What to take on the road? travel items. Independent travel by car

What to take on the road? travel items. Independent travel by car

More and more people prefer to spend their weekends on outdoor activities rather than mindlessly spending them sitting in front of the TV. Various types of hiking are becoming more and more popular. However, few novice tourists are responsible for collecting the necessary things for the trip.

Even if the route of the hike is thought out to the smallest detail, and is only 1 day, the backpack of a tourist must still be assembled in accordance with all the rules. This is the key to a good outdoor recreation. A big mistake of tourists - beginners is overload. In this article, we will try to figure out what you need to take with you on a hike, what requirements are there for tourist clothing, whether you need a first aid kit, and how to assemble it yourself.

A complete list of possible things for a trip is available by clicking the download button after the article.

Preparing for a hike

Fees will depend on many factors. First you need to decide on the route. What terrain will it pass through (forest, taiga, mountains), approximate duration in days, will you spend the night in nature or are you planning to settle down for the night in hotels. You should take into account the time of year, the age of the participants in the campaign and their number.

Be sure to read the information:

When solving the dilemma that the list of things to go on a hike, keep in mind that the maximum weight of a backpack for a man is 30 kg, but for a woman it is limited to 15 kg.

The necessary minimum of things can usually be divided into 3 categories:

  1. For movement. This includes all navigation items (map, compass), comfortable clothing, shoes. In addition, for active actions in nature, you will need any auxiliary items (lantern, whistle, magnifying glass, rope) and a first aid kit.
  2. For relax. For a one-day trip, a blanket or travel mat will suffice. If the plans include spending the night in the forest, then you need to think about a tent and sleeping bags. You will need tools for making a fire (matches, a lighter, paper or newspaper).
  3. Nutrition. A minimal picnic set consisting of metal kitchen utensils, a knife and a dry ration. For long hikes, it makes sense to purchase a gas burner.

Many are concerned about the question of what to take with a child on a hike? All of the above, but do not forget about sports equipment that will help pass the time on vacation. It can be a ball, tennis rackets, badminton.

Clothing and footwear

Putting together a travel backpack is not that difficult. You just need to make a list in advance of the necessary minimum of things that you can’t do without on a hike.

IMPORTANT: pay attention to additional materials in the block RELATED MATERIALS!

Each individual tourist has his own understanding of camping.

For some, this is a weekend trip to nature, not far from the city, with an overnight stay in a tent. For others, it is active autotourism, which involves spending the night in a tent.

For others, it is a multi-day and multi-kilometer hike, often on the verge of endurance of the body, which involves not only spending the night in a tent, cooking on a fire, but also the need to carry all the necessary things in a backpack, that is, on your own shoulders.

Accordingly, the list of necessary things that you can and even need to take with you on a camping trip varies significantly depending on the intended type of camping holiday. Of course, for a more comfortable stay and trips by car, the number of things will be much more than for long and multi-day trips with a backpack.

Types of camping

I repeat a little, to understand the types of camping, and specify the list of necessary things.

For myself, I share three types of tent rest:

  1. A weekend trip, usually by car, not very far from home, with one or two nights in a tent.
  2. Active autotourism for several days, with overnight stays in a tent.
  3. Multi-day hike, without using a car.

Let us dwell in detail on each of the types of tent rest and a possible list of things necessary for rest.

List of necessary things for a weekend trip with tents

Considering that a weekend camping holiday is usually carried out by car - this is either a trip in your own car, or a car - transfer to a place of rest, the presence of a car makes it possible, on the one hand, to take more things that you may need, and with the other, taking into account the short duration of the trip, limit yourself to the minimum set.

1. Actually, the tent itself

If you are already planning a tent vacation, then without it, nowhere. Currently, the choice of tents is simply huge - from small single tents to multi-room tents, in which you can not only accommodate a large company, but also arrange a common kitchen - dining room.
If you need a tent once or twice a year, don't buy an expensive tent. The only requirement that you must consider when buying a tent is that it must be waterproof, both from above, for example, in case it rains, and from below, in general, also in case it rains and water flows under the bottom tents.

For more frequent trips to nature, it is worth choosing a better quality tent, both in terms of the materials used for its manufacture, and in terms of its stability and ease of installation.

I think that any professional seller of a tourist shop will be happy to not only advise you, but also help you decide on the choice of a tent in the ratio of the desired price / quality.

2. Travel mats and sleeping bags

In addition to the tent itself, you need to take care of the bed.

Self-inflating mats, which take up little more space and weight than travel mats, have become a good replacement for the usual tourist rug (“foams”).

Some tourists buy a large rubber mattress, inflate it right in the tent, and sleep peacefully on it, not only without experiencing the cold from the ground, but also on a completely soft and comfortable surface. For the mattress, do not forget to buy the appropriate pump (as a rule, the pump is included).

Even with a large mattress, sleeping bags are still needed. And, if one large mattress is enough for a tent, then every tourist, including children, needs sleeping bags.

3. Warm clothes and shoes

If you travel not very far from home, and the weather promises to be hot and not rainy, you can not take a large number of warm clothes. At the same time, do not forget that evenings and nights, especially near the water, are cool, so a warm jumper and trousers (even sports ones) can come in handy.

Yes, and weather forecasts often do not come true, and instead of a beautiful tan from nature, you can bring pronounced signs of a cold. That is, even if you expect heat, you need to take warm clothes. Especially if you are traveling with children.

Also, do not forget that for outdoor recreation it is necessary to take comfortable clothes with you, preferably one that does not wrinkle too much when worn actively.

4. Camping - tourist furniture: folding table, chairs

The items are very comfortable. But their availability depends not only on your financial capabilities, but also on the volume of the trunk of the car. Although, some tourists - tenters feel quite well while sitting on stumps or on tourist rugs - seats.

5. Camping utensils

Depending on what and how much you plan to cook. And if you can use ordinary disposable plastic utensils and plastic appliances for eating, then for cooking you need at least one pot, frying pan, or a pot, if you prefer to cook on a fire, a ladle, etc. I wrote more about what dishes can be useful on a trip, as well as what products to take to nature, in one of my previous articles: what products to take to nature (follow the link).

Also, it will not be superfluous to have a gas stove and a small supply of gas cylinders on a hike or a trip with tents - not everyone knows how to cook on a fire.

6. Other little things

For example, toilet paper, ointments and liquids from ticks and mosquitoes.

A brazier and skewers or a grill for cooking meat or fish, ready-made charcoal, in order not to wait until enough coal burns in a fire, will not be superfluous. You can also take a bundle of firewood with you, especially if you plan to camp with tents in a place where, by definition, there is not only dead wood, but also, in principle, a forest.

7. First aid kit and medicines

Resting in nature, there is always a risk of injury. Therefore, a tourist first aid kit should always be at hand. There should also be a small supply of medicines in case you have to take them on a regular basis.

The list of necessary things for active autotourism

Active autotourism, with its longer pastime far from home, implies a more expanded set of necessary things. Although, in fact, the list of necessary things that you need to take with you is almost the same as the previous one.

Perhaps the main difference is a much larger amount of clothing, in which it is necessary to take into account both the likely heat and the possibility of a sharp cold snap. Of course, it makes no sense to take the entire wardrobe from home, but spare trousers and jackets obviously do not hurt. Boots with warm socks will not be superfluous.

Food supplies are collected depending on the direction and place where you plan to go. Even in the village shop you can buy the most necessary products. But, if you plan to go, for example, far into the mountains, and the nearest village is located hundreds of kilometers away, then you should take care of the supply of food and water.

The same applies to other related items: dishes, washing accessories, towels, etc.

When we are going on a long trip, we have a large number of bags that need to be somehow distributed around the car ... Therefore, when packing things, you need to take into account the trunk volume of your iron friend. And the principle "I'll take it just in case" does not always justify itself.

On the other hand, when traveling by car, you can take with you an almost unlimited number of necessary things, which cannot be said about long trips on foot, when everything you might need on a camping trip must not only be compactly packed into a backpack, but also carried this backpack on your back...

List of necessary things for a camping trip

In this case, I will limit myself to a universal list, since each hiker has his own individual capabilities and needs.

  1. Backpack. The backpack should be comfortable, light and roomy, with a large number of pockets and compartments.
  2. Tent. For hiking, they select the most light, but at the same time, waterproof tent. It will no longer be possible to take tents and camping furniture with you. Tourist seat mat.
  3. Sleeping bag and travel mat. Without it, nowhere. Sleeping on bare ground is not only unpleasant, but also fraught with hypothermia with all associated diseases.
  4. A set of warm clothes: thick jacket, jumper, trousers, socks, hat, gloves. Especially if you go to the mountains. Sunglasses for the mountain route also do not interfere. With bright sun and snow lying in the mountains, the eyes will not be comfortable.
  5. A set of ordinary hiking clothes. As a rule, this is a sports suit. Waterproof raincoat - in case of heavy rain. Ideally, the raincoat should be large enough that you can fit into it with your backpack.
  6. Several sets of underwear, including underwear, t-shirts, socks. It is better to take from soft natural fabrics. Cap or head scarf.
  7. Shoes. As a rule, on a long trip with tents, they take with them thick waterproof boots and lighter shoes, for example, ordinary sneakers.
  8. Phones, watches, navigator, camera. If you take electronic devices on a hike, do not forget to take spare batteries.
  9. Washing supplies, towels, soap/shampoo, tissues, toilet paper…
  10. Set of dishes. Depending on the number of people going on a hike. If there is a large group, then the dishes used for cooking are distributed among the tourists, and each tourist also takes an individual set of dishes (plate, mug, fork, spoon, knife). If a small team goes on a hike, or an individual hike is planned, then you yourself will have to carry both a primus stove with a supply of gas, and a saucepan.
  11. Products. Probably the hardest part of the list. You can’t carry a large amount of canned food and potatoes with cereals on yourself. Therefore, many experienced tourists are content with little: they take with them a limited set of fast-cooking cereals, nuts, dried fruits, dried meat, spices, etc.
  12. Other little things. Matches or a lighter, a flashlight (preferably a headlamp), a small coil of a regular clothesline (for example, hang clothes to dry), a few plastic bags, thread and a needle, scissors. Don't forget to bring some cash and your passport with you. No matter where it will take you.

We love road trips madly for several reasons:




Weekend departure fees take us less than an hour, however, we are preparing thoroughly for long road trips, such as.

I, n Despite the fact that tourist life has taught us to exist autonomously, accommodating everything you need in one backpack, in this article we have collectedthe most complete list everything that It can be usefulto our readers on a road trip.

Car check

  • Engine: tensioning belts and chains
  • Oil
  • Stop lights
  • Fog lights
  • wheel alignment
  • Rubber
  • Belts
  • Candles
  • Brake fluid
  • Brake system (leaks)
  • Chassis, suspension (levers, springs)
  • Remove tint in case you go to Europe

Documents, money

  • Driver license
  • Documents for the car
  • Russian and foreign passport
  • Medical policy (for the native region - ordinary, in Russia - special extended, abroad - issued additionally) and insurance
  • Hotel vouchers
  • Copies of documents stored in a separate location
  • Money (currency)
  • Additional documents of the country you are going to enter
  • A case for documents

car equipment

  • First aid kit (check expiration date)
  • Tow rope
  • Jack
  • Spare wheel
  • Pump
  • Warning triangle
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Fuse set
  • Gasoline canister
  • Wrenches for nuts and screws
  • Fluid kit (oil, brake fluid, antifreeze)
  • Rags for cleaning windows
  • technical water
  • Atlas
  • DVR
  • Radar detector (if you are not going to Europe)
  • Sunglasses

Organization of accommodation

  • Tent
  • Tourist foams
  • Sleeping bags/Blankets
  • small pillows
  • Inflatable mattresses (sleep and swim)
  • Hatchet / hacksaw
  • Campfire accessories (dry fuel, matches)
  • Rope (drying clothes, etc. help in organizing the camp)
  • Basin for washing
  • Lantern for evening gatherings that can be hung
  • Sun umbrella


  • Cooler bag
  • Barbecue grill or skewers
  • Gas burner or electric stove
  • Spare gas cylinders
  • Table and chairs
  • Towel
  • Vegetable cutting board
  • Deep salad bowl (unbreakable)
  • Plastic containers with lid
  • A pot if you plan to cook over a campfire
  • ladle
  • Garbage bags
  • Paper towels
  • paper napkins
  • Cymbals (unbreakable)
  • Glasses (unbreakable)
  • Spoons forks
  • Tablecloth or table mat
  • Can opener
  • Corkscrew


  • Wet wipes (lots)
  • Antiseptic
  • Laundry powder
  • Toilet paper
  • Towel
  • Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste
  • Shampoo, shower gel
  • washcloth
  • Comb
  • Lenses and fluid
  • Individual cosmetics
  • Mirror
  • Scissors
  • Tweezers
  • file
  • cotton pads
  • ear sticks
  • Razor
  • Shaving foam/gel
  • Aftershave
  • Deodorant
  • Repellent
  • Sunscreen

first aid kit

  • From a cold
  • For a headache
  • From stomach disorders and poisoning
  • Painkiller
  • Adhesive plaster
  • Elastic bandage


  • Charging with car adapter to recharge all phones and other devices
  • Flash drive / disk with your favorite music, books for listening on the road
  • Headphones
  • Player
  • Laptop or DVD player with downloaded movies
  • EBook
  • Camera with charger
  • Camcorder with charger
  • gopro
  • Additional memory: hard drive, flash cards, etc.
  • hands free
  • Mobile phone with charger
  • walkie-talkies

Approximate set of products on the road

  • Instant soups and purees
  • Smoked sausage
  • Cheese, hard or processed
  • Vegetable oil for cooking
  • Olive oil for salads
  • Fruits and vegetables according to their shelf life
  • Pasta/spaghetti/buckwheat and other easy-to-cook cereals
  • Ketchup and other sauces
  • Boiled eggs on the first day of the journey
  • Tea bags
  • Instant coffee
  • Sugar
  • Sweet for tea
  • Bottled drinking water
  • Gum


  • Guide
  • Notebook with a pen for keeping travel notes and other notes
  • Book
  • Playing cards
  • Threads and needles
  • Fishing accessories
  • Toys, coloring books, pencils for children
  • Binoculars
  • Mate and accessories

Clothing, shoes, taking into account weather conditions and type of activity

  • Warm clothes (jackets, sweaters, thermal underwear, windbreakers, trousers, jeans ..)
  • Light items (t-shirts, shorts, skirts, dresses, sundresses...)
  • Footwear (sneakers, boots, sneakers, boots, slates, slippers...)
  • Underwear, swimming trunks, swimsuit
  • Socks, tights
  • Hats

About, what to wear on a hike can be read in the article

About, what to take on a hike can be read in the article

Life hacks from the site:

  1. Nuts, crackers, marmalades, sucking sweets, chips are great to save you from a boring road and help you “starve a worm” before a snack. On the road, we always try to keep a spare pack of such sweets in the car.
  2. A thermos of coffee should always be on hand to cheer up the driver. Our Zojirushi thermos fits perfectly in car cup holders and easily keeps the right temperature until the next overnight stay, even if it does not happen today.
  3. Emergency food supply: under the seat, we always keep an extra supply of instant mashed potatoes and noodles just in case. With our passion to get somewhere far away, it is not always possible to count on a shop or cafe in the steppe. And in general, you never know where you get up and where you decide to take a walk. It’s good if there are also a couple of chocolates under the seat, rye bread and maybe some canned food ... The main thing to remember is that this is NZ!
  4. A compact frying pan is never superfluous. Among the products in the car, we usually always have chicken eggs. I confess that for me it is a special buzz to cook scrambled eggs for Rob in the morning. And sometimes in stores you can even find a ready-made mixture for making pancakes - and this is a separate holiday!
  5. There are never too many paper napkins. I always take a lot of them. First of all, they do an excellent job of cleaning dishes from grease and are generally convenient when there is nowhere to wash them or just too lazy to go. Honestly, I do the same with our plates on a hike.
  6. Jet Boil - we often write about this wonderful device and talk a lot, and we will say it again, because we really use it everywhere: even in traffic jams, heating water right in the car.
  7. Water! 5 liters of clean drinking water should always be in the car - this is our obligatory rule after poisoning in Abkhazia. For drinking on the road, we buy cool mineral sparkling water - it invigorates well, and in parking lots we often use the stored five-liter bottle. This again contributes to our autonomy, since our snack is not tied to a stream or a store.
  8. The Leatherman Multitool is the one that helps and saves space in your car without making a mess. Robert does not carry an extra screwdriver, wire cutters, bottle opener or corkscrew - he always has everything at hand in this compact super multitool.

How to prepare for a road trip

You can dig up a whole book about what can be useful to a car traveler. But we tried to reduce it to a dozen purely practical tips. They will be especially useful if you are going on a real voyage several hundred or thousands of kilometers long, and not just to the country.


A week before the trip, you need to carefully check the "steel horse" for "professional suitability". Due to elementary problems that could be fixed at the service station in twenty to thirty minutes (and for a very moderate amount), you can get stuck in the middle of nowhere for a long time, waiting for a tow truck.

So a full diagnosis will definitely not be superfluous. If there is any doubt about the reliability of the battery, it is better to replace it. In general, no questions about the technical condition of the car should arise. And a week before the proposed trip is needed so that there is time to identify missed unexpected problems and eliminate them.

Warehouse in the trunk

Firstly if the purpose of the trip is the wilds of the forest, you need a shovel. Common, but irreplaceable thing. It is so versatile that it can be needed at any time. It is a pity that many weekend travelers forget about it.

With the help of a shovel, you can dig a fire, bury the remaining debris, dig a hole for water, and so on. And in general, it is not known in what mud baths your car can get stuck. In a word, take it as a rule: if you are going on a trip, take a shovel.

The choice of a particular tool is not critical. But it is better to stay away from extremes. A children's scoop, like a professional shovel, will most likely be out of place. But the standard "tourist" with a folding bayonet and a size of 50-70 cm is what you need.

Secondly, throw a stapler somewhere in the salon. Joke? No, it can be indispensable in the case of repairing perforated tents, awnings, covers and other fabric products.

Third, rope, adhesive tape and plastic wrap. Of course, they may or may not be useful. But who knows what awaits you? Film is especially useful. She can and should cover the "steel horse" while standing in the forest. After all, nature does not like guests, therefore it takes revenge in the form of incomprehensible pieces falling from trees, bird “shelling” and bugs that stain everything and everything. All these "gifts" have the ability to eat into the paint and wash poorly.

You can also cover the interior with a film, especially if it is light. Resin, herbs, berries, juice, insects will definitely try to leave a stain on the chairs. Moreover, even dry cleaning is not always able to cope with them.

Fourth, be sure to take an ax and a lantern. Why these things are needed, I think no one needs to explain.

It is better to take care of filling the first-aid kit in advance, and not at the last moment. Because in a hurry, you can easily forget something. Various cold pills, painkillers and your "personal" medicines should be "registered" in the medicine cabinet in advance.

If instead of a full-size spare wheel in the car there is a stowaway, it is better to replace it with a normal, full-fledged spare wheel.

And, of course, the financial question. As you know, there is no such thing as too much money. But it is not advisable to take too large sums with you. This is where the “golden mean” rule comes into play. You can protect yourself with a stash. But it is better to forget about it before the occurrence of really necessary and unforeseen expenses.

food question

When traveling by car, the food issue can be solved in two ways. First: pack four backpacks, five bags, and a few baskets of food with you. True, under this "warehouse" you need to allocate either a whole trunk or a trailer. The second is not to bother your head and use the services of roadside eateries or cafes. Each method is both good and bad in its own way.

Those who decide not to trust the roadside service will have to puzzle over the safety of the products. The best assistant is, of course, a car refrigerator. Well, or at least a thermal bag. 12 V is enough for the refrigerator, you just need to remember that in 2-3 days of constant work it will easily “land” the battery.

It's easier with a thermos. In order for it to retain its properties longer, it must be put in the freezer before leaving for a couple of hours. And when packing food, do not forget to put cooling elements. Regular ice will do.

The main disadvantage of eateries is that no one will ever know what dumplings or some kind of soup were made from. And does the lawyer wash his hands before the "creative process" ... It is better to believe in the best.

Sadly, the service on our roads is very remotely reminiscent of European. Anyone who has traveled at least once in Germany, France or any other Western European country is unlikely to trust the stomach to the “cafeshantans” along our roads. And it’s understandable why: lunch can lead to a lot of trouble, ranging from banal heartburn to serious food poisoning. Moreover, such a meal can be unreasonably expensive.

What is it like to travel around Russia by car? In this report, I will share my experience of independent road trips. Which car to choose? What to take on a trip? How to prepare the car? What can be done to ensure safe travel? My personal experience and advice from avid autotourists.

I like traveling very much! And every time I try to bring novelty to this business: a new style, a new format, new routes.

  • I have already traveled by bike through the Sahara desert, the Mediterranean coast and the Atlantic Ocean in.
  • Organized a solo trip.
  • I properly rode on rented bikes on the islands of Penang and Borneo, along and.
  • Hitting and flying on planes, too, be healthy!

And now it's time to try something new. I decided to buy a super passable and roomy car - UAZ "Patriot" to discover a new style of travel with it. My first car, first time driving. I trained for three months, riding around the immediate surroundings, equipped a car, bought all the necessary travel equipment - and on the first day of autumn 2016, I got behind the wheel and set off on a road several thousand kilometers long to see the Caucasus.

By car, I have traveled only in Russia so far ( read:), and my advice will primarily be useful to those who are preparing for a trip within the country. But also my recommendations on preparing a car, collecting things and safety issues will be useful for those who are planning an independent trip by car to Europe or other places abroad. Most of the tips are universal.

Why did I choose UAZ "Patriot" for traveling around Russia?

I chose a car for a long time, compared all possible options, the pros and cons of each option. As a result, I came to the conclusion that the Patriot would be the best option for me, taking into account my needs.

What pros car UAZ "Patriot" for long-distance travel across Russia?

  1. patency. On this car, I drove through terrible mud, drove up very steep slopes, jumped over huge cobblestones on the roads in the mountains, drove along the bed of mountain rivers. The car coped with all the difficulties. I am a fan of climbing into remote and hard-to-reach places, so the patency of the car is very important to me.
  2. capacity. No matter how much equipment you have, personal belongings, equipment for shooting and work, supplies of provisions and water - all this will fit perfectly in the trunk and car interior. Another bonus: two people can sleep in the cabin with the rear seats folded down (I made a simple construction of plywood in the form of a raised floor, and laid a cotton mattress on top - the bed is ready). So UAZ "Patriot" is practically a motor home.
  3. Repaired in any village in the most remote corners of the country. If, while traveling in Russia far from civilization (for example, in Altai or the Caucasus), a car breaks down, then it will be easy to find the necessary replacement parts and a craftsman who can fix everything (after all, only UAZs are driven there). If you are traveling around Russia in a foreign car and a breakdown happens in some wilderness, then you will have a hard time.

But, of course, there are minuses:

  1. High consumption of gasoline: about 13 l / 100 km on the highway, off-road it can be all 40-50.
  2. Shaking, noisy, vibrating. On long trips on the Patriot, when you drive about 1000 km a day, it is exhausting. But what can you do? This is the Russian auto industry! This is UAZ! We'll have to be patient.
  3. Over 120 km / h you will not go, no matter how hard you try. More precisely, even after 100-110 km / h it already becomes extremely uncomfortable - the engine roars, the car sausages.

Also, the UAZ "Patriot" is quite suitable for trips to the CIS countries, but it's better to travel around Europe by another car - otherwise you will have to drag a trailer of parts and spare parts.

Preparing for a long road trip

I’ll make a reservation right away, I don’t give advice on preparing and equipping a car for large-scale and long trips to the utter wilderness, to the taiga, to the mountains, hundreds of kilometers from the nearest settlement. Such extreme expeditions will require training of a completely different level, as well as confident knowledge in mechanics, the ability to diagnose and fix breakdowns. I don't have those skills, and most people, I suppose, don't either. Therefore, my lists and tips are intended exclusively for autotourists who want to go on vacation in their car, and not recover to conquer the virgin expanses of taiga, tundra or inaccessible plateaus and mountain passes.

On a note. To travel by car, it is not necessary to have personal transport or drive it from home. You can rent a car at the location where you are going. You can find a car of the right brand and class at the best price on the convenient Skyscanner Car Hire service, which compares the offers of all the most popular car rental companies. Especially convenient if you are planning a trip to Europe, Asia or America.

What to do before leaving?

So, what should be done before you go on an independent road trip in Russia or abroad?

  1. Pass the technical inspection, change oil, filters, worn parts - in general, check everything and bring the car to the best condition.
  2. equip, equip car with everything you need. If you are going to drive off-road, it is worth putting fuel tank guards, tie rod guards and transfer cases. Equip a bed if you plan to spend the night in the car. Organize the storage of things (there are a lot of them on a big trip - you need to put everything correctly).
  3. Think over nutrition and stock up on food and water. It is always better to have something edible for a snack on the way, as well as a reserve for a rainy day (more precisely, a few days).
  4. Think over the route and places of overnight stays. Calculate how far you will travel per day, and, based on this, decide where you will spend the night so as not to end up in an open field at night. It's a matter of security and peace of mind.
  5. Find out about work cellular communication and availability Internet access along the route of travel and at the destination.

What to take on a trip by car?

Listed below are all the things that I take with me on long and long road trips. Based on my list, make your own, including the things that you will need on the trip. Print it out and use it at your collection so you don't forget anything.

Mandatory set of a motorist. , fire extinguisher, compressor, jack, tool kit, spare tire, cable, starting wires. I also have: a shovel, rubber boots, an axe, a saw, boards for a jack, rags, funnels, a washer, antifreeze, brake fluid, gloves, a canister with a supply of water, ropes, luggage rubber bands with hooks, a set of fuses, clamps.

Electronics. Inverter (voltage converter to 220 volts). A very important thing when traveling! It makes it possible to charge equipment and connect any not too powerful electrical appliances. Grab spare fuses for it. Also very useful: navigator, DVR, radar detector, phones with GPS, and maps (OSM, Yandex, Google). Other electronics: laptop, camera, player, usb-speakers (they are convenient to watch movies in the evenings, listen to music in a hotel room). SIM cards of different (best) operators.

Hiking life. Wet wipes, paper napkins, a raincoat, sleeping bags, a tent, tourist rugs, sheets, pillows, pillowcases, towels, a blanket, garbage bags, camping folding chairs, a folding table (think how much you need it, as it takes up a lot of space), a thermal bag , toilet paper, soap, shampoo, personal care products, matches, lighters, flashlight and batteries, fumigators and insect sprays, alcohol or chlorhexidine for disinfection.

Cooking and eating. Gas burner and cylinders, pots, frying pan, cutlery, mugs, thermos, containers, corkscrew, can opener, knives, small camp kettle or boiler, geyser coffee maker or Turk, cutting board, washing sponges, detergent, barbecue, skewers.

Nutrition. Everyone himself forms his own stocks of edibles, I will list only the main ones. Salt, sugar, tea, coffee, sunflower oil, nuts and muesli for a snack on the way. What can you eat while traveling? Suitable products, in my opinion: cereals, pasta, canned meat, vegetables and fish, couscous (highly recommend), bread or crackers. A decent supply of drinking water is a must!

Cash different denominations, especially small ones (50, 100). Far from major cities, you can’t pay with a card, and you can’t always find an ATM (for example, once in Morocco, in a tiny, completely non-tourist village in the Sahara desert, we found ourselves without cash in local currency, we had to look for those who wanted to exchange). Traveling alone in Russia by car, there is always a chance to break down, and then you will need to resort to someone's help - cash will come in handy.

Cloth. Going on a long trip by car, think over this question carefully. Choose clothes and shoes based on the route and season. If you spend the night in a tent or car, take care of the presence of warm clothes (for example, in the Caucasus in September-October we were very cold at night). Thermal underwear and fleece clothing will never be superfluous. Choose the best shoes different types: something light (flip flops, sandals), waterproof (boots, boots), casual shoes for the city or nature. I can recommend the Asics trail running shoes - they are great shoes! In these wonderful sneakers, we walked in the mountains over 20 km a day with a climb of more than a kilometer, and at -20 ° C we did not freeze, and at + 30 ° C our legs did not boil in them, and drive for 15 hours a day. comfortable day in them.

Other: books, sunglasses, adhesive tape, pins, sewing needles and threads, cotton pads, glue, umbrella, hammock.

Travel safety

Safety tips from experienced auto travelers to keep in mind:

  1. Think about the safety of the overnight stay. It's better to sleep in the car. All valuables should also be inside. Do not fold the driver's seat and leave it free to be able to quickly get behind the wheel and drive away. The nose of the car should not rest against an obstacle (tree, ravine, pond, etc.).
  2. Keep self-defense equipment handy. For example, pepper spray. Experienced travelers recommend having a powerful flashlight or searchlight on hand (to blind the enemy). In the face of the aggressor, you can also Fire some household spray (for example, WD-40, glass cleaner, etc.).
  3. Inform your loved ones about where you are, stopping for the night, as well as during the journey.
  4. Find out and write phone numbers tow trucks and service centers for your car in the regions through which you will pass.
  5. Keep track of fuel. Fill up a full tank ahead of time. Ideally, carry a canister of gasoline.
  6. Good to have satellite phone.
  7. A few points in favor of your safety will be given by the fact that you have press documents Or at least badges. It’s good if you have the opportunity to create a special page on the Internet that will tell about your trip and create the appearance that you are a member of a major travel project and the whole country knows about you. You can also decorate the car with stickers about your participation in the expedition. These measures will give you special status and make law enforcement more soft and fair in dealing with you (the likelihood of raids and rudeness will decrease).

Safety issues that should always be considered by any traveler (not just a motorist):

  • Money. Anticipate ALL possible financial difficulties and find ways to solve them. It is worth having several cards of different banks, storing them in different places (the same applies to cash). Have a reserve - the amount for unforeseen expenses.
  • Documentation. Scan or take a photo of your documents, save them on a flash drive and keep them with you.

The list of things on the road and tips on safety and comfort will be gradually supplemented and adjusted as new experience accumulates. Your advice and comments will be glad! Share your experience in the comments - we will form a note for an autotraveller together.

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