How many points do you need to get into college? Selection committee

How many points do you need to get into college? Selection committee


Admission to training in secondary vocational education programs is carried out without entrance examinations, on a publicly accessible basis (certificate competition) at Volkhovsky per. House 11 .

To calculate the average score of the certificate, the following subjects are taken into account*:

  1. Algebra
  2. Geometry
  3. Physics
  4. Computer Science and ICT
  5. Russian language
  6. Chemistry
  7. Literature
  8. Russian history
  9. Social science
  10. Foreign language
  11. Basics of life safety
  12. Physical Culture

*- when calculating the average score of the certificate of specialty 54.02.01 Design (by industry), grades in the following subjects are taken into account: Russian language, Literature, Foreign language, Algebra, Geometry, Computer Science and ICT, History of Russia, Social studies, Fine arts, Chemistry, Fundamentals of safety life activity, physical culture.

The program of entrance examinations for specialty 54.02.01 can be viewed.

Dates for passing the creative test in the specialty Design (by industry)

07/10/2019 - Exam
07/18/2019 - Exam
07/23/2019 - Exam
August 2, 2019 - Exam
08/30/2019 — Exam

12:30 meeting at the technical school

Duration of training

  • based on 9 classes - 3 years 10 months;
  • based on 11 classes - 2 years 10 months.*

Training is conducted on a budget and paid basis. Enrollment is subject to a fee based on the results of a certificate competition. Dormitory accommodation is not provided. For applicants with secondary (general) education (11 grades) deferment from the army is granted.
*Training for applicants with secondary (general) education (grade 11) is only on a contract basis (for a fee).
Applications are accepted from JUNE 20 to AUGUST 15.

Rules for admission to MSTU. N.E. Bauman for training in secondary vocational education programs in 2019 you can see .

Admission plan for applicants for specialties of secondary vocational education at MTKP MSTU. N.E. Bauman .

Opening hours of the admissions committee from June 20 to August 15, 2019

Documents required for admission*

  • Education document (certificate, diploma, etc.) (original + copy).
  • Copy of the passport.
  • 12 photographs measuring 3x4 cm (student card, grade book, pass, educational card, personal card, personal file, group curator’s journal, library card, union card and reserve for recovering lost documents)
  • SNILS (pension insurance).
  • Certificate form 086/у (indicating the health group and physical education group; with mandatory indication of information about vaccination, revaccination or immunity strength (measles, rubella, diphtheria, hepatitis B, tetanus, mumps)).

*All documents and applications are accepted only in the personal presence of the applicant.
*Moscow registration is not required for admission to the budget.
*There is no possibility of submitting documents through the PGU.MOS.RU portal!

The student graduated from high school and what school he attended. For example, if a student at a lyceum or gymnasium finishes poorly, cannot withstand a heavy workload and cannot cope with the program, he will be asked to choose another educational institution and will not be enrolled. In this case, you can transfer to a regular school, graduate from it and enter a university. Ultimately, it is not at all necessary to study at a school with in-depth study of subjects in order to pass the Unified State Exam well.

Write down what can be improved around you. Keep records right from the moment you start working. Think and observe. How to make a better and faster reception of a person, how to bring him up to date, how to establish interaction between employees of different departments. Even if you work as a janitor, think about everything that is around you. How to care for company machines, how to store shovels and brooms. Think about how a janitor can advance his career. Write everything that comes to mind.

The modern Russian education system contains several complementary levels - from kindergartens to universities and institutes. Among them, medium-sized specialized institutions with a special niche occupy their modest place. Getting there is much easier than going to university.

Advantages of entering a college

How to go to college after 9th grade? There are no more than 2-4 applicants per place for student places with a nine-year education in the most popular specialties of secondary schools. High school graduates (after 11) face much more serious competition for admission, but even there it is somewhat weaker than at the university. Therefore, the question “how to go to college after 9th grade?” is becoming relevant for many members of the younger generation and their parents.

Colleges also provide an opportunity not to take the infamous Unified State Exam, which still causes heated discussions. To achieve this, graduates of junior high school are trying to find free budget places in colleges. By the way, upon completion of a secondary specialized educational institution, there is a possibility (and by no means hypothetical) of being a university student without an entrance test. In addition, after acquiring a specialty at the university, students will have to study a shortened course.

Financial component

Colleges are a definite salvation for applicants from poor families who do not have the opportunity to study on a contract not only at a university in a large city, but also at a small institute. Moreover, colleges provide a good specialty with a practical inclination, which allows you to work in your chosen field and at the same time study in absentia at the university. There is only one serious drawback - the university specialty must be combined with the one received in college.

In addition, there is another positive point - graduates of junior high school, if they fail the entrance exams in college, do not miss the season, but can return back to school. In two years, there is a real chance to improve your level and try to get a job at your chosen university again.

How to determine where to study?

Which college should I go to after 9th grade? In modern Russia there are many colleges, and you can get a diploma in almost every profession.

A high school student needs to correctly determine his own abilities and decide how to go to college after 9th grade. Schools often offer psychological and career guidance tests to detect a child’s attraction to a certain profession. To decide which colleges you can enroll in after 9th grade, you need to look at the diary of the student’s current progress:

  • if a child is interested in natural sciences, then perhaps he should think about a medical or pedagogical college;
  • It is worth focusing on a polytechnic or construction profile if you have an inclination towards exact disciplines;
  • Humanities students, as a rule, choose a pedagogical or legal college;
  • girls often pay attention to colleges where they can get a profession as an accountant, hairdresser, or makeup artist.

List of introductory documents

Enrolling in a college is not much different from applying to a university. You just need to have the necessary documents, bring them to the admissions office and fill out an application for admission there. Mandatory are:

  • passport or birth certificate of the applicant;
  • school certificate;
  • state examination results;
  • medical documents (certificate and vaccination card);
  • photographs of the applicant (6 pieces).

To enter college after 9th grade, the admissions committee may invite the student to provide additional certificates and diplomas or to take additional entrance tests.

Creative professions

Regarding specialties with a creative orientation, the question “how to go to college after 9th grade?” will be more difficult. Applicants entering creative fields should inquire in advance about the dates of entrance exams and the need to present a portfolio. For example, if an applicant chose a construction college, the admissions committee has the right to ask for a series of drawings and offer to take additional exams (usually drawing). Without additional training, it is almost impossible to pass such tests. It is recommended to hire a tutor a few months before the exams, enroll in graphics and drawing courses, and also try to spend more free time drawing at home to improve your skills.

Certificate competition

Almost the last stage of the admissions campaign is the compilation of ratings of applicants.

Of course, applicants, first of all, want to enroll in budget places, and in most cases they succeed. There are quite a lot of places in the secondary school, but the college is still not able to accept all applicants. To identify promising applicants, since the Soviet era there has been such an event as a competition of school documents on education.

You can go to college after 9th grade just based on your grades. Admissions specialists study the final grades of all former students and announce the average grade point at school: the higher it is, the higher the likelihood of admission.


  • children raised in a single-parent family (in the case where the mother or father has become disabled, and the income received in the family per person is less than the subsistence level);
  • military (in conflict zones, for example, in Donetsk and Lugansk, military personnel and members of their families receive benefits);
  • orphans;
  • disabled people.

You can also be enrolled outside the general queue if the student was sent to college under a targeted contract. However, then, upon completion of college, it is necessary to work for a certain period of time in order to return to the company the funds invested in the student during his studies. Most often, village applicants go to a pedagogical or medical college under a target contract. The administration of a locality or district receives similar agreements.

Medical College

You can enter medical college after 9th grade. Admission is subject to the same conditions as in other colleges and universities. First, documents are submitted and an application is written.

If an applicant has health problems or grades do not reach the minimum score, college specialists may not accept him for study.

There are several entrance tests for applicants after 9th grade. For example, some colleges require you to take a math exam. For other 9th grade graduates, enrollment in colleges is based on the State Examination results.

Some colleges allow the future student to choose: either pass the entrance examination, or provide the results of the Unified State Examination, or submit a State Examination certificate. The application for admission immediately states what documents the applicant provides, copies or originals, and what form of education will be used if yesterday’s student passes the competition for admission to the secondary school.

Training at the medical college is carried out in special areas. These secondary schools train paramedics, nurses and other mid-level specialists.

  • Consent to the processing of personal data (adult applicants)
  • Consent of the parent/legal representative to the processing of personal data of a minor
  • Information about the need (or lack of need) for applicants to undergo a mandatory preliminary medical examination (examination)
  • Conditions for admission to study under contracts for the provision of paid educational services for the 2019/2020 academic year. year
  • Target figures for admission at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget for the 2019/2020 academic year. year
    AS OF AUGUST 09, 2019


    Form of education

    Number of applications submitted

    Due to budgetary allocations from the federal budget

    Under contracts for the provision of paid educational services

    Full-time education based on basic general education (9 classes)

    Full-time education based on secondary general education (11 grades)

    (based on secondary general education)

    Part-time and part-time education
    (based on SPO, VO)

    • 9th grade (full-time, contract) OPEN PDF
    • 11th grade (full-time budget) OPEN PDF
    • 11th grade (full-time, contract) OPEN PDF
    • 11th grade (full-time and part-time, contract) OPEN PDF
    • on the basis of secondary-professional, higher, incomplete higher (full-time and part-time form, contract) OPEN PDF

    Specialty 46.02.01 Documentation management and archival science.


    Full-time education:

    • 110 places - financed from federal budget allocations on the basis of secondary general education (11 grades). The admission targets have been agreed upon with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
    • 200 places - on a contractual basis on the basis of basic general education (9 classes).
    • 115 places - on a contractual basis on the basis of secondary general education (11 classes).
    Part-time study:
    • on the basis of secondary general education (11 grades).
    • 60 places - on a contractual basis on the basis of secondary vocational, higher, incomplete higher education.
    The college does not provide hostel accommodation.

    FULL-TIME IN 2019

    200 places – on a contractual basis, no budget places

    • until July 14, 2019 - I stream;
    • until August 15, 2019 - II stream

    3. Admission to the College is carried out on the basis of the average score of the certificate - not lower than “4”.

    4. On the day of submitting documents, parents enter into a training agreement. A copy of the paid receipt must be sent to the College email [email protected] in three days.

    5. Ranked lists of applicants who have submitted documents to the College will be posted on the College website daily from June 20, 2019. A list of applicants recommended for admission will be posted on the College website on August 16, 2019. The order for enrollment as first-year students will be published on the website on August 26, 2019.

    6. Students write an English test to determine their level of knowledge on August 27, 2019 at 10:00.

    8. Duration of study at the College - 3 years 10 months. Upon completion of training, a diploma of secondary vocational education is issued (without issuing a certificate).

    9. Cost:

    • basic training - 172,000 rubles. per year (payment is made in 4 installments);
    • course “Basics of keyboard typing and formatting” - 29,000 rubles. per year (payment is made in 2 installments).

    10. College students are provided with assistance in finding employment, taking into account the rating for the graduation period.

    Dear applicants, we ask you to familiarize yourself with the literature program and read these works over the summer


    FULL-TIME IN 2019

    110 places - financed from federal budget allocations
    115 places – on a contractual basis

    1. Acceptance of applications and documents to study at the College begins on June 20, 2019 and continues until August 15, 2019.

    2. When applying for admission to the College, the applicant presents the following documents:

    • original or photocopy of documents proving his identity and citizenship;
    • original or photocopy of a state-issued education document;
    • 6 color photographs, size 3x4.
    The applicant provides the original document of education no later than 16.00 on August 15, 2019. Otherwise, he will not be enrolled as a 1st year student.
    3. Admission to the College is carried out on the basis
    • average certificate score:
    – for places with tuition fees paid – not lower than “4”;
    – locally at the expense of federal budget allocations – not lower than “4.5”.

    If the average score of the certificate is equal, the results of the specialized disciplines “Russian Language” and “English Language” with grades in the certificate not lower than “good” are primarily assessed. Individual achievements and target direction are also taken into account.

    If there are available places after August 15, 2019, admission to the College is carried out from among applicants with an average certificate score of at least 3.5.

    4. Enrollment with payment of tuition fees is carried out after concluding an agreement on the provision of paid educational services and paying tuition fees in accordance with the terms of the agreement. A copy of the paid receipt must be sent to the College email [email protected] within three days from the date of payment.

    5. Ranked lists of applicants who have submitted documents to the College will be posted on the College website daily from June 20, 2019. A list of applicants recommended for admission will be posted on the College website on August 16, 2019. The order for enrollment as first-year students will be published on the website on August 26, 2019.

    6. Students write an English test to determine their level of knowledge on August 26, 2019 at 12:00. Materials for preparing for the test.

    7. For all questions related to admission to the College, applicants can contact the College Admissions Committee (tel. 8-495-951-04-71) and the Chairman of the Admissions Committee, Igor Yuryevich Gavryushin (tel. 8-495-953-08 -32).

    8. Duration of study at the College is 1 year 10 months. Upon completion of training, a diploma of secondary vocational education is issued.

    9. Cost:

    • basic training – 172,000 rubles. per year (payment is made in 4 installments);
    • course “Specialized English” – 29,000 rubles. per year (payment is made in 2 installments) or a second foreign language (German, Spanish, French - 41,000 rubles per year (payment is made in 2 installments).

    10. College students are provided with assistance in finding employment, taking into account the rating for the period of graduation.

    11. No later than three days after enrollment in the College (before August 29, 2019), all first-year students must provide:

    • medical certificate (form No. 086/u) and certificate of preventive vaccinations (form 156/u-93);
    • a certificate from a drug treatment clinic (without taking tests);
    • a copy of temporary registration for students who do not have permanent registration in Moscow or the Moscow region;
    • notarized consent to protect the rights and legitimate interests of minors living in Moscow or the Moscow region. without parents (legal representatives);
    • copies of TIN, SNILS and a copy of the paid receipt.


    60 places – on a contractual basis

    1. Acceptance of applications and documents to study at the College begins on June 20, 2019 and continues until August 30, 2019.

    2. When applying for admission to the College, the applicant presents the following documents:

    • original or photocopy of documents proving his identity and citizenship;
    • original or photocopy of a state-issued education document;
    • 6 color photographs, size 3x4.
    The applicant provides the original document on education and (or) document on education and qualifications no later than 16.00 on August 30, 2019. Otherwise, he will not be enrolled as a 1st year student.
    3. Admission to the College is carried out after concluding an agreement on the provision of paid educational services and paying tuition fees in accordance with the terms of the agreement. A copy of the paid receipt must be sent to the College email [email protected] within three days from the date of payment. The order for enrollment as a first-year student is issued until September 1, 2019.

    4. For all questions related to admission to the College, applicants can contact the College Admissions Committee (tel. 8-495-951-04-71) and the Chairman of the Admissions Committee, Igor Yuryevich Gavryushin (tel. 8-495-953-08 -32).

    5. Duration of training at the College is 2 years 2 months. Upon completion of training, a diploma of secondary vocational education is issued.

    6. Cost – 104,000 rubles. per year (payment is made in 3 installments).

    • a copy of the paid receipt.


    60 places – on a contractual basis

    1. Acceptance of applications and documents for studying at the College for full-time and part-time study on the basis of higher education, incomplete higher education, secondary vocational education begins on April 20, 2019 and is carried out until August 30, 2019.

    2. When applying for admission to the College, the applicant presents the following documents:

    • original or photocopy of documents proving his identity and citizenship;
    • original or photocopy of state-issued education documents and (or) education and qualification documents;
    • 6 color photographs, size 3x4;
    • certificate from place of work (if available);
    persons studying in other educational organizations additionally provide:
    • certificate from the place of study;
    • grade book (original) + 1 copy.

    3. Duration of study at the College – 1 year 10 months.

    4. Tuition fee – 104,000 rubles. per year (payment is made in 3 installments).

    5. Enrollment in the College is carried out after concluding an agreement on the provision of paid educational services and paying tuition fees in accordance with the terms of the agreement. The order for enrollment as a first-year student is issued until September 1, 2019.

    6. For all questions related to admission to the College, applicants can contact the College Admissions Committee (tel. 8-495-951-70-86 and 8-495-951-04-71) and the Chairman of the Admissions Committee, Igor Yurievich Gavryushin (tel. 8-495-953-08-32).

    7. No later than three days after enrollment in the College, all first-year students must provide:

    • medical certificate (form No. 086/у);
    • a copy of temporary registration for students who do not have permanent registration in Moscow or Moscow Region;
    • copy of paid receipt

    The reform of the education system continues. It is unknown when and how it will end, but changes in it continue. The topic of this article will be the transition to new rules for admission to institutions providing secondary technical education, that is, to colleges (as former technical schools are now called).

    Unlike universities, which accept only those who have completed secondary education (passed the Unified State Exam), you can enroll in college both after completing the 9th grade and after graduating from high school.

    In the first case, admission is carried out on the basis of a certificate for the 9th grade, in the second - the results of the Unified State Exam will be the basis. Since 2013, the vast majority of colleges do not need to pass entrance tests or exams; now they accept students with a school certificate.

    Tests for applicants are reserved for a relatively small group of institutions where training is provided in professions that require specific abilities, a special character, or certain physical conditions.

    We list the main groups of such specialties:

    • Training in any profession related to the fine arts. (Sculpture, drawing, design (including landscape), decoration, modeling, animation, etc.)
    • Training in professions related to music (vocals, playing any musical instruments, choreography, etc.).
    • Training in professions that require certain physical characteristics and/or specific character traits (law enforcement, fire safety, protection and rescue in emergencies, medicine, dentistry, obstetrics, some areas of education, etc.).

    But, let us repeat, in order to enter college to study for the vast majority of professions, now (since 2013) no entrance tests (etc.) are required. Admission is carried out solely on the basis of indicators (average score) of the school certificate

    Passing score

    The passing score is easy to determine. It is enough to have a list of all enrolled applicants and the average scores of their certificates. The lowest average score will be “passing”.

    It depends on several factors, such as the principles and procedure for calculating the average score (they may differ for different colleges, more on this below), the ratio of the number of applicants wishing to study at a given college and vacancies, and the average level of applicants.

    It is clear that the passing score is calculated only for a specific college, in a specific year. Moreover, this is done already at the end of the admissions session, that is, after filling all the vacant educational places with former applicants who have now become first-year students.

    The values ​​of passing scores for previous years are usually posted in the public domain on the websites of educational institutions.

    The exact value of the passing grade, even in one college, for the same specialty, can change from year to year depending on a number of objective (demographic situation, for example, and subjective, such as a change in the number of admission places) factors.

    True, these changes are rarely very significant, therefore, having found out the value of the passing score of the previous year and the grade in his certificate, a young man or girl can predict admission (or non-admission) to the institution of interest to him (her) with a fairly high degree of probability.

    We also note that college management is given the right to independently determine which subjects of the school curriculum are important for training in their profile, and which are not of serious importance, and, accordingly, take (or not take) into account the grades of applicants’ certificates in any subjects.

    Thus, in most cases, when considering certificates, grades in such disciplines as, for example, physical education are not taken into account. If the average score is the same and there is a lack of places, preference is usually given to applicants who have higher scores in socio-political disciplines (history, social studies).

    Accordingly, the average score can be determined in different ways. You must use the one that is practiced specifically in this educational institution.

    This is usually either the arithmetic average (the addition of all components and then dividing by their number) of all certificate scores, or the arithmetic average calculated for that group of subjects (disciplines), the grades for which are taken into account when enrolling in a given specific college.

    Benefits and Benefits

    There are special categories of applicants who have the right to benefits (advantages) when enrolling in colleges. Partially, such benefits are established by law and apply to all educational institutions in the Russian Federation. For example, benefits for applicants who are orphans or disabled people.

    Some of the benefits can be established either by the management of the industry (for which this college trains specialists), for example, winners and prize-winners of Olympiads in major disciplines, or by the management of the college itself (an advantage for those who attended preparatory courses).

    In controversial cases, when two (or more) applicants with the same average certificate score apply for one educational place, preference is usually given to those who:

    • Higher (on average) grades in 7 basic general education disciplines.
    • Higher scores in history and social studies.
    • Confirmed victories (prizes) at Olympiads and/or specialized competitions.
    • Availability of rights to preferential enrollment (disability, absence of parents, etc.)

    In addition, college management is given the authority to maintain its own criteria for determining the most suitable applicant when two (or more) applicants have the same average score. Thus, many colleges give preference to applicants who have previously attended preparatory courses.


    When choosing a college to continue your education and estimating the likelihood of your enrollment in it, we recommend, first of all, calculating the average score of your certificate and comparing it with the passing score of this institution for two or three previous (recent) years.

    It will also be useful to familiarize yourself in detail with the rules for determining the best applicants (with the same average certificate score) in the chosen college.

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