Beef liver pancakes in the oven. Beef liver pancakes

Beef liver pancakes in the oven. Beef liver pancakes

Although beef liver is a healthy and affordable product, very few people include it in their daily diet, because the taste and smell of this food are very specific. However, when processed, liver becomes much better, for example, when used to make tender pancakes.

Calorie content

One hundred grams of liver pancakes contain approximately 178 calories. Moreover, in this case, the most protein is present - about 14.1 grams, then fat - 9.4 grams and carbohydrates - 9 grams.

If you decide to cook delicious liver pancakes at home, then it is important to make sure that the beef is fresh. You cannot use a frozen piece, but only a chilled one. The liver must be washed and dried with paper towels. Then both sides are freed from the existing film. It’s more convenient to do this by using a knife or something sharp to hook it by the edge, and then just work with your hands.

By the way, Your fingers will not slip if you lightly dip them in salt. You can prepare minced beef liver using either a standard meat grinder or a blender or food processor. It is also recommended to pre-soak the selected piece in cow's milk for thirty minutes to remove the bitterness. It is important to mention that the basic pancake recipe allows you to replace the required ingredients.

You can thicken the dough not only with classic semolina and wheat flour, but also with oatmeal and corn flour, as well as bran. You can make pancakes using breadcrumbs.

To prepare tender pancakes, you can pre-soak the liver not only in milk, but also in cream or unsweetened yogurt. In addition, it is worth diversifying the meat dough with various vegetables: carrots, cabbage, potatoes, corn, garlic or onions. Immediately before frying, cooks often put the resulting dough in the cold so that it can infuse and increase its thickness. In this case, you will need to use much less flour.

Lush pancakes will be obtained if you add baking soda slaked with vinegar to the dough, and to keep them soft, it is recommended to keep them on low heat in a creamy sauce for five minutes.


The classic recipe for making liver pancakes will allow you to step-by-step master the technique of working with beef liver.

Ingredients you will need:

  • 400 grams of meat;
  • one egg;
  • 30 grams of sour cream;
  • four tablespoons of flour;
  • half a teaspoon of salt;
  • ground black pepper;
  • sunflower oil.

The prepared meat is cut into pieces of a size suitable for use in a meat grinder. After turning the liver into minced meat, place it in a separate bowl and mix with beaten egg. At the next stage, sour cream of any fat content is added to the general substance, and everything is mixed again.

The flour is sifted and then, together with seasonings, mixed into the liver until the lumps disappear. Pancakes are fried in the same way as regular ones made from kefir. The oil is heated in a frying pan, the dough is poured out with a spoon, forming a pancake, one side is fried until golden brown, and then the other. It is recommended to first place the finished pancakes on a paper towel, which will absorb all the excess oil, and then serve them in separate saucers. It is believed that such a dish will be equally appetizing both hot and cold.

Liver pancakes with carrots are also deservedly popular. To prepare you will need:

  • 450 grams of liver;
  • 90 grams of sour cream with twenty percent fat content;
  • one onion;
  • one carrot;
  • one egg;
  • 160 grams of flour;
  • vegetable oil for frying and seasoning.

The finished liver is processed into minced meat. Peeled carrots are grated on a small grater, and the onion is processed in the same way. The minced meat is combined with vegetables and eggs, and everything is actively mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

After this, the substance can be salted and seasoned. At the next stage, sour cream is added to the base and flour is gradually added. The dough is mixed again until all lumps are eliminated. The oil is heated in a frying pan, and the finished base is laid out with a tablespoon. Each pancake is fried until browned on each side. Carrot-liver pancakes are recommended to be served with pasta or mashed potatoes.

Those who are not afraid of extra calories should definitely try the recipe for pancakes with semolina and lard.

You will need:

  • 300 grams of liver;
  • 50 grams of semolina;
  • one onion;
  • 150 grams of lard;
  • a pair of eggs;
  • fresh herbs and seasonings.

The washed and cleaned liver along with the peeled onion are cut into small pieces and ground together in a blender. Lard is also cut into small pieces, added to the base and processed in a blender. Next, eggs, salt and pepper or other seasonings are added to the dough. At the last stage, semolina is added, with which the base will have to brew for thirty minutes.

Immediately before frying, you can add fresh or even frozen herbs: dill, onion or parsley. The pancakes are fried using the usual technology, and before serving they are topped with sour cream sauce.

Liver pancakes can even be cooked in the oven with rice.

To create them, the following are purchased:

  • 500 grams of beef;
  • 100 milliliters of milk;
  • one onion;
  • one egg;
  • 75 grams of flour, which will need to be sifted first;
  • a glass of boiled rice;
  • spices.

This recipe requires soaking the prepared liver in milk for approximately two hours. Then the onion is peeled and ground together with the liver. At the next stage, cooked rice is added to the general substance.

Next, the minced meat is enriched with yolk, salt and spices, and finally with flour. Be sure to mix everything well enough that all the lumps disappear. Finally, the remaining whites are whipped in a separate bowl and gradually folded into the minced meat. The tray is covered with baking paper, and pancakes are formed on it using a tablespoon. The oven must first be preheated to 250 degrees Celsius. The cooking time in this case is only ten minutes, after which the dish can be slightly cooled and served.

Liver pancakes with zucchini have a delicate taste and smell.

They will require:

  • 400 grams of zucchini itself;
  • 400 grams of liver;
  • five tablespoons of flour;
  • a pair of onions;
  • fresh parsley or dill.

The zucchini is peeled and grated on a small grater. If necessary, the seeds are also removed, and the excess juice is squeezed out and drained. Peeled onions and carrots are ground in a meat grinder or finely chopped or grated.

Properly prepared liver is chopped and ground in a meat grinder. Then the minced meat is mixed with zucchini, finely chopped herbs, egg and flour. All ingredients are added in stages, and the total substance is thoroughly mixed each time. Of course, the base is salted and seasoned. Pancakes are fried in a frying pan with butter in the traditional way and served with sour cream sauce.

Some types of liver pancakes are prepared with filling, for example, mushrooms, vegetables, herbs or cheese.

One of the existing recipes requires the use of only 300 grams of liver, a clove of garlic, 60 grams of cheese, onions, eggs and flour. The cheese is finely grated, the garlic is finely chopped and both ingredients are mixed. For added spice, you can add hot peppers or fresh herbs. Pancake dough is formed from liver, onion, egg and flour.

Oil is heated in a frying pan. A tablespoon of dough is laid out for one pancake, the filling is placed in the center of the puddle and the remaining dough is poured on top. To prevent the pancakes from turning out too thick and undercooked, you need to pour the base a little at a time. Fry everything over medium heat until golden brown. Pancakes of this type will be perfectly received even without a side dish or with regular bread.

The recipe for making pancakes with mushrooms is very attractive. It is most convenient to use champignons, but if the choice is made in favor of wild mushrooms, then they are first boiled in boiling water for fifteen minutes. It is not forbidden to add pickled mushrooms to the base, but in this case the amount of salt used should be lower, and they should be cut very finely. The list of ingredients includes:

  • 500 grams of liver;
  • half a glass of kefir;
  • 300 grams of mushrooms;
  • 60 grams of flour;
  • a little soda.

The mushrooms are chopped and fried in a frying pan for two to five minutes, depending on the presence or absence of pre-cooking. Marinated mushrooms should not be fried.

The onion is chopped very finely and, together with the mushrooms, remains in the pan for a couple of minutes. For piquancy, you should also add a chopped clove of garlic. The liver is ground and then mixed with kefir in which soda is dissolved. Next, mushrooms are poured into the base and eggs are broken, everything is salted and peppered. The dough will need to sit for about thirty minutes, after which you can fry the pancakes or bake them in the oven.

The most suitable sauce for liver pancakes is creamy.

The preparation of such a dish begins with the preparation of ingredients:

  • 700 grams of liver;
  • 300 milliliters of water;
  • four tablespoons of flour;
  • two onions;
  • nutmeg;
  • 300 milliliters of cream;
  • a clove of garlic;
  • a tablespoon of flour.

Peeled onions and liver are processed in a food processor. Then eggs, flour, salt and nutmeg are gradually added to the dough. The pancakes are fried on both sides and left on a plate covered with a paper towel.

The second onion is peeled and cut into small pieces, and the garlic is chopped. First, the onion is fried in a frying pan in vegetable oil, and at the end garlic is added to it. Flour is diluted in water, and the resulting substance is poured into a frying pan. The sauce should boil, and then simmer for a couple of minutes over reduced heat. Everything is salted and peppered, after which cream is added to the liquid. As soon as it boils, you need to transfer the pancakes into the frying pan and cover with a lid. After standing for fifteen minutes on low heat, they will be soaked in the sauce, and the dish can be served.

How to cook for children?

Liver pancakes for children are prepared according to similar recipes. However, it is advisable to fry it not in sunflower oil, but in olive oil, and cut off the fried crust before serving. Oven baking technology is also suitable for children. These pancakes are served with sour cream and a side dish, such as mashed potatoes.

To learn how to prepare liver cutlets for a child, watch the video below.

I suggest you prepare wonderful liver pancakes from beef liver with carrots for breakfast. They cook quickly, turn out nourishing, tender and very tasty. Serve them with herbs, sour cream or other sauces.

Let's prepare the products according to the list and start preparing liver pancakes with carrots.

Wash the beef liver, remove the ducts and film and grind in a meat grinder or blender until smooth.

Add the egg and beat the mixture again.

Grate the carrots on a fine grater and add to the liver.

Add a pinch of salt and mix well.

Now it's time to add flour or semolina. I recommend adding in parts and stirring to achieve the desired consistency of the liver mass.

Let the “dough” sit for a few minutes so that the flour or semolina combines well with the other ingredients. The mass should be thick so that it is convenient to place the pancakes in the pan.

Heat the vegetable oil and add a dessert spoon to the pancakes. The fire should be medium.

After 2-3 minutes, turn the liver pancakes over and fry them on the other side.

That's all, beef liver pancakes with carrots are ready, see how simple it is? Serve them with herbs, sour cream or other favorite sauces.

Liver pancakes with carrots turn out tender, juicy and very tasty!

Bon appetit, cook for your health!

Liver pancakes made from beef liver are a hearty and budget-friendly snack. You can choose a recipe for yourself from the wide variety offered by modern chefs. These pancakes can be combined with a variety of side dishes, or used as an addition to sandwiches.

This is the most common version of the dish. The end result is juicy and tasty. The dryness of the liver is not felt at all. In addition to the meat component (600 g of beef liver), you need to take: 2 chicken eggs, a large spoon of fat sour cream, a white onion, 2-3 tbsp. semolina or flour, clove of garlic, salt.

  1. The liver is thoroughly washed with cold water and noticeable films are removed. It needs to be chopped so that the pieces fit into the meat grinder. You can also turn liver into puree using a special blender attachment.
  2. The liver is ground into minced meat along with onions and garlic.
  3. Flour or semolina, salt, sour cream and, if desired, any aromatic herbs are added to the resulting mass. Lastly, eggs are beaten into the mixture.
  4. The mass is thoroughly mixed.
  5. The mixture is spooned into hot oil in a frying pan.

Blot the finished pancakes with paper napkins to remove excess fat.

Recipe with carrots

The more vegetables in the pancake batter, the healthier they will be.

The discussed treat goes well with carrots. For the recipe you will use: 350 g of liver, 2 large carrots, an onion, 2 chicken eggs, 2 tbsp. wheat flour, spices, a piece of butter, salt. How to prepare liver pancakes with vegetables is described below.

  1. The carrots are grated on a fine-hole grater and fried in butter until golden brown. The main thing is that the vegetable does not burn.
  2. Beef liver is chopped in any convenient way along with the onion. The result should be thick minced meat.
  3. The meat mass is mixed with fried carrots. Flour and salt are added to these products and eggs are beaten. At this stage, any spices are used.
  4. Miniature pancakes are fried in oil on both sides.

The dish is served with assorted pickled vegetables.

With added oat flakes

Hercules makes the dish more satisfying and healthy. In addition to the liver, for the treat you need to take: half an onion, 5-6 tbsp. fat sour cream, 450 g liver, 3 carrots, 2 chicken eggs, 8 tbsp. wheat flour, salt.

  1. Oatmeal is poured with boiling water for about 25 minutes.
  2. The liver is washed, cleared of films and finely chopped. Next, the offal with onions is turned into fine minced meat.
  3. The eggs are lightly beaten with salt and sour cream, then mixed with squeezed oatmeal and liver.
  4. All that remains is to add flour to the mixture and start frying the pancakes.

The dish should acquire a crispy golden brown crust. It is served with sour cream or yogurt-based garlic sauce.

Beef liver pancakes with semolina

Wheat flour in the dish under discussion can be replaced with semolina. This will not deteriorate the taste of the finished snack. In addition to beef liver (550 g), the following will be used: egg, onion, 5 tbsp. semolina, salt.

  1. First of all, the liver is thoroughly washed with running cold water. Next, the film is removed from the meat by-product and cut into small pieces. The liver must be turned into a homogeneous thick mince. To do this, you can use a blender or meat grinder. Although some housewives finely chop the liver with a sharp knife for pancakes.
  2. First add a chicken egg to the resulting mass, and after thoroughly kneading, add semolina and salt to taste. You can use ready-made sets for frying meat as spices. A mixture of ground peppers is also great for this dish.
  3. Since the dough contains semolina, after kneading it should sit for 12-15 minutes so that the dry ingredient has time to swell and bind all the components.
  4. Drop the dough with a deep spoon into hot vegetable oil. Then the pancakes will not stick to the pan.
  5. Fry until golden on both sides.

To remove excess oil, place the dish on a paper towel. It is especially delicious to serve liver pancakes with semolina, sour cream and herbs.

Liver and potato pancakes

You can make liver pancakes with the addition of potatoes. This is an excellent recipe for those who do not like too strong offal taste in the dish. It includes: 350 g of liver, potato tuber, large egg, onion, 2-3 garlic cloves, salt, aromatic herbs, oil.

  1. Beef liver is washed well with cold water. It is advisable to change it several times. Carefully inspect the washed offal to see if there are any films left on it that have not been removed. If you suspect that the liver will taste bitter, you can first soak it in milk.
  2. It is better to grate potatoes for dough for pancakes on a grater with miniature cells.
  3. The offal, together with a raw egg, is transformed into homogeneous minced meat using a blender. If such a device is not at hand, then the liver is scrolled through a meat grinder, and an egg is driven into the resulting mass.
  4. The onion is cut with a sharp knife and, together with pre-prepared potatoes, is sent into minced liver.
  5. All that remains is to salt the mixture, add chopped garlic, aromatic herbs and any favorite spices.
  6. The pancakes are fried in hot oil on both sides.

If you make them large, it will be difficult to turn them over as a whole. Therefore, it is enough to take the contents of a tablespoon.

With cream sauce

This recipe will literally melt in your mouth. To prepare it you need to take: 650 g of beef liver, 2 eggs, a small white onion, 5 tbsp. flour, a pinch of nutmeg, 300 ml each of water and heavy cream, a clove of garlic, a piece of butter, salt.

  1. The ducts are removed from the washed liver, films are removed, which can greatly worsen the taste of the dish.
  2. Flour, eggs, salt, and a pinch of nutmeg are added to the offal.
  3. Pancakes are baked from the resulting thoroughly mixed mixture.
  4. Onions and garlic are chopped and sautéed in butter.
  5. The flour is diluted with water and poured into the pan with the vegetables. After a couple of minutes of cooking over high heat, the mass is salted.
  6. All that remains is to pour in the cream and after the sauce boils, place the pancakes in it. The fire is turned off and the dish is infused for about 10 minutes.

The appetizer goes well with pasta.

Beef pancakes with mushrooms

If wild mushrooms are used, they must first be boiled for 15 minutes before adding to the offal. Champignons (250 g) will also work. Ingredients: onion, half a kilo of liver, 0.5 tbsp. full-fat kefir, a pinch of soda and salt, 2 eggs, 3 tbsp. wheat flour.

  1. Chopped mushrooms are fried in a frying pan with butter until soft. Next, a diced onion is sent to them. Together, the ingredients are cooked until the vegetable is translucent.
  2. The liver is turned into a homogeneous paste using a blender or a meat grinder.
  3. Soda is added to kefir. When the latter is extinguished, you can mix the liquid with the liver mass, add frying and eggs to the components.
  4. The dough is salted, seasoned with spices to taste and left for half an hour.

If desired, the pancakes can be baked in the oven instead of frying them in a frying pan.

Liver pancakes are good not only as a main course, but also as a cold appetizer for the holiday table. Medium-thick pancakes make a delicious hot dish, and thin pancakes can be used to make mini-cakes with garlic filling. Remember - the most delicious and juicy pancakes are made from liver passed through a large meat grinder!

If you prefer not minced meat, but liver chopped into small pieces, it is better to give preference to simple. Well, today we will start with a classic recipe - the onion in it enhances the aroma of the liver, and the carrots give the pancakes a bright color and a delicate sweetish taste.


Recipe for liver pancakes with carrots

Rinse the liver under running water. Remove all blood clots and bile ducts. Make a shallow incision, pry it with your finger and carefully remove the film from the liver. Cut the liver into several large pieces.

Wash and peel the carrots. Peel the onion and cut into several pieces. Grind the liver, carrots and onions in a meat grinder once. Vegetables - through a fine grid, liver - through a large one. Add eggs, flour and spices to the liver mass.

Liver pancakes are an incredibly healthy alternative to cutlets. Mix the minced meat thoroughly until smooth. Heat vegetable oil in a deep frying pan. Using a spoon, spoon the liver dough into the pan and fry the pancakes until dark brown.

Recipe for liver pancakes with semolina

Delicious liver pancakes. Semolina and sour cream make them airy, and garlic adds piquancy and a pronounced aroma. If desired, you can add a little greenery to the pancakes.

Ingredients Rinse the liver under running water. Trim off visible pieces of fat. Peel the onion and cut into large pieces. Peel the garlic. Grind with a blender until mushy. Pass the liver and onion through the middle grill of a meat grinder.

Pour the mixture into a bowl, add garlic, sour cream, semolina and spices. Mix thoroughly until smooth. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Spoon the liver mass into the pan and fry over medium heat for 3-4 minutes on each side.

Recipe for liver pancakes with buckwheat porridge

An unusual recipe for liver pancakes. This is a hearty, complete dish that cooks quickly and turns out very tasty. If desired, buckwheat can be replaced with rice, couscous and even oatmeal.

Simple pancake recipes

Try making delicious and satisfying liver pancakes using our recipe with photos. The main product is very nutritious, the dish comes out light, tasty, quick

40 min

180 kcal

5/5 (2)

It is best to use fresh liver; if possible, homemade liver. If you use frozen offal in your cooking, be sure to check the tightness of their packaging and make sure that the indicated expiration date is still valid.

If the purchased product has a specific smell, it is easy to get rid of it: dip the liver in milk half an hour before cooking. This same action will remove bitterness from the product.

Algorithm for making juicy pancakes

First prepare the minced meat. Grind the liver in a meat grinder or using a blender. It is more convenient to chop liver that is not completely thawed. Add flour to the minced meat until you get a non-liquid dough. Outwardly, it will look like regular pancake dough. Now add the egg there and mix thoroughly.

If you decide to use vegetables, then pass the liver together with the onion through a meat grinder and grate the carrots separately on a small grater. Add grated carrots to the already prepared minced meat. You can also add a couple of spoons of sour cream to it.

The liver has the ability to retain its minerals even after heat treatment. They are concentrated in the juice that is obtained during cooking. To preserve amino acids, salt the liver already prepared.

Now place the minced meat in a heated frying pan greased with vegetable oil. Use a tablespoon for this, then the pancakes will be of the correct shape and fried well. Fry over medium heat. First, until a golden crust appears, without a lid, then, after turning over, cover with a lid and fry until fully cooked.

The dish should be served with plenty of sour cream and herbs, and, of course, eaten hot. You can eat liver pancakes as a separate dish, or you can serve them with a side dish of green peas or mashed potatoes.

How to give a dish a unique taste

Liver pancakes can also be exotic dish, it’s worth adding a couple of spices to them. Namely honey (for our proportion, one and a half tablespoons), a little black pepper, a pinch of nutmeg and a couple of cloves of garlic. You will also need a couple of spoons of brandy and instead of one, two eggs.

For this recipe, the liver should be minced in a meat grinder along with onions and garlic. Then you will need to separate the yolks from the whites. Combine the minced meat with the yolks, spices and brandy, mix thoroughly. Then beat the whites, add them to the mixture and mix well again.

Fry like classic pancakes, also serve with sour cream; buckwheat is a great side dish.

It’s surprising that the dish is so complex and rich in beneficial microelements and vitamins, and so easy to prepare. This is a must-have product in a healthy and healthy diet. And, of course, very tasty.

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