How is gasoline made and from what? How to make gasoline at home: ways to get fuel from oil Getting motor gasoline.

How is gasoline made and from what? How to make gasoline at home: ways to get fuel from oil Getting motor gasoline.


We all know what gasoline fuel is, but not everyone understands how, from what, under what conditions it is produced.

Gasoline blending production methods are a very lengthy process that requires a certain amount of engineering skill, perfect knowledge of chemistry and iron patience.

How gasoline is made from oil in factories

Result: all loans increased by 40% in six months, the cost of equipment is also around 40-50%, plus sanctions, and taxes, unfortunately, do not fall.

Current gasoline prices are quite reasonable

In 2015, gasoline prices rose by 4.8%, and diesel - by 3.4%. The average cost for the period of January 2016 per liter was 34.89 rubles, and the price of diesel fuel was 35.54 rubles per liter. Oil continues to fall in price, dropping to $34 per barrel.

What should be done in such a situation? Either raise prices in order to repay some of the money for loans, or give the banks the deposits, factories and productions under which they were taken, which is unacceptable.

Which exit? In order for retail fuel prices to stop growing, it is necessary that the cost of wholesale lots go down. But manufacturers are not ready for such a step.

Be that as it may, we have to wait for better times with hope, no matter how long this situation lasts. After all, the fact that our favorite cars always want to eat cannot be changed, except to transfer to a bicycle.

Now we know how gasoline is made from oil. We understand the complexity of the procedure for its extraction, all the calculations and time, how many people and their labor have been spent to ensure that our iron horse is always fed.

A unique combustible mixture is used today to propel cars with an installed internal combustion engine. Gasoline first appeared on the territory of modern Russia in 1823. Then they began to produce it on primitive distillation plants, more like a moonshine still.

After successful attempts at processing and a number of unique experiments, the first plant for the production of gasoline, kerosene and other petrochemical products was opened in the city of Mozdok. From that moment, the oil industry began to develop rapidly and everyone had the opportunity to fill their car with high-quality gasoline. And every time you fill up your car, looking at this unique fuel, you ask yourself the question: “So how do they make gasoline?”

Interesting fact: At the end of the 19th century, the first internal combustion engine was created in Europe. Its creator, Gottlieb Daimler, at that moment began a real revolution, as a result of which we can see such a variety of cars and vehicles every day.

What is gasoline made from?

For the production of gasoline, it is necessary to extract clean, unpolluted oil from the bowels of the earth. To do this, they use drilling rigs and special equipment that pumps it to the surface and fills storage tanks. With the help of vehicles or a pipeline, it is sent to a special processing plant. Oil goes through several stages of purification and separation from the original mass of pure high-octane gasoline and other components. The result is gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. The finished product is sent for sale to all corners of the planet.

At every oil refinery, there are special tanks in which raw materials are stored until the day of gasoline production. A special pipeline fills the tanks with fresh oil from the wells and, when it is full, pumps it to the cleaning stage.

Oil enters a special apparatus for preliminary cleaning from third-party inclusions. Water is added to the raw material and gently mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Electricity is passed through the contents of the tank, as a result of which the salts settle to the bottom. During the action of electricity, the oil is washed with water and purified from salts by 90%. Pure oil is distilled through the pipeline to the stage of atmospheric vacuum distillation and catalytic cracking.

Primary processing

In the atmospheric vacuum distillation apparatus, crude oil is heated to a boiling state under the influence of elevated temperature and separated into components. As a result, straight-run gasoline is obtained, which is sent for export and raw materials for further processing. After complete separation, with the help of a special pipeline system, gasoline is pumped to temporary storage, and raw materials to a vacuum unit. The boiling raw material is heated even more strongly to obtain light oil products suitable for diesel fuel. To isolate 92 and 95 fractions, the raw material is sent to the stage of catalytic reforming and cracking.


Through the pipeline system, the feedstock enters the catalytic reformer. It is cleaned from impurities and third-party inclusions, as a result of which pure fractions are obtained. They are assigned an octane rating of 95 or 92 and sent to the blending stage. In another part of the plant, the process of catalytic cracking is carried out, as a result of which the contaminated raw material is cleaned of sulfur and third-party inclusions. After complete purification, the liquids from the two processes are mixed and gasoline is obtained.

Interesting fact: for one person on the planet, for one day of life, 2 liters of crude oil have already been extracted and processed, which you can easily buy in the form of gasoline and fill your car.

Quality checking

In a special laboratory, oil, raw materials from different stages of production and finished gasoline are checked for quality.

In case of violation of the technological process, the products are sent for additional cleaning or processing.

The whole process of oil refining is to split a viscous liquid into many molecules. Light molecules are separated, resulting in gases, diesel fuel and gasoline.

Gasoline rises in price - although oil falls! How strange everything is arranged in our country. Well, okay, many of us are thinking - is it possible to make gasoline at home? And how is it done in general? What kind of complex technical process is this, after which gasoline now costs just like “gold”. Today I decided to write a short article, where we will consider the manufacturing process of this fuel. You'll see that it's not as difficult as it seems...

As you know, gasoline is made from oil, if you like, then this is a "blank" for the future fuel. By the way, from the residues after distillation, they get a lot more, for example, kerosene, fuel oil, etc. So a liter of this “fossil” is divided into many components.

In turn, oil can be decomposed into two main components, these are carbon (about 85%) and hydrogen (about 15%). They are interconnected by hundreds of bonds, which we then call hydrocarbons - in turn, they can also be divided into complex and light compositions - but all these compounds, in fact, are oil.

Gasoline is extracted from it in two main ways - this is the “direct distillation” process, and a more advanced one that has a lot of names - platforming, reforming, hydroreforming, but the most popular now are thermal and catalytic cracking. Now in more detail.

Straight distillation process

This is a very ancient method, it was invented at the dawn of gasoline engines. If you want, it does not differ in super technologies, and it can easily be repeated at every home, more on that later.

The physical process itself consists in heating the oil and evaporating the required compositions from it in turn. . The process takes place at atmospheric pressure and a closed container in which a gas outlet tube is installed. When heated, volatile compounds begin to evaporate from oil:

  • Temperature from 35 to 200 ° C - we get gasoline
  • Temperature from 150 to 305 °C - kerosene
  • From 150 to 360 °С - diesel fuel.

Then they are simply condensed into another container.

But this method has a lot of disadvantages:

  • We get very little fuel - so only 150 ml is obtained from one liter. gasoline.
  • The resulting gasoline is very low octane, about 50 - 60 units. As you understand, in order to catch up to 92 - 95, you need a lot of additives.

In general, this process is hopelessly outdated, in modern conditions it is simply not commercially profitable. Therefore, many processing enterprises have now switched to a more profitable, advanced manufacturing method.

Thermal and catalytic cracking

This process of obtaining gasoline is very complicated, you can’t get it at home in this way - definitely! I do not want to climb into the jungle, load you with complex chemical and physical terms. Therefore, I will try to tell what is said "on the fingers."

The essence of cracking is simple . Oil is chemically and physically decomposed into its constituents - that is, large, complex hydrocarbon molecules are made into smaller and simpler ones that form gasoline.

What does it give us, what are the advantages:

  • The output of gasoline increases several times, up to 40 - 50%. That is, compared with distillation, we already have almost half a liter of fuel.
  • The octane number is much, increased - usually it is about 70 - 80 units. Of course, you can’t ride it either, but you need a minimum of additives before you get the finished product.

In general, this process is clearly the future. That's why there are so many of them today - platforming, reforming, hydroreforming, cracking. Each process tries to increase the amount of fuel produced + improve the octane rating, ideally to do without additives at all.

Octane and dilution

I still want to talk a little about diluting the original gasoline. That is, how do we get the octane number equal to 92, 95 and 98, which are used now.

The octane number characterizes the resistance of gasoline fuel to detonation, in simple words it can be described as follows - in the fuel mixture (gasoline + air), which is compressed in the combustion chamber, the flame spreads at a speed of 1500 - 2500 m / s. If the mixture ignition pressure is too high, then additional peroxides begin to form, the explosion force increases - this is a simple detonation process that is in no way useful for engine pistons.

It is the resistance of the fuel to detonation that is estimated by the octane number. Now there are installations that contain a reference fluid - usually a mixture of isooctane (it has a number equal to "100") and heptane (it has exactly "0").

Then two fuels are compared on the stand, one obtained from oil (gasoline mixture), the second from isooctane. They are compared if the engines work the same way, they look at the second mixture and the number of isooctane in it - thus, they get the octane number. Of course, this is all ideally, laboratory tests.

In practice, knocking can be caused by many other engine problems, such as incorrect throttle position, lean fuel mixture, incorrect ignition, engine overheating, deposits in the fuel system, etc.

To summarize, now alcohols, ethers, alkyls are used as additives to increase the octane number, they are very environmentally friendly, as well as additives for. The ratio in the composition is approximately the same - the composition of catholic cracking (73 - 75%), alkyls (25 - 30%), butylene fractions (5 - 7%). For comparison, earlier tetraethyl lead was used to increase the octane number, it perfectly improves fuel, but it causes severe harm to the environment (all living things), and also settles in the lungs, and can cause cancer. So now it has been abandoned.

How to make gasoline at home - instructions

You know, my grandfather would have easily and simply made gasoline fuel at home! All because the moonshine still comes in handy, suitable for this event. It remains to find crude oil somewhere!

Okay, step by step process:

  • We are looking for a sealed container, there must be a gas outlet pipe on top, which will go to another container. A high temperature thermometer should also be installed to monitor the temperature inside.
  • Now we pour oil into the first container, put it on heating (you can even use gas, but it is explosive, because we get gasoline), it is better to use the electric option. We put the second container in a cold room, about + 5 degrees, if this is not possible then we put the tube that goes to the container in the cold, but at least cover it with ice from the refrigerator.
  • In the first tank, we start heating, and as we have already dismantled from above, a temperature of 35 - 200 degrees is enough for us to light fractions (gasoline) begin to evaporate. Usually already 100 - 120 degrees is enough. We heat it up, and since the vapors enter the cold container or tube through the tube, they condense - they fall into a liquid state, into the second container.

How to make gasoline?

Gasoline is a hydrocarbon-containing substance that is obtained from the distillation of petroleum in industry. It is most often used in internal combustion engines to convert chemical energy into mechanical energy. This article explores this concept in detail.

Since gasoline and other automotive fuels are becoming more expensive every day, many are thinking about how to make gasoline from waste, which will be much cheaper than produced industrially.

Can you make your own gasoline?

It turns out that making gasoline in laboratory or close to them conditions is quite really. To do this, it is not at all necessary to have a personal oil well. Fuel can be produced from waste. The process will require the following materials and items:

  • Oil refining waste - it is best to take unusable rubber tires;
  • Stove - an electric stove is best;
  • Three tanks, the walls of which are made of refractory materials;
  • Distiller or moonshine.

How to make gasoline: progress of work

Getting 92 gasoline

Our article describes in detail what brands of gasoline are and how they differ. Let's talk more about how to make 92 gasoline (high octane). To do this, heat the mixture to the highest possible temperature. At the proposed 200°C, the gasoline yield will be only 10% or less, and if the column is heated to 500°C, the yield will be much greater. Up to the 95th gasoline, you can bring the resulting combustible mixture with the help of additives that increase octane.

The gasoline obtained in the described way is practically no different from that sold at gas stations. True, the octane number of such fuel may be lower, so it is undesirable to use it in expensive cars, as this can damage the engine. In addition, home-made gasoline needs additional purification from impurities.

In today's world, gasoline prices are steadily rising, despite the fact that the cost of oil is constantly falling.

In this regard, many are beginning to think about whether it is possible to make gasoline at home and how to do it.

Getting from coal

There are two effective and proven methods. Both of these methods were developed by German scientists at the beginning of the last century.

During the Great Patriotic War, almost all German equipment moved with the help of coal fuel.

After all, as you know, there are no oil fields in Germany, but coal mining has been established. The Germans made diesel and gasoline synthetic fuel from brown coal.

Surprisingly, in terms of chemistry, coal is not as different from oil as many people think. They have one basis - it is hydrogen and combustible carbon compounds. True, there is less hydrogen in coal. A combustible mixture can be obtained by leveling the hydrogen indicators.

You can do this in the following ways:

  • hydrogenation or otherwise liquefaction;
  • gasification.

What is hydrogenation

Approximately 80 kg of gasoline can be obtained from one ton of coal. At the same time, coal must contain 35% of volatile substances.

To start processing, coal is finely ground to a powder state. Then the coal dust is thoroughly dried. After that, it is mixed with fuel oil or oil until a paste-like mass is obtained.

Hydrogenation is the addition of the missing hydrogen to the coal mixture. We place the raw material in a specialized autoclave and heat it. The temperature in it should be at around 500 degrees, and the pressure should be 200 bar.

In order to form gasoline, two phases are required:

  • liquid phase;
  • vapor phase.

Several rather complex chemical reactions take place in the autoclave. Coal is saturated with the necessary hydrogen, and the complex particles included in its composition break down into simple ones.

As a result, we get diesel fuel or gasoline. This will depend on the process itself.

Once again, the whole process of hydrogenation point by point:

  1. grinding coal to a state of dust;
  2. adding oil to it;
  3. heating in an autoclave at high temperature.

It is very important to make the right equipment. At home, it is quite difficult to make it yourself, because the pressure in autoclaves is higher than in oxygen cylinders.

It is important: remember safety precautions. The process itself is quite explosive. Never smoke near the unit and do not light a fire.


Gasification is the decomposition of solid fuel into gases.

Later, the missing substances are added to the obtained gases and transformed into a liquid state to obtain gasoline.

There are several ways to convert coal into gasoline by gasification.

The first method can theoretically be used at home. It is called the Fischer-Tropsch method. But this method is rather laborious in execution, requires too complex equipment, and in the end turns out to be unprofitable, since a lot of coal is spent and finished gasoline is cheaper.

In addition, a large amount of carbon dioxide is released, the recycling process becomes very dangerous at home. Therefore, we will not analyze this method in more detail.

There is also a thermal gasification method. It is carried out by heating the raw material in the complete absence of oxygen. Naturally, this also requires the appropriate equipment. After all, the temperature of decomposition of coal into gas is 1200 degrees.

The main advantage of this method is that part of the gases is sent to the synthesis of gasoline fuel, and part to the heating of raw materials. This helps keep costs down. Thus, the coal itself heats up.

Making gasoline from old tires

You can make gasoline with your own hands using old rubber tires.

This will require:

  • rubber waste;
  • bake;
  • distiller;
  • refractory containers.

Expert advice: do not make gasoline in a city apartment. The process is accompanied by smoke with a pungent smell of rubber.

Step-by-step instructions for making gasoline from rubber tires are as follows:

  1. It is necessary to prepare a metal barrel with a tight-fitting lid. In addition, a heat-resistant tube is required. It must be connected from above to the cover. This way you get a homemade retort. Then you need a container for condensate and another small container with two tubes to create a water seal. One tube is lowered into the water, and the second is held above it.
  2. Next, you need to assemble a device for producing hydrocarbons in liquid form. To do this, we connect a tube from our retort to the condensate. Then we also connect the condensate and the water seal with a hose. We connect the second tube to the stove on which we install the retort. The result is a closed system for cracking at high temperatures.
  3. We put the rubber in the retort and tightly close the lid, then it is necessary to heat it over high heat. At high temperatures, the rubber molecules are destroyed. Sublimation occurs, i.e., the transition from a solid state to a gaseous state bypassing the liquid stage. This gas then enters our condenser, where the temperature is much lower. Vapors condense, and as a result, we get oil in liquid form.
  4. The resulting substance must be purified, for this you need a distiller, which is often used when using moonshine stills. The suspension is brought to a boil at a temperature of 200 degrees, and gasoline is obtained.

Note: Avoid open flames during the distillation process. It is best to use an electric stove.

Alternative ways

Gasoline is made not only from coal and rubber tires.

It can be obtained from garbage, firewood, pellets, leaves, nut shells, seed husks, corn kernels, peat, straw, reeds, weeds, reeds, old sleepers, dry bird and animal manure, plastic bottles, medical waste, etc.

The process of producing gasoline at home, discussed above, is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. Terms such as hydrogenation, gasification, etc. can be misleading. But in fact, setting up production and making gasoline with your own hands is not as difficult as it seems.

We bring to your attention an interesting report on how to make gasoline at home:

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