L 12 login with name required. Technical characteristics of three generations of the Chevrolet aveo

L 12 login with name required. Technical characteristics of three generations of the Chevrolet aveo


Recently, Instagram has begun to part with innovations. And any updates on Instagram are usually accompanied by massive glitches and problems in the network. This is such a familiar process that for some time I did not pay attention to the most major mistake recent weeks: "Sorry, an error occurred."

Recently, another type of the same error has been common, when Instagram does not write any problems, but you still cannot log into your account.

In the article, I have collected all the known options for solving the problem with logging in to an Insta account on a phone. Let's go.

Solutions to "Oops, an error occurred" on Instagram

Option 0.

Use another phone. Most likely it will not help you, but there is a small chance. The most likely that this method will help - take the phone on which you have previously logged into your Insta account. Very often, the problem is related to the fact that Instagram "seems to not believe you." Therefore, the chances from the old phone are higher.

Option 1.

The first thing you should do is try to access Instagram using Facebook. Obviously, this method is only suitable if you have previously linked Facebook to Instagram. We prepare sleighs in the summer, right? The link between the two networks is extremely useful not only for Facebook itself, which will be able to better target ads to you and earn additional billions of dollars, but also protect your account from hijacking and ... And allow you to enter your profile if you catch the error “Sorry, an error occurred” .

Again. You received a similar error - try to log in through the Facebook profile linked to your Insta account. Personally, this option helped me today and I entered one of my profiles.

Option 2.

Everything is fine, but what if you haven't linked your Instagram and Facebook accounts? And then I can start lecturing you about the importance of security and all that nonsense, remind you of the situation with backups, which no one thinks about until the moment when they need it. But why? We solve problems as they come.

With the “Sorry, an error occurred” problem, you can access the web version of Instagram, but it does not allow us to link to Facebook. Therefore, of course, you can look through the tape, but it will not help us with anything more.

It's time to remember about. If you didn’t know, then you can use Direct on a laptop (only if you don’t have a Mac) for a long time and without dancing with a tambourine. The program looks like this:

On Instagram under Windows 10, you can log in without problems, even if your account has caught a known error. I checked on three problematic profiles and all were able to enter. Yes, the selection is not the most extensive, so if you suddenly have a problem with this, write about it in the comments to the article, if it's not difficult for you.

After we logged into our account using the Windows application, we run to read the direct and answer all customers, and only then we go to the settings and look for the “Facebook Friends” item. We connect our Facebook profile, wait a bit, congratulations, the problem is almost solved.

Trembling, with happiness and anticipation, hands, take the phone and press the coveted button Login with Facebook.

Helps in most cases, but alas, not all. We understand further.

Alternative option.

Some users do not have the opportunity to use the client for Windows 10, or this method did not work. Readers in the comments shared another way: download any VPN client for the phone, use it to open Instagram with country selection (in the VPN application) from neighboring developed countries (Germany and so on). When Instagram launched us, we link Facebook to the profile, the problem is solved.

Important! A VPN can only exacerbate the problem by catching profile confirmation via SMS without the possibility of login.

Option 3.

The following actions are a bit like the dances of the Indians, who tried to make rain with them. Sometimes it coincided, which convinced the Indians even more that there was a certain correct ritual and procedure, thanks to which droughts could be stopped. Well, they danced until Columbus made a mistake with the mainland. Something I got carried away.

Back to the web version of Instagram. Anticipating the question, yes, it exists and is located at Instagram.com. We log in, go to the settings and at the bottom we notice the line "Temporarily block my account." Feel free to press, do not worry, the profile will not disappear. Zuckerberg will not let go of his user so easily :)

Next, we select "problems with the entrance", because of which you want to commit sacrilege and give up on Instagram for a while, agree and block. Then you can finally chat with your family, walk the dog and even drink foam. You do not touch the account for the next 2-3 hours, no matter how much you would like to.

The account is returned from temporary blocking only with the help of a login in the application. which will be successful. I do not fully understand the mechanics of this magic, but they work for the vast majority of users who have encountered a problem.

Option 4.

Congratulations, you are the chosen one, since the previous methods did not suit you. So, on the authorization screen, we are looking for a subtle inscription "help with logging in." On the next screen, select the top option, which does not fully fit into the screen.

Enter the address there. Email, to which the account is registered and select "Send an email". We check the mail, we find the following envelope:

This is a very important letter! Here carefully. We click on the big blue button and get a question from the system, with which to open the link: Chrome, Instagram, and so on. Select Instagram if you haven't already done so and click on "Always use this selection". Congratulations, you have entered your profile.

Option 5.

Resetting the phone to factory settings, i.e. complete reset. I do not believe in performance, but sometimes the stick shoots. On a couple of forums there were reports that the chakras opened in people and Instagram let them in after a complete reset of the phone, i.e. resetting ALL information. Think thrice.

Option 6.

Delete the Instagram app and reinstall. For a small part of users, this method really helps.

Option 7. Last.

Wait 14 days. 14 days is a magic number and even itself without any magic. Therefore, if you cannot log into your account now, use another device on which you are already logged into your profile and wait 2 weeks. He always lets go after that.


Login problems run deeper than a simple system glitch. I hope the great Marketer will save us from the worst-case scenario, but for now I recommend linking your Instagram and Facebook accounts in advance so that you don’t experiment with logging in later.

It is very convenient to always know which specific version of a project assembly. To do this, you usually enter a version number consisting of several digits. I am in favor of a 4-digit structure like this:

Together, this forms the full naming of the version (Major.Minor.Pathch.Build):

Some use a unique numeric value as build that increments each time, such as a nightly build. I think that there is no point in this - it is much more convenient to tie given number to the revision in the repository. I use Subversion and CMake, so I'll show you how to automate build versioning with these tools.

First, you need to add a header file to the project (for example, version.h):

#include #include namespace Version ( const std::string & AsText() ; boost::uint64_t AsNumber() ; )

Here is a simple interface through which you can get a number from the program full version in text form or as a unique integer identifier.

Now I will give the contents of version.cpp:

#include #include "../version.h" namespace ( const boost:: uint8_t MAJOR = 4 ; const boost:: uint16_t MINOR = 6 ; const boost:: uint16_t PATCH = 12 ; const boost:: uint32_t BUILD = 589 ; // This value will be changed automatically) const std::string & Version::AsText() ( static const std::string text = boost::str(boost::format("%1%.%2%.%3%.%4%" ) % static_cast< unsigned >(MAJOR) % MINOR % PATCH % BUILD) ; return text; ) boost:: uint64_t Version:: AsNumber () ( BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(BUILD< 0xFFFFFF ) ; using namespace boost; const size_t size = sizeof (uint64_t ) ; static const boost:: uint64_t number = (static_cast < uint64_t >(MAJOR)<< (size - sizeof (MAJOR) ) * 8 ) | (static_cast < uint64_t >(MINOR)<< (size - sizeof (MAJOR) - sizeof (MINOR) ) * 8 ) | (static_cast < uint64_t >(PATCH)<< (size - sizeof (MAJOR) - sizeof (MINOR) - sizeof (PATCH) ) * 8 ) | BUILD; return number; }

Everything here is trivial and, I think, does not require comments. The last thing left is the mechanism for changing the BUILD value to the revision number in the repository. CMake can handle this just fine, just add the following code to CMakeLists.txt:

set (VERSION_FILE ../ common/ sources/ version.cpp) find_package (Subversion REQUIRED) Subversion_WC_INFO ($(PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR) Repo) file (READ $(VERSION_FILE) OLD_CODE) foreach (LINE $(OLD_CODE) ) string (REGEX MATCH "BUILD = (+)" BUILD_NUMBER $(LINE) ) if (BUILD_NUMBER) string (REGEX REPLACE "+$" $(Repo_WC_REVISION) LINE $(LINE) ) endif () set (NEW_CODE $(NEW_CODE) $(LINE) ) endforeach ( LINE) file (WRITE $(VERSION_FILE) " $(NEW_CODE) ")

The only subtlety in the script is in the last line, and more specifically, the quotes in "$(NEW_CODE)", without them all “;” will be removed.


Since this topic is still popular with users, we decided to collect all the instructions and tips in one post.

On this page organized troubleshooting information. At each stage, you will receive instructions or clarifying questions that will help determine the nature of the problem. Recommended follow directions exactly.

Also, we bring to your attention somesolutions from our users and experts:

  • clear the cache and cookies of the browser (instructions on this link);
  • enter the private browsing mode (in Safari, the settings button -> Private Browsing (or Private Browsing) -> OK);
  • in private browsing mode go to gmail.com ;
  • sign in, from which you want to collect mail via POP;
  • if the login was successful, go to the Gmail settings on the "Forwarding and POP / IMAP" tab and make sure that the POP protocol access switch is in the "POP enabled for ..." position, in the item "When emails are downloaded using POP" must be set to "save a copy...";
  • then go to the following link: https://www.google.com/accounts/DisplayUnlockCaptcha ;
  • if you are asked to enter the code from the proposed image, do so and follow the instructions;
  • if you see a lot of boring text and a single "Continue" button, click it. On the next page there will be only text without any buttons, you don’t have to read it at all;
  • after completing the above steps, exit private browsing and go back to gmail.com ;
  • sign in, which will receive and collect mail via POP;
  • reconfigure the collection of mail from another Gmail account, but don't check the "Keep a copy of received emails" checkbox(otherwise you and I will have another problem), because the second Gmail account will follow this itself.

last choice x :

The solution turned out to be quite simple - it turns out that Google considers its own Mail Collector to be an "Unreliable application" - and it cost to include in the account settings from which to collect mailsetting "Account access" for untrusted applications (https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/6010255) - and lo and behold! - everything worked.

Viacheslav Shalin :

Yesterday I dealt with this problem. Google has tightened account security. Now the smallest changes in the location of logins to the account are blocked. Check on both accounts from which you collect mail, in the activity section, that there is no prohibition for any inputs from other devices. My Google assembler was defined as follows. After unlocking, it started working normally.

We hope that these tips will help you solve your problem. If the problem cannot be solved, please for your question.

Thank you!

Hey guys hope things are going well, today we will be explaining a very useful tutorial along with you. In today's tutorial, we will create a simple contact form using angularJS and php.

The contact form is a standard web page that is available on every site. This allows site visitors to contact site owners or service providers who are responsible for maintaining this website. So we think why not create a simple contact form with using Angularjs and php to receive messages from websites, readers and/or users.

We are using Angularjs for the front end and php on the server side. We will be writing a php code that takes data from an Angular form and emails it to the site administrator. Create a folder named "contact-form" in your application web directory and create a sample HTML page design - index.html. Now copy and paste the code below into your index.html file.

Demo - Simple contact form with Angularjs and php

Contact form with angularjs and PHP

php code to send email

Create a contact.php page and copy paste the code below. Following is the php code that will fetch data from an angular form and send it via email, to the given email address.

< ?php $post_data = file_get_contents("php://input"); $data = json_decode($post_data); //Just to display the form values echo "Name: " . $data->name; echo "Email: " . $data->email; echo "Message: " . $data->message; // sned an email $to = $data->email; $subject = "Test email site for testing angularjs contact form"; $message = $data->message; $headers = "From: " . $data->name .. "\r\n" .. "\r\n" . "XMailer: PHP/" . phpversion(); // PHP mail function to send email to an email address mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); ?>

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