Pedagogical support of giftedness. Pedagogical Support for Gifted Children: Learning Strategies

Pedagogical support of giftedness. Pedagogical Support for Gifted Children: Learning Strategies

Tatyana Mamaeva
Psychological and pedagogical support for gifted children

Psychological and pedagogical support for gifted children

Domestic research psychologists confirm: quantity gifted children increases every year, which necessitates the search for effective approaches to the diagnosis giftedness and development of programs for the development and correction of behavior gifted children.

What's happened giftedness?

Giftedness is systemic quality that develops over a lifetime psyche, which determines the possibility of a person achieving higher, outstanding results in one or more activities compared to other people.

Gifted a child is a child who stands out with bright, obvious, sometimes outstanding achievements (or has internal prerequisites for such achievements) in one activity or another.

IN psychological-pedagogical and medical aspects giftedness is a typical syndrome psychophysiological and socio-psychological deviations from the average line of human development, its excess in the main indicators of development, especially the development of the intellect. However, the more pronounced giftedness, the more psychological it causes problems of self-actualization and social adaptation.

Now let's take a look at the types giftedness. Whatever it is, let's break it down a bit. There are many types of options giftedness but I settled on these.

Intellectual (development of all higher mental functions: memory, thinking, imagination, etc.)

Academic (it differs from intellectual in that an indicator of only one academic subject can be developed here; mathematics, biology, a foreign language). In other subjects, there may be poor performance.

Organizing (this giftedness characterized by the ability to understand other people, to build constructive relationships with them, to lead them).

artistic (literary, visual, musical, choreographic).

Psychomotor(sports)(coordination abilities, memory for the main parameters of movements, muscle strength, vestibular sensations and perceptions, endurance, dexterity).

All gifted children are different - in temperament, interests, upbringing and, accordingly, in personal manifestations, however, there are common personality traits that characterize the majority children with enhanced capabilities that require psychological support, so children with symptoms giftedness face such difficulties How:

1. Very busy with classes, lack of time.

2. Difficulties in communicating with teachers and peers. Poorly developed social skills.

3. Inflated self-esteem (egocentrism).

4. Difficulties of adaptation in the group.

5. "Obsession" on a subject of interest, as a result of this, the "boring" of this child for peers, the so-called "nerd".

6. Complexity, shyness and, as a result, rejection.

7. Inability to present yourself.

8. Pressing on children by parents (too high requirements) or vice versa overprotection.

And since our educational institution is moving to the new Federal State Educational Standard, and the Standard is aimed at solving the following tasks:

Protection and strengthening of the physical and children's mental health, including their emotional well-being;

Providing different opportunities for the full development of each child during preschool childhood, regardless of place of residence, gender, nation, language, social status, psychophysiological and other features (including disabilities);

Creation of favorable conditions for development children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, the development of the abilities and creative potential of each child as a subject of relations with himself, other children, adults and the world.

Formation of a common culture of personality children, including the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, the development of their social, moral, ethical, intellectual, physical qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility of the child, the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities.

Security psychological-pedagogical support of the family and increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of health children.

Your work with gifted children I build next way: initially, of course, this is observation, analysis, creativity and diagnostics. Each child is examined with a set psychological tests: I use psychological-diagnostic-complex Chuprov, MPC includes three methods:

"Guess"(The indicators obtained using the methodology make it possible to quantitatively characterize the features of short-term and long-term memory, thinking, such properties of attention as stability, switchability and distribution).

Matrices J. Raven (Methodology for the study of visual perception and visual-figurative thinking).

verbal subtests. (Verbal tasks allow you to establish the degree of formation of concepts, generalizations, logical operations).

Methodology "Two houses"(The method is designed to determine the social status of a child in a group and determine interpersonal relationships).

My task psychologist not only to determine the level of general intellectual development, but also to evaluate the preferred side of thinking, personal characteristics, psychodynamic personality traits, degree of emotional stability, etc. Based on the diagnosis, a map is drawn up gifted child, and recommendations are given to teachers on the preparation of individual routes. Teachers also complete questionnaires. Parents are encouraged to fill out an express questionnaire. Consultations are held, memos are made.

All my directly educational activities, I spend in the form of a mini-training. Each training begins in a circle, holding hands, with a general greeting.

In one of the first lessons, we build an associative chain between mood and color. Coloring the mood screen - HEART. At each subsequent lesson, the screen is replenished with one emoticon - this allows you to determine not only the level of emotional well-being of the child, but also allows the child to learn reflection (analyze his state "Here and now" and find cause and effect relationships.

gifted it is not easy for children to work in a team, so I often play games that not only contribute to the development of the child's dexterity, speed, strength, intelligence, attention, but also teach the child to comply with ethical norms and rules of the hostel.

After every activity (drawing, creating collages, playing a role) I ask the child to positively evaluate one of the comrades and explain why, so that the children listen and be attentive to the statements of another person.

This work allows children to feel more confident, liberated, easy to come into contact with adults and children.

Due to the fact that the priority direction of the new educational standards is the realization of the developing potential of general secondary education, the urgent task is to ensure the development of universal educational activities as a proper psychological component of education. Changing the paradigm of pedagogical education and turning it essentially into a psychological and pedagogical education means the need for such content that will allow in the course of one's professional activity training focused on the development of students, taking into account their characteristics and comprehensive disclosure of their intellectual and personal potential.

The introduction of a new standard of general education significantly changes the entire educational situation in the school, determining the exact place for the forms and types of application of psychological knowledge in the content and organization of the educational environment of the school, which makes the activity of a teacher-psychologist obligatory, specific and measurable as a full-fledged participant in the educational process. An important place in the educational process is occupied by the mental health of students, the individualization of educational routes, the creation of a psychologically safe and comfortable educational environment. That is why at the present stage of development of the education system there is a need to organize psychological support for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

One of the directions of work on the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard is the psychological and pedagogical support of gifted children. Currently, this direction is becoming more and more priority. This is connected with the tasks of preserving and developing the intellectual potential of the country and its spiritual revival. No one doubts that the progress of civilization depends on gifted people. This means that the society, and after it the school, bears a special responsibility to gifted children and is obliged to do everything possible so that such children can fully realize their potential for their own benefit and for the benefit of the whole society. Every talented child should be noticed.

giftedness is understood as a systemic quality of the psyche that develops over the course of life, which determines the possibility of a person achieving higher (unusual, outstanding) results in one or more types of activity compared to other people.

gifted child- this is a child who stands out for bright, obvious, sometimes outstanding achievements (or has internal prerequisites for such achievements) in one or another type of activity.

Today, most psychologists recognize that the level, qualitative originality and nature of the development of giftedness is always the result of a complex interaction of heredity (natural inclinations) and the social environment, mediated by the child's activity (playing, learning, working). At the same time, the child's own activity, as well as the psychological mechanisms of personality self-development, which underlie the formation and implementation of individual talent, are of particular importance.

Childhood is the period of formation of abilities and personality. This is the time of deep integrative processes in the child's psyche against the background of its differentiation. The level and breadth of integration determine the features of the formation and maturity of the very phenomenon - giftedness. The progress of this process, its delay or regression determine the dynamics of the development of giftedness.

This or that child can show particular success in a fairly wide range of activities, since the child's mental capabilities are extremely plastic at different stages of his age development. In turn, this creates conditions for the formation of various types of giftedness. Moreover, even in the same type of activity, different children can discover the originality of their talent in relation to its different aspects.

The giftedness of a child is often manifested in the success of activities that have a spontaneous, amateur character. For example, a child who is passionate about technical design can enthusiastically build his models at home, but at the same time not show similar activity either at school or in specially organized extracurricular activities (in a circle, section, studio). In addition, gifted children do not always strive to demonstrate their achievements in front of others. So, a child who writes poetry or stories can hide his passion from the teacher.

Thus, the giftedness of a child should be judged not only by his school or extracurricular activities, but also by the forms of activity initiated by him.

Giftedness in childhood can be considered as a potential for mental development in relation to the subsequent stages of a person's life path.

However, one should take into account the specifics of giftedness in childhood (in contrast to the giftedness of an adult):
1). Children's giftedness often acts as a manifestation of the patterns of age development. Each child's age has its own prerequisites for the development of abilities. For example, preschoolers and younger schoolchildren are characterized by a special predisposition to mastering languages, a high level of curiosity, and an extreme brightness of fantasy; for older adolescence, various forms of poetic and literary creativity, etc. are characteristic. The high relative weight of the age factor in the signs of giftedness sometimes creates the appearance of giftedness (i.e., the "mask" of giftedness, under which - an ordinary child) in the form of accelerated development of certain mental functions, specialization of interests, etc.
2). Under the influence of changing age, education, mastering the norms of cultural behavior, the type of family education, etc. there may be a "fading" of signs of children's giftedness. As a result, it is extremely difficult to assess the degree of stability of giftedness displayed by a given child over a certain period of time. In addition, there are difficulties in predicting the transformation of a gifted child into a gifted adult.
3). The peculiarity of the dynamics of the formation of children's giftedness often manifests itself in the form of uneven (mismatch) of mental development. So, along with a high level of development of certain abilities, there is a lag in the development of written and oral speech; a high level of special abilities can be combined with insufficient development of general intelligence, etc. As a result, according to some signs, the child can be identified as gifted, according to others - as mentally retarded.
4) Manifestations of children's giftedness are often difficult to distinguish from learning (or, more broadly, the degree of socialization), which is the result of more favorable living conditions for a given child. It is clear that with equal abilities, a child from a family with a high socioeconomic status (in cases where the family makes efforts to develop it) will show higher achievements in certain types of activities compared to a child for whom similar conditions were not created.

Evaluation of a particular child as gifted is largely conditional. The most remarkable abilities of a child are not a direct and sufficient indicator of his achievements in the future. We cannot close our eyes to the fact that the signs of giftedness manifested in childhood, even under the most seemingly favorable conditions, can either gradually or very quickly disappear. Accounting for this circumstance is especially important when organizing practical work with gifted children. You should not use the phrase “gifted child” in terms of stating the status of a certain child, because the psychological drama of the situation is obvious when a child, accustomed to being gifted, at the next stages of development suddenly objectively loses signs of his exclusivity. A painful question may arise as to what to do next with a child who began education as gifted, but then ceased to be such. Based on this, in practical work with children, instead of the concept of “gifted child”, the concept of “child with signs of giftedness” should be used.

Teachers and psychologists of educational institutions are at the stage of searching and developing material for identifying and accompanying students with signs of giftedness.

Psychological and pedagogical support for gifted children may include several stages:

Diagnostic. Its purpose is to identify gifted children, to study the individual characteristics of schoolchildren. The following diagnostic methods can be used: observation, conversations, questioning, testing, sociometric studies. As well as the study of the professional development of the personality of the teacher.

The practice of education has shown that not everyone, even a good teacher, can train gifted students. The development of a gifted personality in the education system is largely determined by the needs of the teacher, his desire for self-actualization, creativity in pedagogical activity.

Therefore, the work of a teacher-psychologist is also aimed at increasing the level of theoretical knowledge of teachers about the peculiarities of the psychology of a gifted person, as well as at activating and developing the professionally important qualities of teachers necessary to ensure the effectiveness of the educational process. This greatly contributes to the improvement of professionalism, the improvement of the general and psychological and pedagogical culture of teachers, and the strengthening of their personality-oriented position in pedagogical activity.

Informational. Its purpose is to increase the psychological competence of the participants in the pedagogical process. Includes activities: individual and group consultations with students, teachers and parents based on the results of research; psychological and pedagogical seminars; thematic parent meetings.

Developing. The purpose of the stage is the harmonious development of gifted children. It includes organizing, conducting individual and group lessons on the adaptation of a gifted child in a group of peers, creating a developing environment for such children.

Carrying out the following activities: organizing and conducting classes to develop the creative thinking of students, training sessions, joint correctional and developmental classes for children and parents, creating a portfolio in order to form achievement motivation, project activities for students, etc.

Analytical. Monitoring the effectiveness of work with gifted students, which includes an analysis of the results of the activities of participants in the pedagogical process and building prospects for further work.

Thus, the psychological and pedagogical support of gifted schoolchildren is a well-structured, consistent type of activity, which is an integral part of the system of work of an educational institution to identify, support and develop gifted children.

It can be concluded that psychological and pedagogical support for the education and development of gifted children in an educational institution is effective if:
children's giftedness is considered from the standpoint of an integrated approach in the relationship of three components - identification, training and development, based on scientific criteria for giftedness;
objective diagnostics of children's giftedness at different stages of a child's life has been created and is widely used;
the basic principles of organizing the education of gifted schoolchildren have been identified;
the structures of educational institutions in their target and functional manifestation will provide the necessary conditions for the continuous development of a gifted child.


1. Avdeeva N.I., Shumakova N.B. and others. A gifted child in a mass school - M .: Education, 2006.
2. Dzhumagulova T.N., Solovieva I.V. Gifted child: gift or punishment. A book for teachers and parents. - St. Petersburg, 2009.
3. Internet resource.
4. Teplov B.M. Ability and talent. Selected works in 2 vols.-T.1.- M., 1985.
5. Federal state educational standard for basic general education. - M .: Education, 2013. - (Standards of the second generation).

Psychological and pedagogical

in conditions



Department of Education of the Administration of Belgorod

MKU "Scientific and methodological information center" of Belgorod


Psychological and pedagogical

accompanying gifted children

in conditions

educational institutions

materials from the experience of educational psychologists

educational institutions of Belgorod)



Release Responsible:

V.V. Dubinina, director of MKU NMIC of Belgorod


  • Eremina I.V., senior methodologist of the MKU NMIC of Belgorod, teacher-psychologist of the MBOU "Gymnasium No. 5";

  • Uzyanova I.M., Deputy Director for UVR,

  • Chebotareva L.V., teacher-psychologist MBOU "Gymnasium No. 5";

  • Novikova A.N., teacher-psychologist MBOU secondary school No. 40;

  • Ivanova E.A., teacher-psychologist MBOU secondary school No. 42;

  • Minakova L.A., teacher-psychologist MBOU for children of preschool and primary school age - progymnasium No. 51;

  • Balakina L.B., teacher-psychologist MBOU-lyceum No. 10;

  • Kudrikova D.N., teacher-psychologist MBOU-lyceum No. 10;

  • Kabakova L.Yu.,

  • Pertseva O.R., pedagogue-psychologist MAOU - Lyceum No. 38;

  • Kalinina E.S., teacher-psychologist MBOU secondary school No. 45.

Reviewer: Ph.D. Korneeva S. A.

Published by decision of the Methodological Council of the MKU NMIC of the Education Department of the Administration of Belgorod.

This collection presents materials from the experience of teachers-psychologists of educational institutions of Belgorod in working with gifted children in the conditions of educational institutions.

The presented practical materials and methodological recommendations will help employees of the education department and participants in the educational process working with gifted children in organizing psychological and pedagogical support for children with signs of giftedness in a preschool educational institution.

The collection is intended for teaching staff of educational institutions: educational psychologists, deputy directors for educational resources management, subject teachers, teachers of additional education and leaders of methodological associations.



Section I

Theoretical and methodological foundations for studying the giftedness of schoolchildren in modern educational conditions



Working concept of giftedness as a methodological basis of the problem



Definition of the concepts of giftedness and a child with signs of giftedness



Signs and types of giftedness


Section II

Age features of the manifestation of giftedness



Age periods and specificity of giftedness



Psychological characteristics of a gifted child


Section III

Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of giftedness in a general education institution



Conditions for the development of giftedness in educational institutions



The educational environment of the educational institution as a means of developing giftedness



Model of formation of giftedness of schoolchildren


Section IV

Technology for identifying children with signs of giftedness


Section V

Professional and personal qualifications of teachers for working with children with signs of giftedness


Section VI

The program of psychological and pedagogical support for children with signs of giftedness of school age in the conditions of educational institutions



Organization of psychological and pedagogical support for children with signs of giftedness at school



Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of giftedness of schoolchildren at different age stages



Diagnosis of giftedness. Brief description of diagnostic methods



Approaches to building a system for diagnosing the giftedness of students in a mass secondary school



Consultative and educational block of work with participants in the educational process



Correctional and developmental block of work with participants in the educational process


Psychological preparation for the Olympiads of gifted children



The study of children's giftedness as a mental phenomenon was initially updated by educational practice.

In the development of this integral personality characteristic (giftedness), education acts as one of the leading factors.

The study of the specifics of the impact of education on the development of children's giftedness is traditionally regarded as one of the most important psychological and pedagogical tasks.

Psychological and pedagogical theory and educational practice have always proclaimed the task of supporting children's giftedness, its early detection, the comprehensive development of children's talents and abilities, and expressed the desire to solve the problems of special education for children with signs of giftedness.

Considering the dissatisfaction of educational practice with the level of psychological and pedagogical development of the problems of diagnosing and developing children's giftedness, it is necessary to note some features of the modern phenomenology of this mental phenomenon, which explains the approaches to its diagnosis, forecasting and development in the educational environment.

In modern psychology, on the basis of the word "gifted", two terms have been created: "children with signs of giftedness" and "children's giftedness".

The term "children with signs of giftedness" usually refers to a special group of children who are ahead of their peers in development.

The second term - "children's giftedness" indicates that each individual has a certain intellectual and creative potential.

In accordance with this understanding in psychology, and after it in the theory of education, two global tasks arise, growing from one root:

Development of psychological foundations and creation of a system for the development and support of gifted and talented children;

Development of psychological foundations and practical measures aimed at developing the intellectual and creative potential of each child in the field of education.

Each of these tasks requires the solution of four relatively independent problems:

Definition of the concept of giftedness;

Development of a model for diagnosing giftedness;

Determining the grounds for building a forecast for the development of children with signs of giftedness;

Creation of an integral system for the development and support of children's giftedness in the field of education.

Before deciding how to diagnose giftedness, how to correctly predict the evolution of the intellectual and creative potential of a person, on what basis to build the process of its development in educational and other activities, it is necessary to define giftedness at a conceptual level.

Further, on this basis, a general scheme of psychodiagnostic work and methodological tools are developed. The results obtained at the diagnostic stage become the basis for predicting the development of the individual. Ultimately, all this serves as a basis for modeling the development process, developing the theoretical foundations and practice of education.

Separated from educational practice, diagnostics cannot solve the problem of predicting the development of giftedness. Episodic diagnostics does not allow objectively solving not only the problem of identifying the level of children's giftedness, but also the problem of predicting development. The reason for this is the autonomy of the processes of diagnostics, forecasting and development.

Psychodiagnostics should act in relation to the forecasting and development of processes as an organic part of a single process, i.e. must be woven into the fabric of the development process. In this case, the diagnosis will be much more reliable and will become the basis for more reliable forecasting, creating real opportunities for systematic adjustment of educational practice.

Section I. Theoretical and methodological foundations for studying the giftedness of schoolchildren in modern educational conditions

1.1. Working concept of giftedness as a methodological basis

In order to create a system of state support and social protection of children with signs of giftedness, as well as conditions that ensure their identification, development and social support, in 1996 the Federal Program "Development of creativity and giftedness" was developed and approved, later called "Children with signs giftedness” 2007 – 10 (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 172 of March 21, 2007). The program was developed by a team of scientists: educators and psychologists under the guidance of D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya by order of the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation.

Certain socially significant results achieved during the implementation of the project and the obvious interest of the public in the problem of the giftedness of the younger generation served as the basis for the members of the Council for the Quality of General Education in the Russian Federation to submit proposals for the Government of the Russian Federation to update and continue the Federal Target Program "Children with signs of giftedness" » in the period 2011-15

Updated Federal Comprehensive Program "Children with Signs of Giftedness" for 2011-15 acts as a guarantor of the further formation in the country of a system of state support for children with signs of giftedness, the creation at all levels of the existing mechanism of social and psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development and education of children with signs of giftedness.

The working concept of giftedness is considered by us as a methodological basis for the psychological and pedagogical support of gifted children and is an attempt to develop common positions of all participants in the educational process on the phenomenon of giftedness, on the problems that one has to face in the process of identifying, training and developing children with outstanding abilities.

The working concept of giftedness also represents a unified theoretical basis for studying the phenomenon of giftedness (definitions of giftedness, classification of its types, ways of identification, etc.).

The state system of work with gifted children includes several levels. The basis of this system is a kindergarten and a school. At the kindergarten level, it is necessary to have the skills to recognize the giftedness of their pupils, to create optimal conditions for them in terms of development, learning and relationships with peers.

The goal of the Federal program "Child with signs of giftedness" is to create conditions for the identification, support and development of children with signs of giftedness in the Russian Federation. This program is aimed at developing three main blocks of the giftedness structure in children: cognitive activity, mental abilities, children's activities.

Creating conditions that ensure the identification and development of children with signs of giftedness, the realization of their potential, is one of the priority social tasks.

The world practice of working with gifted children shows that in the absence of valid methods for identifying giftedness, this work can lead to negative consequences. At the same time, the choice of psychodiagnostic procedures and methods of working with children is determined by the initial concept of giftedness.

In this regard, serious educational work is required among teachers to form scientifically adequate and modern ideas about the nature, methods for identifying and ways of developing giftedness.

The complexity of solving these problems is determined by the presence of a wide range of sometimes conflicting approaches to this problem, which are difficult for practitioners and parents to understand. "Working concept of giftedness" is a generalization of the current state of knowledge in the field of psychology of giftedness.

1.2. Definition of the concepts of "gifted" and "gifted and child"

giftedness - this is a systemic quality of the psyche that develops throughout life, which determines the possibility of a person achieving higher (unusual, outstanding) results in one or more types of activity compared to other people,

A child with signs of giftedness - this is a child who stands out with bright, obvious, sometimes outstanding achievements (or has internal prerequisites for such achievements) in one or another type of activity.

Today, most psychologists recognize that the level, qualitative originality and nature of the development of giftedness is always the result of a complex interaction between heredity (natural inclinations) and the social environment, mediated by the child's activity (playing, learning, working). At the same time, the child's own activity, as well as the psychological mechanisms of personality self-development, which underlie the formation and implementation of individual talent, are of particular importance.

Childhood - the period of formation of abilities and personality. This is the time of deep integrative processes in the child's psyche against the background of its differentiation. The level and breadth of integration determine the characteristics of the formation and maturity of the very phenomenon - giftedness. The progress of this process, its delay or regression determine the dynamics of the development of giftedness.

Giftedness today considered:

1) as a psychophysical property of a person , determined by the indicators of the functioning of individual structures of the central nervous system (E.A. Golubeva, A.N. Lebedev, V.D. Nebylitsyn, V.M. Rusalov, B.M. Teplov, etc.).

2) as a psychogenetic quality , which provides the influence of the genetic properties of the organism on the abilities, as well as the interaction of genetic and environmental (A. Base, S. Bert, F. Galton, M. S. Egorova, B. F. Lomov, T. M. Maryutina, G. Newman, K. Pearson, R. Plomin, I. V. Ravich-Shcherbo, V. M. Rusalov, C. Spearman and others). Giftedness in this case is considered in line with the natural-scientific approach regarding the biological maturation and mental development of the individual.

3) as a high level of development of intelligence or mental abilities , which are quantitatively measured using intelligence tests (G. Eysenck, R. Amthauer, A. Binet, D. Wexler, J. Gilford, R. Kettel, R. Meili, J. Raven, T. Simon, L. Theremin, W. Stern and others).

In the process of studying giftedness, attempts are made to assess the qualitative and quantitative indicators of a person's giftedness, which has led to the development of test methods aimed at:

Identification of the main features of a gifted personality that determine its development (G. Eysenck, R. Cattell, etc.)

Determination of the structure of intelligence and general abilities (R. Amthauer, D. Wexler, J. Gilford, J. Raven, T. Simon, A. Anstey, etc.)

Identification of creative potential, creativity and motivation, which ensure the achievement of high results (A. Mednik, E. Torrens, etc.)

Definition of special abilities (J. Flanagan and others);

4) as a combination of thinking and cognitive functions (E. de Bono, L.F. Burlachuk, L.S. Vygotsky, P.Ya. Galperin, O.M. Dyachenko, Z.I. Kalmykova, A. Osborne, Ya.A. Ponomarev, T.A. Ratanova, O.K. Tikhomirov, N.I. Chuprikova, D.B. Elkonin, etc.).

Within the framework of this approach, we distinguish two main areas of understanding of giftedness:

- as a set of general or special abilities (A.V. Brushlinsky, K.M. Gurevich, V.N. Druzhinin, A.G. Kovalev, V.A. Krutetsky, V.N. Myasishchev, K.K. Platonov, S.L. Rubinstein, Ch E. Spearman, E. L. Thorndike, B. M. Teplov, L. Thurstone, V. D. Shadrikov, etc.).

- as a high level of creativity (creativity) , expressed in the high research activity of a person (D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya, J. Getzels, P. Jackson, A.M. Matyushkin, A. Osborne, K. Taylor, P. Torrens, N.B. Shumakova, V.S. Yurkevich , E.L. Yakovleva and others).

5) as a result of the interaction of cognitive endowments (intellectual, creative, social, musical, etc.), non-cognitive personality traits (motivation, interests, self-concept, emotional status) and social (family and school climate, critical life events) environment(A.G. Asmolov, F. Monks, V.I. Panov, A.N. Perret-Clermont, C. Perlet, A. Tannebaum, K.A. Heller and others).

6) as a combination of mental abilities and personality traits , considered in the context of the age approach (G.S. Abramova, G. Kraig, I.Yu. Kulagina, N.S. Leites, V.S. Mukhina, L.F. Obukhova, E.O. Smirnova, I.V. Shapovalenko and others .).

N.S. Leites introduces the concept "age giftedness" meaning by this the age-related prerequisites for giftedness that manifest themselves in the course of maturation, and their presence at one or another age stage does not yet mean the preservation of this level and the originality of its capabilities in more mature years.

Age approach provides a real basis for practical work with children who show signs of increased abilities, and allows you to more adequately relate to the predictive capabilities of diagnostic measurements.
1.3. Signs and types of giftedness. Giftedness classification

Signs of giftedness - these are the features of a gifted child that are manifested in his real activity and can be assessed at the level of observation of the nature of his actions.

Signs of obvious (manifested) giftedness are fixed in its definition and are associated with a high level of performance. At the same time, the giftedness of a child should be judged in the unity of the categories “I want” and “I can”. Therefore, the signs of giftedness cover two aspects of the behavior of a gifted child: instrumental ( characterizes the ways of its activity) and motivational ( characterizes the child's attitude to activity).

The instrumental aspect of the behavior of a gifted child can be characterized by the following features:

1. Presence of specific activity strategies. The methods of activity of a gifted child ensure its special, qualitatively unique productivity. At the same time, three main levels of success of activities are distinguished, each of which is associated with its own specific strategy for its implementation:

  • rapid development of activities and high success of its implementation;

  • the use and invention of new methods of activity in the conditions of finding a solution in a given situation;

  • putting forward new goals of activity due to a deeper mastery of the subject, leading to a new vision of the situation and explaining the appearance of, at first glance, unexpected ideas and solutions.
The behavior of a gifted child is characterized mainly by this level of success: innovation as going beyond the requirements of the activity being performed.

2. The formation of a qualitatively unique individual style of activity, expressed in the tendency to "do everything in your own way" and associated with the self-sufficient system of self-regulation inherent in a gifted child. The individualization of methods of activity is expressed in the elements of the uniqueness of its product.

3. Highly structured knowledge, the ability to see the subject being studied in the system, the curtailment of methods of action in the relevant subject area, which is manifested in the ability of a gifted child, on the one hand, to almost instantly grasp the most significant detail (fact) among many other subject information (impressions, images, concepts, etc.) and, on the other hand, it is surprisingly easy to move from a single detail ( fact) to its generalization and expanded context of its interpretation. In other words, the originality of the methods of activity of a gifted child is manifested in his ability to see the simple in the complex, and the complex in the simple.

4. A special type of learning . It can manifest itself both in high speed and ease of learning, and in a slow pace of learning, but with a subsequent sharp change in the structure of knowledge, ideas and skills.

The motivational aspect of the behavior of a gifted child can be characterized by the following features:

1. Increased, selective sensitivity to certain aspects of objective reality (signs, sounds, colors, technical devices, plants, etc.) or to certain forms of their own activity(physical, cognitive, artistic and expressive, etc.), accompanied, as a rule, by the experience of a feeling of pleasure.

2. A pronounced interest in certain occupations or areas of activity, extremely high enthusiasm for any subject, immersion in a particular matter. The presence of such an intense propensity for a certain kind of activity has as its consequence an amazing perseverance and industriousness.

3. Increased cognitive need, which manifests itself in an insatiable curiosity, as well as a willingness to go beyond the initial requirements of activity on their own initiative.

4. Preference for paradoxical, contradictory and uncertain information, rejection of standard, typical tasks and ready-made answers.

5. High criticality to the results of their own work, the tendency to set super-difficult goals, striving for perfection.

The psychological characteristics of children who demonstrate giftedness can only be considered as signs that accompany giftedness, but not necessarily generating it. It should be emphasized that the behavior of a gifted child does not necessarily have to correspond simultaneously to all of the above characteristics. Behavioral signs of giftedness are variable and often contradictory in their manifestations, since they are highly dependent on the social context. Nevertheless, even the presence of one of these signs should attract the attention of a specialist and motivate him to a thorough and time-consuming analysis of each specific individual case.

Types of giftedness

Differentiation of types of giftedness is determined by the criterion underlying the classification. In giftedness, one can single out both a qualitative and a quantitative aspect.

An analysis of the qualitative characteristics of giftedness presupposes the identification of its various qualitatively unique types in connection with the specifics of a person's mental capabilities and the peculiarities of their manifestation in certain types of activity.

An analysis of the quantitative characteristics of giftedness makes it possible to describe the degree of manifestation of a person's mental capabilities.

The systematization of the types of giftedness is determined by the criterion underlying the classification. Among the criteria for distinguishing types of giftedness are the following:

1) the type of activity and the spheres of the psyche that provide it

2) the degree of formation

3) the form of manifestations

4) the breadth of manifestations in various activities

5) features of age development

These criteria and the corresponding types of giftedness are presented in the table.


Types of giftedness

By type of activity and providing it

areas of the psyche(intellectual, emotional, motivational-volitional spheres)

- In practice (talented in crafts, sports and organizational).

-In theoretical activity (intellectual talent of various types, depending on the subject content of the activity).

- In artistic and aesthetic activities (choreographic, literary and poetic, visual and musical).

- In communicative activity (leadership talent, characterized by the ability to understand other people, build constructive relationships with them, lead).

- In spiritual value activity (giftedness, which is manifested in the creation of new spiritual values ​​and serving people).

The degree of formation of giftedness

- Actual giftedness (a psychological characteristic of a child with such available indicators of mental development that are manifested in a higher level of performance in a particular subject area compared to age and social norms).

- Potential Giftedness (a psychological characteristic of a child who has only certain mental capabilities (potential) for high achievements in a particular type of activity, but cannot realize his capabilities at a given time due to their functional insufficiency). Potential giftedness requires high predictive value of the diagnostic methods used and manifests itself under favorable conditions.

Forms of manifestation

- Explicit giftedness (reveals itself in the child's activities quite clearly and distinctly, including under adverse conditions; the child's achievements are obvious).

- Hidden talent (appears in disguised form). The reasons for the hidden giftedness of the child lie in the mistakes made by adults in his upbringing and development, in the features of his interaction with other people, in the specifics of the cultural environment (mastering the norms of behavior). Identification of children with this type of giftedness is a long process using a set of methods for analyzing the child's behavior, including him in various types of real activities, organizing his communication with gifted adults, and enriching his individual living environment.

The breadth of manifestations in various forms


- General (mental) giftedness (manifested in relation to various types of activities and acts as the basis of their productivity). Mental activity and self-regulation are its fundamental prerequisites. General giftedness determines the level of understanding of what is happening, the depth of motivational and emotional involvement in the activity, the degree of its purposefulness.

- Special talent (manifested in specific activities and is determined in relation to certain areas (poetry, music, painting, mathematics, sports, talent in the field of leadership and social interaction - social talent, etc.)).

Features of age development

- Early giftedness . An example of early giftedness is “wunderkinds” (wonderful child) - these are children, as a rule, of preschool or primary school age with extraordinary success in any particular type of activity - music, drawing, mathematics, poetry, dance, singing, etc. A special place among such children is occupied by intellectual geeks. They are characterized by early (from 2-3 years old) mastering of reading, writing and counting; high development of cognitive abilities (brilliant memory, high level of abstract thinking, etc.); mastery of the three-year study program by the end of the first grade; choosing a complex activity of their own free will (for example: a five-year-old boy composes his own history encyclopedia, etc.).

- late giftedness . The manifestation of giftedness in a certain type of activity at later age stages. There is a relationship between age, manifestations of giftedness and field of activity. The earliest giftedness manifests itself in the field of art, especially in music, a little later - in the field of fine arts, later - in science (in the form of outstanding discoveries, the creation of new areas and research methods), which is associated with the need to acquire knowledge, without which scientific discoveries are impossible. . Mathematical talent is manifested earlier than others.

In the proposed classification of types of giftedness, creative giftedness, which occupies a central place in widespread theoretical approaches, is not singled out as a separate type of giftedness.

In the context of the proposed concept, a different approach to its understanding is outlined. Creativity is defined as the development of activity on the initiative of the child himself, as "going beyond the given requirements", which ensures the creation of a truly creative product.

Thus, "creative giftedness" is not considered as a special, independent type of giftedness. However, it is emphasized that it is typical for any type of activity.

Signs of children's giftedness are:

  • high level of ability development;

  • high degree of learning;

  • creative manifestations (creativity); motivation.

Kozyreva N.A.

At present, the task of searching, selecting, supporting and developing intellectually gifted children is very relevant. Renzulli's "Three Ring Model of Giftedness" includes the following components: a high level of intelligence, creativity, and enhanced motivation. Such children require differentiated curricula and special pedagogical support. In modern teaching practice, pedagogical strategies and programs are used that provide for a high level of development of thought processes, improvement of creative abilities and rapid assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities. The process of teaching gifted children requires the creation of a special educational environment. The key figure in creating such an environment is the teacher. The function of the teacher is to accompany and support, develop the personality of the student. The productivity of interactions is ensured by the involvement of the student and teacher in a common purposeful activity.

A distinctive feature of modern society is the high level of science-intensive technologies and their dominance in the economy of a developed state. That is why the task of searching, selecting, supporting and developing gifted children in the field of natural and mathematical sciences is of particular relevance.

In modern psychology, there is no generally accepted definition of the concept of "giftedness", as well as a unified theory of giftedness. An attempt to develop a general approach to the problem was made in 1972. In a special report from the State Department of Education to the US Congress, the following definition was proposed: “Gifted and talented students are those who are identified by professionally trained people as having the potential for high achievement due to outstanding abilities. Such children require differentiated curricula and/or assistance that go beyond regular schooling in order to be able to fulfill their potential and contribute to society. Children who are prone to high achievement may not demonstrate them immediately, but have potential for them in any of the following areas (one or a combination): general intellectual abilities; specific academic ability, creative or productive thinking; leadership abilities; artistic and performing arts; psychomotor abilities.

Russian scientists within the framework of the Federal Program "Gifted Children" have developed a working concept of giftedness, reflecting both the results of fundamental domestic research and modern trends in world science. It provides a systematization of the main signs of giftedness, carried out in two aspects of activity: instrumental and motivational; a classification of types of giftedness is proposed. The concept notes that “a gifted child is a child who stands out for bright, obvious, sometimes outstanding achievements (or has internal prerequisites for such achievements) in one or another type of activity.” As can be seen from the above quotes, giftedness is not only a pedagogical and psychological phenomenon, but also a social one, since we are talking about success in a socially significant sphere of human activity.

In our opinion, the question of the practice of working with gifted children deserves special attention. An analysis of the studies of foreign experts allows us to identify three learning strategies: acceleration, which enables children with a strong lead in intellectual development to study according to standard school programs at a pace corresponding to their individual capabilities; enrichment provides for the expansion and deepening of the content of the studied material; grouping, which involves the association of gifted children into interest groups for learning according to various curricula and programs.

In Russian pedagogy, in addition to these, deepening strategies are considered, involving a deeper study of topics, disciplines or areas of knowledge by students who have found extraordinary abilities; as well as problematization, stimulating the personal development of gifted children, including developing the ability to divergent, creative thinking.

In the modern practice of teaching gifted children, all of the above strategies are used, which determines the main types of existing programs: regular educational programs, programs with enrichment, specialized programs.

Since the programs of the first two types are based on only one of the many characteristics inherent in gifted children - a high ability to assimilate information, they do not successfully solve the problems of developing creative abilities, intellectual initiative, critical thinking, social adaptation, social responsibility, and leadership abilities.

Educational programs for gifted children provide for the development of thought processes of a higher than usual level, psychological and personal development, improvement of creative abilities and, of course, higher assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities. Therefore, when developing such programs, one of the main goals is to encourage productive creative activity. For its implementation, a scheme is used, the basis of which is Renzulli's "three-ring model of giftedness". It includes the following three main components: a high level of intelligence, creativity (creativity) and passion for the task (increased motivation). The essence of this model is that students are not limited to acquiring intellectual skills, but also have the opportunity to conduct independent research work. In this case, three types of enrichment of the curriculum are used. Cognitive activity of a general nature involves the acquaintance of schoolchildren with the areas of knowledge that interest them.

Group learning ensures the development of such mental skills as analysis, comparison, classification, systematization, formulating hypotheses, building patterns, etc. The second type of enrichment strategy suggests that classes are based on the subject content of the area of ​​scientific knowledge that the student chooses in accordance with their abilities and interests (special elective courses, circles).

The third type is for gifted children. This work, carried out in small groups or individually, is a study and solution of any problems and allows you to involve students in productive creative activity (project activity: group or individual).

A gifted child is a harmonious combination of relationships: communicative, intellectual, informational, emotional and personal. Ignoring any sphere of the child's relations affects the harmony of his development. High intelligence or academic abilities, as practice and scientific analysis show, do not guarantee success not only in adulthood, but also in the process of schooling. Therefore, it is very important that didactic constructions proceed from an understanding of the unity and complexity of the personality of a gifted child. Therefore, the educational process for gifted children requires the creation of a special educational environment that

1) should serve as a means for the disclosure and development of natural inclinations for children with giftedness (the environment should be as varied as possible both in content and in methods of activity);

2) should become a means that makes it possible for children with a situational type of giftedness to experience the state of a creative act (the environment should be saturated with situations that contribute to entering a creative state, positive emotional reinforcement is mandatory when performing a task);

3) should become a means of satisfying the need for a chosen activity, a means of personal self-affirmation, a means of introducing universal human values ​​for children with a personal type of giftedness (the environment should be as rich as possible both in terms of subject content and moral and ethical ideas about universal human values).

This developing environment, as a central part of the educational process, integrates various educational creeds, their elements, educational material and subjects of the educational process. The most difficult is the harmonious formation of the subjectivity of a teacher and a gifted child, since a student cannot automatically become a subject of educational activity. The transformation of a student into a subject occurs in the process of his learning activity. And it must be borne in mind that the process of accumulation of subjective experience is a non-linear process. This entails some difficulties in understanding the dynamics of the development of a gifted child by a teacher. After all, the teacher also develops as a subject of pedagogical activity. What is the mechanism that determines the harmonious balance in the educational relationship "teacher - gifted child"?

Mutual understanding in educational and pedagogical activity is achieved through mutual reflection (consciousness) through informational and personal relations between the teacher and the student. That is, the education of a gifted child is possible under the condition of a significant development of the theoretical and practical reflexivity of the teacher. Such reflexivity is at the same time a condition for creating a developing environment. Undoubtedly, the key figure in creating this environment is the teacher. That is why the requirements for his professional and personal training are high. When working with gifted children, the teacher must be able to take a reflective position towards himself. Acceptance of oneself, the image of one's Self, is a necessary condition for the practical implementation of the principle of "accepting another", as one of the basic psychological principles of pedagogical activity. It is thanks to him that the transformation of "knowledge - skills - skills" from the goal of the educational process into a means of developing the cognitive, personal and spiritual abilities of the student. The experience of working with gifted children has shown that the teacher needs to develop such "subject - subject" ways of perception, thinking, communication and behavior that would be based on the originality and individually - psychological characteristics of the education and development of gifted children. The pedagogical function is seen in the accompaniment and support, development of the student's personality. Develop in pedagogical interaction can only be such activity and communication that resonates with internal, natural patterns. The holistic realization of the abilities of the individual is associated with the transformation of opportunities into a concretely embodied action of a positive quality.

"Interactions create the prerequisites for the immediate achievements of students, and therefore the effect of learning in the "teacher-student" system will depend on how their joint activities are organized."

The productivity of interactions is ensured by the involvement of the student and teacher in a certain common activity, in the implementation of which they are focused on certain goals. Only by engaging in various types of cognitive, labor creative activity and, showing high activity in this activity, the child will develop his personal beginning.

How, in practice, are the conditions conducive to the development of intellectually gifted children created? We are talking about working with high school students who successfully cope with specialized programs of natural disciplines, with an already formed culture of doing independent work, with a developed positive focus on revealing their creative abilities in educational activities, studying at a modern specialized school - physics and technology lyceum No. 1 of the city of Saratov .

Based on abilities, interests, inclinations, each student is given the opportunity to realize himself in cognition, learning activities and learning behavior in the classroom of groups of educational interests in various circles and special courses (the programs of these courses are developed by the teachers themselves, based on the real capabilities and goals of the project participants) . In the classes of these groups, the knowledge gained in the lessons is deepened and expanded, which contributes to the development of the creative abilities of students and allows you to create a new “educational product” for the student (and teacher): an idea or a question that requires detailed development already on an individual independent project. In this case, the student is indeed the subject of educational activity, since he participates in the search and construction of new ways of action in the situation of setting an educational task.

The wider the circle of knowledge of students, the richer their previous practical experience, the higher the level of independence they can show in solving complex creative tasks, thereby achieving a higher level of self-affirmation in educational activities.

Within groups, creative micro-groups often arise. Moreover, the time of their existence, the quantitative and qualitative composition depend on the problem, for the solution of which this group was formed.

For example, in 2000, the team of participants in the International Tournament "Computer Physics", consisting of eleventh graders, existed for four months. The presence of non-standard thinking, deep knowledge of physics, mathematics, computer science; the ability to defend one's point of view in discussions; Public speaking experience is a prerequisite for participation in this unique competition. During the existence of the team, schoolchildren, having successfully overcome the trials of the correspondence round, were invited to the full-time round. In this tournament, the team won the absolute first place. By creating computer models of physical processes, students independently studied some sections of physics that are not included in the school curriculum, as well as new programming languages. Teachers, supporting students, acted as consultants to this creative project. All members of the team became students of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and the St. Petersburg Institute of Precision Mechanics.

The team of participants in the International Olympiad "Intellectual Marathon" (these Olympiads are held within the framework of the International Program "Children. Intellect. Creativity") existed for one year, having completed its activities with successful participation in the "XI Intellectual Marathon", held in Greece in the autumn of 2002. The team won six medals out of nine played in the "Physics" and "Mathematics" rounds, as well as in the individual championship. All members of the team became students of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and Moscow State University.

Participation in the creative activities of such microgroups allows the student not only to realize his potential creative abilities as efficiently as possible, but also teaches him how to interact with people: position himself in the group, rejoice in the success of partners, support them in case of failure. By acquiring the skill of self-discipline, the student learns to manage himself from the moment a goal is set to the result.

In the process of such educational activities, individual projects are developed that form research thinking, ensuring not only development, but also self-development of the student. The implementation of programs is accompanied by situational correction, which is the result of a constant analysis of the contradictions between the predicted and achieved results. Carrying out educational activities, students (subjects of education) are acting subjects, that is, they are aware of the motives, goals and results of their actions, reflexively relate to their actions. This is very important, since the degree of his readiness for self-realization depends on the degree of development of the student's cognitive and personal reflection. Consequently, the development of the ability and need to reflect acts as a mechanism for personal purposeful progressive self-affirmation, which involves the development of the individual's ability to self-change.

The effectiveness of the ongoing projects is manifested in the effectiveness of the participation of schoolchildren in olympiads of various levels, scientific conferences, self-study in correspondence schools of the country's leading universities. Olympiads and scientific conferences serve as an independent examination of the effectiveness of not only the creative work of the student, but also the creative work of the teacher.

Creating conditions for the transfer of potential abilities into intellectual creativity is one of the promising areas in working with intellectually gifted children.


  1. Working concept of giftedness / Nauch. Ed. V.D. Shadrikov. - M.: ICHP, publishing house "Magister", 1998.
  2. Renzulli J.S. The Three-Ring-Conception of Giftedness: a Developmetal Model for creative Productivity // Conceptions of giftedness / Ed. Stenberg R.J., Davidson J.Y.: Cambr. Univer. Press, 1986/ - P. 53-92.
  3. Yasvin V.A. Training of pedagogical interaction in a creative educational environment / ed. IN AND. Panova - M .: Young Guard, 1998.
  4. Rubtsov V.V. Fundamentals of social - genetic psychology. M. - Voronezh, 1996, p. 10.
  5. Davydov V.V. Problems of developing education. Moscow: Pedagogy, 1986.
  6. Apletaev M.N. Pedagogy of a moral act: Ethical and philosophical component// Teacher: Science, technology, practice. - Barnaul, 1997.

Bibliographic link

Kozyreva N.A. PEDAGOGICAL SUPPORT OF GIFTED CHILDREN // Successes of modern natural science. - 2004. - No. 5. - P. 55-58;
URL: (date of access: 02/01/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

The organization of work with gifted children assumes that the teacher will overcome pedagogical and psychological difficulties caused by the variety of types of giftedness, many conflicting theoretical approaches and methods, the variability of modern education, as well as an extremely small number of specialists trained to work with gifted children.

This raises the problem of creating an integrated system of work with gifted children in an educational institution. The goals of organizing work with gifted children involve solving the problems of the formation and development of the child's personality in the following positions:

  • - psychological and pedagogical - the creation of optimal conditions for the development of interests, abilities of each student;
  • - social - targeted impact on the formation of the creative, intellectual, professional potential of society;
  • - didactic - the creation of a new methodological system of teaching students, fundamentally different from the traditional one, primarily by solving individual educational problems of students. The organization of the work of a teacher with gifted children involves:
  • - recognition of the child as a subject of development, training and education, realizing their educational needs in relation to the outside world in the process of subject-subject and subject-object educational influences;
  • - recognition of the child's ability to self-development and his right to an individual trajectory of development of educational areas;
  • - changing the position of the teacher to accompanying in relation to the activities of the student;
  • - the priority of the personal content of education, formed in the process of passing individual educational trajectories;
  • - the priority of the productive component of the content of education, expressed in the creative function of the student.

Gifted children must acquire knowledge in all subject areas that make up general secondary education. At the same time, the psychological characteristics of gifted children, as well as social expectations in relation to this group of students, make it possible to single out a specific component in relation to the traditional goal of education associated with the assimilation of a certain amount of knowledge within the framework of school subjects.

This specific component is a high (or advanced) level and breadth of general education, which determines the development of a holistic worldview and a high level of competence in various fields of knowledge in accordance with the individual needs and abilities of students. For all children, the main goal of education and upbringing is to provide conditions for the disclosure and development of all abilities and talents with a view to their subsequent implementation in life and professional activities. But in relation to gifted children, this goal is especially significant.

It should be emphasized that it is these children that society primarily pins its hopes on solving the urgent problems of modern civilization. To support and develop the individuality of the child, not to lose, not to slow down the growth of his abilities - this is a particularly important task of teaching gifted children. The specific goals of teaching gifted students are determined taking into account the qualitative specifics of a certain type of giftedness, as well as the psychological patterns of its development. So, the following can be singled out as priority guidelines for teaching children with general giftedness:

  • - the development of the spiritual and moral foundations of the personality of a gifted child, the highest spiritual values ​​(it is important not the talent itself, but what application it will have);
  • - creation of conditions for the development of a creative personality;
  • - development of the individuality of a gifted child (identification and disclosure of originality and individual originality of his abilities);
  • - providing broad general education of a high level, which determines the development of a holistic understanding of the world and a high level of competence in various fields of knowledge in accordance with the individual needs and inclinations of students.

The general principles of teaching gifted children are among the basic general principles of teaching, including all children in general:

  • - the principle of developing and educating education. This principle means that the goals, content and methods of teaching should contribute not only to the assimilation of knowledge and skills, but also to cognitive development, as well as the education of students' personal qualities;
  • - the principle of individualization and differentiation of training. It consists in the fact that the goals, content and learning process should take into account the individual and typological characteristics of students as fully as possible. The implementation of this principle is especially important when teaching gifted children, in whom individual differences are expressed in a vivid and unique way;
  • - the principle of taking into account age opportunities. This principle assumes that the content of education and teaching methods correspond to the specific characteristics of gifted students at different age levels, since their higher abilities can easily provoke an overestimation of the levels of learning difficulty, which can lead to negative consequences.

Given the diversity, diversity and individual originality of the phenomenon of giftedness, the organization of work on the education and development of gifted children requires a preliminary answer to the following questions:

  • 1) what kind of giftedness we are dealing with (general or special in the form of sports, artistic or other);
  • 2) in what form can giftedness be manifested: explicit, hidden, potential;
  • 3) what are the priority tasks of working with the gifted: the development of available abilities; psychological support and assistance; design and examination of the educational environment, including the development and monitoring of educational technologies, programs and educational institutions, etc.;
  • 4) what type of educational institution it is advisable to use: a gymnasium specially oriented towards working with gifted children, a general education mass school, an institution of additional education, etc.

As the main educational structures for the education of gifted children, the following should be singled out:

  • a) a system of preschool educational institutions, primarily kindergartens of a general developmental type, child development centers, in which the most favorable conditions are created for the formation of the abilities of preschoolers, as well as educational institutions for children of preschool and primary school age, ensuring the continuity of the environment and methods of development of children when going to school;
  • b) a system of general education schools, within which conditions are created for the individualization of the education of gifted children;
  • c) a system of additional education designed to meet the constantly changing individual socio-cultural and educational needs of gifted children and to ensure the identification, support and development of their abilities within the framework of extracurricular activities;
  • d) a system of schools focused on working with gifted children and designed to provide support and development of opportunities for such children in the process of obtaining general secondary education (including lyceums, gymnasiums, non-standard educational institutions of the highest category, etc.).

The psychological characteristics of gifted children, along with the specifics of the social order in relation to this group of students, determine certain accents in understanding the main goals of education and upbringing, which are defined as the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in certain subject areas, as well as the creation of conditions for the cognitive and personal development of students with considering their gifts.

Conditions for successful work with gifted students

  • 1. Awareness of the importance of this work by each member of the teaching staff.
  • 2. Creation and continuous improvement of the methodological system and subject subsystems of work with gifted students.
  • 3. Recognition by the management and staff of the school that the implementation of the system of work with gifted students is one of the priority areas in its work.
  • 4. Inclusion in work with gifted students of teachers with the following qualities:
    • - a teacher for a gifted child is a person who responds productively to a challenge, is able to perceive criticism and not suffer from stress when working with people more capable and knowledgeable than himself. The interaction of a teacher with a gifted child should be aimed at the optimal development of abilities, have the character of assistance, support, and be non-directive;
    • - the teacher believes in his own competence and the ability to solve emerging problems. He is ready to bear responsibility for the consequences of his decisions and at the same time feels like a trustworthy person, confident in his human attractiveness and viability;
    • - the teacher considers others to be able to independently solve their problems, to believe in their friendliness and that they have positive intentions, they have a sense of their own dignity, which should be valued, respected and protected;
    • - the teacher strives for intellectual and professional self-improvement, willingly works to replenish his own knowledge, is ready to learn from others and engage in self-education and self-development.
  • 5. Constant work to improve the educational process in order to steadily reduce the educational and psychological overload of students.

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