The world's first mass-produced car. Who and when created the first car

The world's first mass-produced car. Who and when created the first car


First, let's find out what a car is. Translated from the Greek "autos" - itself and "mobilis" - mobile. In European languages, they began to use the word "auto-mobile", which in translation into Russian meant "mobile". Now let's see who invented the car, who should be thanked for this irreplaceable miracle!

First cars:

Who invented the first car? The earliest drawings of a car, or rather a self-propelled device, belong to the notorious Leonardo Da Vinci. In 1490, he designed a spring-powered cart. But like many other developments of Da Vinci, the car went unnoticed. The next one who decided to create a self-propelled wagon was the Frenchman Joseph Cugno. In 1770 he built a three-wheeled carriage with a steam engine to carry artillery pieces. This invention is considered the "grandfather" of all cars, as well as steam locomotives. But like the invention of Leonardo da Vinci, Joseph Cunju's steam engine was not widely used. After 19 years American inventor Oliver Evans invented a four-wheeled carriage that weighed about 19 tons, and after another 2 years, the Russian scientist Ivan Kulibin built a cart that was driven by a flywheel. In order for the car to drive, the driver needed to spin the flywheel, which distinguished the invention of our compatriot from the inventions of other scientists, this is the fact that this wagon already had a brake, rolling bearings and a gearbox.

Who was the first to invent a car that runs on gasoline

First in the world Gas engine appeared in 1883, it was invented by Gottlieb Daimler. But who invented the first car? A few years later, the inventor Karl Benz built the world's first three-wheeled car, which was equipped with a gasoline engine. It was Karl Benz who fulfilled all 4 conditions in order to become the rightful owner of the title "creator of the world's first car." Here are the 4 conditions:

  1. Vehicle design development.
  2. Registration of a patent.
  3. Building a prototype and testing it in public.
  4. Organization of production.

Thanks to all these conditions, Benz is officially considered the inventor of the car, but Gottlieb Daimler was the first to come up with a gasoline engine. But this did not prevent the two inventors from creating a joint company and producing cars that became known in honor of Daimler's daughter, Mercedes.

Millions of cars roam the planet. The sound of the engine is as familiar as the sun in the sky. But how did the history of the car begin? Today, as part of the Birth of a Legend special project, we will talk about how did cars come about and who created them.

History of the first cars

Today we know that the first cars appeared in 1768. It was then that they appeared steam-powered cars capable of transporting a person (and sometimes two) without the help of horses. Already in 1806 the inventors turned their attention to engines internal combustion . However, the first gasoline engine was destined to appear only in 1885.

The history of the first cars driven by electric motors turned out to be rather tortuous and ambiguous.. The first models appeared at the very beginning of the twentieth century.. At first they made a real sensation, and after two years public interest in them dried up - the speed was small, and the thrust, in comparison with other engines, was insignificant. But, at the beginning of the twenty-first century, everyone was again interested in electric motors, in the calculation to find a safe, low-toxic and environmentally friendly form of energy for the car.

Who invented the car: Pioneers

Something similar to the first car was invented by a simple serf Leonty Shamshurenkov who is alive in Nizhny Novgorod. November 1, 1752 his invention was presented in the capital Russian Empire– St. Petersburg. A self-propelled four-wheeled carriage could accelerate to fifteen kilometers per hour and carry two people. The inventor also presented to the public the first distance meter, the so-called verstometer.


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