Homemade goat cheese, recipe, preparation. Goat cheese at home - proper and healthy nutrition Making homemade cheese from goat's milk

Homemade goat cheese, recipe, preparation. Goat cheese at home - proper and healthy nutrition Making homemade cheese from goat's milk


Anti-Russian economic sanctions and a retaliatory restriction of imports have created an imbalance between supply and demand in the Russian food market. Consumers in all regions complain about the lack of dairy products. The situation allows you to start a business with minimal risks. The production of cheese on modern equipment, if there are raw materials and materials, is not difficult. To master the technology and reach the commercial level is within the power of a team of several people. They need a small start-up capital and a room that meets sanitary standards and labor protection requirements. You will find information about all the nuances of a business, as well as a detailed business plan, in our article.

Is it profitable to open a cheese production: demand analysis

Food products are always in demand. Food that meets the needs of customers is not stale on store shelves. Business in this area brings a guaranteed income. And profit depends on many components. First of all, from the readiness of the manufacturer to endure the period until stable production and sales are established. Rarely payback comes in a year. For cheeses, it will take a longer time, because there are varieties loved by gourmets that ripen up to six months or longer.

But when a cheese maker finds its niche in the market and its reputation is reinforced by the high quality of its products, it will acquire regular customers and a stable level of sales. Such is the psychology of consumers, who for the most part remain loyal to those manufacturers whose goods meet recognized standards.

Cheese is a product of milk processing. Technologically, you can use any, but commercial production needs the volumes that are obtained from the milking of the following domesticated animals:

  • cattle - cows, buffaloes, zebu;
  • small cattle - goats and sheep;
  • camels.

In Russian realities, camel milk is exotic. A resourceful entrepreneur could draw attention to his brand with a small batch of camel cheese.

The milk of other animals (mares, moose, donkeys, deer, female marine mammals) is also used. But this is the lot of enthusiasts and scientists. It is not suitable for a novice businessman, although with established production, a small part of such milk can become a component for creating new varieties or single batches.

Mini-workshop in operation

The market in Russia is far from saturation. There are many cheeses on the store shelves made with the addition of soy protein and palm oil. It is enough to go to any farmers' market to see how quickly, even on a weekday, the products of small cheese factories sell out. Their prices are comparable to those of imported cheeses, but the buyer is willing to pay for a high quality natural product. Russia is not an exporter of cheese. It is not able to saturate its domestic market and will be among the main importers for many years to come.

In 2009, Russia ranked 22nd in the world in terms of cheese consumption. With 5.9 kg per year per capita, it was almost 2 times behind Poland, which occupies 21st place, where the figure is 10.5 kg. And no comparison is possible with the average level in the EU countries - 20 kg / person or with the absolute leader Greece, where there are 31 kg per inhabitant. Since 2014, the gap has only widened. Prior to the introduction of sanctions against Russia, analysts predicted an annual growth in cheese production of 4%. Now this is not enough. We need a qualitative leap: all hope is for small private cheese dairies and farms.

Business plan

It is not difficult to start a cheese production. Mechanical engineering and the food industry provide a wide range of technological lines from mini-cheese factories to workshops, coupled with dozens of starters and enzymes for all types of cheese products. Banks readily provide loans, and regional authorities - subsidies and assistance in setting up business. It is not necessary to buy equipment: it can be rented or leased. Before investing, the future cheese maker needs to decide the following:

  1. Select a registration form. Cheese production requires licensing. A legal entity must make appropriate amendments to the constituent documents. An individual at the start may be limited to registering an individual entrepreneur or a farm with the prospect of re-registration as an LLC if the business begins to expand and goes beyond the scope of the individual entrepreneur.
    IP gives a sparing taxation regime. The choice of a businessman is 6% of imputed income, 15% on profit or a one-time purchase of an annual patent.
  2. Find wholesale suppliers of raw materials. Cheese is a dairy product. From 1 liter of milk he gets 100-120 g of cheese. To start at a mini-cheese factory, you need 25 liters of milk daily to produce 2.5-3.0 kg per day of young cheese, which still needs to mature.
  3. Prepare two rooms. The first is production, it must meet the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor for food production and Rostekhnadzor in terms of fire safety and labor protection. And the second room with a microclimate favorable for the storage and maturation of cheese. Suitable basement or cellar. Young cheeses quickly disperse, but do not give a significant profit. Aged cheese with a savory taste is more expensive. Mature heads will give a good financial result.
  4. Organize sales. Delicious cheese is not stale, but the buyer himself will not come. You can sell it by paying for a place in specialized markets or negotiate with retail chains and catering. While the cheese is ripening, you will have to run around with samples to attract future buyers.

An entrepreneur who has solved these four problems is ready for production. What kind of cheese to cook?

Cheese varieties

Despite all the diversity, the classification of cheeses is quite simple.

Table: classification of cheeses

True, if you dig deeper, then in each category their subcategories, species, subspecies, types and individual or regional varieties will begin to branch. It is impossible to grasp the immensity, it is better for a cheese maker to concentrate on 2-4 types and adjust his production as he moves on the market.

Soft, hard, brine, moldy - perhaps they are all made from the same batch of milk

An interesting observation from entrepreneurs working on Italian equipment. The Russian consumer was reluctant to buy up cheeses popular in Italy. But when changes were made to the recipe, making the cheeses saltier and harder, the problem with the implementation disappeared. The taste preferences of Russians, which do not coincide with Italian ones, have affected.

  1. "Parmesan";
  2. "Feta" and similar cheeses;
  3. "Mozzarella";
  4. "Roquefort", "Dorblu", "Gorgonzolla" and "Danablu";
  5. "Camembert" and "Brie";
  6. "Ricotta";
  7. "Emmental";
  8. "Gouda" and "Edam";
  9. "Mascarpone";
  10. "Cheddar".

Any of these cheeses can be made in Russia, subject to the technology, but it should be remembered that a number of names are patented trademarks. So, for your cheese you will need to choose your own name.

The most demanded and popular cheeses are made from goat's and sheep's milk. They are practically guaranteed 100% sales. They are not enough on the shelves of Russian stores. But, unfortunately, in agriculture there is still a bias towards meat and woolen breeds of small ruminants. Breeding goats and sheep for dairy production is the lot of small farms or specialized enterprises that themselves are geared towards making cheese.

A cheese maker definitely needs to plan the production of products from goat and sheep milk, but it is better to start a business and conquer the market with cow milk. In recent years, there has been a steady increase in the dairy population, and with it wholesale offers for the supply of milk.

Financial component

The business requires an initial investment. Depending on the scale of production and own funds for the production of cheese, it will be necessary to attract additional funding. Profit will not come immediately, and running costs are increasing every day.

Table: calculation of starting investments

Expenditure Enterprise type
production (rub.)
economy (rub.)
Mini workshop (rub.) Plant (rub.)
Registration, licensing5 000 5 000 15 000 30 000
Annual rental of premises- - 120 000 250 000
Equipment and materials20 000 40 000 100 000 150 000
Salary fund0 30 000 100 000 150 000
20 000 20 000 40 000 60 000
Logistics and procurement of raw materials (starting)5 000 5 000 50 000 150 000
Advance payments- - 10 000 20 000
Unexpected expenses5 000 5 000 10 000 20 000
Total55 000 105 000 445 000 830 000

For the mini-workshop and the plant, minimal sets of equipment were taken.

Not such big sums. Home and farm cheese production can be started at your own expense. It is assumed that the farm uses its own premises with minimal hiring of outside workers. To open a mini-workshop or a factory, you need funds comparable to a consumer loan. A favorable condition is that modern technological lines do not require numerous personnel. In a mini-workshop, 2–3 people can handle it, at a factory, 5–6, and the automation will do the rest for them.

Compact and convenient: production room and pantry for storing and ripening cheeses

The most difficult for business will be the first months, when sales are limited, cheeses continue to ripen, and there is no escape from regular payments. Production should never be idle. Every day you need milk to load capacity. Its cost is not the same in the regions, in the calculations an average of 40 rubles / l was taken for direct purchases from manufacturers. For the farm, an assumption was made that part of the raw materials will be from their farmstead, but with the hiring of workers.

Table: monthly expenses

Monthly expenses Enterprise type
production (rub.)
economy (rub.)
Mini workshop (rub.) Plant (rub.)
Logistics and procurement of milk25 000 25 000 130 000 260 000
Public utilities5 000 5 000 20 000 50 000
Salary fund- 30 000 100 000 150 000
Mandatory payments in PF and social insurance20 000 20 000 40 000 60 000
Maintenance and repair of equipment1 000 1 000 5 000 10 000
Loan payments- - 15 000 35 000
Unexpected expenses5 000 5 000 10 000 20 000
Total56 000 86 000 320 000 585 000

The table gives an idea of ​​how much you need to sell products in order to cover monthly expenses and partially offset the initial investment. You need at least 10-15% more revenue than your monthly expenses. That is, to a first approximation:

  • Home production - 63,000 rubles;
  • Farming - 97,000 rubles;
  • Mini workshop - 360,000 rubles;
  • Plant - 660,000 rubles.

These numbers, like beacons, will help to calculate in reverse how much milk needs to be processed in order to reach the specified parameters. The first sales of young and pickled cheeses will start from the second week. Whey will be an additional income. It is a valuable drink, as well as a raw material for cooking and the production of ricotta-type cheeses. From the third month, the sale of soft and semi-hard cheeses will begin. In six months, the hard ones will ripen and the enterprise will reach the planned capacity.

We will take the average price at which the entrepreneur will sell his products to retail chains and catering, 600 rubles / kg, we will determine how much milk needs to be processed monthly. For the calculation, we use the proportion of 10 liters of milk \u003d 1 kg of cheese. In fact, more will be released, but the loss of finished products is inevitable and some part will not be sold.

  • Home production (63,000: 600) x 10 = 1,050 l/m or 35 l/day;
  • Farming (97,000: 600) x 10 = 1,620 l/m or 54 l/day;
  • Mini shop (360,000: 600) x 10 = 6,000 l/m or 200 l/day;
  • Plant (660,000 rubles: 600) x 10 = 11,000 l / m or 370 l / day.

Milk is often measured in 20 liter aluminum flasks. As you can see, home and farm production will need 2 and 3 flasks, respectively. The mini-workshop and the plant will have to order a tank.

When income exceeds expenses

The food industry does not give quick returns. But well-established production guarantees a stable income. The cheese factory does not exist on its own, it provides sustainable sales to milk producers, who are equally interested in the continued development of cheese production. The cheese maker, until he returns the initial investment and reaches a net profit, has a difficult task. It depends on an uninterrupted supply of milk, which must be paid for immediately, and it needs the maximum sale of its products in order to avoid overstocking. The very existence of the business depends on the success of sales. The entrepreneur must feel the preferences of customers, but not blindly follow them.

A few hours ago, these cheeses were milk: now they are ready to be transferred to the pantry for ripening.

From 10 liters of milk you get 1 kg of cheese. It can be sold immediately young, immature, but relatively cheap. Or leave it for 3-6 months of ripening and the price will increase, but will it be sold at that price? If there are no long-term contracts for the supply of cheese to a specific consumer, it is necessary to be flexible and expand the product line. Part of the milk for young and pickled cheeses, part for hard and the rest for small elite batches that can be stored for a long time and wait for their buyer.

The main components of the guaranteed profitability of cheese production:

  1. The solvent demand of the population.
  2. Supplying the cheese factory with high-quality raw materials and materials.
  3. Personnel qualification.
  4. Products that meet the taste preferences of the region.
  5. Sales organization on a long-term basis.
  6. A room with a microclimate for storing and ripening cheeses.

Cheese making does not bring in millions either in the first or in the second year. According to analytical studies from open sources, having started a business, a conscientious cheese maker can calculate the payback period:

  • Home production - 1.0–1.5 years;
  • Farming - from 1.5 to 2.5 years;
  • Mini workshop - 2–3 years;
  • Plant - 2.5–3.5 years and longer.

To some, the wait will seem long, but the number of cheese makers in Russia is constantly growing. Perhaps they are inspired by the example of their Italian colleagues, who have up to 100 cheese factories in a city with a population of 10,000. One for every 1000 people. With such a density of production, everyone finds their buyer. Someone directly at the place of residence, someone delivers to other regions and countries. Good cheese is sure to be in demand.

How hard and soft cheeses are made

The modern technological process is designed to the smallest detail and is almost completely automated.

An unbroken chain from raw milk to maturing cheese heads

Pasteurized fresh milk is poured into a bath at a temperature of +35 ° C, where, with stirring, sourdough (rennet or mushroom enzyme) and 10% calcium chloride solution are added to it (optionally, at the rate of 1 g of CaCL 2 per 5 l of milk). Calcium chloride is optional, but its microscopic presence speeds up the curdling of the cheeseball, which turns out to be denser and gets rid of whey faster. After about 40-60 minutes, the mass is compacted, it is cut into small lumps and stirred, accelerating the process of curdling (coagulation). An hour later, the cheese mass begins to sink in whey, which means it's time to separate. The whey is partially scooped out, the remaining mixture is transferred to a settling bath or immediately transferred to sieve-like forms. At the same time, salting occurs. Salt directs the fermentation in the right direction for the cheese maker and stimulates subsequent maturation. Serum residues quickly depart, the mass is constantly compacted. In the molds, a curdled substance accumulates, which, after the press, turns into a young cheese, very young and not yet ready for sale. Although there are fans and such.

Video: Swiss cheese production technology

The next stage is ripening. The process is technologically controlled. Even at the stage of laying under the press, the ingredients are added to the cheese according to the recipes or, after being removed from the molds, they are subjected to special processing, as a result of which one head will be used to make cheese, the other will remain ripe and become hard cheese, the third will be molded, and it will become "Roquefort" .

A cheese maker is like a creator and, at his request, a head of young cheese, which was milk just a few hours ago, can become either a popular mass product or a rare specimen, a dream of a gourmet or collector.

In home and farm production, you can do with the forces of one family. The mini-workshop and plant will require qualified personnel. If there is enough raw material, then round-the-clock production should be organized so that the equipment does not stand idle. In this case, each shift should have a foreman (foreman) and 2–4 workers who provide a full cycle from receiving milk and processing it to putting the cheese mass into molds and then transferring it to the room where ripening takes place. In addition to them, additional staff is needed:

  • Milk Purchasing and Cheese Marketing Manager.
  • Accountant.
  • Room cleaners.

The latter are very important. A dirty room is a huge risk for production. Cheeses, like living organisms, are sensitive to external influences. Foreign mold, pathogenic bacteria, foreign matter and strong odors can spoil the entire batch, which will cause enormous losses to production.

Sales organization

The success of the entire enterprise depends on the sale of products. Even at the stage of registration and purchase of equipment, this issue should be addressed. The best option is long-term supply contracts for shops and catering establishments. It is difficult to implement without support, because the consumer does not see the finished product and is often not inclined to trust the promises, but it is worth trying.

From the moment the production is launched, it is necessary to immediately actively enter the market. Including due to advertising, presentations and promotions. The cheese maker has many opportunities along the way.

  • Rent of a trading place in the market.
  • Opening an online store.
  • Participation in weekend fairs, when free places of sale are allocated for consumer goods.
  • Organization of tastings.
  • Presentation of samples at exhibitions.
  • Direct contacts with retail chains and catering.
  • Participation in clubs and forums of cheese makers.
  • Registration of pages in social networks and creation of support groups based on them.

The main thing is the consumer properties of cheese, its taste, smell, color, structure. This is why millions love him. With high quality, sales will increase every day until it reaches the maximum capacity of the cheese factory. Hard varieties have another wonderful property: they can wait for a buyer, and while waiting, their taste will only improve. With proper storage, of course.

Cheese production has an additional source of income - whey. Perhaps at first it will not be possible to use it, and most of it will irretrievably go to waste. But from the very beginning, you need to plan its processing for subsequent marketing. From whey get:

  • soft cheeses like "Ricotta";
  • raw materials for cooking and bakeries;
  • beverages;
  • feed raw materials;
  • milk protein powder;
  • raw materials for the production of biologically active additives.

This will require additional investment, but as a result - the expansion of production, reducing waste and increasing profitability.

Risks and prospects

Any production is fraught with problems and risks. If it is unavoidable, then you need to prepare in advance.

Table: possible problems and solutions

Situation Solutions
Supply disruption. Poor quality raw materials.Multiple supplier selection. Weeding out the unscrupulous. Quality control at the place of production of raw materials.
Equipment breakdown.Warranty agreements.
Illegal actions of inspectors of Rospotrebnadzor and Rostekhnadzor.Legal business. Publicity, openness. Legal protection in state and judicial bodies.
Low product quality.Careful observance of technology, recipes, sanitary standards, rules of storage and delivery to consumers.
Non-payment for delivered goods.Delivery on credit or with deferred payment only under executed contracts. Protecting your rights in court and in arbitration.
Low production discipline.Personal staffing. Recruitment through reputable agencies.
Force majeure circumstances.Never happen suddenly. Monitor the situation on the market and control your own production.
Unsold products.What can be stored is sent for subsequent ripening. The rest is for processing.
Seasonal fluctuations in supply and demand.Market research. Gaining experience. Communication with business colleagues. Participation in community work.

In addition, we should not forget about such a reliable tool as insurance. It is impossible to compensate for any losses due to an insurance policy, but minimizing losses is the direct responsibility of a business person.

Development Forecast

The prospects for the cheese business in Russia are excellent. Even the lifting of sanctions and the resumption of imports will not make up for the shortage of cheese on the market. The excess of demand over supply is predicted for many years to come, until the average per capita consumption approaches the European one. This means that the cheese market will grow and expand following the improvement in the well-being of the population. The state import substitution program creates good starting conditions for any business in the field of processing livestock products, including the production of cheese and related products.

The cheese market in Russia is not saturated: supply is lower than demand. The success of production depends on a raw material base in close proximity to the cheese factory and a reliable marketing organization. To reduce risks, contracts with several suppliers should be concluded and quality control of raw materials should be carried out at the place of production. And insurance of losses will save from ruin and bankruptcy.

Even an inexperienced hostess can please the household with home-made goat cheese. This requires goat's milk, enzymes, salt, as well as the knowledge and features of a simple home-made cheese-making technology.

Goat cheese

At home, it is better to make soft goat cheese, it is called milk cheese or cheese. Hard cheeses require certain skills and special equipment. Store soft goat cheese in the refrigerator for about 10 days in the whey obtained during the production process or in a cotton towel. Goat cheese is combined with vegetables and herbs. It is served with white and red wine with grapes, honey, various fruits and berries.

Ingredients for making goat cheese

The main ingredient for goat cheese is fresh milk, sour, high-quality cheese will not work. It is better to buy milk in the market or in a farm where goats are raised. On average, from 8 liters of goat's milk we get 1 kg of soft cheese.

The second ingredient in goat's milk is an enzyme that separates the whey from the curd.

  • rennet, obtained from the gastric juice of ruminants, it can be bought at the market from peasants or farms
  • an alternative can be pepsin, which is sold in a pharmacy

For supporters of vegetarianism, to curdle milk use:

  • calcium chloride (we buy in a pharmacy)
  • citric, acetic acid, lemon, kiwi
  • bacterial sourdough "Meito" obtained from a food mushroom

Goat cheese at home - recipe

  • We heat 10 liters of milk to 35 ° C, it is good if there is a special thermometer to control the temperature

  • add rennet 3 ml per 10 liters of milk
  • it must be diluted in 50 ml of warm water, and poured into milk

  • leave the milk for 30 minutes for fermentation,
  • the process is completed if the resulting jelly-like white clot easily lags behind the walls of the dish
  • with a knife we ​​chop the clot into thin strips: in one direction, then across, at the end we cut it horizontally (the finer we chop, the denser the cheese)

  • put the milk on the fire, warm it up a little, stir
  • the whey exfoliates, cheese grains are formed; they must be removed with a slotted spoon from the pan
  • prepare a sieve in advance, cover it with gauze rolled up in two layers, you can use special forms
  • carefully transfer the mass to gauze or into molds, wait until the water drains

  • on top of the protein mass we cover with gauze, if it is necessary that the whey is quickly glassed, we use a small load
  • after 2 hours, shake the cheese out of the mold, salt well with iodized salt, transfer to a towel, put in the refrigerator

If you want to diversify the taste of goat cheese, add piquancy and originality to a healthy protein product, add (at the fermentation stage) greens, seeds of aromatic herbs, bitter or sweet bell pepper. Using our recipe, you will prepare delicious goat cheese. The whole process of cheese making will take you no more than 3 hours.

It seems expedient and justified to use additional raw materials - goat's milk - to obtain soft and semi-hard cheeses. Of particular interest and importance are the hypoallergenic and biological properties of goat milk. Medicine assigns a special role to goat's milk as a food product for weakened and food-allergic children. Allergic people are usually sensitive to cow's milk protein (asi-casein), and goat's milk contains half of this fraction.

Proposals have been developed for the instrumentation and schemes of the technological process for the production of rennet goat cheeses "From goat dereza", "Stavropol" and feta cheese "Seven Kozlyat" at industrial enterprises and mini-workshops.

Cheeses produced according to the developed technological parameters are packed in BB-3 polymer barrier bags. Cheese "Seven kids" can also be packed in plastic buckets and jars filled with brine with a concentration of (14-18)%. The maturation period of cheeses "Silver Kopytse" and cheese "Seven kids" is 5 days, cheese "Stavropol" - 20 days. Implementation period - 60 days.

Cheese "Silver Hoof" is produced using cheddarization and thermomechanical processing of the cheese mass. The melted cheese mass is manually salted, plasticized, dosed into the heads of the required mass, the surface is given an even appearance and placed in molds for 2-14 hours for cooling and hardening. You can salt the cheese in brine, the concentration of table salt (16-20)% and at a temperature of (6-0) ° C for 2-3 hours. When packing cheese in a film, it is dried in a chamber for 0.5-1.0 days, with relative humidity (80-85)% and temperature (10-12)°C.

The yield of Golden Goat cheese (in %) from cow, goat and a mixture of goat and cow's milk was determined. It has been established that the yield of Golden Goat cheese obtained by thermal acid coagulation using goat milk is about 17.1%, cow milk - 15.8%, and a mixture of cow and goat in a ratio of 1: 1 - 16.5%. The yield of cheese obtained by rennet coagulation using goat's milk "From goat-dereza" is about 13.0%, cow's - 11.2%, a mixture of cow and goat (in a ratio of 1: 1) - about 12.1%.

For the production of cheese "Sengeli", in addition to goat's, cow's milk, sheep's milk was also used. Table 1 shows the physico-chemical parameters of the milk used.

Table 1
Physical and chemical parameters of milk used in the production of cheese "Sengelei"

Type of milk

Physical and chemical indicators

fat, %

protein , %

dry matter, %

titratable acidity, °T

density, kg / m 3



















Depending on the season of the year, the share of goat's milk in a normalized mixture with cow's milk ranged from 30 to 100%, sheep's milk in a mixture with goat's milk ranged from 0 to 20%. A feature of Sengelei cheese is the use of goat or a mixture of goat and sheep milk in its production, and during the ripening of Penicillium Roqueforti molds, which gives a specific, well-defined taste and aroma, delicate texture. A very valuable feature for cheeses of this type is the ability of these molds to grow at a low partial pressure of oxygen. They grow in an environment with 5% oxygen. Penicillium Roqueforti breaks down bitter peptides formed in cheese by the combined action of milk-clotting enzymes or bacterial proteinases.

One of the main processes underlying mold cheeses is proteolysis. The content of soluble nitrogen in such cheeses reaches 50% or more.

Lipolysis in cheeses of this group is much greater (5-20% of triglycerides are subject to lipolysis) than in hard cheeses (no more than 2% of triglycerides). Intensive lipolysis may not be accompanied by the appearance of a rancid taste, which is due to the neutralization of fatty acids. Lipolysis in blue cheese is one of the main sources of aromatic substances or their precursors. A suspension of Penic mold spores is also added to the milk prepared for curdling. Roqueforti, at the rate of (3-4)g of dry mold powder per 100kg of milk. After working out and salting, the cheese is dried for 1-2 days, cleaned, slightly scraped, and then pierced (40-60 through punctures). After piercing, the cheese is sent to the ripening chamber for 45 days. The generalized main technological parameters of goat cheeses are given in Table 2.

The production of cheeses according to the developed parameters makes it possible to obtain cheeses of various tastes and textures. The innovative technology of goat cheeses has been introduced at the EBTZ FSUE NIIKIM. The main physical and chemical indicators of cheeses are shown in Table 3. The amino acid score of goat cheeses confirmed the high biological value of cheese proteins from goat's milk.

table 2
Main technological parameters of cheese production

Name of the cheese


pasteurization, °C



milk before



2nd heating,


serum at the end

processing, °T



From goat dereza

silver hoof

golden goat

coagulant 8-12

Brynza Seven kids

Table 3

Physical and chemical indicators of cheeses

Name of the cheese

Mass fraction, %




table salt









From goat dereza




silver hoof




For cheeses, TU 9225-050-07532800-2004 “Soft cheeses from goat's milk “From goat-dereza” and TU 9225-057-07532800-2005 “Soft cheeses “Sengelei” and “Stavropol” have been developed.

Suyunchev OA, Voblikova T.V.
North Caucasian State Technical University, Stavropol

Dairy products are in great demand among the population. They should be in the diet of every person, they need to be eaten by small children, adults, and the elderly. However, it should be noted that industrial dairy products do not always meet quality standards. Therefore, many housewives try to cook them on their own. One of the healthiest dairy products is goat milk cheese. It has a huge nutritional value, contains a lot of vital elements. Let's talk about how to make homemade goat cheese, we will give a proven recipe and discuss the preparation of such a product in a little more detail.

The easiest recipe for homemade goat cheese

To prepare such a dish, you need to prepare two liters, thirty to fifty grams of salt and four tablespoons of vinegar (9%).

Making goat cheese. First of all, place a pot of milk on the stove. Bring it to a boil and, while stirring constantly, pour vinegar into the container. The milk should begin to curdle. Keep the pan on the stove until it forms a fairly firm curd. Transfer it to a colander, covering it with gauze. After all the whey has drained from the future cheese, transfer it to a bowl and add salt. Thoroughly knead the cheese with salt and form a plump cake out of it.

Place the workpiece in a cast iron skillet (dry) and place it over medium heat. Once the cheese has melted, set the container aside in a fairly cold place. Wait for the goat cheese to harden. After that, the dish can be considered ready for consumption.

How to make homemade goat cheese tender-tender?

Use this recipe. To prepare such a dish, you need to prepare a couple of liters of milk, two tablespoons of fat sour cream, the same amount of cottage cheese, a teaspoon and a tablespoon of vinegar (may not be needed).

Heat the milk to about forty or fifty degrees. Mash the cottage cheese with a fork with a little milk, add it to the pan with the rest of the milk. Salt the mixture and bring it to a boil. After the milk starts to boil, put sour cream into it. Constantly stir the heating mixture, wait until the milk forms a clot. If this does not happen after ten to fifteen minutes, pour vinegar into the pan. Throw the resulting clot on a sieve, covering it with gauze. Cover the cheese with a cloth napkin on top and press down the cheese with any suitable load (weighing two hundred to three hundred grams). After an hour, the cooked goat cheese can be eaten.

Delicious goat cheese

This version of goat cheese has a fairly high calorie content, but it has excellent taste. To prepare it, you need to prepare two liters of goat's milk, four hundred grams, six and a couple of tablespoons of table salt.

First of all, beat sour cream with eggs well. Place the milk on the fire, heat it well and add salt. Pour the sour cream-egg mixture into the hot milk. With constant stirring, bring the thick workpiece almost to a boil. After the formation of a curd clot, put it on a three-layer gauze napkin. Carefully tie the corners of the gauze, hang the resulting knot over the sink or over a suitable container (whey will drip into it). After the cheese has completely stopped dripping, lay it out on a fairly wide board. Place the same board on top and fix oppression on it - a two-liter jar filled with water. After five to six hours, send the cheese to the refrigerator and wait for it to harden.

Homemade goat cheese with kefir

This is one variation of a simple goat cheese recipe. To prepare it, prepare one and a half liters of goat's milk, a liter of kefir and a teaspoon of salt.

Making homemade goat cheese. Pour into a suitable enamel container, heat over medium heat until boiling. Those clots that have formed on the surface, put on a sieve. You won't need them. Strain the whey and leave for a couple of days at room temperature (in extreme heat, the settling period can be reduced by a day).

Then heat the goat's milk in a separate container until boiling. Pour kefir whey into boiling liquid. Pretty soon, the milk will begin to curdle and form clots. Such a mass must be filtered and salted. Send the resulting clots to gauze, hang it over the sink so that excess liquid from the glass cheese. Then send the cheese under oppression for two to three hours (how to do this is described in the last recipe), and drain the resulting whey from it. After the expiration of this time, remove the cheese directly under oppression in the refrigerator - for eight to ten hours.

Hard cheese made from goat's milk

To prepare this version of cheese, prepare three liters of goat's milk, a kilogram (store or homemade), one egg, twelve grams, a pinch of salt and one hundred milliliters of vegetable oil.

Pour the milk into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Pour the cottage cheese into the container and cook with constant stirring over a fire of minimum power for twenty minutes. Throw the resulting mass into a colander and wait until the excess whey drains from it. Put the resulting workpiece in a bowl. Mix in the egg with baking soda, oil and salt. Mix thoroughly and send to a boiling water bath, where you cook the cheese mixture for ten minutes.

Tamp the resulting product into a plastic bottle, cut off the neck from it. Send such a filled container to the refrigerator and wait for it to cool completely. You can store this cheese right in the bottle.

Additional Information

Goat milk is an amazingly healthy product. It can be used to prepare various dairy products and even to treat many pathological conditions. So traditional medicine experts say that such a product helps. To prepare the medicine, you need to boil the milk, cool it a little. Dissolve in it a teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of badger or goat fat. Drink the resulting cocktail in small sips and go to bed.

Fill the oats in a suitable container up to half, fill it with milk to the top and send it to a hot oven. Pour milk into container as it boils. After the oats are completely steamed, cool the broth. Take it in a couple of tablespoons three to four times a day.

Traditional medicine experts say that goat's milk can be used for. To do this, a tablespoon of carrot seeds should be poured with a glass of goat's milk and boiled like jelly with half a teaspoon of starch. Such a remedy should be taken cold, in the morning on an empty stomach. Repeat this for twenty-eight days.

If you suffer from, dilute a quarter teaspoon of garlic juice in half a glass of fresh goat's milk. Drink every day in the morning on an empty stomach.

Healers claim that goat's milk can be used as a good cure for. To achieve a therapeutic effect, you need to combine the juice squeezed from one medium carrot with a glass of fresh milk. Drink on an empty stomach, then do not eat anything for an hour. Repeat daily.

Patients suffering from, traditional medicine experts are advised to dilute five to ten drops of birch tar in a glass of heated goat's milk. Take a third cup three times a day.

Yogurt or goat's milk cottage cheese will help to cope with. To prepare the drug, you need to combine such raw materials with finely chopped wormwood. Apply the resulting mixture like a cake on the affected area and fix with a band-aid.

If you have a severe migraine, break one raw chicken egg into a glass of freshly boiled milk. Swish quickly and drink hot on an empty stomach. Repeat for one week.

Healers claim that goat's milk treats allergies well. To prepare the medicine, you need to brew two hundred grams of crushed birch charcoal with one liter of goat's milk. Boil for a quarter of an hour, then leave for the night (six to eight hours). Strained drink take half a glass with an interval of half an hour.

Goat cheese is an amazingly healthy product that you can cook on your own at home. And the main ingredient for its preparation - goat's milk - has a lot of medicinal qualities.

Ekaterina, www.site

Goat milk cheese at home is cheaper if, of course, you have plenty of raw materials for the production of this product. Healthy and tasty dairy product will appeal to your whole family. Homemade goat cheese can be made in many different ways. Let's try to reproduce the recipe for the Adyghe dish.

Making goat cheese

You can also take cow and but this product will already have other properties. Goat is not only tastier, but also less allergenic. And it contains no less useful protein. Even children suffering from food allergies can eat goat cheese without negative health effects. At home, you need six percent vinegar, clean gauze, and an enameled deep saucepan to prepare this product.

Take six liters of milk to make a trial portion. Strain thoroughly several times through several layers of cheesecloth. Now put the milk on medium heat and start heating - always in an aluminum pan. Indeed, due to the increased fat content, it can burn. Therefore, it is necessary not only to boil in a special bowl, but also to stir continuously. It will take a little time, but you are guaranteed not to spoil the product. At the same time, salt the milk to your taste. When it boils, pour in one hundred grams of vinegar for every three liters of liquid, then immediately remove from heat. In the pan you will find whey and floating cheese on its surface. Take a slotted spoon or a large spoon, take out the cheese and put it on cheesecloth. It should be placed on top of the bowl. In fact, you have already made cheese from goat's milk. At home, it remains only to squeeze it well. This is done by hand first. And then the resulting product must be put under pressure. For this, for example, a three-liter jar of water is useful. You can give a piece of cheese any shape at this moment - being under oppression, it will harden in this position. Cheese must be pressed in a cold place. When it cools down and allocates all the liquid (it must be drained periodically), cooking can be considered complete.

Goat milk cheese at home: a recipe with cottage cheese

In this case, the resulting product will be firm, like a shop, and yellowish. Take a kilogram of ordinary homemade or store-bought cottage cheese and three liters of goat's milk. Strain the milk thoroughly and bring to a boil in a saucepan, being careful not to burn it. Pour all the cottage cheese and cook the resulting mixture over low heat for twenty minutes. You have to keep stirring. Then, after boiling, fold the mass into a colander and, when the whey drains, transfer the resulting cheese to a bowl. Now you need to add a raw egg and a teaspoon of soda (without top), as well as one hundred grams of sunflower oil and salt. Mix as thoroughly as possible and put the resulting mass in a water bath. This step is necessary so that the future cheese does not crumble. Steam for ten minutes. Put, after cooling, in a plastic bottle without a top. You need to tamp so that you get a solid mass. Place in refrigerator.

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