Dreams and shadows of dreams. Why do you dream of a shadow?

Dreams and shadows of dreams. Why do you dream of a shadow?


The shadow of a person is the dreamer’s soul and its characteristic appearance or the soul of another person living in him, if it is someone else’s shadow (the dreamer’s dark double), rumor, opinion about the person, the prototype of the soul, body, etc.

To see a strange shadow, not to have a shadow in a dream - to show callousness, to be on the verge of death.

To see another without a shadow - he will play an extraordinary role in your life, in a very terrible dream: the news of his serious illness or death.

Your shadow lives and moves on its own, independently of you - a protest of conscience against your behavior, the awakening in you of forces hostile to your self.

Having a red, spotted or green shadow is an ominous sign for health. An ominous sign for the moral assessment of your actions and their consequences.

To have a fiery shadow glowing brightly in the darkness means the life of the soul is more active than the life of the body, mysterious glory, strange honor.

To cast a dark shadow on the fire means an unusually intense spiritual life awaits, but there will be a lot of spontaneous and uncontrollable things in it.

Seeing a halo around your shadow means something new is awakening in you.

To have a very short shadow and it does not lengthen means your weak spiritual activity, showing cowardice.

It is grandiose, unusual in size - extremely significant consequences of actions to which you may not attach much importance, someone is closely watching you, your bad character traits have intensified

Having a lot of shadows means gossip about you.

To be afraid of your shadow is to be amazed at your actions or their incredible consequences; it is in vain to try to drown out the voice of conscience within yourself.

Having a shadow without a head is an ominous sign for health; your enemy is hiding in you.

Having a shadow without hands means harm from inactivity.

To have a shadow without legs means that people have a bad opinion of you and acquire dangerous power.

To see the shadow of another with horns is a coercion on his part to test, in vain to slander him.

To have a shadow with a tail - your secret vices are revealed against your will.

Your shadow is harmed - by the evil eye, by the heavy hand of someone you know, by becoming an object of witchcraft.

Having a shadow that is too thin means poor health.

To have a very thick shadow is to immerse yourself in a sensual life, to become a miser.

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Shadow

The shadow is a symbol, possibly caused by the work of your subconscious, which has converted ideas about a person into a visual image (the shadow is considered an extension of the person). To see that a person does not cast a shadow or that it does not correspond to his shape means that you are communicating with a two-faced person who can commit meanness. Seeing your shadow in a dream means that you rely only on yourself and your own strength. To dream that a moving object leaves a motionless shadow is a sign of stagnation and monotony in your business.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dream interpretation shadow

Every person or object has a shadow. From time to time they talk about it figuratively, that a person is afraid of his own shadow, or that one follows another like a shadow.

Why do you dream of a shadow? Could such a dream be a warning of impending danger?

See a shadow in night dreams

Seeing elongated shadows in a dream

It is worth recognizing that a dream with the appearance of a shadow may not be the most pleasant. It's more like a nightmare. What do dream books say about this?

Prediction by common interpreters

Often seeing a shadow in a dream is considered by dream books as a warning that there is a person next to the sleeping person who, at a minimum, is not telling him the whole truth. But it is possible that this is a two-faced person who will drag you into a dangerous business. If you recently received an offer to invest your money in a certain enterprise, we strongly recommend that you thoroughly study the dream books, think twice, weigh all the possibilities, and then make a decision.

Dream Interpretation of Seasons

This interpreter is divided into three subcategories, depending on the birth of the dreamer, and is famous for its laconic predictions:

  • birthday people of winter and early spring, seeing a shadow in a dream, will encounter increased attention from the opposite sex, intrusive and unpleasant;
  • those born in the summer may regard such a dream as a sign of illness;
  • the rest, seeing the shadow of a person, learn the news about the death of an acquaintance.

Children's interpreter

I dreamed of a shadow of a friend

Seeing a shadow in a dream indicates that the sleeping person’s hopes will not come true. When you hope to pass an exam perfectly or receive a long-awaited gift, the dream promises immediate disappointment; you will not get the desired result.

Russian folk interpreter

Why might you dream of a shadow cast by a familiar person that does not match him in size? Such a dream, as well as a vision in which there will be no shadow at all, means that your friend is a two-faced person and you should not trust him.

When you observe your own reflection on a wall or floor, it means that in reality you are relying only on yourself.

Watching a person move, but his shadow remains in place - you have stopped in your development, things are also completely stagnant.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream of a shadow that terrifies you? Your enemies can harm you, you should be extremely careful.

See creepy night dreams

When the shadow is really scary, the dreamer is under the influence of someone else’s will. His actions are controlled by other people, his actions are abused.

What do personal dream books say?

Unlike the above interpreters, personalized dream books were created by one specific person. Many of them are very popular among readers.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

When in a dream you see your blurry shadow, then in reality you are going the wrong way. You suppress your inner aspirations.

The shadow was practically invisible - you committed a rash act, and soon you will be very disappointed in it.

She was wearing a hood - a negative sign. It is believed that such a symbol dreams of death.

Interpreter of the Apostle Canaanite

The interpretation of the dream will depend on the shadow seen:

  • its own - this is a warning for the dreamer, you should be careful, he is in trouble;
  • someone else’s - events will happen that will greatly frighten the dreamer.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

The dream could mean the dark side of one's personality

The shadow that appears to you in a dream is your black image, an otherworldly double. It can symbolize bad thoughts or actions of the dreamer himself, or warn of the negative influence of otherworldly forces or people on him.

Interpreter of Aesop

This source contains quite a lot of different information regarding what a shadow may mean in a dream:

  • to see that an object is not casting its own shadow - you are communicating with a person who is deceiving you, using you to his advantage;
  • to see yours - good luck will smile on the dreamer, you will receive the necessary support;
  • to see a vampire in a dream that has no shadow - you will have an unpleasant conversation or sad news;
  • to see that an object casts shadows on all sides of the world - big, dramatic changes are coming in the dreamer’s life;
  • the object moves, but the shadow remains in place - absolutely nothing will change in the near future.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

I dreamed that the shadow moved independently

When you dream that you do not cast shadows, it means that you are a cowardly person who does not have his own opinion. Also, such a vision may appear to the dreamer over whom a mortal threat hangs. A dream in which your friend or relative did not cast a shadow will be interpreted in the same way, but trouble or unpleasant mental qualities will be described regarding him.

According to this dream book, a shadow that moves no matter what you do is your subconscious, which thus appeals to your conscience.

You are behaving incorrectly, doing things that your heart protests against. It is worth dealing with internal conflicts, otherwise you can end up with a split personality.

When you see red or green instead of a gray appearance, this is a very negative sign; it can predict big troubles associated with both physical and moral health.

Your shadow burns with flame - a strong spirit hides in your not very developed body. Such a dream may mean that a person will become famous, perhaps after his death.

Casting too big a shadow means you do not attach importance to your perfect actions. And they will have enormous consequences for both the dreamer and his loved ones. The dream book says that these actions are unkind, dark forces have already taken control of you, and your character is only getting worse.

Casting a lot of shadows means there are unpleasant rumors about a sleeping person.

I dreamed that it was unusually large

To dream that your shadow is being offended - they want to cast a spell on you or have already cast a spell on you. This was done by a person well known to the dreamer. Your shadow is too small - the dreamer has health problems.

It's worth worrying about him.

We pay attention to the smallest details

People who see their shadow in a dream see their soul. Depending on what contours it has, you will be able to understand which actions you have committed more, good or bad. When the contours are light, it means the dreamer is a bright person who tries not to do harm to anyone. If dark tones predominate, you are an angry, envious person, ready to go over your head just to achieve your goal. But the shadow is only your reflection, so the choice is yours on how to behave further and how to build your life.

Are you haunted by a scary shadow in your dreams? You shouldn’t be too scared of evil images. Dream books say that you just need to be more careful with your neighbors, work colleagues or acquaintances. The main thing is that no evil forces threaten you.

Why do you dream about the shadow of a bird or a separate part of a human body? As a rule, such a dream is the first signal that an inflammatory process has begun in the body; you will soon get sick.

To see a dark shadow of an animal on the wall - rejoice, this is a good sign. He promises help and support the moment you need it. Dream interpreters say that this will be the specialist you need who will offer his services on time.

The shadow of a person is the dreamer’s soul and its characteristic appearance or the soul of another person living in him, if it is someone else’s shadow (the dreamer’s dark double), rumor, opinion about the person, the prototype of the soul, body, etc.

To see a strange shadow, not to have a shadow in a dream - to show callousness, to be on the verge of death.

To see another without a shadow - he will play an extraordinary role in your life, in a very terrible dream: the news of his serious illness or death.

Your shadow lives and moves on its own, independently of you - a protest of conscience against your behavior, the awakening in you of forces hostile to your self.

Having a red, spotted or green shadow is an ominous sign for health. An ominous sign for the moral assessment of your actions and their consequences.

To have a fiery shadow glowing brightly in the darkness means the life of the soul is more active than the life of the body, mysterious glory, strange honor.

To cast a dark shadow on the fire means an unusually intense spiritual life awaits, but there will be a lot of spontaneous and uncontrollable things in it.

Seeing a halo around your shadow means something new is awakening in you.

To have a very short shadow and it does not lengthen means your weak spiritual activity, showing cowardice.

It is grandiose, unusual in size - extremely significant consequences of actions to which you may not attach much importance, someone is closely watching you, your bad character traits have intensified

Having a lot of shadows means gossip about you.

To be afraid of your shadow is to be amazed at your actions or their incredible consequences; it is in vain to try to drown out the voice of conscience within yourself.

Having a shadow without a head is an ominous sign for health; your enemy is hiding in you.

Having a shadow without hands means harm from inactivity.

To have a shadow without legs means that people have a bad opinion of you and acquire dangerous power.

To see the shadow of another with horns is a coercion on his part to test, in vain to slander him.

To have a shadow with a tail - your secret vices are revealed against your will.

Your shadow is harmed - by the evil eye, by the heavy hand of someone you know, by becoming an object of witchcraft.

Having a shadow that is too thin means poor health.

To have a very thick shadow is to immerse yourself in a sensual life, to become a miser.

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Shadow

The shadow is a symbol, possibly caused by the work of your subconscious, which has converted ideas about a person into a visual image (the shadow is considered an extension of the person). To see that a person does not cast a shadow or that it does not correspond to his shape means that you are communicating with a two-faced person who can commit meanness. Seeing your shadow in a dream means that you rely only on yourself and your own strength. To dream that a moving object leaves a motionless shadow is a sign of stagnation and monotony in your business.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about the Shadow and what does it mean:

Seeing your shadow in a dream is a warning that you need to be wary of trouble from your enemies; seeing someone else's shadow is a sign that they are controlling you, trying to deceive you and subjugate you to someone else's will.

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which the Shadow dreamed

Danilova's children's dream book

Seeing a Shadow in a dream, what does it mean?

Shadow - Means the illusory nature of your hopes; if you expect to get an A on a test, your hopes, alas, will not come true.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream of a shadow?

Shadow – Letter; one’s own – false happiness, an unfulfilled desire.

Universal dream book for the whole family

Interpretation of the Shadow

The symbol may be caused by the work of your subconscious, which has converted ideas about a person into a visual image (the shadow is considered an extension of the person). To see that a person does not cast a shadow or that it does not correspond to his shape means that you are communicating with a two-faced person who can commit meanness. Seeing your shadow in a dream means that you rely only on yourself and your own strength. To dream that a moving object leaves a motionless shadow is a sign of stagnation and monotony in your business.

Ancient dream book

Dark trace in a dream

Shadow - Seeing yourself marks false happiness and an impossible desire.

Aesop's Dream Book

Allegories about the Shadow

The dream in which you saw a shadow was possibly caused by the work of your subconscious, which transformed well-known expressions into a visual image: “Cast a shadow on the fence” (give deliberately false information) or “Follow someone like a shadow” (persistently follow someone under the influence of feelings). They also say: “He has changed so much, he has become just like a shadow” (if a person has become haggard or thin because of worries). The world of shadows in our minds is associated with some kind of mystery and slight fear and reverence. Usually they say about a cowardly person: “He is afraid even of his own shadow.” In ancient times, the shadow was considered an extension of a person, so if a slave accidentally stepped on the shadow of his master, he was immediately executed without hesitation. If you dreamed that some object casts a completely unusual shadow that does not correspond to its shape, then this means that you are communicating with a two-faced person, you trust someone who not only does not respect you, but is also ready to commit meanness.

If this dream causes you fear, it means that you know this person, but you do not want to believe yourself and continue to assure yourself of his sincerity and devotion to you. If such a dream surprised you, then this is a sign that you will soon stop communicating with this slippery person and save yourself from trouble. Seeing your shadow in a dream is a good dream, promising you support and good luck in the near future. If you dreamed of a person, like a vampire, leaving no shadow, then this is a warning that you will have a conversation with an unpleasant person or receive unpleasant news from the lips of a stranger. A dream in which an object or person casts four shadows foreshadows some important event in your life, a turning point, after which not only your life will change, but also you yourself. Seeing in a dream how a moving object leaves behind a motionless shadow is a sign of stagnation and monotony that await you in the near future.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Shadow - Anonymous.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Shadow - Seeing your own is a warning; to see at all is frightening.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Interpretation according to the saint:

Shadow – seeing one’s own – a warning – seeing someone else’s – fear.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about a Shadow, what does it mean?

Shadow (figure) – A vague shadow figure in a dream, usually of the same gender as the dreamer, reflects the dreamer's repressed unconscious aspirations. Seeing an unclear figure (shadow) means experiencing disappointment from your action. The hooded figure represents death.

Slavic dream book

What does a dreamer dream of about a shadow in a dream?

Shadow - the karmic tails of your actions will interfere with you. False fears.

Modern dream book for 365 days

Why does the Shadow dream about the days of the week?

Seeing a shadow in a dream - If this is a dream on Monday night, it means unfulfilled hopes; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - good news that will not be confirmed; dreamed on the night of Saturday or Sunday - it means the appearance of painful premonitions. Following the shadow is to find the right course of action. Seeing a person without a shadow means there is a serious danger of the evil eye.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Meet the Shadow:

I dreamed of a Shadow - Weakened health, general malaise, loss of strength. Imagine that the sun reaches its zenith and all shadows disappear.

Dream Interpretation Taylor Joules

">Why do you dream about the Shadow, symbolic meaning:

The shadow is the dark, unpleasant side of our personality that we would prefer to hide or suppress. You are not behaving in a way that you think is typical for you, then it is your shadow that is trying to teach you a lesson. It is important to recognize that the shadow is an integral part of your personality, whether you like it or not. Why do you dream: A strong, assertive shadow has qualities that will help you achieve more in life if you are modest by nature and inclined to give in to others; this assertiveness can be used in reality. A shadow that looks angry and cruel in a usually calm, indifferent person is a subconscious advice to be more actively involved in your life, to feel with all your soul, and not just make objective observations.

Dream Book of Arnold Mindell

Disciple of the Dream Maker: interpreting the Shadow:

Shadow - Dreamed of a Shadow - You seem to see a flashing shadow in a dream - you will receive an anonymous letter in the coming days; most likely its content will be far from the truth, but an unpleasant aftertaste will remain; suspicions will haunt the soul for a long time.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the Shadow from your dream

Shadow - The vicious double of the sleeper; dark influences, bad consequences of individual actions.

Dream book for the whole family by E. Danilova

Why do you dream about the Shadow, how can you understand it?

Shadow (one's own or someone else's) – fear of responsibility for decisions made. Shadow from a house, tree - shift the solution to problems onto someone else’s shoulders; the desire not to stand out.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Shadow - To courtship and pestering.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Shadow - To illness.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Shadow – Seeing a shadow in a dream means receiving news of someone’s death.

Why do women and men dream about the Shadow?

Experts have found that the plot of women's dreams is emotional and consists of small details. And the dreams of men are distinguished by specificity and active dynamics of events. This is due to gender differences in brain function. The symbolism of sleep is the same for a woman and a man, therefore the Shadow in a dream has the same meaning for both sexes.

The dream you had on the 28th touches on your past; it is a processing and re-evaluation of what has already happened to you. This dream does not retell or affect your future in any way. On this day, nightmares and dreams are of particular importance - which cause a negative aftertaste in the morning. Only those stories that were dreamed at dawn should be interpreted - all other dreams are empty.

Read more in the dream book:

  • what a dream
  • what was the dream about
  • why do you dream about the image

The shadow of a person is the dreamer’s soul and its characteristic appearance or the soul of another person living in him, if it is someone else’s shadow (the dreamer’s dark double), rumor, opinion about the person, the prototype of the soul, body, etc.

To see a strange shadow, not to have a shadow in a dream - to show callousness, to be on the verge of death.

To see another without a shadow - he will play an extraordinary role in your life, in a very terrible dream: the news of his serious illness or death.

Your shadow lives and moves on its own, independently of you - a protest of conscience against your behavior, the awakening in you of forces hostile to your self.

Having a red, spotted or green shadow is an ominous sign for health. An ominous sign for the moral assessment of your actions and their consequences.

To have a fiery shadow glowing brightly in the darkness means the life of the soul is more active than the life of the body, mysterious glory, strange honor.

To cast a dark shadow on the fire means an unusually intense spiritual life awaits, but there will be a lot of spontaneous and uncontrollable things in it.

Seeing a halo around your shadow means something new is awakening in you.

To have a very short shadow and it does not lengthen means your weak spiritual activity, showing cowardice.

It is grandiose, unusual in size - extremely significant consequences of actions to which you may not attach much importance, someone is closely watching you, your bad character traits have intensified

Having a lot of shadows means gossip about you.

To be afraid of your shadow is to be amazed at your actions or their incredible consequences; it is in vain to try to drown out the voice of conscience within yourself.

Having a shadow without a head is an ominous sign for health; your enemy is hiding in you.

Having a shadow without hands means harm from inactivity.

To have a shadow without legs means that people have a bad opinion of you and acquire dangerous power.

To see the shadow of another with horns is a coercion on his part to test, in vain to slander him.

To have a shadow with a tail - your secret vices are revealed against your will.

Your shadow is harmed - by the evil eye, by the heavy hand of someone you know, by becoming an object of witchcraft.

Having a shadow that is too thin means poor health.

To have a very thick shadow is to immerse yourself in a sensual life, to become a miser.

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble Dream Book

Subscribe to the Dream Interpretation channel!

Dream Interpretation - Shadow

The shadow is a symbol, possibly caused by the work of your subconscious, which has converted ideas about a person into a visual image (the shadow is considered an extension of the person). To see that a person does not cast a shadow or that it does not correspond to his shape means that you are communicating with a two-faced person who can commit meanness. Seeing your shadow in a dream means that you rely only on yourself and your own strength. To dream that a moving object leaves a motionless shadow is a sign of stagnation and monotony in your business.

Interpretation of dreams from

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