Do-it-yourself wheel balancing device. Repair and self-production of a balancing machine

Do-it-yourself wheel balancing device. Repair and self-production of a balancing machine

Wheel balancing is an important procedure, the timeliness of which depends on the comfort and safety of passengers. If the wheels are out of balance, then the vibrations while driving will be transmitted to the steering wheel when the speed reaches approximately 60 kilometers per hour.

What happens if you don't balance on time?

Many drivers think about whether or not to do wheel balancing with their own hands. In reality, there is no choice. It is necessary to carry out this procedure, otherwise the following consequences are possible:

  • accelerated wear of the suspension system;
  • destruction of bearings;
  • poor tire grip;
  • the appearance of a non-permanent contact spot;
  • lengthening the braking distance;
  • deterioration in controllability;
  • uneven tread wear;
  • frequent tire changes;
  • loss of a wheel right on the road.

Due to the fact that the vibration during the ride is transmitted to the hands of the driver - this contributes to rapid fatigue. Therefore, balancing is necessary, especially when there is a long road ahead.

The process of balancing on the machine and stand

To make balancing, you need a special machine or stand. Both are equipped with mounting cones. But only the second in a fully automatic mode will balance the wheels quickly and reliably.

The wheel starts spinning on the machine. In this case, the lead weights on the rim move. As a result, it is possible to achieve a random location of the center of gravity. But this is a rough balancing act that professionals do not recommend doing.

To make more accurate balancing, you will need to enter the appropriate data about the wheel into the information base of the stand. The device itself will determine what the balance should be in different positions.

Attention! After the completion of calculations and tests, the optimal place for the load will be displayed on the monitor of the stand.

The weights needed for balancing can be of different shapes, but almost all are made of lead. It is ideal for this task. Balancers can both be glued and stuffed.

If we talk about adhesive external balancers, then their main advantage is that they do not violate the overall aesthetics of the disc , on the contrary, they complement it qualitatively.

However, padded balancers also have their advantages. For example, they are better suited for use in the winter than adhesive ones. This is due to the fact that at low temperatures the fixing qualities of the adhesive tape deteriorate. Simply put, the adhesive weight can fall off at high speed. Even a strong jet when washing in a car wash can tear them off the main surface.

Attention! On some discs, due to their unique technical specifications, it is simply not possible to install clip-on weights.

How to properly balance

It all starts with cleaning the wheel from dirt. Even the stones in the tire tread need to be removed. Only then can balancing be done. If at the same time there are old balancing weights on the rims, then you need to get rid of them, otherwise the whole point of the work will be lost.

When the wheel is fixed, several tests must be done. The main thing will be measuring the runout of the tire. Moreover, this must be done in both directions: lateral and radial. This will be needed for the control comparison.

Balancing is more than just securing the weight on the rim. For example, in order to achieve a positive result, you need to properly fit the tire on the disk. This requires a special solution or lubricant. If this is not done, then distortion is quite possible. Naturally, in such conditions, fine tuning is impossible.

If you want to do your own tuning without any difficulties and with maximum accuracy, then you need a quality stand. Devices with the possibility of 3D modeling show themselves best. The laser is responsible for the measurement accuracy. It allows you to calculate the parameters of the disk, and on their basis to carry out the most accurate settings.

Attention! On a device with a 3D function, the amount of wheel runout is measured on three axes.

Do-it-yourself machine

You can make an elementary machine for balancing wheels with your own hands without much difficulty. Here is the simplest design that will allow for much more precise tuning than a car hub:

  • support table;
  • stand-indicator;
  • indicators;
  • bearings;
  • cone;
  • washer;
  • bolts for adjustment;
  • disk;
  • bottom rack;
  • tire.

Bolts help to control the height, choosing the optimal parameter. Bearings help reduce drag. But for them you need to make a case. As a basis for the rack, you can take a pipe with a diameter of 52 mm. Indicators are installed on the sides. They will measure the beat.

Attention! The support table is attached in the middle.

How to balance the wheels with your own hands is shown in the video:

Do-it-yourself balancing without special equipment

The setting can be done by hand without special equipment. To do this, you need to slightly jack up the wheel. Therefore, when spinning it up to a certain speed. In fact, the role of the machine will be performed by the hub.

You have to wait for the wheel to stop on its own. The fact is that its heaviest place will be at the bottom. In order to make sure of this, make a note and spin it again.

Attention! The data received on the machine is more accurate.

The balancer is mounted on the opposite side of the heaviest place. Special attention should be paid to the selection of weight. It is better to start with a small mass and gradually increase it until the wheel stops at an arbitrary place each time. Only then can the final fixation be made. If the design allows, it is better to divide the weight into two parts. This will make it possible to evenly distribute the weight over the entire area.

Wheel balancing can be done by hand without much difficulty. In the simplest version, you don’t even need a machine for this. A hub and a little free time will be enough. Ideally, it is better to use a stand.

In the video you can see how to balance the wheels at home:

Many motorists underestimate the importance of wheel balancing, considering such a popular event a waste of money. But this is a big mistake.

Such an attitude can lead not only to costs in the future, but also to a serious accident with unpredictable consequences.

Remember that timely wheel balancing is one of the main tasks for any driver. At the same time, how, when and why this is done, we will consider in the article.

When it is necessary?

Experts identify several basic requirements for wheel balancing.

This work must be done in the following cases:

  1. When changing tires from winter to summer (and vice versa). Usually, at normal service stations, when “re-shoeing” a car, balancing is done immediately and is included in the cost of the service. If you change tires with your own hands, then you will also have to do the balancing work yourself;
  2. In the event of hitting a curb, hitting a hole, or driving a concrete policeman at speed. Such situations rarely end without a trace for the car's drive. Even the smallest defect can lead to wheel imbalance. Therefore, applying for a tire fitting is also mandatory;
  3. Every 15,000 kilometers. Few motorists cover such a distance within one year, so balancing with a seasonal change of tires is enough. But there are also such "truckers" who have to do this work twice a year;
  4. Every 7000-8000 kilometers - for lovers of fast and aggressive driving;
  5. Before a long trip (1.5-2 thousand kilometers and above) and after it. This requirement is for security reasons.

What is the danger?

It would seem that what can happen if wheel balancing is not done in a timely manner? We often forget that each wheel has its own individual weight, pressure, specifications, oval shape and defects. Therefore, the question of its balancing is very important.

If this is not done, then the consequences may be as follows.

The stopping distance of the car is increased.

It is easy to explain - the area of ​​contact between the tire and the asphalt decreases, the grip deteriorates, and traffic safety decreases.

Controllability drops.

The reasons are the same as in the previous case.

There is a beating in the steering wheel.

The imbalance in the wheel is transmitted to the suspension, and then to the steering wheel. The stronger it is, the driver feels more vibrations. Driving in this case is very dangerous.

Suspension wear accelerates.

Most of all, poor-quality balancing (or lack of it) affects the suspension bearings and hubs. Due to imbalance, these elements of the chassis system may even collapse. The result is a loss of control and the likelihood of an accident.

Increased tire wear.

The reasons are the uneven distribution of forces and the appearance of vibration. In fact, the tires will be "eaten" from one side.

Types of imbalance

Today, there are two main types of wheel imbalance:

  1. Static imbalance. It implies the uneven distribution of the mass of the product along the axis, the wheel begins to "beat" in the vertical plane. In fact, there is no center of gravity on the wheel axle at all. Such a problem sooner or later leads to the destruction of the suspension.
  2. Dynamic imbalance- unevenness in the plane of the wheel. In this case, there is a center of gravity, and it is located on the axis of rotation (where it should be). The only difference is that the axis of inertia does not coincide with the center of gravity.

The cause of the imbalance may be the design features of the wheel (tread pattern, valve hole location, inaccuracies in geometry, dimensions, and so on).

In this case, the greatest imbalance can be made by the car tire itself. A lot depends on the rubber material, weight, structure, and so on.

Signs of poor quality work

Wheel balancing is not always done well. There are several factors by which this can be determined:

  1. At the service station, no measurements are made before work is carried out. A good master must definitely clarify the parameters of the beating of the disk and tire. At the same time, it is desirable to do this as accurately as possible, taking into account radial and lateral runout;
  2. All dirt from the tire and excess elements from the tread must be removed. If this is not done, then balancing becomes a completely useless event. Before starting work, the wheel must be perfectly cleaned;
  3. Pay attention to the appearance of the machine for balancing. If it is dirty, then it is very difficult to rely on accurate data and high-quality balancing.

Finishing balancing is performed on the wheels that are already installed on the car. The advantage of the work is that not only the wheels are adjusted, but also the brake discs, CV joints, hubs and axle shafts.

This type of balancing provides a real smooth ride, improves the grip of the wheels with the road and allows you to achieve a number of other positive aspects.

We do the work with our own hands

To perform balancing, you need to prepare a special set of weights (you can buy it in the store).

At the same time, for cast and forged wheels, balancers are sold that are glued to the wheel (they should be preferred).

The sequence of actions is as follows.

Jack up the wheel and make sure it spins easily. If there is friction, slightly loosen the hub nut. Clean the wheel of dirt and remove any stones from the tread (they will interfere with balancing).

Be sure to check the tire pressure. It must be in accordance with the recommendations specified in the car's owner's manual.

Remove the old balance weights.

After that, spin the wheel counterclockwise and wait until it comes to a complete stop. Now you can mark the top point with chalk (this is the easiest place).

Glue balancers weighing 30 grams on both sides.

But that is not all.

We spin the wheel in any direction and look, after it stops, the weights should be at the bottom. This way we found out the point of lower balancing. For a different result, pick up weights that are heavier, but do not overdo it.

Having achieved the result, move the weights to the right or left of the last point. It is necessary to achieve that the wheel stops at different positions of the point.

Now go to the rest of the wheels and proceed in the same sequence.

For car enthusiasts, I offer my next development a machine for balancing the wheels of passenger cars.

I made it after I had the same wheel balanced three times at the tire shop, but at a speed of 90 km / h, there was still a strong beating with feedback on the steering wheel.

Making a balancing machine

I machined the shaft from one installation. Then, at one end, I machined seats for bearings, at the second - a thread and a place for a cone with a thrust washer (see Fig.).

To reduce the resistance during rotation, I used, after washing well, no longer new bearings. I also carved a case for them. I made a rack from a pipe d 52 mm, on the side and on top I installed indicators on it to measure the beating of the wheels. In the middle I attached a support table that supports the wheel during installation.

Balancing with a homemade balancing machine

Having fixed the wheel on the machine with a cone and nut, I check the radial and horizontal runout of the wheel. If it is normal (radial - 1.5 g, horizontal - 2 g) or even less, I continue balancing. I remove all available weights, spin the wheel. It stops at the heaviest place below, which I mark with a “plus” - this is the south, and from above - with a “minus”, i.e. north. I turn the wheel 90 degrees, and where the “minus” is, I begin to select and install weights on the rim by weight. I check the correctness of their selection by turning the wheel 45 degrees. If it stands, does not turn, we can assume that the balancing was carried out successfully. I check again and finally fix the weights.

In conclusion, I would like to note: not only me, but also my friends-neighbors have been setting up the wheels on this machine for three years. We are satisfied with the quality of balancing, since there are no problems when driving.

Drawing of a balancing machine

Machine drawing
1 - bottom post, 2 - support table, 3 - bearings, 4 - bearing housing, 5 - indicator stand, 6 - indicators, 7 - nut, 8 - shaft, 9 - cone, 10 - disc, 11 - thrust washer, 12 - tire, 13 - adjusting bolts (in height)

I will send sketches and a detailed description to everyone who is interested in my homemade work (for the coordinates of the author, you can contact the editorial office - ed.).

Hello dear readers and visitors of the blog Today in the article it will be possible to find out the procedure for balancing the wheels of a car with your own hands. Of course, one can object and say that why do it yourself to carry out the steps to balance the wheels of the car, if you can contact the tire service. In part, these objections are correct, but if you look, on the other hand, you always want to know more new, interesting and useful information.

It is pleasant to perform any actions on your own without the involvement of outside help. Do-it-yourself wheel balancing, among other things, is a great opportunity to save on vehicle operation. In principle, if everything is disassembled in detail, balancing the wheels of a car will not take much time.

The most important thing is to overcome your own laziness and fatigue. Therefore, it is not worth balancing the wheels on weekdays after work, the efficiency will be zero and the quality will suffer in the first place. It is better to choose a day off for this and calmly do the work without haste and hassle.

Why do you need to balance car wheels?

A perfectly fair and logical question. It would seem that he “shod” rubber and ride a car for your pleasure. In fact, not everything is as simple as it seems to many. Car wheel balancing is an important procedure that directly affects traffic safety.

Car wheel balancing procedure is performed in the following cases:

  1. Replacing summer tires with winter tires or vice versa. The rims remain the same, but the tires change. Riding on summer tires in winter is prohibited in many countries of the world at the legislative level.
  2. Frequent hits in a pit or hitting other obstacles can lead to wheel imbalance. Often the impact force is so impressive that you have to change the discs due to their damage.
  3. Experts recommend balancing the wheels of a vehicle after 20 thousand kilometers. The car does not always move on a well-maintained road surface. The presence of pits, potholes and other defects in the roadway adversely affects the balancing of the wheels.
  4. If the surface of the rubber is damaged, it is dismantled and repaired. Balancing the wheels after such an intervention is necessary.
  5. Long trips over distances of more than 2 thousand kilometers require a mandatory wheel balance check, for safety reasons.

There is not always a desire and an opportunity to go to a tire fitting to balance the wheels of a vehicle. By connecting the head and arms growing from the right place, you can do this work yourself without help.
There is nothing difficult in this procedure. There is no need to rush otherwise the quality of the work performed may suffer.

The process of balancing the wheels of a car with your own hands can be divided into several stages:


Includes the purchase of self-adhesive weights that play the role of balancers. They are glued to the disc to balance the rotation of the wheel when the vehicle is moving.

The wheels of the car must be washed and all stones stuck in the tread removed. There should be no dirt on the tires, otherwise the correct balancing can be called into question. Be sure to remove the cap if installed.

Next, an ordinary jack is taken. One side of the machine is lifted, releasing two wheels. We need to check their free rotation. They are untwisted by hand in any direction. The wheels should spin without overcoming resistance. In some cases, to ensure free rotation, it will be necessary to loosen the fastening of the hub. You just need to loosen the bolts a little. Do not forget about removing old weights from the wheel.

Heavy point of the wheel.

To determine the heaviest point of the wheel, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

  • the wheel spins clockwise, after it stops, you need to mark the lowest point of the wheel. Using a marker with a rich yellow color, you need to put a mark
  • the wheel spins counterclockwise. If, after stopping the wheel, the mark is again at the bottom, then the heaviest point has been found
  • to balance the wheel on the opposite side of the heavy point, weights are installed on both sides of the disc rim

Poorly balanced wheels of the machine lead to a significant lengthening of the braking distance. All this can lead to accidents on the roads. Often the contact area is reduced and the level of adhesion of the tire to the asphalt drops.

Decreased controllability.

The beating of the steering wheel when driving a car is not only annoying, but can also reduce controllability. This phenomenon is especially dangerous at high speed. The chances of getting into an accident increase exponentially.

Suspension load.

Incorrect wheel balancing of the vehicle leads to accelerated wear of the vehicle suspension elements. Individual elements during long-term operation of the machine may even partially collapse.

Uneven tire wear is the first sign of imbalance. Even new high-quality and expensive tires can be damaged in a relatively short period of time if measures are not taken in time. As practice shows, wear occurs on the outer or inner side of the wheel.

In total, there are two types of imbalance associated with a violation of the procedure for balancing the wheels of the machine:


Incorrectly distributed weight of the wheel during its movement creates oscillatory movements. It starts to wobble from side to side. The phenomenon takes place if the weight was unevenly distributed on both or one side of the wheel centerline.

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