Pros and cons of Chevrolet Niva, customer reviews. Should I buy a Chevrolet Niva? Main pluses and minuses One big minus - lack of reliability

Pros and cons of Chevrolet Niva, customer reviews. Should I buy a Chevrolet Niva? Main pluses and minuses One big minus - lack of reliability


Lada 4x4 is a legendary domestic SUV. The model has been mass-produced since 1977 and is famous for its performance characteristics. Since 2004, Niva has been produced under the Lada 4x4 brand.

Let's note the pros and cons of this model in this article.

Advantages of Lada 4x4

1. Increased cross-country ability of the car, the presence of a two-stage transfer case and a center differential lock, excellent geometric parameters of cross-country ability;

2. Simplicity of design and endurance;

3. Low cost and practically no analogues on the market, which makes Niva popular in other countries as well;

4. Maintainability, many spare parts and accessories. Many owners still sort out their Nivas themselves in the garage;

Cons Lada 4x4

1. Outdated safety standards for passengers;

2. Low driving performance on asphalt, mediocre handling;

3. Low comfort for passengers, lack of modern options.

For quite a long time, the name "Niva" belonged to AvtoVAZ, and a compact Soviet-designed SUV was produced under it. But the car was becoming obsolete, and in the late 80s, the development of its replacement began. The first concept was presented in 1998 during the Moscow International Motor Show. In the same year, small-scale assembly of this model began under the code name VAZ-2123 Niva.

So the new car was produced until 2002, when AvtoVAZ, together with General Motors, created the GM-AvtoVAZ enterprise, aimed at mass production of the model. As a result, the license for the compact SUV itself, as well as the rights to its name, were transferred to a joint project, and since 2004 the original Niva has been called 4 × 4. From the very beginning of production, the Chevrolet Niva was almost twice as expensive as the old model and was a fairly serious competitor for the Kia Sportage, which was produced in Kaliningrad.

Throughout the entire production period, the Chevrolet Niva has undergone only one major restyling in 2009. The appearance of the car has not changed much. So in 2017, the car will have another update that will allow the car to meet modern standards. Also in 2014, a new generation was introduced. However, so far almost nothing is known about him. But almost all the shortcomings of the produced car are known, which is facilitated by the reviews of the owners of the Niva Chevrolet.


For the car, its own platform was developed; for its time (at the time of release), the car had a rather attractive appearance. In modern realities, the exterior is certainly outdated. The restyling of 2009 did not help either, during which they changed the optics, as well as plastic body parts, leaving the hardware untouched. There is no point in describing the appearance of the car and all its configurations, because everyone has long been familiar with it.

During the operation, all the flaws in the body structure were found. Iron begins to rot 6-7 years after the start of operation. Swelling of paint, as well as “saffron milk caps”, begin to appear from the junction of the gas tank hatch with the body, the roof with pillars, sills, arches and on the lower part of the trunk lid. The latter, moreover, is rubbed over time to iron at the point of contact with the sealant. Paint blistering can also be seen on the hood. The antenna also contributes to the formation of rust, the fastening bolt of which gradually weakens, opening access to water to the bare metal.

It is not advised to put a jack under the middle part of the car, since it is there that the spars are most vulnerable, and when lifting they can simply collapse. The lack of strength of their design also affects when cornering, as a result of which they creak, touching the protection. A rubber gasket inserted between the parts will help to temporarily eliminate extraneous sounds. The rear doors due to the poor performance of the locks may begin to wedge over time. In order to open them in this case, you need to press on the upper corner of the door (the one closer to the trunk), and then try again. Completely the lock will break in 7 years, from corrosion. The driver's door, due to the most frequent use, begins to play. External handles, regardless of the door, eventually begin to move away from the body due to loosening of the fasteners. Problem areas are also velvet, which begin to scratch the glass when the power windows are operating. The windows themselves, if they are electric, break after 6 or 7 years of operation.

Bumpers, especially after restyling, are quite fragile and cannot withstand strong blows. As a result, on the Chevrolet Niva, despite its cross-country ability, you should not meddle in the off-road. This threatens with chips and cracks on the outer plastic. The rear bumper guides are fixed with rivets, which degrade and sag over time. As a result, a fairly wide gap is formed between the plastic and the trunk.

Salon and electrics

Inside, the car is a mixture of cheap Chevrolet models, designed for third world countries, and a VAZ car, starting from the 10th family. The torpedo is made of soft plastic, the dashboard is taken from dozens. The steering wheel is three-spoke and is adjustable only in height. The dashboard is taken from the "tens". After restyling, a lot of compartments, pockets and glove compartments appeared in the cabin, which the owners of the previous generation lacked so much.

Like the body, the interior is full of minor faults. After 30 thousand km, “crickets” start up in the car, which prefer to sing from different places, especially in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe dashboard joints. From the hot sun, over time, the lid of the upper glove compartment begins to deform, which is why it warps, showing cracks and stubbornness when closed. Water may begin to seep through the antenna mentioned above, as well as through the steering shaft seal or stove.

Ergonomics remains at an average level, because there are few instruments on the center console. But even at the same time, the developers managed to “screw up” by placing the front row window switches on the center console, right behind the gear lever. The latter also has an inconvenient location, near the "lower". This causes problems when engaging reverse and downshift at the same time. Torn anthers of levers can affect the appearance of cold drafts in the passenger compartment.

As for the electrics, then the Chevy Niva has its own trump card. Repeatedly, the owners noticed how the car turned on the ignition without a key. To do this, just turn on the dimensions and dipped beam. The fact is that the designers provided the button for turning on the light with a plus, which is also connected to the ignition. In addition to these "tricks", there are several more negative aspects of electricians:

  1. The fuel level sensor fails after 60 thousand km.
  2. The coolant temperature sensor has the same resource. In addition, its performance is reduced if, in addition to it, other devices are working.
  3. The standard key fobs responsible for the operation of the central lock are poorly soldered. As a result, they have a short service life.
  4. If a bad contact occurs in the mounting block, the fuses for heating the rear window and the stove fan will burn out.
  5. If you do not fully insert the lamp into one of the dimensions, this will lead to melting of the reflector of the block headlight, as well as burning the cartridge.
  6. The regular generator does not hold a charge well and kills the battery, therefore, after purchase, it is recommended to replace it with a more powerful one, designed for 115 A.


Throughout the entire production, the car was equipped with a single VAZ 2123 engine, which was based on an injection model installed on the classic Niva. In technical terms, these engines are almost completely identical: the power was 80 hp, and the volume was 1.7 liters. The difference consists only in changing the location of the mounts, both the unit itself inside the body and the attachments.

Even for a light Chevrolet Niva, this engine was rather weak, and the car was reluctant to pick up acceleration even for its time. In addition, the unit has almost all the diseases of VAZ engines, including noise, oil consumption, as well as a tendency to vibration and extraneous noise. In addition to them, the chain has a rather weak tension system, which at one point can allow it to jump to a tooth. After that, in the worst case, you will have to pull out the "honey mushrooms" from the head of the block. As a result, the engine resource is quite small and amounts to only 150 thousand km. Even at the plant itself, they don’t really believe in this motor, and they put up a resource of 80 thousand km.

But, in addition to mass production, about a thousand cars with the prefix "FAM-1" were produced. They differed in that under their hood was a more powerful, 122-horsepower unit from Opel - Z18XER. Its volume was 1.8 liters. The motor pulled the Niva well both on asphalt and off-road. Of course, he also had his shortcomings, but they happened less often, and were less felt, compared to the Russian counterpart.

The main drawback was the lack of hydraulic lifters, which is why every 100 thousand km it is necessary to adjust the valves. The thermostat on the Z18XER is no better than on the VAZ, and often breaks down before the declared mileage. The same can be said about the ignition module. The last problem of a mass nature is an oil leak observed from the oil cooler. This is a fairly common thing, which is not particularly surprising. In addition, there is no need to worry, because repairs will cost mere pennies. And despite the majority of malfunctions, the device has a resource almost twice as long as that of the VAZ, which ranges from 200 to 250 thousand km. But in order for the engine to serve its term without complaints, it needs a careful attitude: timely maintenance and the use of only high-quality oils and fuels.


Like the native VAZ engine, the Chevrolet Niva gearbox is also full of surprises. From the outside, this is a standard five-speed mechanics. But it's worth trying to shift gears, and you can immediately feel the backlash coming from the spline connections. And the older the car, the more play. In addition, the device constantly buzzes in motion and creates additional vibrations that are perfectly transmitted to the lever when trying to shift at 2500 or 3000 thousand rpm. To fix the latter, you will have to replace the fork, as well as some bearings. After 100 or 120 thousand km, the box begins to “deflate”, and you will have to make an effort to switch. After the onset of this disease, you can safely expect especially loud howls in third gear.

The backstage of the mechanism requires adjustment from time to time. Otherwise, fifth or reverse gears may fall out. Another “sore” place was the boot of the clutch slave cylinder, which can tear or crack even on a new car.

In addition to the usual gearbox, Niva also has a razdatka, which will have to be adjusted to work. In order not to “kill” the gears of the mechanism ahead of time, you need to independently select the moment when the revolutions are synchronized, and only after that turn on the clutch lock. The front gearbox starts to howl after 130 thousand km, and after another ten thousand it will require the replacement of the old SHRUS cardan.


The suspension of the car is quite good and, in tandem with a fairly high ground clearance, it helps to easily overcome difficult obstacles. Changes in its design depend on the year of manufacture and the operation presented, however, the problems for almost all types of suspensions are similar. Troubles begin after overcoming 60 thousand km, when extraneous knocks begin in the rear of the suspension, which are clearly audible when driving over bumps. The reason for this is the tired rubber bands of the rear rods. Visually, they will seem intact, but the inside of them will be very worn out.

Silent blocks last up to 80 or 100 thousand km, and after the appearance of a characteristic knock, a broach can be made, after which they will be able to drive several tens of thousands more. Ball, on average, go 60 thousand km. Wheel bearings are not the most successful design, because of which they need to be tightened every 30 thousand km. And this is provided that they go about 90 thousand km.

The weak points in the front suspension can be called rubber-metal hinges of the right upper arm. They are located too close to the engine exhaust system, as a result of which they become very hot and can be deformed. Another weak point can be shock absorber rods. To avoid breakage on off-road, when replacing shock absorbers, it is not recommended to perform broach while the vehicle is in suspension.


Up to 60 thousand km, the Chevrolet Niva is a good economy class foreign car, designed both for city trips and for getting out of the city to the garden or nature. After passing this limit, the car becomes a typical representative of AvtoVAZ with weekly breakdowns and extraneous sounds. The car did not manage to get rid of almost a single drawback of the models that preceded it, even after a slight restyling. At the same time, all the disadvantages described above are not very significant and will allow you to fix things yourself or get to the service.

For several years now, the release of a new, updated generation of the Chevrolet Niva has been expected. This time the car looks quite modern. Yes, and the latest car models assembled at AvtoVAZ (regardless of the brand), although a little, but pulled up their quality. Therefore, we can only hope that the new generation will be able to become at least a little better than its predecessor, which, to be honest, has long been retired.

What only the Russians will not come up with, if only not to build a road.

folk wisdom

I still do not agree to call the people's favorite Niva her new name Lada 4x4. Therefore, I will continue to write the word Niva, and mean VAZ all-wheel drive vehicles - up to the present.

First, let's talk about the undeniable advantages of this car.

Jeep for cheap

Only in Soviet times it was about a third more expensive than a sedan from the same manufacturer. And then, in perestroika times, the price of a “Russian tank” was practically equal to the prices of front-wheel drive cars that had already appeared, and sometimes it was even lower. Now, Lada 4x4 in a non-fancy configuration is almost half the price of the “supercrossover” Vesta SW.

Continues to feed the Russian man

Yes, the French company Renault owns the vast majority of the shares of the Volga Automobile Plant. But, despite this, the plant is on our, Russian land, our workers receive a salary and make a native Russian car - the Niva. Maybe it's not all that bad? After all, Moskvich and Volga remained in history ...

Permeability - not increased, but high

The permeability of a permanent symmetrical all-wheel drive with a reduction gear and a lock in the Niva transfer case cannot be overestimated. She visited both poles of the planet (and reached the mark of 5500 m). But these are ceremonial records, and thousands of modest workers ensure the transportation of people and small loads in our off-road conditions. And the fact that in any mud trophy to this day, forty years after birth, along with “defs”, “UAZs” and “Geliks”, it always sinks in a swamp and immediately swims up - thanks to a smaller mass - our native Niva.


The car has been produced for forty years. A lot of nodes were not upgraded at all. What do you think, how many spare parts have been produced for Niva during this time? In any small shop on the highway far from the city, you can buy at least a ball joint, at least a clutch disc. Again, unification with the classic Zhiguli family plays into the hands of the field growers. And there is also unification with trucks! For example, the author, once losing a headlight due to a flying stone, replaced it in 15 minutes with a headlight from KAMAZ purchased at a roadside shop.

Repair operations have long been studied by our motorists. Especially large and heavy components and assemblies are not found in the design. Compare the Niva's separate gearbox and transfer case to a giant heavy unit like the Great Wall Hower.


Niva is a small and compact machine. It is suitable both for operation in a metropolis, and for driving on field roads, or even without them. On it you can drive up to the Bolshoi Theater and take the carcass of a wild boar. For those who find the usual three-door modification not spacious enough, a long-wheelbase five-door modification is available. And on the basis of the Niva, tuning studios did, ranging from armored ones to monsters on wheels with a diameter almost like the rear wheels of the Belarus tractor. I had to meet Niva all over Europe. And more often than any other domestic car.

One big minus - insufficient reliability

Everything breaks at Niva. The only strong part of the car is the body, but it is also prone to corrosion. And corrosion for a load-bearing body is much more dangerous than for a frame structure SUV body. We must not forget that the car was created on the basis of units of the rear-wheel drive passenger car VAZ family. In the case of an all-wheel drive vehicle, all units are loaded more, and the resource and reliability of operation are lower.

From the rear-wheel drive family, and budded, the dimension of the cylinder-piston group of which was increased almost to the limit. This desire to inflate the existing cylinder block to its maximum displacement led to a decrease in the efficiency of the cooling system, and this, in turn, had a negative impact on reliability. Replacing the design of the timing chain with a single-row one (the Zhiguli engines had a two-row one) also did not increase the reliability of the motor.

The gearbox was taken with minimal alterations from the rear-wheel drive family of cars from the Volga plant, but the load on the gearbox on an SUV is higher.

For many years, motorists have complained about the insufficient resource of cardan gears and axles. And the most curious problems met. So, during a trip to the Caucasus, the author personally lost the breather of the front gearbox on the Niva and returned to Moscow with a unit full of mountain water from the Ashe River.

The rear suspension, which is structurally similar to that of rear-wheel drive VAZ vehicles, has a limited resource of lever hinges. The front suspension has a significant margin of safety, but is not durable enough. The resource of wheel bearings is very limited.

Summarizing, we can say that the Soviet engineers created, which for forty years has not lost its relevance and is loved by the people. The situation is somewhat spoiled by the low quality of manufacturing of individual components and assemblies. Obviously, Niva needs a successor, but let him take all the best, and unfortunate blunders will remain in the past.

Domestic motorists ask: is it worth buying a Chevrolet Niva for trips over short and long distances? How much is an SUV and can it surpass, for example, the Renault Duster in some way? This article will help you make the right choice.

Is it worth buying a Chevrolet Niva if you live in the city? Rather yes than no. This is a full-fledged SUV (below you will find out why this is so), which will help diversify boring city life. On it you can overcome any slopes and rises, drive a deep rut and a depression.

The main advantages of the Chevrolet Niva

The domestic SUV has several quite weighty arguments that make it a desirable car when buying:

  • Energy-intensive suspension and all-wheel drive need no introduction. This means that you can go on a comfortable and safe journey even to another city, even to your grandmother in the village, where there is still no normal road and driving some expensive sedan is problematic.
  • The system of forced differential lock plus a reduction gear make driving a car many times more comfortable. This is especially true for serious off-road.
  • The Chevrolet Niva has short overhangs and decent approach/departure angles (up to 37 and 35 degrees, respectively). Storming obstacles is much easier if your car has a wheel clearance of 220 mm, the ramp is raised by 24 degrees. Needless to say, ordinary cars are not capable of boasting such characteristics.
  • The level of safety in Niva Chevrolet is not a "five", but a solid "four". For example, there are ABS and airbags not only for the driver, but also for the front passenger. The seat belts have load limiting and comfort pretensioners.
  • And a little more about the technical stuffing of the car. It has drive shafts, the joints have the same angular speeds. What does it mean? Driving becomes much more comfortable in any speed range.

What else attracts the new Niva, which has remained an “old and good” VAZ inside, but outwardly looks like a foreign car? Probably an incredibly low price compared to other SUVs, economy, amazing cross-country ability and availability of spare parts. Repairing a Chevrolet Niva is not a problem at all, given the low cost of components.

The main disadvantages of the Chevrolet Niva

How can a product not have cons? So our Chevrolet Niva found a few, albeit minor, but still flaws. Here they are:

  • Low engine power. When a car weighs almost 1500 kg and tries to overcome a snowdrift with a power of 80 horses under the hood, this is quite sad.
  • Acceleration to 100 kilometers in 19 seconds completely spoils such a cloudless first impression. It’s scary to overtake cars on the track - some kind of slowness and uncertainty of the car is felt.
  • Decent fuel consumption. If on a straight road every 100 kilometers Chevrolet Niva consumes 9 liters of gasoline, then in city traffic jams it “eats” all 14 liters.
  • Outdated design. Still, today the appearance of the “new Niva” looks frankly old, if not ancient.

Summarize. Should I buy for racing, delivering goods around the city, riding with friends in nightclubs? We say an iron "no". And the appearance of the car is boring, especially among young people. But if you often have to drive off-road, the price plays an important role, and you are not going anywhere in a hurry, in terms of quality and current cost, this is one of the most attractive cars on the market.


- a small car that, at first glance, seems like an SUV, but, in fact, it is a real SUV. Due to its small size, short base, permanent all-wheel drive with a symmetrical differential, the presence of locks and a low gear, this car is able to get out of almost any swamp. Over the fourteen years of its existence, the car has not undergone practically any changes, the only thing the manufacturer decided on was adding a plastic body kit. But, is everything so stable with reliability and what to expect from a used Chevrolet Niva, now let's try to find out.

A bit of history:

The history of the Chevrolet Niva dates back to 1998, at the same time, at the annual auto show in Moscow, the concept of the VAZ 2123 Niva car was first presented to the public. The novelty was supposed to replace the outdated model VAZ 2121 Niva, which had been produced without any changes for more than 20 years. But, at that time, the AvtoVAZ concern did not have the funds to launch the mass production of new items. As a result, the management of AvtoVAZ decided to sell the license for the production of the Vaz 2123 and the right to the Niva brand to the General Motors concern. Before the start of sales, the designers of the concern made a huge number of changes to the appearance of the Niva, which is familiar to us, which made it possible to consider it an independent model.

The novelty debuted on the world market in 2002. It was assumed that the previous version would be discontinued, but this did not happen (changed the name to "LADA 4 × 4"), since the novelty turned out to be almost twice as expensive as its predecessor. On the market, Chevrolet Niva competes in price with foreign SUVs, but, alas, not in quality. In 2009, an updated version of the SUV was presented, the changes affected only the exterior and interior, but the technical part remained unchanged.

Advantages and disadvantages of Niva Chevrolet with mileage.

The body of the Chevrolet Niva begins to rust already in the fifth year of operation, corrosion centers appear at almost all joints and corners of the car. The paintwork is very weak, especially on the plastic elements of the body. Many owners do not recommend washing the car with high pressure washers, as it often knocks out pieces of paint. If you constantly drive with a spare wheel on the back door, then, over time, its hinges are pulled back and the door starts to close poorly. To avoid this trouble, many owners carry a spare tire in the trunk.


Two engines are available on the car - 1.8 (125 hp) manufactured by Opel, they are equipped only with export cars and 1.7 liters (80 hp) manufactured by AvtoVAZ, this engine is intended for the CIS market. Cars with a 1.8 engine are a real exotic for our market, therefore, there is no point in talking about its reliability. Motor 1.7 has a good resource and has a number of significant drawbacks. The timing drive is equipped with a metal chain. The main disadvantage of this unit is the unreliable design of the standard timing tensioner, which often leads to a chain jump. A rattling sound from under the hood when starting a cold engine and a diesel rumble at idle will serve as a signal to replace the tensioner. If a running engine often randomly stalls, most likely a flush or replacement of the throttle sensor and fuel injectors is required (flushing is recommended at least once every 70-90 thousand km).

Also, the ignition module is not famous for its reliability, a signal about the need to replace it will be a deterioration in dynamic performance and engine tripping. About once every 100,000 km, hydraulic lifters need to be replaced, if they are not replaced in time, this will lead to premature failure of the ramp and burnout of the valves, which, as a result, will significantly reduce compression in the cylinders. In order to extend the life of hydraulic lifters, specialists from branded service stations recommend monitoring the oil level and keeping it above average. In a car with a mileage of more than 150,000 km, oil consumption increases - up to 300 grams per 1000 km. Often, the cause of increased oil consumption is hardened valve stem seals, on average, once every 100,000 km, the oil pump, idle speed controller, mass air flow sensor, cylinder head gasket and starter need to be replaced.

The cooling system is disappointing with the frequent occurrence of radiator leaks, and the quality of the expansion tank does not stand up to criticism (cracks), as a result, it has to be changed every 15-20 thousand kilometers. Periodically, it is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the connecting clamps of the lower pipe leading to the radiator in order to avoid leakage of coolant. Also, the exhaust manifold mounting bracket is not famous for its reliability; extraneous sounds resembling rattling will serve as a signal of the need for replacement. The noisy operation of the fuel pump is a fairly common phenomenon, this feature is not treated in any way. Once every 4-5 years, check the condition of the fuel pipes that are under the bottom, as over time a large amount of dirt and reagents accumulate on them, which contribute to corrosion, which will result in gasoline leakage.


Chevrolet Niva is equipped with only a five-speed manual transmission. As operating experience has shown, the mechanics are quite reliable, but it has enough minor flaws. Of the main ones, one can distinguish: vibration of the gear knob at high engine speeds (2500 and above), on warranty cars, the dealer changed the lever assembly under warranty, but this did not solve the problem for long. Some owners have managed to eliminate arm vibration by replacing the fork and bearing. If, on the car, it began to knock out fifth and reverse gears, most likely, adjustment of the backstage of the gear selection mechanism is required. Loosening the backstage clamp often leads to a shift of the lever forward, as a result, the fifth and reverse gears stop turning on. The clutch has a decent resource (80-100 thousand km), but the release bearing may need to be replaced already at 40,000 km, and it is also necessary to monitor the condition of the anther of the working cylinder. Another Achilles' heel is considered to be a razdatka, leakage of transfer case seals is a fairly common phenomenon. It is also worth mentioning that every third car, even a serviceable transfer case, makes a terrible howl when driving.

Driving performance Chevrolet Niva with mileage

The Chevrolet Niva suspension has a fairly simple design and does not cause any particular problems. Due to the design features, wheel bearings must be adjusted and tightened at least once every 25,000 km, and if this requirement is not neglected, the bearings will last up to 80,000 km. Also, do not forget to check the anthers of the CV joints for cracks at each maintenance and to inject the crosspieces once every half a year. Most often, rear suspension rods need to be replaced - every 40-50 thousand km. The disadvantages of the front suspension include silent blocks of the upper arms and ball bearings, their resource is 50-70 thousand km. Once every 70-90 thousand km, it is necessary to replace the thrust bearings, shock absorbers and their springs. Every five years of operation it is necessary to change the brake hoses for new ones. The service life of the front brake pads is up to 50,000 km, the rear ones - up to 60-80 thousand km.


Chevrolet Niva is a fairly reliable, unpretentious and inexpensive SUV. The car will be a great option for outdoor enthusiasts (fishing, hunting), who are not afraid and like to do repairs on their own. The listed problem areas are just statistics of the most common malfunctions, according to the owners of this car and specialized service stations. When buying this car, you must understand that anything can break here, therefore, Niva is not a friend for pedantic motorists. When buying this car, a lot depends on luck, as a rule, the lucky ones sing odes about its reliability, but those who are unlucky have to constantly fix annoying minor malfunctions.


  • Good off-road performance.
  • Low cost of maintenance and repair.
  • Balanced suspension.


  • Weak paint finish.
  • The quality of finishing materials.
  • Outdated design.

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