Yokohama iceguard stud ig35 reviews tests. Resistance is not useless

Yokohama iceguard stud ig35 reviews tests. Resistance is not useless


Properly selected tires are an important guarantee of accident-free and safe driving. This is especially true in the winter, when even the slightest negligence can cost you too much. We bring to your attention tires Yokohama IG35, reviews of which are distinguished by a rare variety.

Some drivers are getting ready for their fourth season (and on the same set), while others curse the day they visited the store. Who is right? Let's figure it out!

What it is

Tires Yokohama Ice Guard 35 — a novelty of the year 2012. The attention of car lovers was immediately riveted to a press conference at which manufacturers promised almost magical characteristics of their new products. As usual, the reality was not so rosy.

Manufacturer's claim

At that time it was really more or less advanced technology, distinguished by a directional tread. Particular emphasis was placed on the fact that the rubber will be produced at a "purebred" Japanese plant in the best traditions of the quality of the Land of the Rising Sun. Engineers responsibly declared that with these tires the car would confidently keep its course even on snow-covered, ice-covered roads.

Here are the main advantages that the tires should have had, they are not confirmed, but that’s not what we are talking about):

    Unique "multi-dimensional" lamellas, thanks to which reliable grip is ensured on almost all types of road surface, even if it is covered with ice or snow porridge.

    The same technology dramatically improves braking performance even on ice and hard-packed snow, preventing the main tread elements from losing their rigidity.

    Minimize the occurrence of studs falling out, as there are special retaining tabs near each mounting hole. This is what the tires “distinguished” indicate that they just fall out almost immediately after leaving the road.

    Specially shaped grooves dramatically improve the process of removing water and snow from the tread, which improves the quality of tire grip. Lateral grooves contribute to normal braking on a snowy and icy track.

    The composition of the rubber compound for tires is kept secret, as it represents the know-how of the company: this formula provides increased strength characteristics and prevents tire deformation even near a protruding stud.

The company received all these results on its unique one, which can simulate almost all possible types of precipitation on this planet. So her employees had grounds for bright advertising of products. So how good are the Yokohama IG35 tires in practice? Reviews show what happens in different ways.

Why is there so much negativity?

If you talk to many urban motorists, they will probably utter a couple of unprintable words about this particular model. Why did it happen so? After all, the Yokohama brand is known all over the world, and the attitude towards the manufacturer is quite good!? In 2013, a team of domestic "natural scientists" conducted their own test, the results of which did not please the company's official representatives. Let's describe it in a little more detail.

Negative operating experience

Then the Nissan Tiida hatchback was tested, which was “shod” in Yokohama IG35 tires known to us. Reviews about them at that time did not inspire much enthusiasm. On that day, the temperature outside the window was a little less than -15 degrees Celsius, and the roads were covered with a dense layer of rolled snow and ice. On the main city streets (on which there was no longer snow), the car drove perfectly. There were no shortcomings or obvious advantages at that time.

Alas. There was snow and everything went down the drain. The Yokohama IG35 tread, as it turned out, instantly loses its rigidity and becomes similar in characteristics to a polished billiard ball. All the grooves we described for draining water in real life were somehow in no hurry to show themselves: the car dangerously scours around at the slightest attempt to brake, more or less confidently behaves only when driving at minimum speed in a straight line.

Acceleration is terrible, braking is even worse. Why did the Yokohama IG35 winter tires (reviews of which we are considering) behave so disgustingly on the road?

What is the reason?

Everything became clear when the researchers looked closely at the tire itself. It turned out that at least half of the studs are missing on each wheel, and the rest are driven so deep that they cannot, by definition, have any effect on traction. The front wheels were completely “sad”, devoid of almost 70% of the spikes. Here it can be stated that the “scientists” simply took a car with exorbitant mileage, but not everything is so simple: the tire roll was less than 1000 kilometers, and the spikes obviously did not last even half of this period.

In general, this is what the Yokohama IG35 tires “became famous for”, reviews of which say exactly the same. Many motorists who bought these tires in the hope of normal winter driving were very disappointed in them. And the reviews basically rest on the frankly meager life of the spikes, from which all other troubles associated with this rubber follow.

Yard snowdrifts on these tires, according to the recollections "from the fields", can even turn into an absolutely insurmountable obstacle. Although almost all passenger cars of similar models, “shod” in more adequate rubber, withstand these tests without any particular problems. What a shame, the Yokohama IG35 is far from a new model. Many Finnish tire models from the same season are still warmly loved by motorists, but the Japanese were very unlucky in this regard.

It's not like that, it's all anti-advertising!

Oddly enough, but similar headlines can be seen in almost the same magazine, which a couple of months before published only negative opinions. So are Yokohama IG35 winter tires bad or not? Reviews about them often resemble obscene verbal ping-pong. Someone praises, and someone scolds.

The real benefits of Japanese rubber

Do not despair: everything is really not so bad. So, some drivers love Yokohama IG35 tires: positive reviews indicate that these tires are the least noisy (among winter tires). On a long journey, this characteristic cannot but rejoice!

Because of the soft rubber, even a rough suspension “swallows” road bumps much better, which are more than enough in the vastness of our vast Motherland. Until recently, the situation with Japanese tires was pretty good from a financial point of view. How much are Yokohama IG35 tires now?

In principle, with this and now everything is pretty decent. A set of rubber will cost you approximately 13-15 thousand rubles. Mere pennies, if we talk about the offers of other foreign companies!

Objective reasons for lagging behind

Why is it so? After all, the Japanese have always been famous for the high quality of all their products, regardless of its type. It's all about the national "mentality": in Japan, studded winter tires are generally illegal due to the government's reverent attitude towards the state of the roads, so engineers have to be sent to distant countries for real tests in the "field".

And Yokohama IG35 winter tires (reviews of which we are now analyzing) are not always tested in the conditions of our country. Much more often - in Western Europe, where winter is generally a rather loose concept. Most likely, in those parts, tires from a Japanese manufacturer really show really good results.

In addition, these tires are likely to be strongly influenced by the state of domestic roads. In most cities, the situation is such that even the main streets often look like a washboard. It is not known under what conditions the Yokohama Iceguard Stud IG35 rubber was tested, the reviews of which we are now analyzing, but the engineers hardly prepared their brainchild for this. Most likely, this explains the “passion” of tires for the loss of studs.

In any case, many motorists note that the rubber on the sides of these tires is too soft. Perhaps the Japanese were still somewhat cunning when they talked about the increased resistance of their products to wear.

Precautionary measures

Be that as it may, but (we have already analyzed the reviews) are strongly not recommended by seasoned bagel lovers for going on the ice. The owners of such tires warn that under these conditions the car can behave quite inadequately, and one can only dream of more or less normal control.

In general, Yokohama IG35 (owner reviews fully confirm this) perform quite well in urban environments. But if you constantly spend a lot of time driving on swept snow and icy country roads, it is advisable to turn your attention to something else. The slightest skid when overtaking in such conditions (even if the speed is not higher than 50 km / h) is fraught with very bad consequences.

As the owners themselves say, without normal ABS with these tires, it’s generally better not to meddle with these tires on a winter road. Any braking may well end very badly.

Buying tires is a responsible business

Unfortunately, many of our motorists are not guided by the real origin of the product when buying, but only by its price and brand. As a result, a satisfied buyer of "real Japanese rubber" turns out to be the owner of a low-grade fake, which may well contribute to an emergency on the road. In a word, you should not save on this in any case.

Is localization to blame?

It should be noted that the manufacturer still partially acknowledged the problems. So, relatively recently, a warning appeared on the official website that Philippine tire lots were especially often seen in an effort to scatter most of the spikes along the road. By the way, another question arises here: why is the production not Japanese? Indeed, at the very beginning, the company just swore an oath that all tires would be Japanese? However, this is no longer so important.

So maybe you should not indiscriminately stigmatize the Yokohama Iceguard IG35? Reviews show that in this case, not everything is so simple. The production of these tires has also been launched in our country, and domestic motorists are also not enthusiastic about their quality. However, this is generally a subjective question: someone likes the “Japanese Russian”, while someone prefers the “Filipinos”.

Some Conclusions

In general, the situation is quite confusing. So is it worth recommending the IG35 for winter trips? Spikes Yokohama (reviews around them and revolve) proved to be not very reliable. In principle, this article can be dismissed, but about half of the reviews on the web (even positive ones) indicate that they are unnecessarily often lost.

The tire itself is relatively good, the acceleration and braking characteristics are certainly not very good, but there are many types of winter tires that are much worse in this regard. In a word, the problem is precisely in the spikes - if not for them, then the Yokohama Stud IG35 tires, the reviews of which we have almost finished disassembling, would be a high-quality "middle peasant". It just didn't work out.

If you are not an avid racer and even moderate aggressiveness on the road is unknown to you, and you live in a small town or countryside, then you can recommend the purchase of this rubber. But if all of the above does not apply to you, it is better to choose something more reliable for yourself.

Who is using?

But still, these tires are still quite popular in the domestic market. What is the reason for such a strange attachment to the Yokohama IG35? Reviews, tests, unfortunately, rarely take into account such a simple circumstance as the price of this product. Where else can you find more or less sane and studded tires from a decent manufacturer at this price? Yes, nowhere.

If there is no money for normal spikes, and you really don’t want to ride Velcro (and this is a normal approach), then these tires will not be the worst choice. Rubber is of good quality and wears out slowly. Being an adherent of a calm ride, you will surely be able to skate at least two or three seasons without losing all the studs.

In general, the owners of such tires give simple advice. They advise when driving to imagine that your wheels are shod with Velcro. So you will not have the desire for excessive recklessness on an icy road. In this case, your impressions of the rubber will certainly be quite good. Alas, this is unlikely to help you when “forcing” snow-swept yards, which this rubber clearly does not like.

In a word, the choice is yours. In the "plus" of these tires, the price and low noise, in the "minus" - everything else.

People's tire test Yokohama Ice Guard Stud IG35+

81.35 points out of a possible 100

Reviews of car owners about tires Yokohama Ice Guard Stud IG35

Yandex Market

regular model

Advantages: Price, tread geometry
Flaws: The main enemy is the track. The ice does not hold very well, snow porridge for 40 km goes into a skid easily and slipping at the slightest pressure on the gas over the usual one.
A comment: Got it from the previous owner. I don’t really like tires ... It doesn’t just push out of the rut, but throws it away! Moreover, so abruptly that once he almost got into the bump stop. Snow porridge and ice does not like. On porridge it already skims at 40 km / h, on ice it feels like a sled going down a small hill and trying to slow down with your feet =) I don’t recommend it, mine should definitely be enough for another season, maybe more ... I will suffer

Excellent model

Advantages: It copes well with both ice and snow drifts, low noise level, competitive price.
Flaws: Not yet.
A comment: Bought to replace Hankuk i-pike. Very satisfied. The rubber is suitable for both the city and the country road. Hankuk was noisy, clapped on the asphalt be healthy, the same rubber just whispers. Apparently, sunken spikes play a role, which does not affect its winter properties. Braking is predictable. For two years, he did not lose a single thorn, although everything happened. After the second winter, Hankuk began to go bald. I do not regret that I took this model, four cylinders, together with installation, cost 10,280 rubles. I recommend.

bad model

Experience: over a year

Advantages: Beautiful tread pattern, spikes do not fly out
Flaws: Very soft, there is no directional stability, clarity in cornering, although the car is predictable. The main drawback is a weak sidewall, a little something - bumps immediately come out. Zadolbalsya in the tire shop to carry them, despite the fact that in the winter I go a little. Questionable grip qualities. About operating experience below.
A comment: Cheap Yokohama, 8tyr. bought for a set in 2013. Parameters 175/65/R14. Car - Toyota AE101, front-wheel drive, automatic, 160 forces. For my meager experience of its operation (4 winters, of which 2 almost completely car was in the garage), the total mileage of 5 thousand otsily. One of the wheels was cut through, lowered. Gluing is not an option, only welding. On the second year ago, a bump came out, one might say spontaneously, because. there was no visual damage - they strengthened and brewed in a tire shop, but the tubercle remained in this place. And on the third wheel there is a small bump, the benefit is not growing in size yet. I try to drive carefully, but with our roads it does not help much. You'll still miss a hole or two. As for the grip on snow and ice, it feels like a 100,500-horsepower car - you give it a little gas - grinds and does not go, perhaps too narrow. Due to the high profile and softness, the car sways decently, with your eyes you feel that the car is moving along the desired trajectory, and the body sways left and right relative to it. Rebuilding and taxiing, respectively, are also sluggish (this is on dry pavement, you can’t really steer in winter, you can fly away) Noise, like any winter spike, however, there is nothing to compare on your car with. There is practically no tread wear, but with my mileage this is not relevant. Manufacturer - Philippines, just in case. Maybe some leftist.

good model

Experience: over a year

Advantages: soft, paddles well.
Flaws: spikes fly out. Season 2 ended with 50% left

Excellent model

Experience: over a year

Advantages: Good grip, second season no problems.
Flaws: not detected
A comment: In general, positive sensations from the rubber.

terrible model

Experience of use: several months

Advantages: On dry pavement and on snow it brakes adequately
Flaws: Rubber with stud auto-ejection function
A comment: There are no lamellas, the solid central strip does not hold on the ice at all, the spikes jump out. Now, if there is no ice, cutting is good. But when the road is sprinkled with reagents and then not cleaned up, you can’t drive on such a soapy porridge: on turns at 20 km / h, it strives to go into the oncoming lane. There is a review and a video on the drive, on YouTube, too, how I slowed down 50 meters from a speed of 50 km / h on asphalt (I experimented with the pedal to the floor)

good model

Experience of use: several months

Advantages: Fairly soft. Not noisy. The pins are all in place.
Flaws: Under heavy braking, slightly blows away on ice.

Winter tires Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 are designed for use in difficult climatic conditions. They are great for changing weather. Rubber perfectly shows itself in the snow, in slush, on icing and with dry frozen asphalt.

The high quality and great demand for tires is confirmed by numerous mostly positive reviews from car owners.

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Tire Description

Japanese scientists worked on the development of Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 tires. They took into account the peculiarities of winter operation on our roads. As a result, the composition of the rubber compound and the shape of the tread are selected in such a way as to provide maximum control over the machine when driving.

Despite all the efforts of the Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 developers, it is not able to withstand a layer of snow. This is especially true for seasoned tires, when the number of studs becomes much smaller. Snow pours on the tires and the wheels begin to slip. There is no need to talk about any stability in acceleration or deceleration in this case.


Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 has a wide center section. It improves handling and improves stability when driving on ice, as well as on dry and wet asphalt.

Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 is designed with special multifaceted 3D slats. They cling to each other during deformation under pressure. This increases the rigidity of the tread. The contact patch of the tire with the road increases and a more stable edge effect is manifested. Multi-faceted 3D lamellas improve the car's behavior on icy or snowy road surfaces.

The Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 uses a 3D design with protective lugs around the spike. This reduces the risk of its early loss. The edge effect also increases, which in a positive way affects the performance of the tire.

The Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 plus uses abrasion resistant spikes. They provide reliable grip on icy road surfaces.

Holes of a new shape are used to hold the spikes in the rubber. According to the assurances of the developers, they more reliably perform the functions assigned to them. In the new type of holes, the gap between the spike and the rubber walls is reduced.

Despite all the efforts of the Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 developers, the feedback from the owners suggests that the spikes fly off too quickly. During the season, you can lose 14-20 spikes. For some owners, rubber generally loses all metal elements. The spikes fly out even with measured operation of the vehicle.


Tire sizes are selected in such a way as to cover as much as possible the vehicles for which the Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 is suitable. You can familiarize yourself with the main dimensions in the table below.

Table - The main dimensions of tires Yokohama Ice Guard IG35.

R16185/55 R1683T 487 kg, up to 190 km/h
R17225/65R17102T 850 kg, up to 190 km/h
235/55 R17103T 875 kg, up to 190 km/h
235/65R17108T 1000 kg, up to 190 km/h
R18215/55 R1895T 690 kg, up to 190 km/h
225/40R1892T 630 kg, up to 190 km/h
235/60 R18107T 975 kg, up to 190 km/h
255/55R18109T 1030 kg, up to 190 km/h
255/60 R18112T 1120 kg, up to 190 km/h
285/60 R18116T 1250 kg, up to 190 km/h
R19235/55 R19101T 825 kg, up to 190 km/h
245/40 R1998T 750 kg, up to 190 km/h
265/50 R19110T 1060 kg, up to 190 km/h
275/40R19105T 925 kg, up to 190 km/h
R20235/55R20102T 850 kg, up to 190 km/h
245/45R2099T 775 kg, up to 190 km/h
245/45R20100T 800 kg, up to 190 km/h
255/45 R20105T 925 kg, up to 190 km/h
265/50 R20111T 1090 kg, up to 190 km/h
275/45 R20110T 1060 kg, up to 190 km/h
275/60 ​​R20115T 1215 kg, up to 190 km/h
285/50 R20112T 1120 kg, up to 190 km/h
R21265/45 R21104T 900 kg, up to 190 km/h
R22285/45 R22114T 1180 kg, up to 190 km/h


Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 shows mediocre results in tests. Rubber is better than domestic tires, but does not reach the level of world leaders.

By order of Yokohama, the characteristics of the products manufactured by the company were controlled. Various winter tires participated, including Ice Guard IG35. The test results can be found in the table below.

Tested by Yokohama and other independent experts. Tires proved to be mediocre. The test results can be found in the tables below.

Advantages and disadvantages

Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 are very good tires. They have a lot of advantages over competitors, but they are not without drawbacks. The table below lists the pros and cons of the Yokohama Ice Guard IG35. They are based on the opinions of experts and reviews of car owners.

Table - Pros and cons of Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 tires.

Good lateral grip on iceOn ice, longitudinal grip is extremely weak
Good acceleration on snowPoor braking on snow due to constant slippage
Clear cornering behaviorThe car prowls on a snowy road and tries to change the trajectory, risking getting stuck in deep snow
Good stopping distance on dry pavementHigh noise level
No significant increase in fuel consumptionDifficulty driving at high speed on the highway
Good securityOn wet pavement, slowing down the car is very difficult.
Wheels do not burrow into snowdrifts due to shoulder tread blocksExcessive deepening of spikes
Rare deformations of rubber during operationPoor permeability


Sources correspond to companies that independently compare tires based on a consistent methodology that includes as many tire quality criteria as possible, and provide unbiased test scores for a group of similar tires based on usage.

This database includes only those sources that meet these criteria. These criteria also apply for each source test.

Sources used to determine tire performance:

  • Test results published in specialized publications.
  • Data obtained in accordance with Regulation (EC) 1222/2009 on the labeling of tires in relation to fuel efficiency and other relevant parameters. Or Grades used in car tire labels (MOBS*) in the absence of official data.
  • Data published by independent testing laboratories.

A detailed list of sources (with the exception of EU Regulation 1222/2009) used to assess the rating of each product is attached to the publication.

Grading Scheme

The final score consists of 9 benchmarks, which are supplemented by 4 other winter tire benchmarks.

The basic indicators are divided into 5 groups: 3 - for summer tires, 2 - for winter tires.

Each core indicator is given a different weight in its group based on its degree of importance in the category.

Below are the groups of indicators and their base indicators:

Calculation method

Each base indicator is evaluated according to the following principle:

  • A score out of 10 points is given to the tire with the best result in a particular test.
  • The score of other tires is reduced in proportion to the obtained standard deviation of the discriminant.
  • All results greater than 9 times this standard deviation receive a score of 1.

If the source uses its own rating system (which is not based on a 10-point system), then linear recoding is performed.

The final baseline score will be based on the arithmetic mean of the scores obtained from the results of each test.

Note: Tests carried out by automotive magazines or specialized organizations are usually based on the most common sizes on the market. While tire performance may vary slightly by size, we have preferred to assign a score to the entire size panel of a particular tire model.

Tests, tests and expert evaluation of the Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 tire. Yokohama ice guard ig35 test

Yokohama ice guard ig35 test. Tests, tests and expert evaluation of the Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 tire

Add your review Yokohama Ice Guard IG35

Japanese studded tire Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 for harsh winter: reviews, test, description.

Full description

Test results:

Test results:

More details about the test, as well as how the testing was conducted, can be found here.

Test results:

More details about the test, as well as how the testing was conducted, can be found here.

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Winter Studded Tires Yokohama Ice Guard IG35: tests.

Tests, trials and expert opinion on the Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 tire. The rezulteo tire buyer's guide combines test results from various European sources. Rezulteo offers detailed information to help you make the best tire choice. More about tire test methodology

Methodology for assessing technical indicators


Sources correspond to companies that independently compare tires based on a consistent methodology that includes as many tire quality criteria as possible, and provide unbiased test scores for a group of similar tires based on usage.

This database includes only those sources that meet these criteria. These criteria also apply for each source test.

Sources used to determine tire performance:

  • Test results published in specialized publications.
  • Data obtained in accordance with Regulation (EC) 1222/2009 on the labeling of tires in relation to fuel efficiency and other relevant parameters. Or Grades used in car tire labels (MOBS*) in the absence of official data.
  • Data published by independent testing laboratories.

A detailed list of sources (with the exception of EU Regulation 1222/2009) used to assess the rating of each product is attached to the publication.

Grading Scheme

The final score consists of 9 benchmarks, which are supplemented by 4 other winter tire benchmarks.

The basic indicators are divided into 5 groups: 3 - for summer tires, 2 - for winter tires.

Each core indicator is given a different weight in its group based on its degree of importance in the category.

Below are the groups of indicators and their base indicators:

Calculation method

Each base indicator is evaluated according to the following principle:

  • A score out of 10 points is given to the tire with the best result in a particular test.
  • The score of other tires is reduced in proportion to the obtained standard deviation of the discriminant.
  • All results greater than 9 times this standard deviation receive a score of 1.

If the source uses its own rating system (which is not based on a 10-point system), then linear recoding is performed.

The final baseline score will be based on the arithmetic mean of the scores obtained from the results of each test.

Note: Tests carried out by automotive magazines or specialized organizations are usually based on the most common sizes on the market. While tire performance may vary slightly by size, we have preferred to assign a score to the entire size panel of a particular tire model.

Star rating system

Stars represent a graphical summary of the score for a group of metrics. They are assigned according to the following system:

*MOBS: Tire marking data obtained from publicly available sources of information on Internet sites. Learn more

From this article you will learn:

Model overview


Weak sides

User Reviews

These tires are purchased mainly for two reasons - for the beautiful design of the tread and the affordable price. However, they do not have obvious advantages. Motorists note good balance, acceptable grip on ice and slush, as well as good acoustic comfort.

The resource is also not bad - the spikes may well last three seasons even with active use, and the tread is even longer. Among the reasons for concern are poor traction in the snow and hardening of the rubber below -20 degrees.



Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 Reviews

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Japanese studded tire Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 for harsh winter: reviews, test, description.

Japanese studded tire Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 for harsh winter: reviews, test, description.

Full description

Description Yokohama Ice Guard IG35

Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 is a new generation studded winter tire with a directional tread pattern.

According to tire manufacturer Yokohama Ice Guard IG35, they provide safety in the most dangerous conditions on snowy and icy roads. 3D lamellas securely hold the car on a given trajectory.

For high-quality removal of water and snow porridge from the contact patch, the Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 tire uses semi-radial directional grooves.

Improved tread compound securely holds the stud in place.

Independent tests of the Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 tire

Test of winter studded tires R14, "Behind the wheel - Sergey Mishin", 2012.

Test results:

9th place - Yokohama Ice Guard IG35

More details about the test, as well as how the testing was conducted, can be found here.

Winter studded tire test 2013, Car Program

Test results:

5th place - Yokohama Ice Guard IG35

More details about the test, as well as how the testing was conducted, can be found here.

Big test of studded tires 205/55 R16, "Behind the wheel", 2015

Test results:

12th place - Yokohama Ice Guard IG35

More details about the test, as well as how the testing was conducted, can be found here.

Reviews about the tire Yokohama Ice Guard IG35

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Yokohama Ice Guard IG35: very popular winter tires

Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 - these tires are considered relatively affordable, moreover, they attract with their big name. However, how good are their performance properties really?

From this article you will learn:

Model overview

These tires belong to the type of winter studded tires. Issued since 2010. On the market are presented in dimensions from R13 to R22. The possible tire width ranges from 145 to 325 millimeters, and the profile height is from 30 to 75.

Thus, Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 is suitable for a wide variety of vehicles - from a budget small car to a sports roadster or a large SUV. Positioned in the middle price category.

These tires have a nice design. The central part of the tread is in the form of a herringbone, which looks very impressive and suggests that the Ice Guard IG35 will perform well on wet paved roads and in slush.

The shoulder areas of the tire are notable for their pronounced blocks - they provide good grip on ice and snow, and also demonstrate stability in corners.


The Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 performs well on icy roads, showing sufficient traction and predictable steering responses. Course stability is good. Braking performance is also good, as is traction.

Additionally, it is worth noting the low noise level, both on a snowy road and on asphalt. At the same time, on a wet asphalt surface, good resistance to hydroplaning is observed.

Weak sides

Despite the big name, the behavior of the tire on a snowy road is rather mediocre. Traction even on packed snow is not outstanding, and braking efficiency is relatively low.

In turns, early and sharp drifts can occur, while the steering wheel becomes uninformative. In regular modes, the steering wheel reacts to turns with some delay. It is better not to drive in deep snow on the Ice Guard IG35 - Japanese tires can dig even with a slight layer of snow and skid heavily.

As for the asphalt pavement, you should not expect anything special here either. When driving slowly, the behavior of the tires is predictable, but when actively driven, low steering sensitivity, strong yaw at high speed and drifts in corners can be noted. At the same time, braking may seem unimportant, as well as a smooth ride, even on small bumps.

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