How to determine the brand of gasoline in an affordable way. We check the quality of gasoline on our own, without leaving the gas station

How to determine the brand of gasoline in an accessible way. We check the quality of gasoline on our own, without leaving the gas station

May 4th, 2015 Admin

It is important for every driver that his car works one hundred percent and can serve him for a long time. To do this, it is necessary to monitor not only its technical properties, but also much depends on the quality of gasoline. It is on him that the operation of the motor depends. The bad thing is that even the most famous companies do not guarantee that high-quality fuel will get into the tank, and not a fake. Bad fuel can in a short period of time lead to the failure of the entire fuel system of your car. This leads to engine overhaul. Right now, during the period of a sharp rise in gasoline prices, it is worth being extremely careful.

How to check the quality b enzi at the gas station

As soon as you arrive at the gas station you need , before pouring fuel into the tank, remove the fuel filling nozzle and before inserting it into the tank neck itself, touch the place with your finger that comes into contact with the gasoline being filled. So, if gasoline is diluted with diesel fuel or an octane-enhancing impurity, then the surface of the rim will be oily. If there is no greasy and sticky feeling on the fingers, then the gasoline is good and you can safely use it for the car.

You can try to get fuel in a transparent bottle or canister and look at the light. Good fuel should not contain any impurities. The fuel should have a pale yellow tint.

How to detect water in gasoline :

- Availability of water in fuel you can check as follows: add a solution of potassium permanganate. If it starts to turn pink, then there is water there.

- Drop some fuel on a tree and if it does not evaporate or rolls into a ball, then this is also a sign of water in the fuel.

Also try taking a white sheet of plain paper and dampening it lightly with gasoline. Wait for it to evaporate. Focus on the color of the sheet. If it remains snow-white, then gasoline is of high quality, a greasy spot indicates the presence of kerosene in the fuel. A drop of water on a leaf - avoid such fuel at all.

In order to determine on the presence of unnecessary resins , take the glass and drop gasoline on it. Set it on fire. White circles after combustion - fuel of excellent quality, spots of yellow or brown color - it means that there are resins. This can lead to engine or fuel system problems.

How to determine the quality of gasoline by smell

Bad gasoline can be immediately smelled. It will have sharp and unpleasant odors that are not at all characteristic of petroleum products. This indicates that the fuel was diluted with naphthalene, or hydrogen sulfide, or mercoptan sulfur.

Define quality control gasoline at home - tactile

Drop gasoline on your hand. A good and undiluted product should dry out the skin on the hand. If the fuel is smeared with greasy spots, then it contains impurities of diesel fuel.

In order to protect yourself from low-quality fuel, refuel only at proven gas stations. If there are doubts about the quality of the fuel, ask the sellers at the gas station for all the relevant documents for the fuel, which confirm the quality and reliability of this type of oil product. True, this cannot guarantee a 100% guarantee that this fuel meets all standards. But such protection can help save your car from engine failure.

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Unfortunately, determine fuel quality"by eye" is impossible, which, by the way, is not unsuccessfully used by scammers, as well as unscrupulous gas stations and the staff who serve them. Gasoline quality affects not only the wallet of the one who refuels it, but the problem is much more global than it might seem at first glance.

It's not even about a few hundred rubles that the "dodgers" will earn, but about the performance and condition of your car, which directly depends on what you, roughly speaking, pour into it ...

Modern engines are very picky about fuel, they are most often indicators of poor quality gasoline. After you fill the tank of your steel horse with 10 liters of some kind of “burda”, the engine will be the first to feel it and react in the way it is used to - it will either stall or not start at all. The most offensive thing is that in order to eliminate the consequences that provoked bad gasoline- it’s not enough just to drain it or fill it with high-quality gasoline, a serious cleaning will be required, and possibly a major overhaul.

It happens that poor fuel quality It does not appear immediately, but gradually in the form of a decrease in power and unstable operation, in particular, this is felt at idle. There is also a more complicated scenario when the fuel system fails, after which only a car service or major repairs will save you and your car.

So, I bring to your attention 5 ways to determine the quality of fuel in order to distinguish bad gasoline from high-quality one.

First of all, you need to decide on the color of the fuel. Remember, the fuel itself is colorless! Brand - A-76 contains more impurities, and therefore less transparent than - AI-95 and AI-98.

1. A way to determine the quality of gasoline for the presence of impurities.

Put a few drops of gasoline on a piece of paper, and wait a while until the liquid evaporates. Then try to determine the quality of gasoline by the trace left on the paper by the following signs:

  • if the sheet remains white, the fuel quality is good,
  • if there is a greasy mark or any shade on the paper - this is bad gasoline, refuse to buy it. Most likely, it contains many different impurities.

2. A way to determine the quality of the fuel and the resins contained in it.

Define resin content in gasoline you can do this: put a drop of gasoline on the glass, then set it on fire. Seeing white spots similar to circles indicate a low content of resins, or their complete absence. Yellow or brown spots sign of high resin content, the probability of causing significant damage to the engine and its parts is quite high. Using this method, you can not only determine the quality of the fuel, but also identify other substances, such as sediment, additives, etc.

3. A way to detect poor gasoline quality and water content.

Pour a small amount of fuel into a transparent container and hold it up to the light so that the yellowish tint of the liquid can be seen through, after which it must be added to fuel a small amount of potassium permanganate. If after this procedure the contents turn pink, the fuel contains water.

4. A way to identify bad gasoline, using the skin.

Apply a drop of fuel to the skin of your hand, and let it dry a little. Then carefully look at the trace, it should be almost dry and not greasy. If it turned out the other way around, and after drying there was an unpleasant greasy trace - gasoline contains impurities, and in large quantities.

5. A way to determine the quality of gasoline by smell.

Those who do not like to carry out all the experiments described above, we recommend that you use, although not the most reliable, but still an effective method to distinguish bad gasoline from good - using your own sense of smell. Smell what does fuel smell like? if you heard a sharp smell of sulfur - most likely it has a high content of naphthalene and hydrogen sulfide, and possibly many other components that are harmful and unnecessary to the motor.

Well, that's all! I think the article was useful for you, now you know how to use improvised means to find out the quality of fuel and not get hooked by scammers.

Attention, when conducting the following experiments, follow the safety rules, the room should be well ventilated, and a fire extinguisher should be at hand. Open flames or any other sources of flame can lead to undesirable consequences!!!

It so happened that we, car owners, often have to deal with the problem of low-quality gasoline. In addition to high prices, this problem also falls on our heads. It's no secret that one of the main rules of any driver is this: if you find a gas station with good fuel, then you should not change this place to another. At least not without a special need.

But what to do in situations where you need to refuel the car in unfamiliar places?

Of course, such situations happen, and most often you have to rely on luck and luck. Although it is very useful to know how to check the quality of gasoline? There are some methods and tools that motorists can adopt to keep themselves safe from harmful fuels.

Danger and possible harm from bad gasoline

Perhaps some people have a question, how dangerous is low-quality gasoline? Is this problem really as serious as it is being made out to be?

The main elements of the engine that suffer in the first place:

    Spark plugs (strong soot is formed, which actually disables them);

    Gasoline pump (the filter is clogged, which significantly increases the load);

    Power supply system (quick damage to injectors);

    Valves (coated with soot and burn out);

    Cylinders (the walls are covered with reddish soot);

    Rings (begin to coke very quickly).

As it is easy to understand from all of the above, this problem is quite serious.

Not only does low-quality fuel produce less performance, but it also damages the engine, causing it to run less efficiently.

Gasoline in appearance is a clear liquid with a certain color tint, which may also be slightly hazy. Its quality depends on the octane number, the higher it is, the higher the efficiency of the fuel.

The most characteristic sign that poor quality fuel is poured into the gas tank is a decrease in engine thrust.

Experienced drivers feel great about such changes, as they feel their car well. Depending on the situation, if possible, it is worth replacing the fuel with a better one so as not to put your engine at risk.

There are several ways to determine the quality of fuel. It is better to take them into service so that you can always and in any situation quickly determine whether it is worth using this or that gasoline, and also trust the gas station.

In general, the first thing you need to focus on the cost. Each driver knows how much fuel costs, plus possible price fluctuations are taken into account. Frankly "cheap" gasoline should be alarming. On this occasion, even special studies were carried out, which made it possible to state: at those gas stations where the price is noticeably lower than the average market price, the quality of gasoline almost always leaves much to be desired.

Secondly, if you are driving on the highway, then try to refrain from buying fuel at dubious gas stations. As a rule, they often violate the rules of the sale, because they know that it is unlikely that someone will come back to them with complaints. It is best to try to reach the nearest settlement or more or less large city.

It is also worth choosing more decent-looking gas stations.

Old stations often use poor equipment, their tanks are covered with rust and oxide, so you can’t count on good gasoline either.

How to determine the quality of fuel

Prevention has long proved its effectiveness, but at the same time it would not hurt to master practical methods for determining the quality of fuel sold. What can be done to understand in advance what kind of gasoline they are trying to sell you?

    Pour some gasoline into a clear liquid and inspect it against the light: it should be transparent with a certain color tint.

    If you add manganese to gasoline and it turns pinkish, then this means that the fuel is diluted with water;

    Put a little on your skin. If it starts to dry and pull, then the gas is good. Grease stains indicate the presence of various impurities. As an option - drip a little on white paper.

    Smell it. This way you can also determine the presence of additives: hydrogen sulfide, naphthalene, liquefied gas, etc.

By the way, each grade of gasoline has its own color, so if they inadvertently try to sell you one at the price of another, then this can be easily recognized. Coloring in colors is provided by GOST, just so that you can determine the grade of gasoline by eye.

A-80 has a yellowish color, AI-92 - orange-red, AI-98 - a bluish tint.

Knowing these rules will allow you to determine the quality of the fuel at any time. If you have any doubts, then immediately conduct a few tests to make sure you are right. Perhaps this will save the motor from damage.

Alas, Russian diesel fuel still leaves much to be desired. And no one, no one, well, no one (if you do not take into account the personal interest of those in power) does not understand why the owners of the "oil" country allow their oil barons to produce fuel, how to put it mildly, according to the residual principle. Which, moreover, is already “in place” diluted with water and additives harmful to the power unit, “chemically” with a density.

No, recently large network gas stations monitor the quality and frankly harmful “slurry” will not be poured into the tank. But there are exceptions to any rule. And then there are independent gas stations (especially dangerous in the deep provinces). And sadly, for now, every Russian car owner should be able to recognize whether it is worth filling the tank with what is offered to him. Moreover, as we found out, it is not very difficult. True, most of the ways to manually check fuel for quality are still possible at home. That is, he refueled, later he was convinced that it was not the right one - and you are looking for another gas station. Although sometimes the components of the liquid can be judged at the place of the "execution of the iron horse."

What should be of concern?

First you need to know what indicators - "beacons" are able to tell that "sturgeon is not the first freshness."

An important, but, we warn you, not indicative factor of high-quality "fuel" is its cost. Any car enthusiast knows roughly what the price of fuel is in a particular region. Therefore, when driving past a gas station and discovering an unprecedented discount on gasoline / diesel fuel, it is worth considering: why is this manufacturer so generous?

“The second “beacon” is the smell. It seems that the "aroma" of freshly prepared gasoline is difficult to confuse with anything else, but if the manufacturer went too far with oils and additives, then the smell of the final product changes and becomes sharper, with hints of burnt rubber and household chemicals.

And, finally, the most “intelligible” “beacon” - after refueling, the engine began to work unstably, triple and stall, and the consumption at the same time crept up. True, at the same time, you need to be sure that the car is technically correct: the fuel pump works as it should, the coils are in good condition, the spark plugs are replaced on time. If everything is in order with the car, but “does not go” - change the gas station.

"Grandfather's" control over...

So, you realized that something is wrong with the fuel of the gas station closest to you. A home “chemical laboratory” will help to finally verify this, although if you wish and have free time, all experiments can be carried out on the spot. All the instructions below can be called old-fashioned, but, nevertheless, they work great.

... additives,

To test gasoline for an abundance of obviously superfluous additives and chemical additives, you need to have a sheet of white paper at hand. Drop some gasoline on it and wait for a response. After the gasoline has evaporated, the paper should remain white. This is a clear sign that the fuel was not "chemically treated". The fact is that foreign impurities are not able to evaporate, their presence on paper will be reflected in the appearance of a spot of an "acid" color. There may also be a greasy stain, indicating the presence of excess oils in the fuel.


Checking for excessive "oiliness" is also very simple. Drop gasoline on the convex glass and set it on fire. A good one burns completely, leaving almost no traces. Ideal when white rings remain on the glass surface. Yellow and brown streaks indicate "too much" resin.


Often (sometimes too often) gasoline is diluted with plain water. To find traces of such a deception, stock up on the good old potassium permanganate. In pure gasoline, it does not dissolve and the color of the fuel does not change. If it is “diluted” with water, a purple tint is evident.

and skin

Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty with a drop of gasoline, using the skin as an indicator of quality. Gasoline is often used not only as a solvent, but also as a degreaser. Therefore, “to the touch” it is dry, tightens the skin, does not leave oil stains. A simple experiment: get mud or oil on your fingers, then splash some gasoline on your hands. If the dirt and oil are removed, the gasoline is of good quality.

Where to complain?

If the quality of the fuel is categorically not satisfied, it makes sense to write a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor. This government agency is authorized to inspect vial refills once every three years. But if consumer claims accumulate, there is a right to make an unscheduled visit. So you need to complain more often - do not be lazy.

On the other hand, the control body must inform about any inspection in advance (in the case of gas stations - three days in advance). Naturally, during this time, the fuel operator may well clean up the ends. It is not superfluous to check the official websites of supervisory services.

So, on the portal of the department of nature management and environmental protection under the Moscow government, a list of “black” gas stations that regularly violate the law has been published. By the way, to apply to Rosportebnadzor, it is enough to have Internet access and go to the page with citizens' appeals. You can also call the department's toll-free hotline: 8-800-100-00-04 . And the more often you complain, the faster the quality of fuel in our country will reach a truly European level.

How much fuel costs in Europe and whether we really have expensive gasoline, you will find out in the material "".

The quality of gasoline almost always leaves much to be desired. The use of low-quality fuel is fraught with failure of the engine fuel system. Repair will require significant material costs, since modern fuel systems are very sensitive to the quality of the gasoline used.

It is almost impossible to visually determine the quality of gasoline. Sending samples to a dedicated accredited laboratory is expensive and time consuming.

Do not despair if you wish, you can check the quality of gasoline at home. Before refueling gasoline at a particular gas station, it is enough to check it for safety for the car engine.

At automobile filling stations, 3 types of gasoline are sold: A-92, A-95, A-98. They differ in octane number.

The higher it is, the better the gasoline and the lower its consumption. Refueling low-quality gasoline significantly reduces the life of the car's engine.

The following negative consequences of using low quality fuel can be distinguished:

Fuel filter clogged

The filter element is the first to "signal" problems in the quality of the fuel being refueled. Low-quality gasoline containing a large amount of impurities quickly contaminates the fuel filter. Its throughput is significantly reduced. The quality of cleaning becomes extremely low and more and more impurities penetrate the fuel system

Decreased machine traction

The use of poor quality gasoline for a long time leads to a significant decrease in the traction of the machine. She simply “refuses” to go fast and the acceleration dynamics decreases.

The smaller the volume of the engine, the more pronounced the “slowness” of the car. The power of the machine is lost, especially when using a trailer with a load. The car often stalls and the engine runs unevenly at idle

Engine detonation

A very unpleasant phenomenon that occurs as a result of prolonged use of poor quality gasoline. The mixture of gasoline and air, as a result of compression, ignites prematurely before the arrival of fire. Engine detonation significantly reduces its resource and leads to premature overhaul

Failure of the fuel equipment

Poor-quality gasoline with prolonged use leads to problems in the fuel system of the car. This is especially noticeable on new cars, where the fuel system is very sensitive to fuel quality. Such dubious savings ultimately turn into significant material costs.

Self-checking the quality of gasoline allows the driver to identify his own circle of safe car filling stations. Such actions minimize the risk of refueling with poor quality gasoline.

There are the following ways to check the quality of gasoline at home:

white sheet of paper

Take a clean sheet of plain white paper. Its surface is wetted with a small amount of gasoline. You need to wait until the leaf dries and look at it in the light.

If the surface of the sheet remains white, then the quality of the fuel is good. If streaks remain on the sheet after the gasoline dries, the fuel contains impurities. Refueling is not recommended

Glass spherical surface

In this case, you can use an ordinary wrist watch to check the quality of gasoline. It is enough to place a drop of gasoline on their glass spherical surface.

If, after drying, rusty or dark stains in the form of rings remain on the glass surface, gasoline contains a large amount of tar. The latter, when burned, form a dig that adversely affects the operation of the motor

plastic bottle

To check the quality of gasoline at home, it is enough to collect a small amount of it in an ordinary plastic bottle. As a rule, 500 milliliters is enough.

The collected liquid should be carefully examined in the light. It has a light yellow color. A small amount of potassium permanganate must be added to gasoline.

If the color of the fuel has not changed, everything is in order. A pink or reddish coloration of the liquid is evidence of the presence of water.


Apply a small amount of gasoline to the skin of the hand. If it quickly evaporates without leaving traces, it can be safely refilled into the tank. When a greasy oil stain forms on the hand, the fuel contains a lot of impurities.

When checking the quality of gasoline at home, it is imperative to remember about safety precautions. Fuel must be kept away from sources of fire, electrical appliances and explosive objects. Careless use of gasoline can result in a fire.

Thank you for your attention, good luck on the road.

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