operation of the cylinders depends on:
- arrangement of cylinders in the internal combustion engine: single-row, V-shaped, W-shaped.
- number of cylinders
- camshaft design
- type and design of the crankshaft.

So, the engine cycle consists of gas distribution phases. The entire load on the crankshaft must be uniform so that this very shaft does not break inadvertently and that the engine runs evenly.
The key point is that consecutive cylinders should never be located next to each other. The master cylinder is always cylinder #1.

For engines of the same type, but different modifications, the operation of the cylinders may differ.
The four hundred and second ZMZ engine works like this: 1-2-4-3, and the four hundred and sixth: 1-3-4-2.

A full cycle of a four-stroke engine takes place in two complete revolutions of the crankshaft.

The crankshafts are angled to make it easier for the pistons to rotate. The angle depends on the number of cylinders and the engine cycle.
For a standard single-row 4-cylinder engine, the cycles alternate after 180 degrees of shaft rotation, for a six-cylinder engine - 120 degrees, the order of operation looks like 1-5-3-6-2-4.
The eight-cylinder "veshka" will work out the sequence 1-5-4-8-6-3-7-2 (interval - 90 degrees)
That is, if a duty cycle occurs in the first cylinder, then after 90 degrees of crankshaft rotation, the duty cycle will already be in the 5th cylinder. For a full revolution of the crankshaft, (360/90) 4 working strokes are needed.
The powerful W12 works out a different pattern: 1-3-5-2-4-6 (left row), 7-9-11-8-10-12 - right row.
Naturally, the more cylinders, the smoother and softer the engine.

In most cases, an ordinary car owner does not need to understand the operation of the engine cylinders at all. However, this information is not needed until the motorist has a desire to independently or adjust the valves.

Such information will certainly be needed if it is necessary to connect high-voltage wires or pipelines in a diesel unit. In such cases, it is sometimes simply impossible to get to a service station, and knowledge about that is not always enough.

Theoretical part

The order of work is the sequence with which the cycles alternate in different cylinders of the power unit. This sequence depends on the following factors:

  • number of cylinders;
  • type of cylinder arrangement: V-shaped or in-line;
  • structural features of the crankshaft and camshaft.

Engine duty cycle features

What happens inside the cylinder is called the engine's duty cycle, which consists of certain valve timing.

The gas distribution phase is the moment at which the opening begins and the closing of the valves ends. The valve timing is measured in degrees of rotation of the crankshaft in relation to the top and bottom dead centers (TDC and BDC).

During the operating cycle, a mixture of fuel and air ignites in the cylinder. The interval between ignitions in the cylinder has a direct effect on the uniformity of the engine. The engine runs as evenly as possible with the shortest ignition gap.

This cycle directly depends on the number of cylinders. The larger the number of cylinders, the shorter the ignition interval will be.

Different cars - different principle of operation

For different versions of the same type of motors, the cylinders can work differently. For example, you can take the ZMZ engine. The order of operation of the cylinders of the 402nd engine is as follows - 1-2-4-3. But for the 406 engine, it is 1-3-4-2.

It must be understood that one working cycle of a four-stroke engine is equal in duration to two revolutions of the crankshaft. If you use a degree measurement, then it is 720 °. For a two-stroke engine, it is 360°.

The shaft knees are located at a special angle, as a result of which the shaft is constantly under the force of the pistons. This angle is determined by the cycle time of the power unit and the number of cylinders.

  • 4 cylinder engine with a 180-degree interval between ignitions: 1-2-4-3 or 1-3-4-2;
  • 6 cylinder engine with an in-line arrangement of cylinders and a 120-degree interval between ignitions: 1-5-3-6-2-4;
  • 8 cylinder engine(V-shaped, 90 degree fire interval: 1-5-4-8-6-3-7-2.

In each engine scheme, regardless of its manufacturer, the operation of the cylinders begins with the master cylinder, marked with the number 1.

This site site article is located in the section with which you can have a general idea of ​​​​the various nodes of the entire car.

Many car owners do not seek to delve into the principle of operation of the main devices of the car, considering this the lot of specialists from car repair shops. On the one hand, such a statement is true, on the other hand, without understanding at least the basic processes, it is easy to miss a breakdown at the very initial stage, and it is difficult to make minor repairs. Often, engine failure occurs far from places where you can get qualified help, and some knowledge will not hurt.

One of the key concepts of engine operation is the order of operation of the cylinders. This is understood as a sequence of alternation in them of the same cycles. This indicator varies depending on the following features:

  1. Number of cylinders (in modern engines - 4, 6 or 8)
  2. Arrangement (double-row V-shaped or single-row)
  3. Design features, both camshaft and crankshaft

The engine duty cycle is a certain stable sequence of gas distribution phases occurring inside these devices located not next to each other. This ensures a stable impact on the crankshaft without undue stress.

The sequence of cylinders in which the gas distribution phases occur is determined by the order of operation scheme laid down during the design. The cycle always starts with master cylinder No. 1, and then, depending on the version, it may vary: for example, 1-2-4-2 or 1-3-4-2.

Sequence of work for various models

The purpose of the action of each piston is to rotate the crankshaft at a given angle while observing a certain cycle. For example, a full cycle of a four-stroke engine provides two complete rotations of the crankshaft, and a two-stroke engine - one. The most common schemes:

  • Single-row four-cylinder engine, with alternation of cycles through one hundred and eighty degrees: 1-3-4-2 or 1-2-4-3
  • Single row six-cylinder engine: 1-5-2-6-2-4 (when turning one hundred and twenty degrees each time)
  • V-shaped eight-cylinder: 1-5-4-8-6-3-7-2 (when turning ninety degrees each time). After the gas distribution phase ends in cylinder No. 1, the crankshaft, having turned ninety degrees, immediately falls under the action of cylinder No. 5. One full turn requires four working strokes

The number of cylinders directly affects the smoothness of the ride - it is obvious that the eight-cylinder, with its 90 degrees, runs smoother than the four-cylinder. In practice, this knowledge will be useful when

Order operation of the engine cylinders. how your car's heart beats

  • The order of operation of the engine cylinders. how your car's heart beats
  • The order of operation of the cylinders, what does this mean?
  • Cylinder phases
  • Different engines - different order of work

If you use your brains like that, then why do we, ordinary car owners, know the order in which the car cylinders work? And, they work properly and, thank God. To implement this, to refute it is difficult and completely stupid, but only without performing a high-quality setting of the moment, until it becomes lazy for you to set up the ignition in artisanal criteria in a different way to adjust the valve clearances. And it is then that this knowledge about the operation of auto cylinders will not be completely redundant. Would you like to connect the wires of the highest voltage to the candles in a different way with the pipelines with the highest pressure in a diesel engine. What if you decide to sort out the cylinder head? Agree with the goal that it will be a little stupid to go 100 with the need for the correct installation of high-voltage wires. In addition, how do you do it when the engine is troit?

The order of operation of the cylinders, what does this mean?

The sequence in which it is required to alternate the same cycles in different cylinders is called the order cylinder work. On what reasons does this parameter depend? What causes the order of operation of the cylinders? There are several of them, and we will list them for now:


- arrangement of cylinders in the engine: in-line or V-shaped;


- the design of the camshaft;

- design features and type of crankshaft.

Cylinder phases

The working cycle of an auto motor is divided into gas distribution phases. Their sequence should be moderately distributed on the crankshaft according to the strength of their impact. Only here the engine works moderately. A necessary and serious condition is to find cylinders that work alternately relative to themselves. They just shouldn't) be placed side by side. To this end, manufacturers) (Russian engines and develop schemes that indicate the order cylinder work motor. But our client is left with a single factor that connects the schemes together: the order of operation of all cylinders begins with the head cylinder number one.

Valve adjustment 6-cylinder in-line engine


Motor MAN D08: we set the thermal gaps of the valves and the EVB accounting system; install injectors and valve covers.

Different engines - different workflow

Engines of the same type with various modifications have differences in the operation of the cylinders. Let's take the ZMZ engine for example. The order of operation of the 402nd engine is as follows. 1-2-4-3, although the 406's cylinders work in a completely different order - 1-3-4-2.

The order of operation of the cylinders of a 6-cylinder diesel engine.

If we dive deeper into the theory of the operation of a gasoline engine, but weakly so as not to get confused, then we can see the following: A four-stroke engine goes through its full cycle in two revolutions of the crankshaft. When viewed in degrees, this equates to 720 degrees. A two-stroke motor has 3600 degrees. So that the crankshaft is constantly under piston force, its knees are shifted at a certain angle. The degree of this angle is directly dependent on the cycle of the engine and the number of cylinders. In an in-line four-cylinder engine, cycles alternate every 1800 degrees. The order of operation of such a motor on VAZ cars is as follows: 1-3-4-2, on GAZ cars 1-2-4-3. The six-cylinder in-line engine runs in this order: 1-5-3-6-2-4, the alternation of cycles is 1200 degrees. The eight-cylinder V-engine operates in this mode: 1-5-4-8-6-3-7-2, ignition occurs at an interval of 900 degrees. The order of operation of the twelve-cylinder W-shaped engine is interesting: 1-3-5-2-4-6 - the operation of the left cylinder heads, and the right ones: 7-9-11-8-10-12

For the sake of not getting confused with these complete numerical orders, let's look at one example. Let's take an eight-cylinder engine of a ZIL truck with the following order of operation of its cylinders: 1-5-4-2-6-3-7-8. The placement of the cranks is at an angle of 900 degrees. Let's take the 1st cylinder, at the time of its working cycle, 90 degrees of crankshaft rotation occurs, then the cycle runs over to the 5th cylinder and so on alternately in the subsequent order 4-2-6-3-7-8. Here one revolution of the crankshaft equals four work cycles. The conclusion from all this is obvious - an eight-cylinder engine runs much more evenly and smoothly than a six-cylinder one.


To implement, we agree that in this way the deepest knowledge in the work of the engine cylinders of your car may not be needed. But at least a generalized idea of ​​​​this solution is for you to have. If you are overtaken by the need to repair the cylinder head, then this knowledge will certainly not be superfluous. Friends, we sincerely wish you success in the study of these wisdoms!

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