Seeing a camel swimming in a dream. Why do you dream about a camel and what to expect from such a sign

Seeing a camel swimming in a dream. Why do you dream about a camel and what to expect from such a sign


in a dream he indicates sadness and sorrow. If a person sees a camel on which he rushes into battle and fights, then sorrow or illness will befall him, or he will begin to argue and quarrel with a stupid person. If he takes him by the leash and leads him along the road known to him, then he will guide the lost person to the True Path, and if he leads him along an unknown road, then he will lead this person along the vicious path. If a person sees that he is slaughtering a camel, then he will have the desired peace and rest that he deserves. Anyone who falls off a camel will be overtaken by poverty. If an unmarried woman sits on it, then she will find a husband, or, if the husband is absent for a long time, then he will come to her. And whoever sees in a dream that he is milking a camel will receive money from the ruler, and if blood comes out of the udder instead of milk, then he will acquire a good that is forbidden according to Sharia (haram). The cry of a camel in a dream announces the completion of Hajj, Jihad or prosperous trade. Some scientists believe that seeing a camel in a dream is a sign of greatness and glory, while others believe that such a dream foreshadows a meeting with a hypocrite and ignoramus. Sometimes a camel in a dream symbolizes a ship, because for the Arabs a camel is a “ship of the desert.” If a sick person sees in a dream that he is sitting on a camel, then death will befall him. Seeing two camels fighting in a dream foreshadows a quarrel between very influential people, which can lead to war.

Interpretation of dreams from

The cry of a camel in a dream announces the completion of Hajj, Jihad or prosperous trade.

1 Camel by Everyday dream book

What does the Camel Driver mean - his vision indicates the journey or death of the sick person. And sometimes he points to the sailor and the captain of the ship.

1 Camel by Everyday dream book

Symbol of endurance. If you had such a dream, most likely your partner is tireless. Making love with him is spontaneous and energetic.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 Camel according to Aesop's Dream Book

Dreaming of a camel means:

A symbol of endurance and submission, because it is this animal that kneels down in order to take on the load.

Seeing a camel with a burden in a dream is a sign that in real life you are a very hardworking, but at the same time reliable person, and therefore those around you, taking advantage of these qualities of yours, put all the hardest and most difficult work on you.

If in a dream a camel happily eats a chocolate bar that you hand to him, although previously he ate a camel thorn with the same pleasure - in real life you should not envy your friend, who is lucky. It should be remembered that very often, envying the good of others, we lose our own.

To see a camel galloping like a horse in a dream - a dream indicates that your rivalry with a stronger opponent looks simply ridiculous.

Riding a camel in a dream is a sign that, thanks to your hard work, you will be able to defeat your enemy.

If a camel spat on you in a dream, you will have very difficult, intense work that will not be crowned with the expected success and will not bring material profit.

Seeing several camels in a dream means that in your environment there are many hardworking, diligent people who, with their work, will be able to achieve a lot in life.

1 Camel according to Freud's dream book

Camel dream meaning:

Symbolizes endurance and tirelessness. So, if you dreamed of a camel, it means that you will soon meet a person who will be distinguished by incredible sexual energy and strength.

Riding a camel in a dream means spontaneous, energetic sex with a tireless partner.

1 Camel by To the Dream Interpreter of 1829

A camel seen in a dream is a sign of wealth and patience; sitting on it is a sign of slowness.

Eating camel meat portends a long-term and serious illness.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 Camel by Dream Interpretation of Stealing Veles

Wealth, fame/hardship, hard life, trouble; sitting on it - promotion / procrastination; Eating its meat means illness.

1 Camel by Dream book of Nina Grishina

Camel in a dream means:

Your integrity and hard work / good fruits of your own labors / some strange transformation, etc. / change of profession, social status.

Seeing his head indicates that the dream symbolizes some kind of witchcraft, obsession, contact with evil spirits.

Eating camel meat means illness.

Riding on it means awakening supernatural spiritual powers.

A caravan of camels walking in the distance, passing by - a boring time ahead / a state of romantic melancholy.

Rushing towards you - approaching news / unexpected luck.

1 Camel by Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

To achieve your goal, you will have to long and persistently overcome the multiple difficulties that stand in your way. Imagine that you are selling a camel and buying a horse (see Horse).

1 Camel by Universal dream book

Perhaps the camel in your dream represents something that you should give up, something that at first seems pleasant, but then can have negative consequences.

What is the camel doing in your dream? Do you use it as a means of transportation? If a camel carries your luggage, it symbolizes the desire to travel.

If a camel moves as part of a caravan (a group of traders or just people traveling together), such a dream speaks of your desire to go through life with like-minded people in order to feel safe. Or are you riding a camel alone? Your answer will tell you how you see yourself in life: a team player or a solo traveler.

The camel is also a symbol of survival. Perhaps the camel represents your strength and willingness to survive in any conditions. Are you sure that you have everything you need to live and that all you need to do is replenish your supplies?

Seeing a camel in a dream may also be a sign that you judge people too harshly.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 Camel by Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Why does a woman dream about a camel:

It’s as if you see a camel in the middle of the steppe or desert... - you will overcome all failures, although you will have to call on all your patience to help. You dream that you are the owner of a camel - success is expected in your affairs; your colleagues and superiors consider you a reliable person and respect you; Good prospects are associated with your name. You see a caravan of camels climbing a dune - a very good dream; if you were seriously ill, then a speedy recovery awaits you; if you were in danger, it will disappear, and at the very last minute, when you have already despaired of escape.

1 Camel by Daniel's medieval dream book

Seeing a camel in a dream means:

Seeing camels means litigation.

Seeing camels means accusations or litigation.

1 Camel by ABC of dream interpretation

A dream with a camel in the dream book is interpreted as:

Indicates that the dreamer is putting too many problems on his back.

Seeing a camel means hard work.

Riding a camel - gain wealth and prosperity

1 Camel by English dream book

Dreaming of a camel means:

If these amazingly proud and hardy animals suddenly appear to you in a dream, it means that soon a heavy burden will fall on your shoulders. But you will endure all the sorrows that befall you with enviable fortitude and wait for better times, when you will finally feel free and happy.

1 Camel by Esoteric dream book

Camel dream meaning:

Travel to exotic countries.

1 Camel by Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a camel:

Hard work, exhausting work; black camel - unexpected death, murder.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

1 Camel by Italian psychoanalytic dream book A. Roberti

What can a camel dream about:

1. Depending on the environment, a camel in a dream may represent something unusual or whimsical, as well as available resources or following basic principles. 2. From a psychological point of view, a camel can reflect vitality and self-sufficiency. 3. From the spiritual - dignity or bearer of royal dignity.

1 Camel by Solomon's dream book

Camel in a dream means:

Feat, brave deed, glory, honor and distinction.

1 Camel according to Miller's dream book

If a girl dreams of a camel, it means:

A good sign is overcoming failures; being the owner of a camel means success in business; a caravan of camels walking through the desert - help that will save you at the very last minute, or a miraculous recovery.

Also see Desert.

1 Camel according to Dream Interpretation of Azar

Why does a woman dream about a camel:

fallen camel - obstacles on the way

1 Camel by Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Seeing a camel in a dream means:

To wealth in old age.

1 Camel by Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Interpretation of a dream about a camel:

Can make long journeys thanks to its internal resources. He is the embodiment of endurance and perseverance. This symbol is especially important for you during difficult periods of life.

The camel is called the ship of the desert - this can also symbolize the ability to find a way out of an unthinkable dead end.

1 Camel according to the Dream Book of the 21st century

Interpretation of a dream about a camel:

Seeing a camel in a dream means that a happy journey or a serious official assignment awaits you; sitting on it means that you will take on someone else's work; seeing a dead camel means obstacles on the way; killing it means having a fun time.

Seeing heavily loaded camels in a dream promises you a long-awaited reward for your work; buying camels in a dream means you will have an unexpected successful deal or an accidental, but quite large income.

1 Camel by Dream Interpretation of Artemidor

A camel in a dream predicts:

A lot of camels means big money. Seeing a camel skull in a dream is a good sign for those who suffer from weakened sexual potency. Riding a camel means you will be traveling to a place you have never been to and where you have never intended to go. Riding a lame camel means ultimately achieving your goal, despite the intrigues.

1 Camel according to Dream Book 2012

Why do you dream about Camel:

A reflection of all the good things that this animal represents, a supply of vital energy, endurance, unpretentiousness, perseverance, the ability to find a way out of their difficult situation, independence in general and from other people’s opinions in particular.

1 Camel by French dream book

A camel in a dream is a harbinger that life will require moderation and modesty from you. In addition, this dream promises the support of true friends. In general, the dream is favorable and foreshadows a slow but sure movement towards the goal, gaining wealth.

1 Camel according to the Small Dream Book

A dream in which you see a camel loaded with luggage means that you can always find a way out of even the most hopeless situation. Don't lose your courage. If in a dream you are the owner of a camel, then in reality you will be able to place your money profitably. Seeing a caravan of camels in the desert means that, despite the apparent hopelessness, help will come to you at the last moment.

1 Camel by Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

A brave deed in action; a long but difficult life or you will soon encounter difficulties.

1 Camel by Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

Seeing a camel in a dream means meeting a beautiful woman.

If you dreamed that you were riding a camel, a pleasant evening awaits you alone with a beauty.

Buying or selling camels portends pleasant troubles.

1 Camel by Big online dream book

Why do you dream about Camel:

If you saw a camel in a dream, rejoice! You are about to meet a woman, and not just a woman, but a beautiful woman.

A camel dreamed by a woman can also bring joy: a meeting with a beautiful woman will, of course, not bring as much pleasure to a woman as to a man, but it will still be pleasant and useful.

If you dreamed that you were riding a camel, this means that you will have a pleasant evening alone with a beauty.

A woman who dreamed of a camel can at least count on a good meal and a pleasant conversation.

Buying or selling a camel in a dream foreshadows pleasant chores that will end in equally pleasant success.

1 Camel by Russian dream book

Symbol of endurance or stubbornness.

1 Camel by Muslim dream book

Seeing yourself sitting on a camel in a dream means traveling. If someone sees that he has many camels, he will receive a kingdom or other power. If someone sees in a dream that a camel is approaching him, he needs to beware of some kind of misfortune. If a loaded camel arrives in any village or city, then a contagious disease will occur in that village or city.

1 Camel by Dream interpretation for a bitch

Your patience and mental fortitude will be duly rewarded with long-awaited success.

Camel caravan - in difficult times, turn to friends for help.

1 Camel by Dream Interpretation of a Path Seeker

The hardworking, patient part of the dreamer himself; riding a horse - awakening supernatural abilities; caravan - wealth.

1 Camel by Dream Interpretation of a Path Seeker

Why do you dream about Camel:

A good sign: you will show both patience and perseverance while overcoming a chain of failures; if you see yourself as the owner of a camel, this portends you success in business; to see a caravan of camels walking through the desert - to a miraculous recovery or to long-awaited help.

1 Camel by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Camels look unusual, but they are extremely useful. They are sometimes called ships of the desert. Although they say about camels that they have a complex character and are difficult to control, what is much more important is their endurance, strength and ability to make long journeys without water, using only what accumulates in their humps. Why do you dream: A camel in a dream means that you need help in solving a problem, which you will receive from the most unexpected - and perhaps unwanted - source.

1 Camel by Dream Interpretation by E. Ericson

Labor, long patience. A lying camel is a treasure acquired through hard work. A loaded camel is a manifestation of perseverance in difficult times.

1 Camel by Russian dream book

To travel; giving him water to drink means a prosperous, easy period of life

1 Camel by Slavic dream book

To difficult trials that you will endure with honor, and a subsequent, great reward. In the business you choose, you will be very wise, prudent and patient, for which fate will not fail to reward you.

1 Camel by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Why do you dream about Camel:

  • The camel that appears in your night dreams is a symbol of the difficulties ahead of you. These may be difficulties throughout life, then the camel means that although it will be long, it will be very difficult. If you dream of a camel, it also predicts the difficulties that you will face in the near future.
  • A camel in a dream often symbolizes a feat, a brave deed that you will have to perform soon.
  • But if you ate camel meat in a dream, be careful and be sure to pay attention to your health: such an image foreshadows a long-term and serious illness.
  • A camel driver in a dream has a more important meaning, and it can be contradictory. To see such a person - a dream predicts a long journey. If a sick person had a dream, a camel with a driver is a formidable warning that one must prepare for death. And sometimes it indicates that you will soon have to deal with a sailor, perhaps with the captain of a ship.

1 Camel by Old Russian dream book


1 Camel by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Trouble; Eating camel meat is a disease.

1 Camel by Persian dream book Tiflisi

Benefit, equanimity, perseverance.

1 Camel by Ukrainian dream book

If you dream of a camel, it means difficulty, a difficult, albeit long, life. Camel - a happy journey.

1 Camel by To the newest dream book

Why do you dream about Camel:

To think.

1 Camel by Danilova's children's dream book

You are tired of studying, but it’s okay, all the knowledge you have accumulated will be very useful to you in the future.

1 Camel by Modern dream book

Seeing a loaded camel in a dream means that in the most difficult time for you, when it seems that the last hope has slipped away, patience and fortitude will not leave you.

Seeing yourself as the owner of a camel predicts the acquisition of profitable enterprises.

If you dream of a caravan of camels in the desert, help will come to you at the most hopeless moment for you, you will recover from an illness contrary to all expectations.

1 Camel by Gypsy dream book

Wait for good news.

Camel caravan - for money.

1 Camel by American dream book

A way to overcome difficulties, endurance.

1 Camel by Vedic dream book from Sri Swami Sivananda

Evidence that a heavy burden will fall on your shoulders. You will face difficult troubles, but you will endure them with fortitude.

1 Camel by Chinese dream book

Portends a serious official matter, an assignment.

1 Camel by Dream book for men

A dromedary camel foreshadows problems that will be successfully resolved and bring profit. A camel with one hump, dreamed of on Wednesday night, says that you will have to show intelligence and ingenuity to avoid complications with management. The same dream, but on Sunday night, indicates that you will have to resort to the help of friends.

A camel with an unusual color means you will soon meet a friend whom you have not seen almost since school. For single men, this dream foreshadows a meeting with a lady who can take the place of a spouse in your home. But if the camel is black, you should not hope for the duration of the connection.

A Bactrian camel is evidence of good luck in everything you undertake. You will receive a new, much more profitable position, and you will be able to improve your financial situation.

A camel in the desert chewing thorns is evidence that your imminent triumph will be overshadowed by unpleasant news or an event. But if such a dream occurs on the night from Thursday to Friday, it will not have any meaning.

1 Camel by Dream book alphabetically

To see a camel as its owner in a dream means that you will be able to show enough patience and endurance when you find yourself in a difficult situation, and get out of it with honor. Riding a camel means you have a long but difficult life ahead of you. Watering a camel means success in business.

To see many camels walking in a caravan through the endless desert - help provided at the last minute will save you from a seemingly inevitable collapse or from the worst outcome of a serious illness.

A dromedary camel in a dream means that in reality you will accept help with dignity and will soon find a way to properly thank it. Eating a dish of camel meat in a dream means a disease contracted in exotic places.

1 Camel by Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Seeing a camel - in order to achieve your goal, you will have to overcome for a long time and persistently the multiple difficulties that stand in your way. Riding a camel is an unpleasant journey that cannot be abandoned and will bring you a lot of problems. Pulling the camel by the reins means a conflict with your colleagues awaits you. Fighting with a camel means protracted conflicts in the family. Seeing a camel bleeding is a sign of a long illness. A loaded camel - circumstances will be stronger than you. Dragged camel - complications with management. A caravan of camels loaded with luggage - to achieve your goal you will have to use all your skill and hard work.

Imagine that in a dream you sold a camel and bought a horse (see Horse).

1 Camel by Dream book of the 20th century

It is unlikely that a Russian person often dreams of camels: this only enhances the significance of this image.

The dream in which you saw a camel: encourages you not to despair in difficult times and not to lose hope: you have the necessary strength, patience and perseverance to overcome all obstacles over time and achieve success even in hopeless situations.

To dream of a caravan of camels wandering through the desert: a sign that you can count on someone’s help in extremely difficult circumstances. Often such dreams foreshadow a sudden and rapid recovery.

A dead or exhausted camel in your dream: a sign that you have no strength left, and it seems that you will have to retreat under the pressure of circumstances.

If you dreamed that you were buying or selling a camel, the dream promises you a little fuss, after which it will bring you joy and good luck.

Lost in a dream while riding a camel - promises difficulties that need to be solved urgently, but you probably won’t be able to do this.

If you dream about how he is chasing you, some kind of grief awaits you soon.

I dreamed about a camel caravan - you will soon unexpectedly be healed or someone will help you.

Eating the meat of this animal in a dream means that you will suffer a serious illness that will not be cured soon.

If you dream of a camel with one hump, you will be faced with difficulties in the near future, which will soon be resolved and even bring you income. If he has two humps

If you give water to a camel in a dream, according to the interpretation of the dream book, good luck awaits you in all your endeavors.

This animal spat on you in a dream - very difficult work awaits you.

1 Camel by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Dromedary (dromedary camel) - You saw a dromedary camel in a dream - the good that you did to people will return to you; those you helped will be loyal to you; the secret of many successes is your selflessness; honor and a place on the presidium await you; In the circles of creative people you will be known as a philanthropist. Why do you dream of Dromedary - people skilled in eloquence will make you “fine weather”. One of the lovers sees a one-humped camel in a dream - love will be strong, the future of the lovers will be cloudless, and their life together will be very long.

1 Camel by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Dreaming of a camel is a good sign for you. You will be able to become famous thanks to your work, earn the respect of others, honor and recognition. And it turns out that you will accomplish some kind of feat. However, the latter meaning cannot always be called favorable, because a feat is always the need to sacrifice something that is really important to you, to give up something in the name of achieving a higher goal.

1 Camel by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

  • Dreaming of a camel is, in most cases, a good omen. If you dreamed of a camel, you can start packing your suitcase - you are about to travel to one of the exotic countries. And who knows - you will probably see a camel there too, but only in reality. And maybe even ride it. By the way, how long have you been on vacation? A camel in a dream is a clear sign that you should think about where exactly you would like to go.
  • Riding a young camel means sadness.
  • If the camel you are riding is aggressive, in reality you will prevail in a clash with a serious opponent.
  • If a camel or its cubs sway - to melancholy and bitter thoughts.
  • Riding a camel and getting lost is a sign of problems that urgently require resolution, but the dreamer will not be able to cope with this.
  • A camel chasing you in a dream - this image predicts sadness.
  • Pulling the camel by the reins means conflict with your employees.
  • A camel turning away from you means sadness and melancholy.
  • Fighting with a camel in a dream means a quarrel.
  • A camel bleeding - this dream predicts the loss of property.
  • Seeing a she-camel means your wishes will come true.
  • The birth of a baby camel means increased prosperity or the birth of a child in your family.
  • Seeing a lot of camels - this image heralds unprecedented growth in your career.

1 Camel by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

  • To dream of a camel, in most cases this is a positive sign, promising that you will steadily move towards your goal, although not too quickly. If you want to achieve success and wealth, you must be patient.
  • Another meaning of a camel in a dream is that you can always count on the support of your true friends in difficult times. Sometimes a camel is a negative prediction and warns that you will soon have to lead a moderate and modest existence. This will probably be due to a decrease in your income or changed life circumstances.

1 Camel by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

  • Camel - a camel is a tireless and eternal worker. Everyone is familiar with the expression - work like a camel. This is precisely the meaning of the dream in which you see a camel. You will have hard work, exhausting work, perhaps ineffective and poorly paid.
  • Dreaming of a black camel is a very alarming sign, predicting unexpected death. Possibly murder.
  • If you dream that you are riding a camel, this is also a good sign - in reality, some unusual, paranormal talents will awaken in you. Maybe you will find your calling in esotericism, practical magic.
  • Dreaming of a caravan of camels symbolizes future wealth and a comfortable life.

1 Camel by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Dreaming of a camel - the image is a symbol of endurance and tirelessness. Anyone who has seen a camel knows how strong and resilient this animal is. If you dream of a camel, it means that you will most likely meet a person with incredible sexual energy and strength. But sex with him awaits you only if in a dream you saw yourself riding a camel. Your new partner will amaze you with his energy and tirelessness in lovemaking.

1 Camel by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Seeing a camel - for example, in a zoo or in some other way - is a negative warning. It says that you should gather all your strength, moral and spiritual. A heavy burden will fall on your shoulders if you dream of a camel - this warns of an upcoming very difficult period in your life, full of troubles or physical trials. Remember how steadfastly a camel carries its luggage - this is approximately how you will have to behave, without complaining about anything and without asking anyone for help. Only under this condition will you be able to emerge victorious.

1 Camel by Dream interpretation of a modern woman

  • Dreaming of a camel is a good sign. With patience and perseverance, you can overcome the chain of failures that have deprived you of all hope for the best.
  • If you are the owner of a camel, this portends success in your affairs.
  • Seeing a caravan of camels walking through the desert is also a good image; it predicts your recovery from a long-standing illness or help that comes at the very last moment.
  • To dream that you are traveling on a camel or just sitting on it - this warns that you will move towards your goal more slowly than you would like.

1 Camel by Housewife's Dream Interpretation

If a child dreams of a camel, it means that he is very tired. It is possible that this is due to his studies at school, and he is overloaded with some additional responsibilities: clubs, sports sections, etc. Of course, all this is extremely useful, but sometimes you should leave time for rest. Because even a camel has a limit to its physical capabilities, although it is a very hardy animal.

1 Camel by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

  • A camel in a dream has different meanings. Most often, if you dream of a camel, it means that you are putting too many problems on your shoulders - remember a heavily loaded camel. Perhaps you should think about whether everything you are trying to do is really so important to you, should you put something aside for later or involve other participants in the work and share responsibilities with them?
  • You see a running camel - the difficult and intense work ahead of you soon.
  • If you yourself rode a camel, this is a positive sign that promises you the acquisition of wealth and prosperity.
  • If you are the owner of a camel, then this portends you success in business.
  • Seeing a caravan of camels walking through the desert is also a good image; it predicts help that will save you at the very last minute, or a miraculous recovery.

Find out from the online dream book what the Camel is dreaming of by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpretive authors.

Why do you dream about a camel in a dream?

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about a Camel and what does it mean:

Seeing a camel in a dream means that a happy journey or a serious official matter or assignment awaits you; sitting on it means that you will take on someone else’s work; seeing a dead camel means obstacles on the way; killing it means having a fun time.

Seeing heavily loaded camels in a dream promises you a long-awaited reward for your work; buying camels in a dream means you will have an unexpected successful deal or a random, but quite large income.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a camel in a dream?

Camel - Seeing this animal in a dream is a good sign: in the end, you will show both patience and perseverance, overcoming a chain of failures that have deprived you of all hope for the best. If you are the owner of a camel, then this portends you success in business.

Seeing a caravan of camels walking through the desert is also a good dream; it promises you help that will save you at the very last minute, or a miraculous recovery.

Dromedary camel (dromedary) - This animal means that you will unexpectedly receive an award that you will wear with dignity. You will give generously to charity. For those who love, this dream foreshadows spiritual intimacy.

Vedic dream book of Sivananda

You dream of a Camel

Camel - Evidence that a heavy burden will fall on your shoulders. You will face difficult troubles, but you will endure them with fortitude.

Danilova's children's dream book

Seeing a Camel in a dream, what does it mean?

Camel - You are tormented by your studies, but nothing - all the knowledge you have accumulated will be very useful to you in the future, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.


Camel – Symbol of endurance or stubbornness.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why do you dream about Camel?

Camel - To see a camel as its owner in a dream means that you will be able to show enough patience and endurance when you find yourself in a difficult situation, and get out of it with honor. Riding a camel means you have a long but difficult life ahead of you. Watering a camel means success in business. To see many camels walking in a caravan through the endless desert - help provided at the last minute will save you from a seemingly inevitable collapse or from the worst outcome of a serious illness.

A dromedary camel in a dream means that in reality you will accept help with dignity and will soon find a way to properly thank it. Eating a dish of camel meat in a dream means a disease contracted in exotic places.

Ancient dream book

I had a dream - Camel

Camel - your integrity and hard work; good fruits of one's own labors; change of profession, social status, etc. Seeing a camel's head in a dream indicates that it symbolizes some kind of witchcraft, obsession, contact with evil spirits. Eating camel meat means illness.

Riding a camel means awakening supernatural spiritual powers. A caravan of camels walking in the distance, passing by - a boring time ahead; yearning. Hurrying towards you - approaching news; unexpected luck.

Ancient Russian dream book

I dreamed about a camel caravan

Camel - Seen in a dream, is a sign of wealth and patience; sitting on it is a sign of slowness.

Aesop's Dream Book

Allegories about the camel

The camel is a symbol of endurance and humility, because it is this animal that kneels down in order to shoulder the load. Seeing a camel with a burden in a dream is a sign that in real life you are a very hardworking, but at the same time reliable person, and therefore those around you, taking advantage of these qualities of yours, put all the hardest and most difficult work on you.

If in a dream a camel happily eats a chocolate bar that you hand to him, although previously he ate a camel thorn with the same pleasure, then in real life you should not envy your friend, who is lucky. It should be remembered that very often, envying the good of others, we lose our own.

To see a camel galloping like a horse in a dream - a dream indicates that your rivalry with a stronger opponent looks simply ridiculous. Riding a camel in a dream is a sign that, thanks to your hard work, you will be able to defeat your enemy.

If a camel spat on you in a dream, then you will have very difficult, intense work that will not be crowned with the expected success and will not bring material profit.

Seeing several camels in a dream means that in your environment there are many hardworking, diligent people who, with their work, will be able to achieve a lot in life, as the dream book says about this dream.

Dream book for the whole family

Seeing a Camel, how to unravel the symbolism

A dromedary camel foreshadows problems that will be successfully resolved and bring profit. A camel with one hump, dreamed of on Wednesday night, says that you will have to show intelligence and ingenuity to avoid complications with management. The same dream, but on Sunday night, indicates that you will have to resort to the help of friends.

A camel with an unusual color means you will soon meet a friend whom you have not seen almost since school. For single men, this dream foreshadows a meeting with a lady who can take the place of a spouse in your home. But if the camel is black, you should not hope for the duration of the connection.

A Bactrian camel is a sign of good luck in whatever you undertake. You will receive a new, much more profitable position, and you will be able to improve your financial situation.

A camel in the desert chewing thorns is evidence that your imminent triumph will be overshadowed by unpleasant news or an event. But if such a dream occurs on the night from Thursday to Friday, it will not have any meaning.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Camel - Trouble.

Dream Interpretation Feng Shui

Camel: interpretation of the image

Camel - Seeing a camel in a dream means a long and tiring, but profitable journey.

Freud's Dream Book

Why did you dream about camels?

Camel - Symbolizes endurance, tirelessness. So, if you dreamed of a camel, it means that you will soon meet a person who will be distinguished by incredible sexual energy and strength. Riding a camel in a dream means spontaneous, energetic sex with a tireless partner.

Dream Interpretation of Vladislav Kopalinsky

See Camel:

Camel - Hard work, exhausting work; black camel - unexpected death, murder, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream about Camel?

If you dream of a camel, it means difficulty, a difficult, albeit long, life. Camel - a happy journey.

Collection of interpretations of Zhou Gong

Camel according to Chinese ancient books:

Camel or leopard - portends a serious official matter, assignment.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of a camel from your dream

Camel - The hardworking, patient part of the dreamer himself; riding a horse - awakening supernatural abilities; caravan is wealth; in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

Ancient French dream book

Why do you dream about a camel, interpretation:

To dream of a camel is a harbinger that life will require moderation and modesty from you. In addition, this dream promises the support of true friends. In general, the dream is favorable and foreshadows a slow but sure movement towards the goal, gaining wealth.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

Dreaming of a Camel, what does it mean?

Camel - Indicates that the dreamer is putting too many problems on his back. Seeing a camel means hard work. Riding a camel means gaining wealth and well-being.

Islamic dream book

Why do you dream about a camel?

A camel in a dream indicates sadness and sorrow. If a person sees a camel on which he rushes into battle and fights, then sorrow or illness will befall him, or he will begin to argue and quarrel with a stupid person. If he takes a camel by the leash and leads him along the road known to him, then he will guide the lost person to the True Path, and if he leads him along an unknown road, then he will lead this person along the vicious path.

If a person sees that he is slaughtering a camel, then he will have the desired peace and rest that he deserves. Whoever falls off a camel will be overtaken by poverty. If an unmarried woman sits on a camel, then she will find herself a husband, or, if the husband is absent for a long time, then he will come to her. And whoever sees in a dream that he is milking a camel will receive money from the ruler, and if blood comes out of the udder instead of milk, then he will acquire goods forbidden by Sharia (haram).

The cry of a camel in a dream announces the completion of Hajj, Jihad, or prosperous trade. Some scientists believe that seeing a camel in a dream is a sign of greatness and glory, while others believe that such a dream foreshadows a meeting with a hypocrite and ignoramus. Sometimes a camel in a dream symbolizes a ship, because for the Arabs a camel is a “ship of the desert.”

If a sick person sees in a dream that he is sitting on a camel, then death will befall him. Seeing two camels fighting in a dream foreshadows a quarrel between very influential people, which can lead to war.

Islamic dream book

Camel - why do you dream?

Camel - Whoever sees that a camel has entered the city, then this is a test for its inhabitants, for the Almighty said: “We will send them a camel for testing, and you (Salih) watch them and be patient!” (Sura Al-Qamar, 27). And whoever slaughters a she-camel will regret his previous action and will suffer misfortune.

Sometimes a camel can symbolize a woman. And if a single man sees her in a dream, he will soon marry. If he manages to saddle her, then he will fall in love with a very beautiful, kind and pious girl, who will soon become his wife.

Modern dream book


Camel - Feat, glory, greatness.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Camel - Long but difficult life or you will soon encounter difficulties.

Esoteric dream book

The secret of sleep:

Camel - Travel to exotic countries, this is how the dream book interprets your dream.

Persian dream book of Khubayshi Tiflisi

Camel in the ancient sense

Seeing yourself riding a camel in a dream means traveling. Riding a young camel means sadness. If the camel you are riding is aggressive, in reality you will gain the upper hand in a clash with a serious opponent. If a camel sways - to melancholy and bitter thoughts.

Riding a camel and getting lost is a sign of problems that urgently require resolution; the dreamer will most likely not be able to cope with this. A camel chasing you in a dream - this dream promises sadness. Pulling the camel by the reins means conflict with your employees. A camel turning away from you means sadness and melancholy. Fighting with a camel in a dream means a quarrel.

Camel bleeding. - This dream promises loss of property. Seeing a she-camel means your wishes will come true. The birth of a baby camel means increased prosperity or the birth of a child in your family. To see many camels - this dream heralds unprecedented growth in your career.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Interpretation according to the saint:

Camel - A brave deed in action; a long but difficult life or you will soon encounter difficulties. Camel meat - Eating it portends a long-term and serious illness.

Great modern dream book

Dromedary (dromedary camel) - You see a dromedary camel in a dream - the good that you have done to people will return to you; those you helped will be loyal to you; the secret of many of your successes is your selflessness; honor and a place on the presidium await you; In the circles of creative people you will be known as a philanthropist. People skilled in eloquence will make you "good weather."

One of the lovers sees a one-humped camel in a dream - love will be strong, the future of the lovers will be cloudless, and their life together will be very long.

Astrological dream book

Camel see what does it mean?

Camel - to difficult trials that you will endure with honor, and a subsequent, great reward. In the business you choose, you will be very wise, prudent and patient, for which fate will not fail to reward you.

New family dream book of Nadezhda Soboleva

How to understand why to ride a camel in a dream?

Camel - endurance.

Modern dream book for 365 days

Why do you dream about Camel by day of the week?

A lot of camels means big money. Seeing a camel skull in a dream is a good sign for those who suffer from weakened sexual potency. Riding a camel means you will be traveling to a place you have never been to and where you have never intended to go. Riding a lame camel means ultimately achieving your goal, despite the intrigues.

Unique dream book of Tatyana Radchenko


Camel - work, long patience. A lying camel is a treasure acquired through hard work. A loaded camel is a manifestation of perseverance in difficult times.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Interpretation: Camel:

Camel - To achieve your goal, you will have to long and persistently overcome multiple difficulties that stand in your way. Imagine that you are selling a camel and buying a horse (see Horse).

Dream Interpretation Taylor Joules

">Why do you dream about a Camel, symbolic meaning:

Camels look unusual, but they are extremely useful. They are sometimes called ships of the desert. Although they say about camels that they have a complex character and are difficult to control, what is much more important is their endurance, strength and ability to make long journeys without water, using only what accumulates in their humps.

Why did you dream: A camel in a dream means that you need help in solving a problem, which you will receive from the most unexpected - and perhaps unwanted - source.

Great modern dream book

Camel - why does the dreamer dream?

It’s as if you see a camel in the middle of the steppe or desert - you will overcome all failures, although you will have to call on all your patience to help. You dreamed that you were the owner of a camel - success is expected in your affairs; your colleagues and superiors consider you a reliable person and respect you; Good prospects are associated with your name.

You see a caravan of camels climbing a dune - a very good dream; if you were seriously ill, then a speedy recovery awaits you; if you were in danger, it will disappear, and at the very last minute, when you have already despaired of escape.

Psychological dream book

What does it mean to see a camel:

Depending on the environment, a camel in a dream may represent something unusual or whimsical, as well as available resources or following basic principles.

From a psychological point of view, a camel can reflect vitality and self-sufficiency. From the spiritual - dignity or bearer of royal dignity.

Universal dream book for the whole family


Camel - you will show patience and perseverance, overcoming a chain of failures; if you are the owner of a camel - to success in business; a caravan traveling through the desert - to a miraculous recovery, to long-awaited help.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Camel - To wealth in old age.

A ship of the desert entering a sleepy harbor can serve as a harbinger of an imminent journey or a symbol that you are taking too much on your shoulders. However, the image of a camel is also interpreted differently. Try to remember more details from the dream in order to correctly understand the signs that your subconscious is sending.

What dream books say

A camel is a kind and harmless animal. The camel is also characterized by the following epithets: hardy, slow, stubbornly moving towards the goal. It is also a symbol of survival in difficult conditions, of readiness to confront the harsh realities of life. Dreams about a camel indicate precisely these character traits: either the dreamer lacks them, or in reality they will help to overcome difficulties and achieve their goals.

Often a camel dreams of meeting someone who will become a close friend in the future. Appreciate your relationship with such a person, because he is not looking for benefits, but is guided by selfless motives.

A camel in a dream speaks of the degree of your endurance and stamina.

What interpretation do world dream books give to dreams about a camel:

  • esoteric dream book: a camel in a dream - a flight or trip to another country;
  • dream books of Tsvetkov and Hasse: warning of troubles;
  • Russian folk - the dreamer is characterized by such qualities as endurance and stubbornness;
  • the American promises to find a way to get rid of troubles and endure difficulties;
  • gypsy: good news, and the caravan means profit;
  • Solomon: feat, honor and glory;
  • Muslim: sitting on a camel in a dream - a journey awaits you. He approached you - beware of trouble. To be the owner of a herd of camels - you will begin to rule or manage;
  • old English: an unbearable load will soon fall on you, but you will steadfastly overcome all adversity and adversity;
  • old French: you are slowly but confidently moving forward. This will lead you to wealth. You will have to show modesty and moderation, but there are reliable friends nearby who are ready to help in difficult times;
  • Vedic dream book of Sivananda: warning of difficult times.


This interpreter says that changes for the better in your destiny will occur only through patient persistence. You will be able to find a way out of difficult situations thanks to your inner core. If you were the owner of a camel in a dream, it means good luck in business. Looking at a moving caravan - a lingering illness will recede from you, friendly help will arrive in time.


And here is how the Islamic dream book interprets the dream:

  • entering a battle on a camel means grief or illness. Or the dreamer will start a dispute and enmity with a narrow-minded person;
  • to lead an animal by the leash along a familiar road - you have to guide the lost one to the True Path. On an unfamiliar road - the direction will be far from the truth;
  • slaughtering a camel in a dream means the desired peace and relaxation;
  • falling from an animal to the ground means poverty;
  • hear a camel cry - to successful trade relations;
  • If a girl dreams of how she sits on a camel, then she will find a spouse in life. If such a dream belongs to a married woman, the husband will return after a long separation;
  • milking a camel - to receive money;
  • two fighting animals - to conflict or war.

Denise Lynn

The camel is capable of covering long distances in the hot desert; it is distinguished by its endurance and determination. If you dream of him in difficult moments of your life, this marks a solution to the problem, a way out of a dead end.

Noble dream book by Grishina

A reward for your efforts awaits you. A camel can also be an omen of a change in occupation or status in society.

I only dreamed of a camel’s head - a meeting with something mystical, transcendental, magical was prepared. Eating camel meat in a dream means illness.

Eastern female

A loaded camel in a dream indicates that there are no insoluble problems. It is important to maintain inner strength. A caravan procession seen in the desert guarantees help in a difficult or hopeless situation.


In Freud's dream book you can find the following interpretations:

  • since the reserve of strength and vital energy of camels is very high, they dream of a date with a tireless lover;
  • riding a camel - means unplanned long sex;
  • this animal, like the horse, symbolizes strong attraction. Loving men dream about a camel before meeting passionate, liberated women. And for ladies - a rather specific sexual experience, after which a double impression will be left;
  • to see a camel wandering through the desert in a dream - to a bed acquaintance; to be riding on it - to sexual intercourse.
  • The spit of a white camel predicts a memorable date with a person of discreet appearance. We saw a black camel at a watering hole - to an unforgettable sexual adventure with a representative of a different race;
  • in one corral there are horses and camels - many sexual partners in a short period of time.


A loaded camel in a dream: colleagues often take advantage of your dedication to work and dependability.

Giving chocolate to a camel in a dream: most likely, you are envious of a friend who is lucky.

Dream Interpretation 2012

The image of a camel is a symbol of vitality, stamina, unpretentiousness, and perseverance. Friends and acquaintances consider you an independent and free-thinking person.

Who has the dream: man, woman, girl, child

  • a desert ship in a girl or woman’s dream is a good sign. After a series of failures, a glimmer of hope will appear;
  • For a single man, this animal promises an acquaintance with a lovely lady who may become his wife in the future. If you happen to ride a camel, you have a date ahead. If a man finds a she-camel in a dream, it means a date or an imminent wedding. They gave him a she-camel and her baby - he will marry a woman with a child. If the camel ran away or was stolen, then the man faces a quarrel or separation from his wife;
  • a dromedary camel in a young guy’s dream: your couple is strong, your love is cloudless, you will live together happily ever after. In a man's dream - temporary difficulties, thanks to which your income will not decrease, but increase;
  • a camel in a child's dream is a sign that the child is tired of studying.

Color: white, black, unusual

White - to news from relatives. If a camel of this color chews steadily, there is no need to rush to make a decision.

Black - be extremely careful, try to do everything possible to protect yourself and your loved ones from grief. There is a chance that trouble or an enemy will sneak up unnoticed. This color also foreshadows the short duration of a love affair. A black camel is chasing you - to a melancholic mood, depression.

A black camel is an ominous sign. Dreams about illness, sudden death, murder

Wool of an unusual color - a meeting with a childhood friend about whom we have not received news for many years.

How many camels: many, several, herd, caravan

  1. Seeing a lot of camels in a dream means that in reality you will rise up the career ladder. This dream also encourages you to look around and notice diligent, purposeful people.
  2. Two camels - your income will double. If the camels' backs were burdened with luggage, your efforts will be appreciated and rewarded.
  3. Shepherd your camel herd - you will become the owner of a successful company.
  4. The caravan represents your circle of friends. They will do everything in their power for you. This dream can also be a harbinger of love, happiness or miraculous healing.

Seeing a caravan going is a harbinger of prosperity

Place of events in a dream

A camel chewing thorns among the sands of the Sahara warns that victory will be overshadowed by unfortunate news or an incident.

At the zoo, a trip to warm countries awaits you, which will enrich you with experience and knowledge. A camel in this place eats from your hands - to cordial friendship.

The dreamer's actions

Pay attention to your actions and emotions that accompanied the dream:

  • giving water to a camel means freedom from worries in the near future;
  • pulling on the occasion - a conflict situation with colleagues;
  • urge to move at a faster speed - your business will be successful;
  • fighting a camel means long family scandals and discord with a person who will later become your enemy;
  • buy - to an unplanned profitable contract, accidental profit or a new position;
  • selling - to a transfer to an easier and more profitable job, from which you expect a catch;
  • sitting on horseback means promotion. This dream can also be considered a warning about the suspension or termination of an important project;
  • sit proudly - honors and glory await;
  • to load - business negotiations are coming;
  • petting or ruffling his fur - you will meet a patient and obedient person;
  • Packing a caravan on the road is a difficult project that requires a lot of time and perseverance.

Ride, ride, kill, milk, stroke

What does a camel do in a dream: rushes, hesitates, gallops, spits, bites...

A camel in dreams does not always just stand or walk; it is capable of performing many more actions:

  • is in a hurry (perhaps running) towards you - a harbinger of events that will be the beginning of wonderful changes in your life. Good luck will smile on you;
  • sways - to sad, sad thoughts;
  • behaves aggressively - you will face serious confrontation. If you managed to subjugate it to your will - in reality, victory is yours;
  • slowly moving forward - you are on the right track. Events do not happen as quickly as you would like. The motto here is: slowly but surely;
  • carries your luggage - you dream of visiting exotic countries;
  • gallops like a horse: your attempts to compete with a stronger opponent look ridiculous and ridiculous;
  • pursues you or turns away: to sadness and longing. Same meaning if the camel doesn't listen to you.
  • bleeding - a warning about the loss of property or a protracted illness;
  • spits (hits you or not) or bites - a warning against an offer that will cause you to waste a lot of money. Another interpretation: hard work lies ahead, which will not bring either income or the expected success. You will start many things, but you will not be able to complete any of them. You may be rewarded for treating someone unfairly.

Other dreams about camels: I dreamed of a dead, beautiful, one-humped, two-humped camel, baby camel

  1. A dead or wounded camel dreams of losing property or a reliable friend, and obstacles in your way. Or you have exhausted all your strength, so you will be forced to retreat under the pressure of life circumstances.
  2. A camel appearing in a dream foreshadows the achievement of a dream. Nursing a baby: to significant profit.
  3. A beautiful camel, just like in a picture - fast career growth, happiness, recognition.
  4. Double-humped - good luck in all endeavors, promotion, material success.
  5. One-humped camel: good done will be returned a hundredfold. Those you helped will become your loyal friends. Selflessness is the secret of your success. Among people of art you will become famous as a philanthropist. A dromedary in a dream on Wednesday night means you have to be smart to avoid conflict with your superiors. On Sunday night - you should seek friendly help. You will accept her with dignity, and then thank her at the first opportunity.

A baby camel is a symbol of a prosperous personal life. Such a dream promises meeting a person who will become the meaning of your life.

If a woman dreams of a baby, let her prepare for courtship from a man. If a man saw a baby camel in a dream, he will soon meet a housewife who will create comfort in his home.

A newborn baby camel dreams of increased wealth, family prosperity, or news of a new addition to the family.

If in a dream there were people next to the baby camel, then soon you will receive an invitation to a wedding or other magnificent celebration.

Every dream carries some kind of message. Your task is to interpret it correctly. Even if the dream left a negative impression, it fulfilled its task - it warned. What your actions will be is up to you to decide.

Pocket dream book by T. Lagutina

If you dreamed of a camel, then you will experience perseverance and endurance in a difficult situation. One-humped camel - unexpected luck awaits you, you will deservedly take a high position, charity, for lovers it means an even and stable relationship.

To see that you bought a camel - you are about to become the owner of a mine that brings in a lot of income.

You dreamed of a caravan of camels walking through the desert - unexpected help awaits you in what you think is a completely hopeless situation and recovery from a serious illness.

See also: why do you dream about a horse, why do you dream about a desert, why do you dream about water.

Dream Interpretation by A. Vasilyev

Why do you dream about a camel?

If you dreamed of a camel, this means difficult trials that you will endure with honor, and a subsequent great reward.

In your chosen business you will be wise, prudent and patient, for which fate will not fail to reward you.

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

Why does a Camel dream according to the dream book:

Dreaming of a camel with a burden is a sign that in real life you are a very hardworking, but at the same time reliable person, and therefore those around you, taking advantage of these qualities of yours, put all the hardest and most difficult work on you.

To see that a camel eats with pleasure something that you hold out to him, although previously he ate a camel thorn with the same pleasure - then you should not envy your friend, who was lucky. It should be remembered that very often, envying someone else's good, we lose our own.

You dreamed of a camel galloping like a horse - this indicates that your rivalry with a stronger opponent looks simply ridiculous.

Riding a camel in a dream is a sign that, thanks to your hard work, you will be able to defeat your enemy.

To see that a camel spat on you means that you will have very difficult, intense work that will not be crowned with the expected success and will not bring material profit.

If you dreamed of several camels, this means that in your environment there are many hardworking, diligent people who will be able to achieve a lot in life with their work.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Why do you dream and why do you see a Camel in a dream:

To see that the owner of a camel means that you will be able to show enough patience and endurance when you find yourself in a difficult situation, and get out of it with honor. Riding a camel in a dream means you have a long life ahead, but full of difficulties. Watering a camel in a dream means success in business.

If you dreamed of many camels walking in a caravan through the endless desert, then help provided at the last minute will save you from a seemingly inevitable collapse or from the worst outcome of a serious illness.

If you dreamed of a dromedary camel, this means that you will accept help with dignity and will soon find a way to properly thank it. Eating a dish of camel meat in a dream means a disease contracted in exotic places.

Big dream book

Why do you dream about a Camel - dream analysis:

Why does a Camel dream according to the dream book:

I dreamed of a camel - this symbolizes endurance and tirelessness. Seeing a camel in a dream is a good sign. You will show patience and perseverance, thanks to which you will overcome the chain of failures.

In addition, you will soon meet a person who will be distinguished by incredible sexual energy and strength.

To see that you were riding a camel means that you will have violent sex with a tireless partner ahead of you.

To see that the owner of a camel means success in business awaits you. A caravan of camels means help or a miraculous recovery.

Lunar dream book

Why do you dream about a camel:

to difficult trials that you will endure with honor, and a subsequent great reward. In your chosen business you will be wise, prudent and patient, for which fate will not fail to reward you.

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

A camel in a dream symbolizes perseverance and perseverance in achieving a goal. Don't worry about upcoming troubles - your patience and hard work will help you cope with any surprise.

A dream in which you are a camel being driven by its owner suggests that you are destined for success in business, but you will not soon achieve a leadership position.

If you yourself are the owner or driver of a camel, then a profitable place will bring you many honors and a very significant replenishment of the family budget.

A very good dream is in which you watch a caravan of camels. It foretells that you are not alone - in a difficult situation, true friends will come to your aid. In addition, the disease that has tormented you for a long time will be defeated by the timely intervention of an experienced doctor.

A little intimacy - The camel symbolizes endurance and tirelessness. And if you dreamed of a camel, it means that you will soon meet a person who will be distinguished by incredible sexual energy and strength.

Riding a camel in a dream means spontaneous, energetic sex with a tireless partner.

Dream Interpretation of D. Mendeleev

Why does a Camel dream according to the dream book:

Caravan - to see in a dream a caravan of camels slowly moving through the desert is a signal of a possible accident that should happen on the water in the near future with the beginning of the swimming season due to solitary and unorganized swimming. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to observe all possible safety measures.

If a camel has lost its way, having gone astray, and cannot find it in any way, then such a dream signals and indicates to you that you are also wandering through life and cannot choose the right path, true only for you.

If in a dream your friend is packing for his further journey after a halt forced by unfavorable weather conditions, this means that a little rest has come in your life from all the worries and troubles, which you simply need at the moment.

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why do you dream about a Camel, what does it mean:

To see a caravan of camels in the desert or to travel with a caravan yourself: a) a trip at someone else’s expense and on someone else’s business; b) a long and tiring journey; c) wealth obtained through trading operations: d) visit of dear guests.

Lunar dream book

Why do you dream about a camel:

Wealth, but a dangerous position. It is possible to defend a dissertation. 9th house of the horoscope.

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