How to make an air conditioner in a car from a car refrigerator. Homemade air conditioning in the car: our experiment

How to make an air conditioner in a car from a car refrigerator. Homemade air conditioning in the car: our experiment

Many buyers are not willing to shell out a substantial enough amount of money to buy a car with air conditioning. Often they reason in a practical way, believing that the driver and passenger in the summer can be blown by a stream of fresh air from open windows. But it is worth noting that summer driving is not always dynamic, therefore, both on the highway and in urban traffic jams, air conditioning in a car becomes simply a vital element, since it is likely that passengers can get

Why do many decide to install with their own hands? Because this procedure in a specialized salon is often quite expensive, requiring significant efforts on the part of professionals who do everything necessary to prepare the site and debug the entire interior cooling system in accordance with the placement of the rest of the car's components. This is due to the fact that installing an air conditioner in a car that is already fully assembled is a rather complicated and troublesome task compared to installation at the car assembly stage. However, this often does not stop vehicle owners. That is why you should imagine something in the car with your own hands?

To begin with, it is worth dividing all foreign cars into two types according to where they were assembled. First of all, Japanese cars are distinguished, as well as vehicles of European brands and other cars produced with the assistance of European concerns or according to a similar principle.

Installing an air conditioner in a car with your own hands, if the car belongs to the first category, as professionals estimate, is quite simple. This is due to the fact that the evaporator in these cars is located near or at the knees of the front passenger, which allows for easy access to it. It is more difficult to install an air conditioner in a car with your own hands when it comes to a vehicle of the second category. This usually takes several days of work, since in them the evaporator is usually located deep in the engine compartment. If the work is carried out by a professional, then his work can be facilitated by the fact that the car has wires that are designed for the air conditioner. The same can be said about the presence of a specially designated place for the device.

Installing the air conditioner in the car from the cigarette lighter is quite simple. Usually everything you need to know is described in the manual for the car itself and for the device that you are going to install. First you need to assemble the air conditioner on the garage floor to know how it will look. Installation should begin with the installation of the compressor and clutch. The air conditioning radiator is often mounted in front of the engine radiator. The evaporator must be located either in the cabin or under the hood. produced in a specialized service.

It is worth saying that if you are not completely confident in your own abilities, then you should contact specialists who are able to perform this task quite qualified.

With the onset of summer comes the heat, which becomes truly unbearable on the road. Sitting in a traffic jam for many hours, when it literally soars from the asphalt, is a nightmare for any motorist. And if the built-in “condo” is also acting up, then it’s just right to douse yourself with cold water and ice in order to at least somehow alleviate your condition.

Although a huge number of gadgets have already been invented for cars that work from the cigarette lighter, air conditioners for cars remain a mysterious and incomprehensible topic for many. On the market and on the Internet, you can find a bunch of different gadgets called with a serious word - air conditioning. However, to understand whether they have something in common with your favorite office oasis, let's look at the principle of operation of these devices.

The principle of operation of a car air conditioner

The air conditioner installed in the car at the manufacturer's factory works on the same principle as office units. That is, it absorbs heat through the evaporator, cooling the interior of the car. At the same time, the "exhaust" air is discharged into the environment (outside).

The air conditioner itself is a sealed system filled with freon and compressor oil. Oil reduces friction, partially removes particles released during operation and circulates in the air conditioning system.

Based on this, it becomes obvious that a car air conditioner can only be a unit that can utilize air to the street. And of course, such a device cannot cost 3,000 - 5,000 rubles.

The Chinese air conditioner from the cigarette lighter to the car outwardly and in its functions is more like a conventional fan. Such a device does not cool the air, but only passes it in a circle, creating a light breeze. Manufacturers go for tricks and proudly call such products a 12-volt car air conditioner, but in fact, in nature, such units are still produced only for trucks. These overall devices, powered by a voltage of 24 V, crash into the cab roof and cost about 85,000 rubles.

Nevertheless, as they say, “pain is tricky for inventions” and if you really need an analogue as close as possible to the air conditioner, then you can make such a device yourself.

How to make a mini air conditioner for a car with your own hands

You can make something similar to air conditioning in a car from the cigarette lighter yourself. For this you will need:

  • a new or old plastic refrigerated container (aka cooler bag);
  • an appropriately sized stove radiator;
  • several fans (you can buy the same as for computer video cards);
  • wires;
  • pump (you can take an aquarium or from a glass washer barrel);
  • old car cell phone charger.

The pump must be fixed at the bottom of the cooler bag, and the wires from it should be brought out. On the inside, we make a square cutout with a diameter of the prepared radiator, and on the outside we cut out two round holes for the fans.

After that you need:

  • Screw the fans and combine them into wiring.
  • Install the radiator on the inside of the cover, lowering its branch pipe down. To prevent it from falling off, you can additionally strengthen it with silicone.

Healthy! If there are piano hinges lying around in the garage, you can use them to connect the lid and the container body.

  • Connect the pump outlet and the radiator inlet on the cap. To prevent water from interfering while driving, you can also attach a hose to the radiator outlet.
  • Run the wires to the old charger.
  • Ready.

This installation does not look the most presentable, but copes with its functions. Before connecting a home-made unit to the cigarette lighter, it is necessary to fill the container with ice and fill it with water. As soon as the "condo" turns on, the pump will begin to draw cold water from the container to the radiator, and the fans will blow the resulting cold air through the car.

The advantages of such a device are its environmental friendliness and low cost. If we talk about efficiency, then a home-made air conditioner can also boast of this. An hour later, when the ice melts, it is enough just to fill in a new portion and the unit will again saturate the red-hot car with coolness.

In custody

As you can see, unscrupulous Chinese manufacturers only confuse motorists by passing off ordinary fans that are not able to cool the air as full-fledged air conditioners powered by 12 V. If you look at the control buttons on such gadgets, you will see that there is even close It's not about cooling. Usually there are only "fan", "off" and "on" buttons. But air conditioners for trucks are not fiction, but real, expensive and difficult to install units.

Without air conditioning is harmful and dangerous to health. This can lead to thermal shock, which creates an unsafe situation for both the driver and bystanders. Besides, even if it doesn't come to that, hardly anyone likes to sweat while sitting in a hot car. Of course, this problem is not so important for those who drive without traffic jams on smooth roads. But what to do if the windows cannot be opened or you have to stand in a traffic jam for a long time. And you need to do the air conditioner, how exactly, we will consider below.

The conditioner described below is rather primitive. The fact is that he works on ice, so it lasts for about an hour of work. But this problem can be solved by installing Peltier elements. For example, such elements, thanks to electric current, can cool water, and the air conditioner will work until the battery is discharged. One way or another, this homemade product will be a great option for improvements and reflections.

Materials and tools for car air conditioner:
- plastic container (refrigerator bag);
- a small 12V water pump (possible from the aquarium);
- heater radiator from the car;
- wires, pipes for connecting the pump;
- two fans;
- dremel;
- silicone;
- piano loops;
- plug for connection to the cigarette lighter and more.

Making air conditioner

Step one. Pump installation
First of all, you need to fix the pump, it is fixed at the bottom of the container. For such purposes, a pump from an aquarium or from a glass washer tank is suitable. After installing the wires from the pump must be pulled out.

Step two. Installing fans

The author used 12V computer coolers as fans. Fans are installed in the cover. Since the lid in such containers is double, you need to cut a square from the inside to fit two coolers. On the other hand, two holes are cut out for coolers, in such situations it is convenient to work with a dremel. Fans are oriented to exhaust the air from their container. Coolers are fastened with screws, which are usually included in the kit.

Step three. Radiator installation
The author installs the radiator from the stove on the inside of the cover, its pipes should look down. Silicone is suitable for attaching the radiator, you can also use hot glue or epoxy.

Step four. The final stage of assembly
To make the lid easy to open and change the ice, the author fastens it with a piano loop. Now you can connect the radiator to the pump, for this one hose is enough, that is, the pump outlet is connected to the radiator inlet. In this case, the system will work, however, the murmur of water will be heard. To avoid this, you can put a hose on the outgoing pipe. Well, now it remains only to connect all the components to the on-board network.

If the operation of the coolers and the pump requires less voltage than 12V, you can try to power everything through a mobile phone charger. The author connects the device through the cigarette lighter.

To start the air conditioner, you need to pour ice into the container, and then pour water. After power is applied, ice water will be pumped through the radiator. At the same time, the coolers will blow cold air out of the container into the passenger compartment. Since such an air conditioner is not particularly effective, it will be necessary to bury all windows and doors in the car well. At least some hours of coolness with such an air conditioner are provided. During this time, you can wait out the traffic jam or drive through a problematic section of the road with the windows closed.

By the same principle, you can make a more powerful air conditioner for the home, powered by 220V. By the way, ordinary tap water can be used as a coolant by passing it through the radiator. In this case, the pump is not needed.

Unfortunately, a significant part of the huge army of Russian motorists are owners of cars,. And during the summer heat, their suffering is difficult to describe in words. The problem is that most of these car owners simply do not have the money to buy a car air conditioner and install it properly. Or they consider it inappropriate to spend money on just this - after all, there are so many temptations around! One way or another, they have to drive with all the windows open, experiencing the ability of solar radiation to melt subcutaneous fat in dense city traffic, and being exposed to drafts when driving at high speed.

How to make your own air conditioner.

They say that today even budget models are equipped. Perhaps it will not be more than a decade before a car without air conditioning will be perceived as complete nonsense. But so far, vehicles without a climate system, traveling around the expanses of our vast country, are a harsh reality, and the native auto industry is in no hurry to implement Western standards. So, with the onset of heat, a multi-million armada of drivers is forced to invent and test new ways of cooling hot iron, and among them only a few can boast more or less satisfactory results.

For real Kulibins, we have prepared a selection of the most common ways to try to make an air conditioner in a car with your own hands. You may find some of these designs naive, some funny, but they all work, albeit with varying degrees of effectiveness. Of course, it would be nice to get at least basic information about what air conditioning systems are, what kind, what tools and consumables will be required for technical creativity.

A bit of theory

At the moment, the classification of air conditioners according to the method of cooling contains only two large categories:

  • compressor air conditioning systems;
  • evaporation devices.

Compressor air conditioners operate on the principle of forced circulation of a special refrigerant in a closed hermetic circuit, which, when it gets to the right place, cools it. But since the laws of physics say that if a substance (in this case, a gas) is heated in one place, then in another it must be cooled in order to be able to work continuously. Therefore, the design of compressor air conditioning systems is quite complex, and the compressor itself is far from the only and not the most important component of them.

Assembling a compressor accumulator is a difficult task not only in technical terms. Here you need to take care of safety, since the refrigerant will circulate in the system under pressure, which in itself is dangerous. So only the second option remains at the disposal of home craftsmen - evaporative devices. They are much simpler structurally, therefore, it is due to the evaporation of water that they form the basis of most home-made air conditioning systems.

What materials and tools will be required

What will be required to design an existing one, spending an order of magnitude less money on it than buying a standard device:

  • a plastic container of small capacity (a cooler bag can be used as a guideline, and if you have an idle bag lying around somewhere on the balcony or attic, feel free to use it);
  • car stove radiator, for example, VAZ;
  • several computer fans, the dimensions of which must correspond to the volume of the container;
  • not very powerful bilge pump;
  • fasteners;
  • hoses/wires;
  • cigarette lighter plug.

If the car has an audio player equipped with a USB port, the task is simplified. For this version of a home-made car air conditioner, even fewer parts will be required:

  • a small container (metal or plastic, even a two-liter drink bottle will do);
  • computer fan (for example, for the power supply);
  • adhesive tape, several sheets of paper;
  • USB cable.

Finally, you can construct an auto air conditioner from an old non-working refrigerator (we only need its freezer). In this case, we need:

  • jigsaw;
  • several fans;
  • drainage tube (can be made from a corrugated suitable diameter);
  • insulating material.

Which of the options to choose - decide on the basis of what is available from the list, and what can be easily purchased at the nearest supermarket.

Making a car air conditioner with your own hands

Having chosen one of the proposed methods for making a homemade air conditioner for a car, strictly adhere to the assembly scheme - any deviation can turn a good idea into a farce.

Method using container

The main component of such a homemade car air conditioner is a plastic container. We take two computer coolers, measure their diameter. On the top of the container, mark the places where you will need to cut two holes according to these dimensions. You can cut with a clerical knife with interchangeable blades, a sharp knife or even scissors - it all depends on the thickness of the plastic. As a rule, computer fans have four mounting holes, we use self-tapping screws or screws of a suitable size and securely fasten the coolers to the surface of our container (they can touch or stand apart, the main thing is that the fan blades look outward).

The second important task is to attach the stove radiator to the plastic container in the lid. This is also a fairly simple job that does not require any special skills - you just need to make holes around the perimeter and fix the radiator with bolts or screw connections. To separate the radiator, use a piece of any plastic, similar in size to the container lid.

The next step is to mount the bilge pump to the bottom of the tank. We attach a hose to the pump inlet, the second end of which we put on one of the radiator pipes. If the upper part of the container does not have a lifting (tilting) lid, it is necessary to provide this possibility by using a piano hinge - this design will be much more convenient, simplifying the operation of our cooling system. In this case, you need to try to make the lid as tight as possible, for example, using a special soft rubber gasket, installing it around the perimeter of the lid. This step will avoid splashing water through a loose connection - we want the interior to remain clean and dry, right?

The final step is to provide power to the pump and fans. To do this, their wires must be connected to the wires of the car cigarette lighter (we hope you take care of the safety of the connections by insulating them with electrical tape).

Everything, the air conditioner in the car with your own hands is ready. It remains to fill it with water and ice, and then simply connect the cigarette lighter to the standard socket. Note that it is not recommended to operate such a system with the engine turned off - you run the risk of draining the battery. As for the effectiveness of such a system, you should not hope for a miracle, but a decrease in temperature by several degrees in the airflow area will be guaranteed to you. Where to replenish ice on the way is a completely different story. At least, at gas stations, such consumables are not yet offered.

Method using plastic bottles

This design is much easier to manufacture. And although it looks a little primitive, the effectiveness of such a homemade air conditioner will not be much less than that of the previous version. So, the first stage of our design activity is to work with the bottle. Using a sharp knife or scissors, cut off the top of the container (approximately in the middle of the upper convex ring). We put the bottom aside, and we still need to work with the upper part: divide it into about two parts and cut it again. We get a watering can with a neck, as well as a small cylinder.

On the conical part of the watering can, it is necessary to make a series of holes around the perimeter, for which you can use either a sharp breakdown or a soldering iron. If there is neither one nor the other, any other cutting tool will do, at least a knife with a narrow blade. We perform the same operation with the bottom of the bottle, namely on the convex rim located near the bottom. Inserting the cone into the glass (lower part), we get the body of our air conditioner.

Now it's time to start mounting the fan equipped with a USB connector. It must be inserted into the third part of the plastic bottle. Adhesive tape (popularly referred to as adhesive tape) will help to securely fix it. The next step is the manufacture of an analogue of the deflector of the car ventilation system. To do this, we make a socket from thick paper, gluing the edges with the same adhesive tape and cutting off the bottom along the diameter of the top edge of the bottle. This impromptu design will help direct the flow of cool air to its destination (for example, the driver).

The only thing left is to put a few pieces of ice into the container (filling it at least half). We stick the connector into the car radio and enjoy the effect! If you have to park for a long time with the car engine turned off, in order not to drain the battery, you can use the Kron battery. Of course, such a design is unlikely to withstand at least a month of use, but given that our costs for assembling such a design are almost zero, if you wish, you can always make another such auto-conditioner.

Freezer Method

Since we will be working with a metal container, it will take a little more effort, but the whole structure will look more solid and reliable. First you need to make a hole in the chamber door. To do this, use a jigsaw, cutting out a circle with a diameter of about 10 cm.

To ensure air access from the passenger compartment, it is necessary to remove the rubber seal from the underside of the door. We insert a drainage tube into the slot, carefully seal the rest of the space with a pre-prepared sealant and mounting foam, which will require very little. Now you need to attach two fans, one of which is designed to cool the compressor, and the second - to extract the cooled air to the outside. Where to install the structure does not matter. The main thing is that it does not interfere with either the driver or passengers, and directs the cooled air to where it is needed. In principle, nothing prevents, in the presence of free time and “direct” hands, to make and try all three options, choosing the most suitable one from them.

Of course, if you are absolutely not satisfied with the unsightly appearance of such a home-made air conditioning system, no one forbids you to install a universal (albeit non-standard) air conditioner. In this case, you will get a solution that practically does not differ from the standard one (some dissonance may cause the device control buttons to differ from the existing instrument panel interior solution). The only "but" - the cost of such a solution to the problem will be about 60 thousand rubles.

Therefore, the search for alternative ways to cool the car in hot weather does not stop, and craftsmen use any technical innovations to implement a more advanced, efficient and reliable design of an air conditioner made by hand from improvised means. There is an opinion that good results can be obtained by using a window air conditioner or its mobile equivalent in a car. The cost of such a solution is almost an order of magnitude less - about 10 thousand rubles, and if you already have such a working device at your disposal, then it will generally cost you almost free.

The idea is to install such a monoblock air conditioner in the rear seat area, use a 220-12 V inverter to power it, and simply stick the corresponding pipe out the window to output the heated air. However, there is a rather unobvious error hidden in such reasoning. It turns out that even the weakest air conditioner needs to consume about 1500 watts for normal operation. If at 220 volts this is not a problem in principle, then a 12-volt home-made air conditioner installed in a car will not be able to work due to the huge current consumption. Let's explain this with concrete calculations.

Suppose the inverter provides minimal conversion losses. In this case, the on-board network will power the mono air conditioner with the voltage of the on-board network (14 V), and the current consumption will be 1500/12 = 107 A. In order for the wiring to not burn from such a current, it must be one and a half centimeters thick. But it should be noted that many generators do not even have such a high upper limit of current output. Yes, and the inverter must be designed to work with equipment of the appropriate power (1.5 - 2 kW) - and this is very specific and expensive equipment that can be found on free sale - a great success. So, of course, you can try, but provided that all the above problems are solved, which, frankly, is unrealistic.

Semiconductor conditioner

Another idea circulating on the net is a home-made air conditioner in a car using Peltier elements. The idea is that a semiconductor element of a sufficiently large area, when it is connected to a power supply, heats up on one side, cooling by about the same degrees on the other side. Buying such plates is quite realistic, and their cost is not so high. By the way, mobile boxes-refrigerators use this principle. It would seem that what prevents building an air conditioning system on Peltier elements? Moreover, such a solution will be both inexpensive and practically silent, without the use of a compressor, evaporator, piping system, refrigerant and other attributes of a classic car air conditioner.

Unfortunately, the efficiency of such a system will approach zero. The reason is quite banal - insufficient surface area, which will give cold to the cabin. You simply will not feel the difference when the device is turned on and turned off. Unless put your hand on the elements of the device. But there is another problem - the difficulty in removing heat from the bottom of the semiconductor elements. You will not be able to solve the problem - even purely theoretically, the effect of such a device will be zero.

Perhaps the ideal technical solution would be to make a car roof from semiconductor wafers - in this case, the problem of heat dissipation is solved, and the cooling area will be sufficient to provide airflow to the passenger compartment. But there are other issues that need to be addressed - for example, temperature control. In any case, you are unlikely to decide to remove the roof of your car, and for some reason automakers are in no hurry to implement such an idea.

Summing up

Despite all the tricks, a do-it-yourself car air conditioner can only serve as a demonstration of your ingenuity and technical savvy. There is no need to talk about the effectiveness of such devices, otherwise millions of domestic cars would have been converted long ago. Have you seen such machines in your practice? So if you want to drive in comfort, without simulating air cooling in the cabin with home-made devices, you cannot do without installing a classic compressor-type air conditioner.

Technological progress does not stand still, the world is moving to hybrid and electric vehicles, and the design of the air conditioner has remained unchanged since the middle of the last century. Don't expect to be smarter or luckier than the hundreds of professionals working hard on this problem. So all your efforts aimed at improving the design of a home-made air conditioning system and increasing its efficiency will sooner or later be successfully forgotten, and the device itself will take pride of place in the garage. In the end, the cooling capacity of a regular cool box will certainly be higher than your homemade one.

Cars at the present stage are crammed with a variety of electronic devices, but nevertheless, budget ones are still being created, which, of course, have the potential for further improvement.

If you own such a cheap car, it contains only the essentials for movement in the form of wheels, an engine and a body. It is quite possible that you are missing the smallest thing - the comfortable climate provided by air conditioning in more expensive models. This is especially felt when it's hot outside. That's when the question arises: is it possible to improve a personal car and install air conditioning in the car with your own hands? Naturally, you must first select the desired equipment, deciding how it will be installed. Installing an air conditioner in a car on your own (the cost of such services from specialized companies is quite high) is difficult, but still possible.

The choice of air conditioning equipment in the car

In order to avoid mistakes, the choice of a system for creating climatic comfort must begin with an analysis of the instructions for the car - here it contains all the information about the possibility of installing additional equipment in the car. The next step in the operation called "air conditioning in the car" will be a trip to a specialized car shop. There you need to consult with sellers and familiarize yourself with the catalogs of air conditioners.

Because you have to choose a device that is most suitable for your car. Well, if you understand a little about how air conditioners work.

Variants of climatic devices for cars

There are two main options for air conditioners: with automated and manual (mechanical) control. Air conditioners in a car with automatic control can be either mono-zone (cooling is carried out throughout the entire interior space) or poly-zone (creating an individual climatic background in the front and rear parts of the cabin, or in more modern and improved versions - in each individual passenger seat).

Of course, installing a more complex type of air conditioner will force the master to better prepare for installation, but all this knowledge will pay off in terms of guaranteeing and creating climate comfort on future trips.

Manual control will require the simplest devices for control: a thermal control knob with two sections (cold and warm), a fan speed switch, an air mass flow distribution lever.

The automation of the air conditioner consists of sensors, an electronic control unit. Thanks to them, the intervention of the driver is limited, it is enough just to set the necessary parameters for the air temperature in the cabin .

To install an air conditioner in a car with your own hands, there is no need to cut or customize something, since most of modern car models are made from the very beginning, taking into account the subsequent installation of an air conditioner in the passenger compartment.

Completeness of the car air conditioner

Depending on the selected type of air conditioner, the location of the receiver-drier will be determined. Often it is installed in the space between the air conditioning radiator and the air mass control valve.

Often there are difficulties with the installation of control devices on the dashboard due to the lack of landing space and removable plugs on its surface, because the car manufacturer did not consider such an option at all. In this case, it is necessary to prepare the panel yourself by cutting out the necessary holes in it, which would be suitable for further installation of air conditioning control devices. NB: do not forget to fill the air conditioner with refrigerant before initial start-up.

Benefits of installing your own air conditioner

When an air conditioner is installed in a car (the price of the device when buying in special stores will depend on the control method, in total it will be in the range from 60,000 to 200,000 rubles), several goals are achieved in a row: the owner receives climatic comfort (especially in the heat), saves a lot finances that could be spent on expensive services. After commissioning a self-installed air conditioner, it is not recommended to forget about its maintenance, which consists in cleaning it and subsequent timely charging with refrigerants.

Car air conditioner cleaning

The first step in making a decision to clean the air conditioner in a car on your own will be to read and study the instructions for the climate equipment installed in the car, since there are many models of air conditioners that differ from each other.

The second step is cleaning the heat exchanger-evaporator of the air conditioner. Often, for this purpose, it is necessary to dismantle a certain part of the instrument panel near the glove compartment, because this is the only way to get from the passenger compartment to the evaporator. This option is applicable when there is no possibility to penetrate through the engine compartment. In the case when cleaning the filter is almost impossible, it is necessary to replace it with a new one. It is recommended to clean the drainage system as well, but this can make it difficult to solve the problem.

The third step is the drying of the heat exchanger, for this the engine is turned on in order to warm up at full power. It is recommended to substitute some kind of container under the outlet drain tube to drain the fluid accumulated in the system.

The fourth step - after 2-3 minutes of operation, the heater must be switched to fifty percent power and the air masses directed towards the "legs - face".

Fifth step - previously prepared "Lizol" (diluted with water in a ratio of 1:100) or other mixtures is used. It is desirable that the solution has a pleasant aroma (similar products are commercially available). The agent is poured into a manual sprayer, with the help of which the liquid is distributed over the surface of the evaporator. In ten to fifteen minutes, the destruction of pathogenic microbes and fungi will occur.

The sixth step - the engine turns on again at full power for thorough drying and cleaning of the evaporator.

Additional list of air conditioner cleaners

It is also allowed to purchase specialized mixtures to clean the air conditioner in the car. Their price can range from 400 to 700 rubles. These agents are aerosols. At the moment of spraying, they foam, and the resulting foam is introduced into the space for subsequent cleaning through a certain tube through the deflectors.

After injection, the engine starts, the heater is set to full power, the exposure is fifteen minutes. Disposal of the used product occurs in a natural way - through the drainage holes.

The most effective means for cleaning the ventilation unit and, therefore, popular with motorists are aerosols produced by three brands: Loctite, Liqui Moly, WYNN's.

Another way to clean the ventilation unit

It is also possible to manually clean the climate system from internal contaminants. For this purpose, it is necessary to dismantle part of the panel in order to access the structural elements of the air conditioning system. But this method is used when the previously listed measures were ineffective.

Thus, by installing a ventilation unit with subsequent maintenance by himself, the car owner answers the question that arises at first: why is air conditioning in a car necessary? The answer is tritely simple - the creation of comfortable and favorable conditions for ordinary (if this is a motorist, and the car is a means of transportation) or working driving (if we are talking about driving as a production process - a taxi).

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