Boiling point of gear oil. The effect of temperature on engine oils

Boiling point of gear oil. The effect of temperature on engine oils

    there are different oils. for example, 0W30,5w30,10w30 and their boiling point is different

    about 40g=40ml

    It would be possible to estimate, but no, pickup from D-pils will be more expensive))

    Can. Mineral water with synthetics is undesirable - it will clog the ducts.

  • In Maxime there is a product 3-4 euro (the motor is drawn on it) you spray it on the motor for 10 minutes and then wash it off with a trickle of small water (but it’s better to leave it to dry for 6-10 hours ....) So I did and was satisfied !! !

    There is a very wide choice and a huge range of prices for Tvayka behind Aldaris.

  • synthetics

    The motivation is simple - engine oil contains a rich package of additives for various purposes, differs from weapons in a higher workmanship

    Therefore, my IMHO, it is necessary to stop collective farming and lubricate with what is intended for weapons. In this case, the weapon will serve faithfully.
    You can probably clean a lot of things, but lubricating a weapon with automobile oil is not right, to put it mildly. any auto oil is too thick for this and in the cold there can be unpleasant consequences for the USM in particular.
    In addition, automotive, it is also engine oil, does NOT imply that there will be earth and sand on the parts, for example, the part in the engine oil perfectly retains both. Weapons is more liquid and sticks to it less and less. In other words, maybe the local gurus think differently, but gun oil was invented in such a way as to best meet all the needs of a weapon and not a motor, and motor oil, on the contrary.
    I don't know, I saw a boar. which the peasant lubricated, because of the gun lubricated with a motorka, in the cold it was very interesting - it quietly rattled the bolt frame and non-reloads occurred. He swears that he worked normally on the same cartridges before lubrication. The T-10 may have problems pricking the capsule if the preservation grease is not removed from the firing pin channel.

Boiling is a phenomenon that is characteristic of any liquids. It is manifested by the fact that vapor bubbles form throughout the solution. It should be noted that boiling is observed only at a certain temperature and depends on the type of substance. This indicator is an important characteristic. It can be used to separate liquid compounds as well as to determine their purity.

This indicator in different substances is different. So, the boiling point of engine oil reaches 300-490°C, and for water it is 100°C. This depends on several parameters, including boiling conditions and the composition of the substance that is heated.

It must be said that the boiling point has certain features. So, vapor pressure is created on the surface of the liquid, which is formed rather slowly in the presence of a free surface. If we are talking about the middle of the medium, then it can be heated much more than when boiling. This explains the phenomenon of "overheating", in which the liquid does not boil, but is characterized by indicators.

It should be noted that the boiling point is determined using a special thermometer, which must be immersed in the vapor of the substance, and not in the liquid. In this case, the mercury column is not always completely immersed, so you need to take into account the correction of the thermometer. For different liquids, this value is different. On average, it is believed that a change in atmospheric pressure of about 26 mm leads to the fact that the boiling point changes by one degree.

How does this indicator help determine the purity of mixtures and solutions? A homogeneous liquid has a constant boiling point. Its change is a sure sign of the presence of impurities that can be isolated during the distillation process, as well as with the help of special devices - reflux condensers.

It should be noted that in some cases combinations of various substances are specifically used. This gives the liquid specific features. So, for example, pure ethylene glycol boils at 197°C, and the boiling point of antifreeze is somewhat lower - about 110°C.

The transition of liquid to vapor occurs precisely when the appropriate boiling point is reached. In this case, above the surface of the liquid, it has the same numerical value with the external pressure, which leads to the formation of bubbles throughout the entire volume.

It must be said that boiling takes place at the same temperature, but with a decrease or increase in external pressure, its corresponding changes can be observed.

This can explain the phenomenon when food in the mountains takes longer to cook, since at a pressure of about 60 kPa it is already at 85 ° C. For the same reason, dishes in a pressure cooker cook much faster due to the fact that pressure increases in it, and this leads to a concomitant increase in the temperature of the boiling liquid.

It should be noted that boiling is the most common method of physical disinfection. Without this process, it is impossible to cook any dish. It also turns out to be important for obtaining purer starting materials.

Automotive engines must be able to handle high thermal loads in all operating conditions. It is for this reason that high demands are made on the characteristics of engine oil. Lubrication is used to prevent friction between contacting parts of the power unit. Motor oil separates these parts, quickly passes through all oil channels. The flash point is an indicator that indicates the conditions under which the evaporation of the oily liquid begins.

Whether there is a h Dependence of oil viscosity on temperature? Of course. When manufacturing a machine engine, automakers must determine the viscosity of the oil, which can increase / decrease with temperature changes.

The boiling point is determined as follows. Car oil is heated in a special container. Then the temperature begins to gradually increase (by two degrees per minute). The increase continues until the boiling and burning of the lubricant begins.

The auto-ignition temperature indicates the presence of low-boiling elements in the composition of the oily liquid. This parameter is related to the volatility of the product. High-quality petroleum products can tolerate extremely high temperatures (above two hundred and twenty-five degrees Celsius). Low-viscosity motor oils evaporate at high speed. Because of this, they need to be changed frequently.

From -35 to +180 degrees - this is the usual minimum and maximum operating temperature limit for consumables. The temperature of the oil in the engine depends on the design features of the engine, as well as on climatic conditions. To obtain good temperature-viscosity indicators, the lubricant is made thicker with the help of special additives that reduce the degree of change in the parameters of the oil product during temperature changes.

Temperature ranges

In an ordinary water-cooled motor, the temperature should be between eighty and ninety degrees. Viscosity can decrease up to 10 mm 2 /s. As a result, the lubricating film becomes too thin. It is unable to adequately protect all motor parts while driving.

It is necessary to know the temperature ranges in which it is possible to use various motor oils. Lubricants for winter contain one number and the letter "w" in the marking. Oils for summer are marked with one number. All-weather oil products that can be poured into the engine at any time of the year are marked with two numbers and the letter "w". A special table has been developed in which there is information about all ranges.

Oils are intended for internal combustion engines on gasoline / diesel. There are also universal motor oils. Oil performance depends on the base fluid and additives. Oils are divided into semi-synthetics, synthetic and mineral products.

The expansion of the temperature range leads to an increase in the quality of the lubricating fluid. There is a direct dependence of the viscosity of motor oils on temperature. The higher the temperature at which the engine operates, the thinner the oil.

Low temperature conditions

Not only the street temperature is important, but also the operating temperature, which depends on the mileage of the car, the load. In an internal combustion engine of any car, there are usually 2 modes of lubrication pumping:

  • boundary (piston system is lubricated without compression);
  • hydrodynamic (crankshaft lubrication takes place with compression).

The low-temperature indicators of the oil include the following characteristics:

  • crankability. Indicates dynamic viscosity, the temperature range in which it is possible to start the power unit;
  • pumpability. Shows the speed at which the car oil passes through the lubrication complex.

Change in viscosity with temperature

It must be said that the temperature range of crankability is five degrees different from the range of pumpability (upwards).

High temperature conditions

What happens if the running engine has warmed up to the optimum temperature, but the viscosity of the oil has not decreased to the required value? It's OK. You just need to wait until the grease takes on the right consistency.

Too much engine temperature is more dangerous than too little. High temperature conditions can lead to combustion of the oil product. When oil boils, it bubbles and smokes. This occurs at a temperature of two hundred and fifty to two hundred and sixty degrees (the range may expand slightly).

At high temperatures, the density of the oil decreases. Therefore, it protects spare parts worse. Reducing the gaps between different parts leads to the fact that the power unit does not operate at full capacity. If the temperature of the oil has increased to one hundred and twenty-five, it will burn out along with the fuel when it passes through all the pistons. The lubricant content in the fuel will be small, its consumption will increase, you will need to constantly pour a new one.

Flashes and freezing of car oil


The state in which oil flares up when a gas flame is brought near it is called the flash point. When the lubricant is heated, special vapors (from evaporated oil) accumulate, which contribute to ignition.

This indicator indicates how volatile the oil is, the level of its purification.


The state in which the oil loses its viscosity and mobility is called the freezing point. During hardening, the viscosity increases sharply, the paraffin crystallizes. The lubricant becomes harder, more plastic.

Tips for selecting and replacing lubricant:

  1. Grease, which has a high viscosity at high temperatures, is used in sports cars.
  2. It is undesirable to pour it into an ordinary car. When choosing a car oil, it is better to rely on what is written in the operating manual.
  3. It is better not to fill the engine with oil whose characteristics exceed those recommended by the automaker.
  4. The shade of the oil product does not matter much. The additives contained in the oil give it a black color.
  5. It is better to change the car oil at intervals determined by the car manufacturer.
  6. If the car often drives on off-road terrain, it is necessary to change the oil product a couple of times more often than prescribed in the manual.
  7. If the shade of the consumable has changed, this does not mean that it has lost its own characteristics. The oil washes away deposits from the internal combustion engine that remain in it.
  8. It is better not to mix mineral water with synthetics.
  9. When topping up the motor, use the same lubricant that is already filled.
  10. Flushing is not necessary if the replacement intervals have been observed.

What kind of oil to buy to ensure reliable protection of the parts of your own car? Your best bet, of course, is to choose a product that your automaker recommends. Determining the optimal characteristics of an oil product for an engine is a complex process. The manufacturer conducts many different tests to determine which car oil will be the most suitable for which engine.

In real conditions, the range of permissible temperature conditions may expand. This is due to the climate, which is quite harsh in the Russian Federation (especially in winter). Each motorist should be able to select the optimal lubricant based on the recommendations of the manufacturer of his car, as well as on real road conditions. This provides an opportunity to maximize the operational period of any vehicle, whether it is a passenger car, minibus or truck.

May 15, 2015

There are a number of requirements for lubricants used in a car and for engine oil in particular, which are associated not only with the features of the physico-chemical processes that occur during engine operation, but also with operating conditions.

In order to have an idea of ​​what factors affect ICE lubricants, one should consider the basic concepts that describe temperature-dependent properties:

  • Flash point (t°);
  • boiling temperature;
  • Operating t°.

Temperature regime

Lubricants are used to prevent dry contact between the moving parts of internal combustion engines. They are designed to create a sliding boundary and separate rubbing parts. The flash point is related to a parameter such as volatility.

Motor grease has a number of characteristics, including viscosity. Viscosity is directly dependent on temperature. The operating temperature range of internal combustion engines forces manufacturers to take into account the change in viscosity from the moment the engine is started until reaching the optimum mode.

Engine lubrication system

Lubrication of the rubbing parts of the internal combustion engine is carried out continuously during its operation. The simplest system consists of an oil pump that circulates, a filter and channels in the head and cylinder block, crankshaft, etc., through which the lubricant is supplied to the points of contact. As a rule, the lubrication system has several sensors that control the most important parameters of the system:

  • Level sensor - notifies the driver that the level has decreased and replenishment or replacement is required;
  • Temperature sensor - mainly found on sports cars, the engines of which are constantly under enormous stress;
  • Pressure sensor - warns of a drop in pressure in the lubrication system. The cause may be a clogged or faulty filter or a clogged oil line.

Determination of volatility

To determine the temperature at which the flash of light hydrocarbon vapors contained in engine oil occurs, it is heated in a special crucible until the vapors begin to flash from an open flame. There is no flash in a running motor, but the lubricant can evaporate and so-called waste occurs. This is a slow and imperceptible process, and the oil level sensor in the end only states the fact. The method for determining the flash temperature is regulated by GOST 6356.

A motor lubricant has two interdependent characteristics - this is viscosity and temperature conditions. With increasing t ° viscosity decreases and vice versa, at low temperatures it becomes more viscous. In the description of the lubricant in the performance data, both parameters are always indicated.

Flashes of volatile hydrocarbons occur when a certain temperature mark is reached, beyond which the process of their boiling and evaporation begins. A flash point of 225°C and above is considered a good indicator; for comparison, diesel fuel vapors flare at +55°. Low-quality oil products with low viscosity contain a large percentage of light fractions that burn out and, as a result, the volume of lubricating fluid decreases, as indicated by the sensor.

The flash point is a characteristic that is more of a laboratory and industrial circulation, and which the vast majority of car owners do not pay attention to. Manufacturers also do not focus consumers' attention on the t ° of the flash, without indicating it on the packaging of motor oils.

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The operating temperature range of engine oil lies in the range from -40 to +180 degrees. The industry produces motor lubricants with various viscosity-temperature characteristics corresponding to the required parameters, which in turn are dictated by the characteristics of the power plant and climate. So, in a diesel internal combustion engine, there are different conditions, higher temperatures and fuel composition, which require motor oils of a special formulation. The characteristics of a motor lubricator may vary depending on the structure of its base and a set of modifying additive components that do not allow the oil to become more or less viscous under various temperature conditions, while maintaining lubricating properties. Parameters such as crankability and pumpability depend on environmental conditions.

Low temperature oils

The properties of low-temperature motor lubricants allow the vehicle to be operated in cold climatic conditions, while maintaining all the optimal operating parameters - viscosity, fluidity and adhesion to metal surfaces.

It is known that the engine lubrication system operates in two modes simultaneously, lubricating moving parts under pressure and without pressure. The pressure is provided by a rotary gear or other type pump.

Under pressure, the surfaces of the crankshaft and camshafts and other motor components are usually lubricated, drip lubrication of the pistons occurs due to oil splashing by moving parts. At low temperatures, it becomes thicker and the effort on the starter increases to turn the crankshaft, the engine starts with difficulty and the “oil pressure” sensor lights up. The grease hardens due to the hydrocarbons of paraffinic origin with a high boiling point that it contains, which tend to crystallize at low temperatures. Low-temperature greases contain a small amount of paraffinic hydrocarbons and special additives that do not allow the grease to thicken in the cold. For heating engine oil, some brands of cars have a forced crankcase heating function that facilitates cold starts.

Influence of high temperatures

The transition of a substance from a liquid state to a gaseous state can be expressed by simple evaporation or occur in the liquid boiling phase. The boiling range of most motor lubricants lies outside the normal operating parameters of an internal combustion engine.

High temperatures in the combustion chamber decompose the lubricant particles that have got there into the simplest compounds in the form of soot, some of which is carried out by the exhaust gases, and some settles in the form of soot on the rings and piston. High-temperature oxidation processes of motor oils contribute to the formation of varnish deposits on the internal surfaces of the engine. The lower the quality of the engine oil, the lower its boiling point.

In automotive internal combustion engines, cooling is usually liquid. The temperature sensor on most cars is triggered when a threshold value of 85-90 degrees is reached, including forced cooling of the engine. The engine cooling system is structurally adjacent to the lubrication system, so for the engine oil to boil, it will be necessary to warm up the engine to a temperature at which the coolant begins to evaporate earlier. For reference, the average boiling point of antifreeze based on ethylene glycol is 120-125 Celsius.

Decrease in engine oil temperature

In sports cars with forced gasoline engines, the t ° of engine oil should not go beyond operating temperatures. To avoid overheating of the oil, a cooling system is installed on the power unit, consisting of an oil cooler, pipelines and a special adapter for an oil filter. A temperature sensor is often installed in the same circuit if the machine is not equipped with it from the factory. This additional cooling function contributes to better heat dissipation of the motor operating under heavy load.

Understanding terms such as flash point, viscosity, thermal conditions and operating temperature range is just the minimum knowledge of motor lubricant that a motorist needs. If we consider each parameter in more depth, then we can find out that the flash point of, say, synthetic oils is on average lower than that of natural oils. Behind the physical processes are chemical transformations of complex substances that a temperature sensor or an oil pressure sensor will not tell about - developers spend huge amounts of money on creating new chemical additive compounds that improve the properties of lubricants.


The vehicle owner's manual will usually list the types of fluids used, including engine lubricants. Deviation from the recommended parameters can lead to overheating and premature wear of the mechanisms.

To determine the volatility, or volatility of engine oil, the Knock method is used.
If after heating 1,000 g of engine oil at 250 °C for an hour, 850 g of oil remains, this means that its volatility is 15% (minus 150 g).
In accordance with the requirements of ACEA, the volatility of class A1 / B1 engine oils should not exceed 15%, for oils of classes A3 / B3, A3 / B4, A5 / B5, C1, C2, C3, E4, E6, E7, E9 this indicator must be less than 13% or equal to 13%, and for class C4 oils, the volatility must be less than 11% or equal to 11%.

If the engine oil is too volatile, it will have to be added to the engine more often and therefore oil consumption will be high.

Solidification point (setting point)

Solidification point - the temperature at which the oil ceases to be a liquid and solidifies. When cooled, the oil stops flowing under the influence of gravity.

The pour point is often 3–5 °C below the pour point. The solidification of the oil is due to the crystallization of the paraffins that are present in the base oil. When paraffin crystals are combined, the consistency of the oil becomes hard and wax-like.

Pour point

The pour point (pour point) is the lowest temperature at which an oil is still able to flow.

Pour point and setting point characterize the physical properties of a lubricant at low temperatures.

Engine oil neutralization numbers

TBN - Total Base Number, or total base number
The total base number indicates the amount of acid needed to neutralize the alkalis contained in 1 gram of engine oil (expressed as mg of KOH, or potassium hydroxide). Thus, TBN describes the amount of weak and strong alkalis in the composition of motor oil.

TAN - Total Acid Number, or total acid number
The total acid number indicates the amount of potassium hydroxide (KOH) in milligrams that is needed to neutralize the free acids found in 1 gram of engine oil. Thus, TAN expresses the amount of weak and strong acids contained in engine oil.


SBN - Strong Base Number, or base number for determining strong acids
The base number for determining strong acids indicates the amount of acid that will be required to neutralize the strong alkalis contained in 1 gram of motor oil. Thus, SBN expresses the amount of strong alkalis, primarily inorganic alkalis, present in engine oil, which is extremely rare in practice.

SAN - Strong Acid Number, or the number of strong acids
The number of strong acids indicates the amount of alkali required to neutralize the strong acids contained in 1 gram of engine oil (expressed in mg KOH). Thus, SAN shows the amount of strong, or inorganic acids, in the composition of engine oil.

The book by M. Naams ”Mootoriõlid” (Tallinn, 1995) was used as an auxiliary material.

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