How to install a secret anti-theft button on a car. Secret from theft Do-it-yourself installation of a secret on a car

How to install a secret anti-theft button on a car. Secret from theft Do-it-yourself installation of a secret on a car


In the modern world, a huge number of car alarms are produced, because almost every person has their own vehicle. But even the most reliable and expensive security systems do not always save from theft. The reason for this lies not in bad alarm systems, but in the fact that hijackers have long learned to neutralize the effect of alarms. But if the car has a security lock, it will be much more difficult to steal a vehicle. It is this mechanism that every motorist should study in more detail.

Sekretka - reliable car protection, principle of operation, installation

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Every vehicle owner is familiar with the standard car alarm. Often it is already installed at the moment buying a brand new car, but if desired, the driver can change the standard version to a more powerful one and supplement it with additional equipment - beacons, trackers, locks, secrets or entire anti-theft complexes. Each of these systems has its own specifics and a certain principle of operation, has strengths and weaknesses. But if the attackers don’t have to fool around for a long time with a standard alarm, the secret will make the criminal lose valuable time for him, and this only plays into the hands of the driver. The longer the attacker tries to understand how a particular system works, the more time a person has to neutralize the criminal. This is where the trick of secrets lies. And what other features they have will be highlighted further.

The appearance of the secret and the installation location of the security system

Features of the external structure of the simplest secret allow the driver to compare it with the Valet button. Only the dimensions of this system are larger than those of the button for emergency deactivation of the alarm system. A standard secret is a device that consists of:

  1. The standard switch is a button or a magnetic reed switch.
  2. Wiring system for connection to the car.

Install locks in the car. The button must be hidden in a hard-to-reach place, but the driver must have free access to it while unlocking the engine and other systems.

In addition to installing the system itself, the driver needs to come up with a special code that will consist of several button presses in a certain sequence. This combination must be remembered, because the owner of the car will have to constantly use it.

The basic principles of budgetary security systems - how secrets work

The compact dimensions of the locks allow the installation of these devices in any, even hard-to-reach place. Installing such a system is very simple, but not everyone knows exactly what principles its work is built on. The standard, most affordable in terms of price, the secret will work, after installation in the car, as follows:

  • when the driver enters a code invented by him, the engine system, the steering shaft are blocked;
  • if an attacker gets inside the car and tries to start it, the engine starts to work, but after 3-4 minutes it stalls;
  • with several incorrect attempts to enter a code combination, the system is completely blocked;
  • when an intruder tries to unlock and steal a car, the systems beep.

The attacker will not bother with such a car for a long time and will simply leave, if the hijacker can quickly get inside the vehicle, drown out the beacons and neutralize the alarm, then he will have a lot of problems with the secret. He can find a button or switch for a secret in the cabin, but it will be very difficult for him to find the right combination if the driver has installed several locks.

The positive aspects of installing secrets

If we compare the standard alarm and the secret, then the choice will be in favor of the second option. This situation is due to the fact that the simplest secret has a very large number of positive aspects, namely:

A standard alarm also consumes some power, but it will not work with all kinds of additional equipment, it takes a long time to install, and it is quite easy to neutralize this level of protection.

The work of the simplest and cheapest secret - how it happens

If you look into the section of any online store that sells secrets, you can find many options in terms of price and devices of this type that have additional equipment. But even the most primitive secret is enough to provide a decent level of protection. The principle of operation of the simplest device from this series looks like this:

  • the system produces a low-current blocking of the vehicle engine;
  • the security mechanism is controlled using a special, small switch on which there are two buttons;
  • 40 seconds after starting the car engine, it starts blocking;
  • the system cannot be controlled using a key fob, because it simply does not exist.

These qualities are quite enough to provide reliable protection for the car, but buying and installing a lock is not all. If a motorist buys the most expensive system in a car, but cannot install a reliable lock on it, the money invested and efforts will bring zero results, while a good block on a simple lock will save the car from theft.

Proper installation and configuration of the system will help make it as productive and useful as possible. The cost of a simple secret is much lower than the price of the cheapest alarms, but if a standard security system is already installed in the car, the driver would do well to supplement it with something more reliable and productive.

What secrets in the market hold leadership positions

Based on the information of many printed publications, statements that are submitted on many Internet resources, the systems of such brands have become the most reliable and productive secrets:

  1. Meguna
  2. Escont
  3. Validator

These systems are slightly different from each other, but they have a number of positive qualities in common. Experts call the main advantages of such secrets:

  • the presence of a number of non-standard locks to improve the reliability of the system;
  • low energy consumption;
  • the presence of Valet modes - emergency shutdown of the siren and Anti-Hi-Jack;
  • engine blocking for 4-5 minutes after three, four or five incorrect code combinations;
  • the presence of a reliable and durable hood lock;
  • the presence of sound indication during danger.

Such a system can make even an experienced car thief leave the car, because statistics show that car theft in 90% of cases is carried out in broad daylight and in crowded places. Professional installation of the lock will help increase the level of its effectiveness, and a competent and complex block will become a guarantee of protection.

Is it possible to make a secret yourself

The principle of operation and structure of the secrets makes it clear to every vehicle owner that it will not be difficult to install such a device on their own. But is it possible to make such a device with your own hands? Some have already made such attempts and they did it quite well. In order to make a secret yourself you need:

  • good knowledge of electrical and mechanical
  • have at home a number of tools that may be needed for work;
  • buy wires and other additional details;
  • produce a competent and accurate design of the device itself.

The process is not something very complicated, but without special knowledge it will fail. Given the affordable cost of such systems, it is better to buy a reliable factory secret, and the time that would need to be spent on design should be devoted to thinking about which combination for the system will be the most reliable and successful.

Buying and installing a lock is the first step to protecting your own vehicle from the bad intentions of criminals. As a primary or secondary system, the lock will look very appropriate, especially since it is combined with all types of security equipment. Such an anti-theft system will not interfere with the operation of other devices and systems, it can be compactly located anywhere, but its installation is very fast. Each secret is good in its own way, you can choose from a huge number of devices of this kind and therefore for each car there is the most worthy option. Such a simple, relatively cheap device can prevent the possibility of vehicle theft and will not cause any particular inconvenience to its owner. Sekretka is a reliable security system for every car.

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What is a "secret"? "Sekretka" is a secret button on a car, which today is considered one of the most reliable and effective anti-theft systems. Sekretka is a full-fledged anti-theft complex that can guarantee your car protection from car thieves.

Even despite the fact that today in the world of anti-theft systems there are a huge number of the most advanced and high-tech complexes, the “secret button” is the thing that can confuse the auto-thief. Even if he is able to cope with it, it will take him much more time than it would take him to "hack" the immobilizer. And he, perfectly aware of this fact, will leave your car and go looking for another victim. This, though not new, but proven and reliable protection for your car.

Our center provides services for the installation of "secrets" on the car

We can offer you the following types of secret buttons.

  • original secret
  • Sensory secret
  • Electronic secret
  • Secret for injectors
  • Secret for ignition
  • Fuel pump secret
  • Secrets for starting the engine

Where can the secret button be located?

Where would you like to see her? And as what? "Secret" can be decorated in the dashboard, disguised as another button, be in the form of a magnet. In general, in the form and where you wish, the specialists of our installation center will perform their work with your wishes.

"Sekretka", as a security system, can be installed in parallel with another security complex. For example, with an immobilizer, or a car alarm.

The secret button is turned off directly from the passenger compartment by direct contact with it. No remote equipment. Only physical contact.

The thief is at a dead end!

"Secret" is a very simple but effective way to keep your car safe and sound. Sometimes, it happens that the auto thief has already climbed into the car and was already able to start it, but after a short movement he encounters, for example, an engine block and the car just stops. What will he do in such a situation? Trying to solve the problem and complete the atrocity that has begun? Of course not, he will leave the car and disappear. Hijacking with a "secret" is almost impossible.

Anti-theft lock- this is perhaps the most popular means of protection against theft. Back in the distant Soviet times, when only the lucky ones could be car owners, what was not invented for the safety of the car. Starting from primitive toggle switches and secret connectors, ending with traps and a partial fence of a car home. Savvy car owners took home various vital organs of their car for the night: batteries, candles, wires, distributor caps - in a word, everything that was quickly removed and without which the car would not start. At its core, the installation of a lock provides an electrical blocking of such nodes and, unlike in previous years, their execution is much more diverse. Nevertheless, hidden buttons, toggle switches, reed micro switches are still popular today. Love and trust in such devices has been instilled for decades, despite the most complex anti-theft systems offered everywhere today, there are quite a few fans of such classics at the present time. Despite the fact that installing a secret in its usual sense is a budget option and it would seem that it should be a success with people who do not want to spend money on security - this is not at all the case. Based on the considerations that everything ingenious is simple, often the most common secret, activated by a hidden button, becomes an additional appendage to very advanced and expensive security systems for premium cars.

not expensive cost of secrets due to the fact that improvised, inexpensive means are used for its manufacture: a button or switch (mechanical, magnetic, etc.), relays and diodes. Also, the installation of the secret can be performed using the regular keys of the car. Along with homemade versions of car locks, there are more advanced factory options.

The cost of installing a lock

Types of jobs price, rub.
Installing the anti-theft from 3 000

Note: prices are indicative. The exact cost can be found out only after inspecting the car.

Anti-theft devices can be used in completely different ways. These can be immobilizers, auto pagers, GPS trackers, specialized alarms, as well as blockers such as pin or lock locks.

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But before you buy a blocker, you should think about whether it is possible to make it yourself. Why overpay, if it is quite possible on your own for the wheel or steering wheel of your car.

It is only worth understanding their schematic structure, varieties and installation method.

What about secrets

Consider what a secret is in general, why it is needed, and how it works. The lock is, first of all, a special device that effectively protects the car from theft by locking the steering mechanism, fixing the wheel from movement, and also by installing a device that simply will not allow the car to start.

Often, such a device is mounted independently of the car's security system, which attracts car owners to use it. After all, this is a good anti-theft option as an addition to a burglar alarm.

Devices can be made with regular buttons, or they can be made with micro-buttons of a mechanical principle of operation, in the form of toggle switches, touch sensors and other options.

Such a “gadget” is used for its intended purpose, depending on its design, by pressing a programmed or hidden mechanical button that blocks the starter.

Also, the secret to the car from theft can be brought into its functional action with the help of a toggle switch, which also turns it off.

In addition, it perfectly prevents the operation of the fuel pump, blocks the hood lock so that thieves do not sneak in and steal machine parts, because this often happens. By and large, there are simply a lot of options for the execution of such devices.

For example, the essence of the secret for the engine is one - to ensure by any means the impossibility of starting the unit. Often, a certain algorithm of actions is hidden from the thief, which is familiar only to the owner of the car.

The principle of wheel protection also works in the same way. The device works in such a way that it blocks not only the movement of the wheel, but also its removal, dismantling.

In other words, the thief will not be able to drive away in your car or remove the wheel without a special key that can unlock the lock on the wheel's anti-theft device.

Of these two examples given - the locks on the motor and the wheel - it should be noted that electronic devices are more often used for the engine, and mechanical ones for the wheels.

For electrical devices, hidden toggle switches are used with the function of breaking the power supply circuit when ignited.

Even if your car keys are stolen along with the alarm key fob, then the secret device on the engine will perfectly cope with its anti-theft task.


Secrets are different, their systems and designs are based on completely different principles of operation.

Already the use of such equipment is so extensive, constantly evolving, new types of options are replenished, that it is possible to draw up a simple classification that reflects the types of anti-theft devices.

So, secret anti-thefts are:

  1. Electrical:
    • toggle switch for breaking the electrical circuit when the starter is ignited;
    • toggle switch for blocking the power supply of the electric pump for supplying fuel to the engine;
    • toggle switch for the ignition lock;
    • and other possibilities.
  2. Electronic:
    • push-button devices that block the start of the engine of the machine;
    • motion sensors;
    • stun guns;
    • devices with special codes and passwords.
  3. :
    • a wheel-locking locking device in the form of a bolt and nut with a unique pattern and a special key with the same pattern imprint to open the lock;
    • locks on the steering wheel or door locks;
    • blocking the lock of the hood and trunk;
    • block the exhaust pipe;
    • and other options.

According to the principle of operation or the algorithm for using anti-theft devices, they can be divided into secrets:

  1. With a certain sequence, a combination of pressing a button.
  2. Management of the castle design of the hood.
  3. Closing and opening the device using a code, password.
  4. Entering the code in a certain sequence for standard ones, as well as using additional buttons.
  5. Tracking the location of the car with a built-in hidden motion sensor.
  6. Motion sensor, with which you can only start the car, but not drive it.
  7. The hinged bollard is a mechanical device.
  8. Locking devices with an additional alarm siren.
  9. There are just too many other options out there.

The advantages of electronic versions of secrets is that they simply cannot be considered special programs that thieves often use.

And if you attach an anti-theft device under the hood in a place that only you alone know, then you can generally count on the fact that the hijackers simply will not find it.

Operating principle

Any installed on the unit or some part will have its own principle of operation. A factory secret is installed on the engine, which simply closes the electrical circuit, preventing the necessary spark from forming for the engine to work.

So, if you need to block the operation of the starter or, for example, the carburetor, then simply connect the toggle switch to the negative wire in a section of the wire that is invisible to prying eyes.

Lay the wires to the buttons on the control panel in the car, where, for example, the headlight corrector or turn on the stove, in order to control the lock yourself.

If this is done in several places, then you can buy enough time when trying to steal your car.

A homemade version of the anti-theft system device can also be on the exhaust pipe, which allows you to block its internal passages. Arrange such a device inside, where the pipe valve is located. You can control the device remotely.

It works as follows - you can start the car, the engine starts and for a short time it even works, and then it simply stalls.

The exhaust gases have nowhere to go, the hijacker is unlikely to immediately guess about the blocked valve inside the exhaust pipe, and therefore he will soon decide that the car is out of order and retreats from the place of the attempted theft.

Additional locks or magnetic latches on the steering wheel or gearbox, wheels all work on the principle of partial and complete immobilization of parts, systems, elements, which in its own way also creates a lot of problems for hijackers.

You can also equip the wire system that goes to the carburetor or starter with a special radio sensor.

Its principle of operation is that when approaching it, its work begins - it simply automatically closes the circuit, preventing the car from starting.

The only, perhaps, may be an inconvenience - this is that you have to carry the transmitter with you all the time, which is part of this system.

Schemes of secrets on a car for do-it-yourself installation

When blocking the engine, different algorithms can be used - the so-called "passive" and "active". The first option is recognized by experts as the most effective, because it does not allow you to start the car in a de-energized state.

All relay contacts with a passive system algorithm are normally open and such blocking can also be called HP.

To remove such a lock, you first need to apply electricity, then only the relay will switch to start the engine.

The “active” blocking algorithm is most often referred to as vulnerable systems, because with it, without power, you can start the car’s engine.

Its relay is in the normally closed (NC) position, much like the contacts in the "Protection" mode of the blocking relay. An example can be seen in Fig. 3, which shows the ignition blocking circuit and the activation of the alarm.

The presence of closed contacts (points 87 and 30 in the figure) indicates that even in the position of the blocking device, when there is no voltage on the relay winding, it is these contacts that will make it possible to start the engine, although it will not allow the starter to start.

To de-energize the operation of the fuel pump, it is also necessary to provide an anti-theft system with a secret. To do this, it is enough to build a relay inside the signaling module itself, near the communications of the fuel supply pump.

The principle of operation of the relay is to break the high-current electrical circuit that powers the operation of the electric pump. .

With such schemes, the hijackers will have to work hard to find the place of the circuit break, fix it or find the connector from which to remove the device, disconnect the necessary wires, find the "grounds" in the connectors - and for all this you need to be a family of spans in the forehead to do all this detect in a short amount of time.

It is unlikely that a thief will want to fiddle with the car for so long in order to determine where the secret is located and how many there are in general, perhaps there may be several secret devices.

How to put

If you make a secret yourself, for example, for a wheel, then this is a very difficult matter - literally jewelry work. Not to mention the independent production of an electronic system or radio sensors, which can only be manufactured in the factory.

Therefore, if you think, you will need remarkable knowledge and practice. To lock the wheel, you need to take bolts, for example, from an old VAZ.

Three holes are made with a blank, which should be placed symmetrically to each other. The holes are threaded. Then a large hole is made for the bolt, also with a thread.

Then three bolts are placed in three holes so that they are well pressed against the mandrel. However, most car owners still prefer to turn to turners or other locksmiths for such services.

To install the electrical system, you need to buy any wireless relay on the radio market, for example, Hock-Up, Wait Up are suitable.

Such a device is installed in the cut of the wire of any circuit, but only a plus, given the standard wires. All wires from the relay are displayed on the control panel in the car interior.

Suppose a miniature button can be placed under the ignition lock trim or hidden somewhere on the panel so that only you know where it is.

According to the instructions, an electronic device is installed. The instruction, as a rule, is always attached to the product.

What is better to choose from devices

When choosing what exactly to put in addition to your car anti-theft system, you can prefer either the option of a mechanical system or an electrical one - it all depends on you.

Experts say, for example, that many middle-class motorists prefer mechanics and "protect" the wheels, steering wheel or pedals. Often this is motivated by the fact that electronics often fail, and mechanics fail much less often.

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