Motorcycles in the style of mad max. Mad Max, rat bikes and the apocalypse

Motorcycles in the style of mad max. Mad Max, rat bikes and the apocalypse


The Wasteland Festival combines all the cool stuff from Mad Max with a dash of Fallout - Nuclear Smoke and Dune. The theme of the event is as follows: the end of civilization has died down, small groups of people survived, plundering a scorched dead planet. Over the seven-year history of the festival this year brought together a record number of participants - about 2,500 people.

Wasteland is truly breathtaking. Costumes are required for each applicant. At the same time, there can be no thought that someone will show up to the event in an outfit from another universe, such as Star Wars. Participants who come from all over the country plan their outfits and cars all year long. What if the world ever really sinks into the apocalypse? “Some will be well prepared,” says Jared Butler, director and co-founder of Wasteland. “The rest will be ill-prepared, but they will look amazing.”

During the day, any metal surface in the sun burns with fire. Dust inevitably covers tents, cars and sweaty human bodies. The noise does not stop, in which heavy basses, the roar of engines and the enthusiastic cries of those who follow the clash of the participants in the jugger game merge. As night falls, things get even crazier.

The main gate is constantly under the supervision of armed warriors.

Festival participant dressed as Immortal Joe from Mad Max: Fury Road. Here they hold a competition for the best copy of the costume and the best original costume in the men's and women's categories.

Over 300 specially equipped vehicles participated in Wasteland. Over tuning some of them worked for two or three years.

The jugger game is a mixture of rugby, fencing and good old street fighting. Essentially, the two teams are fighting over the canine skull.

"Mad Max" chained to the front of the car before the start of the race.

But this entertainment under the Thunderdome dome was first seen almost 20 years ago at the Burning Man festival, from where it was adopted. The wrestlers, tied with rubber straps, attack each other with weapons made of PVC pipes wrapped in foam. The most furious wrestler is the winner. There are no real prizes - only glory.

Guard with staff and retro microphone.

Death race cars on the remote control.

Pickup truck with spiked bumper and skulls. Cars with especially dangerous decor are parked at a safe distance from the camp to avoid accidents.

Wasteland member with a giant harpoon.

Cars at the festival are made to order and completely covered with animal skins, teeming with bones and ammunition.

Not all vehicles on Wasteland are cars or motorcycles. There are also such Red Flyers with strollers.

The crew is posing.

Custom military uniforms are popular.

Motorcycles are lined up before the race. Many riders wear helmets shaped like human, cow or bird skulls.

This vehicle consists of the fuselage of a Rockwell Commander aircraft mounted on a vehicle frame. On the sides of the bumper are two 20mm Gatling machine guns. The car won the show.

The robots met in battle in a specially fenced cage.

Most of the machines have been stripped down to their frame, rusted or painted in a menacing color. This car has an additional upper level for several passengers.

A driver wearing a leather mask sits in the Lone Wolf from Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior. This car was recognized as the best replica at the festival.

Transport lined up before the race. Cars, motorcycles and buggies undergo all kinds of modifications, bumpers are often decorated with chains, spikes, skulls, animal skins and harpoons.

Wastelander member wearing a raven costume.

Skulls are popular as accessories here.

The van advertises toys, souvenirs, gifts.

Participant of the festival on a buggy.

By nightfall, the temperature in the desert drops sharply, people gather around fires lit in rusty containers, either dancing or wrestling in the Thunderdome to keep warm.

This post will talk about the wonderful film Mad Max by Australian director George Miller, or rather about the motorcycles presented in this film, which became the founders of the brutal and apocalyptic direction of motorcycle tuning, called RatBikes(literally - rat-motorcycle). The first part of this film was released in 1979 and immediately gained popularity. With a rather modest budget, the film collected, at that time, a good box office, revealing to the world the talent of a young, then little-known Mel Gibson. The action of the film takes place in the future not far from 1979 (presumably 1983) in a world that has survived a nuclear war, where fuel is the most valuable commodity, lawlessness and lawlessness reign on the roads in the performance of brutal biker gangs.
I first saw that film at the very beginning of the 90s in the era of video stores, pirated video cassettes and Volodarsky. The first thing I noticed was powerful American cars and of course motorcycles! They looked very menacing and unusual during the time of IZH - the sound of powerful engines, clip-ons, and bikini fairings left no choice but to instantly fall in love with them and make them my unrealizable dream!) At that time I did not understand Japanese motorcycles at all and had no idea had what kind of motorcycles they were. But let's take a closer look...
The film features exclusively Japanese-made motorcycles, I think this is done for three reasons - 1. Australia is geographically closer to Japan. 2.Savings considerations (film budget $350,000) 3.Advertising and marketing Kawasaki motorcycles.

Max and Kawasaki KH250 mechanic

Kawasaki KZ1000 - the top bike in the movie, ridden by an interceptor named Goose

Trike, built on the basis of the Honda CB350 Four, some hippies

Kawasaki Z1000 is the main bandit and his right hand in the film.

another Z1000

Gang member demonstrating a burnout on a Kawasaki Z900Mk2

A gang of bikers on different Kawah, culture is clearly visible in the style of motorcycles
A little about the top bike that Goose rode:
The Kawasaki KZ1000 has been in production since September 1976. In 1979, Kawasaki introduced the KZ1300 with a liquid-cooled engine, which was later used as the basis for the Voyager touring series. Both models have been produced for several years. A special police version remained in production until 2005. It is not clear why the KZ1300 did not get into the film :(
The motorcycle has gained wide popularity in the police of different countries, as a maneuverable, high-speed bike. Now there are many fan clubs for this motorcycle, both in Japan itself and beyond. The bike turned out to be very resistant to damage, and even if a policeman fell, it made it easy to pick it up and continue moving.

cosplay goose

MFP-themed motorcycle tuning is very popular.

If in the first part of Mad Max, we see at least some remnants of the government and government agencies (they are also interceptors) that oppose the gangs, then in the following films of the trilogy, there is an increasing trend towards decline and anarchy. Motorcycles are becoming more brutal and scary, in the second and third parts of the film we already see real "rat bikes" in the creation of which even animal skins are used.

Bandit Reference Ratbike Yamaha XS1100E

No less reference Honda Shadow
By the way, it is worth noting separately the work of stuntmen and the film crew in these films, the scenes of falls and the shooting itself were carried out at great risk.

It goes without saying that the whole film, like gangs on wheels, is pure fiction, the heroes of the film calmly swim in the sea (although after a total nuclear war one could pick up a not weak dose of radiation there, although Australia, due to its remoteness, may have retained a favorable environment An active life on wheels also seems unlikely, because after a nuclear war there would be neither high-quality oils nor a repair base (the maximum that could be counted on was the surviving military reserves, and they have oil, everyone knows what quality, and I don't think a 4-stroke bike would be comfortable riding it.) Another problem would be carburetors choking on wasteland dust and dying on low-quality fuel. Again, fantastic.It also remains a mystery - why, experiencing a severe shortage of fuel, the heroes of the film move in cars with V8?))
Today there is a whole trend in motorcycle tuning to create brutal rat bikes, a small selection of photographs of such motorcycles, those for which I managed to find information, I signed:

BMW GS 1100

I also think Ba-ha

Suzuki DR350 is a great example of how to build a non-classic ratbike

he is

Honda CB350

Kawasaki GPZ 750


Yamaha XS1100

CBR 600?

Well, that's all, thank you all for your attention, let's hope that motorcycle life survives a thermonuclear war!))
An excellent childhood film is strongly associated with the good 90s, excellent pop music of those times, the soundtrack for the film performed by Tina Turner is gorgeous!

Looking forward to the release of Mad Max 4!
P.S. I always wondered - who draws road markings there and for whom))?


Motorcycles in the style of Rat Bike, or simply Rats, have always attracted a lot of attention, but almost all articles and materials about them are limited to laying out photos. No analysis of the main elements of style, no history of origin. Okay, let's fix that.)

In this article we will talk about motorcycle rats, think about the history of the Rat Style, classify the Rats and admire the pictures.

I found as many as two versions of the origin of the Rat Style.

First. Rat Bike style motorcycles are made by anti-social groups with low budgets (in especially neglected cases, the budget is zero, and a motorcycle in this style is made entirely from parts found in the garbage). It's much nicer to spend money on a beer or a bottle of something stronger than paying for a motorcycle repaint or spending money on new parts, isn't it? 😉

Second. The Rat Bike style was born as a result of imitation of various works in the post-apocalyptic genre. Remember what crazy things were driving through the desert in the second and third parts of "Mad Max"? In! Well, if you write the word “S.T.A.L.K.E.R.” on the tank of an old rusty IZH, this will also undoubtedly elevate it to the category of rat motorcycles) It’s true that not everything is so smooth here. On the Internet, you can find many references to a kind of separate style - Survival Bike ... But we are not proud people, the Rat, she is also the Rat after the atomic war.

The most interesting thing, if you think about it, these two theories of the emergence of Rat Style do not contradict each other, but, on the contrary, complement each other.


The classic rat bike has to "go". It doesn't have to "look", it just has to move, and its operation should be as cheap as possible.

In general, the classic Rat Bike is an old motorcycle that has stood in the rain and snow for many years, leaning against the back wall of a barn. Then at one fine moment they turn it on ... and that's it, and they ride it without putting the appearance in order)

Urban Rat Bike is not difficult to build. We take the cheapest Japanese classic motorcycle, paint it with matte spray paint, then we attach a couple of plastic toys to the fork. Wire or electrical tape. And that's it, Rat Bike is ready!) It is unlikely that such a motorcycle will command respect in the motorcycle community, but we want to save money!

Among the Rats, sometimes there are such strange designs that it's hard to believe your eyes! The rear wheel is from a car, a diesel engine and a canister instead of a gas tank .. And how do you like Rat Bike based on a Vespa scooter with such a fork angle that Harleys rest?

Some of these bikes require a lot of smoking to build.

And to create some you need to be a good engineer.

Types of Rats.

Wash on wheels. (Junk dressers).

One of the most extreme looking subspecies of Rats. Originated and very popular in the USA and Germany. The point is that the owner fastens to his motorcycle any rubbish that he accidentally (and not accidentally) found on the road while traveling. Over time, this trash becomes very much - and it turns out Rat Bike.

Rust and bruising, of course, no one canceled)

It all starts with tying a couple of toys with wire, then the collection is gradually replenished, and after a few years the motorcycle is a foul-smelling brutal Rat Bike, at first glance you can’t tell that this pile of rubbish is a motorcycle and is able to move independently.

Survival Bikes.

This rat style originated in the UK after the release of the movie Mad Max. Survival Bike or survival bike is an attempt to imagine what motorcycles will be like after the third world / nuclear war / meteorite fall (underline as necessary). Well, with the condition that someone survived at all, of course ...

The main idea in the construction: "If the part does not fit, just make it fit." That is, the output is a motorcycle, assembled after all, not in the trash, but still, from what is.

Most often, such motorcycles are built on the basis of the enduro, because this is a survival bike, and it must be unpretentious. Distinctive features of this subspecies of motorcycle rats are double headlights, mufflers raised higher, parts from cars, tractors, etc.

Survival bikes are equipped with many different gadgets, such as homemade heated grips, homemade engine cooling systems, etc.

Rat Style choppers. (Ratchoppers).

Chopper rats are a counter-reaction to the mainstream. A classic chopper should be expensive, sparkle with chrome. Chopper rat owners spit on chrome, spit on pathos, spit on public opinion. Rat Bike choppers are created using a minimum number of spare parts, “unnecessary” and “extra” (wings, there, rear-view mirrors) parts are cut off by a grinder.

These motorcycles do not use turn signals and rear-view mirrors, these motorcycles drip oil, roar terribly, polluting the environment with corrosive gases. Why waste money on chrome parts? Just paint your bike with matte spray paint and go!

Rat Style Streetfighters (Ratfighters).

Just like the rat choppers, the Rat Style streetfighter motorcycles are a counter-reaction to a recent fashion. Where did streetfighters come from? Some biker smashed all the plastic on his sportbike, he was broke (or had no money) to fix the whole thing, and he just pretended that it was necessary - he began to ride without plastic (in general, this is already almost Rat Bike). And only then did fashion appear, they began to produce "stock" streetfighters. Rat Style streetfighters are a protest, a kind of return to the roots, to gouging =)

Crashed your sportbike? Throw out the rest of the plastic, paint the bike with matte paint, and spend the rest of the money on beer!

Rat Style Trikes (Rattrikes).

There are also Rat Style trikes. They look really impressive, as they are much larger than motorcycles. In addition, the trike has much more space to accommodate various survivalist gadgets.

There are many different approaches to building a rat trike, for example, you can buy a ready-made trike and paint it with matte paint.

Or, in accordance with the philosophy of Rat Style, you can assemble such a device from what is available by inserting a V8 car engine into it, for example.

Rat trailers.

The harsh reality of the survivalist pushes the owners of motorcycles in the style of Rat Style to create motorcycle trailers, because there is nowhere to live - after a nuclear war the world turned into a lifeless desert - but you have to carry beer somewhere!


Rat style technique.

In general, the Rat Style philosophy is only suitable for tech-savvy people, that is, for those whose hands grow out of that place. The idea is to fix your motorcycle at the lowest possible cost.

Everything looks like this. Ride-ride, broke down. I looked around and saw some scrap metal. I took something from this pile, adapted it to my motorcycle, and drove on. In our latitudes, everything starts with the replacement of native parts with parts from Zhiguli. Over time, the motorcycle turns into a Rat Bike.

Well, have you seen a movie about Mad Max? If not, then I highly recommend it. If yes, then let's try to remember what we saw there. Cars? There is a special discussion about them. Motorcycles? Here's what I have to say about them. So what did the heroes of this wonderful film drive?

Don't think I'm not that smart! I borrowed most of the pictures from here. That's where I got some of the information.

So, Max himself is on a motorcycle given to him by militant grandmothers. What is this? And what is it made of?

You won’t believe it, but the previous generation Yamaha R1 sportbike was taken as the basis.

They removed the plastic and almost everything without which the motorcycle can ride ...

They hung all sorts of "trash" props and greatly lengthened the rear swingarm so that the bike was more stable when riding on sand. The result is in front of you. Do you recognize?

And here is another variation on the same theme. It was also a Yamaha R1 - I don’t remember who exactly was driving it.

And further. Only with a "foreign" front wheel and fork.

R1 again. Have you already figured out who became the main "motorcycle" sponsor of the film?

Here are the light enduros ridden by the tribes that lived in the mountains. Guess what it's made of?

This is a 2012 Yamaha WR 250 motocross bike. She originally looked like this.

And after the decorators worked on it, it became like this.

Or like this.

Again Yamaha WR 250. This time, the "citadel" is in service.

Not 100% sure, but it looks like the same Yamaha again.

There are no doubts. Another Yamaha WR. Already the sixth in our review. Only not the 250th, but the 400th. Noticeably by the brakes, which are clearly more powerful here.

Or there was such a specific motorcycle - Gas-Gas TXT Racing. A purely sporty model designed for moto trial competitions.

For the filming of the film, she was somewhat transformed.

Participated in the picture and motorcycles of other brands.

For example, this is a BMW. It is given out by a boxer motor. Model years commercials 70's. It looks like R90.

BMW again. You will never guess that this is a "goose" (BMW R 1200 GS) of the previous generation

And this is a Honda Gold Wing 1200 from the 80s.

Interestingly, there is not a single Harley in the entire film! Don't agree on money?

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