What should you carry in the car? All about the mandatory kit for a motorist

What should you carry in the car? All about the mandatory kit for a motorist


This article is enlightening for beginners; today we will talk about documents that you must always carry with you in the car. Without them, you are entitled to either a large fine or even towing of the car to a parking lot. So read to the end, there will be a lot of interesting things...

As you understand, such a document as a license does not yet give you the right to drive any car of your category, because now there are a couple of other necessary “pieces of paper” without which you simply cannot move around the city. However, let's start with all the documents that the motorist has.

Full list

Oddly enough, there are quite a lot of documents, both for the car itself and for an identity card and permission to drive.

1) Identity passport . You can't go anywhere without him. You will not be able to insure your car, get your license, or buy a car. In general it is necessary.

2) Medical certificate . Needed to apply for a driver's license. The required document.

3) Driver card . It notes your educational process, as well as retakes and admissions. It is issued by the educational institution where you study. Drivers with category “D” (bus) often have it “in their hands”.

4) Driver license . Without them, you will not be able to drive a vehicle.

5) PTS (passport technical means), issued to the vehicle upon release. You fit in there when you purchase it.

6) Vehicle registration certificate . Issued to you by your traffic police department, issued on the basis of PTS.

7) Insurance policy . Issued when insuring a car and is required by law for all types of road transport.

8) Maintenance (technical inspection) card . Now they require an insurance policy to be issued; without it, your insurance will not be renewed for the next year.

These are the main documents of any driver; it turns out to be a “considerable pile.” However, do you need to carry everything with you in the car? Of course not, now I will list only the necessary ones.

What do we take with us?

In order to freely drive a car, you need to have several important documents and permits.

1) Rights , of course, you can’t go anywhere without them. The category you passed is marked there, that is, if you only have a “B”, you cannot drive a bus (“D”) or a truck (“C”). Without this document, if you are stopped by a traffic police officer, they may seize your car for a parking fine. So availability is a MUST! Also watch - not expired.

2) Insurance . Also, we can’t live without it, the way the legal system is structured is that this insurance policy protects us from accidents, so it is required by law. It is also a kind of power of attorney, that is, everyone who is registered in it can drive the car. If it is not there, there is a big fine, and they can also drive the vehicle to a parking lot. So you need to carry it.

3) Vehicle registration certificate . This “paper” (which is rolled up in mica) is also a must. In fact, this is a kind of copy of the PTS and it can be used to decide whether it is your car or not. If you don’t have this “card”, then this may mean that you took the car without asking, or, even worse, it was stolen. This is not far from a criminal case.

It is these three important documents that you MUST take with you, then there will be no problems.

For other drivers

It should be noted that professional drivers, you need to carry a “bigger list” with you. So, for example, bus drivers are required to have a medical certificate, as well as a “driver card” and a MOT (technical inspection) pass. They have intervals and confirmation of these “disciplines” much more often than ordinary drivers. GAZELLE drivers are especially strictly monitored, because often it is not clear who works in these places!

I would also like to say - guys, never leave these listed papers in the car (the only thing you can do is “insurance”). They are very important and if you lose them or they are stolen. It’s quite problematic to restore, and it’s also “tedious.” Also, if the car is stolen, the thief will have access to drive the vehicle for a short (but important) period of time. Also, do not store plastic cards or money. Buy a small handbag and put everything there, and be sure to carry it with you (girls always have these with them)

Now short video, let's look.

This is where I’ll end the article, newcomers, filmed and written just for you.

1. According to traffic rules

Sign emergency stop, fire extinguisher and first aid kit included mandatory set. However, not everyone has them! Therefore, let us recall that cars must be equipped with at least one powder or halon fire extinguisher with a capacity of at least 2 liters (that is, a small can will not work). In addition, check the expiration date of the fire extinguisher and its pressure (if there is a pressure gauge).

It is not recommended to skimp when choosing a warning triangle. It is better to take signs with a metal base, which will prevent it from blowing away at the slightest gust of wind.

As for the first aid kit, everything is not so simple. In 2010, the composition was approved in Russia car first aid kits, which does not include a single (!) drug. Now there are only bandages, tourniquets and adhesive plasters. What to do if a person has a heart attack? It’s not a good idea to treat it with a band-aid... And it’s also a good idea to have pills for headaches or diarrhea with you. “Auto Mail.Ru”, after consultation with doctors, compiled its list of medications that should be in a car first aid kit.

  • Hydrogen peroxide is a universal antiseptic and hemostatic agent for the initial treatment of surfaces contaminated with biomaterials (must not be expired, and the bottle should be replaced after each use so as not to run out).
  • Paracetamol or analogues are a low-toxic pain reliever and antipyretic.
  • "Captopril" 25 mg is an oral emergency medicine for high blood pressure.
  • Nitroglycerin, sublingual tablets or capsules - ambulance with angina pectoris and heart attack.
  • Adrenaline solution for injection with a syringe - to relieve a severe attack of allergies or asthma. De facto, it is practically impossible to purchase (in the civilized world it is sold in the form of injectors similar to a fountain pen - EpiPen and other brands), so “Loratadine” in tablets (for allergies) and “Salbutamol” in an inhaler (for asthma) can become a replacement.
  • Any antacid (Maalox, Rennie, Gastal, etc.) is a safe remedy for relieving stomach pain and heartburn.
  • Anti-diarrhea medications (Loperamide or analogues).
  • “Artificial tear” - for washing the eye in case of injury or foreign body penetration.
  • "Oxymetazoline" (spray) or analogues - against a runny nose.
  • Anti-burn spray (Panthenol or analogues).
  • A small syringe (for washing anything, sucking mucus from the respiratory tract of a newborn during childbirth on the way).
  • Condoms (in addition to their direct purpose, they can be used for occlusive dressing and as a container for water).
  • Brief and clear instructions for use with a description of the symptoms for which the drugs should be used.
  • Tweezers (to remove the foreign body).

2. Flashlight

Be sure to buy a small flashlight and put it in the glove compartment. We know that now any smartphone can perform its function, but do not forget that it drains the battery considerably. And periodically change the batteries in your flashlight!

3. “Set for a traffic cop”

Be sure to put a small folder in the glove compartment with several sheets of A4 paper and a blue or black fountain pen. After all, if you have to write, for example, an explanation to the traffic police, fill out a form about an accident or any statements, then all this may be useful to you.

4. Tool kit, gloves, wipes, wires and cable

5. Utility knife

It is often called "Swiss". Besides the blade itself, it would be nice if it had a bottle opener and a corkscrew.

6. Go small

A mini dry toilet can save the honor of not only the driver, but also the passengers. It is a small bag with special absorbents, where you can relieve minor needs without attracting attention. It is especially important to have such a thing for parents who travel with small children. Price - 300-600 rub.

7. Phone wire

IN modern world More and more often, drivers are becoming “energy dependent” - batteries on smartphones are discharged before our eyes. Therefore, always keep a wire for charging your phone in the car (you can now find a lot of cheap, non-original ones in stores). Well, if your car does not have a USB connector, then also buy an adapter for the cigarette lighter.

8. DVR

Thanks to it, you will always be able to understand who was to blame for the accident, protect yourself in the event of a “set-up”, and in some cases even save yourself from imprisonment. And when arguing with traffic cops, you can always prove that you are right. Now there is a huge number of different DVRs on the market - some cost pennies, others cost more than 20 thousand rubles.

9. Phones for “just in case”

Write down several useful phone numbers on the card: your insurance company, a store that sells spare parts for your model, a car service center, a towing service, a lawyer (if you have one), a mobile tire service, a taxi, “ sober driver", services technical assistance on road. And not only your city, but also the coordinates of organizations that operate throughout Russia (for example, car clubs - even if you are not a member, they will come to your aid, for money, of course).

10. Clean for headlights

This is why headlights must be cleaned before every trip! For this purpose, special spray bottles with a rubber brush are best suited. I sprayed the headlight several times and then removed all the dirt.

Modern cars offer high level comfort and reliability, but anything can happen on the road. Today we will tell you what should be in any car - regardless of the brand, price and driver.

Of course, each driver has his own opinion about the equipment of the car, but we will try to select the really important and necessary things.

Mandatory list

The most important - required documents, which, as well as your peace of mind. For 2018 - 2019 the list includes:

  1. driver's license;
  2. car insurance;
  3. vehicle registration certificate.

Please note that it does not have to be in the car - it is even recommended to keep it at home. In addition, the car must contain items approved by law:

What will be useful on the road?

The rest of the list of items and things is not required by law, but is very useful and can help out in difficult times.

Spare wheel and jack. A broken tire can be changed in 10-20 minutes, you can easily drive to a tire shop and continue your trip. If there is no spare tire and jack, you will have to call a tow truck, for a long time wait for it (especially if the breakdown occurred on the highway), and spend a lot of money.

Pump. Sometimes the tire goes flat slowly and we head to the tire shop. But if a similar problem catches you on the road, you will definitely need a pump. Compressor or mechanical - there is no consensus; both are better. Moreover, tire pressure is important indicator, on which safety and fuel consumption depend. With the help of a good pump with accurate pressure measurement, you can inflate your tires with the same pressure and have peace of mind on a long trip.

Tow rope. Yes, you will almost certainly not break down and the trip will end successfully, but the cable must be in the car with manual transmission transmission Cars with automatic transmission gears can be towed over a distance of up to 30-40 km at speeds up to 30-40 km/h, although it is better to play it safe and call a tow truck.

Keys and tools. This is especially true for long trips, in which you will need a set of necessary tools: screwdrivers, keys, pliers, etc. Every driver should have a rough idea of ​​what they might need and what size keys to take. Most best option- a so-called ratchet wrench and a set of attachments for it.

Brush and scraper - necessary tools V winter time. While the car is warming up, you will have time to clear it of snow and ice.

If you are traveling to long journey, for a picnic, fishing or nature, it is recommended to expand the equipment of the car.

A shovel or sapper shovel is a universal tool that will help “dig out” a car if it gets stuck in snow or mud, and is also useful for other purposes.

Motor oil, antifreeze, antifreeze, anti-freeze - liquids sometimes run out, and it is better to replenish them in a timely manner.

Flashlight. Unforeseen situations happen at different times of the day, and night is no exception. If you have a bright, self-contained flashlight, it will make the task much easier.

Lighting wires. The battery discharges unexpectedly and at the most inopportune moment, and without it, as you know, starting the car is problematic. In this case, the cigarette lighter wires will help - the car will start from the battery of another car, and you can continue on your way.

Other: knife, matches, gloves, tape, towels, rags, water, food, money and much more - turn on your imagination, remember what you and your friends were once missing.

Electronics - in the car!

It's the 21st century, and various electronics are an integral part of it. Many drivers buy the following devices for their cars:

  • Navigator - will build a route, show how to avoid traffic jams, warn about radars and perform many useful functions. Read more about choosing a navigator.
  • Printable version of the route if you are traveling far. It indicates intermediate settlements, distances and approximate travel time. You can get such a printout on our distance calculation service.
  • DVR - will record everything that happens on the road. You will always have proof of your innocence in the event of a “set-up” on the road or a regular accident.
  • A radar detector that will warn traffic police officers about speed cameras and radars.
  • The walkie-talkie is a tool primarily for truckers, who talk to each other, share tips, knowledge and anecdotes. The radio is also used by drivers who want to know traffic situation in advance. Moreover, the device will help you contact people in case of problems with cellular communication or a dead phone.
  • Charging for a phone or smartphone (charger cord + cigarette lighter adapter). As a rule, an adapter is very cheap, but in a difficult situation it can be a great help and charge your smartphone from the cigarette lighter so that you can contact someone.
  • Breathalyzer. Some drivers are afraid of losing their license, money and nerves because a traffic police officer may ask for "". We are not talking about lawbreakers and unscrupulous drivers, but about those who, for example, drank two days ago and are afraid that there is still alcohol in their blood. Whatever the situation, a personal breathalyzer will show your alcohol level and answer the question - you can drive or not.

This concludes the list of things needed in the car. If you have any ideas and tips, be sure to share them in the comments.

what people carry in their cars. I really love the program of Bear Grylls, whom I respect, and the themes of survival that he touches on in his programs are interesting to me. Smart people teach me to be prudent in everything, and this cannot but be imprinted on my mind. The usual kit for a motorist is quite meager - a fire extinguisher, a first aid kit (which does not contain half of the necessary drugs and supplies), a jack, a spare tire, a set of keys, and alligators for lighting. Having nothing better to do, I surfed the forums where jeepers and people who spend a lot of time on the road and outside the city communicate. Some of the lists are impressive, and I myself made a list of things that it would be desirable to have in a car, some of which were already there, and some of which were moved to the trunk:
For car:
1. Fire extinguisher, first aid kit, jack, AO sign
2. Work gloves with pimples
3. Scotch tape
4. 5 liter metal canister with water (compact)
5. Plastic tool box from AUCHAN (still empty)
6. Roll of napkins
7. Cloths for cleaning
8. Small sapper shovel
9. Knife

For myself:
1. Old jeans, sweatshirt, spare T-shirt, socks, underpants
2. Drinking water, 2 bottles of 1.5 liters
3. Dry Rolton noodles + 3-crust croutons
4. A bottle of vodka (you thought wrong))), I take it for wiping the interior and disinfecting hands)
5. A set of plastic dishes for several people

Here you can read an instructive story from my friend, who after these events carries with him a 10-ton cable. Of course, many can say that if the driver’s blood alcohol level did not exceed the maximum acceptable standards(or simply put, if the driver had not been “blue”), none of this would have happened.

But facts are stubborn things, and this is what we have in the bottom line: a summer night, a forest, a stuck car, lost, slightly blue city dwellers.

You can analyze their actions, and then play a couple of other options (if there were some things in their car). I have made a small list for myself of what you need to have in your car just in case of an emergency.

Option 1 (as it was). They tried to rock the car (as is the first thing any driver does when the car gets stuck). They say that it is easier to do this with mechanics. Did not work out. Then, knowing from the films shown on the Russian Extreme channel that in such cases logs are placed under the wheels, they tried unsuccessfully to find them in the forest. But there were only thin branches that didn’t fit; just logs were needed. But, as you understand, no one will prudently leave such fagots in the clearing for you. No one probably thinks so when they are in the forest on vacation: “The barbecue was good, and I collected a lot of mushrooms, but I still have a lot of time and energy left, and I’ll probably try out my new saw with an ax, cut some logs, maybe will be useful to someone. Otherwise, suddenly someone blue will go for a ride here at 12 o’clock at night in a car and get stuck.” As a result, they walked through the forest at night without lanterns (Bear in this case would have made a torch from spruce branches or pine resin and illuminated his way). Also, they didn’t have a cable; they had to make do with what they found in the back of the ZILK. They didn’t illuminate the scene and ended up breaking it in the dark. rear window, for which I had to ship 6,000 rubles.

Option 2.
If they had a battery-powered remote light, they would install it, assess the extent of the problem, and take action.
If they had a shovel, they could dig somewhere and throw in some earth.
If they had a folding saw or an axe, they could cut up a small tree lying down, and the supports for the wheels would be ready.
If they had a flashlight, they wouldn't have to use their cell phones to illuminate the road.
If one of them were Bear Grylls, they would make a shelter for themselves, get food and spend the night.
If they had food, sleeping bags, warm clothes, then Bear Grylls would not be needed there.
If they had a winch, then all of the above would not be needed at all.
If they had at least one bottle of vodka, then along with the above, they wouldn’t need a winch :)))

What documents should the driver have with him? What do you need to carry in your car?

The question of what documents you need to carry with you in the car arises for many car enthusiasts. You can, of course, store the entire set in the glove compartment, but the risk of losing them is too great, and you will have to spend a lot of time and money on restoring them. Therefore, keep only the documents required for verification with you. And we will tell you what these include below.

List of required documents

To drive a car, the driver must have the following documents with him:

  1. Driver's license. This is the most important document a driver without whom you cannot drive. The license contains the basic data of the motorist and open category(for example, "B").
  2. . This document is checked by traffic police inspectors at every stop. vehicle. It is important that the insurance is valid and the driver is included in it. If you have a CASCO insurance policy, also take it with you.
  3. . The plastic STS indicates the owner of the car. Thanks to this document, the inspector will make sure that the car is not stolen.

In the absence of the listed documents, the driver faces a fine:

    for lack of rights - 500 rubles;

    for the absence of STS - 500 rubles;

    for the absence of a policy - 500 rubles.

And this is the minimum punishment that the driver faces. Other fines are possible:

    for lack of rights, provided that they are expired or were not actually received - from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles;

    for lack of rights when deprived of them - 30,000 rubles, arrest for 15 days or compulsory work for up to 400 hours;

    for provided that the policy is expired or was not received - 800 rubles.

If the driver does not have documents, the inspector makes a query through the database to check the actual availability of a license or policy. According to the information received, a protocol is drawn up and the responsibility of the offender is determined.

What documents do you need to keep with you?

There is no need to carry other documents with you. And the traffic police inspector has no right to demand them:

  • PTS. Always leave your car passport at home. If you lose it, you will have to spend a lot of time recovering it.
  • Medical certificate. It is only required for drivers public transport. Otherwise, you can leave it at home.
  • Power of attorney. We recommend keeping it with you in the car, but it is not necessary. In any case, inspectors cannot require a power of attorney.
  • . It is also not obligatory and is requested only when applying for an MTPL policy.

Now you know what documents every driver should have with him. Don't forget them at home so you don't have to pay a fine.

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