About the service life of winter studded tires. When to change summer tires to winter? How to extend tire life? Five tips from Nokian Tires Expiration date of winter studded tires

About the service life of winter studded tires. When to change summer tires to winter? How to extend tire life? Five tips from Nokian Tires Expiration date of winter studded tires

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What is the shelf life of car tires?

When buying a new car tire, a car enthusiast is interested in several questions:

  • How long has the tire been in storage?
  • when was it released;
  • How long can this set of tires last?

Answers to all these questions are available in GOST - the state standard ..

Shelf life of car tires in stock

There are two important documents regulating the shelf life of tires in warehouses, as well as the necessary conditions that must be created for this:

  • GOST 4754-97;
  • GOST 24779-81.

According to these documents, the maximum storage period is 5 years. However, this does not mean that after five years after the production of rubber, it is unusable. The consumer himself determines suitability at his own discretion.

Tire shops and warehouses usually don't keep tires that long as they are either taken apart or sent back to the factory for recycling. Various promotions are also often held and expired tires can be bought at a reduced price.

Even 5 years after release, the tire is serviceable if it has been stored in the right conditions. We have already given this question on the site site, but we will repeat it again.

The following conditions must be created in the warehouse:

  • darkened spacious rooms;
  • all safety standards are observed;
  • no direct sunlight;
  • air temperature is allowed in the range from -30 to +35, but the optimal performance is + 10- + 20 degrees;
  • humidity - not higher than 80 percent.

It is also very important that the rubber does not lie in piles all this time or is not suspended on hooks. From time to time it needs to be translated. If you find deformations, small cracks or swollen areas on the sidewalls, this indicates that the tires were stored incorrectly.

Date of manufacture

According to article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, a fine of 500 rubles is provided for driving on “bald” tires. If the residual tread height is less than 1.6 mm, then it is prohibited to drive on it. Accordingly, tire life is the time until which the tread wears down to the TWI marker.

Naturally, as the operation progresses, other problems may emerge:

  • punctures;
  • the appearance of bubbles;
  • cracks and cuts on the sidewalls;
  • delamination.

This may be due both to the quality of the tires themselves, and to the individual characteristics of driving a vehicle. By adhering to optimal driving conditions and vehicle operation rules, you can extend the life of your tires.

How to extend the life of tires?

If you like to prove your driving skills to yourself and others: a sharp start with slippage, drifting on city highways, braking at high speeds, and so on, then the rubber is unlikely to last too long.

In order for the tires to move away as long as possible, it is necessary to adhere to the well-known rules:

  • avoid aggressive driving practices;
  • drive on high-quality road surfaces, go around pits and bumps;
  • regularly check the level of air pressure in tires;
  • switch from winter tires to summer tires in a timely manner;
  • store your tires properly.

For example, there is a long-standing misconception that tires need to be lowered a little in winter in order to increase the contact patch with the surface. On the one hand, handling improves, but the tires are more likely to become unusable.

Small cracks on the sides are a sign of aging rubber. It is not necessary to immediately go to the tire fitting, but monitor the condition of the tires more carefully. Also keep an eye on the condition of the spare tire or dokatka. It is also advisable to buy sets of patches for rubber and a special automotive sealant.

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Many car enthusiasts do not think about the expiration date of tires, following only the residual tread height. "Snowdrops", who operate the car exclusively from the thaw to the first frost, or those who use the car only for trips to the country, even consider tires to be almost eternal, since the tread does not have time to wear out. Is it really? Do tires have an expiration date?

Tire expiration date

GOST defines the warranty period for tires as five years. The further fate of the tire is determined by the car owner himself, based on its condition. Some tire manufacturers give a ten-year warranty on their products, but this is the exception rather than the rule - tires typically last five to six years.

Why is the tire considered “damaged” after this period, even if the tread has not yet worn out, and there are no cuts and hernias on the tire?

Over time, the rubber ages, oxidizes, becomes more brittle, microcracks appear on it, albeit invisible to the eye, but affecting the characteristics. Consequently, the reliability of tires is significantly reduced. And this applies not only to those tires that were actively used, but also to those that lay peacefully in the warehouse, waiting in the wings. Therefore, in the name of safety, it is worth stopping the operation of tires after five to six years.

Tire production date

It is important to remember that the tires that you install on your car may well be from different batches and with different production dates. It will not affect the behavior of the car in any way. However, you still need to pay attention to the date of manufacture of tires in order to replace the aged ones in time. This tip will come in handy when purchasing both new and used tires. By checking the production date, you can protect yourself from buying old rubber, which will quickly become unusable.

In order not to get into trouble and not to buy an “expired” tire, you need to check the date of its production when buying. This date, in the form of four digits, the first two of which indicate the week and the second two the year, is indicated on the sidewall of the tire. That is, the code "3112" means that the tire was released in the thirty-first week of 2012.

How to extend the life of your tires

And what is required so that the tires do not age prematurely? The most important thing is proper storage. Tires must be protected from direct sunlight and moisture and not exposed to excessively high or low temperatures.

If you store seasonal tires mounted on a rim, it's best to hang them or stack them one on top of the other, not vertically. Tires without rims, on the contrary, are best stored vertically, but they cannot be hung or stacked. Compliance with these simple rules will avoid tire deformation, prevent rubber from cracking and retain all the properties of tires.

How not to get into trouble when buying?

Tires should be purchased from authorized dealers who comply with the storage conditions prescribed by the standards. Otherwise, there is a risk of buying tires, although new, but already affected by improper storage. Alas, it is not uncommon for rubber to lie somewhere in the backyard, open to all winds and the bright sun, before it goes to the store counter. So such savings at best result in the forced purchase of new tires in just a season, or even puts your safety at risk.

The best solution would be to purchase tires from among modern models no older than four years - in this case, you will buy obviously high-quality goods and enjoy the purchase. It is best to stop your choice on tires of famous brands: their quality is time-tested, and the model lines are quite wide and allow you to find tires for every taste and for any car.

We hope that, based on the above tips, you will easily be able to choose the right tires that will allow you to get the most out of your driving experience.

As a rule, the service life of winter tires with studs is less than that of products intended for driving in the summer. It is softer and, accordingly, wear occurs faster.

This concept refers to the optimal operational life of winter tires. Simply put, it shows how many seasons you can approximately ride them, subject to technical standards and recommendations from manufacturers.

Usually this period is equal to 5-10 years.

Russian GOST 4754-97 states that pneumatic rubber can be used for 5 years from the date of manufacture. And off-road tires up to 10 years.

It is not safe to use tires older than 8 years. The tire loses elasticity over a sufficiently long period of time, which is why it holds traction worse.

Pneumatic tires look like this

You can check the age of the tires on the side of the products. Here the manufacturer places a special marking, where the first and second digits indicate the week, and the next two indicate the year the product was created.

From the date indicated on the marking, the validity of the tire is counted in accordance with GOST standards.

Not always the indicators indicated on paper or the rubber itself are true. Manufacturers themselves recommend timely technical inspection and check the level of wear.

The time frame may also depend on the type of tires. There are:

  • studded wheels;
  • Velcro tires.

The service life also depends on the country in which the rubber company is located:

  1. Tires of European countries are capable of rolling from 50,000 to 70,000 km without losing their consumer properties.
  2. Domestic products are slightly less hardy - from 20,000 to 40,000 km.
  3. Chinese tires will last approximately 50,000 - 80,000 km.

On average, for new tires, this figure is the sum of six seasons of operation. Velcro winter tires last longer than studded tires, but they are not suitable for regions with a harsh climate.

Studded tires - the best solution for the winter

What does wear depend on?

Tire life and wear can be affected by a variety of factors, from country of manufacture, mileage and conditions of use to storage method. Let's consider in more detail.


An insufficient number of atmospheres has a negative effect on rubber, its service life is reduced.

Tire pressure must be optimal to prolong their service life.

Driving style and dead roads

To ensure long-term operation of car tires, it is necessary:

  • Do not exceed the average recommended speed of 90 km/h. This will keep the studded tires 45% better compared to driving at about 120 km.
  • The movement along the track should be smooth, it is recommended to avoid sharp jerks and slips. You need to slow down slowly so as not to burn the rubber on the asphalt.
  • The road surface and its quality play an important role in the wear of the wheels. But ordinary drivers can hardly influence this factor.

Interesting! It is important not to overload the trunk. This will help to avoid uneven distribution of the load on the tires.

Tire alignment

An equally significant danger for winter tires is imbalance. It significantly increases tire wear.

Unbalance will help to find out about many problems with the machine

When replacing summer tires with winter tires, do not forget to balance them. Its absence negatively affects the controllability of the vehicle, which can cause the car to pull to the side.

Timely adjustment of the alignment in the auto repair shop will help to avoid problems.

Signs that a Tire Has Failed

If summer tires should be changed when the residual tread height has reached 1.5 mm, then with winter tires everything is much stricter. The maximum value in this case is 4 mm. After that, the tires must be replaced immediately.

More advanced manufacturers like Nokian and Bridgestone embed an indicator in the form of numbers or snowflakes into the rubber, showing real wear.

Bridgestone tires let you know the level of wear

When answering the question, what is the service life of winter studded tires, do not forget about the studs themselves. In the absence of 40% of the metal elements, the wheels are considered vulnerable. If the nests in them are not loose, you can carry out an independent studding. Otherwise, the product can be safely thrown away.

It is also possible to check the validity of tires with a penny coin. In ideal condition, the protector should cover the inscription completely; on average, only part of the inscription and the pattern under it are covered. An urgent replacement is needed if the protector covers only the edge of the coin.

How to properly store rubber to extend its shelf life

To ensure that tires do not lose their properties for as long as possible, a cool, dark and dry room should be found for them. Temperature fluctuations, high humidity and sunlight adversely affect rubber products, destroying them.

Tires put on wheels are stacked for safety, and empty ones are placed one after another in a vertical position.

What happens if you drive on very old tires

The main negative point in the described situation is poor adhesion to asphalt. This adversely affects the vehicle's handling and increases the risk of an accident.

Driving with old tires can be quite dangerous.

The second risk factor is a thin tire, which can burst at any time even with minimal loads. The most dangerous thing is if the emergency happens at speed. Often this ends in serious accidents.

In addition, worn tires consume more fuel and worsen the appearance of the car. And the very condition of the tires indicates the level of maintenance of the car and the responsibility of the owner.

In practice, using tires with average wear is no less dangerous than “bald” tires. Even a dry road becomes a lottery, as the braking distance increases significantly.


  1. The service life of winter tires with and without studs is slightly different.
  2. According to average indicators, it is 5–10 years, but in practice, tires can be used for 5–6 seasons.
  3. In order for rubber to last longer, it must be properly stored.
  4. Winter tires wear out faster than summer tires due to their softer texture.

Consumer disputes over the age of tires have not subsided for several seasons. Buyers are excited that the warranty period for tires is limited to 5-6 years according to GOST, and after the expiration of this period, the rubber becomes unusable.

Is this really the case, read this article.

Tire shelf life

Manufacturers of most brands on their products set shelf life - 5 years and the service life is also 5 years .
The shelf life of tires is the period during which they retain their characteristics if properly stored.

The end of this period does not mean that the tires have become unusable. . A shelf life of 5 years is given by manufacturers because, by law, they cannot set a shelf life higher than the service life. Tires over 5 years of storage cannot be called damaged or defective, their technical characteristics may be slightly reduced. American researchers argue that the period of storage of "shoes" must be at least 10 years. Experts from Germany are sure that it cannot exceed 6 years.

Tire expiration date

The expiration date of tires is the warranty period during which the manufacturer is responsible for the quality and condition of the tire if it was used for its intended purpose without violating the operating rules.

According to Russian legislation (GOST 5513, GOST 4754-97) The service life of tires is 5 years from the date of manufacture.

How to find out the date of manufacture of tires?

You can find out the age of tires by a special DOT code. Tires manufactured after 2000 in the DOT code contain two pairs of numbers, where the first pair indicates the week number of the year, and the second pair indicates the year. Earlier tires before 2000 have 3 numbers in their composition, where the first two digits are the week number, and the last one is the year (see the transcript in the photo).

Determination of the average shelf life of a tire according to GOST and operating conditions.

The symbol ZR denotes tires for high-speed cars. They are recommended to be used at speeds over 240 km/h. up to 6 years

Tires with the H symbol are used at a maximum speed of 210 km/h. within 5 years.

The sign S symbolizes the maximum permissible speed of 180 km / h. and operational period of 4-5 years.

Shelf life according to manufacturers

Most tire manufacturers do not agree that tire life is limited to 5 years. Each company has its own opinion on this matter. We analyzed several of them and the information they posted on their official websites.


The French tire manufacturer Michelin has become famous for its active fight against the perception of the rapid aging of tires as a perishable product. Her information campaign "Tires Are Not Bananas" created a lot of noise in the automotive environment. According to the representative office, several test trials were carried out in Saudi Arabia, South Korea and Germany. As a result of testing, no difference was found between new tires and tires stored for 3 years. They were tested for various characteristics such as rolling resistance, high speed durability, etc. Tires with a year life were approximately equal in performance to 10-year unused tyres.

Michelin focuses the attention of car owners on the fact that tires are not a perishable product, their shelf life is not as important as the service life is important, starting from the date the tires are installed on the rims. It is from this moment that the tire is subjected to all tests: pressure, temperature changes, wear, contact with uneven and sharp coatings, etc.


On the Russian official website of Continental, we found the following information on the expiration dates of tires.

“When a tire is stored in the correct position and under the recommended conditions, it will not lose its original balanced performance for 5 years from the date of manufacture of the tire.

A properly maintained, unused tire less than 5 years old can be sold as a new tire and used normally.

The following information is posted on the Nokian official website:

“Tire life is not defined by law, but tires can only be considered “new” if they have been manufactured within the last five years. The recommended service life of tires is six years and the recommended maximum period is 10 years.

The opinion of our specialists, based on many years of experience, coincides with the opinion of manufacturers: the shelf life is 5 years + the service life is up to 10 years. Moreover, more "adult" tires, in our opinion, are of better quality.

To keep tires as long as possible, they are stored in compliance with all rules and recommendations. The main condition is a cool, ventilated, darkened room away from oils, paints, ozone, and heat sources.

Tire storage conditions

Rubber products tend to lose their performance over the years. To prevent and slow down this process, manufacturers add polymers to the rubber compound. They prevent oxidative processes that occur due to the interaction of protectors with oxygen and ozone.

The following are the main conditions for the proper storage of tires in accordance with GOST 24779-81:

    Maintaining a constant regime without sudden jumps, slight temperature fluctuations from -30°С to +35°С are allowed;

    Provide a low humidity level of 50-80% in a dry, ventilated cool room;

    Avoid direct sunlight, use darkened hangars, shield heat sources;

    Keep away from sources of heat;

    Tires should not come into contact with corrosive, copper materials.

    Avoid kinking, loading or positioning on an uneven surface.

    Avoid contact with oils, organic solvents, acids, alkalis, fuels and lubricants on the tire surface. It is forbidden to lay tires on a wet and dirty surface.

    In the warm season, when storing tires outside, they should be covered with light-tight material and raised above ground level to ensure ventilation and prevent the occurrence of the greenhouse effect.

    Storage on reflective, light and heat absorbing surfaces is prohibited.

    Keep away from chemicals, oils, paints, open flames, electric motors that produce ozone.

    Used tires must be washed and dried.

    Tires without rims should be stored upright.

The service life depends on many factors: the load on the car, the quality of the roads, the driving style, the mileage traveled, tire damage, etc. To increase their service life, follow these rules:

How to increase tire life:

    Check tire pressure every 2-3 weeks. With reduced pressure, tire wear increases by the equivalent of a % reduction. For example, a 15% reduction in pressure can result in a 15% reduction in service life. Inflated tires are less scary.

    The wear of the front tires is always significantly higher than the rear ones, so it is recommended to swap them after some time, carefully watching the direction of the tread pattern and the direction of rotation.

    Proper alignment of tires in relation to rims. If the direction is not the same, then performance is significantly reduced.

    To prevent damage to the sidewalls of tires, avoid close proximity to curbs and high ledges.

    Wash off dirt from the surface of the rubber and from deep grooves with special cleaning agents.

    Adhere to an even driving style without harsh brakes and quick starts.

    Do not overload the car beyond the norm. 20% excess weight leads to a 30% loss of tire life.

    Keep the wheels balanced and check the alignment angles annually.


The main condition for a long tire life is:
- high quality products,
- careful operation,
- proper storage of tires in the off-season,
- timely diagnosis.

The age of tires during standard storage is an insignificant non-determining factor that should not be guided by when buying them.

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