Antifreeze red or blue. Red, blue and green antifreeze - which one to fill in the cooling system? Why is coolant coloring necessary?

Antifreeze red or blue. Red, blue and green antifreeze - which one to fill in the cooling system? Why is coolant coloring necessary?


Antifreeze is a liquid designed to cool the engine and is very often called "Tosol" by our motorists. Literally, antifreeze means "not to freeze." What is the best antifreeze? You will learn the answer to this and other questions by reading the article on our website.

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Briefly about antifreeze

Engine coolant fluids are vital to the operation of any car, so an important indicator of antifreeze is its non-freezing at low ambient temperatures. Manufacturers indicate on the bottles the freezing point of antifreeze - “OZH-40”, “OZH-65”, “A-40”.

Any refrigerant is based on a glycol-water mixture, which determines:

  • the ability of the coolant not to freeze in the winter season;
  • specific heat capacity of the consumable;
  • viscosity and ability to collect on the walls of the expansion tank;
  • the likelihood of the element affecting the rubber components of the auto cooling system.

green coolant leak in car

Additives, in turn, can be:

  • anti-corrosion;
  • anti-foaming;
  • stabilizing.

In domestic production, antifreezes normalize indicators based on ethylene glycol:

  • the color of the substance;
  • coefficient of its density;
  • the temperature at which the liquid begins to turn into crystals;
  • corrosive property on metal parts;
  • foaming ability.

But other properties, such as the amount of various additives, the miscibility of liquids, as well as the color of the refrigerant, are chosen by the manufacturer.

The fluid replacement period is determined by the manufacturer. But it is also important to take into account the recommendations of the car manufacturer on the replacement period specified in the operating instructions. The average service life of the refrigerant is about two years.

What color happens?

Antifreeze itself is a colorless consumable, but today there are very few such antifreezes left on the market. It is the color that distinguishes the refrigerant from ordinary water, and this is necessary because:

  • firstly, the liquid is poisonous, and it must be different. Coolant should not be available to children, because it has a sweetish aftertaste;
  • secondly, the color of antifreeze will help to identify a leak faster, if any;
  • thirdly, the color may indicate some properties. In particular, we are talking about a bright red and orange refrigerant - coolants produced by some American, Japanese and German auto concerns have this color. The bottom line is that the life of such "consumables" is about 200-250 thousand kilometers.


In the countries of the Soviet Union, the standards of the German manufacturer Volkswagen were taken for the classification of refrigerants.

So, the green color of antifreeze determines its classification "G 11". It is a hybrid liquid. It is based on ethylene glycol and inorganic additives that completely protect all components of the cooling system from corrosion. Green refrigerants first appeared on the market about twenty years ago, and their average life is about three years.

Such a liquid can be used in any type of radiator, including aluminum. According to official data, hybrid coolants are refueled in new BMW, Mercedes, Chrysler, etc. cars.


Red coolants and its shades belong to the carboxylate type of the classification "G 12". The composition of such consumables includes organic additives, the principle of which is to selectively act on the metal elements of the system that have been or may be affected by corrosion.

Such coolants appeared on sale at about the same time as green antifreezes, but, unlike the latter, they are more suitable for high-speed and temperature-loaded engines. The service life of such a "consumable" can reach five years. In recent years, it has become widely used in the production of foreign cars in Russia, in particular in Ford, Renault, Opel, Hyundai, Kia, Fiat cars.

In Russia and in the post-Soviet space, Volkswagen standards are taken for the classification of antifreezes: G 11, G 12, G 12+ and G 13.

If you buy a Japanese-made coolant, then the color classification here is completely different. Red means freezing point -30 C.

Other colors

The refrigerants of the G 13 standard are colored yellow and orange. This coolant is based on propylene glycol. Unlike green and red antifreezes, this liquid is more environmentally friendly, and its cost is an order of magnitude higher. As a rule, such a “consumable” is used for the cooling systems of sports cars and motorcycles.

However, coolant of this standard is almost impossible to find on the domestic market. Due to its high cost, it is not produced in the post-Soviet space, and it is rarely imported into Ukraine and Russia.

In the Japanese classification of coolants, yellow means a freezing point of -20 degrees.

As for the blue color, it is typical for the domestic "Tosol". This is the same antifreeze, only Russian-made. But "Tosol" can be produced in both green and yellow - here there is no fundamental difference between the colors, the composition of the coolant is more important.

What is the best refrigerant?

This question is also ambiguous, since the coolant must be selected specifically for each individual car. If, when choosing a refrigerant, you are wondering: which antifreeze to choose - red or green and why, then it is better to read the operating recommendations for your car.

If you are the owner of a Japanese car (Nissan, Honda, Mazda, Toyota, etc.), then these manufacturers advise car owners to fill in green or red coolant in the system. If you want to fill in the European analogue into the system, then you need to be guided not by the color, but by the class of the motor. For example, for Nissan and Mitsubishi, the G 12 class is suitable.

All motorists (and, of course, not only them) are well aware that antifreeze is a liquid that protects the power unit from overheating, which boils only at temperatures significantly higher than +100 ° C, and freezes at temperatures very low (usually -38 °С and below). If relatively recently in Russia there was, in fact, only one of its types - TOSOL, which has a blue color, now red and green liquids have appeared and are widely used. Accordingly, car owners have a completely logical question: what is the difference between red, green and blue antifreeze? Let's try to give a detailed and detailed answer to it.

In fact, regardless of color, the main component of absolutely all modern antifreezes is ethylene glycol or propylene glycol and distilled water. Together they make up approximately 80% of the total volume of this liquid. In its pure form, ethylene glycol and propylene glycol are simple dihydric alcohols with a rather viscous consistency and a sweetish odor. They are able to withstand, without boiling, temperatures of almost +200 ° C, and freeze at a temperature of -11 ° C. In order to reduce their freezing threshold to -30 ° C - -60 ° C, they are mixed with distilled water.

Another important component of absolutely all antifreezes are additives. Their share is about 20% of the volume of the liquid, and it is they who give it one color or another. It should be noted that additives in any antifreeze are required, and they play a very important role.

First of all, it should be noted that a mixture of ethylene glycol or propylene glycol with water is a chemically active liquid that, in its pure form, quickly “corrodes” hoses, pipes, radiators, and even an internal combustion engine cylinder block. Additives are needed, first of all, precisely in order to restrain this aggressiveness. They have different characteristics and features, and in order to be able to visually distinguish between antifreezes with different additives, they began to be painted in different colors.

This category includes domestic, which contains additives of the so-called first generation. They are made on the basis of such inorganic compounds as nitrites, borates, phosphates, silicates, and they form very thin films on the inner surfaces of tubes and pipes, which protect them from “corrosive” effects.

Now, in its composition, blue antifreeze is considered obsolete, since it is still too aggressive. In addition, its boiling point is only +110 ° C, and many modern cars are equipped with so-called "high-temperature" power units, for which this, and sometimes even higher temperature is the operating temperature.

Green antifreeze (it is labeled as) contains both inorganic and organic additives, namely carboxylic acid (albeit in a relatively small amount). It contributes to the fact that the inner walls of the cooling tract are "enveloped" with a protective film, besides, it localizes the corrosion center. However, green antifreeze also has some drawbacks. Among them, the following should be especially highlighted:

  • This antifreeze, due to the formation of a film, reduces heat transfer;
  • The film crumbles over time, its elements remain in the cooling system;
  • It should be changed quite often (once every 2-3 years).

It should be noted that there are also subspecies of green antifreeze G11 + and G11 ++, in which the content of carboxylic acid is significantly higher than in the "standard" G11.

Red antifreeze (it is designated as) contains mainly organic additives and very few inorganic ones. Thanks in large part to this:

  • Perfectly localizes foci of corrosion;
  • Forms a fairly thick (about 1 micron) film, which practically does not crumble;
  • Good heat dissipation;
  • Serves without replacement up to 5 years.

However, red antifreeze, despite all its obvious and indisputable advantages, also has some disadvantages. Perhaps the main thing is that it fights only with existing foci of corrosion, but does not have any preventive effect in this regard. In addition, red antifreeze does not protect aluminum parts from “corrosion” well.

It should be noted that there are such variants as G12+ and G12++. They differ from G12 in an increased amount of additives of organic origin.

Video about red, green and blue antifreeze

Which antifreeze is better: red, green or blue?

There are different opinions on this matter, but there is no single one. The fact is that different brands and models of internal combustion engines have their own specific features of functioning, different metals prevail in them. The same goes for cooling radiators. Therefore, when choosing antifreeze for your car, it is best to focus on the recommendations of the manufacturers of this equipment: the fact is that they carefully test it in this regard as well.

As for mixing antifreezes of different colors, this is best avoided. As mentioned above, the color of a particular antifreeze in the vast majority of cases is dictated by its composition, namely, the type and amount of additives. Even antifreezes of different brands of the same color are sometimes incompatible, not to mention those that have different colors. But, if for some reason you had to mix them, then as soon as such an opportunity arises, you must definitely replace this mixture with an antifreeze recommended by the car manufacturer.

Antifreeze is recommended to be changed at least once every 100 thousand kilometers. Moreover, this figure additionally depends on such factors as the brand of the car, the intensity of operation and even the climatic conditions in which you have to move. The color of antifreeze can say a lot: the shade can be red, green, orange, blue, yellow, pink and even purple. Today we will find out what role the color of antifreeze plays and why it is so important to pay attention to it when buying.

Type one

Blue antifreeze is poured into inexpensive cars or old-style cars. Moreover, the documentation stubbornly claims that such a liquid should never be mixed with any other. It is believed that there is some difference between liquids of various colors and shades, but only a few car owners guess what this difference is.

Often, domestic production is called antifreeze. At its core, antifreeze is not much different from antifreeze: the composition remains similar, a set of various additives and reagents that are designed to prevent any corrosion of the radiator and cooling pump and to provide the most efficient cooling of the engine and all its systems.

The blue liquid is usually G11. The main difference between such a liquid and antifreezes of all other shades, whether red or green, is in the set of additives that were mentioned above. The main share of such additives here is intended not to interact with individual foci of corrosion, but to completely cover the metal walls with an invisible film.

In other words, the tool is able to create an anti-corrosion film that prevents metal from rusting for a long time. For this reason, car manufacturers categorically do not recommend the use of antifreezes of different colors: due to the resulting film, a newer liquid will not be able to interact with corrosion foci, and the anti-corrosion effect will be nullified.

Type two

The green product is used on modern cars, both domestic and foreign. Obviously, the green color is achieved by applying a certain dye. The task of the dye is to designate a specific type of antifreeze and make it clear to the buyer what additives the green liquid is endowed with.

What is the feature of green antifreeze? Most often, such a liquid is labeled G12 +, G12 ++ and G13. In other words, this is one of the newest and most modern standards that are recommended for cars that have rolled off the assembly line in the past few years.

Antifreeze is usually painted in this color, which is intended for parts made of brass. The peculiarity of this material lies in the ability to resist corrosion for a sufficiently long period of time. However, even such a stable material corrodes over time and requires additional protection.

Type three

The question remains: for which material is the red or orange liquid intended? If you study the documentation in detail, it becomes clear: the red liquid also most often belongs to the latest standard and is used on cars manufactured in recent years.

The difference is that cars filled with red or orange liquid usually have an aluminum radiator. For this purpose, additives are used in a red or orange liquid that counteract the gradual corrosion of an aluminum alloy.

What is the principle of action of additives in this case? It turns out that here it is completely similar to what happens in other liquids 12 and 13 standards. The task of the additive is to find local foci of corrosion and concentrate around them. Unlike antifreeze, such antifreeze is able not only to prevent further corrosion, but to convert rust into metal, which contributes to a longer service life of the radiator and car pipes.

Summing up

The ability to choose the color of antifreeze makes life much easier for the car owner. By shade, you can determine the marking of the product, its purpose and the type of additives that are used in it. This allows you to repeatedly increase the resource of the car's cooling system and not resort to repair or replacement of the radiator and pump more often than required by regulatory documentation.

Car owners must know the basics of their operation, otherwise their vehicle will not last long. But, there are such moments where disputes are carried on to the point of hoarseness to this day. For example, antifreeze is red, green and blue - what is the difference and can they be mixed? It is difficult to find an unequivocal answer, and even service station workers hold different positions.

What is used for

Before you figure out what is the difference between red, green and blue antifreeze, you should understand what it is made of and what its purpose is. There are only two requirements. Refrigerate and do not freeze. Therefore, antifreeze has the following qualities:

  • high operating temperature;
  • work at low temperatures (from -30 to -60);
  • corrosion prevention.

The name comes from the key function of the liquid. The English word "freeze" (freeze) with the prefix "anti" form a simple meaning - that which does not freeze. You should also not forget that the engine, when heated, reaches a temperature value of 100+, therefore, without proper cooling, it “boils”. Further operation becomes difficult.

In addition, if ordinary water is used as cooling in winter (this also happens), then at minus it will freeze. Attempting to start under these conditions can cause critical engine damage. Therefore, the purchase of antifreeze prevents a lot of problems and facilitates the operating conditions of the car.

What does it consist of

The main active ingredient in the liquid is ethylene glycol. Sometimes propylene glycol is used instead, but antifreezes with such a component are much more expensive and began to be produced relatively recently. As a rule, the percentage of ethylene glycol is approximately 30%, the rest of the composition is occupied by distilled water and special additives that prevent corrosion.

Additives can be different and differ in percentage. Although they have similar functions, they use a variety of substances. These can be chemical, organic or mixed additives.

From this we conclude that all antifreezes have the same key component (ethylene glycol or propylene glycol). The ratio of these substances to water is practically the same. So what is the difference between coolants? If you disassemble the entire composition for individual chemical elements, then the difference can be found only in additives. But what about color then? More information is needed to answer.

What types of coolant are there

Unfortunately, blue antifreeze, red or yellow have in some cases the same components, and in others they are completely different. The confusion is quite serious. Each manufacturer approaches the manufacture of antifreeze in its own way. Therefore, there is no single classification according to color. In fact, there is no difference between them. Of course, after reading this phrase, many give up and do not want to read to the end. But, there is no escape from the truth. Red can be poured into green, and blue can be added on top. But, this is not always possible either. Let's try to understand the issue further.

As mentioned above, red, green and blue antifreeze have one key component and many different additives. It is for them that it is worth distinguishing between coolant. They are divided into the following main groups:

  • Antifreeze;


What many used to call antifreeze thinking that there is a difference between antifreeze and it is a mistake. Antifreeze is not a substance, but a name. The fact is that during operation, the Zhiguli engine reaches an average of 105 degrees. Therefore, especially for this temperature, they poured their antifreeze into the cooling system. Domestic manufacturers back in the USSR invented a liquid called TOSOL.

This substance was distinguished by low operating temperatures both in the plus and minus directions.

In addition, the presence of aggressive components in large quantities (acids) with prolonged use led to the fact that non-metallic parts simply corroded.

The classic color of antifreeze is blue. And according to the marking, this type is sometimes referred to as the G10 group. Unfortunately, its use is impossible with aluminum parts, which are destroyed rather quickly.


Antifreeze indicated by such a marking or the abbreviation IAT is commonly called silicate. The fact is that inorganic additives are added to such a liquid, such as:

  • silicates;
  • phosphates;
  • borates;
  • nitrites;
  • amines;
  • nitrates.

The peculiarity of this group is that these inorganic substances envelop corrosion centers in a thick layer, preventing their occurrence or further spread. But, G11 has one important drawback. The protective layer, in addition to benefits, also carries little harm.

The heat transfer rate is significantly reduced. In addition, under the influence of vibration and constantly changing temperature, the layer begins to crumble down in pieces. These pieces are then picked up by the flow of antifreeze and can cause even more damage. However, such cons do not make this liquid bad. Just you need to change it every two years. Usually G11 is green, although blue antifreeze, and red, and even yellow are also found. Which again suggests that the color only confuses.


What is the difference between G11 and G12 coolants? Antifreezes in the twelfth group have become more practical. Manufacturers took into account all the shortcomings of previous brands and eliminated them in new ones.

Additives in this liquid - carboxylic acids
. Therefore, you can meet the second name - carboxylate. The peculiarity of this antifreeze is that the protective layer is not formed over the entire area of ​​the tubes. Thus, the level of heat transfer is not violated. As for the abrasive that appears in G11, it cannot be here in principle. The layer thickness is not more than 1 micron. The term of operation is increased up to 3-5 years. Marking - OAT.

But, without shortcomings, they did not do here either. The protective layer appears only when corrosion occurs. That is, there is no prevention. Additives actually work.


Sometimes, to take two steps forward, you need to take a step back. Thus, the additive G12 + appeared. Another designation for HOAT. The bottom line is that the technology of carboxylic acids was combined with inorganic silicates. Thus, a golden mean appeared. But, silicates have reduced the life of antifreeze.

The difference between red, green and blue antifreeze, as you can see, depends solely on the knowledge of additives. Group G12 antifreeze exists in the following colors:

  • red;
  • green;
  • yellow.


After G12+, the next G12++ group appeared. Rejecting silicates, carboxylic acids began to be mixed with mineral additives. Designation - SOAT. Thus, the period of use remained at the level of 3-5 years, and corrosion prevention appeared. From different manufacturers are available both in red and in other colors. Although red is more common.


At this stage - This is the highest quality antifreeze.. There is only one fundamental difference. All previously released coolant groups used an extremely toxic substance - ethylene glycol. However, since 2012, when the thirteenth group appeared, it has been replaced with environmentally friendly propylene glycol.

Actually, this is where the key difference ends. If we compare it with G12 ++, then apart from the difference already voiced, it will not be possible to find others. Therefore, if the driver cares not only about quality, but also about the environment, then the G13 will be an ideal option for both him and the car. Can be found in both red and green. There is no difference between them, except for the color.


The conclusion we can draw is color is a thing that does not play any role. The main thing is additives. If necessary, you can mix any colors, the main thing is that they correspond to one group.

And if you choose for your car, then you need to follow simple rules. If the radiator is copper, then G12, G12 + antifreeze is better. For aluminum - G11. If we talk about G12 ++ or G13, then such coolants can be poured into any car.

With the advent of the internal combustion engine, it became necessary to cool it. Antifreeze is that universal liquid that has a high combustion temperature and a low freezing threshold. It is designed to cool the engine, and which antifreeze is better to fill in red or green, both a novice motorist and a professional must know. At the moment, there are many types of antifreeze that can withstand different temperatures, suitable for many types of engine.

It is not worth highlighting the colors of the engine-cooling substance on your own, because each developer is trying to create an original product. In Soviet times, TOSOL was an analogue of European antifreeze, which existed only in two colors: red and blue. These types of liquids differed in different freezing temperatures.. With the arrival of Western manufacturers on our market, antifreeze has become more diverse, the quality is higher, and there are more opportunities. European manufacturers try to adhere to the ratio of color and type of this product.

The composition of the coolant is quite diverse, which affects its characteristics.

What are the types of coolers by type

At the moment, the following types of liquids for cooling can be distinguished:

  • Salt antifreeze s are based on hydrochloric acid. Depending on its concentration in the composition, the freezing threshold also decreases. The main disadvantage of such a substance is the main ingredient. The more it is, the higher the risk of corrosion.
  • Glycolic liquids are developed on the basis of ethylene glycol of different concentrations. And the higher it is, the lower the temperature the liquid can withstand. Its positive properties include its freezing point of -65 degrees. Such a liquid turns into a slurry, does not change its volume, which does not lead to a rupture of the generator. But, to achieve the maximum effect, at least ten special additives must be added to such antifreeze. Otherwise, the ability of the substance is reduced, and the negative impact on the motor increases.
  • Alcohol antifreeze are not used to cool the motor, as they have a high risk of fire. They are used for windshield wipers or air brakes.
  • Glycerin became a real discovery of the end of the 20th century. It is the most non-toxic and pure glycerine based product that does not freeze at -40 degrees. One of the advantages of such a liquid is the price, which is lower than the cost of products on ethylene glycol or propylene glycol.

You can't choose a coolant based on color. Worldwide there is a single label for all types of antifreeze, which differ in quality, composition, degree of freezing, as well as application for certain types of motors.

Types of coolant by color

According to the color scheme, the following types of coolers can be distinguished:

  • Most often antifreeze red carboxylate is marked G 12. It contains inhibitors, which are absorbed only in places where corrosion occurs. The composition of red antifreeze contains carboxylate inhibitors, which qualitatively prevent the occurrence of corrosion. Also, this type has a service life of up to 5 years.
  • The green color of the substance is most often found as G 11. It may contain organic or inorganic constituents. Their service life reaches three years.
  • The purple color of the substance occurs with the mark G12 ++. It is produced on the basis of a combination of minerals with organic matter. Its advantage is the ability to cover the entire cooling system with a protective film. This type is consumed very economically, since the substance acts only when corrosion occurs. If this type is poured into a new engine, then the fluid may have an unlimited service life.

The most popular substances are red and green. Therefore, the difference between red and green antifreeze is relatively small, but it significantly affects the condition of the engine and its wear resistance. Ethylene glycol antifreezes have been leading the market for some time due to their ability to withstand temperatures from -32 to -70 degrees, which depends on the amount of additives.

Distinctive characteristics

When choosing the product required for cooling, the material of the engine cooling system itself must be taken into account. Unlike green, red antifreeze is great for working with copper, brass, and their alloys. Green is ideal for contact with aluminum and its alloys.

Red antifreeze contains ethylene glycol and carboxylate compounds, which makes this type more expensive, but it has an effective heat dissipation, concentrating on the centers of corrosion. Green covers the entire surface of the cooling system with protection.

The difference between the types of coolant is the price, as well as the service life of the substance. The composition of the green liquid also includes ethylene glycol, but with fewer additives, which reduces the service life to 3 years.

Red antifreeze is suitable for engines operating at high speeds, as well as in low temperature conditions.

Its service life is 5 years, it is the most popular substance for engine cooling in the post-Soviet space.

Another advantageous quality that distinguishes these species is the temperature threshold. Red antifreeze withstands temperatures of -30 degrees, and green freezes at -25.

Often, the manufacturers themselves indicate on the packaging with the goods for which type of engine this product is intended. This contributes to proper operation, increasing the wear resistance of parts.

It is important to know

It is worth noting that when buying a new car, it is necessary to fill in antifreeze clearly knowing the composition of the cooling system. When buying a used car:

  • You need to know what type of liquid was used. If this is unknown, it is advised to completely drain the substance, flush the radiator, and then fill in a new one.
  • It is worth changing all the technical fluids.
  • You need to add a red or green substance of exactly the brand that has already been used by the driver. Different manufacturers may add different additives that, when mixed, give an undesirable effect, may foam or impair their cooling properties.
  • No matter how long the coolant has served, it is worth checking its level regularly and replacing it in time.

Summing up

It is safe to say that red antifreeze differs from green in just a few abilities that can significantly affect the wear resistance of the motor.

Main differences:

  • Coolant type.
  • temperature threshold.
  • The number of additives.
  • Methods and possibilities of protecting the system from corrosion.
  • The material from which the engine itself and the cooling system are made.

But, it is worth noting that paying attention only to the color of the coolant, without specifying its purpose or composition, can lead to undesirable expenses in car repairs. Experienced motorists advise a fluid that will work perfectly in a particular car, reliably cooling the engine and preventing corrosion. Selecting the required type it is worth considering not only the color, but also the composition. Trying to be original, many manufacturers use different colors, while dyes do not affect the quality of the substance.

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